Пример #1
  * Util to render dialog in ajax callback.
  * @param bool $is_modal
  *   (optional) TRUE if modal, FALSE if plain dialog. Defaults to FALSE.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse
  *   An ajax response object.
 protected function dialog($is_modal = FALSE)
     $content = ajax_test_dialog_contents();
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     $title = $this->t('AJAX Dialog contents');
     $html = drupal_render($content);
     if ($is_modal) {
         $response->addCommand(new OpenModalDialogCommand($title, $html));
     } else {
         $selector = '#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1';
         $response->addCommand(new OpenDialogCommand($selector, $title, $html));
     return $response;
Пример #2
  * Returns example content for dialog testing.
 public function dialogContents()
     // Re-use the utility method that returns the example content.
     return ajax_test_dialog_contents();
Пример #3
  * Test sending non-JS and AJAX requests to open and manipulate modals.
 public function testDialog()
     $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer contact forms')));
     // Ensure the elements render without notices or exceptions.
     // Set up variables for this test.
     $dialog_renderable = ajax_test_dialog_contents();
     $dialog_contents = drupal_render($dialog_renderable);
     $modal_expected_response = array('command' => 'openDialog', 'selector' => '#drupal-modal', 'settings' => NULL, 'data' => $dialog_contents, 'dialogOptions' => array('modal' => TRUE, 'title' => 'AJAX Dialog contents'));
     $form_expected_response = array('command' => 'openDialog', 'selector' => '#drupal-modal', 'settings' => NULL, 'dialogOptions' => array('modal' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Ajax Form contents'));
     $entity_form_expected_response = array('command' => 'openDialog', 'selector' => '#drupal-modal', 'settings' => NULL, 'dialogOptions' => array('modal' => TRUE, 'title' => 'Add contact form'));
     $normal_expected_response = array('command' => 'openDialog', 'selector' => '#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1', 'settings' => NULL, 'data' => $dialog_contents, 'dialogOptions' => array('modal' => FALSE, 'title' => 'AJAX Dialog contents'));
     $no_target_expected_response = array('command' => 'openDialog', 'selector' => '#drupal-dialog-ajax-testdialog-contents', 'settings' => NULL, 'data' => $dialog_contents, 'dialogOptions' => array('modal' => FALSE, 'title' => 'AJAX Dialog contents'));
     $close_expected_response = array('command' => 'closeDialog', 'selector' => '#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1', 'persist' => FALSE);
     // Check that requesting a modal dialog without JS goes to a page.
     $this->assertRaw($dialog_contents, 'Non-JS modal dialog page present.');
     // Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAJAX('ajax-test/dialog-contents', array(), array('Accept: application/vnd.drupal-modal'));
     $this->assertEqual($modal_expected_response, $ajax_result[1], 'Modal dialog JSON response matches.');
     // Check that requesting a "normal" dialog without JS goes to a page.
     $this->assertRaw($dialog_contents, 'Non-JS normal dialog page present.');
     // Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
     // This needs to use WebTestBase::drupalPostAjaxForm() so that the correct
     // dialog options are sent.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', array('textfield' => 'test'), array(), 'ajax-test/dialog-contents', array(), array('Accept: application/vnd.drupal-dialog'), NULL, array('submit' => array('dialogOptions[target]' => 'ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1')));
     $this->assertEqual($normal_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'Normal dialog JSON response matches.');
     // Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
     // This needs to use WebTestBase::drupalPostAjaxForm() so that the correct
     // dialog options are sent.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', array('textfield' => 'test'), array(), 'ajax-test/dialog-contents', array(), array('Accept: application/vnd.drupal-dialog'), NULL, array('submit' => array()));
     $this->assertEqual($no_target_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'Normal dialog with no target JSON response matches.');
     // Emulate closing the dialog via an AJAX request. There is no non-JS
     // version of this test.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAJAX('ajax-test/dialog-close');
     $this->assertEqual($close_expected_response, $ajax_result[0], 'Close dialog JSON response matches.');
     // Test submitting via a POST request through the button for modals. This
     // approach more accurately reflects the real responses by Drupal because
     // all of the necessary page variables are emulated.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', array(), 'button1');
     // Check that CSS and JavaScript are "added" to the page dynamically.
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('jquery.ui.dialog.css', array_keys($ajax_result[0]['settings']['ajaxPageState']['css'])), 'jQuery UI dialog CSS added to the page.');
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('core/assets/vendor/jquery.ui/ui/jquery.ui.dialog.js', array_keys($ajax_result[0]['settings']['ajaxPageState']['js'])), 'jQuery UI dialog JS added to the page.');
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('core/misc/dialog/dialog.ajax.js', array_keys($ajax_result[0]['settings']['ajaxPageState']['js'])), 'Drupal dialog JS added to the page.');
     // Check that the response matches the expected value.
     $this->assertEqual($modal_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'POST request modal dialog JSON response matches.');
     // Abbreviated test for "normal" dialogs, testing only the difference.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('ajax-test/dialog', array(), 'button2');
     $this->assertEqual($normal_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'POST request normal dialog JSON response matches.');
     // Check that requesting a form dialog without JS goes to a page.
     // Check we get a chunk of the code, we can't test the whole form as form
     // build id and token with be different.
     $form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='ajax-test-form']");
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Non-JS form page present.');
     // Emulate going to the JS version of the form and check the JSON response.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAJAX('ajax-test/dialog-form', array(), array('Accept: application/vnd.drupal-modal'));
     // Remove the data, the form build id and token will never match.
     $form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='ajax-test-form']");
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Modal dialog JSON contains form.');
     $this->assertEqual($form_expected_response, $ajax_result[1]);
     // Check that requesting an entity form dialog without JS goes to a page.
     // Check we get a chunk of the code, we can't test the whole form as form
     // build id and token with be different.
     $form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='contact-form-add-form']");
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Non-JS entity form page present.');
     // Emulate going to the JS version of the form and check the JSON response.
     $ajax_result = $this->drupalGetAJAX('admin/structure/contact/add', array(), array('Accept: application/vnd.drupal-modal'));
     // Remove the data, the form build id and token will never match.
     $form = $this->xpath("//form[@id='contact-form-add-form']");
     $this->assertTrue(!empty($form), 'Modal dialog JSON contains entity form.');
     $this->assertEqual($entity_form_expected_response, $ajax_result[1]);