require_once 'functions.php'; //Register Gplus Data if (isset($_SESSION['gplusdata']['id']) && $_SESSION['gplusdata']['id'] != '') { $a = json_decode($_SESSION['access_token'], true); $data['access_token'] = $a['access_token']; $data['email'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['emails']['0']['value']; $data['gp_etag'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['etag']; $data['gender'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['gender']; $data['gp_id'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['id']; $data['username'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['name']['givenName'] . " " . $_SESSION['gplusdata']['name']['familyName']; $data['gp_url'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['url']; $data['prof_pic'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['image']['url']; $data['gp_isPlusUser'] = $_SESSION['gplusdata']['isPlusUser']; $method = 'gp_reg'; ajax_calls($method, $data); } if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && $_SESSION['user_id'] == '') { header('location:/'); } require_once 'classes/geneform.php'; $userId = $_SESSION['user_id']; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Get no of files has been used per day $user = new User(); $noOfFiles = $user->getFormsPerDay(); if ($noOfFiles == DEMO_MAX_FORM_VALUE_PER_DAY) { header('location:dashboard.php'); echo "<div class='bg-warning'> Your max no of forms are completed. Try again </div>"; } $form = $gform->makeForm($_POST);
require_once CLASS_PATH . $name . '.php'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['email']) && $_REQUEST['email'] != '') { $email = trim($_REQUEST['email']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['method']) && $_REQUEST['method'] != '') { $method = trim($_REQUEST['method']); if ($method == 'email_validation') { $user_id = validate($email, $method); if ($user_id != '') { echo "false"; } else { echo "true"; } } else { ajax_calls($method, $_POST); } } function ajax_calls($method, $data) { $user = new User(); switch ($method) { case 'fb_reg': $res = $user->login($data); if ($res != 0) { unset($_SESSION['gplusdata']); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $res; $_SESSION['email_id'] = $data['email']; $url = 'php_script.php'; } else { $url = '';