public function init() { $this->load->library('csapp'); //判断安装 if (file_exists(FCPATH . 'packs/install/plub_install.lock')) { admin_msg(L('plub_opt_04'), site_url('opt/main'), 'no', 'red'); } // 搜索本地模块 $this->load->helper('directory'); $local = directory_map(FCPATH . 'plugins/', 1); $module = array(); if ($local) { foreach ($local as $dir) { if (is_dir(FCPATH . 'plugins/' . $dir)) { $api_file = FCPATH . 'plugins/' . $dir . '/config/setting.php'; if (is_file($api_file)) { $API = (require_once $api_file); if ($API['mid']) { $module[$dir] = $API['name']; $modules[] = $API['mid']; } } } } unset($local); } $data['plub'] = $module; $data['mids'] = $modules; $this->load->view('init.html', $data); }
public function del() { $fid = intval($this->input->get('fid', TRUE)); $id = intval($this->input->get('id', TRUE)); if ($fid > 0) { $this->db->query("delete from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "tags where fid=" . $id . ""); } $this->CsdjDB->get_del('tags', $id); admin_msg(L('plub_02'), site_url('tags'), 'ok'); //操作成功 }
public function del() { $id = $this->input->get_post('id', true); if (empty($id)) { admin_msg(L('plub_01'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } //数据不完成 $this->CsdjDB->get_del('pl', $id); admin_msg(L('plub_02'), site_url('pl'), 'ok'); //操作成功 }
public function del() { $ids = $this->input->get_post('id'); if (empty($ids)) { admin_msg(L('plub_73'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } if (is_array($ids)) { $idss = implode(',', $ids); } else { $idss = $ids; } $this->CsdjDB->get_del('dance_server', $ids); admin_msg(L('plub_74'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'ok'); //操作成功 }
public function get_url($url) { $arr = htmlall($url); if (empty($arr)) { admin_msg(L('curl_err'), @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'no'); //获取远程失败 } else { $arr = json_decode($arr, true); $arr = get_bm($arr); if ($arr['status'] == 0) { admin_msg($arr['msg'], @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'no'); //错误状态 } else { return $arr['msg']; } } }
public function index() { if (Web_Mode != 2) { admin_msg(L('plub_01'), site_url('opt/main'), 'no'); //动态模式不用生成 } $this->load->get_templates(); //转换视图为前台 $html = $this->CsdjTpl->home(TRUE); $file = FCPATH . Html_Index; if (write_file($file, $html)) { admin_msg(L('plub_02'), site_url('opt/main'), 'ok'); //生成成功 } else { admin_msg(L('plub_03'), site_url('opt/main'), 'no'); //根目录没有写入权限 } }
public function show_save() { if ($this->huri['show']['check'] == 0) { admin_msg('相册内容页未开启生成~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } $day = intval($this->input->get_post('day', true)); //最近几天 $ids = $this->input->get_post('ids', true); //需要生成的数据ID $cid = $this->input->get_post('cid', true); //需要生成的分类ID $newid = intval($this->input->get_post('newid')); //最新个数 $ksid = intval($this->input->get_post('ksid')); //开始ID $jsid = intval($this->input->get_post('jsid')); //结束ID $kstime = $this->input->get_post('kstime', true); //开始日期 $jstime = $this->input->get_post('jstime', true); //结束日期 $pagesize = intval($this->input->get('pagesize')); //每页多少条 $pagejs = intval($this->input->get('pagejs')); //总页数 $datacount = intval($this->input->get('datacount')); //数据总数 $page = intval($this->input->get('page')); //当前页 if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $str = ''; //将数组转换成字符 if (is_array($cid)) { $cid = implode(',', $cid); } if (is_array($ids)) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); } if ($day > 0) { $times = time() - 86400 * $day; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $times . ''; } if (!empty($cid)) { $str .= ' and cid in (' . $cid . ')'; } if (!empty($ids)) { $str .= ' and id in (' . $ids . ')'; } if ($ksid > 0 && $jsid > 0) { $str .= ' and id>' . ($ksid - 1) . ' and id<' . ($jsid + 1) . ''; } if (!empty($kstime) && !empty($jstime)) { $ktime = strtotime($kstime) - 86400; $jtime = strtotime($jstime) + 86400; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $ktime . ' and addtime<' . $jtime . ''; } $limit = ''; if ($newid > 0) { $limit = ' order by id desc limit ' . $newid; } if ($datacount == 0) { $sqlstr = "select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . $limit; $datacount = $this->db->query($sqlstr)->num_rows(); //总数量 $pagejs = ceil($datacount / Html_PageNum); } if ($datacount == 0) { $pagejs = 1; } $pagesize = Html_PageNum; if ($datacount < $pagesize) { $pagesize = $datacount; } //全部生成完毕 if ($page > $pagejs) { admin_msg('所有内容页全部生成完毕~!', site_url('pic/admin/html/show')); } //公众URI $uri = '?day=' . $day . '&cid=' . $cid . '&ids=' . $ids . '&newid=' . $newid . '&ksid=' . $ksid . '&jsid=' . $jsid . '&kstime=' . $kstime . '&jstime=' . $jstime . '&pagesize=' . $pagesize . '&pagejs=' . $pagejs . '&datacount=' . $datacount; //重新定义模板路径 $this->load->get_templates('pic', 2); echo '<LINK href="' . base_url() . 'packs/admin/css/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"><br>'; echo ' <b>正在开始生成相册内容,分<font color=red>' . $pagejs . '</font>次生成,当前第<font color=red>' . $page . '</font>次</b><br/>'; $sql_string = "select * from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . " order by id desc"; $sql_string .= ' limit ' . $pagesize * ($page - 1) . ',' . $pagesize; $query = $this->db->query($sql_string); //获取内容页是否需要生成 $html = config('Html_Uri', 'pic'); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { ob_end_flush(); //关闭缓存 $id = $row['id']; //获取静态路径 $Htmllinks = LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 0, 'pic'); //转换成生成路径 $Htmllink = adminhtml($Htmllinks, 'pic'); //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['tags']); unset($row['hits']); unset($row['yhits']); unset($row['zhits']); unset($row['rhits']); unset($row['dhits']); unset($row['chits']); unset($row['content']); //默认模板 $skins = empty($row['skins']) ? 'show.html' : $row['skins']; $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; $arr['sid'] = $row['id']; //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('pic', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:pl]", get_pl('pic', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('pic_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //获取上下篇 preg_match_all('/[pic:slink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,pic,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 and id<" . $id . " order by id desc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:slink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:spic]", piclink('pic', $rowd->pic), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:slink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:sid]", 0, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:spic]", piclink('pic', ''), $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); preg_match_all('/[pic:xlink]/', $Mark_Text, $arr); if (!empty($arr[0]) && !empty($arr[0][0])) { $rowd = $this->db->query("Select id,cid,pic,name from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic_type where yid=0 and hid=0 and id>" . $id . " order by id asc limit 1")->row(); if ($rowd) { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xlink]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $rowd->id, 1, 'pic'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xname]", $rowd->name, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xid]", $rowd->id, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xpic]", piclink('pic', $rowd->pic), $Mark_Text); } else { $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xlink]", "#", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xname]", "没有了", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xid]", 0, $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:xpic]", piclink('pic', ''), $Mark_Text); } } unset($arr); //标签加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); //动态人气 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:hits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/hits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:yhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/yhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:zhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/zhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:rhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/rhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:dhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/dhits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:chits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/chits/' . $id, 'pic') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); //获取当前相册总数 $pcount = $this->db->query("Select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic where sid=" . $id . " and hid=0 and yid=0")->num_rows(); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:count]", $pcount, $Mark_Text); //第一张图片 $rowp = $this->db->query("Select pic,content from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "pic where sid=" . $id . " and hid=0 and yid=0 order by id desc limit 1")->row(); $pics = $rowp ? $rowp->pic : ''; $content = $rowp ? $rowp->content : ''; $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:url]", piclink('pic', $pics), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[pic:content]", $content, $Mark_Text); //增加人气 $Mark_Text = hits_js($Mark_Text, hitslink('hits/ids/' . $id, 'pic')); //生成 write_file(FCPATH . $Htmllink, $Mark_Text); echo " <font style=font-size:10pt;>生成相册:<font color=red>" . $row['name'] . "</font>成功:<a href=" . $Htmllinks . " target=_blank>" . $Htmllinks . "</a></font><br/>"; ob_flush(); flush(); } if (!empty($ids)) { $url = 'javascript:history.back();'; $str = " <b>全部生成完毕 >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>如果您的 浏览器没有跳转,请点击继续...</a></b>"; } else { $url = site_url('pic/admin/html/show_save') . $uri . '&page=' . ($page + 1); $str = " <b>暂停" . Html_StopTime . "秒后继续 >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>如果您的 浏览器没有跳转,请点击继续...</a></b>"; } echo "</br>" . $str . "<script>setTimeout('updatenext();'," . Html_StopTime . "000);function updatenext(){location.href='" . $url . "';}</script>"; }
public function downpic() { $page = intval($this->input->get('page')); $pagejs = intval($this->input->get('pagejs')); $sql_string = "SELECT id,pic FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . "vod where hid=0 and yid=0 and Lower(Left(pic,7))='http://' order by addtime desc"; $query = $this->db->query($sql_string); $total = $query->num_rows(); if ($page > $pagejs || $total == 0) { admin_msg('恭喜您,所有远程图片全部同步完成~!', site_url('vod/admin/vod'), 'ok'); //操作完成 } if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $per_page = 20; $totalPages = ceil($total / $per_page); // 总页数 if ($total < $per_page) { $per_page = $total; } if ($pagejs == 0) { $pagejs = $totalPages; } $sql_string .= ' limit 20'; $query = $this->db->query($sql_string); //保存目录 if (UP_Mode == 1 && UP_Pan != '') { $pathpic = UP_Pan . '/attachment/vod/' . date('Ym') . '/' . date('d') . '/'; $pathpic = str_replace("//", "/", $pathpic); } else { $pathpic = FCPATH . 'attachment/vod/' . date('Ym') . '/' . date('d') . '/'; } if (!is_dir($pathpic)) { mkdirss($pathpic); } $this->load->library('watermark'); $this->load->library('csup'); echo '<LINK href="' . Web_Path . 'packs/admin/css/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"><br>'; echo "<div style='font-size:14px;'> <b>正在开始同步第<font style='color:red; font-size:12px; font-style:italic'>" . $page . "</font>页,共<font style='color:red; font-size:12px; font-style:italic'>" . $pagejs . "</font>页,剩<font style='color:red; font-size:12px; font-style:italic'>" . $totalPages . "</font>页</b><br><br>"; foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $up = 'no'; if (!empty($row->pic)) { $picdata = htmlall($row->pic); $file_ext = strtolower(trim(substr(strrchr($row->pic, '.'), 1))); if ($file_ext != 'jpg' && $file_ext != 'png' && $file_ext != 'gif') { $file_ext = 'jpg'; } //新文件名 $file_name = date("YmdHis") . rand(10000, 99999) . '.' . $file_ext; $file_path = $pathpic . $file_name; if (!empty($picdata)) { //保存图片 if (write_file($file_path, $picdata)) { $up = 'ok'; //判断水印 if (CS_WaterMark == 1) { $this->watermark->imagewatermark($file_path); } //判断上传方式 $res = $this->csup->up($file_path, $file_name); if (!$res) { $up = 'no'; } } } } //成功 if ($up == 'ok') { //修改数据库 $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "vod set pic='/" . date('Ym') . "/" . date('d') . "/" . $file_name . "' where id=" . $row->id . ""); echo " 同步<font color=red>" . $row->pic . "</font> 图片成功! 新图片名:<a href=\"" . piclink('vod', '/' . date('Ym') . '/' . date('d') . '/' . $file_name) . "\" target=_blank>" . $file_name . "</a></br>"; } else { //修改数据库 $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "vod set pic='' where id=" . $row->id . ""); echo " <font color=red>" . $row->pic . "</font>远程图片不存在!</br>"; } ob_flush(); flush(); } echo " 第" . $page . "页图片同步完毕,暂停3秒后继续同步......<script language='javascript'>setTimeout('ReadGo();'," . 3000 . ");function ReadGo(){location.href='" . site_url('vod/admin/opt/downpic') . "?page=" . ($page + 1) . "&pagejs=" . $pagejs . "';}</script></div>"; }
$admin_script = 'setting_manage'; } else { exit("admin.php error"); } } if ($admin_script) { if (file_exists(CYASK_ROOT . './admin/' . $admin_script . '.php')) { require CYASK_ROOT . './admin/' . $admin_script . '.php'; } else { admin_header(); admin_msg('admin_file_not_exists'); admin_footer(); } } else { admin_header(); admin_msg('noaccess'); admin_footer(); } } function admin_header() { extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP); global $charset; echo '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $charset . '"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- a { text-decoration: none; color: #003366 } a:hover { text-decoration: underline } body { scrollbar-base-color: #F8F8F8; scrollbar-arrow-color: #698CC3; font-size: 12px; background-color: #9EB6D8 } table { font: 12px Tahoma, Verdana; color: #000000 } input,select,textarea { font: 11px Tahoma, Verdana; color: #000000; font-weight: normal; background-color: #F8F8F8 }
public function checkfile() { if (!empty($_GET['ok'])) { $data['diff'] = array(); $data['lostfile'] = array(); $data['unknowfile'] = array(); $this->filemd5('.'); //读取cscms接口 $cscms_md5 = htmlall($this->_upgrade . 'ajax/filemd5?charset=' . CS_Charset . '&update=' . CS_Uptime); $cscms_md5_arr = json_decode($cscms_md5, 1); if (!empty($cscms_md5_arr)) { //计算数组差集 $diff = array_diff($cscms_md5_arr, $this->md5_arr); //丢失文件列表 $lostfile = array(); foreach ($cscms_md5_arr as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, array_keys($this->md5_arr))) { $lostfile[] = $k; unset($diff[$k]); } } $data['diff'] = $diff; $data['lostfile'] = $lostfile; //未知文件列表 $data['unknowfile'] = array_diff(array_keys($this->md5_arr), array_keys($cscms_md5_arr)); } $this->load->view('upgrade_md5.html', $data); } else { admin_msg(L('plub_15'), site_url('upgrade/checkfile') . '?ok=1', 'ok'); //操作成功 } }
public function hy() { $ids = $this->input->get_post('id'); if (empty($ids)) { admin_msg('请选择要还原的数据~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } if (is_array($ids)) { $idss = implode(',', $ids); } else { $idss = $ids; } $data['hid'] = 0; $this->CsdjDB->get_update('pic', $ids, $data); admin_msg('恭喜您,数据还原成功~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'ok'); //操作成功 }
public function add_save() { $sid = intval($this->input->post('sid', TRUE)); $tel = $this->input->post('tel', TRUE); $tel2 = nl2br($this->input->post('tel2')); $neir = $this->input->post('neir'); if (empty($neir)) { admin_msg(L('plub_04'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } if ($sid == 1) { $arr = $tel; } elseif ($sid == 2) { $arr = str_replace("<br />", ",", $tel2); $arr = str_replace("\r\n", "", $arr); } if (empty($arr)) { admin_msg(L('plub_05'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } $res = $this->smstel->add($arr, $neir); if (intval($res) > 0) { admin_msg(vsprintf(L('plub_06'), array($res)), 'javascript:history.back();', 'ok'); } else { admin_msg(L('plub_07'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } }
public function add_save() { $sid = intval($this->input->post('sid', TRUE)); $email = $this->input->post('email', TRUE); $email2 = nl2br($this->input->post('email2')); $zu = $this->input->post('zu', TRUE); $title = $this->input->post('title', TRUE); $neir = $this->input->post('neir'); if (empty($title) || empty($neir)) { admin_msg(L('plub_04'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } if ($sid == 1) { $arr[] = $email; } elseif ($sid == 2) { $arr = explode("<br />", $email2); } else { $arr = array(); if (intval($zu) > 0) { $result = $this->db->query("select email from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "user where vip=" . $zu . ""); } elseif ($zu == 0) { $result = $this->db->query("select email from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "user where vip=0"); } else { $result = $this->db->query("select email from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "user"); } foreach ($result->result() as $row) { if (!empty($row->email)) { $arr[] = $row->email; } } } if (empty($arr)) { admin_msg(L('plub_05'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } $this->load->model('CsdjEmail'); foreach ($arr as $email) { $this->CsdjEmail->send($email, $title, $neir); } admin_msg(L('plub_06'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'ok'); }
public function del() { $ids = $this->input->get_post('id'); if (empty($ids)) { admin_msg('请选择要删除的数据~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } if (is_array($ids)) { $idss = implode(',', $ids); } else { $idss = $ids; } $this->CsdjDB->get_del('vod_list', $ids, 'fid'); $this->CsdjDB->get_del('vod_list', $ids); admin_msg('恭喜您,删除成功~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'ok'); //操作成功 }
if (!empty($id)) { $result = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM mycms_picture_list WHERE id={$id}"); if ($result) { if (is_file('../uploads/' . $result['smallimage'] . '')) { //删除小图片 @unlink('../uploads/' . $result['smallimage'] . ''); } if (is_file('../uploads/' . $result['bigimage'] . '')) { //删除大图片 @unlink('../uploads/' . $result['bigimage'] . ''); } } $db->Execute("DELETE FROM mycms_picture_list WHERE id={$id}"); admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '恭喜删除图片成功!'); } else { admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '参数不正确,不能删除该产品!'); } } else { $result = $db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM mycms_picture_class'); foreach ($result as $key => $v) { $img = $db->GetRow('SELECT smallimage FROM mycms_picture_list WHERE cid=' . $v['cid'] . ' LIMIT 0,1'); if ($img) { $result[$key]['smallimage'] = $img['smallimage']; } else { $result[$key]['smallimage'] = ''; } } $smarty->assign('piclist', $result); $smarty->display('admin/picture.html'); } $db->close();
$rs['address'] = $_POST['address']; //$rs['salary'] = $_POST['salary']; $rs["email"] = $_POST["email"]; $rs["responsibilities"] = $_POST["responsibilities"]; $rs['content'] = $_POST['content']; $rs['time'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $updateSql = $db->GetUpdateSQL($result, $rs); $db->Execute($updateSql); admin_msg('job.php', '恭喜:招聘信息编辑成功!'); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'del') { $id = $_GET['id']; if (!empty($id)) { $db->Execute("DELETE FROM mycms_job_list WHERE id={$id}"); admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '恭喜:删除招聘信息成功!'); } else { admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '错误信息:参数不正确,不能删除该招聘信息!'); } } else { $table = 'mycms_job_list'; $where = '1'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE {$where} ORDER BY id DESC"; $pagesize = 10; $currentPage = @$_REQUEST['page'] + 0; if (!is_numeric($currentPage) || $currentPage < 1 || empty($currentPage)) { $currentPage = 1; } $result = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $pagesize, ($currentPage - 1) * $pagesize); $result = $result->GetArray(); $smarty->assign('joblist', $result); page($table, $pagesize, 3, $where, true, false, 'pagelink'); $smarty->display('admin/pages/job.tpl.html');
<?php require 'global.php'; session_start(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $url = $_POST['url']; $content = $_POST['content']; $code = $_POST['code']; if (@$_SESSION['authcode'] != md5($code)) { admin_msg('message.php', '错误提示:您输入的验证码不正确!'); } if (empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($content)) { admin_msg('message.php', '错误提示:请将还*号的内容填写完整!'); } $result = $db->Execute('SELECT * FROM mycms_message WHERE id=-1'); $rs = array(); $rs['name'] = $name; $rs['email'] = $email; $rs['url'] = $url; $rs['content'] = $content; $rs['time'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $rs['isshow'] = 0; $insertSQL = $db->GetInsertSQL($result, $rs); $db->Execute($insertSQL); admin_msg('message.php', '恭喜:在线留言成功,我们会尽快给你答复!'); } else { $smarty->display(TEMP . 'cn/message.html'); }
public function pl_save() { $xid = intval($this->input->post('xid')); $csid = $this->input->post('csid'); $id = $this->input->post('id', true); $cids = intval($this->input->post('cids')); $cid = intval($this->input->post('cid')); $hid = intval($this->input->post('hid')); $tid = intval($this->input->post('tid')); $yid = intval($this->input->post('yid')); $user = $this->input->post('user', true); $reco = intval($this->input->post('reco')); $cion = intval($this->input->post('cion')); $vip = intval($this->input->post('vip')); $hits = intval($this->input->post('hits')); $yhits = intval($this->input->post('yhits')); $zhits = intval($this->input->post('zhits')); $rhits = intval($this->input->post('rhits')); if (empty($csid)) { admin_msg('请选择要操作的数据~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } if ($xid == 1) { //按ID操作 if (empty($id)) { admin_msg('请选择要操作的新闻ID~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } foreach ($csid as $v) { if ($v == "cid") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set cid=" . $cid . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "yid") { if ($yid == 0) { $this->dt($id); } $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set yid=" . $yid . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "tid") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set tid=" . $tid . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "reco") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set reco=" . $reco . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "cion") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set ciond=" . $cion . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "vip") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set vip=" . $vip . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "hits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set hits=" . $hits . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "yhits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set yhits=" . $yhits . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "zhits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set zhits=" . $zhits . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "rhits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set rhits=" . $rhits . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "user") { $uid = intval(getzd('user', 'id', $user, 'name')); $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set uid=" . $uid . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } elseif ($v == "hid") { if ($hid == 2) { $this->CsdjDB->get_del('news', $id); } else { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set hid=" . $hid . " where id in (" . $id . ")"); } } } } else { //按分类操作 if (empty($cids)) { admin_msg('请选择要操作的新闻分类~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } foreach ($csid as $v) { if ($v == "cid") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set cid=" . $cid . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "yid") { if ($yid == 0) { $this->dt($id); } $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set yid=" . $yid . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "tid") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set tid=" . $tid . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "reco") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set reco=" . $reco . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "cion") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set cion=" . $cion . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "vip") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set vip=" . $vip . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "hits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set hits=" . $hits . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "yhits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set yhits=" . $yhits . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "zhits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set zhits=" . $zhits . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "rhits") { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set rhits=" . $rhits . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "user") { $uid = intval(getzd('user', 'id', $user, 'name')); $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set uid=" . $uid . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } elseif ($v == "hid") { if ($hid == 2) { $this->CsdjDB->get_del('news', $cids); } else { $this->db->query("update " . CS_SqlPrefix . "news set hid=" . $hid . " where cid in (" . $cids . ")"); } } } } exit('<script type="text/javascript"> parent.location.href=parent.location.href; parent.tip_cokes(); </script>'); //操作成功 }
public function show_save() { if ($this->huri['show']['check'] == 0) { admin_msg('视频内容页未开启生成~!', 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } $day = intval($this->input->get_post('day', true)); //最近几天 $ids = $this->input->get_post('ids', true); //需要生成的数据ID $cid = $this->input->get_post('cid', true); //需要生成的分类ID $newid = intval($this->input->get_post('newid')); //最新个数 $ksid = intval($this->input->get_post('ksid')); //开始ID $jsid = intval($this->input->get_post('jsid')); //结束ID $kstime = $this->input->get_post('kstime', true); //开始日期 $jstime = $this->input->get_post('jstime', true); //结束日期 $pagesize = intval($this->input->get('pagesize')); //每页多少条 $pagejs = intval($this->input->get('pagejs')); //总页数 $datacount = intval($this->input->get('datacount')); //数据总数 $page = intval($this->input->get('page')); //当前页 if ($page == 0) { $page = 1; } $str = ''; //将数组转换成字符 if (is_array($cid)) { $cid = implode(',', $cid); } if (is_array($ids)) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); } if ($day > 0) { $times = time() - 86400 * $day; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $times . ''; } if (!empty($cid)) { $str .= ' and cid in (' . $cid . ')'; } if (!empty($ids)) { $str .= ' and id in (' . $ids . ')'; } if ($ksid > 0 && $jsid > 0) { $str .= ' and id>' . ($ksid - 1) . ' and id<' . ($jsid + 1) . ''; } if (!empty($kstime) && !empty($jstime)) { $ktime = strtotime($kstime) - 86400; $jtime = strtotime($jstime) + 86400; $str .= ' and addtime>' . $ktime . ' and addtime<' . $jtime . ''; } $limit = ''; if ($newid > 0) { $limit = ' order by id desc limit ' . $newid; } if ($datacount == 0) { $sqlstr = "select id from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "vod where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . $limit; $datacount = $this->db->query($sqlstr)->num_rows(); //总数量 $pagejs = ceil($datacount / Html_PageNum); } if ($datacount == 0) { $pagejs = 1; } $pagesize = Html_PageNum; if ($datacount < $pagesize) { $pagesize = $datacount; } //全部生成完毕 if ($page > $pagejs) { admin_msg('所有内容页全部生成完毕~!', site_url('vod/admin/html/show')); } //公众URI $uri = '?day=' . $day . '&cid=' . $cid . '&ids=' . $ids . '&newid=' . $newid . '&ksid=' . $ksid . '&jsid=' . $jsid . '&kstime=' . $kstime . '&jstime=' . $jstime . '&pagesize=' . $pagesize . '&pagejs=' . $pagejs . '&datacount=' . $datacount; //重新定义模板路径 $this->load->get_templates('vod', 2); echo '<LINK href="' . base_url() . 'packs/admin/css/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"><br>'; echo ' <b>正在开始生成视频内容,分<font color=red>' . $pagejs . '</font>次生成,当前第<font color=red>' . $page . '</font>次</b><br/>'; $sql_string = "select * from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "vod where yid=0 and hid=0 " . $str . " order by id desc"; $sql_string .= ' limit ' . $pagesize * ($page - 1) . ',' . $pagesize; $query = $this->db->query($sql_string); //获取播放页是否需要生成 $html = config('Html_Uri', 'vod'); foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { ob_end_flush(); //关闭缓存 $id = $row['id']; //获取静态路径 $Htmllinks = LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 0, 'vod'); //转换成生成路径 $Htmllink = adminhtml($Htmllinks, 'vod'); //摧毁部分需要超级链接字段数组 $rows = $row; //先保存数组保留下面使用 unset($row['zhuyan']); unset($row['daoyan']); unset($row['yuyan']); unset($row['diqu']); unset($row['tags']); unset($row['year']); //静态模式动态人气 unset($row['hits']); unset($row['yhits']); unset($row['zhits']); unset($row['rhits']); unset($row['shits']); unset($row['xhits']); unset($row['dhits']); unset($row['chits']); unset($row['pfen']); $arr['cid'] = getChild($row['cid']); $arr['uid'] = $row['uid']; $arr['singerid'] = $row['singerid']; $arr['tags'] = $rows['tags']; $skins = getzd('vod_list', 'skins2', $row['cid']); if (empty($skins)) { $skins = 'show.html'; } //装载模板并输出 $Mark_Text = $this->CsdjTpl->plub_show('vod', $row, $arr, TRUE, $skins, $row['name'], $row['name']); //评论 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pl]", get_pl('vod', $id), $Mark_Text); //分类地址、名称 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:link]", LinkUrl('show', 'id', $row['id'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classlink]", LinkUrl('lists', 'id', $row['cid'], 1, 'vod'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:classname]", $this->CsdjDB->getzd('vod_list', 'name', $row['cid']), $Mark_Text); //主演、导演、标签、年份、地区、语言加超级连接 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:zhuyan]", SearchLink($rows['zhuyan'], 'zhuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:daoyan]", SearchLink($rows['daoyan'], 'daoyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:yuyan]", SearchLink($rows['yuyan'], 'yuyan'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:diqu]", SearchLink($rows['diqu'], 'diqu'), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:tags]", SearchLink($rows['tags']), $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:year]", SearchLink($rows['year'], 'year'), $Mark_Text); //解析动态人气标签 $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:hits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/hits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:yhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/yhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:zhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/zhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:rhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/rhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:shits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/shits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:xhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/xhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:dhits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/dhits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:chits]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/chits/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfen]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/pfen/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); $Mark_Text = str_replace("[vod:pfenbi]", "<script src='" . hitslink('hits/dt/pfenbi/' . $id, 'vod') . "'></script>", $Mark_Text); //解析播放下载地址 $Mark_Text = Vod_Playlist($Mark_Text, 'play', $id, $row['purl']); $Mark_Text = Vod_Playlist($Mark_Text, 'down', $id, $row['durl']); //生成 write_file(FCPATH . $Htmllink, $Mark_Text); echo " <font style=font-size:10pt;>生成影片:<font color=red>" . $row['name'] . "</font>成功:<a href=" . $Htmllinks . " target=_blank>" . $Htmllinks . "</a></font><br/>"; //判断是否生成播放页 if ($html['play']['check'] == 1) { $this->getplay($rows); } ob_flush(); flush(); } if (!empty($ids)) { $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $str = " <b>全部生成完毕 >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>如果您的 浏览器没有跳转,请点击继续...</a></b>"; } else { $url = site_url('vod/admin/html/show_save') . $uri . '&page=' . ($page + 1); $str = " <b>暂停" . Html_StopTime . "秒后继续 >>>> <a href='" . $url . "'>如果您的 浏览器没有跳转,请点击继续...</a></b>"; } echo "</br>" . $str . "<script>setTimeout('updatenext();'," . Html_StopTime . "000);function updatenext(){location.href='" . $url . "';}</script>"; }
$code = $_POST['code']; if (@$_SESSION['authcode'] != md5($code)) { admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '错误提示:您输入的验证码不正确!'); } if (empty($content)) { admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '错误提示:请填写内容!'); } $result = $db->Execute('SELECT * FROM mycms_comments WHERE id=-1'); $rs = array(); $rs['aid'] = $aid; $rs['content'] = $content; $rs['time'] = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $rs['isshow'] = 0; $insertSQL = $db->GetInsertSQL($result, $rs); $db->Execute($insertSQL); admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '恭喜:在线评论成功!'); } else { if (isset($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $db->Execute('UPDATE mycms_article_list SET hit=hit+1 WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']); $result = $db->GetRow('SELECT * FROM mycms_article_list WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']); $smarty->assign($result); /* $table = 'mycms_comments'; $where = 'aid='.$_GET['id']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where ORDER BY id DESC"; $pagesize = 5; $currentPage = @$_REQUEST['page']+0; if(!is_numeric($currentPage) || $currentPage < 1 || empty($currentPage)){ $currentPage=1; } $result = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $pagesize, ($currentPage-1)*$pagesize);
public function update() { $mold = $this->input->get_post('mold'); $dir = $this->input->get_post('dir'); $mid = (int) $this->input->get_post('mid'); $key = $this->input->get_post('key'); $sid = intval($this->input->get_post('sid')); $fid = intval($this->input->get_post('fid')); if ($fid == 1) { //板块模板 if ($sid == 4) { //手机模板 $skins_path = FCPATH . 'plugins/' . $mold . '/tpl/mobile/'; } elseif ($sid == 3) { //会员中心模板 $skins_path = FCPATH . 'plugins/' . $mold . '/tpl/user/'; } elseif ($sid == 2) { //会员主页模板 $skins_path = FCPATH . 'plugins/' . $mold . '/tpl/home/'; } else { //单主页模板 $skins_path = FCPATH . 'plugins/' . $mold . '/tpl/skins/'; } } else { if ($sid == 4) { //手机模板 $skins_path = CSCMS . 'tpl/mobile/'; } elseif ($sid == 3) { //会员中心模板 $skins_path = CSCMS . 'tpl/user/'; } elseif ($sid == 2) { //会员主页模板 $skins_path = CSCMS . 'tpl/home/'; } else { //单主页模板 $skins_path = CSCMS . 'tpl/skins/'; } } if (empty($key) || empty($dir)) { $data['mid'] = $mid; header("Location: " . $this->csapp->url('skins/update', $data) . ""); } else { //下载 $data['key'] = $key; $zip = $this->csapp->url('skins/update/' . $mid, $data); $zippath = FCPATH . "attachment/other/skins_" . $dir . ""; $files_file = $this->csapp->down($zip, $zippath); if ($files_file == '-1') { admin_msg(L('plub_28'), site_url('skin/yun'), 'no'); } if ($files_file == '-2') { admin_msg(L('plub_29'), site_url('skin/yun'), 'no'); } if ($files_file == '-3') { admin_msg(L('plub_30'), site_url('skin/yun'), 'no'); } if ($files_file == '10001') { admin_msg(L('plub_36'), site_url('skin/yun'), 'no'); } if ($files_file == '10002') { admin_msg(L('plub_37'), site_url('skin/yun'), 'no'); } if ($files_file == '10003') { admin_msg(L('plub_38'), site_url('skin/yun'), 'no'); } if (filesize($zippath) == 0) { admin_msg(L('plub_39'), site_url('skin/yun'), 'no'); } //先备份原始板块 $this->load->library('cszip'); $zip_path = FCPATH . "attachment/other/skins_" . $dir . "_backup_" . date('Ymd') . ".zip"; $plub_path = $skins_path . $dir; $this->cszip->PclZip($zip_path); //创建压缩包 $this->cszip->create($plub_path); //增加目录 //解压缩 $this->cszip->PclZip($zippath); //尝试解压覆盖 if ($this->cszip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $plub_path, PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER) == 0) { die(vsprintf(L('plub_40'), array($plub_path)) . $zippath); } else { @unlink($zippath); admin_msg(L('plub_41'), site_url('skin')); } } }
public function deldata_save() { $dir = $this->input->post('dir', true); $table = $this->input->post('table_' . $dir, true); $ids = $this->input->post('ids', true); if (empty($table)) { admin_msg(L('plub_14'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } $this->db->query("delete from " . CS_SqlPrefix . $table . " "); //修复主键ID if ($ids == 'ok') { $this->db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . CS_SqlPrefix . $table . " "); } admin_msg(L('plub_04'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'ok'); //操作成功 }
} else { admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '参数不正确,不能删除!'); } } else { if ($_GET["action"] == "toPwd") { $smarty->display("admin/pages/UserPwd.tpl.html"); } else { if ($_GET["action"] == "pwdNew") { $userinfo = unserialize(base64_decode($_SESSION["userInfo"])); //print_r($userinfo); $rs = array(); $rs["password"] = md5($_POST["newPasswords"]); $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM mycms_admin_user WHERE uid=" . $userinfo["uid"] . " and password='******'"); $updateSql = $db->GetUpdateSQL($result, $rs); //print $updateSql;return; $do = $db->Execute($updateSql); if ($do) { if ($db->Affected_Rows()) { admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '修改成功!'); } else { admin_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '原密码不正确,操作出错!'); } } } else { $result = $db->GetAll("SELECT * FROM mycms_admin_user where state is null or state > -2 ORDER BY username"); $smarty->assign("list", $result); $smarty->display('admin/pages/UserList.html'); } } } $db->close();
<?php require_once 'global.php'; //加载系统配置 session_start(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $user = $_POST['user']; $pwd = $_POST['pwd']; //echo (md5($pwd)); //$rememberme = $_POST['rememberme'] == '1' ? '1':'0'; if ($user == '' || $pwd == '') { admin_msg('login.php', '错误提示:请填写用户名或密码!'); } $result = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM mycms_admin_user WHERE (state is null or state !=-2) and username = '******' AND password = '******'"); if (!$result) { admin_msg('login.php', '错误提示:用户名或密码填写错误!'); } else { //session_register("userInfo"); $_SESSION['userInfo'] = null; $_SESSION["userInfo"] = base64_encode(serialize($result)); //unserialize(base64_decode()) $db->Execute('UPDATE mycms_admin_user SET lognum=lognum+1 WHERE uid=' . $result['uid']); //header('location:index.php'); $db->Execute("INSERT INTO mycms_admin_log(uid,uname,ltime,lip) VALUES(" . $result['uid'] . ",'" . $result['username'] . "','" . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . "','" . get_real_ip() . "')"); header('location:index.php'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'out') { session_destroy(); header('location:login.php'); } else { if (isset($_GET["img"]) || isset($_GET["type"])) {
$security_token = randomcode(); $_SESSION['security_token'] = $security_token; die_with_msg($message); } else { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($new_file_path); if ($width > $config['member_pic_maxwidth'] || $width < $config['member_pic_minwidth'] || $height > $config['member_pic_maxheight'] || $height < $config['member_pic_minheight']) { $proceed = false; $color = '#DD0000'; $show_notification = 1; $message = $config['file_dimensions_error']; unset($_SESSION['security_token']); $security_token = randomcode(); $_SESSION['security_token'] = $security_token; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $capture = true; admin_msg($_SESSION['user_id']); $file_contents = 'Avatar upload error - width or height error - check 5' . "\n" . 'USER_ID ' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "\n" . $use_date . "\n" . '=================================================================' . "\n"; write_debug_log($file_contents); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // keep image to look at //@unlink($new_file_path); die_with_msg($message); } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM pictures WHERE user_id = {$user_id}"; $result = @mysql_query($sql); // delete member avatar if they have one already if (@mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) { $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); $existing_file = $result['file_name']; $filepath = installation_paths();
//$rs['cid']=$_POST['cid']; //$rs['tj']=$_POST['tj']!='1'?0:1; //if(isset($_POST['new'])){ //$rs['new']=$_POST['new']!='1'?0:1; //} //$rs['keywords']=$_POST['keywords']; $rs['description'] = $_POST['description']; //$rs['outlink']=$_POST['outlink']; //$rs['filename']=$_POST['filename']; //$rs['author']=$_POST['author']; $rs['content'] = $_POST['p_info']; $id = $_POST['id']; $result = $db->Execute('SELECT * FROM mycms_article_list WHERE id=' . $id . ''); $updateSql = $db->GetUpdateSQL($result, $rs); $db->Execute($updateSql); admin_msg($url, '操作成功!'); } else { //===================================================================================显示文章 $table = 'mycms_article_list,mycms_article_class'; $where = 'mycms_article_list.cid=mycms_article_class.cid'; $where .= " and mycms_article_class.type='__service'"; if (isset($_POST["name"]) && !empty($_POST["name"])) { $where .= " and title like '%" . $_POST["name"] . "%'"; } if (isset($_POST["keywords"]) && !empty($_POST["keywords"])) { $where .= " and keywords like '%" . $_POST["keywords"] . "%'"; } if (isset($_GET["cid"])) { $where .= " and mycms_article_class.cid=" . $_GET["cid"]; } $sql = "SELECT id,title,time,tj,new,cname,hit FROM {$table} WHERE {$where} ORDER BY id DESC";
public function ruku_del() { $ac = $this->input->get_post('ac', true); $id = $this->input->get_post('id', true); if ($ac == 'all') { //全部 $this->db->query("delete from " . CS_SqlPrefix . "cjdata"); } elseif ($ac == 'yes') { //已经入库 $this->CsdjDB->get_del('cjdata', 1, 'zid'); } else { $this->CsdjDB->get_del('cjdata', $id); } admin_msg(L('plub_26'), site_url('collect/ruku'), 'ok'); //操作成功 }
if (isset($_POST['keywords'])) { $rs['keywords'] = $_POST['keywords']; } if (isset($_POST['is_show'])) { $rs['is_show'] = $_POST['is_show']; } if (isset($_POST['is_showtime'])) { $rs['is_showtime'] = $_POST['is_showtime']; } $result = $db->Execute('SELECT * FROM mycms_article_class WHERE cid=' . $cid); $updateSql = $db->GetUpdateSQL($result, $rs); $db->Execute($updateSql); //$db->Execute("UPDATE mycms_article_class SET cname='$cname' WHERE cid=$cid"); admin_msg('scheme.php?action=class', '文章分类修改成功!'); } else { admin_msg('scheme.php?action=class', '参数不正确,不能修改分类!'); } } else { //===================================================================================显示文章 $table = 'mycms_article_list,mycms_article_class'; $where = 'mycms_article_list.cid=mycms_article_class.cid'; $where .= " and mycms_article_class.type='__scheme'"; if (isset($_POST["name"]) && !empty($_POST["name"])) { $where .= " and title like '%" . $_POST["name"] . "%'"; } if (isset($_POST["keywords"]) && !empty($_POST["keywords"])) { $where .= " and keywords like '%" . $_POST["keywords"] . "%'"; } if (isset($_GET["cid"])) { $where .= " and mycms_article_class.cid=" . $_GET["cid"]; }
public function del() { $ids = $this->input->get_post('id'); if (empty($ids)) { admin_msg(L('plub_73'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'no'); } if (is_array($ids)) { $idss = implode(',', $ids); } else { $idss = $ids; } $result = $this->db->query("SELECT pic FROM " . CS_SqlPrefix . "dance_topic where id in(" . $idss . ")")->result(); $this->load->library('csup'); foreach ($result as $row) { if (!empty($row->pic)) { $this->csup->del($row->pic, 'dancetopic'); //删除图片 } } $this->CsdjDB->get_del('dance_topic', $ids); admin_msg(L('plub_74'), 'javascript:history.back();', 'ok'); //操作成功 }
$currentPage = 1; } $result = $db->SelectLimit($sql, $pagesize, ($currentPage - 1) * $pagesize); $result = $result->GetArray(); $smarty->assign('loglist', $result); page($table, $pagesize, 3, $where, true, false, 'pagelink'); $smarty->display('admin/admin-log.html'); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'del') { if (isset($_GET['lid'])) { $db->Execute('DELETE FROM mycms_admin_log WHERE lid= ' . $_GET['lid'] . ''); } header('location:' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (empty($_POST['pwd']) || empty($_POST['newpwd']) || empty($_POST['repwd'])) { admin_msg('admin.php', '错误提示:请填写密码'); } if ($_POST['newpwd'] != $_POST['repwd']) { admin_msg('admin.php', '错误提示:要修改的密码,不一致!'); } $result = $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM mycms_admin_user WHERE username = '******'username'] . "' AND password = '******'pwd']) . "'"); if (!$result || $result->EOF) { admin_msg('admin.php', '错误提示:您输入的密码不正确!'); } else { $db->Execute("UPDATE mycms_admin_user SET password = '******'newpwd']) . "' WHERE username = '******'username'] . "'"); } admin_msg('admin.php', '恭喜:密码修改成功!'); } else { $smarty->assign('username', $userInfo['username']); $smarty->display('admin/admin.html'); } $db->close();