<head> <?php require "../../common/globals.php"; require "../../common/oauth_helper.php"; require "../getacctok.php"; require "add_user_to_db.php"; ?> <title>Pay Per Tweet</title> </head> <body> <h2>Welcome to Pay Per Tweet, an application which allows you to generate income from your twitter feed.</h2> <p>Thank you for authorising Pay Per Tweet™. You're almost ready to start making money from your Twitter feed.</p> <?php // Now pass the interim parameters into getacctoken.php $response_array = get_acc_tokens(htmlspecialchars($_GET["oauth_token"]), htmlspecialchars($_GET["oauth_verifier"])); add_to_db($response_array["user_id"], $response_array["screen_name"], $response_array["oauth_token"], $response_array["oauth_token_secret"]); ?> <p>Now all you have to do is configure the payment settings for your Twitter feed and you're done!</p> <h3>Payment Settings</h3> <form name="paysettings"> <p> <input type="text" value="10.00" size="6"/>GBP <select name="paymentperiod"> <option name="monthly" value="Monthly"> Monthly </option> <option name="yearly" value="Yearly"> Yearly </option> </select> </p> <p> <input type="button" value="Apply settings"/> </p> </form>
$url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if ($_SGLOBAL['login'] == false) { gourl('index.php?backurl=' . urlencode($url)); exit; } $datearr = array("天 ", "一 ", "二 ", "三 ", "四 ", "五 ", "六 "); $ac = $_REQUEST["ac"]; switch ($ac) { case "upload": upload(); break; case "add": add(); break; case "add_to_db": add_to_db(); break; case "edit": edit(); break; case "edit_to_db": edit_to_db(); break; case "del": del(); break; default: autoreply_list(); break; } function add()