function list_incidents() { require_once ""; $iniFile = parse_ini_file(CONFIG . '/conf_incidents.ini', TRUE); $champs1['priorite'] = 'inc.priorite'; $champs1['responsabilite'] = 'inc.responsabilite'; $champs1['serviceacteur'] = 'inc.serviceacteur'; $champs1['severite'] = 'imp.severite'; $champs2['trigramme'] = 'app.trigramme'; $champs2['impact'] = 'imp.description'; $champs2['enseigne'] = 'app.enseigne'; $champs2['cause'] = 'stat.typecause'; $champs2['application'] = 'app.libelle'; $champs2['n_incident'] = array('inc.incident', 'inc.incidentsConnexes'); $addSql = null; foreach (array_keys($champs1) as $champ) { $addSql .= add_sql($champ, $champs1[$champ], $_POST, 'eq'); } // if(isset($_POST['application']) && $_POST['application'] ){ // $addSql .= " and (lower(app.libelle) like '%". strtolower($_POST['application']) ."%'"; // } foreach (array_keys($champs2) as $champ) { $addSql .= add_sql($champ, $champs2[$champ], $_POST, null); } $date1 = ''; $date2 = ''; if (isset($_POST['date_1']) && $_POST['date_1']) { $date1 = $_POST['date_1']; } if (isset($_POST['date_2']) && $_POST['date_2']) { $date2 = $_POST['date_2']; } $date1f = preg_replace("/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{4})/", "\$3-\$2-\$1", $date1); $date2f = preg_replace("/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{2})\\/(\\d{4})/", "\$3-\$2-\$1", $date2); //$reqDates = "where imp.datestart between '$date1f' and '$date2f'"; $reqDates = "where imp.datestart between TO_DATE('{$date1f}','YYYY-MM-DD') and TO_DATE('{$date2f}','YYYY-MM-DD')"; //oracle $select = $req['tout'] . " {$reqDates} {$addSql} order by date_start DESC"; $dbcnx = connex_db(); $rech = res_sel($select, $dbcnx)['res']; // pg_close($dbcnx); oci_close($dbcnx); //oracle $arrInc = array(); foreach (array_keys($iniFile) as $c) { if ($c != 'duree_impact' && isset($rech[$c])) { $arrInc[$c] = $rech[$c]; } } $html = "<meta charset='UTF-8'>"; $html .= "<table style='width: 3000px; table-layout:fixed;' id='tab_inc' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' ><thead><TR>"; foreach (array_keys($arrInc) as $c) { $t = $c; if (in_array($c, array_keys($iniFile))) { $t = $iniFile[$c]; } if ($c === 'incident') { $hrf = "href=javascript:SortTable(0,'T','tab_inc');"; $html .= "<TH style='min-width: 150px; width: 150px;'><a {$hrf} >{$t}</a></TH>"; } elseif ($c === 'date_start' or $c === 'date_end') { $hrf = "href=javascript:SortTable(1,'D','tab_inc');"; $html .= "<TH style='min-width: 150px; width: 150px;'><a {$hrf} >{$t}</a></TH>"; } elseif (in_array($c, array('description_inc', 'cause', 'description_imp'))) { $html .= "<TH style='min-width: 350px; width: 350px;'>{$t}</TH>"; } else { $html .= "<TH style='min-width: 180px; width: 180px;'>{$t}</TH>"; } } $html .= "</TR></THEAD><TBODY>"; $tab = array(); // $j = 0; $l = -1; foreach ($arrInc as $c => $v1) { foreach ($v1 as $l => $v2) { $tab[$l][$c] = $v2; } // $j++; } $nb = $l + 1; if ($nb == 0) { $html = null; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) { $html .= "<TR>"; foreach (array_keys($arrInc) as $c) { $vtd = ' '; if ($tab[$i][$c]) { $vtd = $tab[$i][$c]; } if ($c == 'incident') { $html .= "<TD style='white-space:nowrap'><a href='/edit/" . $rech['id_incident'][$i] . "' target='_parent'>" . $vtd . "</a></TD>"; } elseif (in_array($c, array('date_start', 'date_end', 'datepublication'))) { $html .= "<TD style='white-space: nowrap'>" . $vtd . "</TD>"; } else { $html .= "<TD>" . $vtd . "</TD>"; } } $html .= "</TR>"; } $html .= "</tbody></TABLE>"; $html = "<B> {$nb} incidents </B><br> {$html}"; } return $html; }
$stmt = set_stmt($stmt, $menu, $place, $scene, $gate, $price); break; case "価格": $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT id,name,comment FROM wasemeshi_list NATURAL JOIN menu_list NATURAL JOIN scene_list WHERE price BETWEEN :PRICE2 AND :PRICE'; $sql = add_sql($sql, $menu, $place, $scene, $gate, $price); $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $price_set = price_set($tag); $priceX = $price_set[0]; $priceX2 = $price_set[1]; $stmt->bindValue(':PRICE', $priceX, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindValue(':PRICE2', $priceX2, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt = set_stmt($stmt, $menu, $place, $scene, $gate, $price); break; case "シーン": $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT id,name,comment FROM wasemeshi_list NATURAL JOIN menu_list NATURAL JOIN scene_list WHERE '; $sql = add_sql($sql, $menu, $place, $scene, $gate, $price); $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt = set_stmt($stmt, $menu, $place, $scene, $gate, $price); break; default: print "error"; break; } //件数表示 $stmt->execute(); $resultset = $stmt->fetchAll(); $resultNum = count($resultset); $stmt->execute(); $pdo = null; ?>