function Push_New_Entries() { print '<br>Push_New_Entries<br>'; $attribute_changer = $GLOBALS['AttributeChangerPlugin']; $PLUGIN_FILES_DIR = $attribute_changer->AttributeChangerData['PLUGIN_FILES_DIR']; $AttributeChangerData = $attribute_changer->AttributeChangerData; $case_array = $AttributeChangerData['case_array']; $Session = $attribute_changer->Current_Session; foreach ($Session->Committed_New_Entries as $email_key => $new_attributes_and_values) { $exists = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where email = "%s"', $AttributeChangerData['tables']['user'], $email_key)); if ($exists[0]) { //$Failed_New_Entries[$email_key] = $new_attributes_and_values; } else { $new_user_id = addNewUser($email_key); $new_value_array = array(); foreach ($new_attributes_and_values as $attribute_id => $attribute_value_id) { if ($case_array[$Session->attribute_list[$attribute_id]['type']] == 'case_3') { $new_value_array = array(); foreach ($attribute_value_id as $individual_id) { if (array_key_exists($individual_id, $Session->attribute_list[$attribute_id]['allowed_value_ids'])) { array_push($new_value_array, $individual_id); } } $proper_this_attribute_value = implode(',', $new_value_array); } else { if ($case_array[$Session->attribute_list[$attribute_id]['type']] == 'case_2') { if (array_key_exists($attribute_value_id, $Session->attribute_list[$attribute_id]['allowed_value_ids'])) { $proper_this_attribute_value = $attribute_value_id; } } else { ///HERE IS MESSSSSSSSY if (in_array($attribute_value_id, $Session->New_Entry_List[$email_key][$attribute_id])) { $proper_this_attribute_value = $attribute_value_id; } } } print '<br>new user: '******' attribute id: ' . $attribute_id . ' value :' . $proper_this_attribute_value . '<br>'; //need a way for 'STICKY' attributes SaveCurrentUserAttribute($new_user_id, $attribute_id, $proper_this_attribute_value); //saveUserAttribute($new_user_id, $attribute_id, $proper_this_attribute_value); } } } }
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*\$/", $_POST['first_name']) || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*\$/", $_POST['last_name'])) { $nameErr = "Only letters and white space allowed"; } else { $first_name = $_POST["first_name"]; $last_name = $_POST["last_name"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $phone = $_POST["phone"]; $pword = $_POST["pword"]; $cpword = $_POST["cpword"]; if ($pword != $cpword) { echo '<font color = "red">Passwords do not match</font><br>'; } $link = connectDatabase(); $check = checkNewUser($email, $link); if (FALSE == $check) { $flag = addNewUser($first_name, $last_name, $email, $phone, $pword, $link); if (FALSE == $flag) { echo '<font color = "red">Oops techie issues !!</font><br>'; } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('User " . $email . " was created successfully.');</script>"; closeConn($link); } } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('User " . $email . " already registered.');</script>"; } } } } } } }
if (isset($_POST['user_ufield10'])) { $arrValuesToUpdate['user_ufield10'] = readPostVar('user_ufield10'); } } if (isset($_POST['user_notes'])) { $arrValuesToUpdate['user_notes'] = readPostVar('user_notes'); } $bIsUserNameDuplicated = getRecordCount($srv_settings['table_prefix'] . 'users', 'username='******'username'] . (!$bIsNewUser ? ' AND id<>' . $arrValuesToUpdate['id'] : '')) > 0; if ($bIsUserNameDuplicated) { $g_vars['page']['errors'] .= $lngstr['err_username_duplicate']; } if ($g_vars['page']['errors']) { include_once $DOCUMENT_PAGES . ""; } else { if ($bIsNewUser) { $f_id = addNewUser($arrValuesToUpdate, array(), true); } else { updateUser($arrValuesToUpdate); } if (isset($_POST['group']) && !empty($_POST['group'][0])) { $arrGroupIDsNew = readPostVar('group'); unset($arrGroupIDsNew[0]); $arrGroupIDsToAdd = array(); $arrGroupIDsToDelete = array(); //9917//9917 $i_rSet1 = $g_db->Execute("SELECT " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_users.groupid FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "groups_users WHERE id=" . $f_id); if (!$i_rSet1) { showDBError(__FILE__, 1); } else { while (!$i_rSet1->EOF) { if (!empty($arrGroupIDsNew[$i_rSet1->fields['groupid']])) {
<?php include '../../functions.php'; include '../../connectdb.php'; //Get data from the former page via POST method $first_name = $_POST["first-name"]; $last_name = $_POST["last-name"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; //Add a new user to the database addNewUser($first_name, $last_name, $email, $password); //Go to the login page header("Location: ../../login.php");
$alertArr[] = $ALERT['PASS_TOSHORT']; } if (strlen($_POST['email']) > 140) { $alertArr[] = $ALERT['EMAIL_TOLONG']; } if ($_POST['email'] && !emailValid($_POST['email'])) { $alertArr[] = $ALERT['EMAIL_INVALID']; } if ($_POST['email'] && emailExist($_POST['email'])) { $alertArr[] = $ALERT['EMAIL_TAKEN']; } if (count($alertArr) == 0) { // Add the new account to the database // (password has already been encrypted using javascript) $_SESSION['reguname'] = $_SESSION['username']; $_SESSION['regresult'] = addNewUser($_POST['pass1'], $_POST['email']); $_SESSION['registered'] = true; $refresh = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[PHP_SELF]; exit(include_once HTML_PATH . "html_refresh.php"); // stop script } } $alert = displayAlert($alertArr); if ($_POST['pass_field_curr']) { $_POST['pass_field_curr'] = ""; } if ($_POST['pass_field_1']) { $_POST['pass_field_1'] = ""; } if ($_POST['pass_field_2']) { $_POST['pass_field_2'] = "";
$subselect_where = " where " . $tables["list"] . ".owner = 0"; break; } if ($access != "all") { $delete_message = '<br />' . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Delete will delete user from the list') . '<br />'; } else { $delete_message = '<br />' . $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Delete will delete user and all listmemberships') . '<br />'; } $usegroups = Sql_Table_exists("groups") && Sql_Table_exists('user_group'); if ($_POST["change"] && ($access == "owner" || $access == "all")) { if (!verifyToken()) { print Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('No Access')); return; } if (!$id) { $id = addNewUser($_POST['email']); $newuser = 1; } if (!$id) { print $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Error adding user, please check that the user exists'); return; } # read the current values to compare changes $old_data = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $tables["user"], $id)); $old_data = array_merge($old_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $id)); # and membership of lists $req = Sql_Query("select * from {$tables["listuser"]} where userid = {$id}"); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) { $old_listmembership[$row["listid"]] = listName($row["listid"]); } while (list($key, $val) = each($struct)) {
if ($action == "Regret button") { $props = array('u_id' => $_POST['u_id'], 'r_id' => $_POST['r_id']); regretAndBecomeFriends($props); print json_encode($_POST['u_id']); return; } if ($action == "Form Filling") { $props = $_POST; $props['u_id'] = isset($_SESSION['loggedInUser']['u_id']) ? $_SESSION['loggedInUser']['u_id'] : null; $props['u_password'] = md5($props['u_password']); if ($_FILES) { $props['u_picture'] = move_files($_FILES['file1']); $props['u_secret_pic'] = move_files($_FILES['file2']); } if (!$props['u_id']) { $resultArr = addNewUser($props); } else { $resultArr = updateExistingUser($props); } if (isset($resultArr['u_id'])) { $_SESSION['loggedInUser'] = $resultArr; } print json_encode($resultArr); return; } /*if($action == "Select All Active Users") { if($_GET['order_by'] == "ASC") { $users = selectAllActiveUsersASC($_SESSION['loggedInUser']['u_id']); print json_encode($users); return; } else {
$email = $_POST["email"]; } } else { $errors['email'] = "поле Email не может быть пустым"; } if (!empty($_POST['pass'])) { $pass = strlen($_POST['pass']); //Проверяем длинну пароля if ($pass < 6) { $errors['pass'] = "******"; } else { $pass = md5($_POST["pass"]); } } else { $errors['pass'] = "******"; } //Тут уже отправка if (empty($errors)) { $res = addNewUser($login, $email, $pass, $regitrationdate); $result = 'Пользователь успешно зарегистрирован'; } } include 'view/index.php'; //Тесты //$link = DBconnect(); //$res = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT * FROM users", $link); //$row = mysql_fetch_row($res); //$users = $row[0]; //echo $users; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
} else { return true; } } /** * Determines whether or not to show to sign-up form * based on whether the form has been submitted, if it * has, check the database for consistency and create * the new account. */ if (isset($_POST['subjoin'])) { if (checkSubmitValues()) { /* Add the new account to the database */ $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['user']; $_SESSION['password'] = md5($_POST['pass']); $_SESSION['reguid'] = addNewUser(trim($_POST['user']), trim($_POST['pass']), trim($_POST['email'])); $_SESSION['registered'] = true; header('Location: ' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/modules/frontpage/frontpage.php'); return; } // Otherwise will fall through to show the form, with the error set. } else { if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) { if (confirmRegistration($_GET['confirm'])) { $t->assign('message', 'Thank you for confirming your registration.'); $t->display('registerConfirm.tpl'); die; } else { $t->assign('message', 'This registration is no longer valid. Please begin your registration again.'); $t->display('registerConfirm.tpl'); die;
/** * Функция которая возвращает массив информации * о просматриваемой страничка с типом $type * и $id * @param null $type * @param null $id * @return array */ function getContent($type = null, $id = null) { /*Если параметры null, то выводим страничку по умолчанию*/ if ($type == null) { $type = DEFAULT_PAGE; } if (isset($_POST['new_submit']) && $_POST['new_submit']) { $type = NEW_SUBMIT_TYPE; } $loginStatus = LOGIN_ALREADY; if (isset($_GET['unlogin']) && $_GET['unlogin']) { unlogin(); $loginStatus = LOGIN_EXIT; } if ($_POST['submit']) { $loginStatus = login($_POST['login'], $_POST['password']); } /*Инициализируем информацию в зависимости от типа */ $array = array(); switch ($type) { /*Если тип страницы - текстовая*/ case TEXT_TYPE: /*Если id не инициализирован выводим главную. Иначе страницу с id*/ if ($id == null) { $id = MAIN_PAGE_TEXT_ID; } /*Получаем текст из базы*/ $page = getTextContent($id); $array['content'] = $page['text']; break; case CATALOG_TYPE: /*Если id не инициаизирован */ if (!($id > 0)) { /*Выбираем первый попавшийся театр*/ $sql = "SELECT id from theatures LIMIT 1"; $res = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); $id = $row['id']; } /*Получаем спектали из базы*/ $items = getCatalogItems($id); //$parent_item = get; /*Вставляем их в ш для красивого вывода*/ $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/item/items.php'); break; case ITEM_TYPE: $item = getItem($id); $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/item/item_big.php'); break; case NEW_REG_TYPE: $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/login/newreg.php'); break; case NEW_SUBMIT_TYPE: //Если пароли совпадают if ($_POST['new_password1'] == $_POST['new_password2']) { if (addNewUser($_POST['new_login'], $_POST['new_password2'])) { $array['content'] = 'Поздравляем вы зарегистерированы'; } else { $array['content'] = 'Такой пользователь уже есть'; } } else { $array['content'] = 'Пароли не совпадают'; } break; case ADD_CART_TYPE: addToCart($id); $cartItems = getCartItems(); $sum = calculateCart(); $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/cart/cart.php'); break; case CART_TYPE: $cartItems = getCartItems(); $sum = calculateCart(); $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/cart/cart.php'); break; /*Удаляем одну штуку*/ /*Удаляем одну штуку*/ case REMOVE_CART_TYPE: $cartItems = getCartItems(); $sum = calculateCart(); removeFromCart($id); $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/cart/cart.php'); break; /*Удаляем весь товар*/ /*Удаляем весь товар*/ case REMOVE_ITEM_CART_TYPE: $cartItems = getCartItems(); $sum = calculateCart(); removeFromCart($id, CART_REMOVE_ALL); $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/cart/cart.php'); break; case CLEAR_CART_TYPE: $cartItems = getCartItems(); $sum = calculateCart(); clearCart(); $array['content'] = (include 'templates/content/cart/cart.php'); break; } $user = getCurrentUser(); $array['theatures'] = getCatalogCategories(); $items = getCatalogCategories(); $array['leftPanel'] = (include 'templates/content/catalog/catalogCategories.php'); $array['rightPanel'] = (include 'templates/content/login/login.php'); $array['banner_word'] = 'Театры'; $array['title'] = 'Сайт'; return $array; }
/* Check if username is already in use */ if (usernameTaken($_POST['user'])) { $use = $_POST['user']; die("<br>\n <div align=center>\n <center>\n <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse id=AutoNumber1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF>\n <tr>\n <td width=100% bgcolor=#666666>\n \n <font color=#FF0000><b>ERROR:</b></font> Sorry, the username: <strong>{$use}</strong> is already taken, please pick another one!<br>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </center>\n</div>"); } /* Check pass length */ if (strlen($_POST['pass']) < 5) { die("<br>\n <div align=center>\n <center>\n <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse id=AutoNumber1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF>\n <tr>\n <td width=100% bgcolor=#666666>\n \n <font color=#FF0000><b>ERROR:</b></font> Sorry, the password is shorter than 5 characters, please make it longer!<br>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </center>\n</div>"); } if (strlen($_POST['pass']) > 32) { die("<br>\n <div align=center>\n <center>\n <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse id=AutoNumber1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF>\n <tr>\n <td width=100% bgcolor=#666666>\n \n <font color=#FF0000><b>ERROR:</b></font> Sorry, the password is longer than 32 characters, please shorten it!<br>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </center>\n</div>"); } /* Add the new account to the database */ $md5pass = md5($_POST['pass']); $_SESSION['reguname'] = $_POST['user']; $_SESSION['regresult'] = addNewUser($_POST['user'], $md5pass); $_SESSION['registered'] = true; return; } else { /** * This is the page with the sign-up form, the names * of the input fields are important and should not * be changed. */ if (!$_GET['ref']) { $_GET['ref'] = 0; } ?> <html> <body>
<tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" /></td> </tr> <table> </form> </div> <?php echo _footer(); // Create new user, after submiting the form } elseif ($_GET['act'] == 'createNewUser') { $dbControlHandler = new SQLiteDatabase(DB_CONTROL_FILE); // Create Users Table $dbControlHandler->query("CREATE TABLE users(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username CHAR(60), salt CHAR(10), password CHAR(32), permissions INTEGER);"); $userName = $_POST['userName']; $userPw = $_POST['password']; addNewUser($dbControlHandler, $userName, $userPw, GLOBAL_ADMIN); $dbTrackHandler = new SQLiteDatabase(DB_TRACK_FILE); // Create Tracking Table $dbTrackHandler->query("BEGIN;\r\n\t\tCREATE TABLE computers(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(250), region INTEGER, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, comment INTEGER, icon CHAR(150), laststatus INTEGER, lastsignal INTEGER);\r\n\t\tCREATE TABLE miscrecords(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(250), timestamp INTEGER, recordtype INTEGER, data TEXT);\r\n\t\tCREATE TABLE trackrecords(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(250), time INTEGER, status INTEGER);\r\nCREATE TABLE zones(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, region_name CHAR(255), region_width INTEGER, region_height INTEGER, region_map_img CHAR(255));\r\n\t\tCOMMIT;"); echo _header(_('New Database Setup')); ?> <div id="yui-main"> <h1>Database Creation Completed!</h1> <div> <p>The Database Creation Process is completed. Please login to your root account!</p> </div> </div> <?php echo _footer(); } else { die('Not Implemented!');
} if ($attribute_changer->Current_Session->file_is_good == false) { print '</body></html>'; } else { $print_html = Get_Attribute_File_Column_Match(); $attribute_changer->Serialize_And_Store(); print '<html><body>' . $print_html . '</body></html>'; } } if (isset($_POST['resetTable'])) { $query = sprintf("truncate table %s", $AttributeChangerData['tables']['user']); $ret1 = Sql_Query($query); $query = sprintf("truncate table %s", $GLOBALS['tables']['user_attribute']); $ret2 = Sql_Query($query); include_once $PLUGIN_FILES_DIR . 'New_And_Modify_Entry_Processor.php'; $id = addNewUser(''); if (!$id) { print "error with user clear<br>"; return -1; } SaveCurrentUserAttribute($id, '1', 'fake name'); SaveCurrentUserAttribute($id, '1', '1'); } if (isset($_POST['submitTest']) && $_POST['submitTest'] == 'submitTest') { include_once $PLUGIN_FILES_DIR . 'Upload_Test_File_Processor.php'; if (!isset($attribute_changer->Current_Session) || $attribute_changer->Current_Session == null) { print "<html><html>"; } if ($attribute_changer->Current_Session->file_is_good == false) { print '</body></html>'; } else {
require_once "connection.php"; session_start(); $form = $_GET['q']; checkLogin($username, $password); if ($form == "login") { $username = $_POST['login-username']; $password = $_POST['login-password']; if (checkLogin($username, $password)) { //if($username == "admin" && $password == "1234") { // Successfully login $_SESSION['username'] = $username; header("location:index.php"); } else { header("location:login.php?login=error"); } } else { if ($form == "logout") { session_destroy(); header("location:index.php"); } else { if ($form == "register") { $username = $_POST["register-username"]; $password = $_POST["register-password"]; $repeatpassword = $_POST["register-repeat-password"]; if ($password == $repeatpassword) { addNewUser($username, $password); } header("location:index.php"); } } }
/******************************************************************************/ $email = tfb_getRequestVar('email_address'); $newUser = tfb_getRequestVar('newUser'); $pass1 = tfb_getRequestVar('pass1'); $pass2 = tfb_getRequestVar('pass2'); $userType = tfb_getRequestVar('userType'); // check username $usernameCheck = checkUsername($newUser); // check password $passwordCheck = checkPassword($pass1, $pass2); // fast check email $emailCheck = checkEmail($email); // new user ? $newUser = strtolower($newUser); if ($usernameCheck === true && $passwordCheck === true && $emailCheck === true) { addNewUser($newUser, $pass1, $userType, $email); AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["admin"], $cfg['_NEWUSER'] . ": " . $newUser); @header("location: admin.php?op=showUsers"); exit; } // init template-instance tmplInitializeInstance($cfg["theme"], "page.admin.addUser.tmpl"); // set vars $tmpl->setvar('newUser', $newUser); // error $tmpl->setvar('_ERROR', $cfg['_ERROR']); // error-vars $tmpl->setvar('errUsername', $usernameCheck !== true ? 1 : 0); $tmpl->setvar('errMsgUsername', $usernameCheck !== true ? $usernameCheck : ''); $tmpl->setvar('errPassword', $passwordCheck !== true ? 1 : 0); $tmpl->setvar('errMsgPassword', $passwordCheck !== true ? $passwordCheck : '');
$buyersql = "SELECT DISTINCT (buyer_id), buyer_name, buyer_email,\n\tbuyer_countrycode, buyer_land, buyer_zip, buyer_city, buyer_street\n\tFROM " . TABLE_AUCTION_DETAILS . " WHERE order_number =0"; $mybuyer = olc_db_query($buyersql); $i = 0; $email_text = EMPTY_STRING; //look through buyers while ($buyer_values = olc_db_fetch_array($mybuyer)) { //check if email allready exists $buyer_email = olc_db_input($buyer_values['buyer_email']); $check_email_query = olc_db_query("select customers_id from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_email_address = '" . $buyer_email . APOS); $check_email = olc_db_fetch_array($check_email_query); if (olc_db_num_rows($check_email) > 0) { //email allready existing - just add items in basket $customers_id = $check_email['customers_id']; } else { //email dont exist - add user addNewUser($buyer_values, $customers_id); } //add auction in basket //$email_text=addAuctionsInBasket($buyer_email,true); $email_text = addAuctionsInBasket($buyer_email); /* //Reuse checkout_process_code $_SESSION['shipping']=EBAY_SHIPPING; $customer_default_address_id=$_SESSION['customer_default_address_id']; $_SESSION['sendto']=$customer_default_address_id; $_SESSION['billto']=$customer_default_address_id; $_SESSION['payment']; */ sendemail($email_text, $buyer_email); $is_auction = true; $real_checkout = false;
} if (isset($_POST['_back'])) $cmd=''; $page_content=''; switch ($cmd) { case 'new': $page_content=addNewUser(); break; case 'edit': $exp="/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/i"; $check=preg_match($exp, $_GET['uid']); if(($check+0)==1) { header('Location: users.php'); exit(); }else { $page_content=addNewUser($_GET['uid']); } break; case 'delete' : if($_SESSION['admin']['is_logged']==1) { $exp="/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/i"; $check=preg_match($exp, $_GET['uid']); if(($check+0)==1) { header('Location: users.php'); exit(); } $db=new DBConnection(); $uDetails=$db->getRow('users','user_uid="'.$_GET['uid'].'"','user_firstname, user_lastname, user_account_num'); $query='SELECT * FROM trades WHERE user_account_num="'.$uDetails['user_account_num'].'"'; $res=$db->rq($query);
break; case "adduser": if (!file_exists(str_replace("//", "/", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . $dir . '/.htpasswd'))) { error(HTLANG('err_htpasswd_not_exists', False), $dir); } elseif (!isset($_SESSION['crypt'])) { error(HTLANG('err_crypt', False), $dir); } elseif ($user == "" || $user == " ") { error(HTLANG('err_username', False), $dir); } elseif ($pwd == "" || $pwd == " ") { error(HTLANG('err_password', False), $dir); } elseif (user_exists($user, $dir)) { error(HTLANG('err_user_exists', False), $dir); } else { $err = ""; $msg = ""; if (addNewUser($user, $pwd, $_SESSION['crypt'], $dir) != FALSE) { $msg = $msg . HTLANG('msg_user_created', False); } else { $err = $err . HTLANG('err_user_create', False); } if ($err != "") { error($err . HTLANG('err_folder_cmod', False), $dir); } if ($msg != "") { msg($msg, $dir); } } break; case "deluser": if ($user == "" || $user == " ") { error(HTLANG('err_username', False), $dir);
# create a default admin $_SESSION['firstinstall'] = 1; if (isset($_REQUEST['adminemail'])) { $adminemail = $_REQUEST['adminemail']; } else { $adminemail = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['adminpassword'])) { $adminpass = $_REQUEST['adminpassword']; } else { $adminpass = '******'; } Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (loginname,namelc,email,created,modified,password,passwordchanged,superuser,disabled) values("%s","%s","%s",now(),now(),"%s",now(),%d,0)', $tables['admin'], 'admin', 'admin', $adminemail, encryptPass($adminpass), 1)); ## let's add them as a subscriber as well $userid = addNewUser($adminemail, $adminpass); Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 1 where id = %d', $tables['user'], $userid)); /* to send the token at the end, doesn't work yet $adminid = Sql_Insert_Id(); */ } elseif ($table == 'task') { while (list($type, $pages) = each($system_pages)) { foreach ($pages as $page => $access_level) { Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (page,type) values("%s","%s")', $tables['task'], $page, $type)); } } } echo '... ' . s('ok') . "<br />\n"; } else { echo '... ' . s('failed') . "<br />\n"; }
$feedback = ''; $error_exist = 0; if (!empty($_POST['change']) && ($access == 'owner' || $access == 'all')) { if (!verifyToken()) { print Error($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Invalid security token, please reload the page and try again')); return; } if (isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])) { ## let's not validate here, an admin can add anything as an email, if they like, well, except for HTML $email = strip_tags($_POST['email']); } else { $email = ''; } if (!$error_exist && !empty($email)) { if (!$id) { $id = addNewUser($email); Redirect("user&id={$id}"); exit; } if (!$id) { print s('Error adding subscriber, please check that the subscriber exists'); $error_exist = 1; //return; } } /************ BEGIN <whitout_error IF block> (end in line 264) **********************/ if (!$error_exist) { # read the current values to compare changes $old_data = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $tables['user'], $id)); $old_data = array_merge($old_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $id)); # and membership of lists
function addUser($newUser, $pass1, $userType) { global $cfg; $newUser = strtolower($newUser); if (IsUser($newUser)) { DisplayHead(_ADMINISTRATION); // Admin Menu displayMenu(); echo "<br><div align=\"center\">" . _TRYDIFFERENTUSERID . "<br><strong>" . $newUser . "</strong> " . _HASBEENUSED . "</div><br><br><br>"; DisplayFoot(true, true); } else { addNewUser($newUser, $pass1, $userType); AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["admin"], _NEWUSER . ": " . $newUser); header("location: admin.php?op=CreateUser"); } }
function process_post() { /* We switch according to the $_POST[action] variable, which is a hidden * submit formfield in each <form>. see html/add*.txt for more information. */ switch ("{$_POST['action']}") { /* * Add new user. We wont touch that here. Let auth() handle that. */ case "newuser": addNewUser(); break; /* * Update to the about box in profiles. */ /* * Update to the about box in profiles. */ case "modprofile": modProfile(); break; /* * Change password. We wont touch that here. Let auth() handle that. */ /* * Change password. We wont touch that here. Let auth() handle that. */ case "changepw": changePassword(); break; /* * Change email. */ /* * Change email. */ case "changeemail": changeEmail(); break; /* * Change can view preferences. */ /* * Change can view preferences. */ case "changecanpage": changeCanPrefs(); break; /* * Update API Key */ /* * Update API Key */ case "update_api": global $MySelf; $api = new api($MySelf->getID()); if ($_POST[deleteKey]) { // Delete api Key $api->deleteApiKey(); makeNotice("Your API key has been delete from the database.", "notice", "API Key wipe success", "index.php?action=preferences"); } else { // Update api key $api->setApiKey($_POST[apiID], $_POST[apiKey]); makeNotice("Your new API key has been stored.", "notice", "API Key update success", "index.php?action=preferences"); } break; /* * Add a Rank */ /* * Add a Rank */ case "addnewrank": addRank(); break; /* * Edit the ranks */ /* * Edit the ranks */ case "editranks": editRanks(); break; /* * Change opt-in status. */ /* * Change opt-in status. */ case "optIn": toggleOptIn(); break; /* * Change See Inoffical Runs Setting (sir) */ /* * Change See Inoffical Runs Setting (sir) */ case "sirchange": sirchange(); break; /* * Submiting a template change form */ /* * Submiting a template change form */ case "editTemplate": editTemplate(); break; /* * Change ore value. */ /* * Change ore value. */ case "changeore": changeOreValue(); break; /* * Change ship value. */ /* * Change ship value. */ case "changeship": changeShipValue(); break; /* * Delete pending payout request */ /* * Delete pending payout request */ case "deleteRequest": deletePayoutRequest(); break; /* * Modify online time. */ /* * Modify online time. */ case "modonlinetime": modOnlineTime(); break; /* * Modify site settings. */ /* * Modify site settings. */ case "configuration": modConfiguration(); break; /* * Add an event to the DB */ /* * Add an event to the DB */ case "addevent": addEventToDB(); break; /* * Request payout. */ /* * Request payout. */ case "requestPayout": requestPayout(); break; /* * Transfer Money */ /* * Transfer Money */ case "transferMoney": transferMoney(); break; /* * Do the payouts */ /* * Do the payouts */ case "payout": doPayout(); break; /* * Create a new can in the Database. */ /* * Create a new can in the Database. */ case "addcan": addCanToDatabase(); break; /* * Admin request to change a user. */ /* * Admin request to change a user. */ case "edituser": editUser(); break; /* * AddRun * This adds a new run to the database. */ /* * AddRun * This adds a new run to the database. */ case "addrun": addRun(); break; /* * Analog to AddRun, just for Hauls. */ /* * Analog to AddRun, just for Hauls. */ case "addhaul": addHaul(); break; /* * Create a new transaction. */ /* * Create a new transaction. */ case "transaction": createTransaction(); break; /* * Lotto stuff */ /* * Lotto stuff */ case "editLottoTickets": lotto_editCreditsInDB(); break; case "createDrawing": lotto_createDrawing(); break; case "lottoBuyCredits": lotto_buyTickets(); break; } }
@header("location: ../../../index.php"); exit; } /******************************************************************************/ $newUser = tfb_getRequestVar('newUser'); $pass1 = tfb_getRequestVar('pass1'); $pass2 = tfb_getRequestVar('pass2'); $userType = tfb_getRequestVar('userType'); // check username $usernameCheck = checkUsername($newUser); // check password $passwordCheck = checkPassword($pass1, $pass2); // new user ? $newUser = strtolower($newUser); if ($usernameCheck === true && $passwordCheck === true) { addNewUser($newUser, $pass1, $userType); AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["admin"], $cfg['_NEWUSER'] . ": " . $newUser); @header("location: admin.php?op=showUsers"); exit; } // init template-instance tmplInitializeInstance($cfg["theme"], "page.admin.addUser.tmpl"); // set vars $tmpl->setvar('newUser', $newUser); // error // backward-compat-vars $tmpl->setvar('_TRYDIFFERENTUSERID', $cfg['_TRYDIFFERENTUSERID']); $tmpl->setvar('_HASBEENUSED', $cfg['_HASBEENUSED']); // error-vars $tmpl->setvar('errUsername', $usernameCheck !== true ? 1 : 0); $tmpl->setvar('errMsgUsername', $usernameCheck !== true ? $usernameCheck : '');
} if (empty($_POST["email"])) { $emailErr = "Email is required"; } else { $email = test_input($_POST["email"]); // check if e-mail address is well-formed if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $emailErr = "Invalid email format"; } else { //email correcly entered $booleanEmail = true; } } //check if data in form is correctly entered if ($booleanName && $booleanPass1 && $booleanPass2 && $booleanEmail && $match) { addNewUser(); } } function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } function addNewUser() { $username = $_POST['name']; $password = md5($_POST['pass1']); $e_mail = $_POST['email']; $sql = "INSERT INTO\n users(ID, username, password, email)\n VALUES(null,'{$username}','{$password}','{$e_mail}')";
$xmlRoot->appendChild(castVote($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['user_id'], $_REQUEST['post_id'], $_REQUEST['vote'])); break; case "tallyVotes": $xmlRoot->appendChild(tallyVotes($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['post_id'])); break; case "checkForUserVote": $xmlRoot->appendChild(checkForUserVote($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['post_id'], $_REQUEST['user_id'])); break; case "addComment": $xmlRoot->appendChild(addComment($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['user_id'], $_REQUEST['post_id'], $_REQUEST['comment'])); break; case "getComments": $xmlRoot->appendChild(getComments($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['post_id'])); break; case "addNewUser": $xmlRoot->appendChild(addNewUser($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['email'])); break; case "signIn": $xmlRoot->appendChild(signIn($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'])); break; case "getConnections": $xmlRoot->appendChild(getConnections($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['user_id'], $_REQUEST['module_type'])); break; case "logs": $xmlRoot->appendChild(getLogs($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['user_id'])); break; case "getPlayerData": $xmlRoot->appendChild(getPlayerData($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['ign'], $_REQUEST['token'])); break; case "getUser": $xmlRoot->appendChild(getUser($dbconn, $xmlDoc, $_REQUEST['user_id']));
function api_addNewUser($i_username = '', $i_password = '', $arrUserData = array(), $arrGroupIDs = array()) { $arrInternalUserData['username'] = $i_username; $arrInternalUserData['user_password'] = $i_password; if (isset($arrUserData['checkword'])) { $arrInternalUserData['user_checkword'] = $arrUserData['checkword']; } $i_active = isset($arrUserData['active']) ? (bool) $arrUserData['active'] : true; $arrInternalUserData['user_enabled'] = $i_active ? 1 : 0; $arrInternalUserData['user_expiredate'] = isset($arrUserData['expiredate']) ? (int) $arrUserData['expiredate'] : 0; $arrInternalUserData['email'] = isset($arrUserData['email']) ? $arrUserData['email'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_title'] = isset($arrUserData['title']) ? $arrUserData['title'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_firstname'] = isset($arrUserData['firstname']) ? $arrUserData['firstname'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_lastname'] = isset($arrUserData['lastname']) ? $arrUserData['lastname'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_middlename'] = isset($arrUserData['middlename']) ? $arrUserData['middlename'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_address'] = isset($arrUserData['address']) ? $arrUserData['address'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_city'] = isset($arrUserData['city']) ? $arrUserData['city'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_state'] = isset($arrUserData['state']) ? $arrUserData['state'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_zip'] = isset($arrUserData['zip']) ? $arrUserData['zip'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_country'] = isset($arrUserData['country']) ? $arrUserData['country'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_phone'] = isset($arrUserData['phone']) ? $arrUserData['phone'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_fax'] = isset($arrUserData['fax']) ? $arrUserData['fax'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_mobile'] = isset($arrUserData['mobile']) ? $arrUserData['mobile'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_pager'] = isset($arrUserData['pager']) ? $arrUserData['pager'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ipphone'] = isset($arrUserData['ipphone']) ? $arrUserData['ipphone'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_webpage'] = isset($arrUserData['webpage']) ? $arrUserData['webpage'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_icq'] = isset($arrUserData['icq']) ? $arrUserData['icq'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_msn'] = isset($arrUserData['msn']) ? $arrUserData['msn'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_aol'] = isset($arrUserData['aol']) ? $arrUserData['aol'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_gender'] = isset($arrUserData['gender']) ? $arrUserData['gender'] : 0; $arrInternalUserData['user_birthday'] = isset($arrUserData['birthday']) ? $arrUserData['birthday'] : '00000000'; $arrInternalUserData['user_husbandwife'] = isset($arrUserData['husbandwife']) ? $arrUserData['husbandwife'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_children'] = isset($arrUserData['children']) ? $arrUserData['children'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_trainer'] = isset($arrUserData['trainer']) ? $arrUserData['trainer'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_photo'] = isset($arrUserData['photo']) ? $arrUserData['photo'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_company'] = isset($arrUserData['company']) ? $arrUserData['company'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cposition'] = isset($arrUserData['cposition']) ? $arrUserData['cposition'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_department'] = isset($arrUserData['department']) ? $arrUserData['department'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_coffice'] = isset($arrUserData['coffice']) ? $arrUserData['coffice'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_caddress'] = isset($arrUserData['caddress']) ? $arrUserData['caddress'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ccity'] = isset($arrUserData['ccity']) ? $arrUserData['ccity'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cstate'] = isset($arrUserData['cstate']) ? $arrUserData['cstate'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_czip'] = isset($arrUserData['czip']) ? $arrUserData['czip'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ccountry'] = isset($arrUserData['ccountry']) ? $arrUserData['ccountry'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cphone'] = isset($arrUserData['cphone']) ? $arrUserData['cphone'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cfax'] = isset($arrUserData['cfax']) ? $arrUserData['cfax'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cmobile'] = isset($arrUserData['cmobile']) ? $arrUserData['cmobile'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cpager'] = isset($arrUserData['cpager']) ? $arrUserData['cpager'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cipphone'] = isset($arrUserData['cipphone']) ? $arrUserData['cipphone'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cwebpage'] = isset($arrUserData['cwebpage']) ? $arrUserData['cwebpage'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_cphoto'] = isset($arrUserData['cphoto']) ? $arrUserData['cphoto'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield1'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield1']) ? $arrUserData['ufield1'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield2'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield2']) ? $arrUserData['ufield2'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield3'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield3']) ? $arrUserData['ufield3'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield4'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield4']) ? $arrUserData['ufield4'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield5'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield5']) ? $arrUserData['ufield5'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield6'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield6']) ? $arrUserData['ufield6'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield7'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield7']) ? $arrUserData['ufield7'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield8'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield8']) ? $arrUserData['ufield8'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield9'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield9']) ? $arrUserData['ufield9'] : ''; $arrInternalUserData['user_ufield10'] = isset($arrUserData['ufield10']) ? $arrUserData['ufield10'] : ''; return addNewUser($arrInternalUserData, $arrGroupIDs); }