require_once "fch-lib.js";
$userID = getUserID();
$leagueID = leagueHandler($_POST, $userID);
debug("League is {$leagueID}");
$season = getSeason();

To join a league, choose the league you're looking to join, the password provided by its administrator, and the name of your team. You can only join a league once. If a league's registration deadline has passed, it does not appear on the list.<p/>
if ($_POST["action"] == "leagueEnroll") {
    $pass = getSingleton("fch_leagues", "pw", " where id = " . $_POST['leagueID'] . " and season = \"" . getSeason() . "\"");
    debug("Criteria -- displName=" . $_POST["teamDisplayName"] . " pw=" . $_POST['password'] . " pass="******"teamDisplayName"]) > 0) {
        echo displayResults(addGMToLeague($_POST["leagueID"], $userID, $_POST["teamDisplayName"]));
    } else {
        echo displayResults(getReturnCode(0, "Sorry, your password was incorrect or you didn't enter a team name."));

 <div class="contact-form">
<form  name="leagueEnroll" method="post" class="form-validate form-horizontal" >
			<input name = "action" value = "leagueEnroll" type = "hidden">
			<legend>What League Would You Like to Join?</legend>
			<div class="control-group">
				<div class="control-label">
					<label id="jform_contact_name-lbl" for="jform_contact_name" class="hasTooltip required" title="&lt;strong&gt;Name&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Your name.">
Пример #2
function createLeague($leagueName, $pw, $displayName, $limit_f_a, $limit_f_b, $limit_d_a, $limit_d_b, $limit_g_a, $limit_g_b, $registrationDeadline, $draftTime, $invites)
    $season = getSeason();
    //echo "creating league $leagueName, $pw, $displayName, $registrationDeadline, $draftTime , $limit_f_a, $limit_f_b, $limit_d_a, $limit_d_b, $limit_g_a, $limit_g_b";
    $r = getReturnCode(1, "");
    if (selectCount("fch_leagues", " WHERE display_name = \"{$leagueName}\" and season = \"{$season}\"") > 0) {
        return getReturnCode(0, "Sorry, that league name is already taken.");
    $user = getUserID();
    if ($user === -1) {
        return getReturnCode(0, "Sorry, could not ascertain your user ID.");
    if (intval($limit_f_a) > 12) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too many active roster forwards. ";
    if (intval($limit_f_a) < 1) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too few active roster forwards. ";
    if (intval($limit_f_b) > 12) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too many reserve forwards. ";
    if (intval($limit_f_b) < 1) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too few reserve forwards. ";
    if (intval($limit_d_a) > 8) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too many active roster defensemen. ";
    if (intval($limit_d_a) < 1) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too few active roster defensemen. ";
    if (intval($limit_d_b) > 8) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too many reserve defensemen. ";
    if (intval($limit_d_b) < 1) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too few reserve defensemen. ";
    if (intval($limit_g_a) > 4) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too many active roster goalies. ";
    if (intval($limit_g_a) < 1) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too few active roster goalies. ";
    if (intval($limit_g_b) > 4) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too many reserve goalies. ";
    if (intval($limit_g_b) < 1) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " You have too few reserve goalies. ";
    if (($regTimeStamp = strtotime($registrationDeadline)) === false) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " There was an error reading the registration deadline. ";
    if (($draftTimeStamp = strtotime($draftTime)) === false) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " There was an error reading the draft time. ";
    if ($r["status"] === 0) {
        return $r;
    $draftTimeSqlFormat = date("Y-m-d G:i:00", $draftTimeStamp);
    $regTimeSqlFormat = date("Y-m-d G:i:00", $regTimeStamp);
    $interval = $draftTimeStamp - $regTimeStamp;
    debug("Interval {$interval}");
    if (intval($interval) < 86400) {
        $r["status"] = 0;
        $r["msg"] .= " Draft must be 24 hours after registration deadline. ";
    $season = getSeason();
    $sql = <<<SQL

\tINSERT INTO  fanta66_joomla.fch_leagues (
\t\tid ,
\t\tdisplay_name ,
\t\tseason ,
\t\tVALUES (
\t\t\tNULL ,  "{$leagueName}",  "{$season}",  {$user}, "{$pw}", {$limit_f_a}, {$limit_f_b}, {$limit_d_a}, {$limit_d_b}, {$limit_g_a},{$limit_g_b}, DATE_ADD("{$draftTimeSqlFormat}", INTERVAL -1 HOUR), "{$draftTimeSqlFormat}", "0"
    $leagueID = executeGenericInsertSQL($sql);
    //echo "Created league id = ". $leagueID;
    $r1 = addGMToLeague($leagueID, $user, $displayName);
    $body = "You have been invited to join a Fantasy College Hockey league!";
    $body .= $leagueName . ' has just been created. To join, visit, sign up or login, and click Join League in the menu.' . "\n\n";
    if (strlen($pw) > 0) {
        $body .= "The password to join the league is {$pw}.\n\n";
    } else {
        $body .= "There is no password to join the league. When prompted, leave the field blank.\n\n";
    $body .= "The registration deadline is {$regTimeSqlFormat} and the draft is at {$draftTimeSqlFormat}, Eastern time.";
    $inviteEmails = explode(",", $invites);
    debug("Invites {$invites}");
    foreach ($inviteEmails as $email) {
        debug("Emailing " . $email);
        sendEmail($email, "You have been invited to join a Fantasy College Hockey league", $body);
    sendEmail("*****@*****.**", "New League Created", "New League: {$leagueName}, {$leagueID}. Invites: {$invites}");
    if ($r1["status"] === 1) {
        return getReturnCode(1, "Your league has been created and you are its manager. Please see the league control panel for more information.");