function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->well_child = new FormWellChild($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->well_child); $new_form = false; if (empty($_POST['id'])) { $new_form = true; } $this->well_child->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } if ($new_form) { addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Well Child Visit", $this->well_child->id, "well_child", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); } if (!empty($_POST['cpt_code'])) { $sql = "select * from codes where code ='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cpt_code']) . "' order by id"; $results = sqlQ($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); if (!empty($row)) { addBilling(date("Ymd"), 'CPT4', $row['code'], $row['code_text'], $_SESSION['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $row['modifier'], $row['units'], $row['fee']); } } $_POST['process'] = ""; return; }
public function __construct() { /*($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $this->getUrl(), $this->getHeaders()); */ if (isset($_POST)) { $post_data = $_POST; // If charset specified, convert back to upstream charset before adding. if (Conf::$default_upstream_charset) { array_walk($post_data, function (&$value) { $value = mb_convert_encoding($value, Conf::$default_upstream_charset, 'utf-8'); }); } if ($this->getPostEncType() == self::POST_ENC_TYPE_MULTIPART) { // First unset the original content type header. addForm() will automatically add it // with it's own boundary value. $this->setHeader('Content-Type', NULL); $this->getBody(addForm($_POST)); } else { $this->getBody($post_data); } Log::add($post_data, 'post_data'); } /* $this->setOptions( [ 'connecttimeout' => Conf::$proxy_http_request_connecttimeout, 'dns_cache_timeout' => Conf::$proxy_http_request_dns_cache_timeout, 'retrycount' => Conf::$proxy_http_request_retrycount, 'timeout' => Conf::$proxy_http_request_timeout ]); */ //Log::add($this->__toString(), 'ProxyHttpRequest->__toString()'); }
/** * List search results * @param array $res Array containing results of search * @param bool $includesource If true, adds backend column to address listing */ function addr_display_result($res, $includesource = true) { global $PHP_SELF, $oTemplate, $oErrorHandler; //FIXME: no HTML output from core echo addForm($PHP_SELF, 'post', 'addressbook', '', '', array(), TRUE) . addHidden('html_addr_search_done', 'true'); addr_insert_hidden(); $oTemplate->assign('compose_addr_pop', false); $oTemplate->assign('include_abook_name', $includesource); $oTemplate->assign('addresses', formatAddressList($res)); $oTemplate->display('addrbook_search_list.tpl'); echo '</form>'; }
function do_visit_form($irow, $encounter, $first) { global $insert_count, $debug, $verbose; $pid = $irow['pid']; // If a gcac form already exists for this visit, get out. $row = sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM forms WHERE " . "pid = '{$pid}' AND encounter = '{$encounter}' AND " . "formdir = 'LBFgcac' AND deleted = 0"); if ($row['count']) { echo "<br />*** Visit {$pid}.{$encounter} skipped, already has a GCAC visit form ***\n"; return; } $a = array('client_status' => $irow['client_status'], 'in_ab_proc' => $irow['in_ab_proc'], 'ab_location' => $irow['ab_location'], 'complications' => $irow['fol_compl'], 'contrameth' => $irow['contrameth']); // logic that applies only to the first related visit if ($first) { if ($a['ab_location'] == 'ma') { $a['ab_location'] = 'proc'; } $a['complications'] = $irow['rec_compl']; $a['contrameth'] = ''; } $newid = 0; $didone = false; foreach ($a as $field_id => $value) { if ($value !== '') { if ($newid) { $query = "INSERT INTO lbf_data " . "( form_id, field_id, field_value ) " . " VALUES ( '{$newid}', '{$field_id}', '{$value}' )"; if ($verbose) { echo "<br />{$query}\n"; } if (!$debug) { sqlStatement($query); } } else { $query = "INSERT INTO lbf_data " . "( field_id, field_value ) " . " VALUES ( '{$field_id}', '{$value}' )"; if ($verbose) { echo "<br />{$query}\n"; } if (!$debug) { $newid = sqlInsert($query); } } $didone = true; } } if ($newid && !$debug) { addForm($encounter, 'IPPF GCAC', $newid, 'LBFgcac', $pid, 1); ++$insert_count; } if (!$didone) { echo "<br />*** Empty issue skipped for visit {$pid}.{$encounter} ***\n"; } }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->prior_auth = new FormPriorAuth($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->prior_auth); $this->prior_auth->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Prior Authorization Form", $this->prior_auth->id, "prior_auth", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); $_POST['process'] = ""; return; }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->hptje_primary = new FormHpTjePrimary($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->hptje_primary); $this->hptje_primary->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Head Pain TJE", $this->hptje_primary->id, "hp_tje_primary", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); $_POST['process'] = ""; return; }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->form = new FormSOAP($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->form); $this->form->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } if (empty($_POST['id'])) { addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "SOAP", $this->form->id, "soap2", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); $_POST['process'] = ""; } return; }
/** * List search results * @param array $res Array containing results of search * @param bool $includesource If true, adds backend column to address listing */ function addr_display_result($res, $includesource = true) { global $color, $javascript_on, $PHP_SELF, $squirrelmail_language; if (sizeof($res) <= 0) { return; } echo addForm($PHP_SELF, 'POST', 'addrbook') . addHidden('html_addr_search_done', 'true'); addr_insert_hidden(); $line = 0; if ($javascript_on) { print '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n<!-- \n" . "function CheckAll(ch) {\n" . " for (var i = 0; i < document.addrbook.elements.length; i++) {\n" . " if( document.addrbook.elements[i].type == 'checkbox' &&\n" . " document.addrbook.elements[i].name.substr(0,16) == 'send_to_search['+ch ) {\n" . " document.addrbook.elements[i].checked = !(document.addrbook.elements[i].checked);\n" . " }\n" . " }\n" . "}\n" . "//-->\n" . "</script>\n"; $chk_all = '<a href="#" onClick="CheckAll(\'T\');">' . _("All") . '</a> <font color="' . $color[9] . '">' . _("To") . '</font>' . ' ' . '<a href="#" onClick="CheckAll(\'C\');">' . _("All") . '</a> <font color="' . $color[9] . '">' . _("Cc") . '</font>' . ' ' . '<a href="#" onClick="CheckAll(\'B\');">' . _("All") . '</a>'; } else { // check_all links are implemented only in JavaScript. disable links in js=off environment. $chk_all = ''; } echo html_tag('table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" width="98%"') . html_tag('tr', '', '', $color[9]) . html_tag('th', ' ' . $chk_all, 'left') . html_tag('th', ' ' . _("Name"), 'left') . html_tag('th', ' ' . _("E-mail"), 'left') . html_tag('th', ' ' . _("Info"), 'left'); if ($includesource) { echo html_tag('th', ' ' . _("Source"), 'left', '', 'width="10%"'); } echo "</tr>\n"; foreach ($res as $row) { $email = AddressBook::full_address($row); if ($line % 2) { $tr_bgcolor = $color[12]; } else { $tr_bgcolor = $color[4]; } if ($squirrelmail_language == 'ja_JP') { echo html_tag('tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor, 'nowrap') . html_tag('td', '<input type="checkbox" name="send_to_search[T' . $line . ']" value = "' . htmlspecialchars($email) . '" /> ' . _("To") . ' ' . '<input type="checkbox" name="send_to_search[C' . $line . ']" value = "' . htmlspecialchars($email) . '" /> ' . _("Cc") . ' ' . '<input type="checkbox" name="send_to_search[B' . $line . ']" value = "' . htmlspecialchars($email) . '" /> ' . _("Bcc") . ' ', 'center', '', 'width="5%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['lastname']) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['firstname']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['email']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['label']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'nowrap'); } else { echo html_tag('tr', '', '', $tr_bgcolor, 'nowrap') . html_tag('td', addCheckBox('send_to_search[T' . $line . ']', FALSE, $email) . ' ' . _("To") . ' ' . addCheckBox('send_to_search[C' . $line . ']', FALSE, $email) . ' ' . _("Cc") . ' ' . addCheckBox('send_to_search[B' . $line . ']', FALSE, $email) . ' ' . _("Bcc") . ' ', 'center', '', 'width="5%" nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['email']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'nowrap') . html_tag('td', ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['label']) . ' ', 'left', '', 'nowrap'); } if ($includesource) { echo html_tag('td', ' ' . $row['source'] . ' ', 'left', '', 'nowrap'); } echo "</tr>\n"; $line++; } if ($includesource) { $td_colspan = '5'; } else { $td_colspan = '4'; } echo html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', '<input type="submit" name="addr_search_done" value="' . _("Use Addresses") . '" /> ' . '<input type="submit" name="addr_search_cancel" value="' . _("Cancel") . '" />', 'center', '', 'colspan="' . $td_colspan . '"')) . '</table>' . addHidden('html_addr_search_done', '1') . '</form>'; }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->form = new FormLegLength($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->form); $this->form->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } if (empty($_POST['id'])) { addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Extremities measurements", $this->form->id, "leg_length", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); $_POST['process'] = ""; } return; }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->ros = new FormROS($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->ros); $this->ros->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } if (empty($_POST['id'])) { addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Review Of Systems", $this->ros->id, "ros", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); $_POST['process'] = ""; } return; }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->form = new FormActivityImpact($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->form); $this->form->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } if (empty($_POST['id'])) { addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Impact of Activities of Daily Living", $this->form->id, "activity_impact", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); $_POST['process'] = ""; } return; }
function put_print_form() { global $DB, $pagename; $langs = $DB->q('KEYTABLE SELECT langid AS ARRAYKEY, name, extensions FROM language WHERE allow_submit = 1 ORDER BY name'); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n"; echo "function detectLanguage(filename)\n\t{\n\t\tvar parts = filename.toLowerCase().split('.').reverse();\n\t\tif ( parts.length < 2 ) return;\n\n\t\t// language ID\n\n\t\tvar elt=document.getElementById('langid');\n\t\t// the 'autodetect' option has empty value\n\t\tif ( elt.value != '' ) return;\n\n\t\tvar langid = getMainExtension(parts[0]);\n\t\tfor (i=0;i<elt.length;i++) {\n\t\t\tif ( elt.options[i].value == langid ) {\n\t\t\t\telt.selectedIndex = i;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n"; putgetMainExtension($langs); echo "// -->\n</script>\n"; echo addForm($pagename, 'post', null, 'multipart/form-data'); ?> <table> <tr><td><label for="code">File</label>:</td> <td><input type="file" name="code" id="code" size="40" required onChange='detectLanguage(document.getElementById("code").value);' /></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr> <tr><td><label for="langid">Language</label>:</td> <td><?php $langlist = array(); foreach ($langs as $langid => $langdata) { $langlist[$langid] = $langdata['name']; } $langlist[''] = 'plain text'; echo addSelect('langid', $langlist, '', true); ?> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr> <tr><td></td> <td><?php echo addSubmit('Print code', 'submit'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php echo addEndForm(); }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->evaluation = new FormEvaluation($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->evaluation); $this->evaluation->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Evaluation Form", $this->evaluation->id, "evaluation", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); if (!empty($_POST['cpt_code'])) { $sql = "select * from codes where code ='" . add_escape_custom($_POST['cpt_code']) . "' order by id"; $results = sqlQ($sql); $row = sqlFetchArray($results); if (!empty($row)) { addBilling(date("Ymd"), 'CPT4', $row['code'], $row['code_text'], $_SESSION['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $row['modifier'], $row['units'], $row['fee']); } } $_POST['process'] = ""; return; }
function todaysEncounter($patient_id, $reason = '') { global $today, $userauthorized; if (empty($reason)) { $reason = xl('Please indicate visit reason'); } // Was going to use the existing encounter for today if there is one, but // decided it's right to always create a new one. Leaving the code here // (and corresponding function above) in case it is ever wanted later. /******************************************************************* $encounter = todaysEncounterIf($patient_id); if ($encounter) return $encounter; *******************************************************************/ $tmprow = sqlQuery("SELECT username, facility, facility_id FROM users " . "WHERE id = ?", array($_SESSION["authUserID"])); $username = $tmprow['username']; $facility = $tmprow['facility']; $facility_id = $tmprow['facility_id']; $conn = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; $encounter = $conn->GenID("sequences"); $provider_id = $userauthorized ? $_SESSION['authUserID'] : 0; addForm($encounter, "New Patient Encounter", sqlInsert("INSERT INTO form_encounter SET date = ?, onset_date = ?, " . "reason = ?, facility = ?, facility_id = ?, pid = ?, encounter = ?, " . "provider_id = ?", array($today, $today, $reason, $facility, $facility_id, $patient_id, $encounter, $provider_id)), "newpatient", $patient_id, $userauthorized, "NOW()", $username); return $encounter; }
function default_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { return; } $this->prosthesis = new FormProsthesis($_POST['id']); parent::populate_object($this->prosthesis); $this->prosthesis->persist(); if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") { $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd"); } addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Prosthesis & Orthotics Form", $this->prosthesis->id, "prosthesis", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']); if (!empty($_POST['cpt_code'])) { $sql = "select * from codes where code ='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cpt_code']) . "' order by id"; $results = sqlQ($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($results); if (!empty($row)) { addBilling(date("Ymd"), 'CPT4', $row['code'], $row['code_text'], $_SESSION['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $row['modifier'], $row['units'], $row['fee']); } } $_POST['process'] = ""; return; }
/** * Returns a form to rejudge all judgings based on a (table,id) * pair. For example, to rejudge all for language 'java', call * as rejudgeForm('language', 'java'). */ function rejudgeForm($table, $id) { $ret = addForm('rejudge.php') . addHidden('table', $table) . addHidden('id', $id); $button = 'REJUDGE this submission'; $question = "Rejudge submission s{$id}?"; $disabled = false; $allbutton = false; // special case submission if ($table == 'submission') { // disable the form button if there are no valid judgings anyway // (nothing to rejudge) or if the result is already correct global $DB; $validresult = $DB->q('MAYBEVALUE SELECT result FROM judging WHERE submitid = %i AND valid = 1', $id); if (IS_ADMIN) { if (!$validresult) { $question = "Restart judging of PENDING submission s{$id}, " . 'are you sure?'; $button = 'RESTART judging'; } elseif ($validresult == 'correct') { $question = "Rejudge CORRECT submission s{$id}, " . 'are you sure?'; } } else { if (!$validresult || $validresult == 'correct') { $disabled = true; } } } else { $button = "REJUDGE ALL for {$table} {$id}"; $question = "Rejudge all submissions for this {$table}?"; if (IS_ADMIN) { $allbutton = true; } } $ret .= '<input type="submit" value="' . htmlspecialchars($button) . '" ' . ($disabled ? 'disabled="disabled"' : 'onclick="return confirm(\'' . htmlspecialchars($question) . '\');"') . " />\n" . ($allbutton ? addCheckBox('include_all') . '<label for="include_all">include pending/correct submissions</label>' : '') . addCheckBox('full_rejudge') . '<label for="full_rejudge">create rejudging with reason: </label>' . addInput('reason', '', 0, 255) . addEndForm(); return $ret; }
$restrictions['judged'] = 0; } if ($viewtypes[$view] == 'diff') { $restrictions['rejudgingdiff'] = 1; } if (isset($_REQUEST['old_verdict']) && $_REQUEST['old_verdict'] != 'all') { $restrictions['old_result'] = $_REQUEST['old_verdict']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['new_verdict']) && $_REQUEST['new_verdict'] != 'all') { $restrictions['result'] = $_REQUEST['new_verdict']; } echo "<p>Show submissions:</p>\n" . addForm($pagename, 'get') . addHidden('id', $id); for ($i = 0; $i < count($viewtypes); ++$i) { echo addSubmit($viewtypes[$i], 'view[' . $i . ']', null, $view != $i); } if (isset($_REQUEST['old_verdict'])) { echo addHidden('old_verdict', $_REQUEST['old_verdict']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['new_verdict'])) { echo addHidden('new_verdict', $_REQUEST['new_verdict']); } echo addEndForm() . "<br />\n"; echo addForm($pagename, 'get') . addHidden('id', $id) . addHidden("view[{$view}]", $viewtypes[$view]); $verdicts = array_keys($verdicts); array_unshift($verdicts, 'all'); echo "old verdict: " . addSelect('old_verdict', $verdicts, isset($_REQUEST['old_verdict']) ? $_REQUEST['old_verdict'] : 'all'); echo ", new verdict: " . addSelect('new_verdict', $verdicts, isset($_REQUEST['new_verdict']) ? $_REQUEST['new_verdict'] : 'all'); echo addSubmit('filter') . addEndForm(); echo addForm($pagename, 'get') . addHidden('id', $id) . addHidden("view[{$view}]", $viewtypes[$view]) . addSubmit('clear') . addEndForm() . "<br /><br />\n"; putSubmissions($cdatas, $restrictions); require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
} if ($use_folder == true) { $box[$q] = htmlspecialchars($boxes_all[$i]['unformatted-dm']); $box2[$q] = htmlspecialchars(imap_utf7_decode_local($boxes_all[$i]['unformatted-disp'])); $q++; } } if ($box && $box2) { echo addForm('folders_subscribe.php?method=sub') . '<tt><select name="mailbox[]" multiple="multiple" size="8">'; for ($q = 0; $q < count($box); $q++) { echo ' <option value="' . $box[$q] . '">' . $box2[$q] . "</option>\n"; } echo '</select></tt><br /><br />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . _("Subscribe") . "\" />\n" . "</form></td></tr></table><br />\n"; } else { echo _("No folders were found to subscribe to!") . '</td></tr></table>'; } } else { /* don't perform the list action -- this is much faster */ echo addForm('folders_subscribe.php?method=sub') . _("Subscribe to:") . '<br />' . '<tt><input type="text" name="mailbox[]" size="35" />' . '<input type="submit" value="' . _("Subscribe") . "\" />\n" . "</form></td></tr></table><br />\n"; } do_hook('folders_bottom'); ?> </td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table> <?php sqimap_logout($imapConnection); ?> </body></html>
include_once "{$srcdir}/"; include_once "{$srcdir}/"; include_once "{$srcdir}/"; include_once "{$srcdir}/"; $frmn = 'form_plist'; $ftitle = 'Problem list'; $old = sqlStatement("select form_id, formdir from forms where (form_name='{$ftitle}') and (pid={$pid}) order by date desc limit 1"); if ($old) { $dt = sqlFetchArray($old); $fid = $dt['form_id']; if ($fid && $fid != 0 && $fid != '') { $fdir = $dt['formdir']; unset($dt); $dt = formFetch($frmn, $fid); $newid = formSubmit($frmn, array_slice($dt, 7), $id, $userauthorized); addForm($encounter, $ftitle, $newid, $fdir, $pid, $userauthorized); $id = $newid; formJump("{$rootdir}/patient_file/encounter/view_form.php?formname={$fdir}&id={$newid}"); exit; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <?php html_header_show(); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php
sqgetGlobalVar('delimiter', $delimiter, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox, SQ_POST); /* end globals */ if ($mailbox == '') { displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); plain_error_message(_("You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so.") . '<br /><a href="../src/folders.php">' . _("Click here to go back") . '</a>.', $color); exit; } if (sqgetGlobalVar('backingout', $tmp, SQ_POST)) { $location = get_location(); header("Location: {$location}/folders.php"); exit; } if (!sqgetGlobalVar('confirmed', $tmp, SQ_POST)) { displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); echo '<br />' . html_tag('table', '', 'center', '', 'width="95%" border="0"') . html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', '<b>' . _("Delete Folder") . '</b>', 'center', $color[0])) . html_tag('tr') . html_tag('td', '', 'center', $color[4]) . sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete %s?"), str_replace(array(' ', '<', '>'), array(' ', '<', '>'), imap_utf7_decode_local($mailbox))) . addForm('folders_delete.php', 'post') . "<p>\n" . addHidden('mailbox', $mailbox) . addSubmit(_("Yes"), 'confirmed') . addSubmit(_("No"), 'backingout') . '</p></form><br /></td></tr></table>'; exit; } $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imap_stream); $numboxes = count($boxes); global $delete_folder; if (substr($mailbox, -1) == $delimiter) { $mailbox_no_dm = substr($mailbox, 0, strlen($mailbox) - 1); } else { $mailbox_no_dm = $mailbox; } /** lets see if we CAN move folders to the trash.. otherwise, ** just delete them **/ if (isset($delete_folder) && $delete_folder || eregi('^' . $trash_folder . '.+', $mailbox)) { $can_move_to_trash = FALSE;
} ?> <?php // If the user requested attachment of any orphaned procedure orders, do it. if (!empty($_GET['attachid'])) { $attachid = explode(',', $_GET['attachid']); foreach ($attachid as $aid) { $aid = intval($aid); if (!$aid) { continue; } $tmp = sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM procedure_order WHERE " . "procedure_order_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND encounter_id = 0 AND activity = 1", array($aid, $pid)); if (!empty($tmp['count'])) { sqlStatement("UPDATE procedure_order SET encounter_id = ? WHERE " . "procedure_order_id = ? AND patient_id = ? AND encounter_id = 0 AND activity = 1", array($encounter, $aid, $pid)); addForm($encounter, "Procedure Order", $aid, "procedure_order", $pid, $userauthorized); } } } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready( function($) { var formConfig = <?php echo $esignApi->formConfigToJson(); ?> ; $(".esign-button-form").esign( formConfig, {
} echo "</table>\n"; } // Show JS toggle of previous submission results. if ($lastjud !== NULL) { echo "<span class=\"testcases_prev\">" . "<a href=\"javascript:togglelastruns();\">show/hide</a> results of previous " . "<a href=\"submission.php?id={$lastsubmitid}\">submission s{$lastsubmitid}</a>" . (empty($lastjud['verify_comment']) ? '' : "<span class=\"prevsubmit\"> (verify comment: '" . $lastjud['verify_comment'] . "')</span>") . "</span>"; } // display following data only when the judging has been completed if ($judging_ended) { // display verification data: verified, by whom, and comment. // only if this is a valid judging, otherwise irrelevant if ($jud['valid'] || isset($jud['rejudgingid']) && $jud['rvalid']) { $verification_required = dbconfig_get('verification_required', 0); if (!($verification_required && $jud['verified'])) { $val = !$jud['verified']; echo addForm('verify.php') . addHidden('id', $jud['judgingid']) . addHidden('val', $val) . addHidden('redirect', @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } echo "<p>Verified: " . "<strong>" . printyn($jud['verified']) . "</strong>"; if ($jud['verified'] && !empty($jud['jury_member'])) { echo ", by " . specialchars($jud['jury_member']); if (!empty($jud['verify_comment'])) { echo ' with comment "' . specialchars($jud['verify_comment']) . '"'; } } if (!($verification_required && $jud['verified'])) { echo '; ' . addSubmit(($val ? '' : 'un') . 'mark verified', 'verify'); if ($val) { echo ' with comment ' . addInput('comment', '', 25); } echo "</p>" . addEndForm(); } else {
<?php //------------Forms generated from formsWiz include_once "../../globals.php"; include_once "{$srcdir}/"; include_once "{$srcdir}/"; foreach ($_POST as $k => $var) { $_POST[$k] = mysql_escape_string($var); echo "{$var}\n"; } if ($encounter == "") { $encounter = date("Ymd"); } if ($_GET["mode"] == "new") { $newid = formSubmit("form_dictation", $_POST, $_GET["id"], $userauthorized); addForm($encounter, "Speech Dictation", $newid, "dictation", $pid, $userauthorized); } elseif ($_GET["mode"] == "update") { sqlInsert("update form_dictation set pid = {$_SESSION["pid"]},groupname='" . $_SESSION["authProvider"] . "',user='******',authorized={$userauthorized},activity=1, date = NOW(), dictation='" . $_POST["dictation"] . "', additional_notes='" . $_POST["additional_notes"] . "' where id={$id}"); } $_SESSION["encounter"] = $encounter; formHeader("Redirecting...."); formJump(); formFooter();
/** * Function to output a complete scoreboard. * This takes care of outputting the headings, start/endtimes and footer * of the scoreboard. It calls genScoreBoard to generate the data and * renderScoreBoardTable for displaying the actual table. * * Arguments: * $cdata current contest data, as from an index in 'getCurContests(TRUE)' * $myteamid set to highlight that teamid in the scoreboard * $static generate a static scoreboard, e.g. for external use * $filter set to TRUE to generate filter options, or pass array * with keys 'affilid', 'country', 'categoryid' pointing * to array of values to filter on these. * $sdata if not NULL, use this as scoreboard data instead of fetching it locally */ function putScoreBoard($cdata, $myteamid = NULL, $static = FALSE, $filter = FALSE, $sdata = NULL) { global $DB, $pagename; if (empty($cdata)) { echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No active contest</p>\n"; return; } $fdata = calcFreezeData($cdata); if ($sdata === NULL) { $sdata = genScoreBoard($cdata, IS_JURY, $filter); } // page heading with contestname and start/endtimes echo '<div class="score-head">'; echo "<h1>Scoreboard " . htmlspecialchars($cdata['name']) . "</h1>\n\n"; if ($fdata['showfinal']) { echo "<h4>final standings</h4>\n\n"; } elseif (!$fdata['cstarted']) { echo "<h4>" . printContestStart($cdata) . "</h4>\n\n"; // Stop here (do not leak problem number, descriptions etc). // Alternatively we could only display the list of teams? if (!IS_JURY) { return; } } else { echo "<h4>starts: " . printtime($cdata['starttime']) . " - ends: " . printtime($cdata['endtime']); if ($fdata['showfrozen']) { echo " ("; if (IS_JURY) { echo '<a href="../public/">the public scoreboard</a> is '; } echo "frozen since " . printtime($cdata['freezetime']) . ")"; } echo "</h4>\n\n"; } echo '</div>'; // The static scoreboard does not support filtering if ($filter !== FALSE && $static !== TRUE) { $categids = $DB->q('KEYVALUETABLE SELECT categoryid, name FROM team_category ' . (IS_JURY ? '' : 'WHERE visible = 1 ')); // show only affilids/countries with visible teams if (empty($categids)) { $affils = array(); } else { $affils = $DB->q('KEYTABLE SELECT affilid AS ARRAYKEY,, country FROM team_affiliation LEFT JOIN team t USING (affilid) INNER JOIN contest c ON (c.cid = %i) LEFT JOIN contestteam ct ON (ct.teamid = t.teamid AND ct.cid = c.cid) WHERE categoryid IN (%As) AND c.cid = %i AND (c.public = 1 OR ct.teamid IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY affilid', $cdata['cid'], array_keys($categids), $cdata['cid']); } $affilids = array(); $countries = array(); foreach ($affils as $id => $affil) { $affilids[$id] = $affil['name']; if (isset($affil['country'])) { $countries[] = $affil['country']; } } $countries = array_unique($countries); sort($countries); $filteron = array(); $filtertext = ""; foreach (array('affilid' => 'affiliation', 'country' => 'country', 'categoryid' => 'category') as $type => $text) { if (isset($filter[$type])) { $filteron[] = $text; } } if (sizeof($filteron) > 0) { $filtertext = "(filtered on " . implode(", ", $filteron) . ")"; } require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/forms.php'; ?> <table class="scorefilter"> <tr> <td><a class="collapse" href="javascript:collapse('filter')"><img src="../images/filter.png" alt="filter…" title="filter…" class="picto" /></a></td> <td><?php echo $filtertext; ?> </td> <td><div id="detailfilter"> <?php echo addForm($pagename, 'get') . (count($affilids) > 1 ? addSelect('affilid[]', $affilids, @$filter['affilid'], TRUE, 8) : "") . (count($countries) > 1 ? addSelect('country[]', $countries, @$filter['country'], FALSE, 8) : "") . (count($categids) > 1 ? addSelect('categoryid[]', $categids, @$filter['categoryid'], TRUE, 8) : "") . addSubmit('filter', 'filter') . addSubmit('clear', 'clear') . addEndForm(); ?> </div></td></tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- collapse("filter"); // --> </script> <?php } renderScoreBoardTable($sdata, $myteamid, $static); // last modified date, now if we are the jury, else include the // freeze time if (!IS_JURY && $fdata['showfrozen']) { $lastupdate = printtime($cdata['freezetime'], '%a %d %b %Y %T %Z'); } else { $lastupdate = printtime(now(), '%a %d %b %Y %T %Z'); } echo "<p id=\"lastmod\">Last Update: {$lastupdate}<br />\n" . "using <a href=\"\">DOMjudge</a></p>\n\n"; return; }
} sqlStatement($query); } else { // new form if ($value !== '') { if ($newid) { sqlStatement("INSERT INTO lbf_data " . "( form_id, field_id, field_value ) " . " VALUES ( '{$newid}', '{$field_id}', '{$value}' )"); } else { $newid = sqlInsert("INSERT INTO lbf_data " . "( field_id, field_value ) " . " VALUES ( '{$field_id}', '{$value}' )"); } } // Note that a completely empty form will not be created at all! } } if (!$formid && $newid) { addForm($encounter, $formtitle, $newid, $formname, $pid, $userauthorized); } formHeader("Redirecting...."); formJump(); formFooter(); exit; } if (empty($is_lbf)) { $fname = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/LBF/{$formname}.plugin.php"; if (file_exists($fname)) { include_once $fname; } } ?> <html> <head>
} else { if ($reltime < dbconfig_get('judgehost_critical', 120)) { echo "judgehost-warn"; } else { echo "judgehost-crit"; } } echo "\" title =\"last checked in {$reltime} seconds ago\">"; } echo $link . CIRCLE_SYM . "</a></td>"; echo "<td>" . $link . (is_null($row['name']) ? '<i>none</i>' : $row['name']) . '</a></td>'; echo "<td title=\"load during the last 2 and 10 minutes and the whole contest\">" . $link . sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f', @$work2min[$row['hostname']] / (2 * 60), @$work10min[$row['hostname']] / (10 * 60), @$workcontest[$row['hostname']] / $clen) . "</a></td>"; if (IS_ADMIN) { if ($row['active']) { $activepicto = "pause"; $activecmd = "deactivate"; } else { $activepicto = "play"; $activecmd = "activate"; } echo "<td><a href=\"judgehost.php?id=" . $row['hostname'] . "&cmd=" . $activecmd . "\"><img class=\"picto\" alt=\"" . $activecmd . "\" title=\"" . $activecmd . " judgehost\" " . "src=\"../images/" . $activepicto . ".png\" /></a></td>"; echo "<td>" . delLink('judgehost', 'hostname', $row['hostname']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo addForm($pagename) . "<p>" . addSubmit('Start all judgehosts', 'cmd-activate') . addSubmit('Stop all judgehosts', 'cmd-deactivate') . "<br /><br />\n\n" . addLink('judgehosts', true) . "\n" . editLink('judgehosts', null, true) . "</p>\n" . addEndForm(); } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
if (empty($_POST['form_copy_sn_visit'])) { $info_msg .= "This patient has no visits! "; } else { $encounter_id = 0 + $_POST['form_copy_sn_visit']; } if (!$info_msg) { // Merge the selected pages. $info_msg .= mergeTiffs(); $tmp_name = "{$faxcache}/temp.tif"; } if (!$info_msg) { // The following is cloned from contrib/forms/scanned_notes/new.php: // $query = "INSERT INTO form_scanned_notes ( " . "notes " . ") VALUES ( " . "'" . $_POST['form_copy_sn_comments'] . "' " . ")"; $formid = sqlInsert($query); addForm($encounter_id, "Scanned Notes", $formid, "scanned_notes", $patient_id, $userauthorized); // $imagedir = "{$webserver_root}/documents/{$patient_id}/encounters"; $imagepath = "{$imagedir}/{$encounter_id}_{$formid}.jpg"; // if (!is_dir($imagedir)) { $tmp0 = exec("mkdir -p '{$imagedir}'", $tmp1, $tmp2); if ($tmp2) { die("mkdir returned {$tmp2}: {$tmp0}"); } exec("touch '{$imagedir}/index.html'"); } if (is_file($imagepath)) { unlink($imagepath); } // TBD: There may be a faster way to create this file, given that
function DOBandEncounter() { global $event_date, $info_msg; // Save new DOB if it's there. $patient_dob = trim($_POST['form_dob']); if ($patient_dob && $_POST['form_pid']) { sqlStatement("UPDATE patient_data SET DOB = '{$patient_dob}' WHERE " . "pid = '" . $_POST['form_pid'] . "'"); } // Auto-create a new encounter if appropriate. // if ($GLOBALS['auto_create_new_encounters'] && $_POST['form_apptstatus'] == '@' && $event_date == date('Y-m-d')) { $tmprow = sqlQuery("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM form_encounter WHERE " . "pid = '" . $_POST['form_pid'] . "' AND date = '{$event_date} 00:00:00'"); if ($tmprow['count'] == 0) { $tmprow = sqlQuery("SELECT username, facility, facility_id FROM users WHERE id = '" . $_POST['form_provider'] . "'"); $username = $tmprow['username']; $facility = $tmprow['facility']; // $facility_id = $tmprow['facility_id']; // use the session facility if it is set, otherwise the one from the provider. $facility_id = $_SESSION['pc_facility'] ? $_SESSION['pc_facility'] : $tmprow['facility_id']; $conn = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; $encounter = $conn->GenID("sequences"); addForm($encounter, "New Patient Encounter", sqlInsert("INSERT INTO form_encounter SET " . "date = '{$event_date}', " . "onset_date = '{$event_date}', " . "reason = '" . formData("form_comments") . "', " . "facility = '{$facility}', " . "facility_id = '" . (int) $_POST['facility'] . "', " . "billing_facility = '" . (int) $_POST['billing_facility'] . "', " . "provider_id = '" . (int) $_POST['form_provider'] . "', " . "pid = '" . $_POST['form_pid'] . "', " . "encounter = '{$encounter}'"), "newpatient", $_POST['form_pid'], "1", "NOW()", $username); $info_msg .= "New encounter {$encounter} was created. "; } } }
displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); plain_error_message(_("You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so.") . '<br /><a href="../src/folders.php">' . _("Click here to go back") . '</a>.', $color); exit; } if (substr($old, strlen($old) - strlen($delimiter)) == $delimiter) { $isfolder = TRUE; $old = substr($old, 0, strlen($old) - 1); } else { $isfolder = FALSE; } $old = imap_utf7_decode_local($old); // displayable mailbox format is without folder prefix on front global $folder_prefix; if (substr($old, 0, strlen($folder_prefix)) == $folder_prefix) { $displayable_old = substr($old, strlen($folder_prefix)); } else { $displayable_old = $old; } if (strpos($displayable_old, $delimiter)) { $old_name = substr($displayable_old, strrpos($displayable_old, $delimiter) + 1); $parent = htmlspecialchars(substr($displayable_old, 0, strrpos($displayable_old, $delimiter)) . ' ' . $delimiter); } else { $old_name = $displayable_old; $parent = ''; } displayPageHeader($color, 'None'); echo '<br />' . html_tag('table', '', 'center', '', 'width="95%" border="0"') . html_tag('tr', html_tag('td', '<b>' . _("Rename a folder") . '</b>', 'center', $color[0])) . html_tag('tr') . html_tag('td', '', 'center', $color[4]) . addForm('folders_rename_do.php') . _("New name:") . '<br /><b>' . $parent . '</b>' . addInput('new_name', $old_name, 25) . '<br />' . "\n"; if ($isfolder) { echo addHidden('isfolder', 'true'); } echo addHidden('orig', $old) . addHidden('old_name', $old_name) . '<input type="submit" value="' . _("Submit") . "\" />\n" . '</form><br /></td></tr></table>';
if (checkrole('team')) { echo "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"../team/\" accesskey=\"t\"><span class=\"octicon octicon-arrow-right\"></span> team</a>\n"; } ?> </div> <div id="menutopright"> <?php putClock(); $notify_flag = isset($_COOKIE["domjudge_notify"]) && (bool) $_COOKIE["domjudge_notify"]; $refresh_flag = !isset($_COOKIE["domjudge_refresh"]) || (bool) $_COOKIE["domjudge_refresh"]; echo "<div id=\"toggles\">\n"; if (isset($refresh)) { $text = $refresh_flag ? 'Disable' : 'Enable'; echo '<input id="refresh-toggle" type="button" value="' . $text . ' refresh" />'; } // Default hide this from view, only show when javascript and // notifications are available: echo '<div id="notify" style="display: none">' . addForm('toggle_notify.php', 'get') . addHidden('enable', $notify_flag ? 0 : 1) . addSubmit(($notify_flag ? 'Dis' : 'En') . 'able notifications', 'toggle_notify', 'return toggleNotifications(' . ($notify_flag ? 'false' : 'true') . ')') . addEndForm() . "</div>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if ( 'Notification' in window ) { document.getElementById('notify').style.display = 'block'; } // --> </script> </div> </div></nav>