function parse($file) { $objExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($file); $sheets = $objExcel->getAllSheets(); $sheetNum = 1; foreach ($sheets as $sheet) { echo 'Processing Sheet ', $sheetNum++, '<br>'; $row = 1; while (true) { echo 'Processing Row ', $row, '<br>'; if ($sheet->cellExistsByColumnAndRow(0, $row)) { $firstName = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(0, $row)->__toString(); if ($firstName == 'First Name') { $row++; continue; } $lastName = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(1, $row)->__toString(); $email = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(2, $row)->__toString(); $company = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(3, $row)->__toString(); $job = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(4, $row)->__toString(); $tags = $sheet->getCellByColumnAndRow(5, $row)->__toString(); echo $firstName, ' ', $lastName, ' ', $email, ' ', $company, ' ', $job, ' ', $tags, '<br>'; addContact($firstName, $lastName, $email, $company, $job, $tags); } else { $row = -1; break; } $row++; } echo '<br><br>'; } }
function generateContacts($url, $username, $password) { $client = new SPOClient($url); $client->signIn($username, $password); $contactsCount = 120; for ($i = 0; $i < $contactsCount; $i++) { $contactEntry = createContactEntry(); $item = addContact($client, $contactEntry); print "Contact '{$item->Title}' has been created succesfully.\r\n"; } }
function SynCcontact($employeeNumber) { $ct = new contacts(null, $employeeNumber); $obmex = new obm_export(1); if ($ct->uidNumber == null) { write_syslog("Checking {$employeeNumber} uidNumber is null aborting, failed to import to OBM database", __FILE__); die; } if (preg_match("#ou=(.+?),ou=People,#", $ct->dn, $re)) { $uidMaster = $re[1]; $contact = new user($uidMaster); if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+)#", $contact->mail, $re)) { $DomainId = GetobmDomainId($re[2]); write_syslog("From {$uidMaster} ({$contact->mail}) DomainId={$DomainId}", __FILE__); } } if (!IsUserExists($ct->uidNumber)) { write_syslog("Checking {$employeeNumber} ({$ct->uidNumber}) does not exists", __FILE__); addContact($ct, $DomainId); } editContact($ct, $DomainId); die; }
} } else { if ($_GET['action'] == addContactType && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50) { //if the user is adding the contact, then add it if (isset($_POST['addContactType'])) { $contactType = new PersonType(); addContactType($contactType); } else { addContactTypeForm(); } } else { if ($_GET['action'] == addContact && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50 || $_GET['action'] == addPerson && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50) { $contact = new Person(); //if the user is adding the contact, then add it if (isset($_POST['addContact'])) { addContact($contact); } else { if (isset($_POST['addContactExist'])) { addContactExist(); } else { if ($_GET['action'] == addContact) { addContactForm(); } else { addPersonForm(); } } } } else { if ($_GET['action'] == removeGroupType && $_SESSION['access'] >= 50) { //get the contact ID and remove that $groupType = new ContactType($_GET['groupTypeID']);
} } $contacts = getContacts($_SESSION["username"]); $friends = getFriends($_SESSION["username"]); $foes = getFoes($_SESSION["username"]); render("contact_template.php", ["contacts" => $contacts, "friends" => $friends, "foes" => $foes, "errortext_contact" => $errortext_contact, "errortext_friend" => $errortext_friend, "errortext_foe" => $errortext_foe, "titile" => "Contact"]); } else { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST["contact"])) { if ($_POST["contact"] === $_SESSION["username"]) { $errortext_contact = "can't add yourself"; } else { if (existUser($_POST["contact"]) === 0) { $errortext_contact = "user " . $_POST["contact"] . " doesn't exist"; } else { $result = addContact($_SESSION["username"], $_POST["contact"]); if ($result === 0) { $errortext_contact = "you are a foe of " . $_POST["contact"] . ", you can't add " . $_POST["contact"] . " as a contact"; } else { $errortext_contact = "add contact successfully"; } } } } else { if (!empty($_POST["friend"])) { if ($_POST["friend"] === $_SESSION["username"]) { $errortext_friend = "can't add yourself"; } else { if (existUser($_POST["friend"]) === 0) { $errortext_friend = "user " . $_POST["friend"] . " doesn't exist"; } else {
require '../src/Telegram.php'; $token = ''; // HERE YOUR TOKEN // You will need a file called quotes (without extension) // from there it will take the quotes and send them to your subscribers :) $tg = new telegramBot($token); $offset = 0; $response = $tg->pollUpdates($offset, 60); $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['ok']) { foreach ($response['result'] as $data) { $chatID = $data['message']['chat']['id']; switch ($data['message']['text']) { case '/start': addContact($chatID); break; case '/remove': deleteContact($chatID); break; } } $offset = $response['result'][count($response['result']) - 1]['update_id'] + 1; } $chats = allChats(); $quotes = readQuotes(); $i = 0; for ($i; $i < count($chats); $i++) { $tg->sendMessage($chats[$i]['chat_id'], $quotes[$chats[$i]['init']]); updateInit($chats[$i]['chat_id']); if ($chats[$i]['init'] == count($quotes) - 1) {
$userName = $_GET['userName']; } else { $userName = null; } if (isset($_GET['siteID'])) { $siteID = $_GET['siteID']; } else { $siteID = null; } if (isset($_GET['status'])) { $status = $_GET['status']; } else { $status = null; } if ($action == "create") { $id = addContact($id, $sessionID, $userName, $siteID, $status); echo "{ \"id\": " . $id . "}"; return; } else { if ($action == "remove") { $num = removeContact($id); echo "{ \"num\": " . $num . "}"; return; } else { if ($action == "change") { changeContact($id, $sessionID, $userName, $siteID, $status); echo "{ \"message\": \"done\" }"; return; } else { if ($action == "load") { $d = loadContacts();
$invoiceemails = 1; } if ($productemails) { $productemails = 1; } if ($supportemails) { $supportemails = 1; } if ($affiliateemails) { $affiliateemails = 1; } if ($contactid == "addnew") { if ($password && $password != $aInt->lang("fields", "password")) { $array['password'] = generateClientPW($password); } $contactid = addContact($userid, $firstname, $lastname, $companyname, $email, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $postcode, $country, $phonenumber, $password, $permissions, $generalemails, $productemails, $domainemails, $invoiceemails, $supportemails); logActivity("Added Contact - User ID: " . $userid . " - Contact ID: " . $contactid); } else { logActivity("Contact Modified - User ID: " . $userid . " - Contact ID: " . $contactid); $oldcontactdata = get_query_vals("tblcontacts", "", array("userid" => $_SESSION['uid'], "id" => $id)); if ($permissions) { $permissions = implode(",", $permissions); } $table = "tblcontacts"; $array = array("firstname" => $firstname, "lastname" => $lastname, "companyname" => $companyname, "email" => $email, "address1" => $address1, "address2" => $address2, "city" => $city, "state" => $state, "postcode" => $postcode, "country" => $country, "phonenumber" => $phonenumber, "subaccount" => $subaccount, "permissions" => $permissions, "domainemails" => $domainemails, "generalemails" => $generalemails, "invoiceemails" => $invoiceemails, "productemails" => $productemails, "supportemails" => $supportemails, "affiliateemails" => $affiliateemails); if ($password && $password != $aInt->lang("fields", "entertochange")) { $array['password'] = generateClientPW($password); } $where = array("id" => $contactid); update_query($table, $array, $where); run_hook("ContactEdit", array_merge(array("userid" => $userid, "contactid" => $contactid, "olddata" => $oldcontactdata), $array));
<?php /** * Main object. * @author Kikapp * @version 1.0 */ $win = new SDPanel(); $win->setCaption("Address Book"); $actionBar = new ActionBar(); $actionBar->setClass("applicationBars"); $mainTable = new Table(); $btn_contact_add = new Button(); $btn_contact_add->setCaption("Add Contact"); $btn_contact_add->onTap(addContact()); $btn_contact_viewAll = new Button(); $btn_contact_viewAll->setCaption("View All Contact"); $btn_contact_viewAll->onTap(viewAllContact()); $input_name = new InputText(); $input_name->setLabelCaption("Name"); $input_lastname = new InputText(); $input_lastname->setLabelCaption("Last Name"); $input_email = new InputEmail(); $input_email->setLabelCaption("E-mail"); $input_phone = new InputPhone(); $input_phone->setLabelCaption("Phone"); $input_work = new InputText(); $input_work->setLabelCaption("Work"); $input_message = new InputText(); $input_message->setLabelCaption("Message"); $mainTable->addControl($input_name, 1, 1);
function onGetMessage($mynumber, $from, $id, $type, $time, $name, $body) { $number = ExtractNumber($from); if ($number != $GLOBALS['current_contact']) { $nickname = findNicknameByPhone($number); if ($nickname != '' || $nickname != null) { echo " < New message from {$nickname} >"; } else { echo " < New message from {$name} ({$number}) >"; do { echo "\nDo you want to add {$name} ({$number})? add/block/nothing\n"; echo '> '; $option = trim(fgets(STDIN)); } while ($option != 'add' || $option != 'block' || $option != 'nothing'); switch ($option) { case 'add': echo "\nEnter the nickname/name > "; $nickname = trim(fgets(STDIN)); addContact($number, $nickname); $GLOBALS['wa']->sendSync([$number], null, 3); $GLOBALS['wa']->sendPresenceSubscription($number); break; case 'block': $blockedContacts = privacySettings($number, 'block'); $GLOBALS['wa']->sendSetPrivacyBlockedList($blockedContacts); echo "{$name} ({$number}) is now blocked\n"; break; } } } }
<?php session_start(); include '../common-code/db.php'; addContact(); function addContact() { $conn = dbConnect(); $name = ''; $email = ''; $mobile = ''; $position = ''; if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $name = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['name']); } if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['email']); } if (isset($_POST['mobile'])) { $mobile = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['mobile']); } if (isset($_POST['position'])) { $position = $conn->real_escape_string($_POST['position']); } $sql = "INSERT into contactus(name,position,email,mobile) VALUES('{$name}','{$position}','{$email}','{$mobile}')"; $result = $conn->query($sql); dbDisconnect($conn); if ($result) { header("location:../contact.php"); } else { echo "Some error occured..:(";
function updateContact($user) { $userContactId = $_POST["sid"]; $fname = $_POST["fname"]; $lname = $_POST["lname"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $phone = $_POST["phone"]; $facebook = $_POST["facebook"]; $linkedin = $_POST["linkedin"]; $github = $_POST["github"]; // check if other users are tracking this contact, safe to update if not $contactId = getContactIdFromUserContactId($userContactId); $trackers = countUsersTrackingContactId($contactId); // if other users are tracking this contact, need to make a new contact if ($trackers < 2) { // safe to update contact $query = "update contacts "; $query .= "set fname = \"{$fname}\", "; $query .= " lname = \"{$lname}\", "; $query .= " email = \"{$email}\", "; $query .= " phone = \"{$phone}\", "; $query .= " facebook = \"{$facebook}\", "; $query .= " linkedin = \"{$linkedin}\", "; $query .= " github = \"{$github}\" "; $query .= "where id = {$contactId}"; if (preparedStatement($query) !== true) { return "error updating contact {$contactId} from uc {$userContactId} {$trackers}"; } else { return true; } } else { // remove old connection if (removeUserContact($user, $userContactId) !== true) { return "error removing user contact "; } // add new contact if (addContact($fname, $lname, $email, $phone, $facebook, $linkedin, $github) !== true) { return "error adding new contact "; } $contactId = getContactIdFromValues($fname, $lname, $email, $phone, $facebook, $linkedin, $github); // connect new contact if (addUserContact($user, $contactId) !== true) { return "error adding new user contact"; } else { return true; } } }
static function handleMessageReceived($mynumber, $from, $id, $type, $time, $name, $body) { $number = ExtractNumber($from); $contact = getUserInfo($number); if (!$contact) { addContact($number, $name); $contact = getUserInfo($number); $main_menu = GenieConstants::searchElement(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT, GenieConstants::$REGISTRATION_MENU_CONTEXT, 'subMenu'); setMessageContext($main_menu, NULL, $contact['phone']); } //Handle ShortCut in request $requestArray = $data = preg_split('/\\s+/', $body); if ($requestArray[0][0] == '#') { self::handleShortCuts($contact, $requestArray); return; } $context = getMessageContext($number); $callBackFunction = 'initializeService'; if ($context['main_menu'] == -1) { self::handleGeneralConversation($body, $context, $contact); return; } if ($context['main_menu'] == 0) { if (GenieConstants::searchElement(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT, $body, 'id') != NULL) { updateMessageContext($body, NULL, $contact['phone']); PubSub::publish(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$body]->menuItem, $callBackFunction, $contact); } else { MessaggingController::sendMessage($contact, GenieConstants::$INVALID_SERVICE); MessaggingController::sendMessage($contact, GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_STRING); } return; } if ($context['main_menu'] != 0 && $context['main_menu'] != 8 && $context['sub_menu'] == NULL) { $subMenuKey = GenieConstants::searchElement(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->subMenu, $body, 'id'); $SubMenuDict = GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->subMenu; if ($subMenuKey != NULL) { updateMessageContext($context['main_menu'], $body, $contact['phone']); $callBackFunction = $SubMenuDict[$subMenuKey]->callBackMethod; PubSub::publish(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->menuItem, $callBackFunction, $contact); } else { MessaggingController::sendMessage($contact, GenieConstants::$INVALID_SERVICE); PubSub::publish(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->menuItem, $callBackFunction, $contact); } return; } else { if ($context['main_menu'] != 0 && $context['main_menu'] != 8 && $context['sub_menu'] != NULL) { $SubMenuDict = GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->subMenu; $callBackFunction = $SubMenuDict[$context['sub_menu']]->requestServer; PubSub::publish(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->menuItem, $callBackFunction, $contact, $body); return; } else { if ($context['sub_menu'] != NULL) { $callBackFunction = GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->subMenu[$context['sub_menu']]->callBackMethod; } else { if (GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->callBackMethod != NULL) { $callBackFunction = GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->callBackMethod; } } } } PubSub::publish(GenieConstants::$MAIN_MENU_CONTEXT[$context['main_menu']]->menuItem, $callBackFunction, $contact, $body); }
if ($validate->hasErrors()) { $errormessage .= $validate->getHTMLErrorOutput(); } $currency = getCurrency($_SESSION['uid'], $_SESSION['currency']); if ($_POST['updateonly']) { $errormessage = ""; } if ($ajax && $errormessage) { exit($errormessage); } if (!$errormessage && !$_POST['updateonly']) { if (!$_SESSION['uid']) { $userid = addClient($firstname, $lastname, $companyname, $email, $address1, $address2, $city, $state, $postcode, $country, $phonenumber, $password, $securityqid, $securityqans); } if ($contact == "addingnew") { $contact = addContact($_SESSION['uid'], $domaincontactfirstname, $domaincontactlastname, $domaincontactcompanyname, $domaincontactemail, $domaincontactaddress1, $domaincontactaddress2, $domaincontactcity, $domaincontactstate, $domaincontactpostcode, $domaincontactcountry, $domaincontactphonenumber); } $_SESSION['cart']['contact'] = $contact; $carttotals = calcCartTotals(true); if ($ccinfo == "new" && !$nostore) { updateCCDetails($_SESSION['uid'], $cctype, $ccnumber, $cccvv, $ccexpirymonth . $ccexpiryyear, $ccstartmonth . $ccstartyear, $ccissuenum); } $orderid = $_SESSION['orderdetails']['OrderID']; $fraudmodule = getActiveFraudModule(); if ($CONFIG['SkipFraudForExisting']) { $result = select_query("tblorders", "COUNT(*)", array("status" => "Active", "userid" => $_SESSION['uid'])); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($data[0]) { $fraudmodule = ""; } }
/** * Simple Contact Management App * * add.php - Add a new contact * */ require_once 'functions.php'; session_start(); $error = null; if (!empty($_POST)) { // Handle form submission and redirect to home page if (isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['phone'])) { // Verify nonceToken if (isset($_SESSION['nonceToken']) && isset($_POST['nonceToken']) && $_SESSION['nonceToken'] === $_POST['nonceToken']) { if (addContact($_POST['name'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['phone'])) { header("Location: index.php"); exit(0); } else { $error = "Unable to save data in DB"; } } else { $error = "Your request has expired - please try again"; } } } else { $nonceToken = md5(microtime() . rand()); $_SESSION['nonceToken'] = $nonceToken; } printHtmlHeader("Add Contact"); if ($error) {
<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>TIM JUNG - hw5</title> </head> <body> <?php $firstName = $_GET['firstName']; $lastName = $_GET['lastName']; $phone = $_GET['phone']; $age = $_GET['age']; require ''; addContact($firstName, $lastName, $phone, $age); ?> <p><?php echo "{$firstName} {$lastName}"; ?> was added as your contact.</p> <p><a href="main.html">back</a></p> </body> </html>