function alt_name_hover() { global $roster; $alt_hover = ''; if (active_addon('memberslist')) { $sql = "SELECT `main_id` FROM `" . $roster->db->table('alts', 'memberslist') . "` WHERE `member_id` = " . $roster->data['member_id'] . ";"; $main_id = $roster->db->query_first($sql); if ($main_id != 0) { // we know the main, get alt info $sql = "SELECT `m`.`name`, `m`.`level`, `m`.`class`, `a`.* FROM `" . $roster->db->table('alts', 'memberslist') . "` AS a, `" . $roster->db->table('players') . "` AS m " . " WHERE `a`.`member_id` = `m`.`member_id` " . " AND `a`.`main_id` = {$main_id};"; $qry = $roster->db->query($sql); $alts = $roster->db->fetch_all($qry, SQL_ASSOC); if (isset($alts[1])) { $html = $caption = ''; foreach ($alts as $alt) { if ($alt['main_id'] == $alt['member_id']) { $caption = 'Alts of: <a href="' . makelink('char-info&a=c:' . $alt['member_id']) . '">' . $alt['name'] . ' (' . $roster->locale->act['level'] . ' ' . $alt['level'] . ' ' . $alt['class'] . ')</a>'; } else { $html .= '<a href="' . makelink('char-info&a=c:' . $alt['member_id']) . '">' . $alt['name'] . ' (' . $roster->locale->act['level'] . ' ' . $alt['level'] . ' ' . $alt['class'] . ')</a><br />'; } } setTooltip('alt_html', $html); setTooltip('alt_cap', $caption); $alt_hover = ' style="cursor:pointer;" onmouseover="return overlib(overlib_alt_html,CAPTION,overlib_alt_cap);" ' . 'onclick="return overlib(overlib_alt_html,CAPTION,overlib_alt_cap,STICKY,OFFSETX,-10,OFFSETY,-10,NOCLOSE);" ' . 'onmouseout="return nd();"'; } } } $roster->tpl->assign_var('ALT_TOOLTIP', $alt_hover); }
function getAV($user) { global $roster; $user_is_active = active_addon('user'); $siggen_is_active = active_addon('siggen'); $av = null; if ($user_is_active == 1 && $siggen_is_active == 1) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $roster->db->table('user_members') . '` AS user ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . $roster->db->table('profile', 'user') . '` AS profile ON `user`.`id` = `profile`.`uid` ' . 'WHERE `user`.`usr` = "' . $user . '" '; $result = $roster->db->query($query); $rw = $roster->db->fetch($result); if (!empty($rw['avatar'])) { $av = '<img src="' . urldecode($rw['avatar']) . '" ></a>'; } } return $av; }
# You should have received a copy of the Affero General Public License # along with this program; if not, download it from // Multiple edits done for WoWRoster if (!defined('IN_ROSTER')) { exit('Detected invalid access to this file!'); } include ROSTER_LIB . 'item.php'; if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { $gbank_mode = $_GET['mode'] == 'inv' ? '2' : '1'; $gbank_mode = $_GET['mode'] == 'full' ? '1' : '2'; } else { $gbank_mode = $addon['config']['guildbank_ver']; } $columns = $gbank_mode == '2' ? '15' : '2'; $roster->output['title'] = $roster->locale->act['guildbank']; $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('U_FULL' => makelink('&mode=full'), 'U_INV' => makelink('&mode=inv'), 'S_MONEY' => (bool) $addon['config']['bank_money'], 'S_INFO_ADDON' => active_addon('info'), 'S_COLUMNS' => $columns, 'S_MODE' => $gbank_mode, 'L_GUILDBANK' => $roster->locale->act['guildbank'], 'L_LIST' => $roster->locale->act['gbank_list'], 'L_INV' => $roster->locale->act['gbank_inv'], 'L_TOTAL_MONEY' => $roster->locale->act['guildbank_totalmoney'], 'L_LAST_UPDATED' => $roster->locale->act['lastupdate'])); $muleNameQuery = "SELECT m.member_id, AS member_name, m.note AS member_note, m.officer_note AS member_officer_note, p.money_g AS gold, p.money_s AS silver, p.money_c AS copper, p.clientLocale, p.dateupdatedutc" . " FROM `" . $roster->db->table('players') . "` AS p, `" . $roster->db->table('members') . "` AS m" . " WHERE m." . $addon['config']['banker_fieldname'] . " LIKE '%" . $addon['config']['banker_rankname'] . "%' AND p.member_id = m.member_id AND m.guild_id = " . $roster->data['guild_id'] . " ORDER BY;"; $muleNames = $roster->db->query($muleNameQuery); if ($addon['config']['bank_money']) { $mulemoney = $roster->db->fetch($roster->db->query("SELECT SUM( p.money_g ) AS gold, SUM( p.money_s ) AS silver, SUM( p.money_c ) AS copper" . " FROM `" . $roster->db->table('players') . "` AS p, `" . $roster->db->table('members') . "` AS m" . " WHERE m." . $addon['config']['banker_fieldname'] . " LIKE '%" . $addon['config']['banker_rankname'] . "%'" . " AND p.member_id = m.member_id AND m.guild_id = " . $roster->data['guild_id'] . " ORDER BY;")); $addsilver = 0; if ($mulemoney['copper'] >= 100) { $mulemoney['copper'] = $mulemoney['copper'] / 100; $addsilver = (int) $mulemoney['copper']; $mulemoney['copper'] = explode('.', $mulemoney['copper']); $mulemoney['copper'] = $mulemoney['copper'][1]; } $mulemoney['silver'] = $mulemoney['silver'] + $addsilver; $addgold = 0; if ($mulemoney['silver'] >= 100) { $mulemoney['silver'] = $mulemoney['silver'] / 100;
/** * Addon installer/upgrader/uninstaller * */ function processAddon() { global $roster, $installer; $addon_name = $_POST['addon']; if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $addon_name)) { $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['invalid_char_module'], $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } // Check for temp tables //$old_error_die = $roster->db->error_die(false); if (false === $roster->db->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `test` (id int);")) { $installer->temp_tables = false; $roster->db->query("UPDATE `" . $roster->db->table('config') . "` SET `config_value` = '0' WHERE `id` = 1180;"); } else { $installer->temp_tables = true; } //$roster->db->error_die($old_error_die); // Include addon install definitions $addonDir = ROSTER_ADDONS . $addon_name . DIR_SEP; $addon_install_file = $addonDir . 'inc' . DIR_SEP . 'install.def.php'; $install_class = $addon_name . 'Install'; if (!file_exists($addon_install_file)) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_no_installdef'], $addon_name), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } require $addon_install_file; $addon = new $install_class(); $addata = escape_array((array) $addon); $addata['basename'] = $addon_name; if ($addata['basename'] == '') { $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['installer_no_empty'], $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } // Get existing addon record if available $query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $roster->db->table('addon') . '` WHERE `basename` = "' . $addata['basename'] . '";'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_fetch_failed'], $addata['basename']) . '.<br />MySQL said: ' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } $previous = $roster->db->fetch($result); $roster->db->free_result($result); // Give the installer the addon data $installer->addata = $addata; $success = false; // Save current locale array // Since we add all locales for localization, we save the current locale array // This is in case one addon has the same locale strings as another, and keeps them from overwritting one another $localetemp = $roster->locale->wordings; foreach ($roster->multilanguages as $lang) { $roster->locale->add_locale_file(ROSTER_ADDONS . $addata['basename'] . DIR_SEP . 'locale' . DIR_SEP . $lang . '.php', $lang); } // Collect data for this install type switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'install': if ($previous) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_addon_exist'], $installer->addata['basename'], $previous['fullname'])); break; } // check to see if any requred addons if so and not enabled disable addon after install and give a message if (isset($installer->addata['requires'])) { if (!active_addon($installer->addata['requires'])) { $installer->addata['active'] = false; $installer->setmessages('Addon Dependency "' . $installer->addata['requires'] . '" not active or installed, "' . $installer->addata['fullname'] . '" has been disabled'); break; } } $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $roster->db->table('addon') . '` VALUES (NULL,"' . $installer->addata['basename'] . '","' . $installer->addata['version'] . '","' . (int) $installer->addata['active'] . '",0,"' . $installer->addata['fullname'] . '","' . $installer->addata['description'] . '","' . $roster->db->escape(serialize($installer->addata['credits'])) . '","' . $installer->addata['icon'] . '","' . $installer->addata['wrnet_id'] . '",NULL);'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors('DB error while creating new addon record. <br /> MySQL said:' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); break; } $installer->addata['addon_id'] = $roster->db->insert_id(); // We backup the addon config table to prevent damage $installer->add_backup($roster->db->table('addon_config')); $success = $addon->install(); // Delete the addon record if there is an error if (!$success) { $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . $roster->db->table('addon') . "` WHERE `addon_id` = '" . $installer->addata['addon_id'] . "';"; $result = $roster->db->query($query); } else { $installer->sql[] = 'UPDATE `' . $roster->db->table('addon') . '` SET `active` = ' . (int) $installer->addata['active'] . " WHERE `addon_id` = '" . $installer->addata['addon_id'] . "';"; $installer->sql[] = "INSERT INTO `" . $roster->db->table('permissions') . "` VALUES ('', 'roster', '" . $installer->addata['addon_id'] . "', 'addon', '" . $installer->addata['fullname'] . "', 'addon_access_desc' , '" . $installer->addata['basename'] . "_access');"; } break; case 'upgrade': if (!$previous) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_no_upgrade'], $installer->addata['basename'])); break; } /* Carry Over from AP branch if( !in_array($previous['basename'],$addon->upgrades) ) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_not_upgradable'],$addon->fullname,$previous['fullname'],$previous['basename'])); break; } */ $query = "UPDATE `" . $roster->db->table('addon') . "` SET `basename`='" . $installer->addata['basename'] . "', `version`='" . $installer->addata['version'] . "', `active`=" . (int) $installer->addata['active'] . ", `fullname`='" . $installer->addata['fullname'] . "', `description`='" . $installer->addata['description'] . "', `credits`='" . serialize($installer->addata['credits']) . "', `icon`='" . $installer->addata['icon'] . "', `wrnet_id`='" . $installer->addata['wrnet_id'] . "' WHERE `addon_id`=" . $previous['addon_id'] . ';'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors('DB error while updating the addon record. <br /> MySQL said:' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); break; } $installer->addata['addon_id'] = $previous['addon_id']; // We backup the addon config table to prevent damage $installer->add_backup($roster->db->table('addon_config')); $success = $addon->upgrade($previous['version']); break; case 'uninstall': if (!$previous) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_no_uninstall'], $installer->addata['basename'])); break; } if ($previous['basename'] != $installer->addata['basename']) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_not_uninstallable'], $installer->addata['basename'], $previous['fullname'])); break; } $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . $roster->db->table('addon') . '` WHERE `addon_id`=' . $previous['addon_id'] . ';'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors('DB error while deleting the addon record. <br /> MySQL said:' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); break; } $installer->addata['addon_id'] = $previous['addon_id']; // We backup the addon config table to prevent damage $installer->add_backup($roster->db->table('addon_config')); $success = $addon->uninstall(); if ($success) { $installer->remove_permissions($previous['addon_id']); } break; case 'purge': $success = purge($installer->addata['basename']); break; default: $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['installer_invalid_type']); $success = false; break; } if (!$success) { $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['installer_no_success_sql']); return false; } else { $success = $installer->install(); $installer->setmessages(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_' . $_POST['type'] . '_' . $success], $installer->addata['basename'])); } // Restore our locale array $roster->locale->wordings = $localetemp; unset($localetemp); return true; }
/** * Controls Output of the Talent Spec Column * * @param array $row - of character data * @return string - Formatted output */ function spec_icon($row) { global $roster, $addon; $cell_value = ''; // Don't proceed for characters without data if (!isset($row['talents']) || $row['talents'] == '') { return '<img class="membersRowimg" width="' . $addon['config']['icon_size'] . '" height="' . $addon['config']['icon_size'] . '" src="' . $roster->config['img_url'] . 'pixel.gif" alt="" />'; } $lang = $row['clientLocale']; $talents = explode(',', $row['talents']); $spec = $specicon = ''; $tooltip = array(); $specpoint = 0; foreach ($talents as $talent) { list($name, $points, $icon) = explode('|', $talent); $tooltip[] = $points; if ($points > $specpoint) { $specpoint = $points; $spec = $name; $specicon = $icon; } } $tooltip = implode(' / ', $tooltip); $specicon = '<img class="membersRowimg" width="' . $addon['config']['icon_size'] . '" height="' . $addon['config']['icon_size'] . '" src="' . $roster->config['img_url'] . 'spec/' . $specicon . '.' . $roster->config['img_suffix'] . '" alt="" ' . makeOverlib($tooltip, $spec, '', 1, '', ',RIGHT,WRAP') . ' />'; if (active_addon('info')) { $cell_value .= '<a href="' . makelink('char-info-talents&a=c:' . $row['member_id']) . '">' . $specicon . '</a>'; } else { $cell_value .= $specicon; } return $cell_value; }
$resulta = $roster->db->query($querya); if ($resulta) { $row = $roster->db->fetch($resulta); $rank = $row['guild_rank']; } else { $rank = ''; } $data = array('usr' => $_POST['username'], 'pass' => $pass, 'email' => $email, 'regIP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'dt' => $roster->db->escape(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'access' => '0:' . $rank, 'active' => '1'); $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $roster->db->table('user_members') . '` ' . $roster->db->build_query('INSERT', $data); // user link table i was hoping to NOT use this.... if ($roster->db->query($query)) { $uuid = $roster->db->insert_id(); $roster->set_message('You are registered and can now login', 'User Register:', 'notice'); $querya = "SELECT `name`,`guild_id`,`server`,`region`,`member_id` FROM `" . $roster->db->table('members') . "` WHERE `name` = '" . $_POST['username'] . "';"; $resulta = $roster->db->query($querya); if (active_addon('user')) { $a = "INSERT INTO `" . $roster->db->table('profile', 'user') . "` (`uid`, `signature`, `avatar`, `avsig_src`, `show_fname`, `show_lname`, `show_email`, `show_city`, `show_country`, `show_homepage`, `show_notes`, `show_joined`, `show_lastlogin`, `show_chars`, `show_guilds`, `show_realms`) VALUES ('{$uuid}', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');"; $aa = $roster->db->query($a); } if (!$resulta) { die_quietly($roster->db->error, 'user Profile', __FILE__, __LINE__, $querya); } echo $roster->auth->getLoginForm(); return; } else { $roster->set_message('There was a DB error while creating your user.', '', 'error'); $roster->set_message('<pre>' . $roster->db->error() . '</pre>', 'MySQL Said', 'error'); } } } else { $roster->set_message($roster->locale->act['user_user']['msg31'], $roster->locale->act['user_page']['register'], 'error');
* WoWRoster * * Lists quests for each character * * * @copyright 2002-2011 * @license Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link * @package QuestList */ if (!defined('IN_ROSTER')) { exit('Detected invalid access to this file!'); } $roster->output['title'] = $roster->locale->act['questlist']; $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_INFO_ADDON' => active_addon('info'), 'S_SHOW' => false, 'L_QUEST_LIST' => $roster->locale->act['questlist'], 'L_QUEST_LIST_HELP' => $roster->locale->act['questlist_help'], 'L_SEARCH_ZONE' => $roster->locale->act['search_by_zone'], 'L_SEARCH_QUEST' => $roster->locale->act['search_by_quest'], 'L_NAME' => $roster->locale->act['name'], 'L_QUEST_DATA' => $roster->locale->act['quest_data'], 'L_COMPLETE' => $roster->locale->act['complete'], 'L_FAILED' => $roster->locale->act['failed'], 'L_DAILY' => $roster->locale->act['daily'])); $zoneid = isset($_GET['zoneid']) ? $_GET['zoneid'] : ''; $questid = isset($_GET['questid']) ? $_GET['questid'] : ''; // The next two lines call the function selectQuery and use it to populate and return the code that lists the dropboxes for quests and for zones selectQuery('`' . $roster->db->table('quests') . "` AS quests LEFT JOIN `" . $roster->db->table('quest_data') . "` AS quest_data ON `quests`.`quest_id` = `quest_data`.`quest_id` LEFT JOIN `" . $roster->db->table('players') . "` AS players ON `players`.`member_id` = `quests`.`member_id` WHERE `players`.`server` = '" . $roster->db->escape($roster->data['server']) . "' AND `quests`.`member_id` = `players`.`member_id`", 'DISTINCT `quest_data`.`zone`', 'zone', $zoneid, '&zoneid'); selectQuery('`' . $roster->db->table('quests') . "` AS quests LEFT JOIN `" . $roster->db->table('quest_data') . "` AS quest_data ON `quests`.`quest_id` = `quest_data`.`quest_id` LEFT JOIN `" . $roster->db->table('players') . "` AS players ON `players`.`member_id` = `quests`.`member_id` WHERE `players`.`server` = '" . $roster->db->escape($roster->data['server']) . "' AND `quests`.`member_id` = `players`.`member_id`", 'DISTINCT `quest_data`.`quest_name`', 'quest_name', $questid, '&questid'); if (!empty($zoneid)) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `zone` FROM `" . $roster->db->table('quest_data') . "` WHERE `zone` = '{$zoneid}' ORDER BY `zone`;"; $zone = $roster->db->query_first($sql) or die_quietly($roster->db->error(), 'Database Error', __FILE__, __LINE__, $sql); // Set our questlink caption name setTooltip('questlink', $roster->locale->act['quest_links']); $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_SHOW' => true, 'ZONE_NAME' => $zone)); $qquery = "SELECT *" . " FROM `" . $roster->db->table('quest_data') . "`" . " WHERE `zone` = '" . $zoneid . "'" . " ORDER BY `quest_name`;"; $qresult = $roster->db->query($qquery) or die_quietly($roster->db->error(), 'Database Error', __FILE__, __LINE__, $qquery); while ($qrow = $roster->db->fetch($qresult)) { $query = "SELECT `q`.*, `p`.`name`, `p`.`server`, `p`.`member_id`, `p`.`level`" . " FROM `" . $roster->db->table('quests') . "` AS q, `" . $roster->db->table('players') . "` AS p" . " WHERE `p`.`server` = '" . $roster->db->escape($roster->data['server']) . "' AND `q`.`quest_id` = '" . $qrow['quest_id'] . "' AND `q`.`member_id` = `p`.`member_id`" . " ORDER BY `p`.`level` DESC, `p`.`name` ASC;";
/** * Make select box of characters for main selection */ function selectGen($uid) { global $roster, $addon, $user, $uid; $query = "SELECT `avsig_src` FROM `" . $roster->db->table('profile', 'user') . "` WHERE `uid` = " . $uid . ";"; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { die_quietly($roster->db->error, 'user Profile', __FILE__, __LINE__, $query); } $src = ''; while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($result)) { $src = $row['avsig_src']; } $input_field = '<select name="select:avsig_src">' . "\n"; $sigGen = active_addon('siggen'); if ($sigGen == 1 && $src == 'SigGen') { $input_field .= ' <option value="SigGen" selected="selected">SigGen</option>' . "\n"; $input_field .= ' <option value="default">Default</option>' . "\n"; } elseif ($sigGen == 1 && $src == 'default' || $src == '') { $input_field .= ' <option value="default" selected="selected">Default</option>' . "\n"; $input_field .= ' <option value="SigGen">SigGen</option>' . "\n"; } else { $input_field .= ' <option value="default" selected="selected">Default</option>' . "\n"; } $input_field .= '</select>'; return $input_field; }
* Completely rewritten by vgjunkie 2006-09-14 * * LICENSE: Licensed under the Creative Commons * "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license * * @copyright 2002-2008 * @license Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" * @version SVN: $Id: index.php 1791 2008-06-15 16:59:24Z Zanix $ * @link * @package Professions */ if (!defined('IN_ROSTER')) { exit('Detected invalid access to this file!'); } $roster->output['title'] = $roster->locale->act['professions']; $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('S_HIDE' => $addon['config']['collapse_list'], 'S_INFO_ADDON' => active_addon('info'), 'L_PROFESSIONS' => $roster->locale->act['professions'], 'L_LEVEL' => $roster->locale->act['level'], 'L_NAME' => $roster->locale->act['name'])); // Build a list of "Skills" to look for $inClause = "'"; foreach ($roster->multilanguages as $lang) { $inClause .= implode("', '", $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['tsArray']); $inClause .= "', '"; } $inClause .= "'"; // If we don't want to show skills with a "1" value, uncomment this line (make option in config?) $showNewSkill = $addon['config']['show_new_skills'] ? " AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(`s`.`skill_level`, ':', 1 ) > 1 " : ''; // Gather a list of players that have the skills we are looking for $query = "SELECT `s`.*, `p`.`name`, `p`.`clientLocale`, `p`.`member_id` FROM `" . $roster->db->table('skills') . "` AS s, `" . $roster->db->table('players') . "` AS p" . " WHERE `p`.`member_id` = `s`.`member_id`" . " AND `p`.`guild_id` = '" . $roster->data['guild_id'] . "'" . $showNewSkill . " AND `skill_name` IN ({$inClause})" . " ORDER BY `s`.`skill_type`, `s`.`skill_name`,(mid(`skill_level` FROM 1 FOR (locate(':', `skill_level`)-1)) + 0) DESC, `p`.`name`;"; $result = $roster->db->query($query) or die_quietly($roster->db->error(), 'Database Error', __FILE__, __LINE__, $query); if ($roster->db->num_rows($result)) { while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($result)) { $skill_name = $row['skill_name'];
/** * Controls Output of the Tradeskill Icons Column * * @param array $row - of character data * @return string - Formatted output */ function tradeskill_icons($row) { global $roster; //$addon = getaddon('memberslist'); $cell_value = ''; // Don't proceed for characters without data if ($row['clientLocale'] == '') { return '<div> </div>'; } $lang = $row['clientLocale']; $profs = explode(',', $row['professions']); foreach ($profs as $prof) { $r_prof = explode('|', $prof); $toolTip = isset($r_prof[1]) ? str_replace(':', '/', $r_prof[1]) : ''; $toolTiph = $r_prof[0]; if ($r_prof[0] == $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['riding']) { if ($row['class'] == $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['Paladin'] || $row['class'] == $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['Warlock']) { $icon = $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_ridingIcon'][$row['class']]; } else { $icon = $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_ridingIcon'][$row['race']]; } } else { $icon = isset($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_iconArray'][$r_prof[0]]) ? $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_iconArray'][$r_prof[0]] : ''; } // Don't add professions we don't have an icon for. This keeps other skills out. if ($icon != '') { $icon = '<img class="membersRowimg" width="20" height="20" src="' . $roster->config['interface_url'] . 'Interface/Icons/' . $icon . '.' . $roster->config['img_suffix'] . '" alt="" ' . makeOverlib($toolTip, $toolTiph, '', 2, '', ',RIGHT,WRAP') . ' />'; if (active_addon('info')) { $cell_value .= '<a href="' . makelink('char-info-recipes&a=c:' . $row['member_id'] . '#' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $r_prof[0]))) . '">' . $icon . '</a>'; } else { $cell_value .= $icon; } } } return $cell_value; }
} } if ($stage == 1) { $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('STAGE' => $stage, 'TEXT' => 'stage 1')); $js = "\n\t\n\t\t\n\t"; roster_add_js($js, 'inline', 'header', false, false); } if ($stage == 3) { $roster->tpl->assign_vars(array('STAGE' => $stage, 'TEXT' => 'Select the character to be your main char')); $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $roster->db->table('user_link', 'user') . "` WHERE `uid` = '" . $roster->auth->user['id'] . "';"; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { die_quietly($roster->db->error, 'claim alt', __FILE__, __LINE__, $query); } while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($result)) { $roster->tpl->assign_block_vars('chars', array('THUMB' => '' . $row['thumbnail'], 'NAME' => $row['name'], 'ID' => $row['link_id'], 'LEVEL' => $row['level'], 'RACE' => $row['race'], 'GENDER' => $row['gender'], 'SERVER' => $row['realm'], 'GUILD' => $row['guild'], 'IS_MAIN' => (bool) $row['is_main'], 'CLASS' => $roster->locale->act['id_to_class'][$row['class']], 'PROFILE' => active_addon('info') && $row['server'] && $row['member_id'] != 0 ? makelink('char-info&a=c:' . $row['member_id']) : '')); } } $roster->tpl->set_filenames(array('alt' => $addon['basename'] . '/alt.html')); $roster->tpl->display('alt'); function getcharid($name, $server) { global $roster, $addon; $mid = array(); $sql = 'SELECT `member_id`,`name`,`server`,`guild_id` FROM `' . $roster->db->table('members') . '` WHERE `name` = "' . $name . '" AND `server` = "' . $server . '"'; $query = $roster->db->query($sql); while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($query)) { $mid = array('member_id' => $row['member_id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'server' => $row['server'], 'guild_id' => $row['guild_id']); } return $mid; }
/** * Controls Output of the Talent Spec Column * * @param array $row - of character data * @return string - Formatted output */ function spec_icon($row) { global $roster; $cell_value = ''; // Don't proceed for characters without data if (!isset($row['talents']) || $row['talents'] == '') { return '<img class="middle" width="24" height="24" src="' . $roster->config['img_url'] . 'pixel.gif" alt="" />'; } $talents = explode(',', $row['talents']); $talent2 = explode(',', $row['talents2']); $_d = array(); foreach ($talent2 as $tal) { list($name, $role, $icon) = explode('|', $tal); $_d[$name]['role'] = $role; $_d[$name]['name'] = $name; $_d[$name]['icon'] = $icon; } $_t = array(); $specicon = ''; $notalent = true; foreach ($talents as $talent) { list($_s, $name, $points, $icon, $_b) = explode('|', $talent); $_t[$_b]['tip'][] = $name . ' - ' . $points; if (!isset($_t[$_b]['point']) || $points > $_t[$_b]['point']) { $_t[$_b]['point'] = $points; $_t[$_b]['name'] = $name; $_t[$_b]['icon'] = strtolower($_d[$name]['icon']); $notalent = false; } } if (!$notalent) { $tooltip = $icon = ''; foreach ($_t as $idx => $build) { $icon = '<span class="item-sm"><img src="' . $roster->config['interface_url'] . 'Interface/Icons/' . $build['icon'] . '.' . $roster->config['img_suffix'] . '" alt="" /><span class="mask"></span></span> '; $tooltip .= $icon . implode(' / ', $build['tip']) . '<br />'; } $tooltip = '<div style="font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;">' . $tooltip . '</div>'; $specicon = '<div class="item-sm" ' . makeOverlib($tooltip, $_t[1]['name'], '', 2, '', ',WRAP') . '><img src="' . $roster->config['interface_url'] . 'Interface/Icons/' . $_t[1]['icon'] . '.' . $roster->config['img_suffix'] . '" alt="" /><div class="mask"></div></div>'; } if (active_addon('info')) { $cell_value .= '<a href="' . makelink('char-info&a=c:' . $row['member_id'] . '&t=talents') . '">' . $specicon . '</a>'; } else { $cell_value .= $specicon; } return $cell_value; }
function charsPage() { global $roster, $addon, $user; // Disallow viewing of the page if (!$roster->auth->allow_login) { print '<span class="title_text">' . $roster->locale->act['user_page']['chars'] . '</span><br />' . $roster->auth->getMessage() . $roster->auth->getLoginForm(); } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $roster->db->table('user_link', 'user') . "` WHERE `uid` = '" . $roster->auth->user['id'] . "';"; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { die_quietly($roster->db->error, 'claim alt', __FILE__, __LINE__, $query); } while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($result)) { $roster->tpl->assign_block_vars('chars', array('THUMB' => '' . $row['thumbnail'], 'NAME' => $row['name'], 'LEVEL' => $row['level'], 'RACE' => $row['race'], 'GENDER' => $row['gender'], 'SERVER' => $row['realm'], 'GUILD' => $row['guild'], 'IS_MAIN' => (bool) $row['is_main'], 'CLASS' => $roster->locale->act['id_to_class'][$row['class']], 'PROFILE' => active_addon('info') && $row['realm'] && $row['member_id'] != 0 ? makelink('char-info&a=c:' . $row['member_id']) : '')); } $roster->tpl->set_filenames(array('user_chars' => $addon['basename'] . '/chars.html')); $roster->tpl->display('user_chars'); } }
function processPlugin() { global $roster, $installer; $addon_name = $_POST['addon']; $addon_parent = $_POST['addonparent']; $addon_file = $_POST['addonfile']; if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', $addon_name)) { $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['invalid_char_module'], $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } if (false === $roster->db->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `test` (id int);")) { $installer->temp_tables = false; $roster->db->query("UPDATE `" . $roster->db->table('config') . "` SET `config_value` = '0' WHERE `id` = 1180;"); } else { $installer->temp_tables = true; } $addonDir = ROSTER_PLUGINS . $addon_name . DIR_SEP; $addon_install_file = $addonDir . 'install.def.php'; $install_class = $addon_name . 'Install'; if (!file_exists($addon_install_file)) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_no_installdef'], $addon_name), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } require $addon_install_file; $addon = new $install_class(); $addata = escape_array((array) $addon); $addata['basename'] = $addon_name; if ($addata['basename'] == '') { $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['installer_no_empty'], $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } // Get existing addon record if available $query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $roster->db->table('plugin') . '` WHERE `basename` = "' . $addata['basename'] . '";'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_fetch_failed'], $addata['basename']) . '.<br />MySQL said: ' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); return; } $previous = $roster->db->fetch($result); $roster->db->free_result($result); // Give the installer the addon data $installer->addata = $addata; $success = false; // Collect data for this install type switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'install': if ($previous) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_addon_exist'], $installer->addata['basename'], $previous['fullname'])); break; } // check to see if any requred addons if so and not enabled disable addon after install and give a message if (isset($installer->addata['requires'])) { if (!active_addon($installer->addata['requires'])) { $installer->addata['active'] = false; $installer->setmessages('Addon Dependency "' . $installer->addata['requires'] . '" not active or installed, "' . $installer->addata['fullname'] . '" has been disabled'); break; } } $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $roster->db->table('plugin') . '` VALUES (NULL,"' . $installer->addata['basename'] . '", "' . $installer->addata['parent'] . '", "' . $installer->addata['scope'] . '", "' . $installer->addata['version'] . '", "' . (int) $installer->addata['active'] . '", 0, "' . $installer->addata['fullname'] . '", "' . $installer->addata['description'] . '", "' . $roster->db->escape(serialize($installer->addata['credits'])) . '", "' . $installer->addata['icon'] . '", "' . $installer->addata['wrnet_id'] . '",NULL);'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors('DB error while creating new addon record. <br /> MySQL said:' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); break; } $installer->addata['addon_id'] = $roster->db->insert_id(); // We backup the addon config table to prevent damage $installer->add_backup($roster->db->table('plugin_config')); $success = $addon->install(); // Delete the addon record if there is an error if (!$success) { $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . $roster->db->table('plugin') . "` WHERE `addon_id` = '" . $installer->addata['addon_id'] . "';"; $result = $roster->db->query($query); } else { $installer->sql[] = 'UPDATE `' . $roster->db->table('plugin') . '` SET `active` = ' . (int) $installer->addata['active'] . " WHERE `addon_id` = '" . $installer->addata['addon_id'] . "';"; } break; case 'upgrade': if (!$previous) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_no_upgrade'], $installer->addata['basename'])); break; } $query = "UPDATE `" . $roster->db->table('plugin') . "` SET `basename`='" . $installer->addata['basename'] . "', `version`='" . $installer->addata['version'] . "', `active`=" . (int) $installer->addata['active'] . ", `fullname`='" . $installer->addata['fullname'] . "', `description`='" . $installer->addata['description'] . "', `credits`='" . serialize($installer->addata['credits']) . "', `icon`='" . $installer->addata['icon'] . "', `wrnet_id`='" . $installer->addata['wrnet_id'] . "' WHERE `addon_id`=" . $previous['addon_id'] . ';'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors('DB error while updating the addon record. <br /> MySQL said:' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); break; } $installer->addata['addon_id'] = $previous['addon_id']; // We backup the addon config table to prevent damage $installer->add_backup($roster->db->table('plugin_config')); $success = $addon->upgrade($previous['version']); break; case 'uninstall': if (!$previous) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_no_uninstall'], $installer->addata['basename'])); break; } if ($previous['basename'] != $installer->addata['basename']) { $installer->seterrors(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_not_uninstallable'], $installer->addata['basename'], $previous['fullname'])); break; } $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . $roster->db->table('plugin') . '` WHERE `addon_id`=' . $previous['addon_id'] . ';'; $result = $roster->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $installer->seterrors('DB error while deleting the addon record. <br /> MySQL said:' . $roster->db->error(), $roster->locale->act['installer_error']); break; } $installer->addata['addon_id'] = $previous['addon_id']; // We backup the addon config table to prevent damage $installer->add_backup($roster->db->table('plugin_config')); $success = $addon->uninstall(); break; case 'purge': $success = purge($installer->addata['basename']); break; default: $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['installer_invalid_type']); $success = false; break; } if (!$success) { $installer->seterrors($roster->locale->act['installer_no_success_sql']); return false; } else { $success = $installer->install(); $installer->setmessages(sprintf($roster->locale->act['installer_' . $_POST['type'] . '_' . $success], $installer->addata['basename'])); } unset($addon); // Restore our locale array return true; }
function setAvSig($id = '', $mid, $src = '') { global $roster, $addon, $user; //echo $id.' - '.$mid.'<br>'; if (!is_null($id) || $id > 0) { $uid = $id; } else { $uid = $user->session->getVal('uid'); } $user = $user->user->getUser($uid); if ($mid > 0 && $mid != '') { $sql = 'SELECT `name` FROM `' . $roster->db->table('members') . '` WHERE `member_id` = ' . $mid; $query = $roster->db->query($sql); while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($query)) { $char = $row['name']; } } elseif ($mid != '') { $char = $mid; } $hasMain = $this->getMain($uid); if (is_null($src)) { $this->getConfigData($uid); $src = $this->configData['avsig_src']; } $is_active = active_addon('siggen'); $c = array('signature', 'avatar'); foreach ($c as $case) { if ($hasMain == false) { die_quietly("You do not have a main character set. Please set your main character and try again."); } else { if ($is_active == 1 && $src == 'SigGen') { $sql = 'SELECT `region`, `realm` FROM `' . $roster->db->table('user_link', 'user') . '` WHERE `uid` = ' . $uid . ' AND `member_id` = ' . $mid; $query = $roster->db->query($sql); while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($query)) { $link = makelink('util-siggen-' . $case . '&member=' . $char . '@' . $row['region'] . '-' . $row['realm'], 'url'); } } elseif ($is_active == 0 && $src == 'SigGen') { die_quietly("SigGen is not installed! Please install SigGen and try again.<br />"); } elseif ($src == 'default') { $sql = 'SELECT `race`, `sex` FROM `' . $roster->db->table('players') . '` WHERE `member_id` = ' . $mid; $query = $roster->db->query($sql); while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($query)) { $link = $addon['image_url'] . str_replace(' ', '', $row['race']) . '-' . $row['sex'] . '.png'; } } } switch ($case) { case 'signature': $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $roster->db->table('profile', 'user') . '` SET `signature` = "' . urlencode($link) . '" WHERE `uid` = ' . $uid; $roster->db->query($sql); break; case 'avatar': $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $roster->db->table('profile', 'user') . '` SET `avatar` = "' . urlencode($link) . '" WHERE `uid` = ' . $uid; $roster->db->query($sql); break; default: $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $roster->db->table('profile', 'user') . '` SET `avatar` = "' . urlencode($link) . '" WHERE `uid` = ' . $uid; $roster->db->query($sql); break; } } //echo 'i worked<br>'; return true; }
$FIELD['level'] = array('lang_field' => 'level', 'filt_field' => '`members`.`level`', 'order_d' => array('`members`.`level` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`members`.`level` ASC'), 'value' => array($memberlist, 'level_value'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_level']); $FIELD['sessionHK'] = array('lang_field' => 'todayhk', 'order' => array('`players`.`sessionHK` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`players`.`sessionHK` ASC'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_thk']); $FIELD['sessionCP'] = array('lang_field' => 'todaycp', 'order' => array('`players`.`sessionCP` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`players`.`sessionCP` ASC'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_tcp']); $FIELD['yesterdayHK'] = array('lang_field' => 'yesthk', 'order' => array('`players`.`yesterdayHK` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`players`.`yesterdayHK` ASC'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_yhk']); $FIELD['yesterdayContribution'] = array('lang_field' => 'yestcp', 'order' => array('`players`.`yesterdayContribution` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`players`.`yesterdayContribution` ASC'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_ycp']); $FIELD['lifetimeHK'] = array('lang_field' => 'lifehk', 'order' => array('`players`.`lifetimeHK` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`players`.`lifetimeHK` ASC'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_lifehk']); $FIELD['lifetimeRankName'] = array('lang_field' => 'highestrank', 'order' => array('risnull', '`players`.`lifetimeHighestRank` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('risnull', '`players`.`lifetimeHighestRank` ASC'), 'value' => array($memberlist, 'honor_value'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_hrank']); $FIELD['honorpoints'] = array('lang_field' => 'honorpoints', 'order' => array('`players`.`honorpoints` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`players`.`honorpoints` ASC'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_hp']); $FIELD['arenapoints'] = array('lang_field' => 'arenapoints', 'order' => array('`players`.`arenapoints` DESC'), 'order_d' => array('`players`.`arenapoints` ASC'), 'display' => $addon['config']['honor_ap']); $memberlist->prepareData($mainQuery, $where, $group, $order_first, $order_last, $FIELD, 'memberslist'); // Start output if ($addon['config']['honor_motd'] == 1) { echo $memberlist->makeMotd(); } if ($addon['config']['honor_hslist'] == 1 || $addon['config']['honor_pvplist'] == 1) { echo "<table style=\"width:100%\">\n <tr>\n"; if ($addon['config']['honor_hslist'] == 1) { echo ' <td valign="top">'; include_once ROSTER_LIB . 'hslist.php'; echo generateHsList(); echo " </td>\n"; } if (active_addon('pvplog') && $addon['config']['honor_pvplist'] == 1) { echo ' <td valign="top">'; include_once ROSTER_ADDONS . 'pvplog' . DIR_SEP . 'inc' . DIR_SEP . 'pvplist.php'; echo generatePvpList(); echo " </td>\n"; } echo " </tr>\n</table>\n"; } echo $memberlist->makeMembersList('syellow');
<?php /** * WoWRoster * * * @copyright 2002-2011 * @license Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link * @package IntanceKeys */ if (!defined('IN_ROSTER')) { exit('Detected invalid access to this file!'); } if (!active_addon('memberslist')) { // Memberslist not installed. Just die for now. roster_die("You will need to install memberslist to use the keys addon display component"); } $memberslist_addon = getaddon('memberslist'); // Include addon's locale files if they exist foreach ($roster->multilanguages as $lang) { $roster->locale->add_locale_file($memberslist_addon['locale_dir'] . $lang . '.php', $lang); } // Apply memberslist style roster_add_css($memberslist_addon['tpl_css_url'], 'theme'); include_once $memberslist_addon['inc_dir'] . 'memberslist.php'; include_once ROSTER_LIB . 'item.php'; $memberlist = new memberslist(array(), $memberslist_addon); // First define static data $mainSelect = 'SELECT ' . '`members`.`member_id`, ' . '`members`.`name`, ' . '`members`.`class`, ' . '`members`.`level`, ' . '`members`.`zone`, ' . '`members`.`online`, ' . '`members`.`last_online`, ' . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`members`.`last_online`) AS 'last_online_stamp', " . "DATE_FORMAT( DATE_ADD(`members`.`last_online`, INTERVAL " . $roster->config['localtimeoffset'] . " HOUR ), '" . $roster->locale->act['timeformat'] . "' ) AS 'last_online_format', " . '`members`.`note`, ' . '`members`.`guild_title`, ' . '`alts`.`main_id`, ' . '`guild`.`update_time`, ' . "IF( `members`.`note` IS NULL OR `members`.`note` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'nisnull', " . '`members`.`officer_note`, ' . "IF( `members`.`officer_note` IS NULL OR `members`.`officer_note` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'onisnull', " . '`members`.`guild_rank`, ' . '`players`.`server`, ' . '`players`.`race`, ' . '`players`.`sex`, ' . '`players`.`exp`, ' . '`players`.`clientLocale`, ' . '`players`.`lifetimeRankName`, ' . '`players`.`lifetimeHighestRank`, ' . "IF( `players`.`lifetimeHighestRank` IS NULL OR `players`.`lifetimeHighestRank` = '0', 1, 0 ) AS 'risnull', " . '`players`.`hearth`, ' . "IF( `players`.`hearth` IS NULL OR `players`.`hearth` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'hisnull', " . "UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `players`.`dateupdatedutc`) AS 'last_update_stamp', " . "DATE_FORMAT( DATE_ADD(`players`.`dateupdatedutc`, INTERVAL " . $roster->config['localtimeoffset'] . " HOUR ), '" . $roster->locale->act['timeformat'] . "' ) AS 'last_update_format', " . "IF( `players`.`dateupdatedutc` IS NULL OR `players`.`dateupdatedutc` = '', 1, 0 ) AS 'luisnull', ";
/** * Controls Output of the Tradeskill Icons Column * * @param array $row - of character data * @return string - Formatted output */ function tradeskill_icons($row) { global $roster, $addon; $cell_value = ''; // Don't proceed for characters without data if ($row['clientLocale'] == '') { return '<div> </div>'; } $lang = $row['clientLocale']; $profs = explode(',', $row['professions']); foreach ($profs as $prof) { $r_prof = explode('|', $prof); $value = isset($r_prof[1]) ? explode(':', $r_prof[1]) : array(1, 1); $curr = $value[0]; $max = isset($value[1]) ? $value[1] : floor($skill_curr / 75) * 75; $toolTip = $curr . "/" . $max; $toolTiph = $r_prof[0]; if ($r_prof[0] == $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['riding']) { // Flying if ($curr > 150) { // Class-specific flying mount if (isset($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_flyingIcon'][$row['class']])) { $icon = $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_flyingIcon'][$row['class']]; } else { $icon = $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_flyingIcon'][$row['factionEn']]; } } else { // Class-specific riding mount if (isset($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_ridingIcon'][$row['class']])) { $icon = $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_ridingIcon'][$row['class']]; } else { $icon = $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_ridingIcon'][$row['race']]; } } } else { $icon = isset($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_iconArray'][$r_prof[0]]) ? $roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['ts_iconArray'][$r_prof[0]] : ''; } // Don't add professions we don't have an icon for. This keeps other skills out. if ($icon != '') { $icon = '<div class="item-sm" ' . makeOverlib($toolTip, $toolTiph, '', 2, '', ',WRAP') . '><img src="' . $roster->config['interface_url'] . 'Interface/Icons/' . $icon . '.' . $roster->config['img_suffix'] . '" alt="" /><div class="mask"></div></div>'; if (active_addon('info')) { $cell_value .= '<a href="' . makelink('char-info-recipes&a=c:' . $row['member_id'] . '#' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $r_prof[0]))) . '">' . $icon . '</a>'; } else { $cell_value .= $icon; } } } return $cell_value; }
function display() { global $roster; $output = ''; $bots = array(array('agent' => 'AdsBot-Google', 'name' => 'AdsBot [Google]'), array('agent' => 'ia_archiver', 'name' => 'Alexa [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Scooter/', 'name' => 'Alta Vista [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Ask Jeeves', 'name' => 'Ask Jeeves [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Baiduspider+(', 'name' => 'Baidu [Spider]'), array('agent' => 'Exabot/', 'name' => 'Exabot [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'FAST Enterprise Crawler', 'name' => 'FAST Enterprise [Crawler]'), array('agent' => 'FAST-WebCrawler/', 'name' => 'FAST WebCrawler [Crawler]'), array('agent' => '', 'name' => 'Francis [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Gigabot/', 'name' => 'Gigabot [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Mediapartners-Google', 'name' => 'Google Adsense [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Google Desktop', 'name' => 'Google Desktop'), array('agent' => 'Feedfetcher-Google', 'name' => 'Google Feedfetcher'), array('agent' => 'Googlebot', 'name' => 'Google [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'heise-IT-Markt-Crawler Heise', 'name' => 'IT-Markt [Crawler]'), array('agent' => 'heritrix/1.', 'name' => 'Heritrix [Crawler]'), array('agent' => '', 'name' => 'IBM Research [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'ICCrawler - ICjobs', 'name' => 'ICCrawler - ICjobs'), array('agent' => 'ichiro/', 'name' => 'ichiro [Crawler]'), array('agent' => 'MJ12bot/', 'name' => 'Majestic-12 [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'MetagerBot/', 'name' => 'Metager [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'msnbot-NewsBlogs/', 'name' => 'MSN NewsBlogs'), array('agent' => 'msnbot/', 'name' => 'MSN [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'msnbot-media/', 'name' => 'MSNbot Media'), array('agent' => 'NG-Search/', 'name' => 'NG-Search [Bot]'), array('agent' => '', 'name' => 'Nutch [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'NutchCVS/', 'name' => 'Nutch/CVS [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'OmniExplorer_Bot/', 'name' => 'OmniExplorer [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'online link validator', 'name' => 'Online link [Validator]'), array('agent' => 'psbot/0', 'name' => 'psbot [Picsearch]'), array('agent' => 'Seekbot/', 'name' => 'Seekport [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Sensis Web Crawler', 'name' => 'Sensis [Crawler]'), array('agent' => 'SEO search Crawler/', 'name' => 'SEO Crawler'), array('agent' => 'Seoma [SEO Crawler]', 'name' => 'Seoma [Crawler]'), array('agent' => 'SEOsearch/', 'name' => 'SEOSearch [Crawler]'), array('agent' => 'Snappy/1.1 ( )', 'name' => 'Snappy [Bot]'), array('agent' => '', 'name' => 'Steeler [Crawler]'), array('agent' => 'SynooBot/', 'name' => 'Synoo [Bot]'), array('agent' => '*****@*****.**', 'name' => 'Telekom [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'TurnitinBot/', 'name' => 'TurnitinBot [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'voyager/1.0', 'name' => 'Voyager [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'W3 SiteSearch', 'name' => 'Crawler W3 [Sitesearch]'), array('agent' => 'W3C-checklink/', 'name' => 'W3C [Linkcheck]'), array('agent' => 'W3C_*Validator', 'name' => 'W3C [Validator]'), array('agent' => '', 'name' => 'WiseNut [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'yacybot', 'name' => 'YaCy [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Yahoo-MMCrawler/', 'name' => 'Yahoo MMCrawler [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Yahoo! DE Slurp', 'name' => 'Yahoo Slurp [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'Yahoo! Slurp', 'name' => 'Yahoo [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'YahooSeeker/', 'name' => 'YahooSeeker [Bot]'), array('agent' => 'bingbot/', 'name' => 'Bing [Bot]')); $userlist_ary = $userlist_visible = array(); $logged_visible_online = $logged_hidden_online = $guests_online = $prev_user_id = 0; $prev_session_ip = ''; $sqlg = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT session_ip) as num_guests , session_browser\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $roster->db->table('sessions') . " WHERE `session_user_id` = '0'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `session_time` >= '" . (time() - 60 * 10) . "';"; $resultg = $roster->db->query($sqlg); $guest = $roster->db->fetch($resultg); $guests_online = $guest['num_guests']; // lets get the bots.. $sx = "SELECT * FROM " . $roster->db->table('sessions') . " WHERE `session_user_id` = '0'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `session_time` >= '" . (time() - 60 * 10) . "';"; $d = $roster->db->query($sx); $bot = array(); while ($r = $roster->db->fetch($d)) { foreach ($bots as $rx) { if ($rx['agent'] && preg_match('#' . str_replace('\\*', '.*?', preg_quote($rx['agent'], '#')) . '#i', $r['session_browser'])) { $bot[] = $rx['name']; } } } unset($sqlg); $roster->db->free_result($resultg); $sql = 'SELECT u.usr,, s.* FROM ' . $roster->db->table('user_members') . ' u, ' . $roster->db->table('sessions') . ' s WHERE s.session_time >= ' . (time() - 60 * 15) . ' AND = s.session_user_id AND s.session_user_id != 0 ORDER BY u.usr ASC, s.session_ip ASC'; $result = $roster->db->query($sql); $user_online_link = array(); while ($row = $roster->db->fetch($result)) { // User is logged in and therefore not a guest if ($row['id'] != 0) { // Skip multiple sessions for one user if ($row['id'] != $prev_user_id) { if (active_addon('user')) { $user_online_link[] = '<a href="' . makelink('user-user-profile&a=c:' . $row['id']) . '">' . $row['usr'] . '</a> '; } else { $user_online_link[] = $row['usr']; } $logged_visible_online++; } $prev_user_id = $row['id']; } else { // Skip multiple sessions for one user if ($row['session_ip'] != $prev_session_ip) { $guests_online++; } } $prev_session_ip = $row['session_ip']; } unset($sql); $roster->db->free_result($result); $output .= '<div class="whos-online"> <span class="left">' . $roster->locale->act['total'] . ':</span> <span class="right">' . ($logged_visible_online + $guests_online) . '</span> </div> <hr /> <div class="whos-online"> <span class="left">' . $roster->locale->act['reg'] . ':</span> <span class="right">' . $logged_visible_online . '</span> </div> '; if (count($user_online_link) > 0) { $output .= '<div class="online-users">' . implode(', ', $user_online_link) . '</div>'; } $output .= ' <div class="whos-online"> <span class="left">' . $roster->locale->act['guests'] . ':</span> <span class="right">' . $guests_online . '</span> </div> '; if (count($bot) > 0) { $output .= '<div class="online-bots">' . $roster->locale->act['bots'] . ': ' . implode(', ', $bot) . '</div>'; } $this->output = $output; }