Пример #1
  * Returns an HTML Form for editing the XML.
  * @global string $course_code
  * @global string $langSubmit
  * @global string $langRequiredFields
  * @param  array  $data - array containing data to preload the form with
  * @return string
 public function asForm($data = null) {
     global $course_code, $langSubmit, $langRequiredFields, $langBack;;
     $out = action_bar(array(
     array('title' => $langBack,
         'url' => "index.php",
         'icon' => 'fa-reply',
         'level' => 'primary-label')),false);
     $out .= "<div class='right smaller'>$langRequiredFields</div>";
     $out .= "
             <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course=$course_code'>
             <ul class='nav nav-tabs' role='tablist'>
                <li class='active'><a href='#tabs-1' role='tab' data-toggle='tab'>" . $GLOBALS['langCMeta']['courseGroup'] . "</a></li>
                <li><a href='#tabs-2' role='tab' data-toggle='tab'>" . $GLOBALS['langCMeta']['instructorGroup'] . "</a></li>
                <li><a href='#tabs-3' role='tab' data-toggle='tab'>" . $GLOBALS['langCMeta']['curriculumGroup'] . "</a></li>
                <li><a href='#tabs-4' role='tab' data-toggle='tab'>" . $GLOBALS['langCMeta']['unitsGroup'] . "</a></li>
             <div class='tab-content'>
                 <div class='tab-pane fade in active' id='tabs-1' style='padding-top:20px'>";
     if ($data != null) {
     $out .= $this->populateForm();
     $out .= "</div>
              <p class='right'><input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit' value='$langSubmit'></p>
              <div class='right smaller'>$langRequiredFields</div>";
     return $out;
Пример #2
function statistics_tools($course_code, $self_link = "", $relative_path = "") {
    global $tool_content, $langStat, $langUsersLog, $langFavourite, $langUserLogins, 
            $langUserDuration, $langLearningPaths, $langGroupUsage, $langOldStats, 
            $langAccept, $langOldStatsExpireConfirm;
    return $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                array('title' => $langStat,
                    'url' => $relative_path . "index.php?course=$course_code",
                    'icon' => 'fa-bar-chart',
                    'show' => $self_link != "index",
                    'level' => 'primary-label'),
                array('title' => $langUsersLog,
                    'url' => $relative_path . "displaylog.php?course=$course_code",
                    'icon' => 'fa-user',
                    'show' => $self_link != "displaylog",
                    'level' => 'primary'),
                array('title' => $langFavourite,
                    'url' => $relative_path . "favourite.php?course=$course_code&amp;first=",
                    'icon' => 'fa-gear',
                    'show' => $self_link != "favourite",
                    'level' => 'primary'),
                array('title' => $langUserLogins,
                    'url' => $relative_path . "userlogins.php?course=$course_code&amp;first=",
                    'icon' => ' fa-comments-o',
                    'show' => $self_link != "userlogins",
                    'level' => 'primary'),
                array('title' => $langUserDuration,
                    'url' => $relative_path . "userduration.php?course=$course_code",
                    'icon' => 'fa-clock-o',
                    'show' => $self_link != "userduration",
                    'level' => 'primary'),
                array('title' => $langLearningPaths,
                    'url' => $relative_path . "../learnPath/detailsAll.php?course=$course_code&amp;from_stats=1",
                    'icon' => 'fa-ellipsis-h',
                    'show' => $self_link != "detailsAll"),
                array('title' => $langGroupUsage,
                    'url' => $relative_path . "group.php?course=$course_code",
                    'icon' => 'fa-users',
                    'show' => $self_link != "group"),
                array('title' => $langOldStats,
                    'url' => $relative_path . 'oldStats.php?course=' . $course_code,
                    'icon' => 'fa-calendar',
                    'confirm_title' => $langOldStats,
                    'confirm_button' => $langAccept,
                    'confirm' => $langOldStatsExpireConfirm,
                    'show' => $self_link != "oldStats"),
function admin_statistics_tools($self_link = "") {
    global $tool_content, $langPlatformGenStats, $langVisitsStats, $langVisitsCourseStats, 
            $langBack, $langOldStats, $langAccept, $langOldStatsExpireConfirm, $langMonthlyReport;
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(                
                array('title' => $langBack,
                    'url' => "",
                    'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                    'level' => 'primary-label'),
                array('title' => $langPlatformGenStats,
                    'url' => "stateclass.php",
                    'icon' => 'fa-bar-chart',
                    'show' => $self_link != "stateclass",
                    'level' => 'primary-label'),
                array('title' => $langVisitsStats,
                    'url' => "platformStats.php?first=",
                    'icon' => 'fa-sign-in',
                    'show' => $self_link != "platformStats",
                    'level' => 'primary'),
                array('title' => $langVisitsCourseStats,
                    'url' => "visitsCourseStats.php?first=",
                    'icon' => 'fa-user',
                    'show' => $self_link != "visitsCourseStats",
                    'level' => 'primary'),
                array('title' => $langOldStats,
                    'url' => "oldStats.php",
                    'icon' => 'fa-file-text-o',
                    'level' => 'primary',
                    'confirm_title' => $langOldStats,
                    'confirm_button' => $langAccept,
                    'show' => $self_link != "oldStats",
                    'confirm' => $langOldStatsExpireConfirm),
                array('title' => $langMonthlyReport,
                    'url' => "monthlyReport.php",
                    'icon' => 'fa-calendar',
                    'show' => $self_link != "monthlyReport",
                    'level' => 'primary'),
Пример #4
require_once 'archive_functions.php';

$toolName = $langCourseInfo;
$pageName = $langArchiveCourse;
$navigation[] = array('url' => "index.php?course=$course_code", 'name' => $langCourseInfo);

if (!isset($_GET['token']) || !validate_csrf_token($_GET['token'])) csrf_token_error();

doArchive($course_id, $course_code);

$tool_content .= "
    <div class='alert alert-info'>
        <li>$langBUCourseDataOfMainBase $course_code</li>
        <li>$langBackupOfDataBase $course_code</li>
    <div class='alert alert-success'>$langBackupSuccesfull</div>" .
        array('title' => $langDownloadIt,
              'url' => $urlAppend . "courses/archive/$course_code/$course_code-" . date('Ymd') . ".zip",
              'icon' => 'fa-download',
              'button-class' => 'btn-success',
              'level' => 'primary-label'),
        array('title' => $langBack,
              'url' => "index.php?course=$course_code",
              'icon' => 'fa-reply',
              'level' => 'primary-label')), false);

draw($tool_content, 2);
Пример #5
$forum_name = $myrow->name;
$forum_id = $myrow->id;

if (isset($_GET['empty'])) { // if we come from newtopic.php
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>$langEmptyNewTopic</div>";

$pageName = q($forum_name);
if ($can_post) {
    $tool_content .= 
                array('title' => $langNewTopic,
                    'url' => "newtopic.php?course=$course_code&amp;forum=$forum_id",
                    'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle',
                    'level' => 'primary-label',
                    'button-class' => 'btn-success'),
                array('title' => $langBack,
                    'url' => "index.php?course=$course_code",
                    'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                    'level' => 'primary-label')                

 * Retrieve and present data from course's forum

$total_topics = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT num_topics FROM forum
                WHERE id = ?d
                AND course_id = ?d", $forum_id, $course_id)->num_topics;
Пример #6
    $form_action_url .= isset($_GET['modifyCat']) ? "&modifyCat=" . intval($_GET['modifyCat']) : "&newCat=yes";
    if (isset($_GET['modifyCat'])) {
        $q_cat = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM exercise_question_cats WHERE question_cat_id = ?d", $_GET['modifyCat']);
    $questionCatName = Session::has('questionCatName') ? Session::get('questionCatName') : (isset($q_cat) ? $q_cat->question_cat_name : '');
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'level' => 'primary-label', 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'url' => "question_categories.php?course={$course_code}")));
    $tool_content .= "\n        <div class='form-wrapper'>\n            <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' action='{$form_action_url}' method='post'>\n                <div class='form-group " . (Session::getError('questionCatName') ? "has-error" : "") . "'>\n                    <label for='questionCatName' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>{$langTitle}:</label>\n                    <div class='col-sm-10'>\n                      <input name='questionCatName' type='text' class='form-control' id='questionCatName' placeholder='{$langTitle}' value='{$questionCatName}'>\n                      <span class='help-block'>" . Session::getError('questionCatName') . "</span>\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n                <div class='form-group'>\n                    <div class='col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2'>\n                        <input class='btn btn-primary' name='submitCat' type='submit' value='{$langSubmit}'>\n                        <a href='question_categories.php?course={$course_code}' class='btn btn-default'>{$langCancel}</a>\n                    </div>\n                </div>                \n            </form>\n        </div>";
} elseif (isset($_GET['deleteCat'])) {
    $q_cat_id = $_GET['deleteCat'];
    if (Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM exercise_question_cats WHERE question_cat_id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $q_cat_id, $course_id)->affectedRows > 0) {
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE exercise_question SET category = ?d WHERE category = ?d AND course_id = ?d", 0, $q_cat_id, $course_id);
        Session::Messages($langDelCatSuccess, 'alert-success');
} else {
    $pageName = $langQuestionCats;
    $navigation[] = array("url" => "index.php?course={$course_code}", "name" => $langExercices);
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langNewCat, 'level' => 'primary-label', 'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle', 'url' => "question_categories.php?course={$course_code}&newCat=yes", 'button-class' => 'btn-success'), array('title' => $langBack, 'level' => 'primary', 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'url' => "index.php?course={$course_code}")));
    $q_cats = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM exercise_question_cats WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
    if (count($q_cats) > 0) {
        $tool_content .= "\n            <div class='table-responsive'>\n                <table class='table-default'>\n                    <tbody>\n                        <tr>\n                            <th>{$langTitle}</th>\n                            <th class='text-center'>" . icon('fa-gears') . "</th>\n                        </tr> \n                    ";
        foreach ($q_cats as $q_cat) {
            $action_button = action_button(array(array('title' => $langEdit, 'url' => "question_categories.php?course={$course_code}&modifyCat={$q_cat->question_cat_id}", 'icon' => 'fa-edit'), array('title' => $langDelete, 'url' => "question_categories.php?course={$course_code}&deleteCat={$q_cat->question_cat_id}", 'icon' => 'fa-times', 'confirm' => $langQuestionCatDelConfirrm, 'class' => 'delete')));
            $tool_content .= "\n                        <tr>\n                            <td>{$q_cat->question_cat_name}</td>\n                            <td class='option-btn-cell'>{$action_button}</td>\n                        </tr>";
        $tool_content .= "                \n                    </tbody>\n                </table>\n            </div>";
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoQuestionCats}</div>";
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Пример #7
    Database::get()->query('DELETE FROM module_disable');
    if (isset($_POST['moduleDisable'])) {
        $optArray = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($_POST['moduleDisable']), '(?d)'));
        Database::get()->query('INSERT INTO module_disable (module_id) VALUES ' . $optArray,
    Session::Messages($langWikiEditionSucceed, 'alert-success');
} else {
    $disabled = array();
    foreach (Database::get()->queryArray('SELECT module_id FROM module_disable') as $item) {
        $disabled[] = $item->module_id;
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
        array('title' => $langBack,
              'url' => $urlAppend . 'modules/admin/index.php',
              'icon' => 'fa-reply',
              'level' => 'primary-label')), false) .
        "<div class='alert alert-warning'>$langDisableModulesHelp</div>
         <div class='form-wrapper'>
           <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' action='modules.php' method='post'>";

    foreach ($modules as $mid => $minfo) {
        if (in_array($mid, $alwaysEnabled)) {
        $checked = in_array($mid, $disabled)? ' checked': '';
        $icon = $minfo['image'];
        if (isset($theme_settings['icon_map'][$icon])) {
            $icon = $theme_settings['icon_map'][$icon];
Пример #8
function create_restored_course(&$tool_content, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $course_vis, $course_prof) {
    global $webDir, $urlServer, $urlAppend, $langEnter, $langBack, $currentCourseCode;
    require_once 'modules/create_course/functions.php';
    require_once 'modules/course_info/restorehelper.class.php';
    require_once 'include/lib/fileManageLib.inc.php';
    $new_course_code = null;
    $new_course_id = null;

    Database::get()->transaction(function() use (&$new_course_code, &$new_course_id, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $course_vis, $course_prof, $webDir, &$tool_content, $urlServer, $urlAppend) {
        $departments = array();
        if (isset($_POST['department'])) {
            foreach ($_POST['department'] as $did) {
                $departments[] = intval($did);
        } else {
            $minDep = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MIN(id) AS min FROM hierarchy");
            if ($minDep) {
                $departments[0] = $minDep->min;

        $r = $restoreThis . '/html';
        list($new_course_code, $new_course_id) = create_course($course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $departments, $course_vis, $course_prof);
        if (!$new_course_code) {
            $tool_content = "<div class='alert alert-warning'>" . $GLOBALS['langError'] . "</div>";
            draw($tool_content, 3);

        if (!file_exists($restoreThis)) {
        $config_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($restoreThis . '/config_vars'));
        // If old $urlAppend didn't end in /, add it
        if (substr($config_data['urlAppend'], -1) !== '/') {
            $config_data['urlAppend'] .= '/';
        $eclass_version = (isset($config_data['version'])) ? $config_data['version'] : null;
        $backupData = null;
        if (file_exists($restoreThis . '/backup.php')) {
            $backupData = parse_backup_php($restoreThis . '/backup.php');
            $eclass_version = $backupData['eclass_version'];
        $restoreHelper = new RestoreHelper($eclass_version);

        $course_file = $restoreThis . '/' . $restoreHelper->getFile('course');
        if (file_exists($course_file)) {
            $course_dataArr = unserialize(file_get_contents($course_file));
            $course_data = $course_dataArr[0];
            // update course query
            $upd_course_sql = "UPDATE course SET keywords = ?s, doc_quota = ?f, video_quota = ?f, "
                            . " group_quota = ?f, dropbox_quota = ?f, glossary_expand = ?d ";
            $upd_course_args = array(
                $course_data[$restoreHelper->getField('course', 'keywords')],
                intval($course_data[$restoreHelper->getField('course', 'glossary_expand')])
            if (isset($course_data['home_layout']) and isset($course_data['course_image'])) {
                $upd_course_sql .= ', home_layout = ?d, course_image = ?s ';
                $upd_course_args[] = $course_data['home_layout'];
                $upd_course_args[] = $course_data['course_image'];
            // Set keywords to '' if NULL
            if (!isset($upd_course_args[0])) {
                $upd_course_args[0] = '';
            // handle course weekly if exists
            if (isset($course_data['view_type']) && isset($course_data['start_date']) && isset($course_data['finish_date'])) {
                $upd_course_sql .= " , view_type = ?s, start_date = ?t, finish_date = ?t ";
            $upd_course_sql .= " WHERE id = ?d ";
            array_push($upd_course_args, intval($new_course_id));

            Database::get()->query($upd_course_sql, $upd_course_args);

        $userid_map = array();
        $user_file = $restoreThis . '/user';
        if (file_exists($user_file)) {
            $cours_user = unserialize(file_get_contents($restoreThis . '/' . $restoreHelper->getFile('course_user')));
            $userid_map = restore_users(unserialize(file_get_contents($user_file)), $cours_user, $departments, $restoreHelper);
            register_users($new_course_id, $userid_map, $cours_user, $restoreHelper);
        $userid_map[0] = 0;
        $userid_map[-1] = -1;

        $coursedir = "${webDir}/courses/$new_course_code";
        $videodir = "${webDir}/video/$new_course_code";
        move_dir($r, $coursedir);
        if (is_dir($restoreThis . '/video_files')) {
            move_dir($restoreThis . '/video_files', $videodir);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>" . $GLOBALS['langCopyFiles'] . " $coursedir</div>";

        require_once 'upgrade/functions.php';

        $url_prefix_map = array(
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'modules/ebook/show.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'modules/document/file.php/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlServer'] . 'courses/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlServer . 'courses/' . $new_course_code,
            $config_data['urlAppend'] . 'courses/' . $course_data['code'] =>
            $urlAppend . 'courses/' . $new_course_code,
            $course_data['code'] =>

        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_3X) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_module', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'delete' => array('id')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        } else if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X) {
            foreach (get_tabledata_from_parsed('accueil', $backupData, $restoreHelper) as $accueil) {
                Database::get()->query('UPDATE course_module SET visible = ?d WHERE course_id = ?d AND module_id = ?d',
                    $accueil['visible'], $new_course_id, $accueil['id']);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'announcement', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'delete' => array('id', 'preview')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'group_properties', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $group_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'group', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'group_members', array('map' => array('group_id' => $group_map, 'user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Forums Restore
        $forum_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_category_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id', 'map' => array('cat_id' => $forum_category_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_topic_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_topic', array('return_mapping' => 'id',
            'map' => array('forum_id' => $forum_map, 'poster_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_topic_map[0] = 0;
        $forum_post_options = array('return_mapping' => 'id',
                                    'map' => array('topic_id' => $forum_topic_map,
                                                   'poster_id' => $userid_map));
        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X) {
            $forum_post_options['set'] = array('post_text' => '');
        $forum_post_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_post', $forum_post_options, $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $forum_post_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_notify', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map, 'cat_id' => $forum_category_map, 'forum_id' => $forum_map, 'topic_id' => $forum_topic_map),
            'delete' => array('id')), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'forum_user_stats', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
        'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        if ($restoreHelper->getBackupVersion() === RestoreHelper::STYLE_2X
                && isset($backupData) && is_array($backupData)
                && isset($backupData['query']) && is_array($backupData['query'])) {
            $postsText = get_tabledata_from_parsed('posts_text', $backupData, $restoreHelper);
            foreach ($postsText as $ptData) {
                if (array_key_exists($ptData['post_id'], $forum_post_map)) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_post SET post_text = ?s WHERE id = ?d", $ptData['post_text'], intval($forum_post_map[$ptData['post_id']]));

        $forumLastPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT last_post_id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d ", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($forumLastPosts) && count($forumLastPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($forumLastPosts as $lastPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum SET last_post_id = ?d WHERE course_id = ?d AND last_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id]), intval($new_course_id), intval($lastPost->last_post_id));

        $topicLastPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT last_post_id FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d)", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($topicLastPosts) && count($topicLastPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($topicLastPosts as $lastPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_topic SET last_post_id = ?d WHERE last_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$lastPost->last_post_id]), intval($lastPost->last_post_id));

        $parentPosts = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT parent_post_id FROM forum_post WHERE topic_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum_topic WHERE forum_id IN (SELECT id FROM forum WHERE course_id = ?d))", intval($new_course_id));
        if (is_array($parentPosts) && count($parentPosts) > 0) {
            foreach ($parentPosts as $parentPost) {
                if (isset($forum_post_map[$parentPost->parent_post_id])) {
                    Database::get()->query("UPDATE forum_post SET parent_post_id = ?d WHERE parent_post_id = ?d", intval($forum_post_map[$parentPost->parent_post_id]), intval($parentPost->parent_post_id));
        // Forums Restore End

        // Glossary Restore
        $glossary_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'glossary_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $glossary_category_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'glossary', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'delete' => array('id'), 'map' => array('category_id' => $glossary_category_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // Glossary Restore End

        $link_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'link_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $link_category_map[0] = 0;
        $link_category_map[-1] = -1;
        $link_category_map[-2] = -2;
        $link_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'link', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('category' => $link_category_map, 'user_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        foreach ($ebook_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // new and old id might overlap as the map contains multiple values!
            rename("$coursedir/ebook/$old_id", "$coursedir/ebook/__during_restore__$new_id");
        foreach ($ebook_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // better to use an intermediary rename step
            rename("$coursedir/ebook/__during_restore__$new_id", "$coursedir/ebook/$new_id");
        $document_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'document', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map_function' => 'document_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array(1 => $group_map, 2 => $ebook_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_section_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook_section', array('map' => array('ebook_id' => $ebook_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $ebook_subsection_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'ebook_subsection', array('map' => array('section_id' => $ebook_section_map,
            'file_id' => $document_map), 'delete' => array('file'), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Video
        $videocat_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'video_category', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $videocat_map[''] = '';
        $videocat_map[0] = 0;
        $video_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'video', array(
            'map' => array('category' => $videocat_map),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $videolink_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'videolink', array(
            'map' => array('category' => $videocat_map),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Dropbox
        $dropbox_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_msg', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
                'map' => array('author_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_attachment', array('map' => array('msg_id' => $dropbox_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'dropbox_index', array('map' => array('msg_id' => $dropbox_map, 'recipient_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Learning Path
        $lp_learnPath_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_learnPath', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'learnPath_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $lp_module_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_module', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'module_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $lp_asset_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_asset', array('map' => array('module_id' => $lp_module_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'asset_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // update lp_module startAsset_id with new asset_id from map
        foreach ($lp_asset_map as $key => $value) {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE lp_module SET `startAsset_id` = ?d "
                    . "WHERE `course_id` = ?d "
                    . "AND `startAsset_id` = ?d", intval($value), intval($new_course_id), intval($key));
        $lp_rel_learnPath_module_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_rel_learnPath_module', array('map' => array('learnPath_id' => $lp_learnPath_map,
            'module_id' => $lp_module_map), 'return_mapping' => 'learnPath_module_id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        // update parent
        foreach ($lp_rel_learnPath_module_map as $key => $value) {
            Database::get()->query("UPDATE lp_rel_learnPath_module SET `parent` = ?d "
                    . "WHERE `learnPath_id` IN (SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d) "
                    . "AND `parent` = ?d", intval($value), intval($new_course_id), intval($key));
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'lp_user_module_progress', array('delete' => array('user_module_progress_id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map,
            'learnPath_module_id' => $lp_rel_learnPath_module_map,
            'learnPath_id' => $lp_learnPath_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        foreach ($lp_learnPath_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // new and old id might overlap as the map contains multiple values!
            $old_dir = "$coursedir/scormPackages/path_$old_id";
            if (file_exists($old_dir) && is_dir($old_dir)) {
                rename($old_dir, "$coursedir/scormPackages/__during_restore__$new_id");
        foreach ($lp_learnPath_map as $old_id => $new_id) {
            // better to use an intermediary rename step
            $tempLPDir = "$coursedir/scormPackages/__during_restore__$new_id";
            if (file_exists($tempLPDir) && is_dir($tempLPDir)) {
                rename($tempLPDir, "$coursedir/scormPackages/path_$new_id");

        // Wiki
        $wiki_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_properties', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_acls', array('map' => array('wiki_id' => $wiki_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $wiki_pages_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_pages', array('map' => array('wiki_id' => $wiki_map,
            'owner_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'wiki_pages_content', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('pid' => $wiki_pages_map, 'editor_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Blog
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/blog_post")) {
            $blog_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'blog_post', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Comments
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/comments")) {
            $comment_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'comments', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'comments_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        //Abuse Report
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/abuse_report")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'abuse_report', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'abuse_report_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($forum_post_map, 
            $comment_map, $link_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Rating
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/rating")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'rating', array('delete' => array('rate_id'),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'ratings_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $forum_post_map, $link_map,
            $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/rating_cache")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'rating_cache', array('delete' => array('rate_cache_id'),
            'map_function' => 'ratings_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($blog_map, $forum_post_map, $link_map,
            $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Course_settings
        if (file_exists("$restoreThis/course_settings")) {
            restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_settings', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Polls
        $poll_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('creator_id' => $userid_map), 'return_mapping' => 'pid', 'delete' => array('type')),
             $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $poll_question_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_question', array('map' => array('pid' => $poll_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'pqid'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $poll_answer_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_question_answer', array('map' => array('pqid' => $poll_question_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'pqaid'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'poll_answer_record', array('delete' => array('arid'),
            'map' => array('pid' => $poll_map,
            'qid' => $poll_question_map,
            'aid' => $poll_answer_map,
            'user_id' => $userid_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Assignments
        if (!isset($group_map[0])) {
            $group_map[0] = 0;
        $assignments_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'assignment', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $assignments_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'assignment_submit', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('uid' => $userid_map, 'assignment_id' => $assignments_map, 'group_id' => $group_map)), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Agenda
        $agenda_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'agenda', array(
            'return_mapping' => 'id',
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id)
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $agenda_map[0] = 0;

        // Exercises
        $exercise_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $exercise_map[0] = 0;
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_user_record', array(
            'delete' => array('eurid'),
            'map' => array('eid' => $exercise_map, 'uid' => $userid_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $question_category_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_question_cats', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'question_cat_id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $question_category_map[0] = 0;
        $question_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_question', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'init' => array('category' => 0),
            'map' => array('category' => $question_category_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_answer', array(
            'delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_answer_record', array(
            'delete' => array('answer_record_id'),
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map,
                'eurid' => $userid_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'exercise_with_questions', array(
            'map' => array('question_id' => $question_map, 'exercise_id' => $exercise_map)
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        $sql = "SELECT asset.asset_id, asset.path FROM `lp_module` AS module, `lp_asset` AS asset
                        WHERE module.startAsset_id = asset.asset_id
                        AND course_id = ?d AND contentType = 'EXERCISE' AND path <> '' AND path IS NOT NULL";
        $rows = Database::get()->queryArray($sql, intval($new_course_id));

        if (is_array($rows) && count($rows) > 0) {
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                Database::get()->query("UPDATE `lp_asset` SET path = ?s WHERE asset_id = ?d", $exercise_map[$row->path], intval($row->asset_id));

        // Attendance
        $attendance_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $attendance_activities_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_activities', array(
            'map' => array('attendance_id' => $attendance_map),
            'map_function' => 'attendance_gradebook_activities_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($assignments_map, $exercise_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_book', array(
            'map' => array(
                'attendance_activity_id' => $attendance_activities_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'attendance_users', array(
            'map' => array(
                'attendance_id' => $attendance_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Gradebook
        $gradebook_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        $gradebook_activities_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_activities', array(
            'map' => array('gradebook_id' => $gradebook_map),
            'map_function' => 'attendance_gradebook_activities_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($assignments_map, $exercise_map),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_book', array(
            'map' => array(
                'gradebook_activity_id' => $gradebook_activities_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'gradebook_users', array(
            'map' => array(
                'gradebook_id' => $gradebook_map,
                'uid' => $userid_map
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Notes
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'note', array(
            'set' => array('reference_obj_course' => $new_course_id),
            'map' => array('user_id' => $userid_map),
            'map_function' => 'notes_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($new_course_id, $agenda_map, $document_map, $link_map,
                $video_map, $videolink_map, $assignments_map, $exercise_map, $ebook_map,
            'delete' => array('id')
        ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Units
        $unit_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_units', array('set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id), 'return_mapping' => 'id'), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'unit_resources', array('delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('unit_id' => $unit_map),
            'map_function' => 'unit_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($document_map,
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        // Weekly
        $weekly_map = restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_weekly_view', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'return_mapping' => 'id'
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);
        restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_weekly_view_activities', array(
            'delete' => array('id'),
            'map' => array('course_weekly_view_id' => $weekly_map),
            'map_function' => 'unit_map_function',
            'map_function_data' => array($document_map,
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);

        restore_table($restoreThis, 'course_description', array(
            'set' => array('course_id' => $new_course_id),
            'delete' => array('id')
            ), $url_prefix_map, $backupData, $restoreHelper);


        // index course after restoring
        require_once 'modules/search/indexer.class.php';
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_REMOVEALLBYCOURSE, Indexer::RESOURCE_IDX, $new_course_id);
        Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STOREALLBYCOURSE, Indexer::RESOURCE_IDX, $new_course_id);

    // check/cleanup video files after restore transaction
    if ($new_course_code != null && $new_course_id != null) {
        $videodir = $webDir . "/video/" . $new_course_code;
        $videos = scandir($videodir);
        foreach ($videos as $videofile) {
            if (is_dir($videofile)) {

            $vlike = '/' . $videofile;

            if (!isWhitelistAllowed($videofile)) {
                unlink($videodir . "/" . $videofile);
                Database::get()->query("DELETE FROM `video` WHERE course_id = ?d AND path LIKE ?s", $new_course_id, $vlike);

            $vcnt = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT count(id) AS count FROM `video` WHERE course_id = ?d AND path LIKE ?s", $new_course_id, $vlike)->count;
            if ($vcnt <= 0) {
                unlink($videodir . "/" . $videofile);
        $backUrl = $urlAppend . (isset($currentCourseCode)? "courses/$currentCourseCode/": 'modules/admin/');
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
            array('title' => $langEnter,
                  'url' => $urlAppend . "courses/$new_course_code/",
                  'icon' => 'fa-arrow-right',
                  'level' => 'primary-label',
                  'button-class' => 'btn-success'),
            array('title' => $langBack,
                  'url' => $backUrl,
                  'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                  'level' => 'primary-label')), false);

Пример #9
     *  End  of  prof only
     * ------------------------------------------- */
// display action bar
if (!isset($_GET['addEvent']) && !isset($_GET['edit'])) {        
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
            array('title' => $langAddEvent,
                  'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&amp;addEvent=1",
                  'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle',
                  'level' => 'primary-label',
                  'button-class' => 'btn-success',
                  'show' => $is_editor),
            array('title' => $langListCalendar,
                      'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code",
                      'icon' => 'fa-list',
                      'level' => 'primary-label',
                      'button-class' => 'btn-default',
                      'show' => (($view == EVENT_LIST_VIEW) and (!isset($id)))),
            array('title' => $langListAll,
                      'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&amp;v=1",
                      'icon' => 'fa-list',
                      'level' => 'primary-label',
                      'button-class' => 'btn-default',
                      'show' => ($view == EVENT_CALENDAR_VIEW or isset($id))),
            array('title' => $langiCalExport,
                  'url' => "icalendar.php?c=$course_id",
                  'icon' => 'fa-calendar',
                  'level' => 'primary')
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
       $cal_content_list = event_list_view($id);
    } else {
        $cal_content_list = event_list_view();
Пример #10
 * @brief A page that shows a table with statistic data and a gauge bar
 * @global type $langQuotaUsed
 * @global type $langQuotaPercentage
 * @global type $langQuotaTotal
 * @global type $langBack
 * @global type $langQuotaBar
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $subsystem
 * @global type $group_id
 * @global type $ebook_id
 * @param type $quota
 * @param type $used
 * @return string
function showquota($quota, $used)
    global $langQuotaUsed, $langQuotaPercentage, $langQuotaTotal, $langBack, $langQuotaBar, $course_code, $subsystem, $group_id, $ebook_id, $pageName;
    $retstring = '';
    // pososto xrhsimopoioumenou xorou se %
    $diskUsedPercentage = round($used / $quota * 100) . "%";
    // morfopoihsh tou synolikou diathesimou megethous tou quota
    $quota = format_bytesize($quota / 1024);
    // morfopoihsh tou synolikou megethous pou xrhsimopoieitai
    $used = format_bytesize($used / 1024);
    // telos diamorfwshs ths grafikh mparas kai twn arithmitikwn statistikwn stoixeiwn
    // ektypwsh pinaka me arithmitika stoixeia + thn grafikh bara
    if ($subsystem == GROUP) {
        $link = "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;group_id={$group_id}";
    } elseif ($subsystem == EBOOK) {
        $link = "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;ebook_id={$ebook_id}";
    } else {
        $link = "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}";
    $pageName = $langQuotaBar;
    $retstring .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => $link, 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
    $retstring .= "\n    <div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'>\n    <div class='form-wrapper'>\n    <form class='form-horizontal' role='form'>\n      <div class='form-group'>\n        <label class='col-sm-2'>{$langQuotaUsed}:</label>\n        <div class='col-sm-10'>\n          <p class='form-control-static'>{$used}</p>\n        </div>\n      </div>\n      <div class='form-group'>\n        <label class='col-sm-2'>{$langQuotaPercentage}:</label>\n        <div class='col-sm-10'>\n            <div class='progress'>\n              <p class='progress-bar progress-bar-striped active from-control-static' role='progressbar' aria-valuenow='" . str_replace('%', '', $diskUsedPercentage) . "' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100' style='width: {$diskUsedPercentage};'>\n                {$diskUsedPercentage}\n              </p>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n      </div>\n      <div class='form-group'>\n        <label class='col-sm-2'>{$langQuotaTotal}:</label>\n        <div class='col-sm-10'>\n              <p class='form-control-static'>{$quota}</p>\n        </div>\n      </div>  \n    </form>\n    </div></div></div>";
    $tmp_cwd = getcwd();
    return $retstring;
Пример #11
     array('title' => $langEditUnitSection,
           'url' => "info.php?course=$course_code&amp;edit=$id&amp;cnt=$cnt",
           'icon' => 'fa fa-edit',
           'level' => 'primary-label',
           'button-class' => 'btn-success'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertExercise,
           'url' => $base_url . 'exercise',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertDoc,
           'url' => $base_url . 'doc',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertText,
           'url' => $base_url . 'text',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertLink,
           'url' => $base_url . 'link',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langLearningPath1,
           'url' => $base_url . 'lp',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertVideo,
           'url' => $base_url . 'video',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertForum,
           'url' => $base_url . 'forum',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertEBook,
           'url' => $base_url . 'ebook',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertWork,
           'url' => $base_url . 'work',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertPoll,
           'url' => $base_url . 'poll',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     array('title' => $langAdd.' '.$langInsertWiki,
           'url' => $base_url . 'wiki',
           'icon' => 'fa fa-paste',
           'level' => 'secondary'),
     )) .
Пример #12
                    'level' => 'primary-label'),
                array('title' => $langEmailUnsubscribe,
                    'url' => "emailunsubscribe.php",
                    'icon' => 'fa-envelope',
                    'level' => 'primary'),
                array('title' => $langUnregUser,
                    'url' => "../unreguser.php",
                    'icon' => 'fa-times',
                    'level' => 'primary')
    } else {
        if (get_config('dropbox_allow_personal_messages')) {
            $tool_content .= 
                    array('title' => $langProfileSendMail,
                        'url' => "../../modules/dropbox/index.php?upload=1&id=$id",
                        'icon' => 'fa-envelope',
                        'level' => 'primary-label')

    // hybridauth providers information. available only for the current user.
    $providers = '';
    if ($id == $uid) {
        $providers_text = '';
        $extAuthList = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT auth.auth_id, auth_name FROM auth, user_ext_uid
            WHERE auth.auth_id = user_ext_uid.auth_id AND user_ext_uid.user_id = ?d", $id);
        foreach ($extAuthList as $item) {
            $fullName = q($authFullName[$item->auth_id]);
            $providers_text .= " <span class='tag-value'><img src='$themeimg/{$item->auth_name}.png' alt=''>&nbsp;$fullName</span>";
Пример #13
                    WHERE ebook_id = ?d
                    ORDER BY CONVERT(public_id, UNSIGNED), public_id", $info->id);
 $sections = array('' => '---');
 foreach ($q as $section) {
     $sid = $section->id;
     $qsid = q($section->public_id);
     $qstitle = q($section->title);
     $sections[$sid] = $qsid . '. ' . ellipsize($section->title, 25);
 $pageName = $langEBookPages;
 $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                     array('title' => $langNewEBookPage,
                       'url' => "new.php?course=$course_code&ebook_id=$ebook_id&amp;from=ebookEdit",
                       'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle',
                       'button-class' => 'btn-success',
                       'level' => 'primary-label'),            
                     array('title' => $langFileAdmin,
                           'url' => "document.php?course=$course_code&amp;ebook_id=$ebook_id",
                           'icon' => 'fa-hdd-o',                          
                           'level' => 'primary-label')            
 // Form #3 - edit subsection file assignment
 $q = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT ebook_section.id AS sid,
                           ebook_section.id AS psid,
                           ebook_section.title AS section_title,
                           ebook_subsection.id AS ssid,
                           ebook_subsection.public_id AS pssid,
                           ebook_subsection.title AS subsection_title,
                           ebook_subsection.file_id as file_id
                    FROM ebook_section, ebook_subsection
                    WHERE ebook_section.ebook_id = $info->id AND
Пример #14
         // adds the exercise ID into the list of exercises for the current question
     // destruction of the Question object
     // adds the question ID into the list of questions for the current exercise
     Session::Messages($langQuestionReused, 'alert-success');
     redirect_to_home_page("modules/exercise/question_pool.php?course={$course_code}" . (isset($fromExercise) ? "&fromExercise={$fromExercise}" : "") . "&exerciseId={$exerciseId}");
 if (isset($fromExercise)) {
     $action_bar_options[] = array('title' => $langGoBackToEx, 'url' => "admin.php?course={$course_code}&amp;exerciseId={$fromExercise}", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label');
 } else {
     $action_bar_options = array(array('title' => $langNewQu, 'url' => "admin.php?course={$course_code}&amp;newQuestion=yes", 'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle', 'level' => 'primary-label', 'button-class' => 'btn-success'), array('title' => $langImportQTI, 'url' => "admin.php?course={$course_code}&amp;importIMSQTI=yes", 'icon' => 'fa-download', 'level' => 'primary-label', 'button-class' => 'btn-success'), array('title' => $langExportQTI, 'url' => "question_pool.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "&amp;exportIMSQTI=yes", 'icon' => 'fa-upload', 'level' => 'primary-label', 'button-class' => 'btn-success'));
 $tool_content .= action_bar($action_bar_options);
 if (isset($fromExercise)) {
     $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id, title FROM `exercise` WHERE course_id = ?d AND id <> ?d ORDER BY id", $course_id, $fromExercise);
 } else {
     $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id, title FROM `exercise` WHERE course_id = ?d ORDER BY id", $course_id);
 $exercise_options = "<option value = '0'>-- {$langAllExercises} --</option>\n\n                        <option value = '-1' " . (isset($exerciseId) && $exerciseId == -1 ? "selected='selected'" : "") . ">-- {$langOrphanQuestions} --</option>\n";
 foreach ($result as $row) {
     $exercise_options .= "\n             <option value='" . $row->id . "' " . (isset($exerciseId) && $exerciseId == $row->id ? "selected='selected'" : "") . ">{$row->title}</option>\n";
 //Create exercise category options
 $q_cats = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM exercise_question_cats WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
 $q_cat_options = "<option value='-1' " . (isset($categoryId) && $categoryId == -1 ? "selected" : "") . ">-- {$langQuestionAllCats} --</option>\\m\n                      <option value='0' " . (isset($categoryId) && $categoryId == 0 ? "selected" : "") . ">-- {$langQuestionWithoutCat} --</option>\n";
 foreach ($q_cats as $q_cat) {
     $q_cat_options .= "<option value='" . $q_cat->question_cat_id . "' " . (isset($categoryId) && $categoryId == $q_cat->question_cat_id ? "selected" : "") . ">{$q_cat->question_cat_name}</option>\n";
Пример #15
$base = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;' . $module . 'group_id=' . $group_id . '';
if (isset($_POST['user_date_start']) or isset($_POST['user_date_end'])) {
    $append_url_link = "&amp;u_date_start=$_POST[user_date_start]&u_date_end=$_POST[user_date_end]";
} else {
    $append_url_link = '';
$tool_content .= action_bar(array(
            array('title' => $langLearningPaths,
                'url' => "$base&amp;type=lp",
                'icon' => 'fa-bar-chart',
                'show' => $type == "duration",
                'level' => 'primary'),
            array('title' => $langUsage,
                'url' => "$base&amp;type=duration",
                'icon' => 'fa-bar-chart',
                'show' => $type == "lp",
                'level' => 'primary'),
            array('title' => "$langDumpUserDurationToFile ($langCodeUTF)",
                'url' => "dumpgroupduration.php?course=$course_code&amp;group_id=$group_id$append_url_link",
                'icon' => 'fa-file-archive-o',
                'level' => 'primary'),
            array('title' => "$langDumpUserDurationToFile ($langCodeWin)",
                'url' => "dumpgroupduration.php?course=$course_code&amp;group_id=$group_id$append_url_link",
                'icon' => 'fa-file-archive-o',                
                'level' => 'primary')));

if ($type == 'duration') {
    $label = $langDuration;    
    $min_date = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MIN(day) AS minday FROM actions_daily WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->minday;
Пример #16
		<div class="excerpt">
        action_bar('before=&after= | ');
} elseif (!has_feeds()) {
	<div style="border:1px solid #e7dc2b;background: #fff888;margin:15px;padding:10px;"><?php 
    printf(_r('You haven\'t added any feeds yet. Add them from <a href="%s">your admin panel</a>'), 'admin/');
} else {
	<div style="border:1px solid #e7dc2b;background: #fff888;margin:15px;padding:10px;">No items available in the last <?php 
    echo get_offset(true);
Пример #17
    $tool_content .= "

} else {
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
            'title' => $langNewGradeScale,
            'level' => 'primary-label',
            'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle',
            'url' => "grading_scales.php?course=$course_code&amp;scale_id=0",
            'button-class' => 'btn-success'
            'title' => $langBack,
            'level' => 'primary-label',
            'icon' => 'fa-reply',
            'url' => "index.php?course=$course_code"

    $grading_scales = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM grading_scale WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
    if ($grading_scales) {
        $table_content = "";
        foreach ($grading_scales as $grading_scale) {
            $scales = unserialize($grading_scale->scales);
            $scales_list = "";
            foreach ($scales as $scale) {
Пример #18
                ". generate_csrf_token_form_field() ."
    $total_glossary_terms = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM glossary
                                                          WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->count;
    if ($expand_glossary and $total_glossary_terms > $max_glossary_terms) {
        $tool_content .= sprintf("<div class='alert alert-warning'>$langGlossaryOverLimit</div>", "<b>$max_glossary_terms</b>");
} else {
    // Show categories link for students if needed
    if ($categories) {
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                      array('title' => $langCategories,
                            'url' => "categories.php?course=$course_code",
                            'icon' => 'fa-tasks',
                            'level' => 'primary-label')));        

/* * ***********************************************
  // display glossary
 * *********************************************** */

$where = '';
$terms = array();
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
    $where = "AND id = ?d";
    $terms[] = intval($id);
Пример #19

    if (@count($registration_errors) != 0) {
        // errors exist (from hybridauth) - show message
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-danger'>";
        foreach ($registration_errors as $error) {
            $tool_content .= " $error";
        $tool_content .= "</div>";
        $provider_name = '';
        $provider_id ='';

    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                    array('title' => $langBack,
                        'url' => "{$urlAppend}modules/auth/registration.php",
                        'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                        'level' => 'primary-label')), false);
    $tool_content .= @"<div class='form-wrapper'>
            <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' action='$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]' method='post' onsubmit='return validateNodePickerForm();'>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for='Name' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$langName:</label>
                <div class='col-sm-10'>
                    <input class='form-control' type='text' name='givenname_form' size='30' maxlength='100'" .
                      ($user_data? (" value='" . q($user_data->firstName) . "'"): '') . " placeholder='$langName'>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for='SurName' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$langSurname:</label>
                <div class='col-sm-10'>
Пример #20
        if (isset($_GET['addAnnounce'])) {
            $pageName = $langAdminAddAnn;
        } else {
            $pageName = $langAdminModifAnn;
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                    array('title' => $langBack,
                        'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],
                        'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                        'level' => 'primary-label')
    } else {
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                array('title' => $langAdminAddAnn,
                    'url' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?addAnnounce=1",
                    'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle',
                    'level' => 'primary-label',
                    'button-class' => 'btn-success')

// modify visibility
if (isset($_GET['vis'])) {
    $id = q($_GET['id']);
    $vis = q($_GET['vis']);
    Database::get()->query("UPDATE admin_announcement SET visible = ?b WHERE id = ?d", $vis, $id);

if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
    // delete announcement command
Пример #21
$myrow = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT id, name FROM forum WHERE id = ?d AND course_id = ?d", $forum, $course_id);
$forum_name = $myrow->name;
$forum_id = $myrow->id;
$is_member = false;
$group_id = init_forum_group_info($forum_id);
$pageName = $langNewTopic;
$navigation[] = array('url' => "index.php?course={$course_code}", 'name' => $langForums);
$navigation[] = array('url' => "viewforum.php?course={$course_code}&amp;forum={$forum_id}", 'name' => q($forum_name));
if (!does_exists($forum_id, "forum")) {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$langErrorPost}</div>";
    draw($tool_content, 2);
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $dynbar = array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "viewforum.php?course={$course_code}&forum={$forum_id}", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label'));
    $tool_content .= action_bar($dynbar);
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $subject = trim($_POST['subject']);
    $message = trim($_POST['message']);
    if (empty($message) or empty($subject)) {
        header("Location: viewforum.php?course={$course_code}&forum={$forum_id}&empty=true");
    $message = purify($message);
    $poster_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $topic_id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_topic (title, poster_id, forum_id, topic_time) VALUES (?s, ?d, ?d, ?t)", $subject, $uid, $forum_id, $time)->lastInsertID;
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMTOPIC, $topic_id);
    $post_id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_post (topic_id, post_text, poster_id, post_time, poster_ip) VALUES (?d, ?s, ?d, ?t, ?s)", $topic_id, $message, $uid, $time, $poster_ip)->lastInsertID;
    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_FORUMPOST, $post_id);
Пример #22
 * ======================================================================== */

$mail_ver_excluded = true;
require_once '../include/baseTheme.php';
$pageName = $langManuals;

$addon = '';

if (!in_array($language, array('el', 'en'))) {
    $language = 'en';
    $addon = " ($langOnlyInEnglish)";
$tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                                array('title' => $langBack,
                                      'url' => $urlServer,
                                      'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                                      'level' => 'primary-label',
                                      'button-class' => 'btn-default')
$tool_content .= "<table class='table table-striped table-bordered table-hover'>
    <th width='16'>".icon('fa-globe')."</th>
    <td>" . manlink($langFinalDesc, 'detail_descr', $language) . "</td>
    <th width='16'>".icon('fa-globe')."</th>
    <td> " . manlink($langShortDesc, 'short_descr', $language) . "</td>
    <th width='16'>".icon('fa-globe')."</th>
    <td>" . manlink($langManT, 'mant', $language) . "</td>
Пример #23
    $course->refresh($new_course_id, $departments);

    // create courses/<CODE>/index.php

    // add a default forum category
    Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO forum_category
                            SET cat_title = ?s,
                            course_id = ?d", $langForumDefaultCat, $new_course_id);

    $_SESSION['courses'][$code] = USER_TEACHER;

    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'><b>$langJustCreated:</b> " . q($title) . "<br>
                        <span class='smaller'>$langEnterMetadata</span></div>";
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(
        array('title' => $langEnter,
              'url' => $urlAppend . "courses/$code/",
              'icon' => 'fa-arrow-right',
              'level' => 'primary-label',
              'button-class' => 'btn-success')));
    // logging
    Log::record(0, 0, LOG_CREATE_COURSE, array('id' => $new_course_id,
                                            'code' => $code,
                                            'title' => $title,
                                            'language' => $language,
                                            'visible' => $_POST['formvisible']));
} // end of submit
draw($tool_content, 1, null, $head_content);

Пример #24
if (!empty($message)) {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert {$style}'>{$message}</div>";
// user is not allowed to read this page
if (!$is_allowedToRead) {
    $tool_content .= $langWikiNotAllowedToRead;
    draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
if ($action != "edit" && $action != "history" && $action != "diff") {
    // Wiki navigation bar
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langWikiMainPage, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;wikiId=" . $wiki->getWikiId() . "&amp;action=show&amp;title=__MainPage__", 'icon' => 'fa-wikipedia', 'level' => 'primary-label'), array('title' => $langWikiRecentChanges, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;wikiId=" . $wiki->getWikiId() . "&amp;action=recent", 'icon' => 'fa-history', 'level' => 'primary'), array('title' => $langWikiAllPages, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;wikiId=" . $wiki->getWikiId() . "&amp;action=all", 'icon' => 'fa-files-o', 'level' => 'primary'), array('title' => $langSearch, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;wikiId=" . $wiki->getWikiId() . "&amp;action=rqSearch", 'icon' => 'fa-search', 'level' => 'primary'), array('title' => $langWikiList, 'url' => "index.php?course={$course_code}&amp;gid={$groupId}", 'icon' => 'fa-list', 'level' => 'primary')));
if ($action == "edit" || $action == "diff" || $action == "history" || $action == "conflict") {
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langWikiBackToPage, 'level' => 'primary-label', 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;wikiId=" . $wiki->getWikiId() . "&amp;action=show&amp;title=" . rawurlencode($wiki_title))));
switch ($action) {
    case "diff":
        $oldTime = nice_format($oldTime, true);
        $userInfo = user_get_data($oldEditor);
        $oldEditorStr = q($userInfo->givenname) . "&nbsp;" . q($userInfo->surname);
        $newTime = nice_format($newTime, TRUE);
        $userInfo = user_get_data($newEditor);
        $newEditorStr = q($userInfo->givenname) . "&nbsp;" . q($userInfo->surname);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>\n                             " . sprintf($langWikiDifferencePattern, $oldTime, $oldEditorStr, $newTime, $newEditorStr) . "\n                             </div>\n                             <strong>{$langWikiDifferenceKeys}</strong>";
        $tool_content .= '<div class="diff">' . "\n";
        $tool_content .= '= <span class="diffEqual" >' . $langWikiDiffUnchangedLine . '</span><br />';
        $tool_content .= '+ <span class="diffAdded" >' . $langWikiDiffAddedLine . '</span><br />';
        $tool_content .= '- <span class="diffDeleted" >' . $langWikiDiffDeletedLine . '</span><br />';
        $tool_content .= 'M <span class="diffMoved" >' . $langWikiDiffMovedLine . '</span><br />';
Пример #25
            $pageName = $langRename;
        if (isset($_GET['move'])) {
            $pageName = $langMove;
        if (isset($_GET['createDir'])) {
            $pageName = $langCreateDir;
        if (isset($_GET['comment'])) {
            $pageName = $langAddComment;
        if (isset($_GET['replace'])) {
            $pageName = $langReplace;
        $diskQuotaDocument = $diskQuotaDocument * 1024 / 1024;
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langDownloadFile, 'url' => "upload.php?course={$course_code}&amp;{$groupset}uploadPath={$curDirPath}", 'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle', 'level' => 'primary-label', 'button-class' => 'btn-success'), array('title' => $langCreateDir, 'url' => "{$base_url}createDir={$cmdCurDirPath}", 'icon' => 'fa-folder', 'level' => 'primary'), array('title' => $langQuotaBar, 'url' => "{$base_url}showQuota=true", 'icon' => 'fa-pie-chart'), array('title' => $langExternalFile, 'url' => "upload.php?course={$course_code}&amp;{$groupset}uploadPath={$curDirPath}&amp;ext=true", 'icon' => 'fa-external-link'), array('title' => $langCommonDocs, 'url' => "../units/insert.php?course={$course_code}&amp;dir={$curDirPath}&amp;type=doc&amp;id=-1", 'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle', 'show' => !defined('COMMON_DOCUMENTS') && get_config('enable_common_docs'))));
    // Dialog Box
    if (!empty($dialogBox)) {
        $tool_content .= $dialogBox;
// check if there are documents
$doc_count = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM document WHERE {$group_sql} {$filter}" . ($can_upload ? '' : " AND visible=1"))->count;
if ($doc_count == 0) {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoDocuments}</div>";
} else {
    // Current Directory Line
    $tool_content .= "\n    <div class='row'>\n        <div class='col-md-12'>\n            <div class='panel'>\n                <div class='panel-body'>";
    if ($can_upload) {
        $cols = 4;
Пример #26
$moduleNb = 0;
$globalProg = 0;
$global_time = "0000:00:00";

// look for maxDeep
$maxDeep = 1; // used to compute colspan of <td> cells
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($flatElementList); $i++) {
    if ($flatElementList[$i]['children'] > $maxDeep) {
        $maxDeep = $flatElementList[$i]['children'];

$tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                array('title' => $langBack,
                      'url' => "detailsUser.php?course=$course_code",
                      'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                      'level' => 'primary-label')),false);

$tool_content .= "
        <div class='row margin-bottom-thin'>
            <div class='col-xs-12'>
                    <b>$langLearnPath:</b> <span class='text-muted'>$LPname</span>
                    <b>$langStudent:</b> <span class='text-muted'>".q($uDetails->surname) . "&nbsp;" . q($uDetails->givenname) . " (" . q($uDetails->email).")</span>
Пример #27
    $_SESSION['cas_do'] = true;

if (!empty($_SESSION['cas_warn'])) {
    $_SESSION['cas_do'] = false;

if (empty($ldap_login_attr)) {
    $ldap_login_attr = 'uid';

$tool_content .= action_bar(array(
            'title' => $langBack,
            'icon' => 'fa-reply',
            'level' => 'primary-label',
            'url' => 'auth.php'

// You have to logout from CAS and preferably close your browser
// to change CAS settings
if (!empty($_SESSION['cas_warn']) and $auth == 7) {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>$langCASnochange</div>";

if ($submit or ! empty($_SESSION['cas_do'])) {
    if (!empty($_SESSION['cas_do']) and empty($_SESSION['cas_warn'])) {
        // test new CAS settings
        $cas_ret = cas_authenticate(7, true, $_SESSION['cas_host'], $_SESSION['cas_port'], $_SESSION['cas_context'], $_SESSION['cas_cachain']);
        if (phpCAS::checkAuthentication()) {
Пример #28
        $course_title = course_id_to_title($cid);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>" . q(sprintf($course_title, $langEmailUnsubSuccess)) . "</div>";
    } else {
        // change email subscription for all courses
        foreach ($_SESSION['courses'] as $course_code => $c_value) {
            if (@array_key_exists($course_code, $_POST['c_unsub'])) {
                Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_user SET receive_mail = 1\n                                WHERE user_id = ?d AND course_id = " . course_code_to_id($course_code), $uid);
            } else {
                Database::get()->query("UPDATE course_user SET receive_mail = 0\n                                WHERE user_id = ?d AND course_id = " . course_code_to_id($course_code), $uid);
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langWikiEditionSucceed}. <br /></div>" . action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "../profile/profile.php", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
} else {
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => 'display_profile.php', 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
    $tool_content .= "<form action='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}' method='post'>";
    if (get_config('email_verification_required') && get_config('dont_mail_unverified_mails')) {
        $user_email_status = get_mail_ver_status($uid);
        if ($user_email_status == EMAIL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED or $user_email_status == EMAIL_UNVERIFIED) {
            $link = "<a href = '../auth/mail_verify_change.php?from_profile=TRUE'>{$langHere}</a>.";
            $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langMailNotVerified} {$link}</div>";
    if (!get_user_email_notification_from_courses($uid)) {
        $head_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">$(control_deactivate);</script>';
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>{$langEmailUnsubscribeWarning}</div>\n                                  <input type='checkbox' id='unsub' name='unsub' value='1'>&nbsp;{$langEmailFromCourses}";
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>{$langInfoUnsubscribe}</div>\n                          <div id='unsubscontrols'>";
    if (isset($_POST['cid'])) {
        // one course only
Пример #29
    if (!$errorFound) {
        $tool_content .= "\n<br /><center><b>" . $langInstalled . "</b></center>";
        $tool_content .= "\n<br /><br ><center><a href=\"learningPathAdmin.php?course={$course_code}&amp;path_id=" . $tempPathId . "\">" . $lpName . "</a></center>";
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "\n<br /><center><b>" . $langNotInstalled . "</b></center>";
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "index.php?course={$course_code}", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
} else {
    // if method == 'post'
    // don't display the form if user already sent it
    /* --------------------------------------
       -------------------------------------- */
    // Action_bar section
    $tool_content .= "\n        <div class='row'>\n            <div class='col-sm-12'>";
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "index.php?course={$course_code}", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
    $tool_content .= "</div>\n        </div>\n    ";
    // Upload Form section
    $tool_content .= "\n        <div class='row'>\n            <div class='col-sm-12'>\n                <div class='form-wrapper'>\n                    <form class='form-horizontal' role='form' method='post' action='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n                        <fieldset>\n                            <legend>{$langImport}</legend>\n                            <div class='form-group'>\n                                <label for='uploadedPackage' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>Εισαγωγή αρχείου</label>\n                                <div class='col-sm-10'>\n                                    <input type='hidden' name='claroFormId' value='" . uniqid('') . "' >\n                                    <input id='uploadedPackage' type='file' name='uploadedPackage'>\n                                    <span class='smaller'>{$langLearningPathUploadFile}</span>\n                                    <span class='smaller'>{$langMaxFileSize} " . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "</span>\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                            <div class='form-group'>\n                                <div class='col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10'>\n                                    <input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' value='{$langImport}' >\n                                </div>\n                            </div>\n                        </fieldset>\n                    </form>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    ";
    /*     * ***************************************
     * *************************************** */
    $basedir = $webDir . '/courses/' . $course_code . '/document';
    /*     * * Retrieve file info for current directory from database and disk ** */
    $documents = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM document WHERE format= 'zip' AND course_id = ?d ORDER BY filename", $course_id);
    $fileinfo = array();
    foreach ($documents as $row) {
        $fileinfo[] = array('is_dir' => is_dir($basedir . $row->path), 'size' => filesize($basedir . $row->path), 'title' => $row->title, 'filename' => $row->filename, 'format' => $row->format, 'path' => $row->path, 'visible' => $row->visible == 1, 'comment' => $row->comment, 'copyrighted' => $row->copyrighted, 'date' => $row->date_modified);
    $tool_content .= "\n<div class=\"fileman\">";
    $tool_content .= "\n<form action='importFromDocument.php?course={$course_code}' method='post'>";
Пример #30
$head_content .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n    \$(document).ready(function () {\r\n        \$('#select-groups').select2();       \r\n        \$('#selectAll').click(function(e) {\r\n            e.preventDefault();\r\n            var stringVal = [];\r\n            \$('#select-groups').find('option').each(function(){\r\n                stringVal.push(\$(this).val());\r\n            });\r\n            \$('#select-groups').val(stringVal).trigger('change');\r\n        });\r\n        \$('#removeAll').click(function(e) {\r\n            e.preventDefault();\r\n            var stringVal = [];\r\n            \$('#select-groups').val(stringVal).trigger('change');\r\n        });         \r\n    });\r\n\r\n    </script>\r\n";
$head_content .= "\r\n<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n\t\tfunction onAddTag(tag) {\r\n\t\t\talert('Added a tag: ' + tag);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\tfunction onRemoveTag(tag) {\r\n\t\t\talert('Removed a tag: ' + tag);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tfunction onChangeTag(input,tag) {\r\n\t\t\talert('Changed a tag: ' + tag);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\$(function() {\r\n\t\t\t\$('#tags_1').tagsInput({width:'auto'});\r\n\t\t});\r\n</script>\r\n";
if ($is_editor) {
    if (isset($_GET['add']) or isset($_GET['choice'])) {
        if (isset($_GET['add'])) {
            $pageName = $langNewBBBSession;
        } elseif (isset($_GET['choice']) and $_GET['choice'] == 'edit') {
            $pageName = $langModify;
        $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
            $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
        } else {
            $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langNewBBBSession, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;add=1", 'icon' => 'fa-calendar', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
if (isset($_GET['add'])) {
    $navigation[] = array('url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}", 'name' => $langBBB);
} elseif (isset($_POST['update_bbb_session'])) {
    $startDate_obj = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y H:i', $_POST['start_session']);
    $start = $startDate_obj->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    update_bbb_session($_GET['id'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['desc'], $start, $_POST['type'], $_POST['status'], isset($_POST['notifyUsers']) ? '1' : '0', $_POST['minutes_before'], $_POST['external_users'], $_POST['record'], $_POST['sessionUsers']);
    Session::Messages($langBBBAddSuccessful, 'alert-success');
} elseif (isset($_GET['choice'])) {
    $navigation[] = array('url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}", 'name' => $langBBB);
    switch ($_GET['choice']) {