Пример #1
function act_feed()
    global $wpdb, $options_act;
    $act_feed = wp_cache_get('act_feed');
    if (!$act_feed) {
        $date = gmdate('r', strtotime($wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(act_date) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "activity")));
        $wp_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl');
        $act_not_in = '';
        if (!$act_feed_connect) {
            $act_not_in .= "'CONNECT', ";
        if (!$act_feed_comments) {
            $act_not_in .= "'COMMENT_ADD', 'COMMENT_EDIT', 'COMMENT_DEL', ";
        if (!$act_feed_posts) {
            $act_not_in .= "'POST_ADD', 'POST_EDIT', 'POST_DEL', ";
        if (!$act_feed_profiles) {
            $act_not_in .= "'PROFILE_EDIT', ";
        if (!$act_feed_links) {
            $act_not_in .= "'LINK_ADD', ";
        $act_types = array('CONNECT' => __('New visit', 'wp-activity'), 'POST_ADD' => __('New post', 'wp-activity'), 'POST_EDIT' => __('Post edited', 'wp-activity'), 'POST_DEL' => __('Post deleted', 'wp-activity'), 'PROFILE_EDIT' => __('Profile edited', 'wp-activity'), 'COMMENT_ADD' => __('New comment', 'wp-activity'), 'COMMENT_EDIT' => __('Comment edited', 'wp-activity'), 'COMMENT_DEL' => __('Comment deleted', 'wp-activity'), 'LINK_ADD' => __('New link', 'wp-activity'));
        $sql = "SELECT u.display_name as display_name, user_nicename, u.id as id, act_type, act_date, act_params, a.id as act_id, a.user_id as user_id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "activity AS a, " . $wpdb->prefix . "users AS u WHERE a.user_id = u.id AND a.act_type NOT IN (" . $act_not_in . "'LOGIN_FAIL', 'ACCESS_DENIED') ORDER BY a.act_date DESC";
        if ($items = $wpdb->get_results($sql)) {
            $cache = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
            $cache .= '<rss version="2.0"	xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"	xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/"	xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"	xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"	xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/"	xmlns:slash="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/"	>';
            $cache .= '<channel>';
            $cache .= '<title>' . attribute_escape(strip_tags(html_entity_decode(sprintf(__('%s activity RSS Feed', 'wp-activity'), get_bloginfo('name'))))) . '</title>';
            $cache .= '<link>' . $wp_url . '</link>';
            $cache .= '<description><![CDATA[' . sprintf(__('User events of %s', 'wp-activity'), get_bloginfo('name')) . ']]></description>';
            $cache .= '<lastBuildDate>' . $date . '</lastBuildDate>';
            $cache .= '<language>' . get_bloginfo('language') . '</language>';
            foreach ((array) $items as $item) {
                $act_prep = act_prepare($item, 'rss');
                $act_desc = $act_prep['user'] . ' ' . $act_prep['text'] . ' ' . $act_prep['params'];
                $cache .= '<item>';
                $cache .= '<title>' . $act_types[$act_prep['type']] . '</title>';
                $cache .= '<pubDate>' . $act_prep['date'] . '</pubDate>';
                $cache .= '<description><![CDATA[<p>' . attribute_escape(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($act_desc))) . '</p>]]></description>';
                $cache .= '<content:encoded><![CDATA[<div style="float:left; margin:1em">' . get_avatar($item->user_id, 40) . '</div><p>' . $act_desc . '</p><div style="clear:both;"></div>]]></content:encoded>';
                $cache .= '<dc:creator>' . $item->display_name . '</dc:creator>';
                $cache .= '<link>' . $wp_url . '</link>';
                $cache .= '</item>';
            $cache .= '</channel>';
            $cache .= '</rss>';
        wp_cache_set('act_feed', $cache, '3600');
        echo $cache;
    } else {
        echo $act_feed;
Пример #2
function act_admin_activity()
    global $wpdb, $act_plugin_version, $act_list_limit, $options_act, $act_user_filter_max;
    <script type="text/javascript">
      jQuery(function() {
          jQuery('#act_user_sel').suggest(ajaxurl + "?action=act_get_users", { minchars: 3 });
  <div class="wrap">
  <h2>Activity Log</h2>
    if (isset($_GET['act_list_action']) && isset($_GET['act_check']) && check_admin_referer('wp-activity-list', 'act_filter')) {
        $doaction = $_GET['act_list_action'];
        if ('delete' == $doaction) {
            $act_list_del = implode(",", $_GET['act_check']);
            if ($wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "activity WHERE id IN(" . $act_list_del . ")")) {
                echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __('Event(s) deleted.', 'wp-activity') . '</strong></div>';
    $act_data_filter = $act_args = $sqlfilter = '';
    if (isset($_GET['act_type_filter'])) {
        $act_type_filter = esc_html($_GET['act_type_filter']);
        $act_user_sel = esc_html($_GET['act_user_sel']);
        $act_data_filter = esc_html($_GET['act_data_filter']);
        if ($act_user_sel != 'all' and !empty($act_user_sel)) {
            if (is_numeric($act_user_sel)) {
                $sql_userobject = get_userdata($act_user_sel);
                $sql_username = $sql_userobject->display_name;
                $sqlfilter .= ' AND u.id = ' . $act_user_sel;
            } else {
                $sql_username = $act_user_sel;
                $sql_userobject = get_user_by('login', $act_user_sel);
                $sqlfilter .= ' AND u.display_name = "' . $act_user_sel . '"';
                //$act_user_sel = $sql_userobject->ID;
            $sqlfilter .= ' AND act_type NOT IN ("LOGIN_FAIL", "ACCESS_DENIED")';
            $act_args .= '&act_user_sel=' . $act_user_sel;
        if ($act_type_filter != 'all' and !empty($act_type_filter)) {
            $sqlfilter .= ' AND act_type = "' . $act_type_filter . '"';
        if (!empty($act_data_filter)) {
            $sqlfilter .= ' AND act_params LIKE "%%' . $act_data_filter . '%%"';
            //double % characters to be wpdb->prepare compatible
            $act_args .= '&act_data_filter=' . $act_data_filter;
        $act_args .= '&act_type_filter=' . $act_type_filter;
        if (($act_type_filter == 'LOGIN_FAIL' or $act_type_filter == 'all') and $act_user_sel != 'all') {
            $sqlfilter .= ') UNION ALL (SELECT null as display_name, user_id as id, act_type, act_date, act_params, id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'activity WHERE act_type = "LOGIN_FAIL" AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(act_params, "###", 1) = "' . $sql_username . '"';
            if (!empty($act_data_filter)) {
                //This avoid to have login_fail events not related to data filter selected when filtering also by user.
                //WARNING : If you enter the same value for user AND data filters, you will see login_fail events for this user. That's because raw data value contains the user logon name.)
                $sqlfilter .= ' AND act_params LIKE "%%' . $act_data_filter . '%%"';
    $sqlfilter .= ')';
    if (isset($_GET['act_order_by'])) {
        $act_order_by = esc_html($_GET['act_order_by']);
        $act_args .= '&act_order_by=' . $act_order_by;
    if (empty($act_type_filter)) {
        $act_type_filter = 'all';
    if (empty($act_order_by)) {
        $act_order_by = 'order_date';
    switch ($act_order_by) {
        case 'order_user':
            $sqlorderby = 'display_name ASC, act_date DESC';
        case 'order_type':
            $sqlorderby = 'act_type ASC, act_date DESC';
        case 'order_date':
            $sqlorderby = 'act_date DESC';
  <div id="act_recent">
    if (isset($_GET['act_page']) && $_GET['act_page'] && is_numeric($_GET['act_page'])) {
        $act_page = $_GET['act_page'];
    } else {
        $act_page = 1;
    /******** DISPLAY ********/
    $act_start = ($act_page - 1) * $act_list_limit;
    $act_recent_sql = "(SELECT u.display_name as display_name, u.id as id, act_type, act_date, act_params, a.id as act_id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "activity AS a, " . $wpdb->users . " AS u WHERE a.user_id = u.id " . $sqlfilter . " ORDER BY " . $sqlorderby;
    $logins = $wpdb->get_results($act_recent_sql);
    $act_count = count($logins);
    //echo 'act_recent_sql : '.$act_recent_sql.' - act_count : '.$act_count.'<br />';
      <form id="act-filter" action="" method="get">
        <input type="hidden" name="page" value="act_activity" />
    wp_nonce_field('wp-activity-list', 'act_filter', false);
        <div class="tablenav">
    act_pagination($act_count, $act_list_limit, $act_page, $act_start, $act_args);
          <div class="alignleft actions">
            <select name="act_list_action">
              <option value="" selected="selected"><?php 
    _e('Bulk Actions');
              <option value="delete"><?php 
            <input type="submit" value="<?php 
" name="doaction" id="doaction" class="button-secondary action" />
    $select_type = "<select name=\"act_type_filter\">";
    $select_type .= '<option value="all"' . ($act_type_filter == 'all' ? " selected='selected'" : '') . '>' . __('View all') . "</option>";
    foreach ((array) $types as $type) {
        $select_type .= '<option value="' . $type . '"' . ($type == $act_type_filter ? " selected='selected'" : '') . '>' . $type . "</option>";
    $select_type .= "</select>";
    echo $select_type;
    $select_order = "<select name=\"act_order_by\">";
    $select_order .= '<option value="order_date"' . ($act_order_by == 'order_date' ? " selected='selected'" : '') . '>' . __('Order by date (DESC)', 'wp-activity') . '</option>';
    $select_order .= '<option value="order_user"' . ($act_order_by == 'order_user' ? " selected='selected'" : '') . '>' . __('Order by user', 'wp-activity') . '</option>';
    $select_order .= '<option value="order_type"' . ($act_order_by == 'order_type' ? " selected='selected'" : '') . '>' . __('Order by event type', 'wp-activity') . '</option>';
    $select_order .= "</select>";
    echo $select_order;
    $user_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->users};");
    if ($user_count <= $act_user_filter_max) {
        if (empty($act_user_sel)) {
            $act_user_sel = 'all';
        $act_u_res = get_users('orderby=displayname');
        $act_u_sel = "<select name=\"act_user_sel\">";
        $act_u_sel .= '<option value="all"' . ($act_user_sel == 'all' ? " selected='selected'" : '') . '>' . __('All users', 'wp-activity') . '</option>';
        foreach ((array) $act_u_res as $act_u) {
            $act_u_sel .= '<option value="' . $act_u->ID . '"' . ($act_user_sel == $act_u->ID ? " selected='selected'" : '') . '>' . $act_u->display_name . '</option>';
        $act_u_sel .= "</select>";
    } else {
        $act_u_sel = __("User") . ' : <input type="text" id="act_user_sel" name="act_user_sel" value="' . $act_user_sel . '" />';
    echo $act_u_sel;
    _e("Data", 'wp-activity');
 : <input type="text" id="act_data_filter" name="act_data_filter" value="<?php 
    echo $act_data_filter;
" />
            <input type="submit" id="post-query-submit" value="<?php 
" class="button-secondary" />
          <br class="clear" />
        <table id="activity-admin" class="widefat">
              <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column"><input type="checkbox" /></th>
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("Date", 'wp-activity');
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("User", 'wp-activity');
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("Event Type", 'wp-activity');
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("Applies to", 'wp-activity');
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column column-cb check-column"><input type="checkbox" /></th>
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("Date", 'wp-activity');
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("User", 'wp-activity');
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("Event Type", 'wp-activity');
              <th scope="col" class="manage-column"><?php 
    _e("Applies to", 'wp-activity');
    $act_alt = 0;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ((array) $logins as $act) {
        if ($i > $act_start and $i <= $act_start + $act_list_limit) {
            if ($act_alt == 1) {
                $act_alt_class = 'class="alternate"';
            } else {
                $act_alt_class = '';
            $act_prep = act_prepare($act, 'admin');
            echo '<tr ' . $act_alt_class . '>';
            echo '<th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="act_check[]" value="' . $act->act_id . '" /></th>';
            echo '<td>' . $i . '</td><td>' . $act_prep['date'] . '</td>
              		<td><span class="' . $act_prep['class'] . '"><a href="user-edit.php?user_id=' . get_user_by('login', $act_prep['user'])->ID . '">' . $act_prep['user'] . '</a></span></td>
              		<td><span class="' . $act_prep['class'] . '">' . $act_prep['type'] . '</span></td>
              		<td>' . $act_prep['params'] . '</td>';
            echo '</tr>';
            if ($act_alt == 1) {
                $act_alt = 0;
            } else {
                $act_alt = 1;
      <div class="tablenav">
        <form action="" method="post">
          <input type="hidden" name="act_type_filter" value="<?php 
    echo $act_type_filter;
" />
          <input type="hidden" name="act_order_by" value="<?php 
    echo $act_order_by;
" />
          <input type="hidden" name="act_user_sel" value="<?php 
    echo $act_user_sel;
" />
          <input type="hidden" name="act_data_filter" value="<?php 
    echo $act_data_filter;
" />
          <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="act_export" value="<?php 
    _e('Export filtered Data &raquo;', 'wp-activity');
" />
          <input type="checkbox" name="act_del_exported" /> <?php 
    _e('Delete exported data', 'wp-activity');
          <br /><span class="act_info"><?php 
    _e('If you use MS Excel and have some ugly characters, rename the file extension to .txt and open it within Excel.', 'wp-activity');
    wp_nonce_field('wp-activity-export', 'act_export_csv');
    act_pagination($act_count, $act_list_limit, $act_page, $act_start, $act_args);
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
function act_stream_common($act_number = '30', $act_user = '', $archive = false)
    global $wpdb, $options_act, $user_ID;
    $wp_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl');
    $act_old_class = '';
    $act_old_flag = -1;
    $sql = "SELECT u.display_name as display_name, user_nicename, u.id as id, act_type, act_date, act_params, a.id as act_id, a.user_id as user_id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "activity AS a, " . $wpdb->users . " AS u WHERE a.user_id = u.id";
    if ($act_user != '') {
        $sql .= " AND a.user_id = '" . $act_user . "'";
    } else {
        $sql .= " AND act_type NOT IN ('LOGIN_FAIL', 'ACCESS_DENIED')";
    $sql .= " ORDER BY act_date DESC LIMIT " . $act_number;
    if ($act_logins = $wpdb->get_results($sql)) {
        foreach ((array) $act_logins as $act) {
            if ($options_act['act_old'] and $act_old_flag > 0 and !$archive) {
                $act_old_class = 'act-old';
            } else {
                $act_old_class = '';
            if (!$act_logged[$act->user_id]) {
                $act_logged[$act->user_id] = "2029-01-01 00:00:01";
                //hope this plugin won't be used anymore at this date...
            if (strtotime($act_logged[$act->user_id]) - strtotime($act->act_date) > 60 and $act->act_type == 'CONNECT' or $act->act_type != 'CONNECT') {
                echo '<li class="login ' . $act_old_class . '">';
                if ($options_act['act_icons'] != 'n') {
                    if ($options_act['act_icons'] == 'a' and ($act->act_type == 'CONNECT' or $act->act_type == 'PROFILE_EDIT' or $act->act_type == 'NEW_USER')) {
                        echo get_avatar($act->user_id, '16');
                    } else {
                        $act_icon = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-activity/img/' . $act->act_type . '.png';
                        if (@file_exists($act_icon)) {
                            echo '<img class="activity_icon" alt="" src="' . WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wp-activity/img/' . $act->act_type . '.png" />';
                        } else {
                            echo '<img class="activity_icon" alt="" src="' . WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/wp-activity/img/default.png" />';
                if ($act->user_id == $user_ID and $options_act['act_old'] and $act->act_type == 'CONNECT') {
                //format event display
                $act_prep = act_prepare($act, 'frontend');
                echo $act_prep['user'] . ' ' . $act_prep['text'] . ' ' . $act_prep['params'] . ' <span class="activity_date">' . $act_prep['date'] . '</span>';
                echo '</li>';
            $act_logged[$act->user_id] = $act->act_date;
Пример #4
function act_export()
    global $wpdb;
    if (isset($_POST['act_export']) and check_admin_referer('wp-activity-export', 'act_export_csv')) {
        $act_sqlorderby_sec = '';
        if (isset($_POST['act_type_filter'])) {
            $act_type_filter = esc_html($_POST['act_type_filter']);
            $act_user_sel = esc_html($_POST['act_user_sel']);
            $act_data_filter = esc_html($_POST['act_data_filter']);
            if ($act_user_sel != 'all' and !empty($act_user_sel)) {
                if (is_numeric($act_user_sel)) {
                    $sql_userobject = get_userdata($act_user_sel);
                    $sql_username = $sql_userobject->display_name;
                    $sqlfilter .= ' AND u.id = ' . $act_user_sel;
                } else {
                    $sql_username = $act_user_sel;
                    $sql_userobject = get_user_by('login', $act_user_sel);
                    $sqlfilter .= ' AND u.display_name = "' . $act_user_sel . '"';
                    $act_user_sel = $sql_userobject->ID;
                $sqlfilter .= ' AND act_type NOT IN ("LOGIN_FAIL", "ACCESS_DENIED")';
            if ($act_type_filter != 'all' and !empty($act_type_filter)) {
                $sqlfilter .= 'AND act_type = "' . $act_type_filter . '"';
            if (!empty($act_data_filter)) {
                $sqlfilter .= ' AND act_params LIKE "%%' . $act_data_filter . '%%"';
            if (($act_type_filter == 'LOGIN_FAIL' or $act_type_filter == 'all') and $act_user_sel != 'all') {
                $sqlfilter .= ') UNION ALL (SELECT null as display_name, user_id as id, act_type, act_date, act_params, id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'activity WHERE act_type = "LOGIN_FAIL" AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(act_params, "###", 1) = "' . $sql_username . '"';
                if (!empty($act_data_filter)) {
                    $sqlfilter .= ' AND act_params LIKE "%%' . $act_data_filter . '%%"';
        $sqlfilter .= ')';
        if (isset($_POST['act_order_by'])) {
            $act_order_by = esc_html($_POST['act_order_by']);
        } else {
            $act_order_by = 'order_date';
        switch ($act_order_by) {
            case 'order_user':
                $sqlorderby = 'display_name ASC, act_date DESC';
            case 'order_type':
                $sqlorderby = 'act_type ASC, act_date DESC';
            case 'order_date':
                $sqlorderby = 'act_date DESC';
        $act_recent_sql = "(SELECT u.display_name as display_name, u.id as id, act_type, act_date, act_params, a.id as act_id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "activity AS a, " . $wpdb->users . " AS u WHERE a.user_id = u.id " . $sqlfilter . " ORDER BY " . $sqlorderby;
        if ($logins = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($act_recent_sql))) {
            header("Pragma: public");
            header("Expires: 0");
            header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
            header("Cache-Control: private", false);
            header("Content-Type: application/csv-tab-delimited-table; charset=utf-8");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=wp-activity.csv");
            header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
            echo __("Date", 'wp-activity') . ';' . __("User", 'wp-activity') . ';' . __("Event Type", 'wp-activity') . ';' . __("Applies to", 'wp-activity') . ";\n";
            foreach ((array) $logins as $act) {
                $act_id_tab[] = $act->act_id;
                $act_prep = act_prepare($act, 'csv');
                echo $act_prep['date'] . ';' . $act_prep['user'] . ';' . $act_prep['type'] . ';' . $act_prep['params'];
                echo "\n";
            //delete exported data if requested
            if ($_POST['act_del_exported'] == true) {
                $act_del = implode(",", $act_id_tab);
                $del_sql = "DELETE FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "activity WHERE id IN(" . $act_del . ")";
        } else {
            echo 'Zombie frenzy ! They gonna eat our brains ! ...No, in fact something goes wrong with the sql query : ' . $wpdb->print_error();
    } else {
        echo "Alien Invasion ! We all gonna die ! ...No, in fact this is a security check failure.";