  * Check if plugin dependencies are satisfied and add an admin notice if not
  * @return bool
 public static function is_dependency_satisfied()
     if (class_exists('acf') && version_compare(acf()->settings['version'], self::PLUGIN_MIN_VERSION, '>=')) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #2
  * Check if the installed version of ACF is compatible with this version of Layotter
  * @return bool
 public static function is_version_compatible()
     if (self::is_pro_installed()) {
         return version_compare(acf_get_setting('version'), self::REQUIRED_PRO_VERSION) >= 0;
     } else {
         return version_compare(acf()->get_info('version'), self::REQUIRED_VERSION) >= 0;
Пример #3
function acf_append_setting($name, $value)
    // createa array if needed
    if (!isset(acf()->settings[$name])) {
        acf()->settings[$name] = array();
    // append to array
    acf()->settings[$name][] = $value;
Пример #4
 function __construct()
     $this->acf_version = acf()->settings['version'];
     if (version_compare($this->acf_version, '4.0', '>=')) {
         add_filter('facetwp_facet_sources', array($this, 'facet_sources'));
         add_filter('facetwp_indexer_post_facet', array($this, 'indexer_post_facet'), 1, 2);
         add_filter('facetwp_acf_display_value', array($this, 'index_source_other'), 1, 2);
function acf_repeater_collapser_acf5_compat()
    if (!class_exists('acf')) {
    $acf_version = acf()->settings['version'];
    if (version_compare($acf_version, '5.0', '>=')) {
        add_filter('acf/compatibility/field_wrapper_class', '__return_true');
Пример #6
function acf_check_404()
    if (function_exists('acf')) {
        $acf = acf();
    // not set or < v5 of ACF
    if (!isset($acf) || version_compare($acf->settings['version'], '5.0', '<')) {
        add_action('admin_notices', 'acf_404');
        add_action('network_admin_notices', 'acf_404');
Пример #7
  * Check if plugin dependencies are satisfied and add an admin notice if not
  * @return bool
 public function is_dependency_satisfied()
     if (class_exists('acf')) {
         //TODO: Should this be function_exists?
         $acf = \acf();
         if (version_compare($acf->settings['version'], self::PLUGIN_MIN_VERSION, '>=')) {
             return true;
     return false;
Пример #8
function acf_repeater_collapser_assets()
    $acf_version = acf()->settings['version'];
    if (version_compare($acf_version, '4.0', '>=') && version_compare($acf_version, '5.0', '<')) {
        // version 4.X
        wp_enqueue_script('acf_repeater_collapser_admin_js', esc_url(plugins_url('js/acf4_repeater_collapser_admin.js', __FILE__)), array('jquery'), ACF_REPEATER_COLLAPSER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_style('acf_repeater_collapser_admin_css', esc_url(plugins_url('css/acf4_repeater_collapser_admin.css', __FILE__)), false, ACF_REPEATER_COLLAPSER_VERSION);
    } elseif (version_compare($acf_version, '5.0', '>=')) {
        // version 5.X
        wp_enqueue_script('acf_repeater_collapser_admin_js', esc_url(plugins_url('js/acf5_repeater_collapser_admin.js', __FILE__)), array('jquery'), ACF_REPEATER_COLLAPSER_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_style('acf_repeater_collapser_admin_css', esc_url(plugins_url('css/acf5_repeater_collapser_admin.css', __FILE__)), false, ACF_REPEATER_COLLAPSER_VERSION);
Пример #9
function get_field_object($selector, $post_id = false, $format_value = true, $load_value = true)
    // complete loading
    // compatibilty
    if (is_array($format_value)) {
    // vars
    $field_name = false;
    // get valid post_id
    $post_id = acf_get_valid_post_id($post_id);
    // load field reference if not a field_key
    if (!acf_is_field_key($selector)) {
        // save selector as field_name (could be sub field name)
        $field_name = $selector;
        // get reference
        $selector = acf_get_field_reference($selector, $post_id);
        // bail early if no reference for this field
        if (!$selector) {
            return false;
    // get field key
    $field = acf_get_field($selector);
    // bail early if no field found
    if (!$field) {
        return false;
    // Override name - allows the $selector to be a sub field (images_0_image)
    if ($field_name) {
        $field['name'] = $field_name;
    // load value
    if ($load_value) {
        $field['value'] = acf_get_value($post_id, $field);
    // format value
    if ($format_value) {
        // get value for field
        $field['value'] = acf_format_value($field['value'], $post_id, $field);
    // return
    return $field;
Пример #10
function acf_set_form_data($data = array())
    return acf()->input->set_data($data);
Пример #11
function acf_update_setting($name, $value)
    return acf()->update_setting($name, $value);
Пример #12
function get_field_object($selector, $post_id = false, $format_value = true, $load_value = true)
    // complete loading
    // compatibilty
    if (is_array($format_value)) {
        $format_value = acf_parse_args($format_value, array('format_value' => true, 'load_value' => true));
    // vars
    $override_name = false;
    // filter post_id
    $post_id = acf_get_valid_post_id($post_id);
    // load field reference if not a field_key
    if (!acf_is_field_key($selector)) {
        $override_name = $selector;
        $reference = acf_get_field_reference($selector, $post_id);
        if ($reference) {
            $selector = $reference;
    // get field key
    $field = acf_get_field($selector);
    // bail early if no field found
    if (!$field) {
        return false;
    // override name?
    // This allows the $selector to be a sub field (images_0_image)
    if ($override_name) {
        $field['name'] = $override_name;
    // load value
    if ($load_value) {
        $field['value'] = acf_get_value($post_id, $field);
    // format value
    if ($format_value) {
        // get value for field
        $field['value'] = acf_format_value($field['value'], $post_id, $field);
    // return
    return $field;
Пример #13
function acf_local()
    return acf()->local;
Пример #14
function acf_remove_loop($i = 'active')
    return acf()->loop->remove_loop($i);
Пример #15
function acf_get_db_updates()
    // vars
    $available = array();
    $db_updates = acf()->admin->install->db_updates;
    $acf_version = acf_get_setting('version');
    $db_version = acf_get_db_version();
    // bail early if is fresh install
    if (!$db_version) {
        return false;
    // bail early if is up to date
    if (acf_version_compare($db_version, '>=', $acf_version)) {
        return false;
    // loop
    foreach ($db_updates as $version => $callback) {
        // ignore if update is for a future version (may exist for testing)
        if (acf_version_compare($version, '>', $acf_version)) {
        // ignore if update has already been run
        if (acf_version_compare($version, '<=', $db_version)) {
        // append
        $available[$version] = $callback;
    // bail early if no updates available
    // - also update DB to current version
    if (empty($available)) {
        return false;
    // return
    return $available;
Пример #16
function acf_delete_cache($key = '')
    return acf()->cache->delete_cache($key);
Пример #17
        function wp_restore_post_revision($post_id, $revision_id)
            // copy postmeta from revision to post (restore from revision)
            acf_copy_postmeta($revision_id, $post_id);
            // Make sure the latest revision is also updated to match the new $post data
            // get latest revision
            $revision = acf_get_post_latest_revision($post_id);
            // save
            if ($revision) {
                // copy postmeta from revision to latest revision (potentialy may be the same, but most likely are different)
                acf_copy_postmeta($revision_id, $revision->ID);
    // initialize
    acf()->revisions = new acf_revisions();
// class_exists check
*  acf_save_post_revision
*  This function will copy meta from a post to it's latest revision
*  @type	function
*  @date	26/09/2016
*  @since	5.4.0
*  @param	$post_id (int)
*  @return	n/a
function acf_save_post_revision($post_id = 0)
Пример #18
function acf_form($args = array())
Пример #19
  * Return the major version number for Advanced Custom Fields.
  * @return int
 public function acf_major_version()
     return (int) acf()->settings['version'][0];
Пример #20
function acf_validate_value($value, $field, $input)
    return acf()->validation->validate_value($value, $field, $input);
Пример #21
            // vars
            $message = '';
            $info = acf_get_remote_plugin_info();
            // check for upgrade notice
            if ($info['upgrade_notice']) {
                $message = '<div class="acf-plugin-upgrade-notice">' . $info['upgrade_notice'] . '</div>';
            // filter
            $message = apply_filters('acf/updates/plugin_update_message', $message, $plugin_data, $r);
            // return
            echo $message;
    // initialize
    acf()->updates = new acf_updates();
// class_exists check
*  acf_get_remote_plugin_info
*  This function will return an array of data from the plugin's readme.txt file (remote)
*  @type	function
*  @date	8/06/2016
*  @since	5.3.9
*  @param	n/a
*  @return	(array)
function acf_get_remote_plugin_info()
Пример #22
function get_field_object($field_key, $post_id = false, $options = array())
    // make sure add-ons are included
    // filter post_id
    $post_id = apply_filters('acf/get_post_id', $post_id);
    $field = false;
    $orig_field_key = $field_key;
    // defaults for options
    $defaults = array('load_value' => true, 'format_value' => true);
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    // is $field_name a name? pre 3.4.0
    if (substr($field_key, 0, 6) !== 'field_') {
        // get field key
        $field_key = get_field_reference($field_key, $post_id);
    // get field
    if (substr($field_key, 0, 6) === 'field_') {
        $field = apply_filters('acf/load_field', false, $field_key);
    // validate field
    if (!$field) {
        // treat as text field
        $field = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => $orig_field_key, 'key' => 'field_' . $orig_field_key);
        $field = apply_filters('acf/load_field', $field, $field['key']);
    // load value
    if ($options['load_value']) {
        $field['value'] = apply_filters('acf/load_value', false, $post_id, $field);
        // format value
        if ($options['format_value']) {
            $field['value'] = apply_filters('acf/format_value_for_api', $field['value'], $post_id, $field);
    return $field;
Пример #23
function acf_get_admin_notices()
    return acf()->admin->get_notices();
Пример #24
            return $where;
    *  acf
    *  The main function responsible for returning the one true acf Instance to functions everywhere.
    *  Use this function like you would a global variable, except without needing to declare the global.
    *  Example: <?php $acf = acf(); ?>
    *  @type	function
    *  @date	4/09/13
    *  @since	4.3.0
    *  @param	N/A
    *  @return	(object)
    function acf()
        global $acf;
        if (!isset($acf)) {
            $acf = new acf();
        return $acf;
    // initialize
// class_exists check
Пример #25
function acf_refresh_plugin_updates_transient()
    // vars
    $transient = get_site_transient('update_plugins');
    // bail early if no transient
    if (empty($transient)) {
    // update transient
    $transient = acf()->updates->modify_plugin_update($transient);
    // update
    set_site_transient('update_plugins', $transient);
Пример #26
function acf_maybe_get_field($selector, $post_id = false, $strict = true)
    // complete init
    // this function may be used in a theme file before the init action has been run
    // vars
    $field_name = false;
    // get valid post_id
    $post_id = acf_get_valid_post_id($post_id);
    // load field reference if not a field_key
    if (!acf_is_field_key($selector)) {
        // save selector as field_name (could be sub field name)
        $field_name = $selector;
        // get reference
        $field_key = acf_get_field_reference($selector, $post_id);
        if ($field_key) {
            $selector = $field_key;
        } elseif ($strict) {
            return false;
    // get field key
    $field = acf_get_field($selector);
    // bail early if no field
    if (!$field) {
        return false;
    // Override name - allows the $selector to be a sub field (images_0_image)
    if ($field_name) {
        $field['name'] = $field_name;
    // return
    return $field;
Пример #27
function acf_get_field_type($name)
    return acf()->fields->get_field_type($name);