Пример #1

require_once "../inc/stdLib.php";
$history_data = accessHistory();
$liste = '';
if ($history_data) {
    foreach ($history_data as $key => $value) {
        $liste .= '<li id="' . $value[2] . $value[0] . '"><a href="javascript:void(0);">' . $value[1] . '</a></li>';
echo $liste;
Пример #2
function getFirmenStamm($id, $ws = true, $tab = 'C', $cvar = true)
    if ($tab == "C") {
        // Umsätze holen
        $sql = "select sum(amount) from oe where customer_id={$id} and quotation='f' and closed = 'f'";
        $rs = $_SESSION['db']->getOne($sql);
        $oa = $rs["sum"];
        $sql = "select sum(amount) from ar where customer_id={$id} and amount<>paid";
        $rs = $_SESSION['db']->getOne($sql);
        $op = $rs["sum"];
        $sql = "select C.*,E.name as verkaeufer,EMP.name as bearbeiter,B.description as kdtyp,B.discount as typrabatt,P.pricegroup,";
        $sql .= "L.lead as leadname,BL.bundesland,T.terms_netto,LA.description as language from customer C ";
        $sql .= "left join employee E on C.salesman_id=E.id left join employee EMP on C.employee=EMP.id ";
        $sql .= "left join business B on B.id=C.business_id left join bundesland BL on BL.id=C.bland ";
        $sql .= "left join payment_terms T on T.id=C.payment_id left join pricegroup P on P.id=C.klass ";
        $sql .= "left join leads L on C.lead=L.id left join language LA on LA.id = C.language_id ";
        $sql .= "where C.id={$id}";
    } else {
        if ($tab == "V") {
            // Umsätze holen
            $sql = "select sum(amount) as summe from ap where vendor_id={$id} and amount<>paid";
            $rs = $_SESSION['db']->getOne($sql);
            $op = $rs["summe"];
            $sql = "select sum(amount) from oe where vendor_id={$id} and quotation='f' and closed = 'f'";
            $rs = $_SESSION['db']->getOne($sql);
            $oa = $rs["sum"];
            $sql = "select C.*,E.name as verkaeufer,EMP.name as bearbeiter,B.description as kdtyp,B.discount as typrabatt,BL.bundesland,";
            $sql .= "L.lead as leadname,LA.description as language from vendor C left join employee EMP on C.employee=EMP.id ";
            $sql .= "left join employee E on C.salesman_id=E.id left join business B on B.id=C.business_id ";
            $sql .= "left join language LA on LA.id = C.language_id left join leads L on C.lead=L.id ";
            $sql .= "left join bundesland BL on BL.id=C.bland ";
            $sql .= "where C.id={$id}";
        } else {
            return false;
    $row = $_SESSION['db']->getOne($sql);
    // Rechnungsanschrift
    if (!$row) {
        return false;
    } else {
        /* history_erp wird wohl nicht richtig gepflegt, also erst einmal raus
           if ($row["mtime"]=="") {
               $sql = "select * from history_erp where trans_id = $id and snumbers like '%rnumber_%' order by itime desc limit 1";
               $rs2 = $_SESSION['db']->getOne($sql);  // Rechnungsanschrift
               if ($rs2) if ($rs2["itime"]<>$row["itime"])
                  $row["mtime"] = $rs2["itime"];
               $row["modemployee"] = $rs2["employee_id"];
           } else {
               $row["modemployee"] = $row["employee"];
        $row["modemployee"] = $row["employee"];
        if ($row["konzern"]) {
            $sql = "select name from %s where id = %d";
            if ($tab == "C") {
                $krs = $_SESSION['db']->getOne(sprintf($sql, "customer", $row["konzern"]));
            } else {
                $krs = $_SESSION['db']->getOne(sprintf($sql, "vendor", $row["konzern"]));
            if ($krs) {
                $row["konzernname"] = $krs["name"];
        } else {
            $row["konzernname"] = '';
        if ($tab == "C") {
            $sql = "select count(*) from customer where konzern = " . $id;
        } else {
            $sql = "select count(*) from vendor where konzern = " . $id;
        $knr = $_SESSION['db']->getOne($sql);
        $row["konzernmember"] = $knr["count"];
        if ($tab == "C") {
            $nummer = $row["customernumber"];
        } else {
            $nummer = $row["vendornumber"];
        if ($row["grafik"]) {
            $DIR = $tab . $nummer;
            $image = "./dokumente/" . $_SESSION["dbname"] . "/{$DIR}/logo." . $row["grafik"];
            if (file_exists($image)) {
                $size = @getimagesize($image);
                $row["size"] = $size[3];
                if ($size[1] > $size[0]) {
                    $faktor = ceil($size[1] / 70);
                } else {
                    $faktor = ceil($size[0] / 120);
                $breite = floor($size[0] / $faktor);
                $hoehe = floor($size[1] / $faktor);
                $row["icon"] = "width=\"{$breite}\" height=\"{$hoehe}\"";
            } else {
                $daten["name"] = getcwd() . " {$image}: not found";
        $rs3 = getAllShipto($id, $tab);
        $shipcnt = count($rs3);
        $shipids = array();
        if ($shipcnt > 0) {
            for ($sc = 0; $sc < $shipcnt; $sc++) {
                $shipids[] = "'" . $rs3[$sc]["shipto_id"] . "'";
            $shipids = implode(",", $shipids);
        } else {
            $shipids = "0";
        if (empty($rs3)) {
            // es ist keine abweichende Anschrift da
            if ($ws) {
                // soll dann aber mit Re-Anschrift gefüllt werden
                $row2 = array('shiptoname' => $row["name"], 'shiptodepartment_1' => $row["department_1"], 'shiptodepartment_2' => $row["department_2"], 'shiptostreet' => $row["street"], 'shiptozipcode' => $row["zipcode"], 'shiptocity' => $row["city"], 'shiptocountry' => $row["country"], 'shiptobundesland' => $row["bundesland"], 'shiptocontact' => "", 'shiptophone' => $row["phone"], 'shiptofax' => $row["fax"], 'shiptoemail' => $row["email"], 'shiptocountry' => $row["country"], 'shipto_id' => -1);
            } else {
                // leeres Array bilden
                $row2 = array('shiptoname' => "", 'shiptodepartment_1' => "", 'shiptodepartment_2' => "", 'shiptostreet' => "", 'shiptozipcode' => "", 'shiptocity' => "", 'shiptocountry' => "", 'shiptobundesland' => "", 'shiptocontact' => "", 'shiptophone' => "", 'shiptofax' => "", 'shiptoemail' => "", 'shiptocountrycountry' => "", 'shipto_id' => "");
        } else {
            $row2 = $rs3[0];
        $daten = array_merge($row2, $row);
    //benutzerdef. Variablen:
    if ($cvar) {
        $cvars = getFirmaCVars($id);
        if ($cvars) {
            $daten = array_merge($daten, $cvars);
    $daten["shiptocnt"] = $shipcnt > 0 ? $shipcnt : 0;
    $daten["shiptoids"] = $shipids;
    $daten["op"] = $op;
    $daten["oa"] = $oa;
    $daten["nummer"] = $nummer;
    accessHistory(array($id, $daten['name'], $tab));
    return $daten;