function check_for_configfile() { if (!file_exists(absolute_path('config.xml'))) { if (file_exists(absolute_path('cofig.xml-dist'))) { writeLog('Vor der Nutzung »config.xml-dist« in »config.xml« umbennen und anpassen.', FAIL); die; } else { writeLog('Konfigurationsdatei »config.xml« nicht vorhanden.', FAIL); die; } } }
function kick($path) { // Empty output buffer to be able to send header after content // (buffered output will be discarded) ob_clean(); if (preg_match('/^https?:\\/\\//', $path)) { header("Location: {$path}"); die; } // Construct URL if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') { $proto = 'https'; } else { $proto = 'http'; } $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $path = absolute_path($path, true); header("Location: {$proto}://{$host}{$path}"); exit; }
public function get_file($modelID = '', $id = '', $filetype = '', $filename = '') { if ($id != '') { $fileinfo = $this->file_model->get_fileinfo($modelID, $id, $filetype); if ($fileinfo['Status']) { if (file_exists(absolute_path() . APPPATH . 'files/' . $fileinfo['LocalFileName'])) { switch (strtolower($filetype)) { case "thumbnails": $size = explode('_', $filename); if (!is_numeric($size[0]) or $size[0] <= 0) { show_404(); } if (!is_numeric($size[1]) or $size[0] <= 0) { show_404(); } $img = new SimpleImage(); $img->load(absolute_path() . APPPATH . 'files/' . $fileinfo['LocalFileName'])->best_fit($size[0], $size[1]); $img->output('jpg'); break; default: $mm_type = mime_content_type($fileinfo['FileName']); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: ' . $mm_type); header('Content-Disposition: ' . $fileinfo['DispositionType'] . '; filename=' . basename($fileinfo['FileName'])); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(APPPATH . 'files/' . $fileinfo['LocalFileName'])); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile(APPPATH . 'files/' . $fileinfo['LocalFileName']); } } } else { show_404(); } } else { show_404(); } }
function build_defs($xml) { static $var_prefix = 'var'; $var_index = 0; foreach ($xml->var as $rec) { $row = array(); $var = (string) $rec->attributes()->id; $sy = new ShuntingYard((string) $rec); $token = $sy->first(); while ($token !== FALSE) { if ($token->type === T_DEF) { $var_key = $token->value; if (isset($this->vars[$var_key])) { $row[] = $this->vars[$var_key]; } elseif ($tmp = preg_split('/:/', $var_key) and array_shift($tmp) === 'rrd') { if (!in_array(strtoupper(end($tmp)), array('AVERAGE', 'MIN', 'MAX', 'LAST'))) { $cf = 'AVERAGE'; } else { $cf = strtoupper(array_pop($tmp)); } $ds = ds_encode(array_pop($tmp)); $filename = absolute_path($this->cfg->rrd->paths->db . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . join('.', $tmp) . '.rrd', @$this->opts['base_path']['db']); $var_value = "{$filename}:{$ds}:{$cf}"; $var_name = $var_prefix . $var_index; $var_index++; $this->vars[$var_key] = $var_name; $this->cmd[] = "DEF:{$var_name}={$var_value}"; $row[] = $var_name; } else { die("Undefined variable `{$var_key}`\n"); } } elseif ($token->type === T_UNARY_MINUS) { // multiply by minus one in order to reverse the sign $row[] = -1; $row[] = '*'; } elseif ($token->type === T_UNARY_PLUS) { // simple skip it } else { $row[] = $token->value; } $token = $sy->next(); } $var_key = $var; if (isset($this->vars[$var_key])) { die("Duplicate variable definition for`{$var}`"); } elseif (count($row) === 1 and strpos($row[0], $var_prefix) === 0) { // simple variable, duplicate key $this->vars[$var_key] = $row[0]; } else { $var_name = $var_prefix . $var_index; $var_index++; $this->vars[$var_key] = $var_name; $cdef = 'CDEF:' . $var_name . '=' . join(',', $row); $this->cmd[] = $cdef; } } }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php require_once 'inc.functions.php'; check_for_configfile(); require_once 'class.microbloging.php'; $config = simplexml_load_file(absolute_path('config.xml')); $microbloging = new Microbloging($config->microbloging->service, $config->microbloging->username, $config->microbloging->password); define("FEED", $config->watcher->feeds->feed[0]); define("WATCHFOLDER", absolute_path($config->watcher->watchfolder)); define("IDFILE", absolute_path($config->watcher->idfile)); define("DEBUG", $config->watcher->debug->attributes()->active); // @TODO: Code gibt es nur aus Kompatibilitätsgründen $shows = array(); foreach ($config->watcher->shows->show as $thisShows) { $shows[] = (string) $thisShows->regexp[0]; } if (count($argv) > 1) { if ($argv[1] == '-t') { $testStrings = array('Flashpoint - PREAiR 2x1 [PDTV - DINA]', 'Greys Anatomy 5x9 [720P - HDTV - CTU]', 'The Office 5x8 [HDTV - LOL]', '30 Rock 3x4 [HDTV - REPACK - LOL]', 'ER 15x8 [HDTV - XOR]', 'CSI 9x7 [720P - HDTV - DIMENSION]', 'My Name Is Earl 4x11 [HDTV - LOL]', 'Smallville 8x10 [720P - HDTV - CTU]', 'Greys Anatomy 5x9 [HDTV - 0TV]', '30 Rock 3x4 [HDTV - LOL]'); writeLog("Testmodus (" . count($testStrings) . " Test-Strings) …\n"); define('TEST', 1); } else { writeLog('Teste "' . $argv[1] . "\" …"); foreach ($shows as $show) { if (preg_match($show, $argv[1], $foo)) { writeLog("MATCH \"" . $show . "\""); } } die; } } else {
/** * Initiates the backup procedure. * * @global string $wp_version WordPress version */ public function do_backup($id = '') { global $wp_version; $used_memory = memory_get_usage(true); // Get the memory usage before we do anything. if ($id) { $this->log_file = $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['log']; } else { $id = base_convert($this->time, 10, 36); $this->log_file = $this->local_folder . '/' . $id . '.log'; file_put_contents($this->log_file, "#Fields:\tdate\ttime\ttype\tmessage\n"); $this->options['backup_list'][$id] = array('timestamp' => $this->time, 'title' => $this->options['backup_title'] . ' (' . $id . ')', 'file_path' => '', 'drive_id' => '', 'log' => $this->log_file, 'attempt' => 0); // Save info about our new backup now, so we can have access to the log file even if MySQL connection is stolen. update_option('backup_options', $this->options); // Log environment information. if (!($z = phpversion('zip'))) { $z = 'false'; } $c = ''; if (in_array('curl', $this->options['enabled_transports']) && function_exists('curl_version')) { $c = curl_version(); $c = '; CURL ' . $c['version']; } $env = "Environment: Backup " . $this->version . "; WordPress " . $wp_version . "; PHP " . phpversion() . "; SAPI " . php_sapi_name() . "; OS " . PHP_OS . "; ZIP " . $z . $c; if ((bool) ini_get('safe_mode')) { $env .= "; Safe mode ON"; } $env .= "; Time limit " . ini_get('max_execution_time') . "s" . "; Memory limit " . ini_get('memory_limit'); $this->log("NOTICE", $env); } // We can't hook to WP's shudown hook because we need to pass the $id. register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'handle_timeout'), $id); $file_name = sanitize_file_name($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['title']) . '.zip'; $file_path = $this->local_folder . '/' . $file_name; if (@is_file($file_path)) { $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['file_path'] = $file_path; } if (empty($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['file_path'])) { // Check if the backup folder is writable if (!@is_dir($this->local_folder) && !$this->create_dir($this->local_folder) || !@is_writable($this->local_folder)) { $this->log('ERROR', sprintf(__("The directory '%s' does not exist or is not writable.", $this->text_domain), esc_html($this->local_folder))); $this->reschedule_backup($id); } // Create database dump sql file. if (in_array('database', $this->options['source_list'])) { $this->log('NOTICE', __('Attempting to dump database.', $this->text_domain)); if (is_wp_error($dump_time = db_dump($this->dump_file))) { $this->log_wp_error($dump_time); $this->reschedule_backup($id); } $this->log('NOTICE', sprintf(__('The database dump was completed successfully in %s seconds.', $this->text_domain), number_format_i18n($dump_time, 3))); } // Merge the default exclude list with the user provided one and make them absolute paths. $exclude = array_merge($this->options['exclude_list'], $this->exclude); foreach ($exclude as $i => $path) { if (false !== strpos($path, '/') || false !== strpos($path, "\\")) { $exclude[$i] = absolute_path($path, ABSPATH); } } // Create the source list from the user selected sources. $sources = array(); foreach ($this->options['source_list'] as $source) { $sources[] = $this->sources[$source]['path']; } // Remove subdirectories from the sources. $count = count($sources); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { if ($j != $i && isset($sources[$i]) && isset($sources[$j]) && is_subdir($sources[$j], $sources[$i]) && $this->sources['database']['path'] != $sources[$j]) { unset($sources[$j]); } } } // Transform include paths to absolute paths. $include = $this->options['include_list']; foreach ($include as $i => $path) { $include[$i] = absolute_path($path, ABSPATH); } // Merge the include list and the sources $sources = array_merge($sources, $include); // Create archive from the sources list. $this->log('NOTICE', sprintf(__("Attempting to create archive '%s'.", $this->text_domain), esc_html($file_name))); if (!phpversion('zip')) { define('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR', $this->local_folder); } if (is_wp_error($zip = zip($sources, $file_path, $exclude))) { $this->log_wp_error($zip); delete_path($this->dump_file); $this->reschedule_backup($id); } delete_path($this->dump_file); $this->log('NOTICE', sprintf(__('Successfully archived %1$s files in %2$s seconds. Archive file size is %3$s.', $this->text_domain), number_format_i18n($zip['count']), number_format_i18n($zip['time'], 3), size_format(filesize($file_path), 2))); $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['file_path'] = $file_path; } if ($this->options['drive_number'] > 0 && $this->goauth->is_authorized()) { if (is_wp_error($e = $this->need_gdocs())) { $this->log_wp_error($e); $this->reschedule_backup($id); } if (empty($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['location'])) { $this->log('NOTICE', __("Attempting to upload archive to Google Drive.", $this->text_domain)); $location = $this->gdocs->prepare_upload($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['file_path'], $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['title'], $this->options['drive_folder']); } else { $this->log('NOTICE', __('Attempting to resume upload.', $this->text_domain)); $location = $this->gdocs->resume_upload($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['file_path'], $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['location']); } if (is_wp_error($location)) { $this->log_wp_error($location); $this->reschedule_backup($id); } if (is_string($location)) { $res = $location; $this->log('NOTICE', sprintf(__("Uploading file with title '%s'.", $this->text_domain), esc_html($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['title']))); $d = 0; echo '<div id="progress">'; do { $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['location'] = $res; $res = $this->gdocs->upload_chunk(); $p = $this->gdocs->get_upload_percentage(); if ($p - $d >= 1) { $b = intval($p - $d); echo '<span style="width:' . $b . '%"></span>'; $d += $b; } $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['percentage'] = $p; $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['speed'] = $this->gdocs->get_upload_speed(); } while (is_string($res)); echo '</div>'; if (is_wp_error($res)) { $this->log_wp_error($res); $this->reschedule_backup($id); } $this->log('NOTICE', sprintf(__('The file was successfully uploaded to Google Drive in %1$s seconds at an upload speed of %2$s/s.', $this->text_domain), number_format_i18n($this->gdocs->time_taken(), 3), size_format($this->gdocs->get_upload_speed()))); unset($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['location'], $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['attempt']); } elseif (true === $location) { $this->log('WARNING', sprintf(__("The file '%s' is already uploaded.", $this->text_domain), esc_html($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['file_path']))); } $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['drive_id'] = $this->gdocs->get_file_id(); unset($this->options['backup_list'][$id]['percentage'], $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['speed']); $this->update_quota(); if (empty($this->options['user_info'])) { $this->set_user_info(); } } $this->options['backup_list'][$id]['status'] = 1; $this->purge_backups(); $this->log('NOTICE', sprintf(__('Backup process completed in %1$s seconds.' . ' Initial PHP memory usage was %2$s and the backup process used another %3$s of RAM.', $this->text_domain), number_format_i18n(microtime(true) - $this->time, 3), size_format($used_memory, 2), size_format(memory_get_peak_usage(true) - $used_memory, 2))); }
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title><?php echo $application['name']; ?> </title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo absolute_path('style.css'); ?> " /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo absolute_path('js/dom.js'); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/sort.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function set_initial_focus() { var elem = document.getElementById('initial_focus'); if(elem) { elem.focus(); } } window.onload = set_initial_focus; --> </script> </head>
#!/usr/bin/php <?php /** * Skript zum zusammensuchen von heruntergeladenen Serien. Weiterhin * werden die gefundenen Serien umbenannt und in eine Ordnerhierarchie * einsortiert. Ausserdem gibt es per Growl eine Benachrichtigung. * * @version 1.4 (2009-02-13) * @author Jens Kohl <*****@*****.**> */ require_once 'inc.functions.php'; check_for_configfile(); require_once 'class.microbloging.php'; $config = simplexml_load_file(absolute_path('config.xml')); $microbloging = new Microbloging($config->microbloging->service, $config->microbloging->username, $config->microbloging->password); define(LOGGING, $config->sorter->logging->attributes()->active); define(RENAME_DIVX, $config->sorter->rename_divx->attributes()->active); // Wenn das Skript auf der Kommandozeile mit dem Parameter now gestartet // wird, dann gibt es keine Gracetime für neu hinzugefügte Dateien. Also // aufpassen was ihr tut. if ($argv[1] == 'now') { define(NOW, true); } else { define(NOW, false); } /** * Funktion verschriebt Dateien in in eine geparste Ordnerhierarchie * * @author Jens Kohl <*****@*****.**> * @param string Dateiname * @param string Verzeichnisname
function link_to_user($username, $action) { return absolute_path() . "users/{$username}/{$action}"; }
<?php if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) { exit; } // Load helper functions require_once 'functions.php'; // Clear scheduled hook. if (wp_next_scheduled('backup_schedule')) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('backup_schedule'); } // Delete all files created by the plugin. if (defined('BACKUP_LOCAL_FOLDER')) { $folder = BACKUP_LOCAL_FOLDER; } else { $options = get_option('backup_options'); $folder = $options['local_folder']; } $folder = absolute_path($folder, ABSPATH); if (@file_exists($folder . '/.backup')) { delete_path($folder, true); } // Delete options. delete_option('backup_options');
function rImage($image_path, $width = 0, $height = 0, $force_resize = TRUE, $force_rgb = TRUE) { // TODO: refactor //Get the Codeigniter object by reference $CI =& get_instance(); // config $file_info = array(); $is_remote = FALSE; $is_online = TRUE; $is_cached = FALSE; $origin_last_modified = NULL; $cache_dir = $CI->config->config['App']['assets_cache_path']; $login_handle = ''; // if image_path is a full URL, check if this equals base_url() $path = str_ireplace(base_url(), '', $image_path, $count); if ($count == 1) { $image_path = $path; } $absolute_path = "."; if (absolute_path()) { $absolute_path = absolute_path(); } else { $absolute_path = realpath(APPPATH . '../'); } // cache path $cache_path = $absolute_path . $cache_dir; /* should be writable */ // return $image_path, if cache dir is not writable if (!is_writable($cache_path)) { log_message('debug', 'rImage, cache dir [' . $cache_path . '] not writable'); return $image_path; } // check file system and remote, if file exists if (!file_exists($image_path)) { log_message('debug', 'rImage, image [' . $image_path . '] not local'); $file = fopen($login_handle . $image_path, "r"); if (!$file) { $is_online = FALSE; // maybe we are offline, try to get locally cached version } $url_components = parse_url($login_handle . $image_path); $path_components = explode("/", $url_components['path']); $file_components = explode(".", end($path_components)); $file_info['filename'] = $file_components[0]; $file_info['extension'] = isset($file_components[1]) ? $file_components[1] : FALSE; if ($is_online) { $origin_last_modified = GetRemoteLastModified($login_handle . $image_path); } $is_remote = TRUE; } else { $path_components = pathinfo($image_path); $file_info['filename'] = $path_components['filename']; $file_info['extension'] = ''; if (isset($path_components['extension'])) { $file_info['extension'] = $path_components['extension']; } $origin_last_modified = filemtime($image_path); } //The new generated filename we want $new_file_name = $file_info['filename'] . '_' . $width . 'x' . $height; if ($file_info['extension'] != '') { $new_file_name = $new_file_name . '.' . $file_info['extension']; } $new_image_path = $cache_path . $new_file_name; log_message('debug', 'rImage, new image path is: ' . $new_image_path); if (file_exists($new_image_path)) { $is_cached = TRUE; } // not cached, not online, return $image_path if (!$is_cached && !$is_online && $is_remote) { return $image_path; } //The first time the image is requested, or original image is newer than our cache image if (!$is_cached || filemtime($new_image_path) < $origin_last_modified || $is_cached && !$is_online && $is_remote) { $CI->load->library('image_lib'); // copy, if remote if ($is_remote) { $tmp_file = time() . mt_rand(); copy($image_path, $cache_path . $tmp_file); // needs PHP5 and the HTTP stream wrapper enabled $image_path = $cache_path . $tmp_file; } //The original sizes $image_info = @getimagesize($image_path); if (isset($image_info['channels'])) { $color_mode = $image_info['channels']; } else { $color_mode = 3; } $original_width = $image_info[0]; $original_height = $image_info[1]; log_message('debug', 'rImage, image path is: ' . $image_path); if ($original_width < 30 && $original_height < 30) { log_message('debug', 'rImage: image is too small (' . $original_width . "x" . $original_height . ')'); return $image_path; } if ($original_width * $original_height > 1600 * 1200) { log_message('debug', 'rImage: this one is too big (' . $original_width . "x" . $original_height . ')'); return $image_path; } $ratio = $original_width / $original_height; //The requested sizes $requested_width = $width; $requested_height = $height; if ($force_resize == FALSE && ($requested_width > $original_width || $requested_height > $original_height)) { if ($color_mode == 4 && $force_rgb == TRUE) { log_message('debug', 'rImage, force RGB'); // force rgb by pseudo-resizing $config = array(); $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $config['source_image'] = $image_path; $config['new_image'] = $new_image_path; $config['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE; $config['height'] = $original_height; $config['width'] = $original_width; $CI->image_lib->initialize($config); $CI->image_lib->resize(); $CI->image_lib->clear(); } else { // do nothing but copy copy($image_path, $new_image_path); } } else { //Initialising $new_width = 0; $new_height = 0; //Calculations if ($requested_width > $requested_height) { $new_width = $requested_width; $new_height = $new_width / $ratio; if ($requested_height == 0) { $requested_height = $new_height; } if ($new_height < $requested_height) { $new_height = $requested_height; $new_width = $new_height * $ratio; } } else { $new_height = $requested_height; $new_width = $new_height * $ratio; if ($requested_width == 0) { $requested_width = $new_width; } if ($new_width < $requested_width) { $new_width = $requested_width; $new_height = $new_width / $ratio; } } $new_width = ceil($new_width); $new_height = ceil($new_height); log_message('debug', 'rImage, resizing'); //Resizing $config = array(); $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $config['source_image'] = $image_path; $config['new_image'] = $new_image_path; $config['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE; $config['height'] = $new_height; $config['width'] = $new_width; $CI->image_lib->initialize($config); $CI->image_lib->resize(); $CI->image_lib->clear(); //Crop if both width and height are not zero if ($width != 0 && $height != 0) { $x_axis = floor(($new_width - $width) / 2); $y_axis = floor(($new_height - $height) / 2); log_message('debug', 'rImage, cropping'); //Cropping $config = array(); $config['source_image'] = $new_image_path; $config['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE; $config['new_image'] = $new_image_path; $config['width'] = $width; $config['height'] = $height; $config['x_axis'] = $x_axis; $config['y_axis'] = $y_axis; $CI->image_lib->initialize($config); $CI->image_lib->crop(); $CI->image_lib->clear(); } } // delete local temp file (copied from remote to process) if ($is_remote) { unlink($cache_path . $tmp_file); } } return base_url($cache_dir . $new_file_name); // dirty hack }