Пример #1
        global $REX;
        if(!empty($REX[\'ADDON\'][\'rexsearch_plugins\'][\'' . $mypage . '\']))
          foreach($REX[\'ADDON\'][\'rexsearch_plugins\'][\'' . $mypage . '\'] as $plugin => $pluginsettings)
              $REX[\'ADDON\'][\'' . $mypage . '\'][\'SUBPAGES\'] = array_merge($REX[\'ADDON\'][\'' . $mypage . '\'][\'SUBPAGES\'], $pluginsettings[\'subpages\']);
require $REX['ADDON']['dir'][$mypage] . '/classes/class.rexsearch.inc.php';
require $REX['ADDON']['dir'][$mypage] . '/functions/functions.inc.php';
require $REX['ADDON']['dir'][$mypage] . '/functions/functions.mb.inc.php';
if (!file_exists($settingFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings.conf')) {
    a587_saveSettings(array('logicalmode' => 'and', 'textmode' => 'plain', 'searchmode' => 'like', 'similarwordsmode' => 7, 'indexmode' => 1, 'automaticindex' => 1, 'surroundtags' => array('<strong>', '</strong>'), 'limit' => array(0, 20), 'maxteaserchars' => '200', 'maxhighlightchars' => '50', 'highlight' => 'surroundtextsingle', 'fileextensions' => array('pdf'), 'indexmediapool' => '1', 'dirdepth' => 3));
$REX['ADDON']['settings'][$mypage] = a587_config_unserialize(rex_get_file_contents($settingFile));
// automatic indexing
if ($REX['REDAXO'] and $REX['ADDON']['settings'][$mypage]['automaticindex'] == '1') {
// Including CSS-File for Backend
if ($REX['REDAXO'] and rex_request('page', 'string') == $mypage) {
    function a587_add_css($params)
        $mypage = 'rexsearch';
        if (function_exists('str_ireplace')) {
            return str_ireplace('</head>', "\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../files/addons/' . $mypage . '/' . $mypage . '.css" />' . "\n" . '</head>', $params['subject']);
        return str_replace('</head>', "\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../files/addons/' . $mypage . '/' . $mypage . '.css" />' . "\n" . '</head>', $params['subject']);
Пример #2
  * Executes the search.
  * @param string $_search
  * @return array
 function search($_search)
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $this->searchString = trim(stripslashes($_search));
     $keywordCount = $this->parseSearchString($this->searchString);
     if (empty($this->searchString) or empty($this->searchArray)) {
         return array('count' => 0, 'hits' => array(), 'keywords' => array(), 'keywords' => '', 'sql' => 'No search performed.', 'blacklisted' => false, 'hash' => '', 'simwordsnewsearch' => '', 'simwords' => array(), 'time' => 0);
     // ask cache
     if ($this->cache and $this->isCached($this->searchString)) {
         $this->cachedArray['time'] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
         if ($this->similarwords and $this->cachedArray['count'] > 0) {
         // EP registrieren
         rex_register_extension_point('A587_SEARCH_EXECUTED', $this->cachedArray);
         return $this->cachedArray;
     $return = array();
     $return['simwordsnewsearch'] = '';
     $return['simwords'] = array();
     if ($this->similarwords) {
         $simwords = array();
         foreach ($this->searchArray as $keyword) {
             $sounds = array();
             if ($this->similarwordsMode & A587_SIMILARWORDS_SOUNDEX) {
                 $sounds[] = "soundex = '" . soundex($keyword['search']) . "'";
             if ($this->similarwordsMode & A587_SIMILARWORDS_METAPHONE) {
                 $sounds[] = "metaphone = '" . metaphone($keyword['search']) . "'";
             if ($this->similarwordsMode & A587_SIMILARWORDS_COLOGNEPHONE) {
                 $sounds[] = "colognephone = '" . $this->cologne_phone($keyword['search']) . "'";
             $simwords[] = sprintf("\n          SELECT\n            GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT keyword SEPARATOR ' ') as keyword,\n            '%s' AS typedin,\n            SUM(count) as count\n          FROM `%s`\n          WHERE 1\n            %s\n            AND (%s)", $keyword['search'], $this->tablePrefix . '587_keywords', $this->clang !== false ? 'AND (clang = ' . intval($this->clang) . ' OR clang IS NULL)' : '', implode(' OR ', $sounds));
         // simwords
         $simWordsSQL = new rex_sql();
         foreach ($simWordsSQL->getArray(sprintf("\n        %s\n        GROUP BY %s\n        ORDER BY SUM(count)", implode(' UNION ', $simwords), $this->similarwordsPermanent ? "''" : 'keyword, typedin')) as $simword) {
             $return['simwords'][$simword['typedin']] = array('keyword' => $simword['keyword'], 'typedin' => $simword['typedin'], 'count' => $simword['count']);
         $newsearch = array();
         foreach ($this->searchArray as $keyword) {
             if (preg_match($this->encodeRegex('~\\s~is'), $keyword['search'])) {
                 $quotes = '"';
             } else {
                 $quotes = '';
             if (array_key_exists($keyword['search'], $return['simwords'])) {
                 $newsearch[] = $quotes . $return['simwords'][$keyword['search']]['keyword'] . $quotes;
             } else {
                 $newsearch[] = $quotes . $keyword['search'] . $quotes;
         $return['simwordsnewsearch'] = implode(' ', $newsearch);
     if ($this->similarwordsPermanent) {
         $keywordCount = $this->parseSearchString($this->searchString . ' ' . $return['simwordsnewsearch']);
     $searchColumns = array();
     switch ($this->textMode) {
         case 'unmodified':
             $searchColumns[] = 'unchangedtext';
         case 'both':
             $searchColumns[] = 'plaintext';
             $searchColumns[] = 'unchangedtext';
             $searchColumns[] = 'plaintext';
     $sql = new rex_sql();
     $Awhere = array();
     $Amatch = array();
     foreach ($this->searchArray as $keyword) {
         // build MATCH-Array
         $match = sprintf("(( MATCH (`%s`) AGAINST ('%s')) * %d)", implode('`,`', $searchColumns), $sql->escape($keyword['search']), $keyword['weight']);
         if ($this->searchEntities) {
             $match .= ' + ' . sprintf("(( MATCH (`%s`) AGAINST ('%s')) * %d)", implode('`,`', $searchColumns), $sql->escape(htmlentities($keyword['search'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')), $keyword['weight']);
         $Amatch[] = $match;
         // build WHERE-Array
         if ($this->searchMode == 'match') {
             $AWhere[] = $match;
         } else {
             $tmpWhere = array();
             foreach ($searchColumns as $searchColumn) {
                 $tmpWhere[] = sprintf("(`%s` LIKE '%%%s%%')", $searchColumn, str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\\%', '\\_'), $sql->escape($keyword['search'])));
                 if ($this->searchEntities) {
                     $tmpWhere[] = sprintf("(`%s` LIKE '%%%s%%')", $searchColumn, str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\\%', '\\_'), $sql->escape(htmlentities($keyword['search'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'))));
             $AWhere[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $tmpWhere) . ')';
         /*if($this->logicalMode == ' AND ')
             $Awhere[] = '+*'.$keyword['search'].'*';
             $AWhere[] = '*'.$keyword['search'].'*';*/
     // build MATCH-String
     $match = '(' . implode(' + ', $Amatch) . ' + 1)';
     // build WHERE-String
     $where = '(' . implode($this->logicalMode, $AWhere) . ')';
     #$where = sprintf("( MATCH (%s) AGAINST ('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) > 0",implode(',',$searchColumns),implode(' ',$Awhere));
     // language
     if ($this->clang !== false) {
         $where .= ' AND (clang = ' . intval($this->clang) . ' OR clang IS NULL)';
     $AwhereToSearch = array();
     if (array_key_exists('articles', $this->searchInIDs) and count($this->searchInIDs['articles'])) {
         $AwhereToSearch[] = "texttype = 'article'";
         $AwhereToSearch[] = "(fid IN (" . implode(',', $this->searchInIDs['articles']) . "))";
     if (array_key_exists('categories', $this->searchInIDs) and count($this->searchInIDs['categories'])) {
         $AwhereToSearch[] = "(catid IN (" . implode(',', $this->searchInIDs['categories']) . ") AND ftable = '" . $sql->escape($this->tablePrefix) . "article')";
     if (array_key_exists('filecategories', $this->searchInIDs) and count($this->searchInIDs['filecategories'])) {
         $AwhereToSearch[] = "(catid IN (" . implode(',', $this->searchInIDs['filecategories']) . ") AND ftable = '" . $sql->escape($this->tablePrefix) . "file')";
     if (array_key_exists('db_columns', $this->searchInIDs) and count($this->searchInIDs['db_columns'])) {
         $AwhereToSearch[] = "texttype = 'db_column'";
         $Acolumns = array();
         foreach ($this->searchInIDs['db_columns'] as $table => $colArray) {
             foreach ($colArray as $column) {
                 //$Acolumns[] = sprintf("(ftable = '%s' AND fcolumn = '%s' %s)", $table, $column, $strSearchArticles);
                 $Acolumns[] = sprintf("(ftable = '%s' AND fcolumn = '%s')", $table, $column);
         $AwhereToSearch[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $Acolumns) . ')';
     if (count($AwhereToSearch)) {
         if ($this->searchArticles) {
             $where .= " AND ((texttype = 'article') OR (" . implode(' AND ', $AwhereToSearch) . '))';
         } else {
             $where .= ' AND (' . implode(' AND ', $AwhereToSearch) . ')';
     if (!empty($this->where)) {
         $where .= ' AND (' . $this->where . ')';
     // build ORDER-BY-String
     $Aorder = array();
     foreach ($this->order as $col => $dir) {
         $Aorder[] = $col . ' ' . $dir;
     $selectFields = array();
     if ($this->groupBy) {
         $selectFields[] = sprintf('(SELECT SUM%s FROM `%s` summe WHERE summe.fid = r1.fid AND summe.ftable = r1.ftable) AS RELEVANCE587', $match, $this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex');
         $selectFields[] = sprintf('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `%s` summe WHERE summe.fid = r1.fid AND (summe.ftable IS NULL OR summe.ftable = r1.ftable) AND (summe.fcolumn IS NULL OR summe.fcolumn = r1.fcolumn) AND summe.texttype = r1.texttype) AS COUNT587', $this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex');
     } else {
         $selectFields[] = $match . ' AS RELEVANCE587';
     $selectFields[] = '`id`';
     $selectFields[] = '`fid`';
     $selectFields[] = '`catid`';
     $selectFields[] = '`ftable`';
     $selectFields[] = '`fcolumn`';
     $selectFields[] = '`texttype`';
     $selectFields[] = '`clang`';
     $selectFields[] = '`unchangedtext`';
     $selectFields[] = '`plaintext`';
     $selectFields[] = '`teaser`';
     $selectFields[] = '`values`';
     $selectFields[] = '`filename`';
     $selectFields[] = '`fileext`';
     if ($this->groupBy) {
         $query = sprintf('
     FROM `%s` r1
     WHERE (%s) AND (
         %s = (SELECT MAX%s FROM `%s` r2 WHERE r1.ftable = r2.ftable AND r1.fid = r2.fid %s)
         AND fid IS NOT NULL
       ) OR
       ftable IS NULL
     GROUP BY ftable,fid,clang
     ORDER BY %s
     LIMIT %d,%d', implode(",\n", $selectFields), $this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex', $where, $match, $match, $this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex', $this->clang !== false ? 'AND (clang = ' . intval($this->clang) . ' OR clang IS NULL)' : '', implode(",\n", $Aorder), $this->limit[0], $this->limit[1]);
     } else {
         $query = sprintf('
     FROM `%s`
     WHERE %s
     ORDER BY %s
     LIMIT %d,%d', implode(",\n", $selectFields), $this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex', $where, implode(",\n", $Aorder), $this->limit[0], $this->limit[1]);
     #echo '<pre>'.$query.'</pre>';
     $sqlResult = $sql->getArray($query);
     $indexIds = array();
     $count = 0;
     $sqlResultCount = $sql->getArray('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as count');
     $return['count'] = intval($sqlResultCount[0]['count']);
     // hits
     $return['hits'] = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($sqlResult as $hit) {
         $indexIds[] = $hit['id'];
         $return['hits'][$i] = array();
         $return['hits'][$i]['id'] = $hit['id'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['fid'] = $hit['fid'];
         if (!is_numeric($hit['fid']) and !is_null($json_decode_fid = json_decode($hit['fid'], true))) {
             $return['hits'][$i]['fid'] = $json_decode_fid;
         $return['hits'][$i]['table'] = $hit['ftable'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['column'] = $hit['fcolumn'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['type'] = $hit['texttype'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['clang'] = $hit['clang'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['unchangedtext'] = $hit['unchangedtext'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['plaintext'] = $hit['plaintext'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['teaser'] = $this->getTeaserText($hit['plaintext']);
         $return['hits'][$i]['highlightedtext'] = $this->getHighlightedText($hit['plaintext']);
         $return['hits'][$i]['article_teaser'] = $hit['teaser'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['values'] = a587_config_unserialize($hit['values']);
         $return['hits'][$i]['filename'] = $hit['filename'];
         $return['hits'][$i]['fileext'] = $hit['fileext'];
         if ($this->groupBy) {
             $count += $hit['COUNT587'];
     if ($this->groupBy) {
         $indexIds = array();
         foreach ($sql->getArray(sprintf('
         SELECT id
         FROM `%s`
         WHERE %s
         LIMIT %d,%d', $this->tablePrefix . '587_searchindex', $where, $this->limit[0], $count)) as $hit) {
             $indexIds[] = $hit['id'];
     // keywords, which were searched for
     $return['keywords'] = $this->searchArray;
     $return['searchterm'] = $this->searchString;
     // sql
     $return['sql'] = $query;
     // was any blacklisted word searched for?
     $return['blacklisted'] = false;
     if (count($this->blacklisted) > 0) {
         $return['blacklisted'] = $this->blacklisted;
     $return['hash'] = $this->cacheHash($this->searchString);
     if ($this->similarwords and $i) {
     if ($this->cache) {
         $this->cacheSearch(serialize($return), $indexIds);
     // EP registrieren
     rex_register_extension_point('A587_SEARCH_EXECUTED', $return);
     $return['time'] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     return $return;
Пример #3
$mypage = 'plaintext';
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$REX['ADDON']['version'][$mypage] = '0.2';
$REX['ADDON']['author'][$mypage] = 'Robert Rupf';
$REX['ADDON']['supportpage'][$mypage] = 'forum.redaxo.de';
$REX['EXTRAPERM'][] = $parent . '[' . $mypage . ']';
require_once $dir . '/functions/functions.inc.php';
if (is_object($REX['USER']) and ($REX['USER']->hasPerm($parent . '[' . $mypage . ']') or $REX['USER']->isAdmin())) {
    if ($REX['REDAXO']) {
        $I18N->appendFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/');
        $REX['ADDON']['rexsearch_plugins'][$parent][$mypage]['subpages'][] = array('plaintext', $I18N->Msg('a587_plaintext_title'));
    rex_register_extension('A587_PLAINTEXT', 'a587_doPlaintext');
    if (!file_exists($settingFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings.conf')) {
        a587_plaintext_saveSettings(array('order' => 'selectors,regex,textile,striptags', 'selectors' => "head,\nscript", 'regex' => '', 'textile' => true, 'striptags' => true, 'processparent' => false));
    $REX['ADDON']['rexsearch_plugins'][$parent][$mypage]['settings'] = a587_config_unserialize(rex_get_file_contents($settingFile));
// Including CSS-File for Backend
if ($REX['REDAXO'] and rex_request('page', 'string') == $parent and rex_request('subpage', 'string') == $mypage) {
    function a587_plaintext_add_css($params)
        $parent = 'rexsearch';
        $mypage = 'plaintext';
        if (function_exists('str_ireplace')) {
            return str_ireplace('</head>', "\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="../files/addons/' . $parent . '/plugins/' . $mypage . '/jquery.ui.custom.js"></script>' . "\n" . '</head>', $params['subject']);
        return str_replace('</head>', "\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="../files/addons/' . $parent . '/plugins/' . $mypage . '/jquery.ui.custom.js"></script>' . "\n" . '</head>', $params['subject']);
    rex_register_extension('OUTPUT_FILTER', 'a587_plaintext_add_css');