function html_no_comment($url) { $url = _urlencode($url); // create HTML DOM $check_curl = _isCurl(); if (!($html = file_get_html($url))) { if (!($html = str_get_html(file_get_contents_curl($url))) or !$check_curl) { return false; } } // remove all comment elements foreach ($html->find('comment') as $e) { $e->outertext = ''; } $ret = $html->save(); // clean up memory $html->clear(); unset($html); return $ret; }
function _getParametersAsString(array $parameters) { $queryParameters = array(); foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { $queryParameters[] = $key . '=' . _urlencode($value); } return implode('&', $queryParameters); }
function _urlencode($elem) { if (is_array($elem)) { foreach ($elem as $k => $v) { $na[_urlencode($k)] = _urlencode($v); } return $na; } return urlencode($elem); }
function do_Clip($formatter, $options) { global $DBInfo; $enable_replace = 1; $keyname = $DBInfo->_getPageKey($options['page']); $_dir = str_replace("./", '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $keyname); // support hashed upload dir if (!is_dir($_dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) { $prefix = get_hashed_prefix($keyname); $_dir = str_replace('./', '', $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $prefix . $keyname); } $pagename = _urlencode($options['page']); $name = $options['value']; if (!$name) { $title = _("Fatal error !"); $formatter->send_header("Status: 406 Not Acceptable", $options); $formatter->send_title($title, "", $options); print "<h2>" . _("No filename given") . "</h2>"; $formatter->send_footer("", $options); return; } $pngname = _rawurlencode($name); //$imgpath="$_dir/$pngname"; $imgpath = "{$pngname}"; $imgparam = ''; if (file_exists($_dir . '/' . $imgpath . '.png')) { $url = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $_dir . '/' . $imgpath . '.png'); $imgparam = "<param name='image' value='{$url}' />"; } $png_url = "{$imgpath}.png"; $formatter->send_header("", $options); $formatter->send_title(_("Clipboard"), "", $options); $prefix = $formatter->prefix; $now = time(); $url_exit = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?ts={$now}"); $url_save = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?action=draw"); $url_help = $formatter->link_url("ClipMacro"); $pubpath = $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/applets/ClipPlugin"; print "<h2>" . _("Cut & Paste a Clipboard Image") . "</h2>\n"; print <<<APPLET <applet code="clip" archive="clip.jar" codebase="{$pubpath}" width='200' height='200' align="center"> <param name="pngpath" value="{$png_url}" /> <param name="savepath" value="{$url_save}" /> <param name="viewpath" value="{$url_exit}" /> <param name="compress" value="5" /> {$imgparam} <b>NOTE:</b> You need a Java enabled browser to edit the drawing example. </applet><br /> APPLET; $formatter->send_footer("", $options); return; }
function do_qr($formatter, $params = array()) { global $Config; if (isset($params['value']) && isset($params['value'][0])) { $value = $params['value']; } else { $encoded = _urlencode(strtr($formatter->page->name, ' ', '_')); $value = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($encoded)); } if (!empty($Config['cache_public_dir']) and !empty($Config['cache_public_url'])) { $fc = new Cache_text('qr', array('ext' => 'png', 'dir' => $Config['cache_public_dir'])); $pngname = $fc->getKey($value); $pngfile = $Config['cache_public_dir'] . '/' . $pngname; $png_url = !empty($Config['cache_public_url']) ? $Config['cache_public_url'] . '/' . $pngname : $Config['url_prefix'] . '/' . $pngfile; } else { $uniq = md5($value); $pngfile = $cache_dir . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; $png_url = $cache_url . '/' . $uniq . '.png'; } $img_exists = file_exists($pngfile); if (!$img_exists || $formatter->refresh) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/phpqrcode.php'; QRcode::png($value, $pngfile, 'l', 3, 1); } if (!empty($Config['use_cache_url'])) { header("Pragma: no-cache"); header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=0, s-maxage=0'); header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate', false); $formatter->send_header(array('Status: 302', 'Location: ' . $png_url)); return null; } $down_mode = 'inline'; header("Content-Type: image/png\r\n"); $mtime = filemtime($pngfile); $lastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime) . ' GMT'; $etag = md5($lastmod . $key); header('Last-Modified: ' . $lastmod); header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"'); $maxage = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . $maxage); $need = http_need_cond_request($mtime, $lastmod, $etag); if (!$need) { header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified'); @ob_end_clean(); return null; } @ob_clean(); $ret = readfile($pngfile); return null; }
function _interwiki_repl($formatter, $url) { global $DBInfo; if ($url[0] == "w") { $url = substr($url, 5); } $dum = explode(":", $url, 2); $wiki = $dum[0]; if (isset($dum[1])) { $page = $dum[1]; } else { $page = $dum[0]; return array($formatter->link_url($page)); } $url = $DBInfo->interwiki[$wiki]; # invalid InterWiki name if (!$url) { return array(); } $urlpage = _urlencode(trim($page)); #$urlpage=trim($page); if (strpos($url, '$PAGE') === false) { $url .= $urlpage; } else { # GtkRef$PAGE.html # GtkRef:GtkTreeView#GtkTreeView # is rendered as http://...GtkTreeView.html#GtkTreeView $page_only = strtok($urlpage, '#?'); $query = substr($urlpage, strlen($page_only)); #if ($query and !$text) $text=strtok($page,'#?'); $url = str_replace('$PAGE', $page_only, $url) . $query; } $img = $formatter->imgs_dir_interwiki . strtolower($wiki) . '-16.png'; if (preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg)\$/i", $url)) { $img = $url; } return array($url, $img); }
function macro_Attachments($formatter, $value, $params = array()) { global $DBInfo; if ($value and $DBInfo->hasPage($value)) { $p = $DBInfo->getPage($value); $body = $p->get_raw_body(); $baseurl = $formatter->link_url(_urlencode($value)); //$formatter->page=&$p; } else { if ($params['text']) { $body = $params['text']; } else { $body = $formatter->page->get_raw_body(); } } // from wiki.php $punct = "<\\'}\\]\\|\\.\\!"; # , is omitted for the WikiPedia $url = 'attachment'; $urlrule = "((?:{$url}):\"[^\"]+\"[^\\s{$punct}]*|(?:{$url}):([^\\s{$punct}]|(\\.?[^\\s{$punct}]))+|\\[\\[Attachment\\([^\\)]+\\)\\]\\])"; // do not include pre block $body = preg_replace("/\\{\\{\\{.+?\\}\\}\\}/s", '', $body); $my = array(); $lines = explode("\n", $body); foreach ($lines as $line) { preg_match_all("/{$urlrule}/i", $line, $match); if (!$match) { continue; } $my = array_merge($my, $match[0]); } $my = array_unique($my); if (!empty($params['call'])) { return $my; } return " * " . implode("\n * ", $my); }
function macro_Fetch($formatter, $url = '', $params = array()) { global $DBInfo; if (empty($url)) { $params['retval']['error'] = _("Empty URL"); return false; } // check valid url if (!preg_match('@^((ftp|https?)://[^/]+)/@', $url, $m)) { return false; } $siteurl = $m[1]; require_once "lib/HTTPClient.php"; $sz = 0; $allowed = 'png|jpeg|jpg|gif'; if (!empty($DBInfo->fetch_exts)) { $allowed = $DBInfo->fetch_exts; } // urlencode() $url = _urlencode($url); // set default params $maxage = !empty($DBInfo->fetch_maxage) ? (int) $DBInfo->fetch_maxage : 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; $timeout = !empty($DBInfo->fetch_timeout) ? (int) $DBInfo->fetch_timeout : 15; $vartmp_dir = $DBInfo->vartmp_dir; $buffer_size = 2048 * 1024; // default buffer size if (!empty($DBInfo->fetch_buffer_size) and $DBInfo->fetch_buffer_size > 2048 * 1024) { $buffer_size = $DBInfo->fetch_buffer_size; } // set referrer $referer = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->fetch_referer_re)) { foreach ($DBInfo->fetch_referer_re as $re => $ref) { if (preg_match($re, $url)) { $referer = $ref; break; } } } // default referrer if (empty($referer) and !empty($DBInfo->fetch_referer)) { $referer = $DBInfo->fetch_referer; } // check site available $si = new Cache_text('siteinfo'); if ($si->exists($siteurl)) { if (!empty($params['refresh'])) { $si->remove($siteurl); } else { if (empty($params['refresh']) && ($check = $si->fetch($siteurl)) !== false) { $params['retval']['status'] = $check['status']; $params['retval']['error'] = $check['error']; return false; } } } $sc = new Cache_text('fetchinfo'); $error = null; if (empty($params['refresh']) and $sc->exists($url) and $sc->mtime($url) < time() + $maxage) { $info = $sc->fetch($url); $sz = $info['size']; $mimetype = $info['mimetype']; $error = !empty($info['error']) ? $info['error'] : null; // already retrived and found some error if (empty($params['refresh']) and !empty($error)) { $params['retval']['status'] = $info['status']; $params['retval']['error'] = $error; $params['retval']['mimetype'] = $mimetype; $params['retval']['size'] = $sz; return false; } } else { // check connection $http = new HTTPClient(); // get file header $http->nobody = true; $http->referer = $referer; $http->sendRequest($url, array(), 'GET'); //if ($http->status == 301 || $http->status == 302 ) { // //} if ($http->status != 200) { if ($http->status == 404) { $params['retval']['error'] = '404 File Not Found'; } else { $params['retval']['error'] = !empty($http->error) ? $http->error : sprintf(_("Invalid Status %d"), $http->status); } $params['retval']['status'] = $http->status; // check alive site if ($http->status == -210) { $si->update($siteurl, array('status' => $http->status, 'error' => $params['retval']['error']), 60 * 60 * 24); return false; } $sc->update($url, array('size' => -1, 'mimetype' => '', 'error' => $params['retval']['error'], 'status' => $params['retval']['status']), 60 * 60 * 24 * 3); return false; } if (isset($http->resp_headers['content-length'])) { $sz = $http->resp_headers['content-length']; } if (isset($http->resp_headers['content-type'])) { $mimetype = $http->resp_headers['content-type']; } else { $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'; } $sc->update($url, array('size' => $sz, 'mimetype' => $mimetype)); } // size info if (is_numeric($sz)) { $unit = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'); $tmp = $sz; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if ($tmp <= 1024) { break; } $tmp = $tmp / 1024; } $hsz = round($tmp, 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i]; if (empty($buffer_size) && !empty($DBInfo->fetch_max_size) and $sz > $DBInfo->fetch_max_size) { $params['retval']['error'] = sprintf(_("Too big file size (%s). Please contact WikiMasters to increase \$fetch_max_size"), $hsz); $params['retval']['mimetype'] = $mimetype; return false; } } else { $params['retval']['error'] = _("Can't get file size info"); $params['retval']['mimetype'] = $mimetype; return false; } $is_image = false; if (preg_match('/^image\\/(jpe?g|gif|png)$/', $mimetype, $m)) { $ext = isset($m[1]) ? '.' . $m[1] : ''; $is_image = true; } else { $ext = '.' . get_extension('data/mime.types', $mimetype); } if (!empty($DBInfo->fetch_images_only) and !$is_image) { // always check the content-type $params['retval']['error'] = sprintf(_("Invalid mime-type %s"), $mimetype); $params['retval']['mimetype'] = $mimetype; return false; } if (empty($params['call'])) { if ($is_image) { $img_url = $formatter->link_url('', '?action=fetch&url=' . $url); return '<div class="externalImage"><div><img src="' . $img_url . '">' . '<div><a href="' . $url . '"><span>[' . strtoupper($m[1]) . ' ' . _("external image") . ' (' . $hsz . ')' . ']</span></a></div></div>'; } return $formatter->link_to('?action=fetch&url=' . $url, $mimetype . ' (' . $hsz . ')'); } // cache dir/filename/cache url if (!empty($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) and !empty($DBInfo->cache_public_url)) { $fc = new Cache_text('fetchfile', array('dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $fetchname = $fc->getKey($url); $fetchfile = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $fetchname . $ext; $fetch_url = $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $fetchname . $ext; } else { $fc = new Cache_text('fetchfile'); $fetchname = $fc->getKey($url); $fetchfile = $fc->cache_dir . '/' . $fetchname; $fetch_url = null; } // real fetch job. if (!empty($params['refresh']) or !file_exists($fetchfile)) { $fp = fopen($fetchfile, 'w'); if (!is_resource($fp)) { $params['retval']['error'] = sprintf(_("Fail to open %s"), $fetchfile); return false; } // retry to get all info $http = new HTTPClient(); if (!empty($buffer_size)) { $http->max_buffer_size = $buffer_size; } $http->vartmp_dir = $vartmp_dir; $save = ini_get('max_execution_time'); set_time_limit(0); $http->timeout = $timeout; $http->referer = $referer; $http->sendRequest($url, array(), 'GET'); set_time_limit($save); if ($http->status != 200) { fclose($fp); unlink($fetchfile); // Error found! save error status to the info cache $params['retval']['status'] = $http->status; $params['retval']['error'] = $http->error; $params['retval']['mimetype'] = $mimetype; $params['retval']['size'] = $sz; $sc->update($url, array('size' => $sz, 'mimetype' => $mimetype, 'error' => $http->error, 'status' => $params['retval']['status'])); return false; } if (!empty($http->resp_body)) { fwrite($fp, $http->resp_body); fclose($fp); } else { fclose($fp); if (!empty($http->resp_body_file) && file_exists($http->resp_body_file)) { copy($http->resp_body_file, $fetchfile); unlink($http->resp_body_file); } } // update error status. if (!empty($error)) { $sc->update($url, array('size' => $sz, 'mimetype' => $mimetype)); } } if (!empty($fetch_url) and !empty($DBInfo->fetch_use_cache_url)) { $formatter->send_header(array('Status: 302', 'Location: ' . $fetch_url)); return null; } if (!empty($params['thumbwidth'])) { // check allowed thumb widths. $thumb_widths = isset($DBInfo->thumb_widths) ? $DBInfo->thumb_widths : array('120', '240', '320', '480', '600', '800', '1024'); $width = 320; // default if (!empty($DBInfo->default_thumb_width)) { $width = $DBInfo->default_thumb_width; } if (!empty($thumb_widths)) { if (in_array($params['thumbwidth'], $thumb_widths)) { $width = $params['thumbwidth']; } else { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); echo "Invalid thumbnail width", "<br />", "valid thumb widths are ", implode(', ', $thumb_widths); return; } } else { $width = $params['thumbwidth']; } $thumb_width = $width; $force_thumb = true; } else { // automatically generate thumb images to support low-bandwidth mobile version if (is_mobile()) { $force_thumb = (!isset($params['m']) or $params['m'] == 1); } } // generate thumb file to support low-bandwidth mobile version $thumbfile = ''; while ((!empty($params['thumb']) or $force_thumb) and preg_match('/^image\\/(jpe?g|gif|png)$/', $mimetype)) { if (empty($thumb_width)) { $thumb_width = 320; // default if (!empty($DBInfo->fetch_thumb_width)) { $thumb_width = $DBInfo->fetch_thumb_width; } } $thumbfile = preg_replace('@' . $ext . '$@', '.w' . $thumb_width . $ext, $fetchfile); if (empty($params['refresh']) && file_exists($thumbfile)) { break; } list($w, $h) = getimagesize($fetchfile); if ($w <= $thumb_width) { $thumbfile = $fetchfile; break; } require_once 'lib/mediautils.php'; // generate thumbnail using the gd func or the ImageMagick(convert) resize_image($ext, $fetchfile, $thumbfile, $w, $h, $thumb_width); break; } $down_mode = 'inline'; if (!empty($thumbfile)) { $fetchfile = $thumbfile; } header("Content-Type: {$mimetype}\r\n"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($fetchfile)); //header("Content-Disposition: $down_mode; ".$fname ); header("Content-Description: MoniWiki PHP Fetch Downloader"); $mtime = filemtime($fetchfile); $lastmod = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $mtime) . ' GMT'; $etag = md5($lastmod . $url . $thumbfile); header("Last-Modified: " . $lastmod); header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"'); header("Pragma:"); header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . $maxage); $need = http_need_cond_request($mtime, $lastmod, $etag); if (!$need) { header('X-Cache-Debug: Cached OK'); header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified'); @ob_end_clean(); return null; } @ob_clean(); $ret = readfile($fetchfile); return null; }
function interwiki_repl($url, $text = "") { global $DBInfo; if ($url[0] == "w") { $url = substr($url, 5); } $dum = explode(":", $url, 2); $wiki = $dum[0]; $page = $dum[1]; # if (!$page) { # wiki:Wiki/FrontPage # $dum1=explode("/",$url,2); # $wiki=$dum1[0]; $page=$dum1[1]; # } if (!$page) { # wiki:FrontPage(not supported in the MoinMoin # or [wiki:FrontPage Home Page] $page = $dum[0]; if (!$text) { return $this->word_repl($page, '', '', 1); } return $this->word_repl($page, $text, '', 1); } $url = $DBInfo->interwiki[$wiki]; # invalid InterWiki name if (!$url) { return $dum[0] . ":" . $this->word_repl($dum[1], $text); } $urlpage = _urlencode(trim($page)); #$urlpage=trim($page); if (strpos($url, '$PAGE') === false) { $url .= $urlpage; } else { # GtkRef$PAGE.html # GtkRef:GtkTreeView#GtkTreeView # is rendered as http://...GtkTreeView.html#GtkTreeView $page_only = strtok($urlpage, '#?'); $query = substr($urlpage, strlen($page_only)); #if ($query and !$text) $text=strtok($page,'#?'); $url = str_replace('$PAGE', $page_only, $url) . $query; } $img = $this->_img($DBInfo->imgs_dir . "/" . strtolower($wiki) . "-16.png"); #"<a href='$url' target='wiki'><img border='0' src='$DBInfo->imgs_dir/". # strtolower($wiki)."-16.png' align='middle' height='16' width='16' ". # "alt='$wiki:' title='$wiki:' /></a>"; if (!$text) { $text = str_replace("%20", " ", $page); } else { if (preg_match("/^(http|ftp).*\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg)\$/i", $text)) { $text = $this->_a($text); $img = ''; } } if (preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg)\$/i", $url)) { #return "<img border='0' alt='$text' src='$url' />"; return $this->_a($url); } return $img . $this->_a($url, $text); }
function macro_Scrap($formatter, $value = '', $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; $user =& $DBInfo->user; # get cookie if ($user->id == 'Anonymous') { return ''; } $userinfo = $DBInfo->udb->getUser($user->id); $pages = array(); if (!empty($userinfo->info['scrapped_pages'])) { $pages = explode("\t", $userinfo->info['scrapped_pages']); } if (!empty($options['page']) and !in_array($options['page'], $pages)) { $pages[] = $options['page']; } $out = ''; if ($value == 'js') { // get the scrapped pages dynamically $script = get_scriptname() . $DBInfo->query_prefix; $js = <<<JS <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ (function() { var script_name = "{$script}"; function get_scrap() { var scrap = document.getElementById('scrap'); if (scrap == null) { // silently ignore return; } // get the scrapped pages var qp = '?'; // query_prefix var loc = location.protocol + '//' +; if (location.port) loc+= ':' + location.port; loc+= location.pathname + qp + 'action=scrap/ajax'; var ret = HTTPGet(loc); if (ret) { var list = JSON.parse(ret); var html = ''; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { html+= '<li><a href="' + script_name + list[i] + '">' + list[i] + "</a></li>\\n"; } scrap.innerHTML = "<ul>" + html + "</ul>"; } } // onload var oldOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function(ev) { try { oldOnload(); } catch(e) {}; get_scrap(); } })(); /*]]>*/ </script> JS; #$formatter->register_javascripts('local/scrap.js'); $formatter->register_javascripts($js); return '<i></i>'; // dummy } foreach ($pages as $p) { if ($DBInfo->hasPage($p)) { $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_urlencode($p), '', $p) . '</li>'; } else { if (!empty($p)) { $list = $formatter->macro_repl('PageList', $p, array('rawre' => 1)); if (empty($list)) { $out .= substr($list, 4, -6); } } } } if (!empty($out)) { return '<ul>' . $out . '</ul>'; } return ''; }
function macro_trackback($formatter, $value) { preg_match('/(\\d+)?(\\s*,?\\s*.*)?$/', $value, $match); $opts = explode(",", $match[2]); if ($match[1]) { $limit = $match[1]; } else { $limit = 10; } # if (in_array('all',$opts)) $lines = TrackBack_text::get_all(); $date_fmt = "m-d [h:i a]"; $template_bra = ''; $template = '$out.= "<a href=\\"$link\\">$title</a> <span class=\\"blog-user\\">by <a href=\\"$url\\">$site</a> @ $date</span><br />\\n";'; $template_ket = ''; if (in_array('simple', $opts)) { $template_bra = '<ul>'; $template = '$out.= "<li><span class=\\"blog-user\\"><a href=\\"$link\\">$title</a></span><br/><span class=\\"blog-user\\">by <a href=\\"$url\\">$site</a> @ $date</span></li>\\n";'; $template_bra = '</ul>'; $date_fmt = "m-d"; } $logs = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $logs[] = explode("\t", $line, 8); } usort($logs, 'TrackBackCompare'); $out = ''; foreach ($logs as $log) { if ($limit <= 0) { break; } list($page, $dum, $entry, $url, $date, $site, $title, $dum2) = $log; if (!$title) { continue; } if ($entry) { $entry = '&value=' . $entry; } $link = $formatter->link_url(_urlencode($page), '?action=trackback' . $entry); $date[10] = ' '; $time = strtotime($date . " GMT"); $date = date($date_fmt, $time); $tmp = explode(':', $site); $wiki = $tmp[0]; if (!empty($tmp[1])) { $user = $tmp[1]; $site = $tmp[1]; } #$out.=$page."<a href='$url'>$title</a> @ $date from $site<br />\n"; #$out.="<a href='$url'>$title</a> @ $date from $site<br />\n"; eval($template); $limit--; } return $template_bra . $out . $template_ket; }
function macro_Scrap($formatter, $value = '', $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; $user =& $DBInfo->user; # get cookie if ($user->id == 'Anonymous') { return ''; } $userinfo = $DBInfo->udb->getUser($user->id); $pages = array(); if (!empty($userinfo->info['scrapped_pages'])) { $pages = explode("\t", $userinfo->info['scrapped_pages']); } $scrapped = 0; $pgname = ''; if (!empty($formatter->page->name)) { $pgname = $formatter->page->name; if (!in_array($formatter->page->name, $pages)) { $pages[] = $options['page']; } else { $scrapped = 1; } } $out = ''; if ($value == 'js') { // get the scrapped pages dynamically $script = get_scriptname() . $DBInfo->query_prefix; $pgname = _rawurlencode($pgname); $js = <<<JS <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ (function() { var script_name = "{$script}"; var page_name = "{$pgname}"; function get_scrap() { var scrap = document.getElementById('scrap'); if (scrap == null) { // silently ignore return; } var pgname = decodeURIComponent(page_name); var scrapped = false; // get the scrapped pages var qp = '?'; // query_prefix var loc = '//' +; if (location.port) loc+= ':' + location.port; loc+= location.pathname + qp + 'action=scrap/ajax'; var ret = HTTPGet(loc); if (ret) { var list = JSON.parse(ret); var html = ''; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i] == pgname) scrapped = true; html+= '<li><a href="' + script_name + list[i] + '">' + list[i] + "</a></li>\\n"; } if (html != '') scrap.innerHTML = "<ul>" + html + "</ul>"; if (scrapped) { // change scrap icon var iconmenu = document.getElementById("wikiIcon"); var icons = iconmenu.getElementsByTagName("A"); for (i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { if (icons[i].href.match(/action=scrap/)) { icons[i].href = icons[i].href.replace(/=scrap/, '=scrap&unscrap=1'); icons[i].firstChild.firstChild.src = icons[i].firstChild.firstChild.src.replace('scrap', 'unscrap'); break; } } } } } // onload var oldOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function(ev) { try { oldOnload(); } catch(e) {}; get_scrap(); } })(); /*]]>*/ </script> JS; #$formatter->register_javascripts('local/scrap.js'); $formatter->register_javascripts($js); return '<i></i>'; // dummy } foreach ($pages as $p) { if ($DBInfo->hasPage($p)) { $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_urlencode($p), '', $p) . '</li>'; } else { if (!empty($p)) { $list = $formatter->macro_repl('PageList', $p, array('rawre' => 1)); if (empty($list)) { $out .= substr($list, 4, -6); } } } } if (!empty($out)) { return '<ul>' . $out . '</ul>'; } return ''; }
function macro_WordIndex($formatter, $value, $params = array()) { global $DBInfo; $pagelinks = $formatter->pagelinks; // save $save = $formatter->sister_on; $formatter->sister_on = 0; if (!empty($DBInfo->use_titlecache)) { $cache = new Cache_text('title'); } $word_limit = 50; $start = 0; $prev = 0; if (!empty($params['start']) and is_numeric($params['start'])) { $start = $params['start']; } if (!empty($params['prev']) and is_numeric($params['prev'])) { $prev = $params['prev']; } $value = strval($value); if ($value == '' or $value == 'all') { $sel = ''; } else { $sel = $value; } if (@preg_match('/' . $sel . '/i', '') === false) { $sel = ''; } $keys = array(); $dict = array(); // cache wordindex $wc = new Cache_text('wordindex'); $delay = !empty($DBInfo->default_delaytime) ? $DBInfo->default_delaytime : 0; $lock_file = _fake_lock_file($DBInfo->vartmp_dir, 'wordindex'); $locked = _fake_locked($lock_file, $DBInfo->mtime()); if ($locked or $wc->exists('key') and $DBInfo->checkUpdated($wc->mtime('key'), $delay)) { if ($formatter->group) { $keys = $wc->fetch('key.' . $formatter->group); $dict = $wc->fetch('wordindex.' . $formatter->group); } else { $keys = $wc->fetch('key'); $dict = $wc->fetch('wordindex'); } if (empty($dict) and $locked) { // no cache found return _("Please wait..."); } } if (empty($keys) or empty($dict)) { _fake_lock($lock_file); $all_pages = array(); if ($formatter->group) { $group_pages = $DBInfo->getLikePages($formatter->group); foreach ($group_pages as $page) { $all_pages[] = str_replace($formatter->group, '', $page); } } else { $all_pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists(); } foreach ($all_pages as $page) { if (!empty($DBInfo->use_titlecache) and $cache->exists($page)) { $title = $cache->fetch($page); } else { $title = $page; } $tmp = preg_replace("/[\\?!\$%\\.\\^;&\\*()_\\+\\|\\[\\]<>\"' \\-~\\/:]/", " ", $title); $tmp = preg_replace("/((?<=[A-Za-z0-9])[A-Z][a-z0-9])/", " \\1", ucwords($tmp)); $words = preg_split("/\\s+/", $tmp); foreach ($words as $word) { $word = ltrim($word); if (!$word) { continue; } $key = get_key($word); $keys[$key] = $key; if (!empty($dict[$key][$word])) { $dict[$key][$word][] = $page; } else { if (empty($dict[$key])) { $dict[$key] = array(); } $dict[$key][$word] = array($page); } } } sort($keys); foreach ($keys as $k) { #ksort($dict[$k]); #ksort($dict[$k], SORT_STRING); #uksort($dict[$k], "strnatcasecmp"); uksort($dict[$k], "strcasecmp"); } if ($formatter->group) { $wc->update('key.' . $formatter->group, $keys); $wc->update('wordindex.' . $formatter->group, $dict); } else { $wc->update('key', $keys); $wc->update('wordindex', $dict); } _fake_lock($lock_file, LOCK_UN); } if (isset($sel[0]) and isset($dict[$sel])) { $selected = array($sel); } else { $selected =& $keys; } $out = ''; $key = -1; $count = 0; $idx = 0; foreach ($selected as $k) { $words = array_keys($dict[$k]); $sz = count($words); for ($idx = $start; $idx < $sz; $idx++) { $word = $words[$idx]; $pages =& $dict[$k][$word]; $pkey = $k; if ($key != $pkey) { $key = $pkey; if (!empty($sel) and !preg_match('/^' . $sel . '/i', $pkey)) { continue; } if (!empty($out)) { $out .= "</ul>"; } $ukey = urlencode($key); $out .= "<a name='{$ukey}'></a><h3><a href='#top'>{$key}</a></h3>\n"; } if (!empty($sel) and !preg_match('/^' . $sel . '/i', $pkey)) { continue; } $out .= "<h4>{$word}</h4>\n"; $out .= "<ul>\n"; foreach ($pages as $page) { $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->word_repl('"' . $page . '"') . "</li>\n"; } $out .= "</ul>\n"; $count++; if ($count >= $word_limit) { break; } } } if (isset($sel[0])) { $last = count($dict[$sel]); $offset = $idx + 1; $pager = array(); if ($start > 0) { // get previous start offset. $count = 0; $idx -= $word_limit - 1; if ($idx < 0) { $idx = 0; } $link = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->name, '?action=wordindex&sec=' . $sel . '&start=' . $idx); $pager[] = "<a href='{$link}'>" . _("« Prev") . '</a>'; } if ($offset < $last) { $link = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->name, '?action=wordindex&sec=' . $sel . '&start=' . $offset); $pager[] = "<a href='{$link}'>" . _("Next »") . '</a>'; } if (!empty($pager)) { $out .= implode(' | ', $pager) . "<br />\n"; } } $index = array(); $tlink = ''; if (isset($sel[0])) { $tlink = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->name, '?action=wordindex&sec='); } foreach ($keys as $key) { $name = strval($key); if ($key == 'Others') { $name = _("Others"); } $ukey = urlencode($key); $link = !empty($tlink) ? preg_replace('/sec=/', 'sec=' . _urlencode($key), $tlink) : ''; $index[] = "<a href='{$link}#{$ukey}'>{$name}</a>"; } $str = implode(' | ', $index); $formatter->pagelinks = $pagelinks; // restore $formatter->sister_on = $save; return "<center><a name='top'></a>{$str}</center>\n{$out}"; }
function macro_Play($formatter, $value) { global $DBInfo; static $autoplay = 1; $max_width = 600; $max_height = 400; $default_width = 320; $default_height = 240; # $media = array(); # preg_match("/^(([^,]+\\s*,?\\s*)+)\$/", $value, $match); if (!$match) { return '[[Play(error!! ' . $value . ')]]'; } if (($p = strpos($match[1], ',')) !== false) { $my = explode(',', $match[1]); for ($i = 0, $sz = count($my); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (strpos($my[$i], '=')) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $my[$i]); $val = trim($val, '"\''); if ($key == 'width' and $val > 1) { $width = $val; } else { if ($key == 'height' and $val > 1) { $height = $val; } } } else { // multiple files $media[] = $my[$i]; } } } else { $media[] = $match[1]; } # set embeded object size $mywidth = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : null; $myheight = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : null; $width = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : $default_width; $height = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : $default_height; $url = array(); $my_check = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^(http|ftp|mms|rtsp):\\/\\//", $media[$i])) { $fname = $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $media[$i], array('link' => 1)); if ($my_check and !file_exists($fname)) { return $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $value); } $my_check = 1; // check only first file. $fname = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $fname); $url[] = qualifiedUrl(_urlencode($fname)); } else { $url[] = $media[$i]; } } if ($autoplay == 1) { $play = "true"; } else { $play = "false"; } # $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; if ($DBInfo->use_jwmediaplayer) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { // check type of all files if (!preg_match("/(flv|mp3|mp4|swf)\$/i", $media[$i])) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; break; } } } if ($use_flashplayer_ok) { # set embed flash size if (($sz = count($media)) == 1 and preg_match("/(ogg|wav|mp3)\$/i", $media[0])) { // only one and a sound file $height = 20; // override the hegiht of the JW MediaPlayer } $swfobject_num = !empty($GLOBALS['swfobject_num']) ? $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] : 0; $swfobject_script = ''; if (!$swfobject_num) { $swfobject_script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/js/swfobject.js\"></script>\n"; $num = 1; } else { $num = ++$swfobject_num; } $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] = $num; if (!$DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix) { $_swf_prefix = qualifiedUrl("{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/JWPlayers"); // FIXME } else { $_swf_prefix = $DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix; } $addparam = ''; if ($sz > 1) { $md5sum = md5(implode(':', $media)); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('jwmediaplayer', array('dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $fname = $fc->getKey($md5sum, false); $basename = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $fname; $urlbase = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $fname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $basename; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } else { $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/VisualTour"; $cache_url = $DBInfo->upload_url ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/VisualTour' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $basename = $cache_dir . '/' . $md5sum; $urlbase = $cache_url . '/' . $md5sum; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } $playlist = $urlbase . '.xml'; $list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^(http|ftp):\\/\\//", $url[$i])) { $url = qualifiedUrl($url); } $ext = substr($media[$i], -3, 3); // XXX $list[] = '<title>' . $media[$i] . '</title>' . "\n" . '<location>' . $url[$i] . '</location>' . "\n"; } $tracks = "<track>\n" . implode("</track>\n<track>\n", $list) . "</track>\n"; // UTF-8 FIXME $xml = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist version="1" xmlns=""> <title>XSPF Playlist</title> <info>XSPF Playlist</info> <trackList> {$tracks} </trackList> </playlist> XML; # check cache dir exists or not and make it if (!is_dir(dirname($playfile))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($playfile), 0777); umask($om); } if ($formatter->refresh or !file_exists($playfile)) { $fp = fopen($playfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $xml); fclose($fp); } $displayheight = $height; $height += $sz * 40; // XXX $addparam = "displayheight: '{$displayheight}'"; $filelist = qualifiedUrl($playlist); } else { $filelist = $url[0]; } $jw_script = <<<EOS <p id="mediaplayer{$num}"></p> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var params = { allowfullscreen: "true" }; var flashvars = { width: "{$width}", height: "{$height}", // image: "preview.jpg", {$addparam} file: "{$filelist}" }; swfobject.embedSWF("{$_swf_prefix}/mediaplayer.swf","mediaplayer{$num}","{$width}","{$height}","0.0.9", "expressInstall.swf",flashvars,params); })(); </script> EOS; return <<<EOS {$swfobject_script}{$jw_script} EOS; } else { $out = ''; $mysize = ''; if (!empty($mywidth)) { $mysize .= 'width="' . $mywidth . 'px" '; } if (!empty($myheight)) { $mysize .= ' height="' . $myheight . 'px" '; } for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { $mediainfo = 'External object'; $classid = ''; $objclass = ''; $iframe = ''; $object_prefered = false; // if (preg_match("@https?://(?:[a-z-]+[.])?(?:youtube(?:[.][a-z-]+)+|youtu\\.be)/(?:watch[?].*v=|v/|embed/)?([a-z0-9_-]+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { $movie = "" . $m[1]; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = $mysize . 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"'; $attr .= ' data="' . $movie . '?version=3' . '"'; $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}?version=3'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; $mediainfo = 'Youtube movie'; $objclass = ' youtube'; } else { if (preg_match("@https?://tvpot\\.daum\\.net\\/v\\/(.*)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'"; $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="vid=' . $m[1] . '&playLoc=undefined"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='vid=" . $m[1] . "&playLoc=undefined'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; $mediainfo = 'Daum movie'; $objclass = ' daum'; } else { if (preg_match("@https?://vimeo\\.com\\/(.*)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { if ($object_prefered) { $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="clip_id=' . $m[1] . '"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='clip_id=" . $m[1] . "'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '' . $m[1] . '?portrait=0&color=333'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } } $mediainfo = 'Vimeo movie'; $objclass = ' vimeo'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wmv|mpeg4|mp4|avi|asf)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95'"; $type = 'type="application/x-mplayer2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='FileName' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='False' />\n" . "<param name='ShowControls' value='True' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' movie'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wav|mp3|ogg)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B'"; $type = ''; $attr = 'codebase="" height="30"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='src' value='" . $url[$i] . "'>\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' sound'; } else { if (preg_match("/swf\$/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $classid = "classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'"; $attr = 'codebase=",0,29,0"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='movie' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; } else { if (preg_match("/\\.xap/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-silverlight-2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'data="data:application/x-silverlight,"'; $params = "<param name='source' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n"; } } } } } } } $autoplay = 0; $play = 'false'; if ($iframe) { $out .= <<<IFRAME <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> <iframe src="{$iframe}" {$attr}></iframe> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> IFRAME; } else { $myurl = $url[$i]; $out .= <<<OBJECT <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> <object class='external' {$classid} {$type} {$attr}> {$params} <param name="AutoRewind" value="True"> <embed {$type} src="{$myurl}" {$attr}></embed> </object> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> OBJECT; } } } if (empty($GLOBALS['js_macro_play'])) { $js = <<<JS <script type='text/javascript'> /*<![CDATA[*/ function openExternal(obj, display) { var el; (el = obj.parentNode.parentNode.firstElementChild) && ( = display); } /*]]>*/ </script> JS; $formatter->register_javascripts($js); $GLOBALS['js_macro_play'] = 1; } return $out; }
/** * _urlencode * urlencode 字符串或数组 * * 注意: * 本函数其实只是用于json_encode2,如果php版本>=5.3的话, * 建议用闭包实现,这样就不用将此函数暴露在全局中 * * @param string|array $value * @return string|array */ function _urlencode($value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $value[$k] = _urlencode($v); } } else { if (is_string($value)) { $value = urlencode(str_replace(array("\\", "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\"", "\\/", "\t"), array('\\\\', '\\n', '\\n', '\\n', '\\"', '\\/', '\\t'), $value)); } } return $value; }
function macro_TableOfContents(&$formatter, $value = "") { global $DBInfo; static $tocidx = 1; // FIXME $tocid = 'toc' . $tocidx; $head_num = 1; $head_dep = 0; $TOC = ''; $a0 = '</a>'; $a1 = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->toc_options)) { $value = $DBInfo->toc_options . ',' . $value; } $toctoggle = !empty($DBInfo->use_toctoggle) ? $DBInfo->use_toctoggle : ''; $secdep = ''; $prefix = ''; $dot = '<span class="dot">.</span>'; $attr = ''; while ($value) { list($arg, $value) = explode(',', $value, 2); $key = strtok($arg, '='); if ($key == 'title') { $title = strtok(''); } else { if ($key == 'align') { $val = strtok(''); if (in_array($val, array('right', 'left'))) { $attr = ' ' . $val; } } else { if ($key == 'simple') { $simple = strtok(''); if ($simple == '') { $simple = 1; } if ($simple) { $a0 = ''; $a1 = '</a>'; } } else { if ($key == 'toggle') { $toctoggle = strtok(''); if ($toctoggle == '') { $toctoggle = 1; } } else { if (is_numeric($arg) and $arg > 0 and $arg < 5) { $secdep = $arg; } else { if ($arg) { $value = $value ? $arg . ',' . $value : $arg; break; } } } } } } } if ($toctoggle) { $js = <<<EOS <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ if (window.showTocToggle) { showTocToggle('{$tocid}', '<span>[+]</span>','<span>[-]</span>'); } /*]]>*/ </script> EOS; } $TOC0 = "\n<div class='wikiToc{$attr}' id='" . $tocid . "'>"; if (!isset($title)) { $title = $formatter->macro_repl('GetText', "Contents"); } if ($title) { $TOC0 .= "<div class='toctitle'>\n<h2 style='display:inline'>{$title}</h2>\n</div>"; } $TOC0 .= "<a name='toc' ></a><dl><dd><dl>\n"; $formatter->toc = 1; $baseurl = ''; if ($value and $DBInfo->hasPage($value)) { $p = $DBInfo->getPage($value); $body = $p->get_raw_body(); $baseurl = $formatter->link_url(_urlencode($value)); $formatter->page =& $p; } else { $body = $formatter->text; } // remove processor blocks $chunk = preg_split("/({{{\n (?:(?:[^{}]+|\n {[^{}]+}(?!})|\n (?<!{){{1,2}(?!{)|\n (?<!})}{1,2}(?!})|\n (?<=\\\\)[{}]{3}(?!}))|(?1)\n )++}}})/x", $body, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $sz = count($chunk); $k = 1; $body = ''; foreach ($chunk as $c) { if ($k % 2) { $body .= $c; } else { if (!strstr($c, "\n")) { $body .= $c; } } $k++; } $formatter->nomacro = 1; // disable macros in headings $wordrule = $formatter->wordrule .= '|' . $formatter->footrule; $lines = explode("\n", $body); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = preg_replace("/\n\$/", "", $line); # strip \n preg_match("/^\\s*(?<!=)(={1,{$secdep}})\\s(#?)(.*)\\s+\\1\\s?\$/", $line, $match); if (!$match) { continue; } $dep = strlen($match[1]); if ($dep > 4) { $dep = 5; } $head = str_replace("<", "<", $match[3]); # strip some basic wikitags # $formatter->baserepl,$head); #$head=preg_replace($formatter->baserule,"\\1",$head); # do not strip basic wikitags $head = preg_replace($formatter->baserule, $formatter->baserepl, $head); $head = preg_replace_callback("/(" . $wordrule . ")/", array(&$formatter, 'link_repl'), $head); if (!empty($simple)) { $head = strip_tags($head, '<b><i><img><sub><sup><del><tt><u><strong>'); } if (empty($depth_top)) { $depth_top = $dep; $depth = 1; } else { $depth = $dep - $depth_top + 1; if ($depth <= 0) { $depth = 1; } } $num = "" . $head_num; $odepth = $head_dep; $open = ""; $close = ""; if (!empty($match[2])) { # reset TOC numberings $dum = explode(".", $num); $i = sizeof($dum); for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { $dum[$j] = 1; } $dum[$i - 1] = 0; $num = join($dum, "."); if ($prefix) { $prefix++; } else { $prefix = 1; } } if ($odepth && $depth > $odepth) { $open .= "<dd><dl>\n"; $num .= ".1"; } else { if ($odepth) { $dum = explode(".", $num); $i = sizeof($dum) - 1; while ($depth < $odepth && $i > 0) { unset($dum[$i]); $i--; $odepth--; $close .= "</dl></dd>\n"; } $dum[$i]++; $num = join($dum, "."); } } $head_dep = $depth; # save old $head_num = $num; if ($baseurl) { $TOC .= $close . $open . "<dt><a href='{$baseurl}#s{$prefix}-{$num}'><span class='num'>{$num}{$dot}</span>{$a0} {$head} {$a1}</dt>\n"; } else { $TOC .= $close . $open . "<dt><a id='toc{$prefix}-{$num}' href='#s{$prefix}-{$num}'><span class='num'>{$num}{$dot}</span>{$a0} {$head} {$a1}</dt>\n"; } } $formatter->nomacro = 0; // restore $tocidx++; if (isset($TOC[0])) { $close = ""; $depth = $head_dep; while ($depth > 1) { $depth--; $close .= "</dl></dd>\n"; } if (isset($js)) { $formatter->register_javascripts("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/toctoggle.js\"></script>"); } return $TOC0 . $TOC . $close . "</dl></dd></dl>\n</div>\n" . $js; } else { return ""; } }
function send_title($msgtitle = "", $link = "", $options = "") { // Generate and output the top part of the HTML page. global $DBInfo; $self =& $this; if (!empty($options['action_mode']) and $options['action_mode'] == 'ajax') { return; } $name = $this->page->urlname; $action = $this->link_url($name); $saved_pagelinks = $this->pagelinks; # find upper page $up_separator = '/'; if (!empty($this->use_namespace)) { $up_separator .= '|\\:'; } $pos = 0; preg_match('@(' . $up_separator . ')@', $name, $sep); # NameSpace/SubPage or NameSpace:SubNameSpacePage if (isset($sep[1])) { $pos = strrpos($name, $sep[1]); } $mypgname = $this->page->name; $upper_icon = ''; if ($pos > 0) { $upper = substr($name, 0, $pos); $upper_icon = $this->link_tag($upper, '', $this->icon['upper']) . " "; } else { if (!empty($this->group)) { $group = $this->group; $mypgname = substr($this->page->name, strlen($group)); $upper = _urlencode($mypgname); $upper_icon = $this->link_tag($upper, '', $this->icon['main']) . " "; } } $title = ''; if (isset($this->pi['#title'])) { $title = _html_escape($this->pi['#title']); } // change main title if (!empty($options['.title'])) { $title = _html_escape($options['.title']); } if (!empty($msgtitle)) { $msgtitle = _html_escape($msgtitle); } else { if (isset($options['msgtitle'])) { $msgtitle = $options['msgtitle']; } } if (empty($msgtitle) and !empty($options['title'])) { $msgtitle = $options['title']; } $groupt = ''; if (empty($title)) { if (!empty($group)) { # for UserNameSpace $title = $mypgname; $groupt = substr($group, 0, -1) . ' »'; // XXX $groupt = "<span class='wikiGroup'>{$groupt}</span>"; } else { $groupt = ''; $title = $this->page->title; } $title = _html_escape($title); } # setup title variables #$heading=$this->link_to("?action=fullsearch&value="._urlencode($name),$title); // follow backlinks ? if (!empty($DBInfo->backlinks_follow)) { $attr = 'rel="follow"'; } else { $attr = ''; } $qext = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->use_backlinks)) { $qext = '&backlinks=1'; } if (isset($link[0])) { $title = "<a href=\"{$link}\">{$title}</a>"; } else { if (empty($options['.title']) and empty($options['nolink'])) { $title = $this->link_to("?action=fullsearch{$qext}&value=" . _urlencode($mypgname), $title, $attr); } } if (isset($this->pi['#notitle'])) { $title = ''; } else { $title = $groupt . "<h1 class='wikiTitle'>{$title}</h1>"; } $logo = $this->link_tag($DBInfo->logo_page, '', $DBInfo->logo_string); $goto_form = $DBInfo->goto_form ? $DBInfo->goto_form : goto_form($action, $DBInfo->goto_type); if (!empty($options['msg']) or !empty($msgtitle)) { $msgtype = isset($options['msgtype']) ? ' ' . $options['msgtype'] : ' warn'; $msgs = array(); if (!empty($options['msg'])) { $msgs[] = $options['msg']; } if (!empty($options['notice'])) { $msgs[] = $options['notice']; } $mtitle0 = implode("<br />", $msgs); $mtitle = !empty($msgtitle) ? "<h3>" . $msgtitle . "</h3>\n" : ""; $msg = <<<MSG <div class="message" id="wiki-message"><span class='{$msgtype}'> {$mtitle}{$mtitle0}</span> </div> MSG; if (isset($DBInfo->hide_log) and $DBInfo->hide_log > 0 and preg_match('/timer/', $msgtype)) { $time = intval($DBInfo->hide_log * 1000); // sec to ms $msg .= <<<MSG <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ setTimeout(function() {\$('#wiki-message').fadeOut('fast');}, {$time}); /*]]>*/ </script> MSG; } } # navi bar $menu = array(); if (!empty($options['quicklinks'])) { # get from the user setting $quicklinks = array_flip(explode("\t", $options['quicklinks'])); } else { # get from the config.php $quicklinks = $this->menu; } $sister_save = $this->sister_on; $this->sister_on = 0; $titlemnu = 0; if (isset($quicklinks[$this->page->name])) { #$attr.=" class='current'"; $titlemnu = 1; } if (!empty($DBInfo->use_userlink) and isset($quicklinks['UserPreferences']) and $options['id'] != 'Anonymous') { $tmpid = 'wiki:UserPreferences ' . $options['id']; $quicklinks[$tmpid] = $quicklinks['UserPreferences']; unset($quicklinks['UserPreferences']); } $this->forcelink = 1; foreach ($quicklinks as $item => $attr) { if (strpos($item, ' ') === false) { if (strpos($attr, '=') === false) { $attr = "accesskey='{$attr}'"; } # like 'MoniWiki'=>'accesskey="1"' $menu[$item] = $this->word_repl($item, _($item), $attr); # $menu[]=$this->link_tag($item,"",_($item),$attr); } else { # like a ' MoniWiki' $menu[$item] = $this->link_repl($item, $attr); } } if (!empty($DBInfo->use_titlemenu) and $titlemnu == 0) { $len = $DBInfo->use_titlemenu > 15 ? $DBInfo->use_titlemenu : 15; #$attr="class='current'"; $mnuname = _html_escape($this->page->name); if ($DBInfo->hasPage($this->page->name)) { if (strlen($mnuname) < $len) { $menu[$this->page->name] = $this->word_repl($mypgname, $mnuname, $attr); } else { if (function_exists('mb_strimwidth')) { $my = mb_strimwidth($mypgname, 0, $len, '...', $DBInfo->charset); $menu[$this->page->name] = $this->word_repl($mypgname, _html_escape($my), $attr); } } } } $this->forcelink = 0; $this->sister_on = $sister_save; if (empty($this->css_friendly)) { $menu = $this->menu_bra . implode($this->menu_sep, $menu) . $this->menu_cat; } else { $cls = 'first'; $mnu = ''; foreach ($menu as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('/current/', $v)) { $cls .= ' current'; } # set current page attribute. $mnu .= '<li' . (!empty($cls) ? ' class="' . $cls . '"' : '') . '>' . $menu[$k] . "</li>\n"; $cls = ''; } // action menus $action_menu = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->menu_actions)) { $actions = array(); foreach ($DBInfo->menu_actions as $action) { if (strpos($action, ' ') !== false) { list($act, $text) = explode(' ', $action, 2); if ($options['page'] == $this->page->name) { $actions[] = $this->link_to($act, _($text)); } else { $actions[] = $this->link_tag($options['page'], $act, _($text)); } } else { $actions[] = $this->link_to("?action={$action}", _($action), " rel='nofollow'"); } } $action_menu = '<ul class="dropdown-menu"><li>' . implode("</li>\n<li>", $actions) . '</li></ul>' . "\n"; } $menu = '<div id="wikiMenu"><ul>' . $mnu . "</ul></div>\n"; } $this->topmenu = $menu; # submenu XXX if (!empty($this->submenu)) { $smenu = array(); $mnu_pgname = (!empty($group) ? $group . '~' : '') . $this->submenu; if ($DBInfo->hasPage($mnu_pgname)) { $pg = $DBInfo->getPage($mnu_pgname); $mnu_raw = $pg->get_raw_body(); $mlines = explode("\n", $mnu_raw); foreach ($mlines as $l) { if (!empty($mk) and preg_match('/^\\s{2,}\\*\\s*(.*)$/', $l, $m)) { if (isset($smenu[$mk]) and !is_array($smenu[$mk])) { $smenu[$mk] = array(); } $smenu[$mk][] = $m[1]; if (isset($smenu[$m[1]])) { $smenu[$m[1]] = $mk; } } else { if (preg_match('/^ \\*\\s*(.*)$/', $l, $m)) { $mk = $m[1]; } } } # make $submenu, $submain $cmenu = null; if (isset($smenu[$this->page->name])) { $cmenu =& $smenu[$this->page->name]; } $submain = ''; if (isset($smenu['Main'])) { $submenus = array(); foreach ($smenu['Main'] as $item) { $submenus[] = $this->link_repl($item); } $submain = '<ul><li>' . implode("</li><li>", $submenus) . "</li></ul>\n"; } $submenu = ''; if ($cmenu and ($cmenu != 'Main' or !empty($DBInfo->submenu_showmain))) { if (is_array($cmenu)) { $smenua = $cmenu; } else { $smenua = $smenu[$cmenu]; } $submenus = array(); foreach ($smenua as $item) { $submenus[] = $this->link_repl($item); } #print_r($submenus); $submenu = '<ul><li>' . implode("</li><li>", $submenus) . "</li></ul>\n"; # set current attribute. $submenu = preg_replace("/(li)>(<a\\s[^>]+current[^>]+)/", "\$1 class='current'>\$2", $submenu); } } } # icons #if ($upper) # $upper_icon=$this->link_tag($upper,'',$this->icon['upper'])." "; if (empty($this->icons)) { $this->icons = array('edit' => array('', '?action=edit', $this->icon['edit'], 'accesskey="e"'), 'diff' => array('', '?action=diff', $this->icon['diff'], 'accesskey="c"'), 'show' => array('', '', $this->icon['show']), 'backlinks' => array('', '?action=backlinks', $this->icon['backlinks']), 'random' => array('', '?action=randompage', $this->icon['random']), 'find' => array('FindPage', '', $this->icon['find']), 'info' => array('', '?action=info', $this->icon['info'])); if (!empty($this->notify)) { $this->icons['subscribe'] = array('', '?action=subscribe', $this->icon['mailto']); } $this->icons['help'] = array('HelpContents', '', $this->icon['help']); $this->icons['pref'] = array('UserPreferences', '', $this->icon['pref']); } # UserPreferences if ($options['id'] != "Anonymous") { $user_link = $this->link_tag("UserPreferences", "", $options['id']); if (empty($DBInfo->no_wikihomepage) and $DBInfo->hasPage($options['id'])) { $home = $this->link_tag($options['id'], "", $this->icon['home']) . " "; unset($this->icons['pref']); // insert home icon $this->icons['home'] = array($options['id'], "", $this->icon['home']); $this->icons['pref'] = array("UserPreferences", "", $this->icon['pref']); } else { $this->icons['pref'] = array("UserPreferences", "", $this->icon['pref']); } if (isset($options['scrapped'])) { if (!empty($DBInfo->use_scrap) && $DBInfo->use_scrap != 'js' && $options['scrapped']) { $this->icons['scrap'] = array('', '?action=scrap&unscrap=1', $this->icon['unscrap']); } else { $this->icons['scrap'] = array('', '?action=scrap', $this->icon['scrap']); } } } else { $user_link = $this->link_tag("UserPreferences", "", _($this->icon['user'])); } if (!empty($DBInfo->check_editable)) { if (!$DBInfo->security->is_allowed('edit', $options)) { $this->icons['edit'] = array('', '?action=edit', $this->icon['locked']); } } if (!empty($this->icons)) { $icon = array(); $myicons = array(); if (!empty($this->icon_list)) { $inames = explode(',', $this->icon_list); foreach ($inames as $item) { if (isset($this->icons[$item])) { $myicons[$item] = $this->icons[$item]; } else { if (isset($this->icon[$item])) { $myicons[$item] = array("", '?action=' . $item, $this->icon[$item]); } } } } else { $myicons =& $this->icons; } foreach ($myicons as $item) { if (!empty($item[3])) { $attr = $item[3]; } else { $attr = ''; } $icon[] = $this->link_tag($item[0], $item[1], $item[2], $attr); } $icons = $this->icon_bra . implode($this->icon_sep, $icon) . $this->icon_cat; } $rss_icon = $this->link_tag("RecentChanges", "?action=rss_rc", $this->icon['rss']) . " "; $this->_vars['rss_icon'] =& $rss_icon; $this->_vars['icons'] =& $icons; $this->_vars['title'] = $title; $this->_vars['menu'] = $menu; $this->_vars['action_menu'] = $action_menu; isset($upper_icon) ? $this->_vars['upper_icon'] = $upper_icon : null; isset($home) ? $this->_vars['home'] = $home : null; if (!empty($options['header'])) { $this->_vars['header'] = $header = $options['header']; } else { if (isset($this->_newtheme) and $this->_newtheme == 2 and !empty($this->header_html)) { $this->_vars['header'] = $header = $this->header_html; } } if ($mtime = $this->page->mtime()) { $tz_offset = $this->tz_offset; $lastedit = gmdate("Y-m-d", $mtime + $tz_offset); $lasttime = gmdate("H:i:s", $mtime + $tz_offset); $datetime = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $mtime) . '+00:00'; $this->_vars['lastedit'] = $lastedit; $this->_vars['lasttime'] = $lasttime; $this->_vars['datetime'] = $datetime; } # print the title if (empty($this->_newtheme) or $this->_newtheme != 2) { if (isset($this->_newtheme) and $this->_newtheme != 2) { echo '<body' . (!empty($options['attr']) ? ' ' . $options['attr'] : '') . ">\n"; } echo '<div><a id="top" name="top" accesskey="t"></a></div>' . "\n"; } # if (file_exists($this->themedir . "/header.php")) { if (!empty($this->trail)) { $trail =& $this->trail; } if (!empty($this->origin)) { $origin =& $this->origin; } $subindex = !empty($this->subindex) ? $this->subindex : ''; $themeurl = $this->themeurl; include $this->themedir . "/header.php"; } else { #default header $header = "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'>"; $header .= "<tr>"; if ($DBInfo->logo_string) { $header .= "<td rowspan='2' style='width:10%' valign='top'>"; $header .= $logo; $header .= "</td>"; } $header .= "<td>{$title}</td>"; $header .= "</tr><tr><td>\n"; $header .= $goto_form; $header .= "</td></tr></table>\n"; # menu echo "<" . $this->tags['header'] . " id='wikiHeader'>\n"; echo $header; if (!$this->css_friendly) { echo $menu . " " . $user_link . " " . $upper_icon . $icons . $rss_icon; } else { echo "<div id='wikiLogin'>" . $user_link . "</div>"; echo "<div id='wikiIcon'>" . $upper_icon . $icons . $rss_icon . '</div>'; echo $menu; } if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; } echo "</" . $this->tags['header'] . "\n"; } // send header only if ($options['.header']) { return; } if (empty($this->popup) and (empty($themeurl) or empty($this->_newtheme))) { echo $DBInfo->hr; if ($options['trail']) { echo "<div id='wikiTrailer'><p>\n"; echo $this->trail; echo "</p></div>\n"; } if (!empty($this->origin)) { echo "<div id='wikiOrigin'><p>\n"; echo $this->origin; echo "</p></div>\n"; } if (!empty($this->subindex)) { echo $this->subindex; } } echo "\n<" . $this->tags['article'] . " id='wikiBody' class='entry-content'>\n"; #if ($this->subindex and !$this->popup and (empty($themeurl) or !$this->_newtheme)) # echo $this->subindex; $this->pagelinks = $saved_pagelinks; }
function do_fastsearch($formatter, $options) { global $DBInfo; $default_limit = isset($DBInfo->fastsearch_limit) ? $DBInfo->fastsearch_limit : 30; $rule = ''; if ($options['action'] == 'titleindex' || isset($_GET['q'][0])) { $options['value'] = $_GET['q']; $options['arena'] = 'titlesearch'; while (!empty($DBInfo->use_hangul_search)) { include_once "lib/unicode.php"; $val = $_GET['q']; if (strtoupper($DBInfo->charset) != 'UTF-8' and function_exists('iconv')) { $val = iconv($DBInfo->charset, 'UTF-8', $val); } if (!$val) { break; } $rule = utf8_hangul_getSearchRule($val); $test = @preg_match("/^{$rule}/", ''); if ($test === false) { $rule = $options['value']; } break; } if (!$rule) { $rule = trim($options['value']); } } $ret = $options; $extra = ''; if (!empty($options['backlinks']) || $options['arena'] == 'pagelinks') { $title = sprintf(_("BackLinks search for \"%s\""), $options['value']); $extra = '&arena=pagelinks'; } else { if (!empty($options['titlesearch']) || $options['arena'] == 'titlesearch') { $title = sprintf(_("Title search for \"%s\""), $options['value']); if (!empty($options['titlesearch'])) { $ret['arena'] = 'titlesearch'; } $extra = '&arena=titlesearch'; } else { $title = sprintf(_("Full text search for \"%s\""), $options['value']); } } if ($rule) { $out = macro_FastSearch($formatter, $rule, $ret); } else { $out = macro_FastSearch($formatter, $options['value'], $ret); } if (isset($_GET['q'][0])) { header("Content-Type: text/plain"); print join("\n", $out); return; } $options['msg'] = !empty($ret['msg']) ? $ret['msg'] : ''; $formatter->send_header("", $options); $formatter->send_title($title, $formatter->link_url("FindPage"), $options); if (!empty($ret['form'])) { print $ret['form']; } print $out; $context = !empty($options['context']) ? $options['context'] : 0; $limit = isset($options['limit'][0]) ? $options['limit'] : $default_limit; if ($context) { $extra = '&context=' . $context; } if ($options['value']) { printf(_("Found %s matching %s out of %s total pages") . "<br />\n", $ret['hit'], $ret['hit'] == 1 ? _("page") : _("pages"), $ret['all']); if (!empty($limit) and $ret['hit'] > $limit) { $page = _urlencode($options['value']); echo $formatter->link_to("?action=fastsearch&value={$page}&limit=0" . $extra, sprintf(_("Show all %d results"), $ret['hit'])) . "<br />\n"; } } $args['noaction'] = 1; $formatter->send_footer($args, $options); }
function _index($formatter, $pages, $params = array()) { global $Config; if (isset($GLOBALS['.index_id'])) { $GLOBALS['.index_id']++; $index_id = $GLOBALS['.index_id']; } else { $index_id = $GLOBALS['.index_id'] = 0; } $anchor = 'index-anchor' . $index_id; $count = !empty($params['.count']) ? true : false; if ($count) { $cc = new Cache_Text('category'); $bc = new Cache_Text('backlinks'); } $keys = array(); $key = ''; $out = ''; $redirect = ''; $n = 0; foreach ($pages as $page => $info) { // redirect case if ($info == -2) { $urlname = _urlencode($page); $redirect .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag($urlname, '', _html_escape($page)); $redirect .= " <span class='redirectIcon'><span>" . _("Redirect page") . "</span></span>\n"; $redirect .= "</li>\n"; $n++; continue; } else { if (is_int($info)) { $title = $page; } else { $title = $info; } } $pkey = get_key("{$title}"); if ($key != $pkey) { if (isset($pkey[0])) { $keys[] = $pkey; } $key = $pkey; if (isset($out[0])) { $out .= "</ul></div>"; } $out .= "<div><a name='{$key}'></a><h2><a href='#{$anchor}'>{$key}</a></h2>\n"; $out .= "<ul>"; } $urlname = _urlencode($page); $extra = ''; // count subpages if ($count) { // get backlinks mtime $mtime = $bc->mtime($page); // get category counter info $cci = $cc->fetch($page, $mtime); if ($formatter->refresh || $cci === false) { // count backlinks $links = $bc->fetch($page); $c = 0; $p = 0; foreach ($links as $link) { if (preg_match('@' . $Config['category_regex'] . '@', $link)) { $c++; } else { $p++; } } // update cotegory counter info $cci = array('C' => $c, 'P' => $p); $cc->update($page, $cci); } // mediawiki like category status: Category (XX C, YY P) $tmp = array(); if (!empty($cci['C'])) { $tmp[] = $cci['C'] . ' C'; } if (!empty($cci['P'])) { $tmp[] = $cci['P'] . ' P'; } if (isset($tmp[0])) { $extra = ' (' . implode(', ', $tmp) . ')'; } } $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag($urlname, '', _html_escape($title)); $out .= $extra; if ($info == -2) { $out .= " <span class='redirectIcon'><span>" . _("Redirect page") . "</span></span>\n"; } $out .= "</li>\n"; $n++; } $out .= "</ul></div>\n"; $keys = array_unique($keys); $index = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $name = strval($key); $tag = '#' . $key; if ($name == 'Others') { $name = _("Others"); } $index[] = "<a href='{$tag}'>{$name}</a>"; } $str = implode(' | ', $index); if (isset($redirect[0])) { $redirect = '<div><h2>' . _("Redirects") . '</h2><ul>' . $redirect . '</ul></div>'; } if ($n > 10) { $attr = " class='index-group'"; } else { $attr = ''; } if ($n > 0) { return "<div style='text-align:center'><a name='{$anchor}'></a>{$str}</div>\n<div{$attr}>{$redirect}{$out}</div>"; } else { return false; } }
function macro_ShareButtons($formatter, $value = '', $params) { global $DBInfo; $lang = $DBInfo->lang; $btn = _("tweet"); $link = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname); $href = qualifiedURL($link); $ehref = urlencode($href); // fix for twitter if (!$formatter->page->exists()) { return ''; } if ($value == 'nojs') { $fb = '<li><a class="facebook" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank"><span>' . _("fb") . '</span></a></li>'; $gplus = '<li><a class="gplus" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank"><span>' . _("g+") . '</span></a></li>'; $twitter = '<li><a class="twitter" href="' . $ehref . '" target="_blank"><span>' . $btn . '</span></a></li>'; $oc = new Cache_text('opengraph'); $pin = ''; if (($val = $oc->fetch($formatter->page->name)) !== false) { if (!empty($val['image'])) { $image = $val['image']; $image_href = urlencode(str_replace('&', '&', $image)); // fix $pin = '<li><a class="pinterest" href="' . $ehref . '&description=' . _urlencode($val['description']) . '&media=' . $image_href . '" target="_blank"><span>' . _("pin") . '</span></a></li>'; } } return '<div class="share-buttons"><ul>' . $pin . ' ' . $fb . ' ' . $twitter . ' ' . $gplus . '</ul></div>'; } $twitter_attr = ''; $facebook_attr = 'data-layout="button_count"'; $gplus_attr = ' data-size="medium"'; if ($value == 'vertical' or $value == 'vert') { $twitter_attr = ' data-count="vertical"'; $gplus_attr = ' data-size="tall"'; $facebook_attr = 'data-layout="box_count"'; } else { if ($value == 'icon') { $twitter_attr = ' data-count="none"'; $gplus_attr = ' data-annotation="none" data-size="tall"'; $facebook_attr = 'data-layout="button"'; } } $twitter = <<<EOF <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="{$href}" data-lang="{$lang}" data-dnt="true"{$twitter_attr}>{$btn}</a> EOF; $js = <<<EOF <script type="text/javascript">!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script> EOF; $formatter->register_javascripts($js); $gplus = <<<EOF <div class="g-plusone" data-href="{$href}"{$gplus_attr}></div> EOF; $js = <<<EOF <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })(); </script> EOF; $formatter->register_javascripts($js); $js = <<<EOF <script type="text/javascript">(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script> EOF; $formatter->register_javascripts($js); $fb = <<<EOF <div class="fb-like" data-href="{$href}" data-width="450" data-action="recommend" data-show-faces="false" {$facebook_attr} data-send="false"></div> EOF; return '<div class="share-buttons">' . $fb . ' ' . $twitter . ' ' . $gplus . '</div>'; }
function macro_Play($formatter, $value, $params = array()) { global $DBInfo; static $autoplay = 1; $max_width = 600; $max_height = 400; $default_width = 320; $default_height = 240; // get the macro alias name $macro = 'play'; if (!empty($params['macro_name']) and $params['macro_name'] != 'play') { $macro = $params['macro_name']; } // use alias macro name as [[Youtube()]], [[Vimeo()]] # $media = array(); # preg_match("/^(([^,]+\\s*,?\\s*)+)\$/", $value, $match); if (!$match) { return '[[Play(error!! ' . $value . ')]]'; } $align = ''; // parse arguments height, width, align if (($p = strpos($match[1], ',')) !== false) { $my = explode(',', $match[1]); $my = array_map('trim', $my); for ($i = 0, $sz = count($my); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (strpos($my[$i], '=')) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $my[$i], 2); $val = trim($val, '"\''); $val = trim($val); if ($key == 'width' and $val > 1) { $width = intval($val); } else { if ($key == 'height' and $val > 1) { $height = intval($val); } else { if ($key == 'align') { if (in_array($val, array('left', 'center', 'right'))) { $align = ' obj' . ucfirst($val); } } else { $media[] = $my[$i]; } } } } else { // multiple files $media[] = $my[$i]; } } } else { $media[] = trim($match[1]); } # set embeded object size $mywidth = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : null; $myheight = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : null; $width = !empty($width) ? min($width, $max_width) : $default_width; $height = !empty($height) ? min($height, $max_height) : $default_height; $url = array(); $my_check = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^((https?|ftp|mms|rtsp):)?\\/\\//", $media[$i])) { if ($macro != 'play') { // will be parsed later $url[] = $media[$i]; continue; } $fname = $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $media[$i], array('link' => 1)); if ($my_check and !file_exists($fname)) { return $formatter->macro_repl('Attachment', $value); } $my_check = 1; // check only first file. $fname = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $fname); $url[] = qualifiedUrl(_urlencode($fname)); } else { $url[] = $media[$i]; } } if ($autoplay == 1) { $play = "true"; } else { $play = "false"; } # $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; if ($DBInfo->use_jwmediaplayer) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 1; for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { // check type of all files if (!preg_match("/(flv|mp3|mp4|swf)\$/i", $media[$i])) { $use_flashplayer_ok = 0; break; } } } if ($use_flashplayer_ok) { # set embed flash size if (($sz = count($media)) == 1 and preg_match("/(ogg|wav|mp3)\$/i", $media[0])) { // only one and a sound file $height = 20; // override the hegiht of the JW MediaPlayer } $swfobject_num = !empty($GLOBALS['swfobject_num']) ? $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] : 0; $swfobject_script = ''; if (!$swfobject_num) { $swfobject_script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/js/swfobject.js\"></script>\n"; $num = 1; } else { $num = ++$swfobject_num; } $GLOBALS['swfobject_num'] = $num; if (!$DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix) { $_swf_prefix = qualifiedUrl("{$DBInfo->url_prefix}/local/JWPlayers"); // FIXME } else { $_swf_prefix = $DBInfo->jwmediaplayer_prefix; } $addparam = ''; if ($sz > 1) { $md5sum = md5(implode(':', $media)); if ($DBInfo->cache_public_dir) { $fc = new Cache_text('jwmediaplayer', array('dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $fname = $fc->getKey($md5sum, false); $basename = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $fname; $urlbase = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $fname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $basename; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } else { $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/VisualTour"; $cache_url = $DBInfo->upload_url ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/VisualTour' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $basename = $cache_dir . '/' . $md5sum; $urlbase = $cache_url . '/' . $md5sum; $playfile = $basename . '.xml'; } $playlist = $urlbase . '.xml'; $list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { if (!preg_match("/^((https?|ftp):)?\\/\\//", $url[$i])) { $url = qualifiedUrl($url); } $ext = substr($media[$i], -3, 3); // XXX $list[] = '<title>' . $media[$i] . '</title>' . "\n" . '<location>' . $url[$i] . '</location>' . "\n"; } $tracks = "<track>\n" . implode("</track>\n<track>\n", $list) . "</track>\n"; // UTF-8 FIXME $xml = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist version="1" xmlns=""> <title>XSPF Playlist</title> <info>XSPF Playlist</info> <trackList> {$tracks} </trackList> </playlist> XML; # check cache dir exists or not and make it if (!is_dir(dirname($playfile))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($playfile), 0777); umask($om); } if ($formatter->refresh or !file_exists($playfile)) { $fp = fopen($playfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $xml); fclose($fp); } $displayheight = $height; $height += $sz * 40; // XXX $addparam = "displayheight: '{$displayheight}'"; $filelist = qualifiedUrl($playlist); } else { $filelist = $url[0]; } $jw_script = <<<EOS <p id="mediaplayer{$num}"></p> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var params = { allowfullscreen: "true" }; var flashvars = { width: "{$width}", height: "{$height}", // image: "preview.jpg", {$addparam} file: "{$filelist}" }; swfobject.embedSWF("{$_swf_prefix}/mediaplayer.swf","mediaplayer{$num}","{$width}","{$height}","0.0.9", "expressInstall.swf",flashvars,params); })(); </script> EOS; return <<<EOS {$swfobject_script}{$jw_script} EOS; } else { $out = ''; $mysize = ''; if (!empty($mywidth)) { $mysize .= 'width="' . $mywidth . 'px" '; } if (!empty($myheight)) { $mysize .= ' height="' . $myheight . 'px" '; } for ($i = 0, $sz = count($media); $i < $sz; $i++) { $mediainfo = 'External object'; $classid = ''; $objclass = ''; $iframe = ''; $custom = ''; $object_prefered = false; // if ($macro == 'youtube' && preg_match("@^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(?:\\?.*)?\$@", $media[$i], $m) || preg_match("@(?:https?:)?//(?:[a-z-]+[.])?(?:youtube(?:[.][a-z-]+)+|youtu\\.be)/(?:watch[?].*v=|v/|embed/)?([a-z0-9_-]+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { if ($object_prefered) { $movie = "" . $m[1]; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = $mysize . 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"'; $attr .= ' data="' . $movie . '?version=3' . '"'; $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}?version=3'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '//' . $m[1]; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } else { $attr .= ' ' . $mysize; } } $mediainfo = 'Youtube movie'; $objclass = ' youtube'; } else { if (preg_match('@^https?://(?:videofarm|tvpot)\\.daum\\.net/(?:.*?(?:clipid=|vid=|v/))?([a-zA-Z0-9%$]+)@i', $media[$i], $m)) { // like as if (preg_match('@[0-9]+$@', $m[1])) { // clipid case $aurl = $media[$i]; $clipid = $m[1]; require_once "lib/HTTPClient.php"; // fetch $sc = new Cache_text('daumtvpot'); $maxage = 60 * 60; if (empty($params['refresh']) and $sc->exists($aurl) and $sc->mtime($aurl) < time() + $maxage) { $info = $sc->fetch($aurl); } else { // no cached info found. if ($formatter->_macrocache and empty($params['call'])) { return $formatter->macro_cache_repl('Play', $value); } if (empty($params['call'])) { $formatter->_dynamic_macros['@Play'] = 1; } // try to fetch $http = new HTTPClient(); $save = ini_get('max_execution_time'); set_time_limit(0); $http->timeout = 15; // support proxy if (!empty($DBInfo->proxy_host)) { $http->proxy_host = $DBInfo->proxy_host; if (!empty($DBInfo->proxy_port)) { $http->proxy_port = $DBInfo->proxy_port; } } $http->sendRequest($aurl, array(), 'GET'); set_time_limit($save); if ($http->status != 200) { return '[[Media(' . $aurl . ')]]'; } if (!empty($http->resp_body)) { // search Open Graph url info if (preg_match('@og:url"\\s+content="http://tvpot\\.daum\\.net/v/([^"]+)"@', $http->resp_body, $match)) { $info = array('vid' => $match[1], 'clipid' => $clipid); $sc->update($aurl, $info); } } else { return '[[Media(' . $aurl . ')]]'; } } $m[1] = $info['vid']; } if ($object_prefered) { $classid = "classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'"; $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="vid=' . $m[2] . '&playLoc=undefined"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='vid=" . $m[1] . "&playLoc=undefined'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '//' . '&jsCallback=false&wmode=transparent&vid=' . $m[1] . '&autoplay=false&permitWideScreen=true'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } else { $attr .= ' ' . $mysize; } } $mediainfo = 'Daum movie'; $objclass = ' daum'; } else { if ($macro == 'vimeo' && preg_match("@^(\\d+)\$@", $media[$i], $m) || preg_match("@(?:https?:)?//(?:player\\.)?vimeo\\.com\\/(?:video/)?(.*)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { if ($object_prefered) { $movie = ""; $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $attr = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="clip_id=' . $m[1] . '"'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } $url[$i] = $movie; $params = "<param name='movie' value='{$movie}'>\n" . "<param name='flashvars' value='clip_id=" . $m[1] . "'>\n" . "<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>\n" . "<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>\n"; } else { $iframe = '//' . $m[1] . '?portrait=0&color=333'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; if (empty($mysize)) { $attr .= ' width="500px" height="281px"'; } else { $attr .= ' ' . $mysize; } } $mediainfo = 'Vimeo movie'; $objclass = ' vimeo'; } else { if (($macro == 'niconico' || $macro == 'nicovideo') && preg_match("@((?:sm|nm)?\\d+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m) || preg_match("@(?:https?://(?:www|dic)\\.(?:nicovideo|nicozon)\\.(?:jp|net)/(?:v|watch)/)?((?:sm|nm)?\\d+)\$@i", $media[$i], $m)) { $custom = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $m[1]; $size = ''; $qprefix = '?'; if ($mywidth > 0) { $size .= '?w=' . intval($mywidth); $qprefix = '&'; } if ($myheight > 0) { $size .= $qprefix . 'h=' . intval($myheight); } $custom .= $size; $custom .= '"></script>'; $attr = 'frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen'; $mediainfo = 'Niconico'; $objclass = ' niconico'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wmv|mpeg4|mp4|avi|asf)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95'"; $type = 'type="application/x-mplayer2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='FileName' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='False' />\n" . "<param name='ShowControls' value='True' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' movie'; } else { if (preg_match("/(wav|mp3|ogg)\$/", $media[$i], $m)) { $classid = "classid='clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B'"; $type = ''; $attr = 'codebase="" height="30"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='src' value='" . $url[$i] . "'>\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; $mediainfo = strtoupper($m[1]) . ' sound'; } else { if (preg_match("/swf\$/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'; $classid = "classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'"; $attr = 'codebase=",0,29,0"'; $attr .= ' autoplay="' . $play . '"'; $params = "<param name='movie' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n" . "<param name='AutoStart' value='{$play}' />"; } else { if (preg_match("/\\.xap/", $media[$i])) { $type = 'type="application/x-silverlight-2"'; $attr = $mysize . 'data="data:application/x-silverlight,"'; $params = "<param name='source' value='" . $url[$i] . "' />\n"; } } } } } } } } $autoplay = 0; $play = 'false'; if ($iframe) { $out .= <<<IFRAME <div class='externalObject{$objclass}{$align}'><div> <iframe class='external' src="{$iframe}" {$attr}></iframe> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> IFRAME; } else { if (isset($custom[0])) { $out .= <<<OBJECT <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> {$custom} <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> OBJECT; } else { $myurl = $url[$i]; $out .= <<<OBJECT <div class='externalObject{$objclass}'><div> <object class='external' {$classid} {$type} {$attr}> {$params} <param name="AutoRewind" value="True"> <embed {$type} src="{$myurl}" {$attr}></embed> </object> <div><a alt='{$myurl}' onclick='javascript:openExternal(this, "inline-block"); return false;'><span>[{$mediainfo}]</span></a></div></div></div> OBJECT; } } } } if (empty($GLOBALS['js_macro_play'])) { $js = <<<JS <script type='text/javascript'> /*<![CDATA[*/ function openExternal(obj, display) { var el; (el = obj.parentNode.parentNode.firstElementChild) && ( = display); } /*]]>*/ </script> JS; $formatter->register_javascripts($js); $GLOBALS['js_macro_play'] = 1; } return $out; }
function do_rdf_blog($formatter, $options) { global $DBInfo; # if (!$options['date'] or !preg_match('/^\d+$/',$date)) $date=date('Ym'); # else $date=$options['date']; $date = $options['date']; if ($options['all']) { # check error and set default value $blog_rss = new Cache_text('blogrss'); # $blog_mtime=filemtime($DBInfo->cache_dir."/blog"); # if ($blog_rss->exists($date'.xml') and ($blog_rss->mtime($date.'.xml') > $blog_mtime)) { # print $blog_rss->fetch($date.'.xml'); # return; # } $blogs = Blog_cache::get_rc_blogs($date); $logs = Blog_cache::get_summary($blogs, $date); $rss_name = $DBInfo->sitename . ': ' . _("Blog Changes"); } else { $blogs = array($DBInfo->pageToKeyname($formatter->page->name)); $logs = Blog_cache::get_summary($blogs, $date); $rss_name = $formatter->page->name; } usort($logs, 'BlogCompare'); $time_current = time(); $URL = qualifiedURL($formatter->prefix); $img_url = qualifiedURL($DBInfo->logo_img); $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url("BlogChanges")); $desc = sprintf(_("BlogChanges at %s"), $DBInfo->sitename); $channel = <<<CHANNEL <channel rdf:about="{$URL}"> <title>{$rss_name}</title> <link>{$url}</link> <description>{$desc}</description> <image rdf:resource="{$img_url}"/> <items> <rdf:Seq> CHANNEL; $items = ""; # print('<description>'."[$data] :".$chg["action"]." ".$chg["pageName"].$comment.'</description>'."\n"); # print('</rdf:li>'."\n"); # } $ratchet_day = FALSE; if (!$logs) { $logs = array(); } foreach ($logs as $log) { #print_r($log); list($page, $user, $date, $title, $summary) = $log; $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_urlencode($page))); if (!$title) { continue; } #$tag=md5("#!blog ".$line); $tag = md5($user . " " . $date . " " . $title); #$tag=_rawurlencode(normalize($title)); $channel .= " <rdf:li rdf:resource=\"{$url}#{$tag}\"/>\n"; $items .= " <item rdf:about=\"{$url}#{$tag}\">\n"; $items .= " <title>{$title}</title>\n"; $items .= " <link>{$url}#{$tag}</link>\n"; if ($summary) { $p = new WikiPage($page); $f = new Formatter($p); ob_start(); #$f->send_page($summary); $f->send_page($summary, array('fixpath' => 1)); #$summary=_html_escape(ob_get_contents()); $summary = '<![CDATA[' . ob_get_contents() . ']]>'; ob_end_clean(); $items .= " <description>{$summary}</description>\n"; } $items .= " <dc:date>{$date}+00:00</dc:date>\n"; $items .= " <dc:contributor>\n<rdf:Description>\n" . "<rdf:value>{$user}</rdf:value>\n" . "</rdf:Description>\n</dc:contributor>\n"; $items .= " </item>\n"; } $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url($DBInfo->frontpage)); $channel .= <<<FOOT </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> <image rdf:about="{$img_url}"> <title>{$DBInfo->sitename}</title> <link>{$url}</link> <url>{$img_url}</url> </image> FOOT; $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url("FindPage")); $form = <<<FORM <textinput> <title>Search</title> <link>{$url}</link> <name>goto</name> </textinput> FORM; $new = ""; if ($options['oe'] and strtolower($options['oe']) != $DBInfo->charset) { $charset = $options['oe']; if (function_exists('iconv')) { $out = $head . $channel . $items . $form; $new = iconv($DBInfo->charset, $charset, $out); if (!$new) { $charset = $DBInfo->charset; } } } else { $charset = $DBInfo->charset; } $head = <<<HEAD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="{$charset}"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:wiki="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns=""> <!-- Add "oe=utf-8" to convert the charset of this rss to UTF-8. --> HEAD; header("Content-Type: text/xml"); if ($new) { print $head . $new; } else { print $head . $channel . $items . $form; } #print $head; #print $channel; #print $items; #print $form; print "</rdf:RDF>"; }
function macro_Attachment($formatter, $value, $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; if (!is_array($options) and $options == 1) { $options = array('link' => 1); } // compatible $attr = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->force_download) or !empty($DBInfo->pull_url)) { $force_download = 1; } if (!empty($DBInfo->download_action)) { $mydownload = $DBInfo->download_action; } else { $mydownload = 'download'; } $extra_action = ''; $pull_url = $fetch_url = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->pull_url)) { $pull_url = $DBInfo->pull_url; if (empty($formatter->fetch_action)) { $fetch_url = $formatter->link_url('', '?action=fetch&url='); } else { $fetch_url = $formatter->fetch_action; } } $text = ''; $caption = ''; $cap_bra = ''; $cap_ket = ''; $bra = ''; $ket = ''; if ($options and !$DBInfo->security->is_allowed($mydownload, $options)) { return $text; } if (!empty($formatter->wikimarkup) and empty($options['nomarkup'])) { $ll = $rr = ''; if (strpos($value, ' ') !== false) { $ll = '['; $rr = ']'; } $bra = "<span class='wikiMarkup'><!-- wiki:\n{$ll}attachment:{$value}{$rr}\n-->"; $ket = '</span>'; } # if ($value[0]=='"' and ($p2=strpos(substr($value,1),'"')) !== false) # $value=substr($value,1,$p2); # attachment:"my image.png" => my image.png # FIXME attachment:"hello.png" => error if (($p = strpos($value, ' ')) !== false and strpos(substr($value, 0, $p), ',') === false) { // [[Attachment(my.png,width=100,height=200,caption="Hello(space)World")]] // [attachment:my.ext(space)hello] // [attachment:my.ext(space)attachment:my.png] // [attachment:my.ext(space)http://url/../my.png] if ($value[0] == '"' and ($p2 = strpos(substr($value, 1), '"')) !== false) { $text = $ntext = substr($value, $p2 + 3); $dummy = substr($value, 1, $p2); # "my image.png" => my image.png $args = substr($value, $p2 + 2); $value = $dummy . $args; # append query string } else { $text = $ntext = substr($value, $p + 1); $value = substr($value, 0, $p); } if (substr($text, 0, 11) == 'attachment:') { $fname = substr($text, 11); $ntext = macro_Attachment($formatter, $fname, array('link' => 1)); } if (preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)\$/i", $ntext)) { $_l_ntext = _l_filename($ntext); if (!file_exists($_l_ntext)) { $fname = preg_replace('/^"([^"]*)"$/', "\\1", $fname); $mydownload = 'UploadFile&rename=' . $fname; $text = sprintf(_("Upload new Attachment \"%s\""), $fname); $text = str_replace('"', '\'', $text); } $ntext = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $ntext); $img_link = '<img src="' . $ntext . '" alt="' . $text . '" border="0" />'; } else { if (($q = strpos($ntext, ',')) !== false) { $alt = substr($ntext, 0, $q); $caption = substr($ntext, $q + 1); } else { $alt = $ntext; } } } else { $value = str_replace('%20', ' ', $value); } $lightbox_attr = ''; $imgalign = ''; // allowed thumb widths. $thumb_widths = isset($DBInfo->thumb_widths) ? $DBInfo->thumb_widths : array('120', '240', '320', '480', '600', '800', '1024'); // parse query string of macro arguments if ($dummy = strpos($value, '?')) { # for attachment: syntax parse_str(substr($value, $dummy + 1), $attrs); $value = substr($value, 0, $dummy); } else { if (($dummy = strpos($value, ',')) !== false) { # for Attachment macro $tmp = substr($value, $dummy + 1); $tmp = preg_replace('/,+\\s*/', ',', $tmp); $tmp = preg_replace('/\\s*=\\s*/', '=', $tmp); $tmp = str_replace(',', '&', $tmp); parse_str($tmp, $attrs); $value = substr($value, 0, $dummy); } } $use_thumb = !empty($DBInfo->use_thumb_by_default) && empty($options['link_url']) ? true : false; if (!empty($attrs)) { if (!empty($attrs['action'])) { // check extra_action if ($attrs['action'] == 'deletefile') { $extra_action = $attrs['action']; } else { $mydownload = $attrs['action']; } unset($attrs['action']); } foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, array('width', 'height'))) { $attr .= "{$k}=\"{$v}\" "; if (!empty($DBInfo->use_lightbox)) { $lightbox_attr = ' rel="lightbox" '; } } else { if ($k == 'align') { $imgalign = 'img' . ucfirst($v); } else { if (in_array($k, array('caption', 'alt', 'title'))) { $caption = preg_replace("/^([\"'])([^\\1]+)\\1\$/", "\\2", $v); $caption = trim($caption); } else { if (in_array($k, array('thumb', 'thumbwidth', 'thumbheight'))) { if ($k == 'thumbwidth' || $k == 'thumbheight') { if (!empty($thumb_widths)) { if (in_array($v, $thumb_widths)) { $thumb[$k] = $v; } } else { $thumb[$k] = $v; } } else { $thumb[$k] = $v; } } } } } } if (!empty($thumb)) { $use_thumb = true; } } if (preg_match('/^data:image\\/(gif|jpe?g|png);base64,/', $value)) { // need to hack for IE ? return "<img src='" . $value . "' {$attr} />"; } $attr .= $lightbox_attr; $info = ''; if (($p = strrpos($value, ':')) !== false or ($p = strrpos($value, '/')) !== false) { $subpage = substr($value, 0, $p); $file = substr($value, $p + 1); $value = $subpage . '/' . $file; # normalize page arg if (isset($subpage[0])) { $pagename = $subpage; $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($subpage); $value = $file; } else { $pagename = ''; $key = ''; } } else { $pagename = $formatter->page->name; $key = $DBInfo->pageToKeyname($formatter->page->name); $file = $value; } if (isset($key[0])) { $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $key; // support hashed upload_dir if (!is_dir($dir) and !empty($DBInfo->use_hashed_upload_dir)) { $pre = get_hashed_prefix($key); $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/' . $pre . $key; if (!is_dir($dir)) { $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir; } } } else { $dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir; } // check file name XXX if (!$file) { if (!empty($options['link']) and $options['link'] == 1) { return 'attachment:' . $value; } return $bra . 'attachment:/' . $ket; } $upload_file = $dir . '/' . $file; if (!empty($options['link']) and $options['link'] == 1) { return $upload_file; } if (!$text) { $text = $file; } $_l_file = _l_filename($file); $_l_upload_file = $dir . '/' . $_l_file; if (file_exists($_l_upload_file)) { $file_ok = 1; } else { if (!empty($pull_url)) { if (isset($subpage[0])) { $pagename = $subpage; $val = _urlencode($file); } else { $val = _urlencode($value); } $url = $pull_url . _rawurlencode($pagename) . "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . $val; $hsz = $formatter->macro_repl('ImageFileSize', $url); $info = ' (' . $hsz . ')'; $url = $fetch_url . str_replace(array('&', '?'), array('%26', '%3f'), $url); // check url to retrieve the size of file if (empty($formatter->preview) or floatval($sz) != 0) { $file_ok = 2; } } } if (empty($file_ok) and !empty($formatter->wikimarkup) and empty($options['nomarkup'])) { if (!empty($DBInfo->swfupload_depth) and $DBInfo->swfupload_depth > 2) { $depth = $DBInfo->swfupload_depth; } else { $depth = 2; } if (session_id() == '') { // ip based $myid = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '.' . 'MONIWIKI'); // FIXME } else { $myid = session_id(); } $prefix = substr($myid, 0, $depth); $mydir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . '/.swfupload/' . $prefix . '/' . $myid; if (file_exists($mydir . '/' . $_l_file)) { if (!$img_link && preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)\$/i", $upload_file)) { $ntext = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $mydir . '/' . $text); $img_link = '<img src="' . $ntext . '" alt="' . $text . '" border="0" />'; return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\">{$img_link}</span>" . $ket; } else { $sz = filesize($mydir . '/' . $_l_file); $unit = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if ($sz <= 1024) { #$sz= round($sz,2).' '.$unit[$i]; break; } $sz = $sz / 1024; } $info = ' (' . round($sz, 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i] . ') '; return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\">" . $formatter->icon['attach'] . $text . '</span>' . $info . $ket; } } } if (!empty($file_ok)) { $imgcls = 'imgAttach'; if ($imgalign == 'imgCenter' or $caption && empty($imgalign)) { if ($file_ok == 1 and !$attrs['width']) { $size = getimagesize($_l_upload_file); // XXX $attrs['width'] = $size[0]; } } $img_width = ''; if (!empty($attrs['width'])) { $img_width = ' style="width:' . $attrs['width'] . 'px"'; } if ($caption) { $cls = $imgalign ? 'imgContainer ' . $imgalign : 'imgContainer'; $cap_bra = '<div class="' . $cls . '"' . '>'; $cap_ket = '</div>'; $img_width = ''; } else { $imgcls = $imgalign ? 'imgAttach ' . $imgalign : 'imgAttach'; } if ($file_ok == 1) { $sz = filesize($_l_upload_file); $unit = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { if ($sz <= 1024) { break; } $sz = $sz / 1024; } $info = ' (' . round($sz, 2) . ' ' . $unit[$i] . ')'; } if (!in_array('UploadedFiles', $formatter->actions)) { $formatter->actions[] = 'UploadedFiles'; } if (empty($img_link) && preg_match("/\\.(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|bmp)\$/i", $upload_file, $m)) { // get the extension of the image $ext = $m[1]; $type = strtoupper($m[1]); if (!empty($caption)) { $caption = '<div class="caption">' . $caption . ' <span>[' . $type . ' ' . _("image") . $info . ']</span></div>'; } else { $caption = '<div class="info"><span>[' . $type . ' ' . _("image") . $info . ']</span></div>'; } if ($file_ok == 1 and !empty($use_thumb)) { $thumb_width = !empty($DBInfo->thumb_width) ? $DBInfo->thumb_width : 320; if (!empty($thumb['thumbwidth'])) { $thumb_width = $thumb['thumbwidth']; } // guess thumbnails $thumbfiles = array(); $thumbfiles[] = $_l_file; $thumbfiles[] = preg_replace('@' . $ext . '$@i', 'w' . $thumb_width . '.' . $ext, $_l_file); $thumb_ok = false; foreach ($thumbfiles as $thumbfile) { if (file_exists($dir . '/thumbnails/' . $thumbfile)) { $thumb_ok = true; break; } } // auto generate thumbnail if (!empty($DBInfo->use_convert_thumbs) and !$thumb_ok) { if (!file_exists($dir . "/thumbnails")) { @mkdir($dir . "/thumbnails", 0777); } $fname = $dir . '/' . $_l_file; list($w, $h) = getimagesize($fname); // generate thumbnail using the gd func or the ImageMagick(convert) if ($w > $thumb_width) { require_once 'lib/mediautils.php'; resize_image($ext, $fname, $dir . '/thumbnails/' . $thumbfile, $w, $h, $thumb_width); $thumb_ok = true; } } } $alt = !empty($alt) ? $alt : $file; if ($key != $pagename || !empty($force_download)) { $val = _urlencode($value); if ($thumb_ok and !empty($use_thumb)) { if (($p = strrpos($val, '/')) > 0) { $val = substr($val, 0, $p) . '/thumbnails/' . $thumbfile; } else { $val = 'thumbnails/' . $thumbfile; } // use download link ? if (!empty($DBInfo->use_thumb_with_download_link)) { $extra_action = 'download'; } } if ($file_ok == 2 and !empty($pull_url)) { if (isset($subpage[0])) { $pagename = $subpage; $val = _urlencode($file); } $url = $fetch_url . str_replace(array('&', '?'), array('%26', '%3f'), $pull_url . urlencode(_rawurlencode($pagename)) . "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . $val); if ($use_thumb and isset($thumb['thumb'])) { $url .= '&thumb=' . $thumb['thumb']; } } else { $url = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($pagename), "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . $val); } } else { if ($thumb_ok and !empty($use_thumb)) { // FIXME $url = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $dir . '/thumbnails/' . _urlencode($thumbfile)); } else { $_my_file = str_replace($DBInfo->upload_dir, $DBInfo->upload_dir_url, $dir . '/' . $file); $url = _urlencode($_my_file); } } if (!empty($options['link_url'])) { return qualifiedUrl($url); } $img = "<img src='{$url}' title='{$alt}' alt='{$alt}' style='border:0' {$attr}/>"; if ($extra_action) { $url = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($pagename), "?action={$extra_action}&value=" . urlencode($value)); if ($file_ok == 2 and !empty($pull_url)) { if (isset($subpage[0])) { $pagename = $subpage; } $url = $fetch_url . str_replace(array('&', '?'), array('%26', '%3f'), $pull_url . urlencode(_rawurlencode($pagename)) . "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . $val); } $img = "<a href='{$url}'>{$img}</a>"; } else { if (preg_match('@^(https?|ftp)://@', $alt)) { $img = "<a href='{$alt}'>{$img}</a>"; } } return $bra . $cap_bra . "<div class=\"{$imgcls}\"><div>{$img}{$caption}</div></div>" . $cap_ket . $ket; #return $bra.$cap_bra."<span class=\"$cls\">$img$caption</span>".$cap_ket.$ket; } else { $mydownload = $extra_action ? $extra_action : $mydownload; $link = $formatter->link_url(_rawurlencode($pagename), "?action={$mydownload}&value=" . urlencode($value), $text); if (!empty($options['link_url'])) { return qualifiedUrl($link); } if (!empty($img_link)) { return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\"><a href='{$link}'>{$img_link}</a></span>" . $ket; } return $bra . "<span class=\"attach\">" . $formatter->icon['attach'] . '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $text . '</a></span>' . $info . $ket; } } // no attached file found. if (!empty($options['link_url'])) { return 'attachment:' . $value; } if ($formatter->_macrocache and empty($options['call'])) { return $formatter->macro_cache_repl('Attachment', $value); } if (empty($options['call'])) { $formatter->_dynamic_macros['@Attachment'] = 1; } $paste = ''; if (!empty($DBInfo->use_clipmacro) and preg_match('/^(.*)\\.png$/i', $file, $m)) { $now = time(); $url = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?action=clip&value={$m['1']}&now={$now}"); $paste = " <a href='{$url}'>" . _("or paste a new png picture") . "</a>"; } if (!empty($DBInfo->use_drawmacro) and preg_match('/^(.*)\\.gif$/i', $file, $m)) { $now = time(); $url = $formatter->link_url($pagename, "?action=draw&mode=attach&value={$m['1']}&now={$now}"); $paste = " <a href='{$url}'>" . _("or draw a new gif picture") . "</a>"; } if ($pagename == $formatter->page->name) { return $bra . '<span class="attach">' . $formatter->link_to("?action=UploadFile&rename=" . urlencode($file), sprintf(_("Upload new Attachment \"%s\""), $file)) . $paste . '</span>' . $ket; } if (!$pagename) { $pagename = 'UploadFile'; } return $bra . '<span class="attach">' . $formatter->link_tag($pagename, "?action=UploadFile&rename=" . urlencode($file), sprintf(_("Upload new Attachment \"%s\" on the \"%s\""), $file, $pagename)) . $paste . '</span>' . $ket; }
function macro_Calendar($formatter, $value = "", $option = "") { global $DBInfo; $date = !empty($_GET['date']) ? $_GET['date'] : ''; $prev_tag = '«'; $next_tag = '»'; static $day_headings = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'); $day_heading_length = 3; preg_match("/^(('|\")([^\\2]+)\\2)?,?((\\d{4})-?(\\d{2}))?,?\\s*([a-z, ]+)?\$/i", $value, $match); #print_r($match); /* GET argument has priority */ $month = ''; $year = ''; if ($date) { preg_match("/^((\\d{4})-?(\\d{1,2}))\$/i", $date, $match2); $year = $match2[2]; $month = $match2[3]; } else { if (!empty($match[4])) { $year = $match[5]; $month = $match[6]; } } /* Validate date. Use system date, if date is not validated */ if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) { $year = date('Y'); $month = date('m'); } $date = $year . $month; $month = intval($month); $year = intval($year); if (!empty($match[3])) { $pagename = $match[3]; } else { $pagename = $formatter->page->name; } $urlpagename = _urlencode($pagename); $link_prefix = sprintf("%04d-%02d", $year, $month); $archives = array(); $attr = ''; $link = ''; if (!empty($match[7])) { $args = explode(",", $match[7]); if (in_array("nolink", $args)) { $nolink = 1; } if (in_array("blog", $args)) { $mode = 'blog'; } if (in_array("noweek", $args)) { $day_heading_length = 0; } if (in_array("center", $args)) { $attr = ' align="center"'; } if (in_array("shortweek", $args)) { $day_heading_length = 1; } if (in_array("yearlink", $args)) { $yearlink = 1; } if (in_array("archive", $args)) { if (!empty($mode)) { // blog mode $archives = calendar_get_dates($formatter, $date, $pagename . '/' . $link_prefix); } else { $archives = calendar_get_dates($formatter, $date); $mode = 'archive'; } } } $prev_month = date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 1, $year)); $next_month = date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year)); if (!empty($yearlink)) { $prev_year = date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year - 1)); $next_year = date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year + 1)); $year_prev_tag = '«'; $year_next_tag = '»'; $prev_tag = '‹'; $next_tag = '›'; } $first_of_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); #remember that mktime will automatically correct if invalid dates are entered # for instance, mktime(0,0,0,12,32,1997) will be the date for Jan 1, 1998 # this provides a built in "rounding" feature to generate_calendar() # number of days in the month $maxdays = date('t', $first_of_month); # get info about the first day of the month $date_info = getdate($first_of_month); $month = $date_info['mon']; $year = $date_info['year']; $today = date("d"); $calendar = "<table class=\"Calendar\"{$attr}>\n"; #use the <caption> tag or just a normal table heading. Take your pick. # # $calendar .= "<tr><th colspan=\"7\" class=\"month\">$date_info[month], $year</th></tr>\n"; ## $calendar.= "<caption class=\"month\">$date_info[month], $year</caption>\n"; $calendar .= "<caption class=\"month\">"; /* Adding previous month and year */ if (!empty($yearlink)) { $calendar .= $formatter->link_tag($link, "?date={$prev_year}", $year_prev_tag) . ' '; } $calendar .= $formatter->link_tag($link, "?date={$prev_month}", $prev_tag) . ' '; #$calendar.=substr($date_info[month],0,3).' '.$year; $calendar .= $date_info['month'] . ' ' . $year; /* Adding next month and year */ $calendar .= ' ' . $formatter->link_tag($link, "?date={$next_month}", $next_tag); if (!empty($yearlink)) { $calendar .= ' ' . $formatter->link_tag($link, "?date={$next_year}", $year_next_tag); } $calendar .= "</caption>\n"; # print the day headings "Mon", "Tue", etc. # if day_heading_length is 4, the full name of the day will be printed # otherwise, just the first n characters if ($day_heading_length > 0 and $day_heading_length <= 4) { $calendar .= '<tr>'; foreach ($day_headings as $day_heading) { $calendar .= "<th abbr=\"{$day_heading}\" class=\"dayofweek\">" . ($day_heading_length != 4 ? substr($day_heading, 0, $day_heading_length) : $day_heading) . '</th>'; } $calendar .= "</tr>\n"; } $calendar .= '<tr>'; $weekday = $date_info['wday']; #weekday (zero based) of the first day of the month $day = 1; #starting day of the month #take care of the first "empty" days of the month if ($weekday > 0) { $calendar .= "<td colspan=\"{$weekday}\"> </td>"; } #print the days of the month $action = ''; if (!empty($mode) and $mode == 'blog') { $link = $urlpagename . "/{$link_prefix}"; if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($link)) { $action = "?action=blog"; } } else { if (!empty($mode)) { $link = $urlpagename; } } while ($day <= $maxdays) { if ($weekday == 7) { #start a new week $calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr>"; $weekday = 0; } $daytext = $day; if ($day == $today and $month == date('m')) { $exists = 'today" bgcolor="white'; $nonexists = 'today" bgcolor="white'; $classes = $nonexists; } else { $exists = 'wiki'; $nonexists = 'day" bgcolor="lightyellow'; $classes = $nonexists; } if (empty($mode) and !isset($nolink)) { $link = $urlpagename . "/" . $link_prefix . "-" . sprintf("%02d", $day); if ($DBInfo->hasPage($link)) { $classes = $exists; } } else { if (!empty($mode)) { if (!empty($archives[$day])) { $daytext = '<span class="blogged"><b>' . $day . '</b></span>'; } if ($mode == 'archive') { if (!empty($archives[$day])) { if ($day < 10) { $anchor = '#' . $date . '0' . $day; } else { $anchor = '#' . $date . $day; } $action = '?action=blogchanges&date=' . $date . $anchor; $classes = 'day'; $link = $urlpagename; } else { if ($day == $today) { $link = $urlpagename; } else { $link = ''; } $action = '?action=blog'; } } else { if ($action[0] != '?') { $action = sprintf("#%02d", $day); } } } } $calendar .= '<td' . ($classes ? " class=\"{$classes}\">" : '>') . ($link ? $formatter->link_tag($link, $action, $daytext) : $daytext) . '</td>'; $day++; $weekday++; } if ($weekday != 7) { $calendar .= '<td colspan="' . (7 - $weekday) . '"> </td>'; } return $calendar . "</tr>\n</table>\n"; }
function macro_FullSearch($formatter, $value = "", &$opts) { global $DBInfo; $needle = $value; if ($value === true) { $needle = $value = $formatter->page->name; $options['noexpr'] = 1; } else { # for MoinMoin compatibility with [[FullSearch("blah blah")]] #$needle = preg_replace("/^('|\")([^\\1]*)\\1/","\\2",$value); $needle = $value; } // for pagination $offset = ''; if (!empty($opts['offset']) and is_numeric($opts['offset'])) { if ($opts['offset'] > 0) { $offset = $opts['offset']; } } $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname); $fneedle = _html_escape($needle); $tooshort = !empty($DBInfo->fullsearch_tooshort) ? $DBInfo->fullsearch_tooshort : 2; $m1 = _("Display context of search results"); $m2 = _("Search BackLinks only"); $m3 = _("Case-sensitive searching"); $msg = _("Go"); $bchecked = !empty($DBInfo->use_backlinks) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $form = <<<EOF <form method='get' action='{$url}'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fullsearch' /> <input name='value' size='30' value="{$fneedle}" /> <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$msg}' /></span><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='backlinks' value='1' {$bchecked} />{$m2}<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='context' value='20' />{$m1}<br /> <input type='checkbox' name='case' value='1' />{$m3}<br /> </form> EOF; if (!isset($needle[0]) or !empty($opts['form'])) { # or blah blah $opts['msg'] = _("No search text"); return $form; } $opts['form'] = $form; # XXX $excl = array(); $incl = array(); if (!empty($opts['noexpr'])) { $tmp = preg_split("/\\s+/", $needle); $needle = $value = join('|', $tmp); $raw_needle = implode(' ', $tmp); $needle = preg_quote($needle); } else { if (empty($opts['backlinks'])) { $terms = preg_split('/((?<!\\S)[-+]?"[^"]+?"(?!\\S)|\\S+)/s', $needle, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $common_words = array('the', 'that', 'where', 'what', 'who', 'how', 'too', 'are'); $common = array(); foreach ($terms as $term) { if (trim($term) == '') { continue; } if (preg_match('/^([-+]?)("?)([^\\2]+?)\\2$/', $term, $match)) { $word = str_replace(array('\\', '.', '*'), '', $match[3]); $len = strlen($word); if (!$match[1] and $match[2] != '"') { if ($len < $tooshort or in_array($word, $common_words)) { $common[] = $word; continue; } } if ($match[1] == '-') { $excl[] = $word; } else { $incl[] = $word; } } } $needle = implode('|', $incl); $needle = _preg_search_escape($needle); $raw_needle = implode(' ', $incl); $test = validate_needle($needle); if ($test === false) { // invalid regex $tmp = array_map('preg_quote', $incl); $needle = implode('|', $tmp); } $excl_needle = implode('|', $excl); $test = validate_needle($excl_needle); if ($test2 === false) { // invalid regex $tmp = array_map('preg_quote', $excl); $excl_needle = implode('|', $tmp); } } else { $cneedle = _preg_search_escape($needle); $test = validate_needle($cneedle); if ($test === false) { $needle = preg_quote($needle); } else { $needle = $cneedle; } } } $test3 = trim($needle); if (!isset($test3[0])) { $opts['msg'] = _("Empty expression"); return $form; } # set arena and sid if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) { $arena = 'backlinks'; } else { if (!empty($opts['keywords'])) { $arena = 'keywords'; } else { $arena = 'fullsearch'; } } if ($arena == 'fullsearch') { $sid = md5($value . 'v' . $offset); } else { $sid = $value; } $delay = !empty($DBInfo->default_delaytime) ? $DBInfo->default_delaytime : 0; # retrieve cache $fc = new Cache_text($arena); if (!$formatter->refresh and $fc->exists($sid)) { $data = $fc->fetch($sid); if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) { // backlinks are not needed to check it. $hits = $data; // also fetch redirects $r = new Cache_Text('redirects'); $redirects = $r->fetch($sid); } else { if (is_array($data)) { # check cache mtime $cmt = $fc->mtime($sid); # check update or not $dmt = $DBInfo->mtime(); if ($dmt > $cmt + $delay) { # XXX crude method $data = array(); } else { # XXX smart but incomplete method if (isset($data['hits'])) { $hits =& $data['hits']; } else { $hits =& $data; } foreach ($hits as $p => $c) { $mp = $DBInfo->getPage($p); $mt = $mp->mtime(); if ($mt > $cmt + $delay) { $data = array(); break; } } } if (isset($data['searched'])) { extract($data); } else { if (!empty($data)) { $hits = $data; } } } } } $pattern = '/' . $needle . '/'; if (!empty($excl_needle)) { $excl_pattern = '/' . $excl_needle . '/'; } if (!empty($opts['case'])) { $pattern .= "i"; $excl_pattern .= "i"; } if (isset($hits)) { if (in_array($arena, array('backlinks', 'keywords'))) { $test = key($hits); if (is_int($test) and $hits[$test] != -1) { // fix compatible issue for keywords, backlinks $hits = array_flip($hits); foreach ($hits as $k => $v) { $hits[$k] = -1; } reset($hits); } // check invert redirect index if (!empty($redirects)) { $redirects = array_flip($redirects); ksort($redirects); foreach ($redirects as $k => $v) { $hits[$k] = -2; } reset($hits); } } //continue; } else { $hits = array(); set_time_limit(0); if (!empty($opts['backlinks']) and empty($DBInfo->use_backlink_search)) { $hits = array(); } else { if (!empty($opts['keywords']) and empty($DBInfo->use_keyword_search)) { $hits = array(); } else { if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) { $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists(); #$opts['context']=-1; # turn off context-matching $cache = new Cache_text("pagelinks"); foreach ($pages as $page_name) { $links = $cache->fetch($page_name); if (is_array($links)) { if (in_array($value, $links)) { $hits[$page_name] = -1; } // ignore count if < 0 } } } else { if (!empty($opts['keywords'])) { $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists(); $opts['context'] = -1; # turn off context-matching $cache = new Cache_text("keyword"); foreach ($pages as $page_name) { $links = $cache->fetch($page_name); // XXX if (is_array($links)) { if (stristr(implode(' ', $links), $needle)) { $hits[$page_name] = -1; } // ignore count if < 0 } } } else { $params = array(); $ret = array(); $params['ret'] =& $ret; $params['offset'] = $offset; $params['search'] = 1; $params['incl'] = $incl; $params['excl'] = $excl; $pages = $DBInfo->getPageLists($params); // set time_limit $mt = explode(' ', microtime()); $timestamp = $mt[0] + $mt[1]; $j = 0; $time_limit = isset($DBInfo->process_time_limit) ? $DBInfo->process_time_limit : 3; // default 3-seconds $j = 0; while (list($_, $page_name) = each($pages)) { // check time_limit if ($time_limit and $j % 30 == 0) { $mt = explode(' ', microtime()); $now = $mt[0] + $mt[1]; if ($now - $timestamp > $time_limit) { break; } } $j++; $p = new WikiPage($page_name); if (!$p->exists()) { continue; } $body = $p->_get_raw_body(); #$count = count(preg_split($pattern, $body))-1; $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $body, $matches); if ($count) { foreach ($excl as $ex) { if (stristr($body, $ex)) { continue; } } foreach ($incl as $in) { if (!stristr($body, $in)) { continue; } } $hits[$page_name] = $count; } } $searched = $j > 0 ? $j : 0; $offset = !empty($offset) ? $offset + $j : $j; } } } } #krsort($hits); #ksort($hits); $name = array_keys($hits); array_multisort($hits, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC); if (in_array($arena, array('backlinks', 'keywords'))) { $fc->update($sid, $name); } else { $fc->update($sid, array('hits' => $hits, 'offset' => $offset, 'searched' => $searched)); } } $opts['hits'] = $hits; $opts['hit'] = count($hits); $opts['all'] = $DBInfo->getCounter(); if ($opts['all'] > $searched) { $opts['next'] = $offset; $opts['searched'] = $searched; } if (!empty($opts['call'])) { return $hits; } $out = "<!-- RESULT LIST START -->"; // for search plugin $out .= "<ul class='fullsearchResult'>"; $idx = 1; $checkbox = ''; while (list($page_name, $count) = each($hits)) { $pgname = _html_escape($page_name); if (!empty($opts['checkbox'])) { $checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='pagenames[]' value=\"{$pgname}\" />"; } $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->'; // for search plugin $out .= '<li>' . $checkbox . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page_name), '?action=highlight&value=' . _urlencode($value), $pgname, 'tabindex="' . $idx . '"'); if ($count > 0) { $out .= ' . . . . ' . sprintf($count == 1 ? _("%d match") : _("%d matches"), $count); } else { if ($count == -2) { $out .= " <span class='redirectIcon'><span>" . _("Redirect page") . "</span></span>\n"; } } if (!empty($opts['context']) and $opts['context'] > 0) { # search matching contexts $p = new WikiPage($page_name); if ($p->exists()) { $body = $p->_get_raw_body(); $out .= find_needle($body, $needle, $excl_needle, $opts['context']); } } $out .= "</li>\n"; $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM END -->'; // for search plugin $idx++; #if ($idx > 50) break; } $out .= "</ul>\n"; $out .= "<!-- RESULT LIST END -->"; // for search plugin return $out; }
function macro_VisualTour($formatter, $value, $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . getcwd() . '/data'); $dotcmd = "dot"; #$dotcmd="twopi"; #$dotcmd="neato"; $maptype = 'imap'; $maptype = 'cmap'; if (!$formatter->page->exists()) { return ""; } $args = explode(',', $value); $extra = ''; foreach ($args as $arg) { $arg = trim($arg); if (($p = strpos($arg, '=')) === false) { if ($arg == 'show') { $extra .= '&t=show'; } else { if (is_int($arg)) { $w = $arg; } else { if ($DBInfo->hasPage($arg)) { $pgname = $arg; } } } } else { $k = strtok($arg, '='); $v = strtok(''); if ($k == 'width' or $k == 'w') { $w = (int) $v; } else { if ($k == 'depth' or $k == 'd') { $d = (int) $v; } else { if ($k == 'arena' or $k == 'a') { $extra .= '&arena=' . $v; } } } } } if (!empty($options['w']) and $options['w'] < 6) { $w = $options['w']; } else { $w = !empty($w) ? $w : 2; } if (!empty($options['d']) and $options['d'] < 6) { $d = $options['d']; } else { $d = !empty($d) ? $d : 3; } if (!empty($options['f'])) { $extra .= "&f=" . $options['f']; } if (!empty($options['arena'])) { $extra .= "&arena=" . $options['arena']; } if (isset($pgname[0])) { $urlname = _urlencode($pgname); } else { $urlname = $formatter->page->urlname; $pgname = $formatter->page->name; } $dot = $formatter->macro_repl('dot', $pgname, $options); if (!empty($DBInfo->cache_public_dir)) { $fc = new Cache_text('visualtour', array('dir' => $DBInfo->cache_public_dir)); $fname = $fc->getKey($dot); $basename = $DBInfo->cache_public_dir . '/' . $fname; $dotfile = $basename . '.dot'; $pngfile = $basename . '.png'; $mapfile = $basename . '.map'; $urlbase = $DBInfo->cache_public_url ? $DBInfo->cache_public_url . '/' . $fname : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $basename; $png_url = $urlbase . '.png'; $map_url = $urlbase . '.map'; } else { $md5sum = md5($dot); $cache_dir = $DBInfo->upload_dir . "/VisualTour"; $cache_url = $DBInfo->upload_url ? $DBInfo->upload_url . '/VisualTour' : $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $cache_dir; $basename = $cache_dir . '/' . $md5sum; $pngfile = $basename . '.png'; $mapfile = $basename . '.map'; $dotfile = $basename . '.dot'; $urlbase = $cache_url . '/' . $md5sum; $png_url = $urlbase . '.png'; $map_url = $urlbase . '.map'; } if (!is_dir(dirname($pngfile))) { $om = umask(00); _mkdir_p(dirname($pngfile), 0777); umask($om); } $err = ''; if ($formatter->refresh or !file_exists($dotfile)) { $fp = fopen($dotfile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $dot); fclose($fp); $cmd = "{$dotcmd} -Tpng {$dotfile} -o {$pngfile}"; $formatter->errlog('Dot'); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->LOG, 'r'); pclose($fp); $err = $formatter->get_errlog(); $cmd = "{$dotcmd} -T{$maptype} {$dotfile} -o {$mapfile}"; $formatter->errlog('Dot'); $fp = popen($cmd . $formatter->LOG, 'r'); pclose($fp); $err .= $formatter->get_errlog(); if ($err) { $err = "<pre class='errlog'>{$err}</pre>\n"; } } if ($maptype == 'imap') { $attr = ' ismap="ismap"'; return $err . "<span class='VisualTour'><a href='{$map_url}'><img src='{$png_url}' alt='VisualTour'{$attr}></a></span>\n"; } else { $attr = ' usemap="#mainmap"'; $fp = fopen($mapfile, 'r'); $map = ''; if (is_resource($fp)) { while (!feof($fp)) { $map .= fgets($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); $map = '<map name="mainmap">' . $map . '</map>'; } return $err . "<span class='VisualTour'><img src='{$png_url}' alt='VisualTour'{$attr}>{$map}</span>\n"; } }
function get_summary($blogs, $options) { global $DBInfo; if (!$blogs) { return array(); } $date = !empty($options['date']) ? $options['date'] : ''; if ($date) { // make a date pattern to grep blog entries $check = strlen($date); if ($check < 4 or !preg_match('/^\\d+/', $date)) { $date = date('Y\\-m'); } else { if ($check == 6) { $date = substr($date, 0, 4) . '\\-' . substr($date, 4); } else { if ($check == 8) { $date = substr($date, 0, 4) . '\\-' . substr($date, 4, 2) . '\\-' . substr($date, 6); } else { if ($check != 4) { $date = date('Y\\-m'); } } } } #print $date; } else { $date = '\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T'; } $entries = array(); $logs = array(); foreach ($blogs as $blog) { $pagename = $DBInfo->keyToPagename($blog); $pageurl = _urlencode($pagename); $page = $DBInfo->getPage($pagename); $raw = $page->get_raw_body(); $temp = explode("\n", $raw); $summary = ''; foreach ($temp as $line) { if (empty($state)) { if (preg_match("/^({{{)?#!blog\\s(.*)\\s({$date}" . "[^ ]+)\\s?(.*)?\$/", $line, $match)) { $entry = array($pageurl, $match[2], $match[3], $match[4]); if ($match[1]) { $endtag = '}}}'; } $state = 1; $commentcount = 0; } continue; } if (preg_match("/^{$endtag}\$/", $line)) { $state = 0; $comments = ''; if (preg_match("/----\n/", $summary)) { list($content, $comments) = explode("----\n", $summary, 2); } else { $content = $summary; } $entry[] = $content; $commentcount = 0; if ($comments and empty($options['noaction'])) { $commentcount = sizeof(explode("----\n", $comments)); } $entry[] = $commentcount; $entries[] = $entry; $summary = ''; continue; } $summary .= $line . "\n"; } } return $entries; }
function macro_FastSearch($formatter, $value = "", &$opts) { global $DBInfo; $default_limit = isset($DBInfo->fastsearch_limit) ? $DBInfo->fastsearch_limit : 30; if ($value === true) { $needle = $value = $formatter->page->name; } else { # for MoinMoin compatibility with [[FullSearch("blah blah")]] $needle = $value = preg_replace("/^('|\")([^\\1]*)\\1/", "\\2", $value); } $needle = _preg_search_escape($needle); $pattern = '/' . $needle . '/i'; $fneedle = str_replace('"', """, $needle); # XXX $url = $formatter->link_url($formatter->page->urlname); $arena = 'fullsearch'; $check1 = 'checked="checked"'; $check2 = $check3 = ''; if (in_array($opts['arena'], array('titlesearch', 'fullsearch', 'pagelinks'))) { $check1 = ''; $arena = $opts['arena']; if ($arena == 'fullsearch') { $check1 = 'checked="checked"'; } else { if ($arena == 'titlesearch') { $check2 = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $check3 = 'checked="checked"'; } } } if (!empty($opts['backlinks'])) { $arena = 'pagelinks'; $check1 = ''; $check3 = 'checked="checked"'; } $msg = _("Fast search"); $msg2 = _("Display context of search results"); $msg3 = _("Full text search"); $msg4 = _("Title search"); $msg5 = _("Link search"); $form = <<<EOF <form method='get' action='{$url}'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='fastsearch' /> <input name='value' size='30' value='{$fneedle}' /> <span class='button'><input type='submit' class='button' value='{$msg}' /></span><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='context' value='20' />{$msg2}<br /> <input type='radio' name='arena' value='fullsearch' {$check1} />{$msg3} <input type='radio' name='arena' value='titlesearch' {$check2} />{$msg4} <input type='radio' name='arena' value='pagelinks' {$check3} />{$msg5}<br /> </form> EOF; if (!isset($needle[0]) or !empty($opts['form'])) { # or blah blah $opts['msg'] = _("No search text"); return $form; } else { if (validate_needle($needle) === false) { $opts['msg'] = sprintf(_("Invalid search expression \"%s\""), $needle); return $form; } } $DB = new Indexer_dba($arena, "r", $DBInfo->dba_type); if ($DB->db == null) { $opts['msg'] = _("Couldn't open search database, sorry."); $opts['hits'] = array(); $opts['hit'] = 0; $opts['all'] = 0; return ''; } $opts['form'] = $form; $sc = new Cache_text("searchkey"); if ($arena == "pagelinks") { $words = array($value); } else { $words = getTokens($value); } // $words=explode(' ', strtolower($value)); $idx = array(); $new_words = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { if ($sc->exists($word)) { $searchkeys = $sc->fetch($word); } else { $searchkeys = $DB->_search($word); $sc->update($word, $searchkeys); } $new_words = array_merge($new_words, $searchkeys); $new_words = array_merge($idx, $DB->_search($word)); } $words = array_merge($words, $new_words); // $word = array_shift($words); $idx = $DB->_fetchValues($word); foreach ($words as $word) { $ids = $DB->_fetchValues($word); // FIXME foreach ($ids as $id) { $idx[] = $id; } } $init_hits = array_count_values($idx); // initial hits $idx = array_keys($init_hits); //arsort($idx); $all_count = $DBInfo->getCounter(); $pages = array(); $hits = array(); foreach ($idx as $id) { $key = $DB->_fetch($id); $pages[$id] = $key; $hits['_' . $key] = $init_hits[$id]; // HACK. prefix '_' to numerical named pages } $DB->close(); if (!empty($_GET['q']) and isset($_GET['q'][0])) { return $pages; } $context = !empty($opts['context']) ? $opts['context'] : 0; $limit = isset($opts['limit'][0]) ? $opts['limit'] : $default_limit; $contexts = array(); if ($arena == 'fullsearch' || $arena == 'pagelinks') { $idx = 1; foreach ($pages as $page_name) { if (!empty($limit) and $idx > $limit) { break; } $p = new WikiPage($page_name); if (!$p->exists()) { continue; } $body = $p->_get_raw_body(); $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $body, $matches); // more precisely count matches if ($context) { # search matching contexts $contexts[$page_name] = find_needle($body, $needle, '', $context); } $hits['_' . $page_name] = $count; // XXX hack for numerical named pages $idx++; } } //uasort($hits, 'strcasecmp'); //$order = 0; //uasort($hits, create_function('$a, $b', 'return ' . ($order ? '' : '-') . '(strcasecmp($a, $b));')); $name = array_keys($hits); array_multisort($hits, SORT_DESC, $name, SORT_ASC); $opts['hits'] = $hits; $opts['hit'] = count($hits); $opts['all'] = $all_count; if (!empty($opts['call'])) { return $hits; } $out = "<!-- RESULT LIST START -->"; // for search plugin $out .= "<ul>"; $idx = 1; while (list($page_name, $count) = each($hits)) { $page_name = substr($page_name, 1); $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM START -->'; // for search plugin $out .= '<li>' . $formatter->link_tag(_rawurlencode($page_name), "?action=highlight&value=" . _urlencode($needle), $page_name, "tabindex='{$idx}'"); if ($count > 1) { $out .= ' . . . . ' . sprintf($count == 1 ? _("%d match") : _("%d matches"), $count); if (!empty($contexts[$page_name])) { $out .= $contexts[$page_name]; } } $out .= "</li>\n"; $out .= '<!-- RESULT ITEM END -->'; // for search plugin $idx++; if (!empty($limit) and $idx > $limit) { break; } } $out .= "</ul>\n"; $out .= "<!-- RESULT LIST END -->"; // for search plugin return $out; }
function generate_item($formatter, $log) { global $DBInfo; list($page, $user, $date, $title, $summary) = $log; if (!$title) { return ""; } $url = qualifiedUrl($formatter->link_url(_urlencode($page))); /* perma link */ $tag = md5($user . ' ' . $date . ' ' . $title); /* RFC 822 date format for RSS 2.0 */ $date[10] = ' '; $pubDate = gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s T', strtotime(substr($date, 0, 19) . ' GMT')); /* description */ if ($summary) { $p = new WikiPage($page); $f = new Formatter($p); $summary = str_replace('\\}}}', '}}}', $summary); ob_start(); $f->send_page($summary, array('fixpath' => 1, 'nojavascript' => 1)); $description = '<description><![CDATA[' . ob_get_contents() . ']]></description>'; ob_end_clean(); } /* convert special characters into HTML entities */ $title = htmlspecialchars($title); return <<<ITEM <item> <title>{$title}</title> <link>{$url}#{$tag}</link> <guid isPermaLink="true">{$url}#{$tag}</guid> {$description} <pubDate>{$pubDate}</pubDate> <author>{$user}</author> <category domain="{$url}">{$page}</category> <comments><![CDATA[{$url}?action=blog&value={$tag}#BlogComment]]></comments> </item> ITEM; }
function macro_SlideShow($formatter, $value = '', $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; $depth = 2; // default depth if (!empty($options['d'])) { $depth = intval($options['d']); } $args = explode(',', $value); $sz = sizeof($args); for ($i = 0, $sz = sizeof($args); $i < $sz; $i++) { if (($p = strpos($args[$i], '=')) !== false) { $k = substr($args[$i], 0, $p); $v = substr($args[$i], $p + 1); if ($k == 'depth' or $k == 'dep') { $depth = intval($v); } } else { $pgname = $args[$i]; } } if ($pgname) { if (!$DBInfo->hasPage($pgname)) { return '[[SlideShow(' . _("No page found") . ')]]'; } $pg = $DBInfo->getPage($pgname); $sections = _get_sections($pg->get_raw_body(), $depth); $urlname = _urlencode($pgname); } else { $sections = _get_sections($formatter->page->get_raw_body(), $depth); $urlname = $formatter->page->urlname; } if (!empty($options['p'])) { list($sect, $dum) = explode('/', $options['p']); $sect = abs(intval($sect)); $sect = $sect ? $sect : 1; } else { $sect = 1; } $act = !empty($options['action']) ? $options['action'] : 'SlideShow'; $iconset = 'bluecurve'; $icon_dir = $formatter->imgs_dir . '/plugin/SlideShow/' . $iconset . '/'; // get head title section if ($depth == 2) { list($secthead, $dumm) = explode("\n", $sections[0]); preg_match('/^\\s*=\\s*([^=].*[^=])\\s*=\\s?$/', $secthead, $match); $secthead = rtrim($sections[0]); if (isset($match[1])) { $title = $match[1]; } } else { $dep = '&d=' . $depth; } $sz = sizeof($sections); // $sections[0] $sz--; //if (trim($sections[$sz-1])=='') $sz--; //print $sections[0]; //print_r($sections); if ($sect > $sz) { $sect = $sz; } // get prev,next subtitle if ($sz > $sect) { list($n_title, $dumm) = explode("\n", $sections[$sect + 1]); preg_match("/^\\s*={" . $depth . '}\\s*(.*)\\s*={' . $depth . '}\\s?$/', $n_title, $match); if (isset($match[1])) { $n_title = $match[1]; } else { $n_title = ''; } list($e_title, $dumm) = explode("\n", $sections[$sz]); preg_match("/^[ ]*={" . $depth . "}\\s+(.*)\\s+={" . $depth . "}\\s?/", $e_title, $match); if (isset($match[1])) { $e_title = $match[1]; } else { $e_title = ''; } } $s_title = ''; if (!empty($sections[1]) and (empty($options['action']) or $sect > 1)) { list($s_title, $dumm) = explode("\n", $sections[1]); preg_match("/^\\s*={" . $depth . "}\\s*(.*)\\s*={" . $depth . "}\\s?\$/", $s_title, $match); if (isset($match[1])) { $s_title = $match[1]; } } if ($sect >= 1) { list($p_title, $dumm) = explode("\n", $sections[$sect - 1]); preg_match('/^\\s*={' . $depth . '}\\s*(.*)\\s*={' . $depth . '}\\s?$/', $p_title, $match); if (isset($match[1])) { $p_title = $match[1]; } else { $p_title = ''; } } // make link icons if (!empty($s_title) or empty($options['action'])) { $slink = $formatter->link_url($urlname, '?action=' . $act . $dep . '&p=1'); $icon = !empty($options['action']) ? 'start' : 'next'; $start = '<a href="' . $slink . '" title="' . _("Start:") . ' ' . $s_title . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon_dir . $icon . '.png' . '" style="border:0" alt="<|" /></a>'; } else { $start = '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'start_off.png' . '" style="border:0" alt="<|" /></a>'; } if (!empty($e_title) and !empty($options['action'])) { $elink = $formatter->link_url($urlname, '?action=' . $act . $dep . '&p=' . $sz); $end = '<a href="' . $elink . '" title="' . _("End:") . ' ' . $e_title . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'end.png' . '" style="border:0" alt="|>" /></a>'; } else { $end = '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'end_off.png' . '" style="border:0" alt="|>" /></a>'; } $np = ''; if (!empty($n_title) and !empty($options['action'])) { $np = $sect + 1; $nlink = $formatter->link_url($urlname, '?action=' . $act . $dep . '&p=' . ($sect + 1)); $next = '<a href="' . $nlink . '" title="' . _("Next:") . ' ' . $n_title . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'next.png' . '" style="border:0" alt=">" /></a>'; } else { $next = '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'next_off.png' . '" style="border:0" alt=">" /></a>'; } $pp = ''; if (!empty($p_title)) { $pp = $sect - 1; $plink = $formatter->link_url($urlname, '?action=' . $act . $dep . '&p=' . ($sect - 1)); $prev = '<a href="' . $plink . '" title="' . _("Prev:") . ' ' . $p_title . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'prev.png' . '" style="border:0" alt="<" /></a>'; } else { $prev = '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'prev_off.png' . '" style="border:0" alt="<" /></a>'; } $rlink = $formatter->link_url($urlname, '?action=show'); $return = '<a href="' . $rlink . '" title="' . _("Return") . ' ' . $pgname . '">' . '<img src="' . $icon_dir . 'up.png' . '" style="border:0" alt="^" /></a>'; if (!empty($options['action'])) { $form0 = '<form method="post" onsubmit="return false" action="' . $rlink . '">'; $form0 .= '<input type="hidden" name="d" value="' . $depth . '" />'; $form0 .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="slideshow" />'; $form = '<span class="slideShow" style="vertical-align:bottom;">' . '<input style="text-align:center" type="text" name="p" value="' . $sect . '/' . $sz . '" onkeypress="slideshowhandler(event,this,' . "'{$rlink}','{$pp}','{$np}')" . '" /></span>'; $form1 = "</form>\n"; return array($sections, "{$form0}{$return}{$start}{$prev}{$form}{$next}{$end}{$form1}\n"); } return "{$return}{$start}"; }