Пример #1
 * Creates a <a> link tag of the given name using a routed URL
 * based on the module/action passed as argument and the routing configuration.
 * If null is passed as a name, the link itself will become the name.
 * Examples:
 *  echo link_to('Homepage', 'default/index')
 *    => <a href="/">Homepage</a>
 *  echo link_to('News 2008/11', 'news/index?year=2008&month=11')
 *    => <a href="/news/2008/11">News 2008/11</a>
 *  echo link_to('News 2008/11 [absolute url]', 'news/index?year=2008&month=11', array('absolute'=>true))
 *    => <a href="http://myapp.example.com/news/2008/11">News 2008/11 [absolute url]</a>
 *  echo link_to('Absolute url', 'http://www.google.com')
 *    => <a href="http://www.google.com">Absolute url</a>
 *  echo link_to('Link with attributes', 'default/index', array('id'=>'my_link', 'class'=>'green-arrow'))
 *    => <a id="my_link" class="green-arrow" href="/">Link with attributes</a>
 *  echo link_to('<img src="x.gif" width="150" height="100" alt="[link with image]" />', 'default/index' )
 *    => <a href="/"><img src="x.gif" width="150" height="100" alt="[link with image]" /></a>
 * Options:
 *   'absolute'     - if set to true, the helper outputs an absolute URL
 *   'query_string' - to append a query string (starting by ?) to the routed url
 *   'anchor'       - to append an anchor (starting by #) to the routed url
 * @param  string  text appearing between the <a> tags
 * @param  string  'module/action' or '@rule' of the action, or an absolute url
 * @param  array   additional HTML compliant <a> tag parameters
 * @return string  XHTML compliant <a href> tag
 * @see url_for
function link_to($name = '', $internal_uri = '', $options = array())
    $html_options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $absolute = false;
    if (isset($html_options['absolute'])) {
        $absolute = (bool) $html_options['absolute'];
    // Fabrice: FIXME (genUrl() doesnt like '#anchor' ?) => ignore empty string
    $html_options['href'] = $internal_uri !== '' ? url_for($internal_uri, $absolute) : '';
    // anchor
    if (isset($html_options['anchor'])) {
        $html_options['href'] .= '#' . $html_options['anchor'];
    if (isset($html_options['query_string'])) {
        $html_options['href'] .= '?' . $html_options['query_string'];
    if (is_object($name)) {
        if (method_exists($name, '__toString')) {
            $name = $name->__toString();
        } else {
            DBG::error(sprintf('Object of class "%s" cannot be converted to string (Please create a __toString() method).', get_class($name)));
    if (!strlen($name)) {
        $name = $html_options['href'];
    return content_tag('a', $name, $html_options);
 * Return the HTML code for an unordered list showing opinions that can be voted (no AJAX)
 * If the user has already voted, then a message appears
 * @param  BaseObject  $object   Propel object instance to vote
 * @param  string      $message  a message string to be displayed in the voting-message block
 * @param  array       $options  Array of HTML options to apply on the HTML list
 * @return string
function depp_omnibus_selector($object, $message = '', $options = array())
    if (is_null($object)) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A NULL object cannot be flagged as Omnibus');
        return '';
    $user_id = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getId();
    try {
        $options = _parse_attributes($options);
        if (!isset($options['id'])) {
            $options = array_merge($options, array('id' => 'omnibus-flag'));
        $object_is_omnibus = $object->getIsOmnibus();
        $object_will_be_omnibus = !$object_is_omnibus;
        $selector = '';
        if ($object_is_omnibus) {
            $status = "Questo atto &egrave; Omnibus";
            $label = "Marcalo come non-Omnibus";
        } else {
            $status = "Questo atto non &egrave; Omnibus";
            $label = "Marcalo come Omnibus";
        $selector .= link_to($label, sprintf('atto/setOmnibusStatus?id=%d&status=%d', $object->getId(), $object_will_be_omnibus), array('post' => true));
        return content_tag('div', $status) . content_tag('div', $selector, $options);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->err('Exception catched from deppOmnibus helper: ' . $e->getMessage());
 function lang_anchor($controller = '', $method = FALSE, $params = FALSE, $title = FALSE, $attributes = FALSE)
     $title = (string) $title;
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $lng = $CI->config->item('language');
     $base_url = $CI->config->item('base_url') . "/";
     $site_url = $base_url;
     if ($controller) {
         $trans_controller = get_class_name_controller_from_translation($controller, $lng);
         $site_url .= $trans_controller . "/";
     if ($method) {
         $trans_method = get_method_name_from_translation($trans_controller, $method, $lng);
         $site_url .= $trans_method . "/";
     if ($params) {
         $site_url .= $params . "/";
     if ($title == '') {
         $title = $site_url;
     if ($attributes != '') {
         $attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);
     return '<a href="' . $site_url . '"' . $attributes . '>' . $title . '</a>';
Пример #4
function form_error($param, $options = array(), $catalogue = 'messages')
    $param_for_sf = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('{', '}'), $param);
    $param = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('[', ']'), $param);
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $request = sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest();
    $style = $request->hasError($param_for_sf) ? '' : 'display:none;';
    $options['style'] = $style . (isset($options['style']) ? $options['style'] : '');
    if (!isset($options['class'])) {
        $options['class'] = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_class', 'form_error');
    if (!isset($options['id'])) {
        $options['id'] = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_id_prefix', 'error_for_') . get_id_from_name($param);
    $prefix = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_prefix', '');
    if (isset($options['prefix'])) {
        $prefix = $options['prefix'];
    $suffix = sfConfig::get('sf_validation_error_suffix', '');
    if (isset($options['suffix'])) {
        $suffix = $options['suffix'];
    $error = $request->getError($param_for_sf, $catalogue);
    return content_tag('div', $prefix . $error . $suffix, $options) . "\n";
Пример #5
function image_tag($source, $options = array())
    if (!$source) {
        return '';
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $absolute = false;
    if (isset($options['absolute'])) {
        $absolute = true;
    $options['src'] = system_url($source);
    if (!isset($options['alt'])) {
        $path_pos = strrpos($source, '/');
        $dot_pos = strrpos($source, '.');
        $begin = $path_pos ? $path_pos + 1 : 0;
        $nb_str = ($dot_pos ? $dot_pos : strlen($source)) - $begin;
        $options['alt'] = ucfirst(substr($source, $begin, $nb_str));
    if (isset($options['size'])) {
        list($options['width'], $options['height']) = split('x', $options['size'], 2);
    return tag('img', $options);
 * Return the HTML code for an unordered list showing opinions that can be voted (no AJAX)
 * If the user has already voted, then a message appears
 * @param  BaseObject  $object   Propel object instance to vote
 * @param  string      $message  a message string to be displayed in the voting-message block
 * @param  array       $options  Array of HTML options to apply on the HTML list
 * @return string
function depp_prioritiser($object, $message = '', $options = array())
    if (is_null($object)) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A NULL object cannot be prioritised');
        return '';
    $user_id = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getId();
    try {
        $options = _parse_attributes($options);
        if (!isset($options['id'])) {
            $options = array_merge($options, array('id' => 'prioritising-items'));
        $object_id = $object->getPrioritisableReferenceKey();
        $list_content = '';
        $object_priority = is_null($object->getPriorityValue()) ? 1 : $object->getPriorityValue();
        for ($i = $object->allowsNullPriority() ? 0 : 1; $i <= $object->getMaxPriority(); $i++) {
            if ($object_priority == $i) {
                if ($object->getPriorityLastUser() != 0) {
                    $label = sprintf('Priorit&agrave; impostata da user_id:%d il %s alle %s', $object->getPriorityLastUser(), $object->getPriorityLastUpdate('d/m/Y'), $object->getPriorityLastUpdate('h:i'));
                } else {
                    $label = 'Priorit&agrave; di default';
                $list_content .= content_tag('li', content_tag('span', $i, array('title' => $label)), array('class' => 'current'));
            } else {
                $label = sprintf(__('Set priority to %d'), $i);
                $list_content .= content_tag('li', link_to($i, sprintf('deppPrioritising/prioritise?object_id=%d&object_model=%s&priority=%d', $object->getId(), get_class($object), $i), array('title' => $label, 'post' => true)));
        return content_tag('ul', $list_content, $options) . content_tag('div', $message, array('id' => 'priority-message'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->err('Exception catched from deppPrioritising helper: ' . $e->getMessage());
Пример #7
 * Returns a link with a gBox widget attached
 * @param string $content content to show inside the a tag
 * @param string $href url (inline/ajax) to show in the gbox
 * @param array  $options   Options of the link
 * @author Gerald Estadieu <*****@*****.**>
 * @since  15 Apr 2007
function gbox($content, $href = '', $options = array())
    $html_options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $html_options['class'] = isset($options['class']) ? $options['class'] . ' gbox' : 'gbox';
    return link_to($content, $href, $html_options);
 * Override of the standard options_for_select, that allows the usage of the 'include_zero_custom' option
 * to insert a custom field returning the 0 value on top of the options
 * @return String
 * @author Guglielmo Celata
function adv_options_for_select($options = array(), $selected = '', $html_options = array())
    $html_options = _parse_attributes($html_options);
    if (is_array($selected)) {
        $selected = array_map('strval', array_values($selected));
    $html = '';
    if ($value = _get_option($html_options, 'include_zero_custom')) {
        $html .= content_tag('option', $value, array('value' => '0')) . "\n";
    } else {
        if ($value = _get_option($html_options, 'include_custom')) {
            $html .= content_tag('option', $value, array('value' => '')) . "\n";
        } else {
            if (_get_option($html_options, 'include_blank')) {
                $html .= content_tag('option', '', array('value' => '')) . "\n";
    foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $html .= content_tag('optgroup', options_for_select($value, $selected, $html_options), array('label' => $key)) . "\n";
        } else {
            $option_options = array('value' => $key);
            if (is_array($selected) && in_array(strval($key), $selected, true) || strval($key) == strval($selected)) {
                $option_options['selected'] = 'selected';
            $html .= content_tag('option', $value, $option_options) . "\n";
    return $html;
Пример #9
 * two multiline select tags with associated and unassociated items
 * @return string
 * @param object object
 * @param string method of object
 * @param array options
 * @param array html options of select tags
function double_list($object, $method, $options = array(), $html_options = array())
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    // get the lists of objects
    list($all_objects, $objects_associated, $associated_ids) = _get_object_list($object, $method, _get_option($options, 'through_class'), _get_option($options, 'peer_method'));
    // options
    $html_options['multiple'] = _get_option($html_options, 'multiple', true);
    $html_options['size'] = _get_option($html_options, 'size', 5);
    $html_options['class'] = 'double_list';
    $label_assoc = _get_option($options, 'associated_label', 'Zugeh�rige Gruppen');
    $label_all = _get_option($options, 'unassociated_label', 'Gruppenliste');
    $name1 = _get_option($options, 'associated', 'isSelected');
    $name2 = _get_option($options, 'unassociated', 'unSelected');
    $form = _get_option($options, 'form_id', 'editForm');
    // unassociated objects
    $objects_unassociated = array();
    foreach ($all_objects as $object) {
        if (!in_array($object->getPrimaryKey(), $associated_ids)) {
            $objects_unassociated[] = $object;
    // select tags
    $select1 = select_tag($name1, options_for_select(_get_options_from_objects($objects_associated), '', $options), $html_options);
    $select2 = select_tag($name2, options_for_select(_get_options_from_objects($objects_unassociated), '', $options), $html_options);
    // output skeloton
    $html = "\n<table><tr>\n\t<td class='first'><div class='first' style='padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:15px;'>{$label_assoc}</div>%s</td>\n\t<td class='first'><div class='first' style='padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:15px;'>&nbsp;</div>%s<br/>%s</td>\n\t<td class='first'><div class='first' style='padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:15px;'>{$label_all}</div>%s</td>\n</tr></table>\n";
    // include js library
    $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse();
    $response->addJavascript('/js/double_list.js', 'last');
    return sprintf($html, $select1, link_to_function(image_tag('resultset_previous'), "double_list_move(\$('{$name2}'), \$('{$name1}'))"), link_to_function(image_tag('resultset_next'), "double_list_move(\$('{$name1}'), \$('{$name2}'))", 'style=display:block'), $select2, $form);
Пример #10
 function anchor($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = '')
     $title = (string) $title;
     $id = '';
     if (strpos($uri, '#')) {
         $uri_part = explode('#', $uri);
         $uri = $uri_part[0];
         $id = '#' . $uri_part[1];
     if ($uri == '/') {
         $site_url = base_url();
     } elseif (!is_array($uri)) {
         $site_url = !preg_match('!^\\w+://! i', $uri) ? site_url($uri) : $uri;
     } else {
         $site_url = site_url($uri);
     if (!isset($attributes['title'])) {
         $attributes['title'] = strip_tags($title);
     if ($title == '') {
         $title = $site_url;
     if ($attributes != '') {
         $attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);
     return '<a href="' . $site_url . $id . '"' . $attributes . '>' . $title . '</a>';
Пример #11
function anchor($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = '', $ssl = FALSE)
    $title = (string) $title;
    if (!is_array($uri)) {
        if ($ssl) {
            $site_url = !preg_match('!^\\w+://!i', $uri) ? site_url($uri, TRUE) : $uri;
        } else {
            $site_url = !preg_match('!^\\w+://!i', $uri) ? site_url($uri) : $uri;
    } else {
        if ($ssl) {
            $site_url = site_url($uri, TRUE);
        } else {
            $site_url = site_url($uri);
    if ($title == '') {
        $title = $site_url;
    if ($attributes == '') {
        $attributes = ' title="' . $title . '"';
    } else {
        $attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);
    return '<a href="' . $site_url . '"' . $attributes . '>' . $title . '</a>';
  * Searches through the content and extracts out any matches. The return
  * value is a formatted array of what needs to be replaced
  * Returned syntax will look like this:
  *   array(
  *     'link' => array(
  *       3 => array('options' => array(), 'replace' => '[link:3]'),
  *       5 => array('options' => array('option' => 'value'), 'replace' => '[link:5 option=value]'),
  *     ), asset => array(
  *       10 => array('options' => array(), 'replace' => '[asset:10]'),
  *     ),
  *   )
  * @return array
 private function _parseSyntaxes($content)
     // create the replacement string (e.g. link|asset|myObject)
     $replacementString = implode('|', array_keys(sfSympalConfig::get('content_syntax_types')));
     preg_match_all("/\\[({$replacementString}):(.*?)\\]/", $content, $matches);
     if (isset($matches[0]) && $matches[0]) {
         $replacements = array();
         $types = $matches[1];
         $bodies = $matches[2];
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $replacements[$type] = array();
          * body matches (e.g. "3" or "5 option=value")
         foreach ($bodies as $key => $body) {
             // use the key to find the corresponding type
             $typeKey = $types[$key];
             $e = explode(' ', $body);
             $slug = $e[0];
             $replacements[$typeKey][$slug] = array('options' => _parse_attributes(substr($body, strlen($e[0]))), 'replace' => $matches[0][$key]);
         return $replacements;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #13
function link_to_star($object, $options = array())
    $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
    if ($user->isAuthenticated()) {
        $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse();
        $has_jquery = sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_has_jquery');
        if (!$has_jquery) {
        $is_starred = $object->isStarred() ? 'sf_star_on' : 'sf_star_off';
        $options = _parse_attributes($options);
        if (isset($options['class'])) {
            $options['class'] .= ' sf_star ' . $is_starred;
        } else {
            $options['class'] = 'sf_star ' . $is_starred;
        $type = sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_type', null);
        if (!$type || $type == 'image') {
            $content = $object->isStarred() ? image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_image_on', '/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/images/star_on.gif')) : image_tag(sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_image_off', '/sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin/images/star_off.gif'));
        } elseif (isset($options['txt_on']) && isset($options['txt_off'])) {
            $content = $object->isStarred() ? $options['txt_off'] : $options['txt_on'];
        } else {
            $content = $object->isStarred() ? sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_on') : sfConfig::get('app_sfPropelActAsStarredBehaviorPlugin_content_off');
        $model = get_class($object);
        $id = $object->getPrimaryKey();
        return link_to($content, 'sfStar/starit?model=' . $model . '&id=' . $id, $options);
        // return content_tag('span',link_to($image,'sfStar/starit?model='.$model.'&id='.$id,'class=sf_star'));
    } else {
        return content_tag('span', '');
Пример #14
function object_input_sf_asset_tag($object, $method, $options = array())
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $name = _convert_method_to_name($method, $options);
    $value = _get_object_value($object, $method);
    return input_sf_asset_tag($name, $value, $options);
 * Return the HTML code for the launch/remove link 
 * plus the list of launched object for the namespace
 * @param  BaseObject  $object     Propel object instance to launch
 * @param  string      $namespace  The namespace where the object is *launched*
 * @param  array       $options    Array of HTML options to apply on the HTML list
 * @return string
function depp_launcher($object, $namespace, $options = array())
    if (is_null($object)) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A NULL object cannot be launched');
        return '';
    if (is_null($namespace)) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A namespace must be given');
        return '';
    try {
        $options = _parse_attributes($options);
        if (!isset($options['id'])) {
            $options = array_merge($options, array('id' => 'launching-items'));
        if (!isset($options['class'])) {
            $options = array_merge($options, array('class' => 'vote-administration'));
        $object_model = get_class($object);
        $object_id = $object->getPrimaryKey();
        // build launch/remove link
        if (in_array($namespace, $object->hasBeenLaunched())) {
            $action_link = link_to(__('Take the launch back'), sprintf('deppLaunching/remove?item_model=%s&item_pk=%s&namespace=%s', $object_model, $object_id, $namespace));
        } else {
            $action_link = link_to(__('Launch the object'), sprintf('deppLaunching/launch?item_model=%s&item_pk=%s&namespace=%s', $object_model, $object_id, $namespace));
        $action = content_tag('div', $action_link);
        $list_content = '';
        $launches = sfLaunchingPeer::getAllByNamespace($namespace);
        foreach ($launches as $i => $l) {
            $l_obj_model = $l->getObjectModel();
            $l_obj_id = $l->getObjectId();
            $l_obj = deppPropelActAsLaunchableToolkit::retrieveLaunchableObject($l_obj_model, $l_obj_id);
            $l_obj_short_string = $l_obj->getShortTitle();
            $l_obj_remove_action = sprintf('deppLaunching/remove?item_model=%s&item_pk=%s&namespace=%s', $l_obj_model, $l_obj_id, $namespace);
            $l_obj_priority_up_action = sprintf('deppLaunching/priorityUp?item_model=%s&item_pk=%s&namespace=%s', $l_obj_model, $l_obj_id, $namespace);
            $l_obj_priority_dn_action = sprintf('deppLaunching/priorityDn?item_model=%s&item_pk=%s&namespace=%s', $l_obj_model, $l_obj_id, $namespace);
            $l_obj_remove_link = link_to('<img src="/images/ico-remove_alert.png" alt="X" title="Rimuovi" />', $l_obj_remove_action, array('title' => __('Take the launch back'), 'class' => 'remove-vote'));
            $l_obj_priority_up_link = link_to('<img src="/images/ico-thumb-up.png" alt="+" title="Aumenta priorità" />', $l_obj_priority_up_action, array('title' => __('Increase the priority'), 'class' => 'moveup-vote'));
            $l_obj_priority_dn_link = link_to('<img src="/images/ico-thumb-down.png" alt="-" title="Diminuisci priorità" />', $l_obj_priority_dn_action, array('title' => __('Decrease the priority'), 'class' => 'movedown-vote'));
            $l_obj_actions = "";
            /*if ($i > 0)*/
            $l_obj_actions .= " {$l_obj_priority_up_link} ";
            /*if ($i < count($launches) - 1 )*/
            $l_obj_actions .= " {$l_obj_priority_dn_link} ";
            $l_obj_actions .= " {$l_obj_remove_link} ";
            /*$list_content .= content_tag('tr', 
              content_tag('td', '<input type="text" value="'. $l->getPriority().'" name="priority['. $l_obj_id.']" size="3">'. $l_obj_short_string) . 
              content_tag('td', $l_obj_actions, array('style' => 'text-align:right; width:36px;display:inline-block;')));*/
            $list_content .= content_tag('li', content_tag('span', $l_obj_actions, array('style' => 'text-align:right; width:36px;display:inline-block;float:right;')) . $l_obj_short_string, array('style' => 'cursor:move; border-bottom: 1px dotted #CCC;'));
        $list = content_tag('ul', $list_content, $options);
        // adding javascript for drag and drop
        return $action . $list;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->err('Exception catched from deppLaunching helper: ' . $e->getMessage());
 * Returns a button that will trigger a javascript function using the
 * onclick handler and return false after the fact.
 * Examples:
 *   <?php echo button_to_function('Greeting', "alert('Hello world!')") ?>
function button_to_function($name, $function, $html_options = array())
    $html_options = _parse_attributes($html_options);
    $html_options['onclick'] = $function . '; return false;';
    $html_options['type'] = 'button';
    $html_options['value'] = $name;
    return tag('input', $html_options);
Пример #17
 * Returns a link that will trigger a javascript function using the
 * onclick handler and return TRUE OR FALSE after the fact 
 * depending on the $html_options['return'] parameter. 
 * This attribute is removed before we use the default content_tag helper.
 * Examples:
 *   <?php echo link_to_function('Greeting', "alert('Hello world!')", array('return'=>true)) ?>
 *   <?php echo link_to_function(image_tag('delete'), "if confirm('Really?'){ do_delete(); }") ?>
function ls_link_to_function($name, $function, $html_options = array())
    $html_options = _parse_attributes($html_options);
    $html_options['href'] = isset($html_options['href']) ? $html_options['href'] : '#';
    $html_options['onclick'] = $function . '; return ';
    $html_options['onclick'] .= isset($html_options['return']) && $html_options['return'] == true ? 'true;' : 'false;';
    return content_tag('a', $name, $html_options);
Пример #18
function _tag_options($options = array())
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $html = '';
    foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
        $html .= ' ' . $key . '="' . escape_once($value) . '"';
    return $html;
Пример #19
function antispam_email_tag($emailaddress, $content = null, $options = array())
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $options['href'] = 'mailto:' . $emailaddress;
    if ($content === null) {
        $content = $emailaddress;
    return antispam_js_encrypt(content_tag('a', $content, $options), rand(-8, 5));
Пример #20
function gButton_to_function($text, $javascript = null, $html_options = null, $button_options = array())
    $html_options = _parse_attributes($html_options);
    if (array_key_exists('confirm', $html_options)) {
        $txt = $html_options['confirm'];
        $javascript = sprintf("if(confirm('{$txt}')){ %s; }", $javascript ? $javascript : "return true");
    $html_options['onclick'] = $javascript . ";return false;";
    return gButton($text, $html_options, $button_options);
Пример #21
function form_remote_tag($options = array(), $options_html = array())
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $options_html = _parse_attributes($options_html);
    $options['form'] = true;
    $options_html['onsubmit'] = remote_function($options) . '; return false;';
    $options_html['action'] = isset($options_html['action']) ? $options_html['action'] : system_url($options['url']);
    $options_html['method'] = isset($options_html['method']) ? $options_html['method'] : 'post';
    return tag('form', $options_html, true);
Пример #22
 * Returns a form tag that will submit using XMLHttpRequest in the background instead of the regular
 * reloading POST arrangement. Even though it's using JavaScript to serialize the form elements, the form submission
 * will work just like a regular submission as viewed by the receiving side (all elements available in 'params').
 * The options for specifying the target with 'url' and defining callbacks are the same as 'link_to_remote()'.
 * A "fall-through" target for browsers that don't do JavaScript can be specified
 * with the 'action'/'method' options on '$options_html'
 * Example:
 *  <?php echo form_remote_tag(array(
 *    'url'      => '@tag_add',
 *    'update'   => 'question_tags',
 *    'loading'  => "Element.show('indicator'); \$('tag').value = ''",
 *    'complete' => "Element.hide('indicator');".visual_effect('highlight', 'question_tags'),
 *  )) ?>
 * The hash passed as a second argument is equivalent to the options (2nd) argument in the form_tag() helper.
 * By default the fall-through action is the same as the one specified in the 'url'
 * (and the default method is 'post').
 * Modified to have parameters with the url
function scss_form_remote_tag($options = array(), $options_html = array())
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $options_html = _parse_attributes($options_html);
    $options['form'] = true;
    $options_html['onsubmit'] = dd_remote_function($options) . '; return false;';
    $options_html['action'] = isset($options_html['action']) ? $options_html['action'] : (isset($options['url_params']) ? url_for($options['url'], $options['url_params']) : url_for($options['url']));
    $options_html['method'] = isset($options_html['method']) ? $options_html['method'] : 'post';
    return tag('form', $options_html, true);
Пример #23
 function anchor2($url, $titulo, $atrib = '')
     $titulo = (string) $titulo;
     if (is_array($url)) {
         $url = implode('/', $url);
     if ($atrib != '') {
         $atrib = _parse_attributes($atrib);
     $url = relative_root($url);
     return '<a href="' . $url . '"' . $atrib . '>' . $titulo . '</a>';
Пример #24
function favicon_byslug_tag($pSlug, array $pParams = array())
    $lOptions = _parse_attributes($pParams);
    if (!isset($lOptions['alt'])) {
        $lOptions['alt'] = $pSlug;
    if (!isset($lOptions['class'])) {
        $lOptions['class'] = 'favicon';
    } else {
        $lOptions['class'] = $lOptions['class'] . ' favicon';
    return image_tag('/uploads/favicons/' . $pSlug . '.png', $lOptions);
function grafico($uri = null, $options = array())
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $options['width'] = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : '300';
    $options['height'] = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : '200';
    $ruta = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute('ruta', null);
    $direccion = $ruta . "/index.php/" . $uri;
    $value = null;
    try {
        $value = open_flash_chart_object_str($options['width'], $options['height'], $direccion, true, $ruta . "/");
        return $value ? $value : null;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return null;
Пример #26
 public static function mp3PlayerTag($options = array(), $options_html = array())
     $player = sfConfig::get('app_mp3player_defaultplayer', 'worldpress');
     switch ($player) {
         case 'flash-mp3-player':
             $options = _parse_attributes($options);
             $options_html = _parse_attributes($options_html);
             $trackURI = urlencode(isset($options['trackURI']) ? $options['trackURI'] : '');
             $trackURInotencoded = isset($options['trackURI']) ? $options['trackURI'] : '';
             $flashplayerid = isset($options['flashplayerid']) ? $options['flashplayerid'] : '';
             $customSkin = isset($options['customSkin']) ? $options['customSkin'] : '';
             $playerConfig = sfConfig::get('app_mp3player_flash-mp3-player');
             $autoplay = isset($playerConfig['autoplay']) ? $playerConfig['autoplay'] : '1';
             $width = isset($playerConfig['width']) ? $playerConfig['width'] : '200';
             $img = isset($playerConfig['img']) ? image_path($playerConfig['img']) : 'nopreview.defined';
             $imgmouseover = isset($playerConfig['imgmouseover']) ? image_path($playerConfig['imgmouseover']) : 'nopreview.defined';
             $options_html['onClick'] = "javascript: swfobject.createSWF(\n          { data:'" . public_path("/mp3player/player_mp3_maxi.swf") . "', width:'{$width}', height:'15' }, \n          { flashvars:'mp3={$trackURI}&amp;showslider=1&amp;width={$width}&amp;height=15&amp;autoplay={$autoplay}'}, \n          '{$flashplayerid}'); \n          return false;";
             $options_html['href'] = "#";
             $options_html['onmouseover'] = "this.src='{$imgmouseover}'";
             $options_html['onmouseout'] = "this.src='{$img}'";
             $options_html['alt'] = "no preview defined?";
             return image_tag($img, $options_html);
         case 'worldpress':
             $options = _parse_attributes($options);
             $options_html = _parse_attributes($options_html);
             $trackURI = urlencode(isset($options['trackURI']) ? $options['trackURI'] : '');
             $trackURInotencoded = isset($options['trackURI']) ? $options['trackURI'] : '';
             $flashplayerid = isset($options['flashplayerid']) ? $options['flashplayerid'] : '';
             $customSkin = isset($options['customSkin']) ? $options['customSkin'] : '';
             $playerConfig = sfConfig::get('app_mp3player_worldpress');
             $img = isset($playerConfig['img']) ? image_path($playerConfig['img']) : 'nopreview.defined';
             $imgmouseover = isset($playerConfig['imgmouseover']) ? image_path($playerConfig['imgmouseover']) : 'nopreview.defined';
             $img = isset($options['customSkinImage']) ? image_path($options['customSkinImage']) : $img;
             $imgmouseover = isset($options['customSkinImageMouseover']) ? image_path($options['customSkinImageMouseover']) : $imgmouseover;
             $options_html['onClick'] = "javascript: if( isiPhone() ) document.getElementById('{$flashplayerid}').innerHTML='<audio controls=\"true\" autoplay=\"true\" width=\"150px\" height=\"24px\"> <source src=\"{$trackURInotencoded}\" type=\"audio/mp3\"> </audio>'; else AudioPlayer.embed('{$flashplayerid}', {soundFile: '{$trackURI}', {$customSkin}}); return false;";
             $options_html['href'] = "#";
             $options_html['onmouseover'] = "this.src='{$imgmouseover}'";
             $options_html['onmouseout'] = "this.src='{$img}'";
             $options_html['alt'] = "no preview defined?";
             return image_tag($img, $options_html);
         case 'smintplayer':
             return "todo";
 function g_anchor($uri = '', $title = '', $attributes = '')
     $title = (string) $title;
     if (!is_array($uri)) {
         $site_url = !preg_match('!^\\w+://! i', $uri) ? base_url() . $uri : $uri;
     } else {
         $site_url = base_url() . $uri;
     if ($title == '') {
         $title = $site_url;
     if ($attributes != '') {
         $attributes = _parse_attributes($attributes);
     return '<a href="' . $site_url . '">' . $title . '</a>';
 * Return the HTML code for an unordered list showing opinions that can be voted
 * If the user has already voted, then a message appears
 * @param  BaseObject  $object   Propel object instance to vote
 * @param  string      $domid    unique css identifier for the block (div) containing the voter tool
 * @param  string      $message  a message string to be displayed in the voting-message block
 * @param  array       $options  Array of HTML options to apply on the HTML list
 * @return string
function depp_voter($object, $domid = 'depp-voter-block', $message = '', $options = array())
    if (is_null($object)) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A NULL object cannot be voted');
        return '';
    $user_id = deppPropelActAsVotableBehaviorToolkit::getUserId();
    // anonymous votes
    if ((is_null($user_id) || $user_id == '') && !$object->allowsAnonymousVoting()) {
        return __('Anonymous voting is not allowed') . ", " . __('please') . " " . link_to('login', '/login');
    try {
        $voting_range = $object->getVotingRange();
        $options = _parse_attributes($options);
        if (!isset($options['id'])) {
            $options = array_merge($options, array('id' => 'voting-items'));
        if ($object instanceof sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator) {
            $object_class = get_class($object->getRawValue());
        } else {
            $object_class = get_class($object);
        $object_id = $object->getReferenceKey();
        $token = deppPropelActAsVotableBehaviorToolkit::addTokenToSession($object_class, $object_id);
        // already voted
        if ($object->hasBeenVotedByUser($user_id)) {
            $message .= "&nbsp;" . link_to_remote(__('Take your vote back'), array('url' => sprintf('deppVoting/unvote?domid=%s&token=%s', $domid, $token), 'update' => $domid, 'script' => true, 'complete' => visual_effect('appear', $domid) . visual_effect('highlight', $domid)));
        $list_content = '';
        for ($i = -1 * $voting_range; $i <= $voting_range; $i++) {
            if ($i == 0 && !$object->allowsNeutralPosition()) {
            $text = sprintf("[%d]", $i);
            $label = sprintf(__('Vote %d!'), $i);
            if ($object->hasBeenVotedByUser($user_id) && $object->getUserVoting($user_id) == $i) {
                $list_content .= content_tag('li', $text);
            } else {
                $list_content .= '  <li>' . link_to_remote($text, array('url' => sprintf('deppVoting/vote?domid=%s&token=%s&voting=%d', $domid, $token, $i), 'update' => $domid, 'script' => true, 'complete' => visual_effect('appear', $domid) . visual_effect('highlight', $domid)), array('title' => $label)) . '</li>';
        $results = get_component('deppVoting', 'votingDetails', array('object' => $object));
        return content_tag('ul', $list_content, $options) . content_tag('div', $message, array('id' => 'voting-message')) . content_tag('div', $results, array('id' => 'voting-results'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->err('Exception catched from sf_rater helper: ' . $e->getMessage());
 * Return the HTML code for a unordered list showing rating stars
 * @param  BaseObject  $object  Propel object instance
 * @param  array       $options        Array of HTML options to apply on the HTML list
 * @throws sfPropelActAsRatableException
 * @return string
function sf_rater($object, $options = array())
    if (is_null($object)) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->debug('A NULL object cannot be rated');
    if (!isset($options['star-width'])) {
        $star_width = sfConfig::get('app_rating_star_width', 25);
    } else {
        $star_width = $options['star-width'];
    try {
        $max_rating = $object->getMaxRating();
        $actual_rating = $object->getRating();
        $bar_width = $actual_rating * $star_width;
        $options = _parse_attributes($options);
        if (!isset($options['class'])) {
            $options = array_merge($options, array('class' => 'star-rating'));
        if (!isset($options['style']) or !preg_match('/width:/i', $options['style'])) {
            $full_bar_width = $max_rating * $star_width;
            $options = array_merge($options, array('style' => 'width:' . $full_bar_width . 'px'));
        if ($object instanceof sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator) {
            $object_class = get_class($object->getRawValue());
        } else {
            $object_class = get_class($object);
        $object_id = $object->getReferenceKey();
        $token = sfPropelActAsRatableBehaviorToolkit::addTokenToSession($object_class, $object_id);
        $msg_domid = sprintf('rating_message_%s', $token);
        $bar_domid = sprintf('current_rating_%s', $token);
        $list_content = '  <li class="current-rating" id="' . $bar_domid . '" style="width:' . $bar_width . 'px;">';
        $list_content .= sprintf(__('Currently rated %d star(s) on %d'), $object->getRating(), $max_rating);
        $list_content .= '  </li>';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_rating; $i++) {
            $label = sprintf(__('Rate it %d stars'), $i);
            $list_content .= '  <li>' . link_to_remote($label, array('url' => sprintf('sfRating/rate?token=%s&rating=%d&star_width=%d', $token, $i, $star_width), 'update' => $msg_domid, 'script' => true, 'complete' => visual_effect('appear', $msg_domid) . visual_effect('highlight', $msg_domid)), array('class' => 'r' . $i . 'stars', 'title' => $label)) . '</li>';
        return content_tag('ul', $list_content, $options) . content_tag('div', null, array('id' => $msg_domid));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        sfLogger::getInstance()->err('Exception catched from sf_rater helper: ' . $e->getMessage());
Пример #30
 protected function _prepareMenuItem($menuItem)
     if ($menuItem instanceof sfSympalMenuItem) {
         $array = $menuItem->toArray(false);
         $array['item_route'] = $menuItem->getItemRoute();
         $array['requires_auth'] = $menuItem->getRequiresAuth();
         $array['requires_no_auth'] = $menuItem->getRequiresNoAuth();
         $array['all_permissions'] = $menuItem->getAllPermissions();
         $array['level'] = $menuItem->getLevel();
         $array['date_published'] = $menuItem->getDatePublished();
         $array['html_attributes'] = _parse_attributes($menuItem->getHtmlAttributes());
         if (sfSympalConfig::isI18nEnabled('sfSympalMenuItem')) {
             $array['Translation'] = $menuItem->Translation->toArray(false);
         return $array;
     return $menuItem;