Пример #1
function InitRecordCall($filename, $index, $comment)
    $user = gs_user_get($_SESSION['sudo_user']['name']);
    $call = "Channel: SIP/" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "MaxRetries: 0\n" . "WaitTime: 15\n" . "Context: vm-rec-multiple\n" . "Extension: webdialrecord\n" . "Callerid: {$comment} <Aufnahme>\n" . "Setvar: __user_id=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . "\n" . "Setvar: __user_name=" . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['ext'] . "\n" . "Setvar: CHANNEL(language)=" . gs_get_conf('GS_INTL_ASTERISK_LANG', 'de') . "\n" . "Setvar: __is_callfile_origin=1\n" . "Setvar: __callfile_from_user="******"\n" . "Setvar: __record_file=" . $filename . "\n";
    $filename = '/tmp/gs-' . $_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['id'] . '-' . _pack_int(time()) . rand(100, 999) . '.call';
    $cf = @fOpen($filename, 'wb');
    if (!$cf) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to write call file "' . $filename . '"');
        echo 'Failed to write call file.';
    @fWrite($cf, $call, strLen($call));
    @chmod($filename, 0666);
    $spoolfile = '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename);
    if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
        $our_host_ids = @gs_get_listen_to_ids();
        if (!is_array($our_host_ids)) {
            $our_host_ids = array();
        $user_is_on_this_host = in_array($_SESSION['sudo_user']['info']['host_id'], $our_host_ids);
    } else {
        $user_is_on_this_host = true;
    if ($user_is_on_this_host) {
        # the Asterisk of this user and the web server both run on this host
        $err = 0;
        $out = array();
        @exec('sudo mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
        if ($err != 0) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to move call file "' . $filename . '" to "' . '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename) . '"');
            echo 'Failed to move call file.';
    } else {
        $cmd = 'sudo scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa('root@' . $user['host'] . ':' . $filename);
        //echo $cmd, "\n";
        @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
        if ($err != 0) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to scp call file "' . $filename . '" to ' . $user['host']);
            echo 'Failed to scp call file.';
        //remote_exec( $user['host'], $cmd, 10, $out, $err ); // <-- does not use sudo!
        $cmd = 'sudo ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -l root ' . qsa($user['host']) . ' ' . qsa('mv ' . qsa($filename) . ' ' . qsa($spoolfile));
        //echo $cmd, "\n";
        @exec($cmd . ' 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null', $out, $err);
        if ($err != 0) {
            gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to mv call file "' . $filename . '" on ' . $user['host'] . ' to "' . $spoolfile . '"');
            echo 'Failed to mv call file on remote host.';
Пример #2
//--- playback a recording to the user

	$callfile =
		 "Channel: Local/". $phonenum ."@from-internal-users\n"
		."Context: sys-rec-playback\n"
		."Extension: s\n"
		."Priority: 1\n"
		."Set: ID=". $playback ."\n"
		."CallerID: Sprachaufzeichnung <pbx>\n"
		."MaxRetries: 0\n";

	$filename = "gs-". _pack_int(time()) . rand(100,999) .".call";
	$tmp_filename = "/tmp/".$filename;
	$spoolfile = "/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/". $filename;

	$cf = @fopen($tmp_filename, "wb");

		gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, "Failed to write call file '". $tmp_filename ."'");
		$errormsgs[] = __('Anruf kann nicht initiiert werden');
	@fwrite($cf, $callfile, strlen($callfile));
	@chmod($tmp_filename, 00666);

	@exec("sudo mv ". qsa($tmp_filename) ." ". qsa($spoolfile) ." 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null", $out, $err);
Пример #3
    $firstname_abbr = $firstname_abbr != '' ? $firstname_abbr . '. ' : '';
    if (!$cidnum) {
        $callerid = $firstname_abbr . $user['lastname'] . ' <' . $from_num_effective . '>';
    } else {
        $callerid = $firstname_abbr . $user['lastname'] . ' <' . ($cidnum ? $cidnum : $from_num_effective) . '>';
} else {
    $callerid = 'Anonymous <anonymous>';
if (!$is_foreign) {
    //FIXME? - is this code correct for numbers in the same area?
    $to_num = subStr($to_num_obj->dial, 0, 1) === '0' ? '0' . $to_num_obj->dial : $to_num_obj->dial;
    $from_num_dial = subStr($from_num_effective_obj->dial, 0, 1) === '0' ? '0' . $from_num_effective_obj->dial : $from_num_effective_obj->dial;
    $call = "Channel: Local/urldial-" . $from_num_dial . "@to-internal-users-self\n" . "MaxRetries: 0\n" . "WaitTime: 15\n" . "Context: urldial\n" . "Extension: {$prvPrefix}{$to_num}\n" . "Callerid: Rufaufbau <call>\n" . "Setvar: __user_id=" . $user['id'] . "\n" . "Setvar: __user_name=" . $user['ext'] . "\n" . "Setvar: CHANNEL(language)=" . gs_get_conf('GS_INTL_ASTERISK_LANG', 'de') . "\n" . "Setvar: __is_callfile_origin=1\n" . "Setvar: __saved_callerid=" . $callerid . "\n" . "Setvar: __callfile_from_user="******"\n";
    //echo $call;
    $filename = '/tmp/gs-' . $user['id'] . '-' . _pack_int(time()) . rand(100, 999) . '.call';
    $cf = @fOpen($filename, 'wb');
    if (!$cf) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to write call file "' . $filename . '"');
        die_error('Failed to write call file.');
    @fWrite($cf, $call, strLen($call));
    @chmod($filename, 0666);
    $spoolfile = '/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/' . baseName($filename);
    if (!gs_get_conf('GS_INSTALLATION_TYPE_SINGLE')) {
        $our_host_ids = @gs_get_listen_to_ids();
        if (!is_array($our_host_ids)) {
            $our_host_ids = array();
        $user_is_on_this_host = in_array($user['host_id'], $our_host_ids);