$fields['cust_id'] = $each_deal['person_id']['value']; $fields['cust_name'] = $each_deal['person_id']['name']; $fields['cust_email'] = $each_deal['person_id']['email'][0]['value']; $fields['stage_id'] = $each_deal['stage_id']; $fields['source'] = _e($source[$each_deal['c2a6fc3129578b646ae55717ed15f03ce3ee4df0']]['label'], ""); $fields['status'] = $each_deal['status']; $fields['curr_stage'] = $stage[$each_deal['stage_id']]['name']; $fields['initial_move_stage'] = $filter_stage_name; $fields['stage_order_nr'] = $stage[$each_deal['stage_id']]['order_nr']; $duplicate = qs("select * from dashboard_stage_entering_deals where deal_id = '{$fields['deal_id']}' and initial_move_stage = '{$fields['initial_move_stage']}'"); if (!empty($duplicate)) { unset($fields['reference']); qu("dashboard_stage_entering_deals", _escapeArray($fields), "deal_id= '{$fields['deal_id']}' and initial_move_stage = '{$fields['initial_move_stage']}'"); echo "<br> Record Update for deal: " . $fields['deal_id']; } else { $fields['date'] = _mysqlDate(); qi("dashboard_stage_entering_deals", _escapeArray($fields)); echo "<br>Record Insert for deal: " . $fields['reference']; } } echo "new call<Br><Br><br>"; $start_record_from += $no_of_records; $deal_data = array(); $deal_data = $apiPD->getFilterDeals($filter_id, $start_record_from, $no_of_records); $deal_data = json_decode($deal_data, "true"); } else { echo "no more records"; break; } } if (!$deal_data['success']) {
/** * wrapper function for insert query * @param String $table * @param Array $array list of fields * @return Integer return number rows inserted * @package LySoft * */ function insert_query($table, $fields, $operation = 'INSERT') { $db = Db::__d(); if (!empty($fields)) { $value_string = array(); $fields['created_at'] = $fields['modified_at'] = _mysqlDate(); foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_value) { $value_string[] = " '{$field_value}' "; } $fields_string = " ( `" . implode("`, `", array_keys($fields)) . "` ) "; $value_string = " ( " . implode(",", $value_string) . " ) "; $query = " {$operation} INTO {$table} {$fields_string} values {$value_string}"; if (isset($_SESSION['user']['id']) && $_SESSION['user']['id'] > 0) { unset($_SESSION['log_insert']); $_SESSION['log_insert'] = ''; $_SESSION['log_insert'] = $query; } $db->query($query); return mysql_insert_id(); } return false; }
<?php $conv_fields = array(); $conv_fields['message_id'] = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : ''; $conv_fields['text'] = isset($_REQUEST['text']) ? _escape($_REQUEST['text']) : ''; $conv_fields['sender'] = isset($_REQUEST['sender']) ? $_REQUEST['sender'] : ''; $conv_fields['sender_last10'] = isset($_REQUEST['sender']) ? last10Char($_REQUEST['sender']) : ''; $last_conv = qs("select * from text_conversation where receiver_last10='{$conv_fields['sender_last10']}' order by id desc limit 0,1"); $conv_fields['deal_id'] = isset($last_conv['deal_id']) ? $last_conv['deal_id'] : "-"; $conv_fields['type'] = 'RECEIVED'; $conv_fields['messageTime'] = _mysqlDate(); $conv_fields['receiver'] = isset($_REQUEST['receiver']) ? $_REQUEST['receiver'] : ''; $conv_fields['receiver_last10'] = isset($_REQUEST['receiver']) ? last10Char($_REQUEST['receiver']) : ''; qi("text_conversation", $conv_fields); die;