} echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']} method=POST>"; DrawHeader(ProgramTitle(), '<INPUT type=submit value=' . _('Update') . '>'); if ($REQ_codes) { foreach ($REQ_codes as $code) { $code_pulldowns .= _makeCodeSearch($code); } } elseif ($abs) { $code_pulldowns = _makeCodeSearch('A'); } else { $code_pulldowns = _makeCodeSearch(); } if (UserStudentID()) { $current_student_link = "<A HREF=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=student&month_date={$_REQUEST['month_date']}&day_date={$_REQUEST['day_date']}&year_date={$_REQUEST['year_date']}&student_id=" . UserStudentID() . ">Current Student</A></TD><TD>"; } DrawHeader(PrepareDate($date, '_date'), '<TABLE><TR><TD>' . $current_student_link . button('add', '', "# onclick='javascript:addHTML(\"" . str_replace('"', '\\"', _makeCodeSearch()) . "\",\"code_pulldowns\"); return false;'") . '</TD><TD><DIV id=code_pulldowns>' . $code_pulldowns . '</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>'); $_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] = 'list'; Search('student_id', $extra); echo "</FORM>"; } function _makePhone($value, $column) { global $THIS_RET, $contacts_RET; if (count($contacts_RET[$THIS_RET['STUDENT_ID']])) { foreach ($contacts_RET[$THIS_RET['STUDENT_ID']] as $person) { if ($person[1]['FIRST_NAME'] || $person[1]['LAST_NAME']) { $tipmessage .= '<B>' . $person[1]['STUDENT_RELATION'] . ': ' . $person[1]['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $person[1]['LAST_NAME'] . '</B><BR>'; } $tipmessage .= '<TABLE>'; if ($person[1]['PHONE']) { $tipmessage .= '<TR><TD align=right><font color=gray size=1 face=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica>' . _('Home Phone') . '</font> </TD><TD><font size=1 face=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica>' . $person[1]['PHONE'] . '</font></TD></TR>';
} if ($REQ_codes) { foreach ($REQ_codes as $code) { $code_pulldowns .= _makeCodeSearch($code); } } elseif ($abs) { $code_pulldowns = _makeCodeSearch('A'); } else { $code_pulldowns = _makeCodeSearch(); } echo '<FORM action="' . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array('day_date', 'month_date', 'year_date', 'codes')) . '" method="POST">'; DrawHeader(PrepareDate($date, '_date', false, array('submit' => true)), SubmitButton(_('Update'))); if (UserStudentID()) { $current_student_link = '<A HREF="Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=student&month_date=' . $_REQUEST['month_date'] . '&day_date=' . $_REQUEST['day_date'] . '&year_date=' . $_REQUEST['year_date'] . '&student_id=' . UserStudentID() . '&table=' . $_REQUEST['table'] . '">' . _('Current Student') . '</A></TD><TD>'; } $headerr = '<TABLE><TR><TD>' . $current_student_link . button('add', '', '"#" onclick=\'javascript:addHTML("' . str_replace('"', '\\"', _makeCodeSearch()) . '","code_pulldowns"); return false;\'') . '</TD><TD><DIV id=code_pulldowns>' . $code_pulldowns . '</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<TABLE class="width-100p cellspacing-0 cellpadding-0"><TR><TD style="text-align:left; background-color: #fff">' . $headerl . '</TD><TD style="text-align:right; background-color: #fff">' . $headerr . '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; $_REQUEST['search_modfunc'] = 'list'; Search('student_id', $extra); echo '<BR /><span class="center">' . SubmitButton(_('Update')) . '</span>'; echo "</FORM>"; } function _makePhone($value, $column) { global $contacts_RET; if (count($contacts_RET[$value])) { foreach ($contacts_RET[$value] as $person) { if ($person[1]['FIRST_NAME'] || $person[1]['LAST_NAME']) { $tipmessage .= $person[1]['STUDENT_RELATION'] . ': ' . $person[1]['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $person[1]['LAST_NAME'] . '<BR />'; } $tipmessage .= '<TABLE>';
} elseif ($month == 'SEP') { $month = '09'; } elseif ($month == 'OCT') { $month = '10'; } elseif ($month == 'NOV') { $month = '11'; } elseif ($month == 'DEC') { $month = '12'; } $final_date = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day; $date = $final_date; } //echo $date; //--------- if end --------------// //------------------------------ Date Edit End -------------------------------------------// DrawHeader('<TABLE><TR><TD>' . PrepareDate($date, '_date', false, array('submit' => true)) . '</TD><TD> </TD><TD>' . SubmitButton('Go', '', 'class=btn_medium') . '</TD><TR></TABLE>', '<TABLE><TR><TD>' . $current_student_link . button('add', '', "# onclick='javascript:addHTML(\"" . str_replace('"', '\\"', _makeCodeSearch()) . "\",\"code_pulldowns\"); return false;'") . '</TD><TD><DIV id=code_pulldowns>' . $code_pulldowns . '</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>'); $categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ID,TITLE FROM ATTENDANCE_CODE_CATEGORIES WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'")); $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['table']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['codes']); $tmp_PHP_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if (count($categories_RET)) { echo '<center><div style="margin-bottom:-25px;"><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border:1;border-style: none none solid none;"><TR><TD>'; echo '<TABLE height=1><TR><TD height=1></TD></TR></TABLE>'; $header = '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=14><TR>'; if ($_REQUEST['table'] !== '0') { $tabcolor = '#DFDFDF'; $textcolor = '#999999'; } else { $tabcolor = Preferences('HIGHLIGHT'); $textcolor = '#000000';
$month = '08'; } elseif ($month == 'SEP') { $month = '09'; } elseif ($month == 'OCT') { $month = '10'; } elseif ($month == 'NOV') { $month = '11'; } elseif ($month == 'DEC') { $month = '12'; } $final_date = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day; $date = $final_date; } //--------- if end --------------// //------------------------------ Date Edit End -------------------------------------------// DrawHeader('<TABLE><TR><TD>' . DateInputAY($date, 'date', 1) . '</TD><TD> </TD><TD>' . SubmitButton('Go', '', 'class=btn_medium') . '</TD><TR></TABLE>', '<TABLE><TR><TD>' . (count($codes_RET) > 0 ? " <a href=# onclick=toggle_attendance_code()><IMG SRC='assets/add_button.gif'border=0 vspace=0 ></a><a id=click_plus href=# onclick='javascript:addHTML(\"" . str_replace('"', '\\"', _makeCodeSearch()) . "\",\"code_pulldowns\");'></a>" : '') . '</TD><TD><DIV id=code_pulldowns>' . $code_pulldowns . '</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>'); echo "<input type='hidden' name='p_c' value='" . (isset($_REQUEST['p_c']) ? $_REQUEST['p_c'] : 0) . "' id='p_c'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' value='" . count($codes_RET) . "' id='base'>"; $categories_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT ID,TITLE FROM attendance_code_categories WHERE SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\'')); $tmp_REQUEST = $_REQUEST; unset($tmp_REQUEST['table']); unset($tmp_REQUEST['codes']); $tmp_PHP_SELF = PreparePHP_SELF($tmp_REQUEST); if (count($categories_RET)) { echo '<center><div style="margin-bottom:-25px;"><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border:1;border-style: none none solid none;"><TR><TD>'; echo '<TABLE height=1><TR><TD height=1></TD></TR></TABLE>'; $header = '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=14><TR>'; if ($_REQUEST['table'] !== '0') { $tabcolor = '#DFDFDF'; $textcolor = '#999999'; } else {