Пример #1
	Return a timestamp given a local time. Originally by jackbbs.
	Note that $is_dst is not implemented and is ignored.
	Not a very fast algorithm - O(n) operation. Could be optimized to O(1).
function adodb_mktime($hr, $min, $sec, $mon = false, $day = false, $year = false, $is_dst = false, $is_gmt = false)
    if (!defined('ADODB_TEST_DATES')) {
        if ($mon === false) {
            return $is_gmt ? @gmmktime($hr, $min, $sec) : @mktime($hr, $min, $sec);
        // for windows, we don't check 1970 because with timezone differences,
        // 1 Jan 1970 could generate negative timestamp, which is illegal
        $usephpfns = 1971 < $year && $year < 2038 || !defined('ADODB_NO_NEGATIVE_TS') && (1901 < $year && $year < 2038);
        if ($usephpfns && $year + $mon / 12 + $day / 365.25 + $hr / (24 * 365.25) >= 2038) {
            $usephpfns = false;
        if ($usephpfns) {
            return $is_gmt ? @gmmktime($hr, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year) : @mktime($hr, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year);
    $gmt_different = $is_gmt ? 0 : adodb_get_gmt_diff($year, $mon, $day);
    # disabled because some people place large values in $sec.
    # however we need it for $mon because we use an array...
    $hr = intval($hr);
    $min = intval($min);
    $sec = intval($sec);
    $mon = intval($mon);
    $day = intval($day);
    $year = intval($year);
    $year = adodb_year_digit_check($year);
    if ($mon > 12) {
        $y = floor(($mon - 1) / 12);
        $year += $y;
        $mon -= $y * 12;
    } else {
        if ($mon < 1) {
            $y = ceil((1 - $mon) / 12);
            $year -= $y;
            $mon += $y * 12;
    $_day_power = 86400;
    $_hour_power = 3600;
    $_min_power = 60;
    $_month_table_normal = array("", 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    $_month_table_leaf = array("", 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    $_total_date = 0;
    if ($year >= 1970) {
        for ($a = 1970; $a <= $year; $a++) {
            $leaf = _adodb_is_leap_year($a);
            if ($leaf == true) {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_leaf;
                $_add_date = 366;
            } else {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_normal;
                $_add_date = 365;
            if ($a < $year) {
                $_total_date += $_add_date;
            } else {
                for ($b = 1; $b < $mon; $b++) {
                    $_total_date += $loop_table[$b];
        $_total_date += $day - 1;
        $ret = $_total_date * $_day_power + $hr * $_hour_power + $min * $_min_power + $sec + $gmt_different;
    } else {
        for ($a = 1969; $a >= $year; $a--) {
            $leaf = _adodb_is_leap_year($a);
            if ($leaf == true) {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_leaf;
                $_add_date = 366;
            } else {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_normal;
                $_add_date = 365;
            if ($a > $year) {
                $_total_date += $_add_date;
            } else {
                for ($b = 12; $b > $mon; $b--) {
                    $_total_date += $loop_table[$b];
        $_total_date += $loop_table[$mon] - $day;
        $_day_time = $hr * $_hour_power + $min * $_min_power + $sec;
        $_day_time = $_day_power - $_day_time;
        $ret = -($_total_date * $_day_power + $_day_time - $gmt_different);
        if ($ret < -12220185600) {
            $ret += 10 * 86400;
        } else {
            if ($ret < -12219321600) {
                $ret = -12219321600;
        // if in limbo, reset to 15 Oct 1582.
    //print " dmy=$day/$mon/$year $hr:$min:$sec => " .$ret;
    return $ret;
	Return a timestamp given a local time. Originally by jackbbs.
	Note that $is_dst is not implemented and is ignored.
function adodb_mktime($hr, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year, $is_dst = false, $is_gmt = false)
    if (!defined('ADODB_TEST_DATES')) {
        // for windows, we don't check 1970 because with timezone differences,
        // 1 Jan 1970 could generate negative timestamp, which is illegal
        if (!defined('ADODB_NO_NEGATIVE_TS') || $year >= 1971) {
            if (1901 < $year && $year < 2038) {
                return @mktime($hr, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year);
    $gmt_different = $is_gmt ? 0 : adodb_get_gmt_diff();
    $hr = intval($hr);
    $min = intval($min);
    $sec = intval($sec);
    $mon = intval($mon);
    $day = intval($day);
    $year = intval($year);
    $year = adodb_year_digit_check($year);
    if ($mon > 12) {
        $y = floor($mon / 12);
        $year += $y;
        $mon -= $y * 12;
    $_day_power = 86400;
    $_hour_power = 3600;
    $_min_power = 60;
    $_month_table_normal = array("", 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    $_month_table_leaf = array("", 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    $_total_date = 0;
    if ($year >= 1970) {
        for ($a = 1970; $a <= $year; $a++) {
            $leaf = _adodb_is_leap_year($a);
            if ($leaf == true) {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_leaf;
                $_add_date = 366;
            } else {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_normal;
                $_add_date = 365;
            if ($a < $year) {
                $_total_date += $_add_date;
            } else {
                for ($b = 1; $b < $mon; $b++) {
                    $_total_date += $loop_table[$b];
        $_total_date += $day - 1;
        $ret = $_total_date * $_day_power + $hr * $_hour_power + $min * $_min_power + $sec + $gmt_different;
    } else {
        for ($a = 1969; $a >= $year; $a--) {
            $leaf = _adodb_is_leap_year($a);
            if ($leaf == true) {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_leaf;
                $_add_date = 366;
            } else {
                $loop_table = $_month_table_normal;
                $_add_date = 365;
            if ($a > $year) {
                $_total_date += $_add_date;
            } else {
                for ($b = 12; $b > $mon; $b--) {
                    $_total_date += $loop_table[$b];
        $_total_date += $loop_table[$mon] - $day;
        $_day_time = $hr * $_hour_power + $min * $_min_power + $sec;
        $_day_time = $_day_power - $_day_time;
        $ret = -($_total_date * $_day_power + $_day_time - $gmt_different);
        if ($ret < -12220185600.0) {
            $ret += 10 * 86400;
        } else {
            if ($ret < -12219321600.0) {
                $ret = -12219321600.0;
        // if in limbo, reset to 15 Oct 1582.
    //print " dmy=$day/$mon/$year $hr:$min:$sec => " .$ret;
    return $ret;