Пример #1
function __wps__mobile_check($html, $uid1='') {

	if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mobile_useragent'))
		echo $useragent.'<br>';
	if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mobile_useragent') && $mobile)
		echo 'Mobile/tablet detected<br>';
	$forum = __wps__get_url('forum').'/';
	$profile = __wps__get_url('profile').'/';
	$url = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
	if (strpos($profile, $url) || strpos($forum, $url)) {
		if ($mobile) {
			if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mobile_notice') != 'hide') {
				$html = '<div id="mobile_notice">'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mobile_notice').'</div>'.$html;
	return $html;
Пример #2
function __wps__scriptsAction() {

	$__wps__plugin_url = WPS_PLUGIN_URL;
	$__wps__plugin_path = str_replace("http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"], "", $__wps__plugin_url);
	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	// Set script timeout
	if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_time_out') > 0) {

	// Debug mode?
	define('WPS_DEBUG', get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_debug_mode'));

	// Using Panel?
	$use_panel = false;
	if ((get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'__wps__add_notification_bar_activated') || get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'__wps__add_notification_bar_network_activated'))	&& file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/panel.php'))
		$use_panel = true;
	// Set up variables for use throughout
	if (!is_admin()) {

		// Mail
		if ( !isset($_GET['view']) ) { 
			$view = "in"; 
		} else {
			$view = $_GET['view'];
		// Current User Page (eg. a profile page)
		if (isset($_GET['uid'])) {
			$page_uid = $_GET['uid']*1;
		} else {
			$page_uid = 0;
			if (isset($_POST['uid'])) { 
				$page_uid = $_POST['uid']*1; 
			} else {
				// Try the permalink?
				if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure')) {
					// get URL
					$url = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
					// if trailing slash, remove if
					if ( $url[strlen($url)-1] == '/' )
						$url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url)-1);
					$last_slash = strrpos($url, '/');
					if ($last_slash === FALSE) {
						$page_uid = $current_user->ID;
					} else {
						$u = substr($url, $last_slash+1, strlen($url)-$last_slash);
						$sql = "SELECT ID FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE replace(display_name, ' ', '') = %s";
						$id = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, str_replace(' ', '', $u)));
						if ($id) {
							$page_uid = $id->ID;
						} else {
							$page_uid = $current_user->ID;
				} else {
					// default then to current user
					$page_uid = $current_user->ID;
		if ($page_uid == 0) {
			if (isset($_POST['from']) && $_POST['from'] == 'small_search') {
				$search = $_POST['member_small'];
				$get_uid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT u.ID FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u WHERE (u.display_name LIKE '".$search."%') OR (u.display_name LIKE '% %".$search."%') ORDER BY u.display_name LIMIT 0,1");
				if ($get_uid) { $page_uid = $get_uid; }
		define('WPS_CURRENT_USER_PAGE', $page_uid);

		// Forum
		if (isset($_GET['show'])) {
			$show_tid = $_GET['show']*1;
		} else {
			$show_tid = 0;
			if (isset($_POST['tid'])) { $show_tid = $_POST['tid']*1; }
		$cat_id = '';
		if (isset($_GET['cid'])) { $cat_id = $_GET['cid']; }
		if (isset($_POST['cid'])) { $cat_id = $_POST['cid']; }

		// Group page
		if (isset($_GET['gid'])) {
			$page_gid = $_GET['gid']*1;
		} else {
			$page_gid = 0;
			if (isset($_POST['gid'])) { 
				$page_gid = $_POST['gid']*1; 
		// If visiting a group page, check to see if forum is default view
		if (is_user_logged_in() && $page_gid > 0) {
			$forum = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT group_forum, default_page FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_groups WHERE gid = %d", $page_gid));
			if ($forum->default_page == 'forum' && $forum->group_forum == 'on') {
				$cat_id = 0;
		// Gallery
		$album_id = 0;
		if (isset($_GET['album_id'])) { $album_id = $_GET['album_id']; }
		if (isset($_POST['album_id'])) { $album_id = $_POST['album_id']; }
		// Get styles for JS
		if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_styles') == "on") {
			$bg_color_2 = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_bg_color_2');
			$row_border_size = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_row_border_size');
			$row_border_style = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_row_border_style');
			$text_color_2 = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_text_color_2');
		} else {
			$bg_color_2 = '';
			$row_border_size = '';
			$row_border_style = '';
			$text_color_2 = '';
		// GET post?
		if (isset($_GET['post'])) {
			$GETpost = $_GET['post'];
		} else {
			$GETpost = '';
		// Display Name
		if (isset($current_user->display_name)) {
			$display_name = stripslashes($current_user->display_name);
		} else {
			$display_name = '';

		// Embedded content from external plugin?
		if (isset($_GET['embed'])) {
			$embed = 'on';
		} else {
			$embed = '';
		// to parameter
		if (isset($_GET['to'])) {
			$to = $_GET['to'];
		} else {
			$to = '';
		// mail ID
		if (isset($_GET['mid'])) {
			$mid = $_GET['mid'];
		} else {
			$mid = '';
		// chat sound
		$chat_sound = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'chat_sound');
		if (!$chat_sound) $chat_sound = 'Pop.mp3';
		// Get forum upload valid extensions
		$permitted_ext = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_image_ext').','.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_video_ext').','.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_doc_ext');

		global $blog_id;
		if ($blog_id > 1) {
			$wps_content = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_img_url')."/".$blog_id;
		} else {
			$wps_content = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_img_url');
		// Load JS
	 	wp_enqueue_script('__wps__', $__wps__plugin_url.'/js/'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_js_file'), array('jquery'));
	 	// Load JScharts?
	 	if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_jscharts')) {
	 	    if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_js_file') == 'wps.js') {
			 	wp_enqueue_script('wps_jscharts', $__wps__plugin_url.'/js/jscharts.js', array('jquery'));
	 	    } else {
			 	wp_enqueue_script('wps_jscharts', $__wps__plugin_url.'/js/jscharts.min.js', array('jquery'));
	 	// Use WP editor? (not for use yet!!!!)
	 	update_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wp_editor', false);
		// Set JS variables
		wp_localize_script( '__wps__', '__wps__', array(
			// variables
			'permalink' => get_permalink(),
			'plugins' => WP_PLUGIN_URL, 
			'plugin_url' => WPS_PLUGIN_URL.'/', 
			'wps_content_dir' => WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/wps-content',
			'plugin_path' => $__wps__plugin_path,
			'images_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images'),
			'inactive' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_online'),
			'forum_url' => __wps__get_url('forum'),
			'mail_url' => __wps__get_url('mail'),
			'profile_url' => __wps__get_url('profile'),
			'groups_url' => __wps__get_url('groups'),
			'group_url' => __wps__get_url('group'),
			'gallery_url' => __wps__get_url('gallery'),
			'page_gid' => $page_gid,
			'offline' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_offline'),
			'use_chat' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_chat'),
			'chat_polling' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_chat_polling'),
			'bar_polling' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_bar_polling'),
			'view' => $view,
			'profile_default' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_profile_default'),
			'show_tid' => $show_tid,
			'cat_id' => $cat_id,
			'album_id' => $album_id,
			'current_user_id' => $current_user->ID,
			'current_user_display_name' => $display_name,
			'current_user_level' => __wps__get_current_userlevel($current_user->ID),
			'current_user_page' => $page_uid,
			'current_group' => $page_gid,
			'post' => $GETpost,
			'please_wait' => __('Please Wait...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN),
			'saving' => __('Saving...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN),
			'site_title' => get_bloginfo('name'),
			'site_url' => get_bloginfo('url'),
			'bg_color_2' => $bg_color_2,
			'row_border_size' => $row_border_size,
			'row_border_style' => $row_border_style,
			'text_color_2' => $text_color_2,
			'template_mail_tray' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_template_mail_tray'),
			'embed' => $embed,
			'to' => $to,
			'is_admin' => 0,
			'mail_id' => $mid,
			'permitted_ext' => $permitted_ext,
			'forum_ajax' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_ajax'),
			'wps_lite' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite'),
			'wps_use_poke' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_poke'),
			'wps_forum_stars' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_stars'),
			'wps_forum_refresh' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_refresh'),
			'wps_wysiwyg' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_1' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_1'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_2' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_2'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_3' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_3'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_4' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_4'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_css' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_css'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_skin' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_skin'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_width' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_width'),
			'wps_wysiwyg_height' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg_height'),
			'wps_plus' => (defined('WPS_PLUS')) ? WPS_PLUS : '',
			'wps_alerts_activated' => (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'__wps__news_main_activated') || get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'__wps__news_main_network_activated')),
			'wps_admin_page' => 'na',
			'dir_page_length' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_page_length'),
			'dir_full_ver' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_full_ver') ? true : false,
			'use_elastic' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_elastic'),
			'events_user_places' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_events_user_places'),
			'events_use_wysiwyg' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_events_use_wysiwyg'),
			'debug' => WPS_DEBUG,
			'include_context' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_include_context'),
			'use_wp_editor' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wp_editor'),
			'profile_menu_scrolls' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_menu_scrolls'),
			'profile_menu_delta' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_menu_delta'),
			'profile_menu_adjust' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_menu_adjust'),
			'panel_enabled' => $use_panel,
			'chat_sound' => $chat_sound,
			'wps_content' => $wps_content,
			// translations
			'clear' 			=> __( 'Clear', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'update' 			=> __( 'Update', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'cancel' 			=> __( 'Cancel', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'pleasewait' 		=> __( 'Please wait', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'saving' 			=> __( 'Saving', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'more' 				=> __( 'more...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'next' 				=> __( 'Next', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'areyousure' 		=> __( 'Are you sure?', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'browseforfile' 	=> __( 'Browse for file', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'attachimage' 		=> __( 'Attach an image', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'attachfile' 		=> __( 'Attach file', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'whatsup' 			=> stripslashes(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_status_label')),
			'whatsup_done' 		=> __( 'Post added to your activity.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'sendmail' 			=> __( 'Send a private mail...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'privatemail' 		=> __( 'Private Mail', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'privatemailsent' 	=> __( 'Private mail sent!', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'addasafriend' 		=> sprintf(__("Add as a %s...", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')),
			'friendpending' 	=> sprintf(__("%s request sent", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')),
			'attention' 		=> get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_poke_label'),
			'follow' 			=> __( 'Follow', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'unfollow' 			=> __( 'Unfollow', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'sent' 				=> __( 'Message sent!', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'likes' 			=> __( 'Likes', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'dislikes'		 	=> __( 'Dislikes', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'forumsearch' 		=> __( 'Search on forum', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'gallerysearch' 	=> __( 'Search Gallery', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'profile_info' 		=> __( 'Member Profile', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'plus_mail' 		=> __( 'Mailbox', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'plus_follow_who' 	=> __( 'Who am I following?', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'plus_friends' 		=> get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friends'),
			'request_sent' 		=> sprintf(__("Your %s request has been sent.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')),
			'add_a_comment' 	=> __( 'Add a comment:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'add' 				=> __( 'Add', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'show_original' 	=> __( 'Show original', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'write_a_comment' 	=> __( 'Write a comment...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'follow_box' 		=> __( 'Hi', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_enable_places' => __( 'Enable booking places:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_max_places' => __( 'Maximum places:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_show_max'	 => __( 'Maximum places:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_confirmation' => __( 'Bookings require confirmation:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_tickets_per_booking' => __( 'Max tickets per booking:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_tab_1' 		=> __( 'Summary', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_tab_2' 		=> __( 'More Information', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_tab_3' 		=> __( 'Confirmation Email', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_tab_4' 		=> __( 'Attendees', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_send_email' => __( 'Send confirmation email:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_replacements' => __( 'You can use the following:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_pay_link' 	=> __( 'HTML for payment:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_cost' 		=> __( 'Price per booking:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_howmany' 	=> __( 'How many tickets do you want?', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'events_labels' 	=> __( 'Ref|User|Booked|Confirmation email sent|# Tickets|Payment Confirmed|Actions|Confirm attendee|Send Mail|Re-send confirmation email|Remove attendee|Confirm payment', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'gallery_labels' 	=> __( 'Rename|Photo renamed.|Drag thumbnails to re-order, and then|save|Delete this photo|Set as album cover', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'sending' 			=> __( 'Sending', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'go' 				=> __( 'Go', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'bbcode_url'	 	=> __( 'Enter a website URL...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'bbcode_problem' 	=> __( 'Please make sure all BB Codes have open and close tags!', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
			'bbcode_label' 		=> __( 'Enter text to show...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN )			

	if (is_admin()) {
		// Load admin JS
	 	wp_enqueue_script('__wps__', $__wps__plugin_url.'/js/wps-admin.js', array('jquery'));
		// Set JS variables
		wp_localize_script( '__wps__', '__wps__', array(
			'plugins' => WP_PLUGIN_URL, 
			'plugin_url' => WPS_PLUGIN_URL.'/', 
			'plugin_path' => $__wps__plugin_path,
			'images_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images'),
			'inactive' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_online'),
			'forum_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_url'),
			'mail_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mail_url'),
			'profile_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_profile_url'),
			'groups_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_groups_url'),
			'group_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_group_url'),
			'gallery_url' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_gallery_url'),
			'offline' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_offline'),
			'use_chat' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_chat'),
			'chat_polling' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_chat_polling'),
			'bar_polling' => get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_bar_polling'),
			'current_user_id' => $current_user->ID,
			'is_admin' => 1,
			'wps_admin_page' => 'symposium_debug'
Пример #3
				$return = __('Message sent to', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.$recipient->display_name;
			 } else {
				$return = '<p><strong>'.__('There was a problem sending your mail to', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.$recipient->display_name.'.</strong></p>';

			$mail_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
			// Filter to allow further actions to take place
			apply_filters ('__wps__sendmessage_filter', $recipient->ID, $current_user->ID, $current_user->display_name, $mail_id);
			// Send real email if chosen
			if ( __wps__get_meta($recipient->ID, 'notify_new_messages') ) {

				$url = __wps__get_url('mail');

				$body = "<h1>".$subject."</h1>";
				$body .= "<p><a href='".$url.__wps__string_query($url)."mid=".$mail_id."'>".sprintf(__("Go to %s Mail", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), __wps__get_url('mail'))."...</a></p>";
				$body .= "<p>";
				$body .= $message;
				$body .= "</p>";
				$body .= "<p><em>";
				$body .= $current_user->display_name;
				$body .= "</em></p>";
				$body .= $previous;
				$body = str_replace(chr(13), "<br />", $body);
				$body = str_replace("\\r\\n", "<br />", $body);
				$body = str_replace("\\", "", $body);

				$mail_subject = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_mail_new');
				if (strpos($mail_subject, '[subject]') !== FALSE) {
					$mail_subject = str_replace("[subject]", $subject, $mail_subject);
Пример #4
function __wps__news_add_wall_newpost($post_to, $post_from, $from_name) {
	if ($post_to != $post_from) {
		__wps__news_add($post_from, $post_to, "<a href='".__wps__get_url('profile')."'>".$from_name." ".__("has posted on your profile.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>");
Пример #5
function __wps__inform_members($group_name, $gid, $new_member_emails) {
	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	$html = '';
	// First check that this group tells about new members
	if ($new_member_emails == 'on') {
		$body = "<h1>".stripslashes($group_name)."</h1>";
		$body .= '<p>'.__("New group member", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).': '.$current_user->display_name.'</p>';
		$url = __wps__get_url('group');
		$url .= __wps__string_query($url);
		$url .= "gid=".$gid;
		$body .= '<p><a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a></p>';
	    $sql = "SELECT u.user_email 
				FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u 
				LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_group_members m ON u.ID = m.member_id 
				WHERE m.group_id = %d";
		$recipients = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $gid));	
		foreach ($recipients AS $recipient) {
			if (__wps__sendmail($recipient->user_email, __('New group member', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $body)) {
				//$html .= 'Sent to '.$recipient->user_email.' ';
			} else {
				$html .= 'Failed to send email to '.$recipient->user_email.'<br />';

	} else {
		//$html .= 'Not sending emails for this group!';
	return $html;
Пример #6


// Summary of recent news items
if ($_POST['action'] == 'menu_news') {	

	global $wpdb, $current_user;
	$html = "";
	if (is_user_logged_in()) {

		// Get link to profile page
		$profile_url = __wps__get_url('profile');
		if (strpos($profile_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
			$q = "&";
		} else {
			$q = "?";
		$limit = isset($attr['count']) ? $attr['count'] : 50;

		// Wrapper
		$html .= "<div class='__wps__wrapper'>";

		$sql = "SELECT n.*, u.display_name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_news n 
			LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON n.author = u.ID 
			WHERE subject = %d 
Пример #7
	function add_reply($tid, $reply_text, $uid=0, $replybyemail=false) {
		if ($tid != '') {

			global $wpdb, $current_user;

			// Defaults for current state of class
			$topic_approved = 'on';
			$group_id = 0;
			$answered = '';
			// User ID?
			if ($uid == 0) { $uid = $current_user->ID; }

			// Get category for this topic ID
			$cat_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT topic_category from ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics where tid = %d", $tid));
			// Don't allow HTML in subject if not using WYSIWYG editor
			if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_wysiwyg') != 'on') {
				$reply_text = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $reply_text);
				$reply_text = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $reply_text);

			// Check for banned words
			$chatroom_banned = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_chatroom_banned');
			if ($chatroom_banned != '') {
				$badwords = $pieces = explode(",", $chatroom_banned);

				 for($i=0;$i < sizeof($badwords);$i++){
				 	if (strpos(' '.$reply_text.' ', $badwords[$i])) {
					 	$reply_text=eregi_replace($badwords[$i], "***", $reply_text);
			// First check for potential duplicate
			$sql = "SELECT tid FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE topic_parent = %d AND topic_post = %s";
			$duplicate = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $tid, $reply_text));
			if (!$duplicate) {

				if (	
						// Store new reply in post					
						$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "
						INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics
						( 	topic_subject, 
						VALUES ( %s, %d, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %d, %s, %d, %s )", 
				        	date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 
							date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 
				        ) )

				) {

					// get new topic id (or response) for return
					$new_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
					// Now send out emails as appropriate				
					// Get forum URL worked out
					$forum_url = __wps__get_url('forum');
					if (strpos($forum_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
						$q = "&";
					} else {
						$q = "?";
					// Get group URL worked out
					if ($group_id > 0) {
						$forum_url = __wps__get_url('group');
						if (strpos($forum_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
							$q = "&gid=".$group_id."&";
						} else {
							$q = "?gid=".$group_id."&";
					// Email people who want to know and prepare body
					$owner_name = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT display_name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE ID = %d", $uid));
					$parent = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT topic_subject FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d", $tid));
					$body = "<span style='font-size:24px'>".$parent."</span><br /><br />";
					$body .= "<p>".$owner_name." ".__('replied', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."...</p>";
					$body .= "<p>".$reply_text."</p>";
					$url = $forum_url.$q."cid=".$cat_id."&show=".$tid;
					$body .= "<p><a href='".$url."'>".$url."</a></p>";
					$body = str_replace(chr(13), "<br />", $body);
					$body = str_replace("\\r\\n", "<br />", $body);
					$body = str_replace("\\", "", $body);
					$email_list = '0,';
					if ($topic_approved == "on") {
						$query = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("
							SELECT user_email, ID
							FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u 
							RIGHT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_subs ON ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_subs.uid = u.ID 
							WHERE u.ID != %d AND tid = %d", $uid, $tid));
						if ($query) {						
							foreach ($query as $user) {	
								// Filter to allow further actions to take place
								apply_filters ('__wps__forum_newreply_filter', $user->ID, $uid, $owner_name, $url);
								// Keep track of who sent to so far
								$email_list .= $user->ID.',';

								// Check for Reply-By-Email						
								if ($replybyemail || function_exists('__wps__mailinglist')) { 
									$subject_add = ' #TID='.$tid.' ['.__('do not edit', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).']'; 
									$body = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_prompt').'<br />'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_divider').'<br /><br />'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mailinglist_divider_bottom').'<br /><br />'.'<br /><br />'.$body;
								} else {
									$subject_add = '';

								// Send mail
								if (strpos(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_forum_reply'), '[topic]') !== FALSE) {
									$subject = str_replace("[topic]", $parent, get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_forum_reply'));
								} else {
									$subject = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_forum_reply');
								__wps__sendmail($user->user_email, $subject.$subject_add, $body);							
						// Now send to everyone who wants to know about all new topics and replies
						$email_list .= '0';
						$sql = "SELECT ID,user_email FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u 
							WHERE ID != %d AND 
							ID NOT IN (".$email_list.")";
						$list = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $current_user->ID));

						if ($list) {
							$list_array = array();
							foreach ($list as $item) {
								if (__wps__get_meta($item->ID, 'forum_all') == 'on') {
									$add = array (	
										'ID' => $item->ID,
										'user_email' => $item->user_email
									array_push($list_array, $add);
							$query = __wps__sub_val_sort($list_array, 'last_activity');	
						} else {
							$query = false;
						// Get list of permitted roles for this topic category
						$sql = "SELECT level FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d";
						$level = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $cat_id));
						$cat_roles = unserialize($level);					
						if ($query) {						
							foreach ($query as $user) {	
								// If a group and a member of the group, or not a group forum...
								if ($group_id == 0 || __wps__member_of($group_id) == "yes") {
								// Get role of recipient user
									$the_user = get_userdata( $user->ID );
									$capabilities = $the_user->{$wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities'};
									if ( !isset( $wp_roles ) )
										$wp_roles = new WP_Roles();
									$user_role = 'NONE';
									if ($capabilities) {
										foreach ( $wp_roles->role_names as $role => $name ) {
											if ( array_key_exists( $role, $capabilities ) )
												$user_role = $role;
									// Check in this topics category level
									if (strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), 'everyone,') !== FALSE || strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), $user_role.',') !== FALSE) {	 
										// Filter to allow further actions to take place
										apply_filters ('__wps__forum_newreply_filter', $user->ID, $uid, $owner_name, $url);
										// Send mail
										if (strpos(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_forum_reply'), '[topic]') !== FALSE) {
											$subject = str_replace("[topic]", $parent, get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_forum_reply'));
										} else {
											$subject = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_forum_reply');
										__wps__sendmail($user->user_email, $subject, $body);							
					} else {
						// Email admin if post needs approval
						$body = "<span style='font-size:24px; font-style:italic;'>".__("Moderation required for a reply", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</span><br /><br />".$body;
						__wps__sendmail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), __('Moderation required for a reply', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $body);
					return $new_id;
				} else {
					//__wps__sendmail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), __('POP3 insert failed', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'Query:'.$wpdb->last_query);
					return false;
			} else {
				//__wps__sendmail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), __('POP3 insert failed', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'Duplicate skipped: '.$wpdb->last_query);
				return false;
			} // End duplicate check
		} else {
			//__wps__sendmail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), __('POP3 insert failed', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'No tid passed');
			return false;
Пример #8
function __wps__mail_menu() {

	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	// See if the user has posted forum settings
	if( isset($_POST[ 'symposium_update' ]) && $_POST[ 'symposium_update' ] == '__wps__mail_menu' ) {
		$mail_all = (isset($_POST[ 'mail_all' ])) ? $_POST[ 'mail_all' ] : '';
		// Update database
		update_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mail_all', $mail_all);

	if ( isset($_POST['bulk_message']) ) {

		$cnt = 0;

		$subject = $_POST['bulk_subject'];
		$message =$_POST['bulk_message'];
		if ($subject == '' || $message == '') {
			echo "<div class='error'><p>".__('Please fill in the subject and message fields.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).".</p></div>";
		} else {

			if (isset($_POST['roles'])) {
		   		$range = array_keys($_POST['roles']);
		   		$include_roles = '';
	   			foreach ($range as $key) {
					  $include_roles .= $_POST['roles'][$key].',';
					$include_roles = str_replace('', ' ', $include_roles);
			} else {
				$include_roles = '';

			// Chosen at least one WordPress role?
			if ($include_roles != '') {

		  	$url = __wps__get_url('mail');	
				$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users";
				$members = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
				foreach ($members as $member) {

					// Get this member's WP role and check in permitted list
					$the_user = get_userdata( $member->ID );
					$capabilities = $the_user->{$wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities'};
					$user_role = 'NONE';
					if ( !isset( $wp_roles ) )
						$wp_roles = new WP_Roles();

					if ($capabilities) {
						foreach ( $wp_roles->role_names as $role => $name ) {
							if ( array_key_exists( $role, $capabilities ) ) {
								$user_role = str_replace(' ', '', $role);
					// Check in this topics category level
					if (strpos(strtolower($include_roles), 'everyone,') !== FALSE || strpos(strtolower($include_roles), $user_role.',') !== FALSE) {	
						// Send mail
						if ( $rows_affected = $wpdb->prepare( $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->base_prefix . "symposium_mail", array( 
						'mail_from' => $current_user->ID, 
						'mail_to' => $member->ID, 
						'mail_sent' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 
						'mail_subject' => $subject,
						'mail_message' => $message
						 ) ), '' ) ) {
						$mail_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
						// Filter to allow further actions to take place
						apply_filters ('__wps__sendmessage_filter', $member->ID, $current_user->ID, $current_user->display_name, $mail_id);
						// Send real email if chosen
						if ( __wps__get_meta($member->ID, 'notify_new_messages') ) {
							$body = "<h1>".$subject."</h1>";
							$body .= "<p><a href='".$url.__wps__string_query($url)."mid=".$mail_id."'>".__("Go to Mail", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."...</a></p>";
							$body .= "<p>";
							$body .= $message;
							$body .= "</p>";
							$body .= "<p><em>";
							$body .= $current_user->display_name;
							$body .= "</em></p>";
							$body = str_replace(chr(13), "<br />", $body);
							$body = str_replace("\\r\\n", "<br />", $body);
							$body = str_replace("\\", "", $body);
							// Send real email
							if (isset($_POST['bulk_email'])) {
								__wps__sendmail($member->user_email, __('New Mail Message', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $body);
				echo "<div class='updated'><p>";
				if (isset($_POST['bulk_email'])) {
					echo sprintf(__('Bulk message sent to %d members, and to their email addresses.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $cnt);
				} else {
					echo sprintf(__('Bulk message sent to %d members (but not to their email addresses).', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $cnt);
				echo "</p></div>";	
				$subject = '';
				$message = '';			
			} else {

				echo "<div class='error'><p>".__('Please choose at least one WordPress role.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).".</p></div>";

	} else {
		$subject = '';
		$message = '';

	// Get config data to show
	$mail_all = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_mail_all');
  	echo '<div class="wrap">';
	  	echo '<div id="icon-themes" class="icon32"><br /></div>';
	  	echo '<h2>'.sprintf(__('%s Options', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), WPS_WL).'</h2><br />';
			<form method="post" action=""> 
			<input type="hidden" name="symposium_update" value="__wps__mail_menu">
			<table class="form-table __wps__admin_table"> 
			<tr><td colspan="2"><h2><?php _e('Options', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN) ?></h2></td></tr>

			<tr valign="top"> 
			<td scope="row"><label for="mail_all"><?php echo __('Mail to all', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?></label></td>
			<input type="checkbox" name="mail_all" id="mail_all" <?php if ($mail_all == "on") { echo "CHECKED"; } ?>/>
			<span class="description"><?php echo __('Allow mail to all members, even if not a friend?', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?></span></td> 
			<p class="submit" style='margin-left:6px;'> 
			<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php echo __('Save Changes', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?>" /> 

		echo '<div style="margin-left:10px">';
		echo '<h2>'.__('Send bulk mail', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</h2>';
		echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('Send a message from you (%s) to all members of this website - if running WordPress MultiSite, this means all members on your site network.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $current_user->display_name).'</p>';
		echo '<form method="post" action="">';
		echo '<strong>'.__('Subject', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</strong><br />';
		echo '<textarea name="bulk_subject" style="width:500px; height:23px; margin-bottom:15px; overflow:hidden;">'.$subject.'</textarea><br />';
		echo '<strong>'.__('Select WordPress roles to include', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</strong><br />';
	  echo '<div style="margin:10px">';
				// Get list of roles
				global $wp_roles;
				$all_roles = $wp_roles->roles;
				echo '<input type="checkbox" name="roles[]" value="everyone"> '.__('All users', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'<br />';
				foreach ($all_roles as $role) {
					echo '<input type="checkbox" name="roles[]" value="'.$role['name'].'"';
					echo '> '.$role['name'].'<br />';
		echo '</div>';
		echo '<strong>'.__('Message', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</strong><br />';
		echo '<textarea name="bulk_message" style="width:500px; height:200px;">'.$message.'</textarea><br />';
		echo '<p><em>'.__('You can include HTML.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</em></p>';
		echo '<input type="checkbox" name="bulk_email" CHECKED> '.__('Internal mail will be sent, but also send out email notifications?', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
		echo '<br /><em>'.__('Be wary of limitations from your hosting provider. Members who do not want email notifications will not be sent one.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</em><br /><br />';
		echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="'.__('Send', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
		echo '</form></div>';

		<table style="margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px;">						
			<tr><td colspan="2"><h2>Shortcodes</h2></td></tr>
			<tr><td width="165px">[<?php echo WPS_SHORTCODE_PREFIX; ?>-mail]</td>
				<td><?php echo __('Display the mail page.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?></td></tr>

	echo '</div>';

Пример #9
	// Update to alerts and then redirect
	if (isset($_GET['href'])) {
		global $wpdb, $current_user;
		$num = isset($_GET['num']) ? $_GET['num'] : 0;
		$aid = $_GET['aid'];

		// Add to activity feed
		// Then re-direct
		$href = __wps__get_url('profile');
		$href .= __wps__string_query($href);
		$href .= "uid=".$current_user->ID."&embed=on&album_id=".$aid;
		wp_redirect( $href ); 

	// Re-order thumbnails
	if ($_POST['action'] == 'symposium_reorder_photos') {
		global $wpdb,$current_user;
		if (is_user_logged_in()) {
			$album_id = str_replace('symposium_gallery_photos_', '', $_POST['album_id']);
			$order = explode(",", $_POST['order']);		
Пример #10
	function sendmail($compose_recipient_id) {

		global $wpdb, $current_user;
		if (is_user_logged_in()) {
			$recipient = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users WHERE ID = '".$compose_recipient_id."'");
			if (!$recipient) {
				$return = false;
			} else {

				// subject and message from wps_ui elements
				$subject = $_POST['wps-mail-subject'];
				$message = $_POST['wps-mail-message'];
				// Do some magic to the message
				$message = str_replace(chr(13), "<br />", $message);

				// Send mail
				if ( $rows_affected = $wpdb->prepare( $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->base_prefix . "symposium_mail", array( 
				'mail_from' => $current_user->ID, 
				'mail_to' => $recipient->ID, 
				'mail_sent' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 
				'mail_subject' => $subject,
				'mail_message' => $message
				 ) ) ) ) {
					$return = true;
				 } else {
					$return = false;
				$mail_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
				// Filter to allow further actions to take place
				apply_filters ('__wps__sendmessage_filter', $recipient->ID, $current_user->ID, $current_user->display_name, $mail_id);
				// Send real email if chosen
				if ( __wps__get_meta($recipient->ID, 'notify_new_messages') ) {
					$url = __wps__get_url('mail');
					$body = "<h1>".$subject."</h1>";
					$body .= "<p><a href='".$url.__wps__string_query($url)."mid=".$mail_id."'>".sprintf(__("Go to %s Mail", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), __wps__get_url('mail'))."...</a></p>";
					$body .= "<p>";
					$body .= $message;
					$body .= "</p>";
					$body .= "<p><em>";
					$body .= $current_user->display_name;
					$body .= "</em></p>";
					$body .= $previous;
					$body = str_replace(chr(13), "<br />", $body);
					$body = str_replace("\\r\\n", "<br />", $body);
					$body = str_replace("\\", "", $body);
					$mail_subject = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_subject_mail_new');
					if (strpos($mail_subject, '[subject]') !== FALSE) {
						$mail_subject = str_replace("[subject]", $subject, $mail_subject);
					if ( __wps__sendmail($recipient->user_email, $mail_subject, $body) ) {
						$return = true;
					} else {
						$return = false;
		} else {
			$return = false; // not logged in

		return $return;

Пример #11
			if (__wps__member_of($group->gid) == 'yes') { 
				$html .= "<div class='groups_row row_odd corners'>";
			} else {
				$html .= "<div class='groups_row row corners'>";
				$html .= "<div class='groups_info'>";

					$html .= "<div class='groups_avatar'>";
						$html .= __wps__get_group_avatar($group->gid, 64);
					$html .= "</div>";

					$html .= "<div class='group_name'>";
					$name = stripslashes($group->name) != '' ? stripslashes($group->name) : __('[No name]', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
					$html .= "<a class='row_link' href='".__wps__get_url('group').__wps__string_query($url)."gid=".$group->gid."'>".$name."</a>";
					$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= "<div class='group_member_count'>";
					$html .= __("Member Count:", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." ".$group->member_count;
					if ($group->last_activity) {
						$html .= '<br /><em>'.__('last active', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.__wps__time_ago($group->last_activity)."</em>";
					$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= "<div class='group_description'>";
					$html .= stripslashes($group->description);
					$html .= "</div>";
				$html .= "</div>";
Пример #12
function showThreadChildren($parent, $level, $gid, $symposium_last_login) {
	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	// Work out link to this page, dealing with permalinks or not
	if ($gid == 0) {
		$thispage = __wps__get_url('forum');
		if ($thispage[strlen($thispage)-1] != '/') { $thispage .= '/'; }
		if (strpos($thispage, "?") === FALSE) { 
			$q = "?";
		} else {
			// No Permalink
			$q = "&";
	} else {
		$thispage = __wps__get_url('group');
		if ($thispage[strlen($thispage)-1] != '/') { $thispage .= '/'; }
		if (strpos($thispage, "?") === FALSE) { 
			$q = "?";
		} else {
			// No Permalink
			$q = "&";
		$q .= "gid=".$gid."&";
	$html = "";
	$preview = 50 - (10*$level);	
	if ($preview < 10) { $preview = 10; }
	$postcount = 20; // Tries to retrieve last 7 days, but this will be a maximum number of posts or replies
	if ($level == 0) {
		$avatar_size = 30;
		$margin_top = 10;
		$desc = "DESC";
	} else {
		$avatar_size = 20;
		$margin_top = 3;
		$desc = "DESC";

	$include = strtotime("now") - (86400 * 280); // 4 weeks
	$include = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $include);

	// All topics started
	$sql = "
		SELECT t.tid, t.topic_subject, t.topic_owner, t.topic_post, t.topic_category, t.topic_date, u.display_name, t.topic_parent, t.topic_answer, t.topic_started, p.topic_category as parent_category 
		FROM ".$wpdb->prefix.'symposium_topics'." t INNER JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix.'users'." u ON t.topic_owner = u.ID 
		LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics p ON t.topic_parent = p.tid
		WHERE t.topic_approved = 'on' AND t.topic_parent = %d AND t.topic_group = %d AND t.topic_date > %s 
		AND (t.topic_parent = 0 || p.topic_parent = 0) 
		ORDER BY t.tid ".$desc." LIMIT 0,%d";
	$posts = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $parent, $gid, $include, $postcount)); 

	// Get list of roles for this user
	global $current_user;
    $user_roles = $current_user->roles;
    $user_role = strtolower(array_shift($user_roles));
    if ($user_role == '') $user_role = 'NONE';

	if ($posts) {

		foreach ($posts as $post)

			$sql = "SELECT level FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d";
			$cat_level = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $post->topic_category));
			$cat_roles = unserialize($cat_level);
			if ($gid > 0 || strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), 'everyone,') !== FALSE || strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), $user_role.',') !== FALSE) {		

				$html .= "<div class='__wps__forum_activity_row' style='padding-left: ".($level*40)."px; margin-top:".$margin_top."px;min-height:".$avatar_size."px;'>";		
					$html .= "<div class='__wps__forum_activity_row_avatar' style='padding-left: ".($level*40)."px;'>";
						$html .= get_avatar($post->topic_owner, $avatar_size);
					$html .= "</div>";
					$move_over = ($level == 0) ? 40 : 30;
					$html .= "<div class='__wps__forum_activity_row_text' style='margin-left: ".$move_over."px;'>";
						if ($post->topic_parent > 0) {
							$text = strip_tags(stripslashes($post->topic_post));
							if ( strlen($text) > $preview ) { $text = substr($text, 0, $preview)."..."; }
							$html .= __wps__profile_link($post->topic_owner)." ".__('replied', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." ";
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
								$stub = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT stub FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d", $post->topic_parent));
								$perma_cat = __wps__get_forum_category_part_url($post->parent_category);
								$url = $thispage.$perma_cat.$stub;							
								$html .= "<a href='".$url."'>".$text."</a> ";
							} else {
								$html .= "<a href='".$thispage.$q."cid=".$post->topic_category."&show=".$post->topic_parent."'>".$text."</a> ";
							$html .= __wps__time_ago($post->topic_date);
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_answers') == 'on' && $post->topic_answer == 'on') {
								$html .= ' <img style="width:12px; height:12px" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/tick.png" alt="'.__('Answer Accepted', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
							$html .= "<br>";
						} else {
							$text = stripslashes($post->topic_subject);
							if ( strlen($text) > $preview ) { $text = substr($text, 0, $preview)."..."; }
							$html .= __wps__profile_link($post->topic_owner)." ".__('started', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." ";

							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure') && $group_id == 0) {
								$stub = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT stub FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics WHERE tid = %d", $post->tid));
								$perma_cat = __wps__get_forum_category_part_url($post->topic_category);
								$url = $thispage.$perma_cat.$stub;							
								$html .= "<a href='".$url."'>".$text."</a> ";
							} else {
								$html .= "<a href='".$thispage.$q."cid=".$post->topic_category."&show=".$post->tid."'>".$text."</a> ";
							$html .= __wps__time_ago($post->topic_started).".<br>";
					$html .= "</div>";
					if ($post->topic_date > $symposium_last_login && $post->topic_owner != $current_user->ID && is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_stars')) {
						$html .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/new.gif' alt='New!' /> ";
				$html .= "</div>";
				$html .= showThreadChildren($post->tid, $level+1, $gid, $symposium_last_login);
	return $html;
Пример #13
	if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= $wpdb->last_query;
	if ($members) {
		if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Members found ';
		$inactive = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_online');
		$offline = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_offline');
		$profile = __wps__get_url('profile');
		$count = 0;
		$skip = 0;
		$mailpage = __wps__get_url('mail');
		if ($mailpage[strlen($mailpage)-1] != '/') { $mailpage .= '/'; }
		$q = __wps__string_query($mailpage);			

		if ( !isset( $wp_roles ) ) $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();									
		// Get Extended Field info for advanced search
		if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_extended ORDER BY eid";
			$extensions = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

		foreach ($members as $member) {

			if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= $member->display_name.' ';
Пример #14
function __wps__get_facebook() {

	$profile_url = __wps__get_url('profile');
	$q = __wps__string_query($profile_url);
	$fhtml = "<div id='facebook_div'>";
		if (!class_exists('__wps__FacebookApiException'))
		$__wps__facebook = new __wps__Facebook(array(
		if (isset($_GET['fb']) && $_GET['fb'] == 'lo') {
			setcookie('fbs_'.$__wps__facebook->getAppId(), '', time()-100, '/', 'domain.com');
			header('Location: '.$profile_url);
		// Get User ID
		$user = $__wps__facebook->getUser();
		if ($user) {
		  try {
		    // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
		    $user_profile = $__wps__facebook->api('/me');
			$fhtml .= "<input type='checkbox' CHECKED id='post_to_facebook' /> ";
			$fhtml .= sprintf(__("Share post on Facebook as <a target='_blank' href='%s'>%s</a>", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $user_profile['link'], $user_profile['name']);
		    $fhtml .= ' (<a href="'.$profile_url.$q.'fb=lo">'.__('Disconnect', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>)';
		  } catch (__wps__FacebookApiException $e) {
			$result = $e->getResult();
	        echo "<pre>User authenticated";
	        echo "</pre>";
		    $user = null;
		} else {					
		  $fhtml .= "<img src='".WPS_PLUGIN_URL."/images/logo_facebook.png' style='float:left; margin-right: 5px;' />";						
			$params = array(
			    'canvas' => 1,
			    'scope'  => 'publish_actions,user_about_me',
			    'fbconnect' => 1
		  $fhtml .= '<a href="'.$__wps__facebook->getLoginUrl($params).'">'.__('Connect to Facebook', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>';
	$fhtml .= "</div>";
	return $fhtml;
Пример #15
function __wps__do_Gallery_Widget($albumcount) {
	global $wpdb, $current_user;
	$shown_aid = "";
	$shown_count = 0;

	// Get profile URL worked out
	$profile_url = __wps__get_url('profile');
	$q = __wps__string_query($profile_url);

	// Content of widget
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_gallery g INNER JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON g.owner = u.ID WHERE is_group != 'on' ORDER BY updated DESC LIMIT 0,50";
	$albums = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
	if ($albums) {

		echo "<div id='__wps__gallery_recent_activity'>";
			foreach ($albums as $album)
				if ($shown_count < $albumcount) {

					if (strpos($shown_aid, $album->gid.",") === FALSE) { 

						if ( (is_user_logged_in() && strtolower($album->sharing) == 'everyone') || (strtolower($album->sharing) == 'public') || (strtolower($album->sharing) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($album->owner, $current_user->ID)) ) {

							echo "<div class='__wps__gallery_recent_activity_row'>";		
								echo "<div class='__wps__gallery_recent_activity_row_avatar'>";
									echo get_avatar($album->owner, 32);
								echo "</div>";
								echo "<div class='__wps__gallery_recent_activity_row_post'>";
 									$text = __('added to ', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." <a href='".$profile_url.$q."uid=".$album->owner."&embed=on&album_id=".$album->gid."'>".stripslashes($album->name)."</a>";
									echo "<a href='".$profile_url.$q."uid=".$album->owner."'>".$album->display_name."</a> ".$text." ".__wps__time_ago($album->updated);
								echo "</div>";
							echo "</div>";
							$shown_aid .= $album->gid.",";							
				} else {

		echo "</div>";

Пример #16
function __wps__profile_friends($uid, $limit_from) {

	global $wpdb, $current_user;
	$limit_count = 10;

	$privacy = __wps__get_meta($uid, 'share');
	$is_friend = __wps__friend_of($uid, $current_user->ID);
	$html = "";	

	if ( ($uid == $current_user->ID) || (is_user_logged_in() && strtolower($privacy) == 'everyone') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'public') || (strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only' && $is_friend) || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {

		$mailpage = __wps__get_url('mail');
		if ($mailpage[strlen($mailpage)-1] != '/') { $mailpage .= '/'; }
		$q = __wps__string_query($mailpage);		

		// Friend Requests
		if ($uid == $current_user->ID) {
			$sql = "SELECT u1.display_name, u1.ID, f.friend_timestamp, f.friend_message, f.friend_from 
					FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_friends f 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u1 ON f.friend_from = u1.ID 
					WHERE f.friend_to = %d AND f.friend_accepted != 'on' ORDER BY f.friend_timestamp DESC";
			$requests = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $current_user->ID));
			if ($requests) {
				$html .= '<h2>'.sprintf(__('%s Requests', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'...</h2>';
				foreach ($requests as $request) {
					$html .= "<div id='request_".$request->friend_from."' style='clear:right; margin-top:8px; overflow: auto; margin-bottom: 15px; width:95%;'>";		
						$html .= "<div style='float: left; width:64px; margin-right: 15px'>";
							$html .= get_avatar($request->ID, 64);
						$html .= "</div>";
						$html .= "<div class='__wps__friend_request_info'>";
							$html .= __wps__profile_link($request->ID)."<br />";
							$html .= __wps__time_ago($request->friend_timestamp)."<br />";
							$html .= "<em>".stripslashes($request->friend_message)."</em>";
						$html .= "</div>";
						$html .= "<div style='clear: both; float:right;'>";
							$html .= '<input type="submit" title="'.$request->friend_from.'" id="rejectfriendrequest" class="__wps__button" style="'.__wps__get_extension_button_style().'" value="'.__('Reject', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" /> ';
						$html .= "</div>";
						$html .= "<div style='float:right;'>";
							$html .= '<input type="submit" title="'.$request->friend_from.'" id="acceptfriendrequest" class="__wps__button" style="'.__wps__get_extension_button_style().'" value="'.__('Accept', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" /> ';
						$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= "</div>";

				$html .= '<hr />';
		// Friends
		$sql = "SELECT f.*, cast(m.meta_value as datetime) as last_activity 
				FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_friends f 
				LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m ON m.user_id = f.friend_to 
				WHERE f.friend_to > 0 AND f.friend_from = %d 
				AND m.meta_key = 'symposium_last_activity'
				AND f.friend_accepted = 'on'
				ORDER BY cast(m.meta_value as datetime) DESC LIMIT %d, %d";
		$friends = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $uid, $limit_from, $limit_count));
		if ($friends) {
			if ($current_user->ID == $uid || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) {
				$html .= '<input type="submit" id="removeAllFriends" name="Submit" class="__wps__button" style="'.__wps__get_extension_button_style().'; width:200px;" value="'.__('Remove all friends', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
			$count = 0;
			$inactive = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_online');
			$offline = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_offline');
			foreach ($friends as $friend) {
				$time_now = time();
				$last_active_minutes = strtotime($friend->last_activity);
				$last_active_minutes = floor(($time_now-$last_active_minutes)/60);
				$html .= "<div id='friend_".$friend->friend_to."' class='friend_div row_odd corners' style='clear:right; margin-top:8px; overflow: auto; margin-bottom: 15px; padding:6px; width:95%;'>";
					$html .= "<div style='width:64px; margin-right: 15px'>";
						$html .= get_avatar($friend->friend_to, 64);
					$html .= "</div>";

					// Send Mail and remove as friend
					$html .= "<div style='width:50px; height: 16px; float:right;'>";
					if ($friend->friend_accepted == 'on') {
						if ($uid == $current_user->ID) {

							$html .= "<div style='display:none;' class='friend_icons'>";
								$html .= "<div style='float:right;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;'>";
									$html .= '<img style="cursor:pointer" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/delete.png" title="'.$friend->friend_to.'" class="frienddelete">';
									$html .= '</form>';
								$html .= "</div>";
								if (function_exists('__wps__mail')) {
									$html .= "<div style='float:right;'>";
										$html .= '<img style="cursor:pointer" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/orange-tick.gif" onclick="document.location = \''.$mailpage.$q.'view=compose&to='.$friend->friend_to.'\';">';
									$html .= "</div>";
							$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= '</div>';
					$html .= "<div style='padding-left:74px;'>";
						$html .= __wps__profile_link($friend->friend_to);
						$html .= "<br />";
						if ($last_active_minutes >= $offline) {
							$html .= __('Logged out', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'. '.__('Last active', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.__wps__time_ago($friend->last_activity).".";
						} else {
							if ($last_active_minutes >= $inactive) {
								$html .= __('Offline', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'. '.__('Last active', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.__wps__time_ago($friend->last_activity).".";
							} else {
								$html .= __('Last active', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.__wps__time_ago($friend->last_activity).".";
						if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {
							$html .= '<br />';
							// Show comment
							$sql = "SELECT cid, comment
								FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments
								WHERE author_uid = %d AND subject_uid = %d AND comment_parent = 0 AND type = 'post'
								ORDER BY cid DESC
								LIMIT 0,1";
							$comment = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $friend->friend_to, $friend->friend_to));
							if ($comment) {
								$html .= '<div>'.__wps__buffer(__wps__make_url(stripslashes($comment->comment))).'</div>';
							// Show latest non-status activity if applicable
							if (function_exists('__wps__forum')) {
								$sql = "SELECT cid, comment FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments
										WHERE author_uid = %d AND subject_uid = %d AND comment_parent = 0 AND type = 'forum' 
										ORDER BY cid DESC 
										LIMIT 0,1";
								$forum = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $friend->friend_to, $friend->friend_to));
								if ($comment && $forum && $forum->cid != $comment->cid) {
									$html .= '<div>'.__wps__buffer(__wps__make_url(stripslashes($forum->comment))).'</div>';
					$html .= "</div>";

					if ($friend->friend_accepted != 'on') {
						$html .= "<div style='float:left;'>";
							$html .= "<strong>".sprintf(__("%s request sent.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend'))."</strong>";
						$html .= "</div>";

				$html .= "</div>";

			if ($count == $limit_count) {
				$html .= "<a href='javascript:void(0)' id='friends' class='showmore_wall' title='".($limit_from+$limit_count)."'>".__("more...", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a>";
		} else {
			$html .= __("Nothing to show, sorry.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
	} else {

		if (strtolower($privacy) == 'friends only') {
			$html .=  sprintf(__("Personal information only for %s.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friends'));
		if (strtolower($privacy) == 'nobody') {
			$html .= __("Personal information is private.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);


	return $html;
Пример #17
function __wps__admin_header() {

	if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_redirect_wp_profile') == 'on' && __wps__get_current_userlevel() < 2) {
		if ( strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "wp-admin/profile.php") !== FALSE ) {
			if (function_exists('__wps__profile')) {
				$profile_page = __wps__get_url('profile');
				if ( (isset($_GET['uid'])) && ($_GET['uid'] != '') ) {
					$uid = __wps__string_query($profile_page).'uid='.$_GET['uid'];
				} else {
					$uid = '';
				wp_redirect( $profile_page.$uid );

Пример #18
function symposium_forum_latestposts_showThreadChildren($count, $cat_id, $parent, $level, $use_answers) {
	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	$thispage = __wps__get_url('forum');
	if ($thispage[strlen($thispage)-1] != '/') { $thispage .= '/'; }
	$q = __wps__string_query($thispage);		

	$symposium_last_login = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'symposium_last_login');
	$html = "";
	$preview = 30;	
	if ($count != '') { 
		$postcount = $count; 
	} else {
		$postcount = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_symposium_forumlatestposts_count');
	if ($level == 0) {
		$avatar_size = 30;
		$margin_top = 10;
		$desc = "DESC";
	} else {
		$avatar_size = 20;
		$margin_top = 6;
		$desc = "DESC";

	// All topics started
	$cat_sql = ($cat_id) ? " AND t.topic_category = ".$cat_id : '';
	$posts = $wpdb->get_results("
		SELECT t.tid, t.topic_subject, t.stub, p.stub as parent_stub, t.topic_owner, t.topic_post, t.topic_category, t.topic_started, u.display_name, t.topic_parent, t.topic_answer, t.topic_date, t.topic_approved 
		FROM ".$wpdb->prefix.'symposium_topics'." t INNER JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix.'users'." u ON t.topic_owner = u.ID 
		LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix.'symposium_topics'." p ON t.topic_parent = p.tid 
		WHERE t.topic_parent = ".$parent." AND t.topic_group = 0".$cat_sql." ORDER BY t.tid ".$desc." LIMIT 0,".$postcount); 

	if ($posts) {

		foreach ($posts as $post)
			if ( ($post->topic_approved == 'on') || ($post->topic_approved != 'on' && ($post->topic_owner == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('level_10'))) ) {

				$padding_left = ($level == 0) ? 40 : 30;
				$html .= "<div class='__wps__latest_forum_row' style='padding-left: ".$padding_left."px; margin-left: ".($level*40)."px; margin-top:".$margin_top."px;'>";		
					$html .= "<div class='__wps__latest_forum_row_avatar'>";
						$html .= get_avatar($post->topic_owner, $avatar_size);
					$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= "<div style='float:left'>";
						if ($post->topic_parent > 0) {
							$text = strip_tags(stripslashes($post->topic_post));
							if ( strlen($text) > $preview ) { $text = substr($text, 0, $preview)."..."; }
							$reply_text = $level == 1 ? 'replied' : 'commented';
							$html .= __wps__profile_link($post->topic_owner)." ".__($reply_text, WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." ";
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure')) {
								$perma_cat = __wps__get_forum_category_part_url($post->topic_category);
								$html .= "<a title='".$text."' href='".$thispage.$perma_cat.$post->parent_stub."'>";
							} else {
								$html .= "<a title='".$text."' href='".$thispage.$q."cid=".$post->topic_category."&show=".$post->topic_parent."'>";
							$html .= $text."</a> ".__wps__time_ago($post->topic_started);
							if ($use_answers == 'on' && $post->topic_answer == 'on') {
								$html .= ' <img style="width:12px;height:12px" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/tick.png" alt="'.__('Answer Accepted', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
							$html .= "<br>";
						} else {
							$text = stripslashes($post->topic_subject);
							if ( strlen($text) > $preview ) { $text = substr($text, 0, $preview)."..."; }
							$html .= __wps__profile_link($post->topic_owner)." ".__('started', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_permalink_structure')) {
								$perma_cat = __wps__get_forum_category_part_url($post->topic_category);
								$html .= " <a title='".$text."'  href='".$thispage.$perma_cat.$post->stub."'>".$text."</a> ";
							} else {
								$html .= " <a title='".$text."'  href='".$thispage.$q."cid=".$post->topic_category."&show=".$post->tid."'>".$text."</a> ";
							$html .= __wps__time_ago($post->topic_started).".<br>";
					$html .= "</div>";
					if ($post->topic_date > $symposium_last_login && $post->topic_owner != $current_user->ID) {
						$html .= "<div style='float:left;'>";
							$html .= "&nbsp;<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/new.gif' alt='New!' />";
						$html .= "</div>";
					if ($post->topic_approved != 'on') {
						$html .= "&nbsp;<em>[".__("pending approval", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."]</em>";
				$html .= "</div>";
			$html .= symposium_forum_latestposts_showThreadChildren($count, $cat_id, $post->tid, $level+1, $use_answers);
	return $html;
Пример #19
						$return .= "<div style='float: left; width:15px; padding-left:4px;'>";
							if ($last_active_minutes >= $offline) {
								$return .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/loggedout.gif' alt='Logged Out'>";
							} else {
								if ($last_active_minutes >= $inactive) {
									$return .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/inactive.gif' alt='Inactive'>";
								} else {
									$return .= "<img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/online.gif' alt='Online'>";
						$return .= "</div>";
						$return .= "<div>";
							if ( $use_chat != 'on' || get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite') ) {
								if (function_exists('__wps__profile')) {	
									$return .= "<a class='__wps__offline_name' href='".__wps__get_url('profile')."?uid=".$friend['ID']."'>";
									$return .= "<span title='".$friend['ID']."'>".$friend['display_name']."</span>";
									$return .= "</a>";
							} else {
								$return .= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' alt='".$friend['ID']."|".$friend['display_name']."' class='__wps__online_name __wps__chat_user' title='".$friend['ID']."'>".$friend['display_name']."</a>";
						$return .= "</div>";
					$return .= "</div>";

		echo $friends_online."[split]".$return;
Пример #20
	function get_alerts() {

		global $wpdb, $current_user;
		// Get link to profile page
		$profile_url = __wps__get_url('profile');
		if (strpos($profile_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
			$q = "&";
		} else {
			$q = "?";
		// Start array
		$news = array();
		$limit = 50;
		// Wrapper
		$sql = "SELECT n.*, u.display_name FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_news n 
			LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u ON n.author = u.ID 
			WHERE subject = %d 
			ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 0,%d";
		$news_rows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, $this->id, $limit));
		if ($news_rows) {
			foreach ($news_rows as $item) {
				$news = array (	'nid'=>$item->nid,
								'new_item'=>$item->new_item );
				array_push($news_rows, $news);
		return $news;
Пример #21
function __wps__do_Forumnoanswer_Widget($preview,$cat_id,$cat_id_exclude,$timescale,$postcount,$groups) {
	global $wpdb, $current_user;
	$html = '';

	// Previous login
	if (is_user_logged_in()) {
		$previous_login = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'previous_login');
	// Content of widget
	$sql = "SELECT t.tid, t.topic_subject, t.topic_owner, t.topic_post, t.topic_category, t.topic_date, u.display_name, t.topic_parent, t.topic_group, t.topic_started, 
		(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics v WHERE v.topic_parent = t.tid) AS replies 
		FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics t 
		INNER JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix.'users'." u ON t.topic_owner = u.ID
		WHERE t.topic_parent = 0 
		  AND t.for_info != 'on' 
		  AND t.topic_approved = 'on' 
		  AND t.topic_started >= ( CURDATE() - INTERVAL ".$timescale." DAY ) 
		  (SELECT tid from ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_topics s 
		    WHERE s.topic_parent = t.tid AND s.topic_answer = 'on') ";
	if ($cat_id != '' && $cat_id > 0) {
		$sql .= "AND topic_category IN (".$cat_id.") ";
	if ($cat_id_exclude != '' && $cat_id_exclude > 0) {
		$sql .= "AND topic_category NOT IN (".$cat_id_exclude.") ";
	if ($groups != 'on') {
		$sql .= "AND topic_group = 0 ";
	$sql .= "ORDER BY t.topic_started DESC LIMIT 0,".$postcount;
	$posts = $wpdb->get_results($sql); 
	// Get forum URL worked out
	$forum_url = __wps__get_url('forum');
	$forum_q = __wps__string_query($forum_url);

	// Get list of roles for this user
    $user_roles = $current_user->roles;
    $user_role = strtolower(array_shift($user_roles));
    if ($user_role == '') $user_role = 'NONE';
	if ($posts) {

		$html .= "<div id='__wps__latest_forum'>";
			foreach ($posts as $post)
					if ($post->topic_group == 0 || (__wps__member_of($post->topic_group) == "yes") || ($wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT content_private FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_groups WHERE gid = %d", $post->topic_group)) != "on") ) {

						// Check permitted to see forum category
						$sql = "SELECT level FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_cats WHERE cid = %d";
						$levels = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($sql, $post->topic_category));
						$cat_roles = unserialize($levels);
						if (strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), 'everyone,') !== FALSE || strpos(strtolower($cat_roles), $user_role.',') !== FALSE) {

							$html .= "<div class='__wps__latest_forum_row'>";		
								$html .= "<div class='__wps__latest_forum_row_avatar'>";
									$html .= get_avatar($post->topic_owner, 32);
								$html .= "</div>";
								$html .= "<div class='__wps__latest_forum_row_post'>";
									$html .= __wps__profile_link($post->topic_owner);
									if ($preview > 0) {
										$text = stripslashes($post->topic_subject);
										if ( strlen($text) > $preview ) { $text = substr($text, 0, $preview)."..."; } 
										if ($post->topic_group == 0) {
											$url = $forum_url;
											$q = $forum_q;
										} else {
											// Get group URL worked out
											$url = __wps__get_url('group');
											if (strpos($url, '?') !== FALSE) {
												$q = "&gid=".$post->topic_group."&";
											} else {
												$q = "?gid=".$post->topic_group."&";
										$html .= " ".__('started', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." <a href='".$url.$q."cid=".$post->topic_category."&show=".$post->tid."'>".$text."</a>";
									} else {
										$html .= "<br />";
									$html .= " ".__wps__time_ago($post->topic_started).". ";
									if ($post->replies > 0) {
										$html .= $post->replies.' ';
										if ($post->replies != 1) {
											$html .= __('replies', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
										} else {
											$html .= __('reply', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
										$html .= ".";
									if (is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_forum_stars')) {
										if ($post->topic_started > $previous_login && $post->topic_owner != $current_user->ID) {
											$html .= " <img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/new.gif' alt='New!' />";
									$html .= "<br />";
								$html .= "</div>";
							$html .= "</div>";

		$html .= "</div>";

	echo $html;
Пример #22
function __wps__members($attr) {	

	global $wpdb, $current_user;

	$plugin = WPS_PLUGIN_URL;
	$dbpage = $plugin.'/symposium_members_db.php';
	$roles = isset($attr['roles']) ? $attr['roles'] : '';
	if ($roles) {
		if (strpos($roles, ' ') !== FALSE) $roles = str_replace(' ', '', $roles);
		if (strpos($roles, '_') !== FALSE) $roles = str_replace('_', '', $roles);
	$html = '<div class="__wps__wrapper">';

		if (!is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'dir_hide_public') ) {

			echo __wps__show_login_link(__("You need to be <a href='%s'>logged in</a> to view the directory.", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN));

		} else {

			// If 'term' is passed as a parameter, it will influence the results
			$me = $current_user->ID;
			$page = 1;

			// Now check against shortcode parameter (overrides global roles)
			if ( !isset( $wp_roles ) ) $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();													
			if ($roles) {
				$dir_levels = $roles;
			} else {
				// Get included global levels
				$dir_levels = strtolower(get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_level'));
				if (strpos($dir_levels, ' ') !== FALSE) $dir_levels = str_replace(' ', '', $dir_levels);
				if (strpos($dir_levels, '_') !== FALSE) $dir_levels = str_replace('_', '', $dir_levels);
			$html .= '<div id="__wps__directory_roles" style="display:none">'.$dir_levels.'</div>';
			// Stores start value for more
			$start = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_page_length')+1;
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_directory_start" style="display:none">'.$start.'</div>';
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_directory_page_length" style="display:none">'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_page_length').'</div>';
			$term = "";
			if (isset($_POST['member'])) { $term .= strtolower($_POST['member']); }
			if (isset($_GET['term'])) { $term .= strtolower($_GET['term']); }
			$html .= "<div class='members_row' style='padding:0px'>";
				$html .= '<div style="float:right; padding:0px;padding-top:2px;">';
				$html .= '<input id="members_go_button" type="submit" class="__wps__button" value="'.__("Search", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
				if (is_user_logged_in()) {
					$html .= '<div style="clear:both;"><input type="checkbox" id="symposium_member_friends" /> '.__('Only friends', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</div>';
				$html .= '</div>';	
				$html .= '<input type="text" id="symposium_member" autocomplete="off" name="symposium_member" class="members_search_box" value="'.$term.'" />';
				if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite') && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus')) {
					$html .= '<div style="clear:both">';
					$html .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="symposium_show_advanced" /> '.__('Advanced search', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</a>';
					$html .= '</div>';
			$html .= "</div>";

			if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite') && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus')) {
				// Loop through extended fields and offer as a search options (if there are any)
				$extensions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_extended WHERE search = 'on' ORDER BY extended_order, extended_name");

				if ($extensions) {

					$html .= "<div id='symposium_advanced_search' style='width:90%;padding:0px;display:none;'>";
					$html .= "<table style='border:0'>";	

					foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
						$html .= '<tr>';

							if ($extension->extended_type == 'Checkbox') {
								$html .= '<td id="__wps__ext_label_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= stripslashes($extension->extended_name);
								$html .= '</td><td id="__wps__ext_value_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= '<input rel="checkbox" id="'.$extension->eid.'" class="symposium_extended_search" type="checkbox" name="extended_value[]" />';
								$html .= '</td>';
							if ($extension->extended_type == 'List') {
								$html .= '<td id="__wps__ext_label_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= stripslashes($extension->extended_name).':';
								$html .= '</td><td id="__wps__ext_value_'.$extension->eid.'" style="border:0">';
								$html .= '<select rel="list" id="'.$extension->eid.'" class="symposium_extended_search" name="extended_value[]">';
								$items = explode(',', $extension->extended_default);
								$html .= '<option value="'.__('Any', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'">'.__('Any', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
								foreach ($items as $item) {
									$html .= '<option value="'.$item.'">'.$item.'</option>';
								$html .= '</select>';
								$html .= '</td>';

						$html .= '</tr>';
					$html .= "</table>";
					$html .= "</div>";					
			// Sort by option
			$order = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_atoz_order');
			if ($order == 'surname') { $orderby = 'surname'; }
			if ($order == 'display_name') { $orderby = 'u.display_name'; }
			if ($order == 'distance') { $orderby = 'distance, u.display_name'; }
			if ($order == 'last_activity') { $orderby = 'cast(m4.meta_value as datetime) DESC'; }		

			$html .= '<br /><div id="symposium_members_orderby_div">';
				$html .= __('Sort by:', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' ';
				$html .= '<select id="symposium_members_orderby">';
					$html .= '<option value="last_activity"';
						if ($order == 'last_activity') $html .= ' SELECTED';
						$html .= '>'.__('Last activity', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
					$html .= '<option value="display_name"';
						if ($order == 'display_name') $html .= ' SELECTED';
						$html .= '>'.__('Display name', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
					$html .= '<option value="surname"';
						if ($order == 'surname') $html .= ' SELECTED';
						$html .= '>'.__('Surname (if entered in display name)', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
					if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_distance') && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus') && !get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_hide_location')) {
						$html .= '<option value="distance"';
							if ($order == 'distance') $html .= ' SELECTED';
							$html .= '>'.__('Distance', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'</option>';
				$html .= '</select>';
			$html .= '</div>';
			// A to Z
			$html .= '<div id="symposium_members_atoz">';
				for ($i = 65; $i <= 90; $i++) { 
					if (chr($i) != strtoupper($term)) {
						// Get directory URL worked out
						$member_url = __wps__get_url('members');
						$q = __wps__string_query($member_url);
						$html .= '<a href="'.$member_url.$q.'term='.chr($i).'">'.chr($i).'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
					} else {
						$html .= '<strong>'.chr($i).'</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
			$html .= '</div>';

			$html .= '<div id="__wps__members">';

				$search_limit = 1000;
				$sql_ext = strlen($term) != 1 ? "OR (lower(u.display_name) LIKE '% %".$term."%')" : "";
				$lat = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'plus_lat');
				if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_use_distance') && $lat != 0 && is_user_logged_in() && function_exists('__wps__profile_plus')) {
					$long = __wps__get_meta($current_user->ID, 'plus_long');
					$measure = ($value = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX."_plus_lat_long")) ? $value : '';
					$show_alt = ($value = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX."_plus_show_alt")) ? $value : '';
					$sql = "SELECT u.ID as uid, u.display_name, cast(m4.meta_value as datetime) as last_activity, 
					  WHEN u.display_name LIKE '% %' THEN right(u.display_name, length(u.display_name)-locate(' ', u.display_name))
					  ELSE u.display_name
					END AS surname,
					CASE m7.meta_value
					  WHEN '0' THEN 99999
					  ELSE FLOOR(((ACOS(SIN(".$lat." * PI() / 180) * SIN(m7.meta_value * PI() / 180) + COS(".$lat." * PI() / 180) * COS(m7.meta_value * PI() / 180) * COS((".$long." - m8.meta_value) * PI() / 180)) * 180 / PI()) * 60 * 1.1515))
					END AS distance 
					FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m4 ON m4.user_id = u.ID
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m7 ON m7.user_id = u.ID
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m8 ON m8.user_id = u.ID
					m4.meta_key = 'symposium_last_activity' AND 
					m7.meta_key = 'symposium_plus_lat' AND 
					m8.meta_key = 'symposium_plus_long' AND 
					(u.display_name IS NOT NULL) AND
					       (lower(u.display_name) LIKE '".$term."%') 
					ORDER BY ".$orderby." 
					LIMIT 0,".$search_limit;

					$members = $wpdb->get_results($sql);							

				} else {

					$members = $wpdb->get_results("
					SELECT u.ID as uid, u.display_name, cast(m4.meta_value as datetime) as last_activity, 99999 as distance,
					  WHEN u.display_name LIKE '% %' THEN right(u.display_name, length(u.display_name)-locate(' ', u.display_name))
					  ELSE u.display_name
					END AS surname
					FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."users u 
					LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->base_prefix."usermeta m4 ON u.ID = m4.user_id
					m4.meta_key = 'symposium_last_activity' AND 
					(u.display_name IS NOT NULL) AND
					       (lower(u.display_name) LIKE '".$term."%') 
					ORDER BY ".$orderby." 
					LIMIT 0,".$search_limit);	

				if (WPS_DEBUG) {
					$html .= $wpdb->last_query;
					$html .= '<p>Returned '.count($members).' records.</p>';
				} else {
					$html .= '<div style="display:none">'.$wpdb->last_query.'</div>';

				if ($members) {

					if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= '<p>Processing $members.</p>';
					$inactive = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_online');
					$offline = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_offline');
					$profile = __wps__get_url('profile');
					$mailpage = __wps__get_url('mail');
					$q = __wps__string_query($mailpage);
					$count = 0;

					$user_info = get_user_by('login', 'nobody');
					$nobody_id = $user_info ? $user_info->ID : 0;

					foreach ($members as $member) {
						if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Member: '.$member->display_name.'<br />';
						$user_info = get_userdata($member->uid);							

						// Check to see if this member is in the included list of roles
						if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking capabilities... ';
						$user = get_userdata( $member->uid );
						$capabilities = $user->{$wpdb->base_prefix.'capabilities'};
						$include = false;
						if ($capabilities) {
							foreach ( $capabilities as $role => $name ) {
								if ($role) {
									if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= $role.'<br />';
									$role = strtolower($role);
									$role = str_replace(' ', '', $role);
									$role = str_replace('_', '', $role);
									if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Checking role '.$role.' against '.$dir_levels.'<br />';
									if (strpos($dir_levels, $role) !== FALSE) $include = true;
								} else {
									if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'no role<br />';
						} else {
							if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'no capabilities.<br />';
							// No capabilities, so let's assume they should be included
							$include = true;

						if ($include && ($member->uid != $nobody_id)) {

								if (WPS_DEBUG) $html .= 'Include!<br />';

								$city = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'extended_city');
								$country = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'extended_country');
								$share = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'share');
								$wall_share = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'wall_share');
								if ($count > get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_dir_page_length')) break;

								$time_now = time();
								$last_active_minutes = strtotime($member->last_activity);
								$last_active_minutes = floor(($time_now-$last_active_minutes)/60);
								$html .= "<div class='members_row";
									$is_friend = __wps__friend_of($member->uid, $current_user->ID);
									if ($is_friend || $member->uid == $me) {
										$html .= " row_odd corners";		
									} else {
										$html .= " row corners";		
									$html .= "'>";

									$html .= "<div class='members_info'>";

										$html .= "<div class='members_avatar'>";
											$html .= get_avatar($member->uid, 64);
										$html .= "</div>";	

										$html .= "<div style='padding-left: 75px;'>";						

											if ( ($member->uid == $me) || (is_user_logged_in() && strtolower($share) == 'everyone') || (strtolower($share) == 'public') || (strtolower($share) == 'friends only' && $is_friend) ) {
												$html .= "<div class='members_location'>";
													if ($city != '') {
														$html .= $city;
													if ($country != '') {
														if ($city != '') {
															$html .= ', '.$country;
														} else {
															$html .= $country;
												$html .= "</div>";

											if (function_exists('__wps__mail') && !get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {
												// Show Send Mail button
												if (get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_dir_buttons') && $member->uid != $current_user->ID) {
													if ($is_friend) {
														// A friend
														$html .= "<div class='mail_icon' style='display:none;float:right; margin-right:5px;'>";
														$html .= '<img style="cursor:pointer" src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/orange-tick.gif" onclick="document.location = \''.$mailpage.$q.'view=compose&to='.$member->uid.'\';">';
														$html .= "</div>";

											$html .= __wps__profile_link($member->uid);

											if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {
												$html .= ', ';
											} else {
												$html .= '<br />';
											$html .= __('last active', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.__wps__time_ago($member->last_activity).". ";
											if ($last_active_minutes >= $offline) {
												//$html .= '<img src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/loggedout.gif">';
											} else {
												if ($last_active_minutes >= $inactive) {
													$html .= '<img src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/inactive.gif">';
												} else {
													$html .= '<img src="'.get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images').'/online.gif">';

											// Distance
											if (function_exists('__wps__profile_plus') && is_user_logged_in() && $member->distance < 99999 && $member->uid != $current_user->ID) {
												// if privacy settings permit
												if ( (strtolower($share) == 'everyone') 
													|| (strtolower($share) == 'public') 
													|| (strtolower($share) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($member->uid, $current_user->ID)) 
													) {		
													if ($measure != 'on') { 
														$distance = intval(($member->distance/5)*8);
														$miles = __('km', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
													} else {
														$distance = $member->distance;
														$miles = __('miles', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
													$html .= '<br />'.__('Distance', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).': '.$distance.' '.$miles;
													if ($show_alt == 'on') {
														if ($measure != 'on') { 
															$html .= ' ('.intval(($distance/8)*5).' '.__('miles', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).')';
														} else {
															$html .= ' ('.intval(($distance/5)*8).' '.__('km', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).')';
											if (!get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_wps_lite')) {

												// Show label if entered
												if ($label = __wps__get_meta($member->uid, 'profile_label'))
													$html .= '<div class="__wps__members_info_label">'.$label.'</div>';															

												// if privacy settings permit
												if ( (strtolower($wall_share) == 'everyone') 
													|| (strtolower($wall_share) == 'public') 
													|| (strtolower($wall_share) == 'friends only' && __wps__friend_of($member->uid, $current_user->ID)) 
													) {		
													// Show comment
													$sql = "SELECT cid, comment, type FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments
															WHERE author_uid = %d AND comment_parent = 0 AND type = 'post'
															ORDER BY cid DESC 
															LIMIT 0,1";
													$comment = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $member->uid));
													if ($comment) {
														$html .= '<div style="max-height:250px">'.__wps__buffer(__wps__make_url(stripslashes($comment->comment))).'</div>';
													// Show latest non-status activity if applicable
													if (function_exists('__wps__forum')) {
														$sql = "SELECT cid, comment FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."symposium_comments
																WHERE author_uid = %d AND comment_parent = 0 AND type = 'forum' 
																ORDER BY cid DESC 
																LIMIT 0,1";
														$forum = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare($sql, $member->uid));
														if ($forum && (!$comment || $forum->cid != $comment->cid)) {
															$html .= '<div>'.__wps__buffer(__wps__make_url(stripslashes($forum->comment))).'</div>';
											// Show add as a friend
											if (is_user_logged_in() && get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_show_dir_buttons') && $member->uid != $current_user->ID) {
												if (__wps__pending_friendship($member->uid)) {
													// Pending
													$html .= sprintf(__('%s request sent.', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend'));
												} else {
													if (!$is_friend) {
														// Not a friend
														$html .= '<div id="addasfriend_done1_'.$member->uid.'">';
														$html .= '<input class="add_as_friend_message addfriend_text" title="'.$member->uid.'" id="addtext_'.$member->uid.'" type="text" onclick="this.value=\'\'" value="'.sprintf(__('Add as a %s...', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'">';
														$html .= '<input type="submit" title="'.$member->uid.'" class="addasfriend __wps__button" value="'.__('Add', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" /> ';						
														$html .= '</div>';
														$html .= '<div id="addasfriend_done2_'.$member->uid.'" class="hidden">'.sprintf(__('%s Request Sent', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_alt_friend')).'</div>';	

											// Filter for individual member reults
											$html = apply_filters ( '__wps__directory_member_filter', $html, $member->uid);
										$html .= "</div>";	
									$html .= "</div>";	// members_info

								$html .= "</div>";	// members_row
						} // if ($include)
					} // foreach ($members as $member)

					$html .= "<div id='showmore_directory_div' style='text-align:center; width:100%'><a href='javascript:void(0)' id='showmore_directory'>".__("more...", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</a></div>";

				} else {
					$html .= '<br />'.__('No members found', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."....";
				} // if ($members)

		$html .= '</div>'; // __wps__members
	$html .= '</div>'; // __wps__wrapper

	// Filter for header
	$html = apply_filters ( 'symposium_member_header_filter', $html );

	// Send HTML
	return $html;

Пример #23
function __wps__groups() {	
	global $wpdb, $current_user;
	// View (and set tabs)
	if (!isset($_GET['view']) || $_GET['term'] != '') {
		$browse_active = 'active';
		$create_active = 'inactive';
		$view = "browse";
	if ( isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view'] == "create") {
		$browse_active = 'inactive';
		$create_active = 'active';
		$view = "create";

	$thispage = get_permalink();
	if ($thispage[strlen($thispage)-1] != '/') { $thispage .= '/'; }

	$group_url = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_group_url');
	$group_all_create = get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_group_all_create');

	if (isset($_GET['page_id']) && $_GET['page_id'] != '') {
		// No Permalink
		$thispage = $group_url;
		$q = "&";
	} else {
		$q = "?";

	if (isset($_GET['term'])) {
		$term = $_GET['term'];
	} else {
		$term = '';

	$html = '<div class="__wps__wrapper">';

		if ( (is_user_logged_in()) && ($group_all_create == "on" || __wps__get_current_userlevel() == 5) ) {

			$html .= "<input type='submit' id='show_create_group_button' class='__wps__button' value='".__("Create Group", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."'>";

			$html .= "<div id='create_group_form' style='display:none'>";
				$html .= "<div>";
				$html .= "<strong>".__("Name of Group", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</strong><br />";
				$html .= "<input type='text' id='name_of_group' class='new-topic-subject-input' style='width: 98% !important;'>";
				$html .= "</div>";

				$html .= "<div>";
				$html .= "<strong>".__("Description", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</strong><br />";
				$html .= "<input type='text' id='description_of_group' style='width: 98% !important;'>";
				$html .= "</div>";

				$html .= "<div style='margin-top:10px'>";
				$html .= "<input type='submit' id='create_group_button' class='__wps__button' value='".__("Create", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."'>";
				$html .= "<input type='submit' id='cancel_create_group_button' class='__wps__button' value='".__("Cancel", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."'>";
				$html .= "</div>";
			$html .= "</div>";

		$html .= "<div id='groups_results'>";
		if ( $term != '' ) {
			$me = $current_user->ID;
			$page = 1;
			$page_length = 25;
			$term = "";
			if (isset($_POST['group'])) { $term .= $_POST['group']; }
			if (isset($_GET['term'])) { $term .= $_GET['term']; }

			$html .= "<div style='padding:0px;'>";
			$html .= '<input type="text" id="group" name="group" autocomplete="off" class="groups_search_box" value="'.$term.'" style="margin-right:10px" />';
			$html .= '<input type="hidden" id="group_id" name="group_id" />';
			$html .= '<input id="groups_go_button" type="submit" class="__wps__button" value="'.__("Search", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
			$html .= "</div>";	

			$sql = "SELECT g.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_group_members WHERE group_id = g.gid) AS member_count
			FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."symposium_groups g WHERE  
			( g.name LIKE '%".$term."%') OR 
			( g.description LIKE '%".$term."%' )
			ORDER BY group_order, last_activity DESC LIMIT 0,25";
			$groups = $wpdb->get_results($sql);

			if ($groups) {
				foreach ($groups as $group) {

					if (__wps__member_of($group->gid) == 'yes') { 
						$html .= "<div class='groups_row row_odd corners'>";
					} else {
						$html .= "<div class='groups_row row corners'>";
						$html .= "<div class='groups_avatar'>";
							$html .= __wps__get_group_avatar($group->gid, 64);
						$html .= "</div>";

						$html .= "<div class='group_name'>";
						$name = stripslashes($group->name) != '' ? stripslashes($group->name) : __('[No name]', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						$html .= "<a class='row_link' href='".__wps__get_url('group')."?gid=".$group->gid."'>".$name."</a>";
						$html .= "</div>";
						$html .= "<div class='group_member_count'>";
						$html .= __("Member Count:", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)." ".$group->member_count;
						if ($group->last_activity) {
							$html .= '<br /><em>'.__('last active', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).' '.__wps__time_ago($group->last_activity)."</em>";
						$html .= "</div>";
						$html .= "<div class='group_description'>";
						$html .= $group->description;
						$html .= "</div>";
					$html .= "</div>";
		} else {
			$html .= "<div style='padding:0px;'>";
			$html .= '<input type="text" id="__wps__group" name="group" autocomplete="off" class="groups_search_box" value="'.$term.'" style="margin-right:10px" />';
			$html .= '<input type="hidden" id="group_id" name="group_id" />';
			$html .= '<input id="groups_go_button" type="submit" class="__wps__button" value="'.__("Search", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN).'" />';
			$html .= "</div>";	
			$html .= "<div id='__wps__groups'><img src='".get_option(WPS_OPTIONS_PREFIX.'_images')."/busy.gif' /></div>";
		$html .= "</div>"; // End of Groups Results
		if (isset($groups) && !$groups) 
				$html .= "<div style='clear:both'>".__("No group found....", WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."</div>";
	$html .= '</div>'; // End of Wrapper
	// Send HTML
	return $html;

Пример #24
				if ($author->comment_parent == 0) {
					$type = 'post';
					$goto = $cid;
				} else {
					$type = 'reply';
					$goto = $author->comment_parent;
				$body = "<p>".$current_user->display_name." ".sprintf(__('%s your %s', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $verb, $type).":</p>";
				$comment = $author->comment;
				if ($author->type == 'gallery' && strpos($comment, "[]")) {
					$comment = substr($comment, 0, strpos($comment, "[]")); // strip off images
				$body .= "<p>".$comment."</p>";
				$body .= "<p><a href='".__wps__get_url('profile')."?uid=".$author->author_uid."&post=".$goto."'>".__('Go to the post', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN)."...</a></p>";
				__wps__sendmail($recipient->user_email, $current_user->display_name." ".sprintf(__('%s your %s', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $verb, $type), $body);
				//echo $current_user->display_name." ".sprintf(__('%s your %s', WPS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $verb, $type);

		echo 'OK';
	} else {
		echo "NOT LOGGED IN";