function __() { $GLOBALS['a'] = "bug\n"; array_splice($GLOBALS, 0, count($GLOBALS)); /* All global variables including $GLOBALS are removed */ @__var_dump($GLOBALS['a']); }
function f5() { $c = extract(array("111" => 1), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "prefix"); echo "Extracted:"; __var_dump($c); __var_dump(get_defined_vars()); }
function dump($elems) { foreach ($elems as $elem) { __var_dump($elem->nodeName); dump($elem->childNodes); } }
function test($v) { //echo var_export($v, true) . "\n"; __var_dump($v); echo "{$v}\n"; //print_r($v); echo "\n------\n"; }
function test($x = Foo::HUN) { static $arr2 = array(TEN => 'ten'); static $arr = array(Foo::HUN => 'ten'); __var_dump($arr); __var_dump($arr2); __var_dump($x); }
function g7() { $a = 1; $b = 2; f($a = $a =& $b); u($a = $a =& $b); __var_dump($a, $b); }
function does_not_work() { global $data; // Remove this line to make array_multisort() work $data = array('first', 'fifth', 'second', 'forth', 'third'); $sort = array(1, 5, 2, 4, 3); array_multisort($sort, $data); __var_dump($data); }
function __construct() { $this->name = 'init'; $this->other = 'other'; __var_dump($this); parent::__construct(); echo __CLASS__ . "::" . __FUNCTION__ . "\n"; $this->name = 'derived'; __var_dump($this); }
function extract_test($array, $type, $prefix) { ${"a d"} = "hello"; ${0} = "hello"; ${""} = "hello"; $ad = null; ${"000g"} = "hello"; $prefix_ad = "hello"; __var_dump(extract($array, $type, $prefix)); unset($array, $type, $prefix); $vars = get_defined_vars(); ksort($vars, SORT_STRING); __var_dump($vars); }
function t3() { $a = array('foo' => 'aaa'); // refcount($a) = 1 // refcount($a['foo']) = 1 $b =& $a; // refcount($a) = 2 // is_ref($a) = true // refcount($a['foo']) = 1 unset($b); // refcount($a) = 1 // is_ref($a) = true // refcount($a['foo']) = 1 __var_dump($a); extract($a, EXTR_REFS); $foo = 'noo'; __var_dump($a); }
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; /* This works */ $f = array('7' => 0); __var_dump($f); __var_dump(array_key_exists(7, $f)); __var_dump(array_key_exists('7', $f)); print "----------\n"; /* This doesn't */ $f = array_flip(array('7')); __var_dump($f); __var_dump(array_key_exists(7, $f)); __var_dump(array_key_exists('7', $f));
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; __var_dump(strripos("test test string", "test")); __var_dump(strripos("test string sTring", "string")); __var_dump(strripos("test strip string strand", "str")); __var_dump(strripos("I am what I am and that's all what I am", "am", -3)); __var_dump(strripos("test string", "g")); __var_dump(strripos("te" . chr(0) . "st", chr(0))); __var_dump(strripos("tEst", "test")); __var_dump(strripos("teSt", "test")); __var_dump(@strripos("foo", "f", 1)); __var_dump(@strripos("", "")); __var_dump(@strripos("a", "")); __var_dump(@strripos("", "a")); __var_dump(@strripos("\\\\a", "\\a"));
__var_dump(str_word_count($str, 123)); __var_dump(str_word_count($str, -1)); __var_dump(str_word_count($str, 99999999999999999)); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str, array())); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str, $b)); __var_dump($str); $str2 = "F0o B4r 1s bar foo"; __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, NULL, "04")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, NULL, "01")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, NULL, "014")); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, NULL, array())); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, NULL, new stdClass)); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, NULL, "")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 1, "04")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 1, "01")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 1, "014")); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 1, array())); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 1, new stdClass)); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 1, "")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 2, "04")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 2, "01")); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 2, "014")); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 2, array())); // invalid input: __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 2, new stdClass)); __var_dump(str_word_count($str2, 2, "")); __var_dump(str_word_count("foo'0 bar-0var", 2, "0")); __var_dump(str_word_count("'foo'", 2)); __var_dump(str_word_count("'foo'", 2, "'")); __var_dump(str_word_count("-foo-", 2)); __var_dump(str_word_count("-foo-", 2, "-"));
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; __var_dump(number_format(0.0001, 1)); __var_dump(number_format(0.0001, 0));
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; $arrays = array(array(), array(0), array(1), array(-1), array(0, 2), array(1, 2, 3), array(1 => 0), array(2 => 1), array(3 => -1), array(1 => 0, 2 => 2), array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3), array(0 => 0, 3 => 2), array(1 => 1, 5 => 2, 8 => 3), array(1, 2), array(0, 1, 2), array(1, 2, 3), array(0, 1, 2, 3), array(1, 2, 3, 4), array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), array("a" => 1), array("b" => 1, "c" => 2), array("p" => 1, "q" => 2, "r" => 3, "s" => 4, "u" => 5, "v" => 6), array("a" => "A"), array("p" => "A", "q" => "B", "r" => "C", "s" => "D", "u" => "E", "v" => "F")); foreach ($arrays as $item) { echo "===========================================\n"; __var_dump($item); echo "-------------------------------------------\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($item) + 1; $i++) { echo "[{$i}]\n"; __var_dump(@array_chunk($item, $i)); __var_dump(@array_chunk($item, $i, TRUE)); __var_dump(@array_chunk($item, $i, FALSE)); echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } echo "end\n";
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; $foo = 'bar'; __var_dump(strval($foo)); define('FOO', 'BAR'); __var_dump(strval(FOO)); __var_dump(strval('foobar')); __var_dump(strval(1)); __var_dump(strval(1.1)); __var_dump(strval(true)); __var_dump(strval(false));
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; $f = -INF; __var_dump($f); __var_dump(serialize($f)); __var_dump(unserialize(serialize($f))); $f = INF; __var_dump($f); __var_dump(serialize($f)); __var_dump(unserialize(serialize($f))); $f = NAN; __var_dump($f); __var_dump(serialize($f)); __var_dump(unserialize(serialize($f)));
<?php require ''; $var = "aaaaaaaa"; __var_dump(substr_replace($var, 'b', 0)); __var_dump(substr_replace($var, 'b', 0, strlen($var))); __var_dump(substr_replace($var, 'b', 0, 0)); __var_dump(substr_replace($var, 'b', 10, -1)); __var_dump(substr_replace($var, 'b', -7, -1)); __var_dump(substr_replace($var, 'b', 10, -1)); echo "\n"; __var_dump(substr_count($var, 'a', 0)); __var_dump(substr_count($var, 'a', 0, strlen($var))); __var_dump(@substr_count($var, null, 0, 0)); __var_dump(@substr_count($var, '', 0, 0)); __var_dump(@substr_count($var, 'a', -1, -1)); __var_dump(@substr_count($var, 'a', 3, 0)); __var_dump(@substr_count($var, 'a', 10, -1)); __var_dump(@substr_count($var, 'a', 6, 6)); echo "\n"; __var_dump(substr_replace(array("a" => $var, 10 => $var, "b" => null, "", " "), 'b', -10, 5)); echo "\n"; __var_dump(substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 2)); // 0 __var_dump(substr_compare("abcde", "bcg", 1, 2)); // 0 __var_dump(substr_compare("abcde", "BC", 1, 2, true)); // 0 __var_dump(substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 3)); // 1 __var_dump(substr_compare("abcde", "cd", 1, 2)); // -1
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; function f(&$par) { $par = "Set in f() function"; } f($a); var_dump($a); class A { public $a; } class B { function f(&$par) { $par = "Set in B->f() method"; } } $o = new A(); $o->a = new B(); $r =& $o->a->f($a); __var_dump($o, $r, $a);
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; __var_dump(strstr("test string", "test")); __var_dump(strstr("test string", "string")); __var_dump(strstr("test string", "strin")); __var_dump(strstr("test string", "t s")); __var_dump(strstr("test string", "g")); __var_dump(md5(strstr("te" . chr(0) . "st", chr(0)))); __var_dump(strstr("tEst", "test")); __var_dump(strstr("teSt", "test")); __var_dump(@strstr("", "")); __var_dump(@strstr("a", "")); __var_dump(@strstr("", "a")); __var_dump(md5(@strstr("\\\\a\\", "\\a")));
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; class T { static $a = array(false => "false", true => "true"); } __var_dump(T::$a); define("X", 0); define("Y", 1); class T2 { static $a = array(X => "false", Y => "true"); } __var_dump(T2::$a);
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; include ''; //error_reporting(0); __var_dump(interface_exists('autoload_interface', false)); __var_dump(class_exists('autoload_implements', false)); $o = unserialize('O:19:"Autoload_Implements":0:{}'); __var_dump($o); __var_dump($o instanceof autoload_interface); unset($o); __var_dump(interface_exists('autoload_interface', false)); __var_dump(class_exists('autoload_implements', false));
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; /* Do not change this test it is a README.TESTING example. */ $trans = array("hello" => "hi", "hi" => "hello", "a" => "A", "world" => "planet"); __var_dump(strtr("# hi all, I said hello world! #", $trans));
function a($arg) { __var_dump(array_key_exists($arg, $this->test)); return $this->test[$arg]; }
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; __var_dump(dirname("C:\\"), dirname("C:/"), dirname("somedir/somefile"), dirname("/"), dirname("/dir"), dirname("/dir/"), dirname("/etc/passwd"), dirname("\\etc\\passwd"), dirname("c:\\temp\\file.tmp")); ?>
__var_dump($obj[1]); __var_dump($obj[2]); __var_dump($obj['4th']); @__var_dump($obj['5th']); @__var_dump($obj[6]); echo "===offsetSet===\n"; echo "WRITE 1\n"; $obj[1] = 'Changed 1'; __var_dump($obj[1]); echo "WRITE 2\n"; $obj['4th'] = 'Changed 4th'; __var_dump($obj['4th']); echo "WRITE 3\n"; $obj['5th'] = 'Added 5th'; __var_dump($obj['5th']); echo "WRITE 4\n"; $obj[6] = 'Added 6'; __var_dump($obj[6]); __var_dump($obj[0]); __var_dump($obj[2]); $x = $obj[6] = 'changed 6'; __var_dump($obj[6]); __var_dump($x); echo "===unset===\n"; __var_dump($obj->a); unset($obj[2]); unset($obj['4th']); unset($obj[7]); unset($obj['8th']); __var_dump($obj->a);
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; class test { public $a, $b; function test() { $this->a = 7; $this->b = 2; } function __sleep() { $this->b = 0; } } $t['one'] = 'ABC'; $t['two'] = new test(); __var_dump($t); $s = @serialize($t); echo $s . "\n"; __var_dump(unserialize($s));
[expect php] [file] <?php include ''; $foo = "ABC = DEF"; $fmt = "%s = %s %n"; $res_a = array(); /* $res_a[2] is supposed to be a integer value that * represents the number of characters consumed so far */ sscanf($foo, $fmt, $res_a[0], $res_a[1], $res_a[2]); $res_b = sscanf($foo, $fmt); __var_dump($res_a); __var_dump($res_b);
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; class z extends domDocument { /** variable can have name */ public $p_array; public $p_variable; function __construct() { $this->p_array[] = 'bonus'; $this->p_array[] = 'vir'; $this->p_array[] = 'semper'; $this->p_array[] = 'tiro'; $this->p_variable = 'Cessante causa cessat effectus'; } } $z = new z(); __var_dump($z->p_array); __var_dump($z->p_variable);
[expect php] [file] <?php require ''; $a = "22222222aaaa bbb1111 cccc"; $b = "1234"; __var_dump($a); __var_dump($b); __var_dump(strcspn($a, $b)); __var_dump(strcspn($a, $b, 9)); __var_dump(strcspn($a, $b, 9, 6));