Пример #1
  * Constructor
  * @param \Cake\ORM\Entity $entity Entity
  * @param int $code code to report to client
 public function __construct(Entity $entity, $code = 422)
     $this->_validationErrors = array_filter((array) $entity->errors());
     $flat = Hash::flatten($this->_validationErrors);
     $errorCount = $this->_validationErrorCount = count($flat);
     $this->message = __dn('crud', 'A validation error occurred', '{0} validation errors occurred', $errorCount, [$errorCount]);
     parent::__construct($this->message, $code);
  * Constructor
  * @param array $error list of validation errors
  * @param integer $code code to report to client
  * @return void
 public function __construct($errors, $code = 412)
     $this->_validationErrors = array_filter($errors);
     $flat = Hash::flatten($this->_validationErrors);
     $errorCount = $this->_validationErrorCount = count($flat);
     $this->message = __dn('crud', 'A validation error occurred', '%d validation errors occurred', $errorCount, array($errorCount));
     if ($errorCount === 1) {
         $code = $this->_deriveRuleSpecific($this->_validationErrors, $code);
     parent::__construct($this->message, $code);
Пример #3
 public function toReadableSize($size)
     switch (true) {
         case $size < 1000:
             return __dn('cake', '{0,number,integer}', '{0,number,integer}', $size, $size);
         case round($size / 1000) < 1000:
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##}k', $size / 1000);
         case round($size / 1000 / 1000, 2) < 1000:
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##}m', $size / 1000 / 1000);
         case round($size / 1000 / 1000 / 1000, 2) < 1000:
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##}b', $size / 1000 / 1000 / 1000);
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##}t', $size / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000);
Пример #4
  * Returns a formatted-for-humans file size.
  * @param int $size Size in bytes
  * @return string Human readable size
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/number.html#interacting-with-human-readable-values
 public static function toReadableSize($size)
     switch (true) {
         case $size < 1024:
             return __dn('cake', '{0,number,integer} Byte', '{0,number,integer} Bytes', $size, $size);
         case round($size / 1024) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##} KB', $size / 1024);
         case round($size / 1024 / 1024, 2) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##} MB', $size / 1024 / 1024);
         case round($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##} GB', $size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
             return __d('cake', '{0,number,#,###.##} TB', $size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
  * Returns a formatted-for-humans file size.
  * @param integer $size Size in bytes
  * @return string Human readable size
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/number.html#NumberHelper::toReadableSize
 public static function toReadableSize($size)
     switch (true) {
         case $size < 1024:
             return __dn('cake', '%d Byte', '%d Bytes', $size, $size);
         case round($size / 1024) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '%d KB', self::precision($size / 1024, 0));
         case round($size / 1024 / 1024, 2) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '%.2f MB', self::precision($size / 1024 / 1024, 2));
         case round($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '%.2f GB', self::precision($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2));
             return __d('cake', '%.2f TB', self::precision($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2));
Пример #6
  * Returns a formatted-for-humans file size.
  * @param integer $size Size in bytes
  * @return string Human readable size
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/number.html#NumberHelper::toReadableSize
 public function toReadableSize($size)
     switch (true) {
         case $size < 1024:
             return __dn('cake', '%d Byte', '%d Bytes', $size, $size);
         case round($size / 1024) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '%s KB', $this->precision($size / 1024, 0));
         case round($size / 1024 / 1024, 2) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '%s MB', $this->precision($size / 1024 / 1024, 2));
         case round($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2) < 1024:
             return __d('cake', '%s GB', $this->precision($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2));
             return __d('cake', '%s TB', $this->precision($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 2));
Пример #7
 public function display($likes, $userKey = 'username')
     $n = count($likes);
     if ($n > 0) {
         if ($n == 1) {
             $like = $likes[0];
             $text = $this->Html->link($like['User'][$userKey], array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'view', $like['User']['id']));
         } else {
             if ($n > 1) {
                 $users = array();
                 foreach ($likes as $like) {
                     $users[] = $like['User'][$userKey];
                 $text = $this->Html->link(__n('%s people', '%s people', $n, $n), '#', array('title' => $this->Text->toList($users, __('and'))));
         echo __dn('like', '%s liked this.', '%s liked this.', $n, $text);
Пример #8
  * Re-builds the table
  * @return void
 public function clean()
     //        $done = [];
     $errors = 0;
     if ($this->request->is('POST')) {
         // Get connection:
         $connection = ConnectionManager::get('default');
         $truncate = $connection->query('truncate acts;');
         $models = ['Files', 'Posts', 'Projects', 'Notes', 'Albums'];
         foreach ($models as $model) {
             //                $done[$model]=['add'=>0, 'edit'=>0];
             $query = $this->{$model}->find('all', ['conditions' => ['status' => 1]]);
             foreach ($query as $item) {
                 // Add
                 $act = $this->Acts->patchEntity($this->Acts->newEntity(), ['fkid' => $item->id, 'model' => $model, 'type' => 'add', 'created' => $item->created]);
                 //, 'user_id' => $uid]);
                 if (!$this->Acts->save($act)) {
                 //                    $done[$model]['add']++;
                 // Edit
                 if ($item->created != $item->modified) {
                     //                        $done[$model]['edit']++;
                     $act = $this->Acts->patchEntity($this->Acts->newEntity(), ['fkid' => $item->id, 'model' => $model, 'type' => 'edit', 'created' => $item->modified]);
                     //, 'user_id' => $uid]);
                     if (!$this->Acts->save($act)) {
         //            debug($done);die;
         if ($errors > 0) {
             $this->Flash->error(__dn('elabs', 'An error occured during the cleanup. Please, try again.', '{0,number} errors occured during the cleanup. Please, try again.', $errors, $errors));
         } else {
             $this->Flash->success(__d('elabs', 'Acts table has been rebuilt.'));
     } else {
         throw new \Cake\Network\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException(__d('elabs', 'Use the menu to access this functionality'));
 public function load()
     $products = array();
     foreach ($this->request->query as $parameter => $value) {
         if (strpos($parameter, 'product-') !== 0) {
         $products[(int) substr($parameter, 8)] = (int) $value;
     $existingProducts = $this->Product->find('list', array('conditions' => array('Product.id' => array_keys($products))));
     foreach ($existingProducts as $productId => $name) {
         $this->Product->addToCart($productId, $products[$productId]);
     if (empty($missingProducts)) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__d('webshop_shopping_cart', 'The shopping cart has been imported'));
     } else {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__dn('webshop_shopping_cart', 'The shopping cart has been imported, the products with the following ids\'s did not exist however: %1$s', 'The shopping cart has been imported, the product with the following id did not exist however: %1$s', count($missingProducts), implode(', ', array_diff(array_keys($products), array_keys($existingProducts)))));
     $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
Пример #10
  * Format a into a relative date string.
  * @param \DatetimeInterface $date The date to format.
  * @param array $options Array of options.
  * @return string Relative date string.
  * @see \Cake\I18n\Date::timeAgoInWords()
 public function dateAgoInWords(DatetimeInterface $date, array $options = [])
     $options = $this->_options($options, FrozenDate::class);
     if ($options['timezone']) {
         $date = $date->timezone($options['timezone']);
     $now = $options['from']->format('U');
     $inSeconds = $date->format('U');
     $backwards = $inSeconds > $now;
     $futureTime = $now;
     $pastTime = $inSeconds;
     if ($backwards) {
         $futureTime = $inSeconds;
         $pastTime = $now;
     $diff = $futureTime - $pastTime;
     if (!$diff) {
         return __d('cake', 'today');
     if ($diff > abs($now - (new FrozenDate($options['end']))->format('U'))) {
         return sprintf($options['absoluteString'], $date->i18nFormat($options['format']));
     $diffData = $this->_diffData($futureTime, $pastTime, $backwards, $options);
     list($fNum, $fWord, $years, $months, $weeks, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds) = array_values($diffData);
     $relativeDate = [];
     if ($fNum >= 1 && $years > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '{0} year', '{0} years', $years, $years);
     if ($fNum >= 2 && $months > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '{0} month', '{0} months', $months, $months);
     if ($fNum >= 3 && $weeks > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '{0} week', '{0} weeks', $weeks, $weeks);
     if ($fNum >= 4 && $days > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '{0} day', '{0} days', $days, $days);
     $relativeDate = implode(', ', $relativeDate);
     // When time has passed
     if (!$backwards) {
         $aboutAgo = ['day' => __d('cake', 'about a day ago'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'about a week ago'), 'month' => __d('cake', 'about a month ago'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'about a year ago')];
         return $relativeDate ? sprintf($options['relativeString'], $relativeDate) : $aboutAgo[$fWord];
     // When time is to come
     if ($relativeDate) {
         return $relativeDate;
     $aboutIn = ['day' => __d('cake', 'in about a day'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'in about a week'), 'month' => __d('cake', 'in about a month'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'in about a year')];
     return $aboutIn[$fWord];
Пример #11
  * Removes expired registrations
  * @return void
 public function removeExpired()
     $count = $this->UserTable->removeExpiredRegistrations();
     $this->out(__dn('user_tools', 'Removed {0,number,integer} expired registration.', 'Removed {0,number,integer} expired registrations.', $count, $count));
Пример #12
  * testSubstitutionPluralDomain
  * @return void
 public function testSubstitutionPluralDomain()
     $return = __dn('testing', 'single', 'plural {number}', 1);
     $this->assertSame('single', $return);
     $return = __dn('testing', 'single', 'plural {number}', 0);
     $this->assertSame('plural 0', $return);
     $return = __dn('testing', 'single', 'plural {number}', 2);
     $this->assertSame('plural 2', $return);
     $return = __dn('testing', 'single {color}', 'plural {number} {color}', 1, array('color' => 'blue'));
     $this->assertSame('single blue', $return);
     $return = __dn('testing', 'single {color}', 'plural {number} {color}', 0, array('color' => 'blue'));
     $this->assertSame('plural 0 blue', $return);
     $return = __dn('testing', 'single {color}', 'plural {number} {color}', 2, array('color' => 'blue'));
     $this->assertSame('plural 2 blue', $return);
Пример #13
  * Returns either a relative or a formatted absolute date depending
  * on the difference between the current time and given datetime.
  * $datetime should be in a *strtotime* - parsable format, like MySQL's datetime datatype.
  * ### Options:
  * - `format` => a fall back format if the relative time is longer than the duration specified by end
  * - `accuracy` => Specifies how accurate the date should be described (array)
  *    - year =>   The format if years > 0   (default "day")
  *    - month =>  The format if months > 0  (default "day")
  *    - week =>   The format if weeks > 0   (default "day")
  *    - day =>    The format if weeks > 0   (default "hour")
  *    - hour =>   The format if hours > 0   (default "minute")
  *    - minute => The format if minutes > 0 (default "minute")
  *    - second => The format if seconds > 0 (default "second")
  * - `end` => The end of relative time telling
  * - `relativeString` => The printf compatible string when outputting past relative time
  * - `relativeStringFuture` => The printf compatible string when outputting future relative time
  * - `absoluteString` => The printf compatible string when outputting absolute time
  * - `userOffset` => Users offset from GMT (in hours) *Deprecated* use timezone instead.
  * - `timezone` => The user timezone the timestamp should be formatted in.
  * Relative dates look something like this:
  * - 3 weeks, 4 days ago
  * - 15 seconds ago
  * Default date formatting is d/m/yy e.g: on 18/2/09
  * The returned string includes 'ago' or 'on' and assumes you'll properly add a word
  * like 'Posted ' before the function output.
  * NOTE: If the difference is one week or more, the lowest level of accuracy is day
  * @param int|string|DateTime $dateTime Datetime UNIX timestamp, strtotime() valid string or DateTime object
  * @param array               $options  Default format if timestamp is used in $dateString
  * @return string Relative time string.
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/time.html#TimeHelper::timeAgoInWords
 public static function timeAgoInWords($dateTime, $options = array())
     $timezone = NULL;
     $accuracies = static::$wordAccuracy;
     $format = static::$wordFormat;
     $relativeEnd = static::$wordEnd;
     $relativeStringPast = __d('cake', '%s ago');
     $relativeStringFuture = __d('cake', 'in %s');
     $absoluteString = __d('cake', 'on %s');
     if (is_string($options)) {
         $format = $options;
     } elseif (!empty($options)) {
         if (isset($options['timezone'])) {
             $timezone = $options['timezone'];
         } elseif (isset($options['userOffset'])) {
             $timezone = $options['userOffset'];
         if (isset($options['accuracy'])) {
             if (is_array($options['accuracy'])) {
                 $accuracies = array_merge($accuracies, $options['accuracy']);
             } else {
                 foreach ($accuracies as $key => $level) {
                     $accuracies[$key] = $options['accuracy'];
         if (isset($options['format'])) {
             $format = $options['format'];
         if (isset($options['end'])) {
             $relativeEnd = $options['end'];
         if (isset($options['relativeString'])) {
             $relativeStringPast = $options['relativeString'];
         if (isset($options['relativeStringFuture'])) {
             $relativeStringFuture = $options['relativeStringFuture'];
         if (isset($options['absoluteString'])) {
             $absoluteString = $options['absoluteString'];
         unset($options['end'], $options['format']);
     $now = static::fromString(time(), $timezone);
     $inSeconds = static::fromString($dateTime, $timezone);
     $isFuture = $inSeconds > $now;
     if ($isFuture) {
         $startTime = $now;
         $endTime = $inSeconds;
     } else {
         $startTime = $inSeconds;
         $endTime = $now;
     $diff = $endTime - $startTime;
     if ($diff === 0) {
         return __d('cake', 'just now', 'just now');
     $isAbsoluteDate = $diff > abs($now - static::fromString($relativeEnd));
     if ($isAbsoluteDate) {
         if (strpos($format, '%') === FALSE) {
             $date = date($format, $inSeconds);
         } else {
             $date = static::_strftime($format, $inSeconds);
         return sprintf($absoluteString, $date);
     $years = $months = $weeks = $days = $hours = $minutes = $seconds = 0;
     // If more than a week, then take into account the length of months
     if ($diff >= 604800) {
         list($future['H'], $future['i'], $future['s'], $future['d'], $future['m'], $future['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $endTime));
         list($past['H'], $past['i'], $past['s'], $past['d'], $past['m'], $past['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $startTime));
         $years = $future['Y'] - $past['Y'];
         $months = $future['m'] + (12 * $years - $past['m']);
         if ($months >= 12) {
             $years = floor($months / 12);
             $months = $months - $years * 12;
         if ($future['m'] < $past['m'] && $future['Y'] - $past['Y'] === 1) {
         if ($future['d'] >= $past['d']) {
             $days = $future['d'] - $past['d'];
         } else {
             $daysInPastMonth = date('t', $startTime);
             $daysInFutureMonth = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $future['m'] - 1, 1, $future['Y']));
             if ($isFuture) {
                 $days = $daysInFutureMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             } else {
                 $days = $daysInPastMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             if ($future['m'] != $past['m']) {
         if (!$months && $years >= 1 && $diff < $years * 31536000) {
             $months = 11;
         if ($months >= 12) {
             $years = $years + 1;
             $months = $months - 12;
         if ($days >= 7) {
             $weeks = floor($days / 7);
             $days = $days - $weeks * 7;
     } else {
         $days = floor($diff / 86400);
         $diff = $diff - $days * 86400;
         $hours = floor($diff / 3600);
         $diff = $diff - $hours * 3600;
         $minutes = floor($diff / 60);
         $diff = $diff - $minutes * 60;
         $seconds = $diff;
     $accuracy = $accuracies['second'];
     if ($years > 0) {
         $accuracy = $accuracies['year'];
     } elseif (abs($months) > 0) {
         $accuracy = $accuracies['month'];
     } elseif (abs($weeks) > 0) {
         $accuracy = $accuracies['week'];
     } elseif (abs($days) > 0) {
         $accuracy = $accuracies['day'];
     } elseif (abs($hours) > 0) {
         $accuracy = $accuracies['hour'];
     } elseif (abs($minutes) > 0) {
         $accuracy = $accuracies['minute'];
     $accuracyNum = str_replace(array('year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'), array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), $accuracy);
     $relativeDate = array();
     if ($accuracyNum >= 1 && $years > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '%d year', '%d years', $years, $years);
     if ($accuracyNum >= 2 && $months > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '%d month', '%d months', $months, $months);
     if ($accuracyNum >= 3 && $weeks > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '%d week', '%d weeks', $weeks, $weeks);
     if ($accuracyNum >= 4 && $days > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '%d day', '%d days', $days, $days);
     if ($accuracyNum >= 5 && $hours > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '%d hour', '%d hours', $hours, $hours);
     if ($accuracyNum >= 6 && $minutes > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '%d minute', '%d minutes', $minutes, $minutes);
     if ($accuracyNum >= 7 && $seconds > 0) {
         $relativeDate[] = __dn('cake', '%d second', '%d seconds', $seconds, $seconds);
     $relativeDate = implode(', ', $relativeDate);
     if ($relativeDate) {
         $relativeString = $isFuture ? $relativeStringFuture : $relativeStringPast;
         return sprintf($relativeString, $relativeDate);
     if ($isFuture) {
         $strings = array('second' => __d('cake', 'in about a second'), 'minute' => __d('cake', 'in about a minute'), 'hour' => __d('cake', 'in about an hour'), 'day' => __d('cake', 'in about a day'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'in about a week'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'in about a year'));
     } else {
         $strings = array('second' => __d('cake', 'about a second ago'), 'minute' => __d('cake', 'about a minute ago'), 'hour' => __d('cake', 'about an hour ago'), 'day' => __d('cake', 'about a day ago'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'about a week ago'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'about a year ago'));
     return $strings[$accuracy];
Пример #14
  * Tests the __dn() function
  * @return void
 public function testBasicDomainPluralFunction()
     I18n::translator('custom', 'en_US', function () {
         $package = new Package('default');
         $package->setMessages(['Cow' => 'Le Moo', 'Cows' => ['Le Moo', 'Les Moos']]);
         return $package;
     $this->assertEquals('Le Moo', __dn('custom', 'Cow', 'Cows', 1));
     $this->assertEquals('Les Moos', __dn('custom', 'Cow', 'Cows', 2));
Пример #15
	 * Plural method
	 * @access private
	 * @return void
	function __domainPlural($domain = 'test_plugin') {
		$plurals = array();
		for ($number = 0; $number <= 25; $number++) {
			$plurals[] =  sprintf(__dn($domain, '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', (float)$number, true), (float)$number );
		return $plurals;
Пример #16
  * Translates different type of strings depending on the number of arguments it is passed and their types. Supports:
  *  - all of `__()`, `__n()`, `__d()`, `__dn()`
  *  - placeholders for `String::insert()`
  * Examples:
  * 	- __t('Hello world!')
  * 	- __t('Hello :name!', array('name' => 'world'))
  * 	- __t('Hello mate!', 'Hello mates!', 2)
  * 	- __t(':salutation mate!', ':salutation mates!', 2, array('salutation' => 'Hello'))
  * 	- __t('myapp', 'Hello world!')
  * 	- __t('myapp', 'Hello :name!', array('name' => 'world'))
  * 	- __t('myapp', 'Hello mate!', 'Hello mates!', 2)
  * 	- __t('myapp', ':salutation mate!', ':salutation mates!', 2, array('salutation' => 'Hello'))
  * @return string
 function __t()
     $args = func_get_args();
     $data = $options = array();
     switch (count($args)) {
         case 1:
             return __($args[0]);
         case 2:
             if (is_array($args[1])) {
                 $result = __($args[0]);
                 $data = $args[1];
             } else {
                 if (is_string($args[1])) {
                     return __d($args[0], $args[1]);
         case 3:
             if (is_array($args[2])) {
                 $result = __d($args[0], $args[1]);
                 $data = $args[2];
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($args[2])) {
                     return __n($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
         case 4:
             if (is_array($args[2]) && is_array($args[3])) {
                 $result = __d($args[0], $args[1]);
                 $data = $args[2];
                 $options = $args[3];
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($args[2]) && is_array($args[3])) {
                     $result = __n($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
                     $data = $args[3];
                 } else {
                     if (is_string($args[2]) && is_numeric($args[3])) {
                         return __dn($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]);
     if (empty($data)) {
         return $result;
     return String::insert($result, $data, $options);
Пример #17
  * Display usefull stats about the workers.
  * Note: The workers status is conveniently stored by ResqueStatus.
  * @return void
  * @see ResqueStatus\ResqueStatus::isSchedulerWorker()
  * @see ResqueStatus\ResqueStatus::getPausedWorker()
 public function stats()
     $ResqueStatus = $this->ResqueStatus;
     $workers = CakeResque::getWorkers();
     // List of all queues
     $queues = array_unique(CakeResque::getQueues());
     // List of queues monitored by a worker
     $activeQueues = [];
     foreach ($workers as $worker) {
         $workerParams = explode(':', $worker);
         $activeQueues = array_merge($activeQueues, explode(',', array_pop($workerParams)));
     $this->out('<info>' . __d('cake_resque', 'Resque Statistics') . '</info>');
     $this->out('<info>' . __d('cake_resque', 'Jobs Stats') . '</info>');
     $this->out('   ' . __d('cake_resque', 'Processed Jobs : {0}', number_format(Resque_Stat::get('processed'))));
     $this->out('   <warning>' . __d('cake_resque', 'Failed Jobs    : {0}', number_format(Resque_Stat::get('failed'))) . '</warning>');
     if (Configure::read('CakeResque.Scheduler.enabled') === true) {
         $this->out('   ' . __d('cake_resque', 'Scheduled Jobs : {0}', number_format(Stat::get())));
     $count = [];
     $this->out('<info>' . __d('cake_resque', 'Queues Stats') . '</info>');
     for ($i = count($queues) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
         $count[$queues[$i]] = CakeResque::getQueueSize($queues[$i]);
         if (!in_array($queues[$i], $activeQueues) && $count[$queues[$i]] == 0) {
     $this->out('   ' . __d('cake_resque', 'Queues count : {0}', count($queues)));
     foreach ($queues as $queue) {
         $this->out(sprintf("\t- %-15s : %12s %s", $queue, number_format($count[$queue]), __dn('cake_resque', 'pending job', 'pending jobs', $count[$queue]) . (!in_array($queue, $activeQueues) ? " <error>(unmonitored queue)</error>" : '')));
     $this->out('<info>' . __d('cake_resque', 'Workers Stats') . '</info>');
     $this->out('   ' . __d('cake_resque', 'Workers count : {0}', count($workers)));
     $pausedWorkers = $ResqueStatus->getPausedWorker();
     $schedulerWorkers = [];
     if (!empty($workers)) {
         $this->out("\t<info>" . strtoupper(__d('cake_resque', 'regular workers')) . "</info>");
         foreach ($workers as $worker) {
             if (Configure::read('CakeResque.Scheduler.enabled') === true && $ResqueStatus->isSchedulerWorker($worker)) {
                 $schedulerWorkers[] = $worker;
             $this->out("\t* <bold>" . (string) $worker . '</bold>' . (in_array((string) $worker, $pausedWorkers) ? ' <warning>(' . __d('cake_resque', 'paused') . ')</warning>' : ''));
             $this->out("\t   - " . __d('cake_resque', 'Started on') . "     : " . CakeResque::getWorkerStartDate($worker));
             $this->out("\t   - " . __d('cake_resque', 'Processed Jobs') . " : " . $worker->getStat('processed'));
             $worker->getStat('failed') == 0 ? $this->out("\t   - " . __d('cake_resque', 'Failed Jobs') . "    : " . $worker->getStat('failed')) : $this->out("\t   - <warning>" . __d('cake_resque', 'Failed Jobs') . "    : " . $worker->getStat('failed') . "</warning>");
     if (!empty($schedulerWorkers)) {
         $this->out("\t<info>" . strtoupper(__d('cake_resque', 'scheduler worker')) . "</info>" . (in_array((string) $schedulerWorkers[0], $pausedWorkers) ? ' <warning>(' . __d('cake_resque', 'paused') . ')</warning>' : ''));
         foreach ($schedulerWorkers as $worker) {
             $schedulerWorker = new ResqueScheduler();
             $delayedJobCount = $schedulerWorker->getDelayedQueueScheduleSize();
             $this->out("\t   - " . __d('cake_resque', 'Started on') . "     : " . CakeResque::getWorkerStartDate($worker));
             $this->out("\t   - " . __d('cake_resque', 'Delayed Jobs') . "   : " . $delayedJobCount);
             if ($delayedJobCount > 0) {
                 $this->out("\t   - " . __d('cake_resque', 'Next Job on') . "    : " . strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y', $schedulerWorker->nextDelayedTimestamp()));
     } elseif (Configure::read('CakeResque.Scheduler.enabled') === true) {
         $jobsCount = ResqueScheduler::getDelayedQueueScheduleSize();
         if ($jobsCount > 0) {
             $this->out("\t<error>************ " . __d('cake_resque', 'Alert') . " ************</error>");
             $this->out("\t<bold>" . __d('cake_resque', 'The Scheduler Worker is not running') . "</bold>");
             $this->out("\t" . __d('cake_resque', 'But there is still <bold>{0}</bold> scheduled jobs left in its queue', $jobsCount));
Пример #18
  * Returns either a relative date or a formatted date depending
  * on the difference between the current time and given datetime.
  * $datetime should be in a *strtotime* - parsable format, like MySQL's datetime datatype.
  * ### Options:
  * - `format` => a fall back format if the relative time is longer than the duration specified by end
  * - `accuracy` => Specifies how accurate the date should be described (array)
  *    - year =>   The format if years > 0   (default "day")
  *    - month =>  The format if months > 0  (default "day")
  *    - week =>   The format if weeks > 0   (default "day")
  *    - day =>    The format if weeks > 0   (default "hour")
  *    - hour =>   The format if hours > 0   (default "minute")
  *    - minute => The format if minutes > 0 (default "minute")
  *    - second => The format if seconds > 0 (default "second")
  * - `end` => The end of relative time telling
  * - `userOffset` => Users offset from GMT (in hours) *Deprecated* use timezone intead.
  * - `timezone` => The user timezone the timestamp should be formatted in.
  * Relative dates look something like this:
  * - 3 weeks, 4 days ago
  * - 15 seconds ago
  * Default date formatting is d/m/yy e.g: on 18/2/09
  * The returned string includes 'ago' or 'on' and assumes you'll properly add a word
  * like 'Posted ' before the function output.
  * NOTE: If the difference is one week or more, the lowest level of accuracy is day
  * @param integer|string|DateTime $dateTime Datetime UNIX timestamp, strtotime() valid string or DateTime object
  * @param array $options Default format if timestamp is used in $dateString
  * @return string Relative time string.
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/time.html#formatting
 public static function timeAgoInWords($dateTime, $options = array())
     $timezone = null;
     $format = self::$wordFormat;
     $end = self::$wordEnd;
     $accuracy = self::$wordAccuracy;
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if (isset($options['timezone'])) {
             $timezone = $options['timezone'];
         } elseif (isset($options['userOffset'])) {
             $timezone = $options['userOffset'];
         if (isset($options['accuracy'])) {
             if (is_array($options['accuracy'])) {
                 $accuracy = array_merge($accuracy, $options['accuracy']);
             } else {
                 foreach ($accuracy as $key => $level) {
                     $accuracy[$key] = $options['accuracy'];
         if (isset($options['format'])) {
             $format = $options['format'];
         if (isset($options['end'])) {
             $end = $options['end'];
         unset($options['end'], $options['format']);
     } else {
         $format = $options;
     $now = self::fromString(time(), $timezone);
     $inSeconds = self::fromString($dateTime, $timezone);
     $backwards = $inSeconds > $now;
     $futureTime = $now;
     $pastTime = $inSeconds;
     if ($backwards) {
         $futureTime = $inSeconds;
         $pastTime = $now;
     $diff = $futureTime - $pastTime;
     // If more than a week, then take into account the length of months
     if ($diff >= 604800) {
         list($future['H'], $future['i'], $future['s'], $future['d'], $future['m'], $future['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $futureTime));
         list($past['H'], $past['i'], $past['s'], $past['d'], $past['m'], $past['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $pastTime));
         $years = $months = $weeks = $days = $hours = $minutes = $seconds = 0;
         $years = $future['Y'] - $past['Y'];
         $months = $future['m'] + (12 * $years - $past['m']);
         if ($months >= 12) {
             $years = floor($months / 12);
             $months = $months - $years * 12;
         if ($future['m'] < $past['m'] && $future['Y'] - $past['Y'] === 1) {
         if ($future['d'] >= $past['d']) {
             $days = $future['d'] - $past['d'];
         } else {
             $daysInPastMonth = date('t', $pastTime);
             $daysInFutureMonth = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $future['m'] - 1, 1, $future['Y']));
             if (!$backwards) {
                 $days = $daysInPastMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             } else {
                 $days = $daysInFutureMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             if ($future['m'] != $past['m']) {
         if (!$months && $years >= 1 && $diff < $years * 31536000) {
             $months = 11;
         if ($months >= 12) {
             $years = $years + 1;
             $months = $months - 12;
         if ($days >= 7) {
             $weeks = floor($days / 7);
             $days = $days - $weeks * 7;
     } else {
         $years = $months = $weeks = 0;
         $days = floor($diff / 86400);
         $diff = $diff - $days * 86400;
         $hours = floor($diff / 3600);
         $diff = $diff - $hours * 3600;
         $minutes = floor($diff / 60);
         $diff = $diff - $minutes * 60;
         $seconds = $diff;
     $diff = $futureTime - $pastTime;
     if (!$diff) {
         return __d('cake', 'just now', 'just now');
     if ($diff > abs($now - self::fromString($end))) {
         return __d('cake', 'on %s', date($format, $inSeconds));
     $fWord = $accuracy['second'];
     if ($years > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['year'];
     } elseif (abs($months) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['month'];
     } elseif (abs($weeks) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['week'];
     } elseif (abs($days) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['day'];
     } elseif (abs($hours) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['hour'];
     } elseif (abs($minutes) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['minute'];
     $fNum = str_replace(array('year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'), array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), $fWord);
     $relativeDate = '';
     if ($fNum >= 1 && $years > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d year', '%d years', $years, $years);
     if ($fNum >= 2 && $months > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d month', '%d months', $months, $months);
     if ($fNum >= 3 && $weeks > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d week', '%d weeks', $weeks, $weeks);
     if ($fNum >= 4 && $days > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d day', '%d days', $days, $days);
     if ($fNum >= 5 && $hours > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d hour', '%d hours', $hours, $hours);
     if ($fNum >= 6 && $minutes > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d minute', '%d minutes', $minutes, $minutes);
     if ($fNum >= 7 && $seconds > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d second', '%d seconds', $seconds, $seconds);
     $aboutAgo = array('second' => __d('cake', 'about a second ago'), 'minute' => __d('cake', 'about a minute ago'), 'hour' => __d('cake', 'about an hour ago'), 'day' => __d('cake', 'about a day ago'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'about a week ago'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'about a year ago'));
     $aboutIn = array('second' => __d('cake', 'in about a second'), 'minute' => __d('cake', 'in about a minute'), 'hour' => __d('cake', 'in about an hour'), 'day' => __d('cake', 'in about a day'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'in about a week'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'in about a year'));
     // When time has passed
     if (!$backwards) {
         if ($relativeDate) {
             return __d('cake', '%s ago', $relativeDate);
         return $aboutAgo[$fWord];
     // When time is to come
     if (!$relativeDate) {
         return $aboutIn[$fWord];
     return $relativeDate;
Пример #19
 * @modifiedby      $LastChangedBy: phpnut $
 * @lastmodified    $Date: 2007-05-25 05:54:16 $
 * @license         http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License
 * Only used when -debug option
return null;
$singularReturn = __('Singular string  return __()', true);
$singularEcho = __('Singular string  echo __()');
$pluralReturn = __n('% apple in the bowl (plural string return __n())', '% apples in the blowl (plural string 2 return __n())', 3, true);
$pluralEcho = __n('% apple in the bowl (plural string 2 echo __n())', '% apples in the blowl (plural string 2 echo __n()', 3);
$singularDomainReturn = __d('controllers', 'Singular string domain lookup return __d()', true);
$singularDomainEcho = __d('controllers', 'Singular string domain lookup echo __d()');
$pluralDomainReturn = __dn('controllers', '% pears in the bowl (plural string domain lookup return __dn())', '% pears in the blowl (plural string domain lookup return __dn())', 3, true);
$pluralDomainEcho = __dn('controllers', '% pears in the bowl (plural string domain lookup echo __dn())', '% pears in the blowl (plural string domain lookup echo __dn())', 3);
$singularDomainCategoryReturn = __dc('controllers', 'Singular string domain and category lookup return __dc()', 5, true);
$singularDomainCategoryEcho = __dc('controllers', 'Singular string domain and category lookup echo __dc()', 5);
$pluralDomainCategoryReturn = __dcn('controllers', '% apple in the bowl (plural string 1 domain and category lookup return __dcn())', '% apples in the blowl (plural string 2 domain and category lookup return __dcn())', 3, 5, true);
$pluralDomainCategoryEcho = __dcn('controllers', '% apple in the bowl (plural string 1 domain and category lookup echo __dcn())', '% apples in the blowl (plural string 2 domain and category lookup echo __dcn())', 3, 5);
$categoryReturn = __c('Category string lookup line return __c()', 5, true);
$categoryEcho = __c('Category string  lookup line echo __c()', 5);
 * Language string extractor
 * @package     cake
 * @subpackage  cake.cake.console.libs
class ExtractShell extends Shell
    var $path = null;
Пример #20
  * test __dn()
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function test__dn()
     Configure::write('Config.language', 'rule_1_po');
     $result = __dn('default', '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', 0, true);
     $expected = '%d = 0 or > 1 (translated)';
     $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
     $result = __dn('core', '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', 0, true);
     $expected = '%d = 0 or > 1';
     $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
     $result = __dn('core', '%d = 1 (from core)', '%d = 0 or > 1 (from core)', 0, true);
     $expected = '%d = 0 or > 1 (from core translated)';
     $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
     $result = __dn('default', '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', 1, true);
     $expected = '%d = 1 (translated)';
     $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
     __dn('core', '%d = 1 (from core)', '%d = 0 or > 1 (from core)', 2);
     $result = ob_get_clean();
     $expected = '%d = 0 or > 1 (from core translated)';
     $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
Пример #21
  * test __dn()
  * @return void
 public function testTranslateDomainPlural()
     Configure::write('Config.language', 'rule_1_po');
     $result = __dn('default', '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', 0);
     $expected = '%d = 0 or > 1 (translated)';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = __dn('core', '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', 0);
     $expected = '%d = 0 or > 1';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = __dn('core', '%d = 1 (from core)', '%d = 0 or > 1 (from core)', 0);
     $expected = '%d = 0 or > 1 (from core translated)';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = __dn('default', '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', 1);
     $expected = '%d = 1 (translated)';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = __dn('core', '%d item.', '%d items.', 1, 1);
     $expected = '1 item.';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = __dn('core', '%d item for id %s', '%d items for id %s', 2, 2, '1234');
     $expected = '2 items for id 1234';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
     $result = __dn('core', '%d item for id %s', '%d items for id %s', 2, array(2, '1234'));
     $expected = '2 items for id 1234';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
Пример #22
  * Run a queue worker loop.
  *	Runs a queue worker process which will try to find unassigned tasks in the queue
  *	which it may run and try to fetch and execute them.
  * @return void
 public function runworker()
     // Enable garbage collector (PHP >= 5.3)
     if (function_exists('gc_enable')) {
     // Register signal handler(s) if possible
     if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
         pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, [$this, 'signalHandler']);
         pcntl_signal(SIGINT, [$this, 'signalHandler']);
     } else {
         $this->err(__d('queue', 'Signal handler(s) could not be registered.'));
     $this->__exit = false;
     $workerStartTime = time();
     while (!$this->__exit) {
         $this->out(__d('queue', 'Looking for a job.'), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
         $data = $this->QueuedTask->requestJob($this->_getTaskConf());
         if ($this->QueuedTask->exit === true) {
             $this->__exit = true;
         } else {
             if ($data !== false) {
                 $jobId = $data['id'];
                 $taskname = 'Queue' . $data['task'];
                 $this->out(__d('queue', 'Running job of task \'%s\' \'%d\'.', $data['task'], $jobId));
                 $taskStartTime = time();
                 $return = $this->{$taskname}->run(unserialize($data['data']));
                 $took = time() - $taskStartTime;
                 if ($return) {
                     $this->out(__d('queue', 'Job \'%d\' finished (took %s).', $jobId, __dn('queue', '%d second', '%d seconds', $took, $took)));
                 } else {
                     $failureMessage = null;
                     if (isset($this->{$taskname}->failureMessage) && !empty($this->{$taskname}->failureMessage)) {
                         $failureMessage = $this->{$taskname}->failureMessage;
                     $this->QueuedTask->markJobFailed($jobId, $failureMessage);
                     $this->out(__d('queue', 'Job \'%d\' did not finish, requeued.', $jobId));
             } elseif (Configure::read('Queue.exitWhenNothingToDo')) {
                 $this->out(__d('queue', 'Nothing to do, exiting.'));
                 $this->__exit = true;
             } else {
                 $this->out(__d('queue', 'Nothing to do, sleeping for %d second(s).', Configure::read('Queue.sleepTime')), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
             // Check if we are over the maximum runtime and end processing if so.
             if (Configure::read('Queue.workerMaxRuntime') != 0 && time() - $workerStartTime >= Configure::read('Queue.workerMaxRuntime')) {
                 $this->__exit = true;
                 $this->out(__d('queue', 'Reached runtime of %s seconds (max. %s), terminating.', time() - $workerStartTime, Configure::read('Queue.workerMaxRuntime')));
             if ($this->__exit || rand(0, 100) > 100 - Configure::read('Queue.gcprop')) {
                 $this->out(__d('queue', 'Performing old job cleanup.'));
Пример #23
  * Plural method
  * @return void
 protected function _domainPlural($domain = 'test_plugin')
     $plurals = array();
     for ($number = 0; $number <= 25; $number++) {
         $plurals[] = sprintf(__dn($domain, '%d = 1', '%d = 0 or > 1', (double) $number), (double) $number);
     return $plurals;
Пример #24
  * Returns either a relative or a formatted absolute date depending
  * on the difference between the current time and this object.
  * ### Options:
  * - `from` => another Time object representing the "now" time
  * - `format` => a fall back format if the relative time is longer than the duration specified by end
  * - `accuracy` => Specifies how accurate the date should be described (array)
  *    - year =>   The format if years > 0   (default "day")
  *    - month =>  The format if months > 0  (default "day")
  *    - week =>   The format if weeks > 0   (default "day")
  *    - day =>    The format if weeks > 0   (default "hour")
  *    - hour =>   The format if hours > 0   (default "minute")
  *    - minute => The format if minutes > 0 (default "minute")
  *    - second => The format if seconds > 0 (default "second")
  * - `end` => The end of relative time telling
  * - `relativeString` => The printf compatible string when outputting relative time
  * - `absoluteString` => The printf compatible string when outputting absolute time
  * - `timezone` => The user timezone the timestamp should be formatted in.
  * Relative dates look something like this:
  * - 3 weeks, 4 days ago
  * - 15 seconds ago
  * Default date formatting is d/M/YY e.g: on 18/2/09. Formatting is done internally using
  * `i18nFormat`, see the method for the valid formatting strings
  * The returned string includes 'ago' or 'on' and assumes you'll properly add a word
  * like 'Posted ' before the function output.
  * NOTE: If the difference is one week or more, the lowest level of accuracy is day
  * @param array $options Array of options.
  * @return string Relative time string.
 public function timeAgoInWords(array $options = [])
     $time = $this;
     $timezone = null;
     $format = static::$wordFormat;
     $end = static::$wordEnd;
     $relativeString = __d('cake', '%s ago');
     $absoluteString = __d('cake', 'on %s');
     $accuracy = static::$wordAccuracy;
     $from = static::now();
     $opts = ['timezone', 'format', 'end', 'relativeString', 'absoluteString', 'from'];
     foreach ($opts as $option) {
         if (isset($options[$option])) {
             ${$option} = $options[$option];
     if (isset($options['accuracy'])) {
         if (is_array($options['accuracy'])) {
             $accuracy = $options['accuracy'] + $accuracy;
         } else {
             foreach ($accuracy as $key => $level) {
                 $accuracy[$key] = $options['accuracy'];
     if ($timezone) {
         $time = clone $this;
     $now = $from->format('U');
     $inSeconds = $time->format('U');
     $backwards = $inSeconds > $now;
     $futureTime = $now;
     $pastTime = $inSeconds;
     if ($backwards) {
         $futureTime = $inSeconds;
         $pastTime = $now;
     $diff = $futureTime - $pastTime;
     if (!$diff) {
         return __d('cake', 'just now', 'just now');
     if ($diff > abs($now - (new static($end))->format('U'))) {
         return sprintf($absoluteString, $time->i18nFormat($format));
     // If more than a week, then take into account the length of months
     if ($diff >= 604800) {
         list($future['H'], $future['i'], $future['s'], $future['d'], $future['m'], $future['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $futureTime));
         list($past['H'], $past['i'], $past['s'], $past['d'], $past['m'], $past['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $pastTime));
         $weeks = $days = $hours = $minutes = $seconds = 0;
         $years = $future['Y'] - $past['Y'];
         $months = $future['m'] + (12 * $years - $past['m']);
         if ($months >= 12) {
             $years = floor($months / 12);
             $months = $months - $years * 12;
         if ($future['m'] < $past['m'] && $future['Y'] - $past['Y'] === 1) {
         if ($future['d'] >= $past['d']) {
             $days = $future['d'] - $past['d'];
         } else {
             $daysInPastMonth = date('t', $pastTime);
             $daysInFutureMonth = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $future['m'] - 1, 1, $future['Y']));
             if (!$backwards) {
                 $days = $daysInPastMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             } else {
                 $days = $daysInFutureMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             if ($future['m'] != $past['m']) {
         if (!$months && $years >= 1 && $diff < $years * 31536000) {
             $months = 11;
         if ($months >= 12) {
             $years = $years + 1;
             $months = $months - 12;
         if ($days >= 7) {
             $weeks = floor($days / 7);
             $days = $days - $weeks * 7;
     } else {
         $years = $months = $weeks = 0;
         $days = floor($diff / 86400);
         $diff = $diff - $days * 86400;
         $hours = floor($diff / 3600);
         $diff = $diff - $hours * 3600;
         $minutes = floor($diff / 60);
         $diff = $diff - $minutes * 60;
         $seconds = $diff;
     $fWord = $accuracy['second'];
     if ($years > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['year'];
     } elseif (abs($months) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['month'];
     } elseif (abs($weeks) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['week'];
     } elseif (abs($days) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['day'];
     } elseif (abs($hours) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['hour'];
     } elseif (abs($minutes) > 0) {
         $fWord = $accuracy['minute'];
     $fNum = str_replace(['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], $fWord);
     $relativeDate = '';
     if ($fNum >= 1 && $years > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '{0} year', '{0} years', $years, $years);
     if ($fNum >= 2 && $months > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '{0} month', '{0} months', $months, $months);
     if ($fNum >= 3 && $weeks > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '{0} week', '{0} weeks', $weeks, $weeks);
     if ($fNum >= 4 && $days > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '{0} day', '{0} days', $days, $days);
     if ($fNum >= 5 && $hours > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '{0} hour', '{0} hours', $hours, $hours);
     if ($fNum >= 6 && $minutes > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '{0} minute', '{0} minutes', $minutes, $minutes);
     if ($fNum >= 7 && $seconds > 0) {
         $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '{0} second', '{0} seconds', $seconds, $seconds);
     // When time has passed
     if (!$backwards && $relativeDate) {
         return sprintf($relativeString, $relativeDate);
     if (!$backwards) {
         $aboutAgo = ['second' => __d('cake', 'about a second ago'), 'minute' => __d('cake', 'about a minute ago'), 'hour' => __d('cake', 'about an hour ago'), 'day' => __d('cake', 'about a day ago'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'about a week ago'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'about a year ago')];
         return $aboutAgo[$fWord];
     // When time is to come
     if (!$relativeDate) {
         $aboutIn = ['second' => __d('cake', 'in about a second'), 'minute' => __d('cake', 'in about a minute'), 'hour' => __d('cake', 'in about an hour'), 'day' => __d('cake', 'in about a day'), 'week' => __d('cake', 'in about a week'), 'year' => __d('cake', 'in about a year')];
         return $aboutIn[$fWord];
     return $relativeDate;
Пример #25
  * Returns either a relative date or a formatted date depending
  * on the difference between the current time and given datetime.
  * $datetime should be in a <i>strtotime</i> - parsable format, like MySQL's datetime datatype.
  * ### Options:
  * - `format` => a fall back format if the relative time is longer than the duration specified by end
  * - `end` => The end of relative time telling
  * - `userOffset` => Users offset from GMT (in hours)
  * Relative dates look something like this:
  *	3 weeks, 4 days ago
  *	15 seconds ago
  * Default date formatting is d/m/yy e.g: on 18/2/09
  * The returned string includes 'ago' or 'on' and assumes you'll properly add a word
  * like 'Posted ' before the function output.
  * @param string $dateTime Datetime string or Unix timestamp
  * @param array $options Default format if timestamp is used in $dateString
  * @return string Relative time string.
  * @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/time.html#formatting
 public function timeAgoInWords($dateTime, $options = array())
     $userOffset = null;
     if (is_array($options) && isset($options['userOffset'])) {
         $userOffset = $options['userOffset'];
     $now = time();
     if (!is_null($userOffset)) {
         $now = $this->convert(time(), $userOffset);
     $inSeconds = $this->fromString($dateTime, $userOffset);
     $backwards = $inSeconds > $now;
     $format = 'j/n/y';
     $end = '+1 month';
     if (is_array($options)) {
         if (isset($options['format'])) {
             $format = $options['format'];
         if (isset($options['end'])) {
             $end = $options['end'];
     } else {
         $format = $options;
     if ($backwards) {
         $futureTime = $inSeconds;
         $pastTime = $now;
     } else {
         $futureTime = $now;
         $pastTime = $inSeconds;
     $diff = $futureTime - $pastTime;
     // If more than a week, then take into account the length of months
     if ($diff >= 604800) {
         $current = array();
         $date = array();
         list($future['H'], $future['i'], $future['s'], $future['d'], $future['m'], $future['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $futureTime));
         list($past['H'], $past['i'], $past['s'], $past['d'], $past['m'], $past['Y']) = explode('/', date('H/i/s/d/m/Y', $pastTime));
         $years = $months = $weeks = $days = $hours = $minutes = $seconds = 0;
         if ($future['Y'] == $past['Y'] && $future['m'] == $past['m']) {
             $months = 0;
             $years = 0;
         } else {
             if ($future['Y'] == $past['Y']) {
                 $months = $future['m'] - $past['m'];
             } else {
                 $years = $future['Y'] - $past['Y'];
                 $months = $future['m'] + (12 * $years - $past['m']);
                 if ($months >= 12) {
                     $years = floor($months / 12);
                     $months = $months - $years * 12;
                 if ($future['m'] < $past['m'] && $future['Y'] - $past['Y'] == 1) {
         if ($future['d'] >= $past['d']) {
             $days = $future['d'] - $past['d'];
         } else {
             $daysInPastMonth = date('t', $pastTime);
             $daysInFutureMonth = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $future['m'] - 1, 1, $future['Y']));
             if (!$backwards) {
                 $days = $daysInPastMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             } else {
                 $days = $daysInFutureMonth - $past['d'] + $future['d'];
             if ($future['m'] != $past['m']) {
         if ($months == 0 && $years >= 1 && $diff < $years * 31536000) {
             $months = 11;
         if ($months >= 12) {
             $years = $years + 1;
             $months = $months - 12;
         if ($days >= 7) {
             $weeks = floor($days / 7);
             $days = $days - $weeks * 7;
     } else {
         $years = $months = $weeks = 0;
         $days = floor($diff / 86400);
         $diff = $diff - $days * 86400;
         $hours = floor($diff / 3600);
         $diff = $diff - $hours * 3600;
         $minutes = floor($diff / 60);
         $diff = $diff - $minutes * 60;
         $seconds = $diff;
     $relativeDate = '';
     $diff = $futureTime - $pastTime;
     if ($diff > abs($now - $this->fromString($end))) {
         $relativeDate = __d('cake', 'on %s', date($format, $inSeconds));
     } else {
         if ($years > 0) {
             // years and months and days
             $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d year', '%d years', $years, $years);
             $relativeDate .= $months > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d month', '%d months', $months, $months) : '';
             $relativeDate .= $weeks > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d week', '%d weeks', $weeks, $weeks) : '';
             $relativeDate .= $days > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d day', '%d days', $days, $days) : '';
         } elseif (abs($months) > 0) {
             // months, weeks and days
             $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d month', '%d months', $months, $months);
             $relativeDate .= $weeks > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d week', '%d weeks', $weeks, $weeks) : '';
             $relativeDate .= $days > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d day', '%d days', $days, $days) : '';
         } elseif (abs($weeks) > 0) {
             // weeks and days
             $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d week', '%d weeks', $weeks, $weeks);
             $relativeDate .= $days > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d day', '%d days', $days, $days) : '';
         } elseif (abs($days) > 0) {
             // days and hours
             $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d day', '%d days', $days, $days);
             $relativeDate .= $hours > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d hour', '%d hours', $hours, $hours) : '';
         } elseif (abs($hours) > 0) {
             // hours and minutes
             $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d hour', '%d hours', $hours, $hours);
             $relativeDate .= $minutes > 0 ? ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d minute', '%d minutes', $minutes, $minutes) : '';
         } elseif (abs($minutes) > 0) {
             // minutes only
             $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d minute', '%d minutes', $minutes, $minutes);
         } else {
             // seconds only
             $relativeDate .= ($relativeDate ? ', ' : '') . __dn('cake', '%d second', '%d seconds', $seconds, $seconds);
         if (!$backwards) {
             $relativeDate = __d('cake', '%s ago', $relativeDate);
     return $relativeDate;
Пример #26
  * Handle the command.
  * @param string $message The message to handle.
  * @return array
 protected function _handleCommand($message)
     $json = ['hasCmd' => true];
     $errorAuthorization = __d('chat', 'You don\'t have the permission to execute this command.');
     switch ($this->_parts[0]) {
         case 'prune':
             if ($this->Chat->hasPermission(['action' => 'canPrune']) === false) {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = $errorAuthorization;
                 return $json;
             //Delete all messages.
             $this->_controller->ChatMessages->deleteAll(['1 = 1']);
             //Create a new message to display who has deleted all the messages.
             $user = $this->_controller->Users->find()->contain(['Groups' => function ($q) {
                 return $q->select(['id', 'name', 'css', 'is_staff', 'is_member']);
             }])->where(['Users.id' => $this->_controller->Auth->user('id')])->select(['Users.id', 'Users.group_id', 'Users.username', 'Users.slug', 'Users.end_subscription'])->first();
             $data = ['text' => __d('chat', 'The chat has been cleaned by {0}.', $user->username), 'username' => $user->username, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'group_id' => $user->group_id, 'command' => 'prune', 'css' => $user->group_css, 'slug' => $user->slug];
             $message = $this->_controller->ChatMessages->newEntity($data);
             if ($lastMessage = $this->_controller->ChatMessages->save($message)) {
                 $json['error'] = false;
                 $json['command'] = 'prune';
                 $json['lastMessageId'] = $lastMessage->id;
             } else {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = __d('chat', 'Error while saving the new message after deleting all messages.');
         case 'ban':
             if ($this->Chat->hasPermission(['action' => 'canBan']) === false) {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = $errorAuthorization;
                 return $json;
             $userId = (int) $this->_arguments[0];
             //Build the condition to find the User.
             if ($userId != 0) {
                 $conditions = ['Users.id' => $userId];
             } else {
                 $conditions = ['LOWER(Users.username)' => strtolower($this->_arguments[0])];
             //Find the User.
             $user = $this->_controller->Users->find('all', ['conditions' => [$conditions], 'select' => ['Users.id', 'Users.username']])->first();
             if (is_null($user)) {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['hasCmd'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = __d('chat', 'The user "{0}" doesn\'t exist.', $this->_arguments[0]);
                 return $json;
             //Check if the user is not already banned.
             $userBanned = $this->_controller->ChatBans->find()->where(['ChatBans.user_id' => $user->id])->first();
             if (!is_null($userBanned) && ($userBanned->forever === true || $userBanned->end_date > Time::now())) {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['hasCmd'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = __d('chat', 'The user "{0}" is already banned.', $user->username);
                 return $json;
             } elseif (!is_null($userBanned)) {
             $data = ['banisher_id' => $this->_controller->Auth->user('id'), 'user_id' => $user->id];
             $time = (int) $this->_arguments[1];
             //If time == 0 then it's a forever.
             if ($time === 0) {
                 $data += ['forever' => 1];
             } else {
                 $now = Time::now();
                 if ($time === 1) {
                 } else {
                 $data += ['end_date' => $now];
             $reason = explode(chr(32), $message, 4);
             if (isset($reason[3])) {
                 $data += ['reason' => $reason[3]];
             $ban = $this->_controller->ChatBans->newEntity($data);
             if ($this->_controller->ChatBans->save($ban)) {
                 $json['error'] = false;
                 $json['command'] = 'ban';
                 $json['username'] = $user->username;
             } else {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = __d('chat', 'Error while banning the user "{0}".', $user->username);
             if (isset($data['forever'])) {
                 $textTime = __d('chat', 'forever');
             } else {
                 $textTime = __dn('chat', 'for {0} minute', 'for {0} minutes', $time, $time);
             if (isset($data['reason'])) {
                 $textReason = $textTime . '. ' . __d('chat', 'Reason : {0}', h($data['reason']));
             } else {
                 $textReason = $textTime . ' ' . __d('chat', 'without reason.');
             //Select the current user to get his information.
             $currentUser = $this->_controller->Users->find()->contain(['Groups' => function ($q) {
                 return $q->select(['id', 'name', 'css', 'is_staff', 'is_member']);
             }])->select(['Users.id', 'Users.end_subscription', 'Users.username', 'Users.slug', 'Users.group_id'])->where(['Users.id' => $this->_controller->Auth->user('id')])->first();
             //Build the notification.
             $notify = ['text' => __('I have banned {0} {1}', $user->username, $textReason), 'username' => $currentUser->username, 'user_id' => $currentUser->id, 'command' => 'ban', 'group_id' => $currentUser->group_id, 'css' => $currentUser->group_css, 'slug' => $currentUser->slug];
             $message = $this->_controller->ChatMessages->newEntity($notify);
         case 'unban':
             if ($this->Chat->hasPermission(['action' => 'canUnban']) === false) {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = $errorAuthorization;
                 return $json;
             $userId = (int) $this->_arguments[0];
             //Build the condition to find the User.
             if ($userId != 0) {
                 $conditions = ['Users.id' => $userId];
             } else {
                 $conditions = ['LOWER(Users.username)' => strtolower($this->_arguments[0])];
             //Find the User.
             $user = $this->_controller->Users->find('all', ['conditions' => [$conditions], 'select' => ['Users.id', 'Users.username']])->first();
             if (is_null($user)) {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['hasCmd'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = __d('chat', 'The user "{0}" doesn\'t exist.', $this->_arguments[0]);
                 return $json;
             //Select the User banned.
             $userBanned = $this->_controller->ChatBans->find()->where(['ChatBans.user_id' => $user->id])->first();
             //Check if the user is banned.
             if (is_null($userBanned) || $userBanned->end_date < Time::now() && $userBanned->forever === false) {
                 $json['error'] = true;
                 $json['hasCmd'] = true;
                 $json['message'] = __d('chat', 'The user "{0}" is not banned.', $user->username);
                 //Clean the database.
                 if (!is_null($userBanned) && $userBanned->end_date < Time::now()) {
                 return $json;
             } elseif (!is_null($userBanned) && ($userBanned->forever === true || $userBanned->end_date > Time::now())) {
                 //The user is banned, we unban him.
                 if ($this->_controller->ChatBans->delete($userBanned)) {
                     $json['error'] = false;
                     $json['command'] = 'unban';
                     $json['username'] = $user->username;
                 } else {
                     $json['error'] = true;
                     $json['message'] = __d('chat', 'Error while unbanning the user "{0}".', $user->username);
                 //Select the current user to get his information.
                 $currentUser = $this->_controller->Users->find()->contain(['Groups' => function ($q) {
                     return $q->select(['id', 'name', 'css', 'is_staff', 'is_member']);
                 }])->select(['Users.id', 'Users.end_subscription', 'Users.username', 'Users.slug', 'Users.group_id'])->where(['Users.id' => $this->_controller->Auth->user('id')])->first();
                 //Build the notification.
                 $notify = ['text' => __d('chat', 'I have unbanned {0}.', $user->username), 'username' => $currentUser->username, 'user_id' => $currentUser->id, 'command' => 'unban', 'group_id' => $currentUser->group_id, 'css' => $currentUser->group_css, 'slug' => $currentUser->slug];
                 $message = $this->_controller->ChatMessages->newEntity($notify);
     return $json;