function insertFastAnalysis($pid, &$fastReport, $equivalentWordMapping, $perform_Tms_Analysis = true) { $db = Database::obtain(); $data = array(); $amqHandler = new Analysis_QueueHandler(); $total_eq_wc = 0; $total_standard_wc = 0; $data['id_segment'] = null; $data['id_job'] = null; $data['segment_hash'] = null; $data['match_type'] = null; $data['eq_word_count'] = null; $data['standard_word_count'] = null; $segment_translations = "INSERT INTO `segment_translations` ( " . implode(", ", array_keys($data)) . " ) VALUES "; $st_values = array(); foreach ($fastReport as $k => $v) { $jid_fid = explode("-", $k); $id_segment = $jid_fid[0]; $list_id_jobs_password = $jid_fid[1]; if (array_key_exists($v['match_type'], $equivalentWordMapping)) { $eq_word = $v['wc'] * $equivalentWordMapping[$v['match_type']] / 100; if ($v['match_type'] == "INTERNAL") { } } else { $eq_word = $v['wc']; } $total_eq_wc += $eq_word; $standard_words = $eq_word; if ($v['match_type'] == "INTERNAL" or $v['match_type'] == "MT") { $standard_words = $v['wc'] * $equivalentWordMapping["NO_MATCH"] / 100; } $total_standard_wc += $standard_words; unset($fastReport[$k]['wc']); $list_id_jobs_password = explode(',', $list_id_jobs_password); foreach ($list_id_jobs_password as $id_job) { list($id_job, $job_pass) = explode(":", $id_job); $data['id_job'] = (int) $id_job; $data['id_segment'] = (int) $fastReport[$k]['id_segment']; $data['segment_hash'] = $db->escape($v['segment_hash']); $data['match_type'] = $db->escape($v['match_type']); if (!empty($v['segment_hash']) && empty($data['segment_hash'])) { $data['segment_hash'] = $v['segment_hash']; $msg = "mysql_real_escape_string failed!!! String was empty. Replaced with original {$v['segment_hash']}"; _TimeStampMsg($msg); Utils::sendErrMailReport("<strong>{$msg}</strong>", "Fast Analysis mysql_real_escape_string failed."); } $data['eq_word_count'] = (double) $eq_word; $data['standard_word_count'] = (double) $standard_words; $st_values[] = " ( '" . implode("', '", array_values($data)) . "' )"; if ($data['eq_word_count'] > 0 && $perform_Tms_Analysis) { /** * * IMPORTANT * id_job will be taken from languages ( 80415:fr-FR,80416:it-IT ) */ $fastReport[$k]['pid'] = (int) $pid; $fastReport[$k]['date_insert'] = date_create()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $fastReport[$k]['eq_word_count'] = (double) $eq_word; $fastReport[$k]['standard_word_count'] = (double) $standard_words; } else { // Log::doLog( 'Skipped Fast Segment: ' . var_export( $fastReport[ $k ], true ) ); unset($fastReport[$k]); } } } unset($data); $chunks_st = array_chunk($st_values, 200); _TimeStampMsg('Insert Segment Translations: ' . count($st_values)); _TimeStampMsg('Queries: ' . count($chunks_st)); //USE the MySQL InnoDB isolation Level to protect from thread high concurrency access $db->query('SET autocommit=0'); $db->query('START TRANSACTION'); foreach ($chunks_st as $k => $chunk) { $query_st = $segment_translations . implode(", ", $chunk) . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n match_type = VALUES( match_type ),\n eq_word_count = VALUES( eq_word_count ),\n standard_word_count = VALUES( standard_word_count )\n "; $db->query($query_st); _TimeStampMsg("Executed " . ($k + 1)); $err = $db->get_error(); if ($err['error_code'] != 0) { _TimeStampMsg($err); return $err['error_code'] * -1; } } _TimeStampMsg("Memory: " . memory_get_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024) . "MB"); unset($st_values); unset($chunks_st); _TimeStampMsg("Memory: " . memory_get_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024) . "MB"); /* * IF NO TM ANALYSIS, upload the jobs global word count */ if (!$perform_Tms_Analysis) { $_details = getProjectSegmentsTranslationSummary($pid); _TimeStampMsg("--- trying to initialize job total word count."); $project_details = array_pop($_details); //remove rollup foreach ($_details as $job_info) { $counter = new WordCount_Counter(); $counter->initializeJobWordCount($job_info['id_job'], $job_info['password']); } } /* IF NO TM ANALYSIS, upload the jobs global word count */ //_TimeStampMsg( "Done." ); $data2 = array('fast_analysis_wc' => $total_eq_wc); $where = " id = {$pid}"; $db->update('projects', $data2, $where); $err = $db->get_error(); $errno = $err['error_code']; if ($errno != 0) { $db->query('ROLLBACK'); $db->query('SET autocommit=1'); _TimeStampMsg($err); return $errno * -1; } $db->query('COMMIT'); $db->query('SET autocommit=1'); if (count($fastReport)) { // $chunks_st_queue = array_chunk( $fastReport, 10 ); _TimeStampMsg('Insert Segment Translations Queue: ' . count($fastReport)); _TimeStampMsg('Queries: ' . count($fastReport)); try { $amqHandler->setTotal(array('qid' => $pid, 'queueName' => INIT::$QUEUE_NAME)); } catch (Exception $e) { Utils::sendErrMailReport($e->getMessage() . "" . $e->getTraceAsString(), "Fast Analysis set Total values failed."); _TimeStampMsg($e->getMessage() . "" . $e->getTraceAsString()); throw $e; } $time_start = microtime(true); foreach ($fastReport as $k => $queue_element) { try { $languages_job = explode(",", $queue_element['target']); //now target holds more than one language ex: ( 80415:fr-FR,80416:it-IT ) //in memory replacement avoid duplication of the segment list //send in queue every element * number of languages foreach ($languages_job as $_language) { list($id_job, $language) = explode(":", $_language); $queue_element['target'] = $language; $queue_element['id_job'] = $id_job; $jsonObj = json_encode($queue_element); Utils::raiseJsonExceptionError(); $amqHandler->send(INIT::$QUEUE_NAME, $jsonObj, array('persistent' => $amqHandler->persistent)); _TimeStampMsg("AMQ Set Executed " . ($k + 1)); } } catch (Exception $e) { Utils::sendErrMailReport($e->getMessage() . "" . $e->getTraceAsString(), "Fast Analysis set queue failed."); _TimeStampMsg($e->getMessage() . "" . $e->getTraceAsString()); throw $e; } } _TimeStampMsg('Done in ' . (microtime(true) - $time_start) . " seconds."); _TimeStampMsg("Memory: " . memory_get_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024) . "MB"); unset($fastReport); _TimeStampMsg("Memory: " . memory_get_usage(true) / (1024 * 1024) . "MB"); } $amqHandler->disconnect(); return $db->affected_rows; }
<?php $root = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../'); include_once "{$root}/inc/"; INIT::obtain(); require_once INIT::$MODEL_ROOT . '/queries.php'; $db = Database::obtain(INIT::$DB_SERVER, INIT::$DB_USER, INIT::$DB_PASS, INIT::$DB_DATABASE); $db->debug = false; $db->connect(); declare (ticks=1); if (!function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { $msg = "****** PCNTL EXTENSION NOT LOADED. KILLING THIS PROCESS COULD CAUSE UNPREDICTABLE ERRORS ******"; _TimeStampMsg($msg); } else { pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'sigSwitch'); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'sigSwitch'); pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, 'sigSwitch'); $msg = str_pad(" " . getmypid() . " Signal Handler Installed ", 50, "-", STR_PAD_BOTH); _TimeStampMsg($msg); } function _TimeStampMsg($msg, $log = true) { if ($log) { Log::doLog($msg); } echo "[" . date(DATE_RFC822) . "] " . $msg . "\n"; }
function updateTMValues($tm_data) { if (!empty($tm_data['suggestion_source'])) { if (strpos($tm_data['suggestion_source'], "MT") === false) { $tm_data['suggestion_source'] = 'TM'; } else { $tm_data['suggestion_source'] = 'MT'; } } //controllare il valore di suggestion_match if ($tm_data['suggestion_match'] == "100%" && $tm_data['pretranslate_100']) { $tm_data['status'] = Constants_TranslationStatus::STATUS_TRANSLATED; } //there is not a database filed named pretranslate_100 in segment_translations, this is only a flag unset($tm_data['pretranslate_100']); $updateRes = setSuggestionUpdate($tm_data); if ($updateRes < 0) { $result['errors'][] = array("code" => -5, "message" => "error occurred during the storing (UPDATE) of the suggestions for the segment {$tm_data['id_segment']}"); _TimeStampMsg($result); } elseif ($updateRes == 0) { //There was not a fast Analysis??? Impossible. _TimeStampMsg("No row found: " . $tm_data['id_segment'] . "-" . $tm_data['id_job']); } else { _TimeStampMsg("Row found: " . $tm_data['id_segment'] . "-" . $tm_data['id_job'] . " - UPDATED."); } }
function setNumProcesses() { // legge quanti processi lanciare $num_processes = null; if (file_exists(ANALYSIS_ROOT)) { $num_processes = intval(file_get_contents(ANALYSIS_ROOT)); } if (!is_int($num_processes)) { _TimeStampMsg("WARNING : num processes from file is not numeric. Back to default value NUM_PROCESSES = 1", false); $num_processes = 1; } return $num_processes; }