public function update_check($transient) { $request = VD()->api->update_check($this->product, $this->product->get_key()); if ($request->is_error()) { $this->add_notice($request->get_response()); } else { if ($request->get_response("notice")) { $this->add_notice((array) $request->get_response("notice"), 'error'); } if ($request->get_response("payload")) { $payload = $request->get_response("payload"); // Do only add transient if remote version is newer than local version if (version_compare($payload->new_version, $this->product->Version, "<=")) { return $transient; } // Set plugin/theme file (seems to be necessary as for 4.2) if (!$this->product->is_theme()) { $payload->plugin = $this->product->file; $payload->slug = sanitize_title($this->product->Name); } else { $payload = (array) $payload; $payload['theme'] = $this->product->file; } $transient->response[$this->product->is_theme() ? $this->product->Name : $this->product->file] = $payload; } } return $transient; }
public function do_request() { // Send request $this->raw = wp_remote_post(VD()->get_api_url(), array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array('user-agent' => 'Vendidero/' . VD()->version), 'body' => $this->args, 'cookies' => array(), 'sslverify' => false)); if ($this->raw != '') { $this->response = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($this->raw)); } }
$products = get_option('vendidero_notice_expire'); ?> <div class="error fade"> <h3><?php _e('Update & Support Flatrate expires', 'vendidero-helper'); ?> </h3> <p> <?php _e('It seems like the Update & Support Flatrate of one of your Vendidero products expires in a few days:', 'vendidero-helper'); ?> </p> <?php foreach ($products as $key => $val) { $product = VD()->products[$key]; ?> <p><strong><?php echo $product->Name; ?> </strong></p> <a class="button button-primary" href="<?php echo $product->get_renewal_url(); ?> " target="_blank"><?php _e('renew now', 'vendidero-helper'); ?> </a> <?php } ?>
public function set_meta() { $this->meta = VD()->plugins[$this->file]; }
public function expire_cron() { $this->api = new VD_API(); $this->includes(); $this->load(); if (!empty($this->products)) { foreach ($this->products as $key => $product) { if (!$product->is_registered()) { continue; } $expire = VD()->api->expiration_check($product); if ($expire) { $product->set_expiration_date($expire); } if ($expire = $product->get_expiration_date(false)) { $diff = VD()->get_date_diff(date('Y-m-d'), $expire); $notice = get_option('vendidero_notice_expire', array()); if (strtotime($expire) <= time() || empty($diff['y']) && empty($diff['m']) && $diff['d'] <= 7) { $notice[$key] = true; } update_option('vendidero_notice_expire', $notice); } } } }
function WExcel($sql, $Titulo) { VD("A1"); ob_start(); $objPhp = new PHPExcel(); $con = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'fri'); $res = $con->query($sql); $ncol = $con->field_count; $nreg = $con->affected_rows; $nomcol = array(); VD("A2"); for ($i = 0; $i <= $ncol; $i++) { $info = $res->fetch_field_direct($i); $nomcol[$i] = $info->name; } VD("A3"); $col = 'A'; $objPhp->getActiveSheet()->setTitle($Titulo); foreach ($nomcol as $columns) { $objPhp->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($col . "1", $columns); $col++; } VD("A4"); $rowNumber = 2; while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) { $col = 'A'; foreach ($row as $cell) { $objPhp->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($col . $rowNumber, $cell); $col++; } $rowNumber++; } VD("A5"); $usu = $_SESSION['Usuario']['string']; $emp = $_SESSION['Empresa']['string']; $fh = date('ymdhms'); $archivo = 'Rep' . $usu . $emp . $fh . '.xlsx'; header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'); header('Content-type: application/'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $archivo); VD("A6"); $objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPhp); $objWriter->save('../_files/' . $Titulo); W('<script>redireccionar("../_files/' . $Titulo . '")</script>'); VD("A7"); mysqli_close($con); VD("A8"); }
public function enqueue_scripts() { wp_register_script('vd_admin_js', VD()->plugin_url() . '/assets/js/vd-admin.js', array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('vd_admin_js'); }
public function set_meta() { $this->meta = VD()->themes[$this->file]; }
public function save($settings) { $generator = sanitize_title($_POST['generator']); $product = WC_germanized_pro()->get_vd_product(); // Delete hidden options $options = $this->get_options($generator . '_'); if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $option) { if (!isset($_POST[$generator . '_' . $key])) { delete_option($generator . '_' . $key); } } } if (!$product->is_registered()) { WC_Admin_Settings::add_error(_x('Please register WooCommerce Germanized Pro to enable the Generator.', 'generator', 'woocommerce-germanized-pro')); } $version = $this->get_version($generator); $remote = VD()->api->generator_version_check($product, $generator); if (!$remote) { return; } if (version_compare($version, $remote->version, "<")) { WC_Admin_Settings::add_error(_x('Seems like the Generator Version is not up to date. Please refresh before generating.', 'generator', 'woocommerce-germanized-pro')); } // Get data $data = array(); if (!empty($settings)) { foreach ($settings as $key => $setting) { if (isset($_POST[$setting['id']])) { $data[$setting['id']] = apply_filters('woocommerce_gzdp_generator_setting_' . $setting['id'], !is_array($_POST[$setting['id']]) ? esc_attr($_POST[$setting['id']]) : (array) $_POST[$setting['id']], $setting); } } } $result = VD()->api->generator_result_check($product, $generator, $data, $this->get_options('woocommerce_', $remote->settings)); if (!$result) { WC_Admin_Settings::add_error(_x('There seems to be a problem while generating. Is your update flatrate still active?', 'generator', 'woocommerce-germanized-pro')); } else { $this->populate_settings_observal($generator); set_transient('woocommerce_gzdp_generator_' . $generator, $result, 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); set_transient('woocommerce_gzdp_generator_success_' . $generator, $result, 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); } remove_action('woocommerce_gzd_after_save_section_' . $generator, array($this, 'save'), 0); }
public function get_vd_product() { return VD()->get_product($this->plugin_file); }
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // Exit if accessed directly ?> <div class="about-wrap"> <div class="col-wrap"> <form id="register" method="post" action="" class="validate"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="vd_register" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="vendidero" /> <?php $table = new VD_Admin_License_Table(); $table->data = VD()->get_products(false); $table->prepare_items(); $table->display(); submit_button(__('Register Products', 'vendidero-helper'), 'button-primary'); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('bulk_licenses'); ?> </form> </div> </div>
function EditarGrilla($Codigo, $nTipAsiento) { VD("1"); global $ConexionEmpresa, $enlace; $tSelectD = array('Tipo_Asiento' => 'SELECT Codigo,Descripcion FROM ct_tipo_asiento', 'Moneda' => 'SELECT Codigo,Abreviatura AS Descripcion FROM ct_moneda', 'Tipo_Documento' => 'SELECT Codigo,Descripcion FROM ct_tipo_documento', 'Auxiliar' => 'SELECT Codigo,RazonSocial FROM ct_entidad', 'LibroContable' => 'SELECT Codigo,Descripcion FROM ct_libros_contables WHERE Codigo=2', 'Cuenta' => 'SELECT ct_plan_cuentas.Cuenta, CONCAT(ct_plan_cuentas.Cuenta," ",ct_plan_cuentas.Denominacion) FROM ct_configuracion_tipo_asiento_det as tad INNER JOIN ct_plan_cuentas ON ct_plan_cuentas.codigo=tad.cuenta WHERE tad.CtaSuscripcion=' . $_SESSION['CtaSuscripcion'] . ' AND tad.configuracion_tipo_asiento=' . $nTipAsiento . ''); $uRLForm = "Actualizar]" . $enlace . "?metodo=AsientoDet&transaccion=UPDATE&codAsi=" . $codAsi . "&codAsiDet=" . $codAsiDet . "&cDocNumero=" . $cDocNumero . "&cDocSerie=" . $cDocSerie . "]PanelB1]F]}"; $uRLForm .= "Eliminar]" . $enlace . "?metodo=AsientoDet&transaccion=DELETE&codAsi=" . $codAsi . "&codAsiDet=" . $codAsiDet . "]PanelB1]F]}"; $uRLForm .= "Cancelar]" . $enlace . "?RegAsientCon=Editar&codAsi=" . $codAsi . "&codAsiDet=" . $codAsiDet . "]PanelB1]F]}"; $form = c_form_adp('', $ConexionEmpresa, "AsientoDet", "CuadroB", '', $uRLForm, '', $tSelectD, 'Codigo'); $panelA = layoutV2('', $form); $panel = array(array('PanelTA', '100%', $panelA)); $html = LayoutPage($panel); $html = "<div style='height: 100%;padding: 10px;' >" . $html . "</div>"; return $html; }