  * \brief test for Traceback()
 function test_Traceback()
     print "test function Traceback()\n";
     $expected = "http://fossology.org/";
     $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $expected;
     $result = Traceback();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
 function DisplayGroupMembership()
     global $SysConf;
     global $PG_CONN;
     global $PERM_NAMES;
     $group_pk = GetParm('group_pk', PARM_INTEGER);
     $user_pk = $SysConf['auth']['UserId'];
     $V = "";
     $text = _("To edit group memberships ");
     $text2 = _("click here");
     $V .= "<p>{$text}" . "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=group_manage_users'>" . $text2 . "</a>";
     $text = _("Look up who is a member of group ");
     /* Get array of groups that this user is an admin of */
     $GroupArray = GetGroupArray($user_pk);
     if (empty($GroupArray)) {
         $text = _("You have no permission to manage any group.");
         echo "<p>{$text}<p>";
     if (empty($group_pk)) {
         $group_pk = key($GroupArray);
     $text = _("To list the users in a group, select the group:  \n");
     $V .= "<p>{$text}";
     /*** Display group select list, on change request new page with group= in url ***/
     $url = preg_replace('/&group_pk=[0-9]*/', "", Traceback()) . "&group_pk=";
     $onchange = "onchange=\"js_url(this.value, '{$url}')\"";
     $V .= Array2SingleSelect($GroupArray, "groupuserselect", $group_pk, false, false, $onchange);
     /* Select all the user members of this group */
     $sql = "select group_user_member_pk, user_fk, group_perm, user_name from group_user_member, users\n              where group_fk='{$group_pk}' and user_fk=user_pk";
     $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql);
     DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $GroupMembersArray = pg_fetch_all($result);
     /* Permissions Table */
     $V .= "<p><table border=1>";
     $UserText = _("User");
     $V .= "<tr><th>{$UserText}</th></tr>";
     foreach ($GroupMembersArray as $GroupMember) {
         $V .= "<tr>";
         $V .= "<td>";
         // user
         $V .= $GroupMember['user_name'];
         $V .= "</td>";
         $V .= "</tr>";
     $V .= "</table>";
     return $V;
Пример #3
  * \brief This function returns the FOSSology logo and
  * Folder Navigation bar
 function Output()
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
         return 0;
     $V = "";
     global $Plugins;
     switch ($this->OutputType) {
         case "XML":
         case "HTML":
             /* Load the logo image */
             $Uri = Traceback_uri();
             $V .= "<center><a href='http://fossology.org' target='_top'><img alt='FOSSology' title='FOSSology' src='{$Uri}images/fossology-logo.gif' align=absmiddle border=0></a></center><br>\n";
             $V .= FolderListScript();
             $V .= "<small><center>";
             $text = _("Expand");
             $V .= "<a href='javascript:Expand();'>{$text}</a> |";
             $text = _("Collapse");
             $V .= "<a href='javascript:Collapse();'>{$text}</a> |";
             $text = _("Refresh");
             $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback() . "'>{$text}</a>";
             $V .= "</center></small>";
             $V .= "<P>\n";
             /* Display the tree */
             $V .= "<form>\n";
             $V .= FolderListDiv(-1, 0);
             $V .= "</form>\n";
         case "Text":
     if (!$this->OutputToStdout) {
         return $V;
     print "{$V}";
Пример #4
  * \brief This function returns the scheduler status.
 public function Output()
     $uTime = microtime(true);
     $V = "";
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     /** @var UploadDao $uploadDao */
     $uploadDao = $GLOBALS['container']->get('dao.upload');
     if (!$uploadDao->isAccessible($Upload, Auth::getGroupId())) {
         $text = _("Permission Denied");
         return "<h2>{$text}</h2>";
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (!$Item) {
         return _('No item selected');
     $updcache = GetParm("updcache", PARM_INTEGER);
     $tagbucket = GetParm("tagbucket", PARM_INTEGER);
     $this->uploadtree_tablename = GetUploadtreeTableName($Upload);
     /* Remove "updcache" from the GET args and set $this->UpdCache
      * This way all the url's based on the input args won't be
      * polluted with updcache
      * Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order 
     $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "folder", "ars"));
     if ($updcache) {
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace("/&updcache=[0-9]*/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $V = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey);
     } else {
         $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey);
     if (!empty($tagbucket)) {
         $bucketagent_pk = GetParm("bapk", PARM_INTEGER);
         $bucket_pk = GetParm("bpk", PARM_INTEGER);
         $bucketpool_pk = GetParm("bp", PARM_INTEGER);
         $nomosagent_pk = GetParm("napk", PARM_INTEGER);
         $this->TagBucket($Upload, $Item, $bucketagent_pk, $bucket_pk, $bucketpool_pk, $nomosagent_pk);
     $Cached = !empty($V);
     if (!$Cached) {
         $V .= "<font class='text'>\n";
         $Children = GetNonArtifactChildren($Item, $this->uploadtree_tablename);
         if (count($Children) == 0) {
             // no children, display View-Meta micromenu
             $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "View-Meta", -1, '', '', $this->uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n";
         } else {
             // has children, display Browse micormenu
             $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse", -1, '', '', $this->uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n";
         if (!empty($Upload)) {
             $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback());
             $V .= $this->ShowUploadHist($Item, $Uri);
         $V .= "</font>\n";
         $text = _("Loading...");
     $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime;
     // convert usecs to secs
     $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds");
     $V .= sprintf("<p><small>{$text}</small>", $Time);
     if ($Cached) {
         $text = _("cached");
         $text1 = _("Update");
         echo " <i>{$text}</i>   <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>";
     } else {
         if ($Time > 0.5) {
             ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V);
     return $V;
Пример #5
  * \brief This function returns the scheduler status.
 function Output()
     $uTime = microtime(true);
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
         return 0;
     $V = "";
     $Folder = GetParm("folder", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     switch (GetParm("show", PARM_STRING)) {
         case 'detail':
             $Show = 'detail';
         case 'summary':
             $Show = 'summary';
     /* Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */
     $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "folder")) . "&show={$Show}";
     if ($this->UpdCache != 0) {
         $V = "";
         $Err = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey);
     } else {
         $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey);
     if (empty($V)) {
         switch ($this->OutputType) {
             case "XML":
             case "HTML":
                 $V .= "<font class='text'>\n";
                 /* Show the folder path */
                 $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse") . "<P />\n";
                 /* Get the folder description */
                 if (!empty($Folder)) {
                     // $V .= $this->ShowFolder($Folder);
                 if (!empty($Upload)) {
                     $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback());
                     $V .= $this->ShowUploadHist($Upload, $Item, $Uri);
                 $V .= "</font>\n";
             case "Text":
         $Cached = false;
         /*  Cache Report if this took longer than 1 seconds */
         if ($Time > 1) {
             ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V);
     } else {
         $Cached = true;
     if (!$this->OutputToStdout) {
         return $V;
     print "{$V}";
     $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime;
     // convert usecs to secs
     $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds");
     printf("<small>{$text}</small>", $Time);
     $text = _("cached");
     $text1 = _("Update");
     if ($Cached) {
         echo " <i>{$text}</i>   <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>";
Пример #6
 public function Output()
     $OutBuf = "";
     $uploadId = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     $item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $filter = GetParm("filter", PARM_STRING);
     /* check upload permissions */
     if (!$this->uploadDao->isAccessible($uploadId, Auth::getGroupId())) {
         $text = _("Permission Denied");
         return "<h2>{$text}</h2>";
     /* Get uploadtree_tablename */
     $uploadtree_tablename = GetUploadtreeTableName($uploadId);
     $this->uploadtree_tablename = $uploadtree_tablename;
     /* Show the folder path */
     $this->vars['dir2browse'] = Dir2Browse($this->Name, $item, NULL, 1, "Browse", -1, '', '', $uploadtree_tablename);
     if (empty($uploadId)) {
         return 'no item selected';
     /** advanced interface allowing user to select dataset (agent version) */
     $dataset = $this->agentName . "_dataset";
     $arstable = $this->agentName . "_ars";
     /** get proper agent_id */
     $agentId = GetParm("agent", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (empty($agentId)) {
         $agentId = LatestAgentpk($uploadId, $arstable);
     if ($agentId == 0) {
         /** schedule copyright */
         $OutBuf .= ActiveHTTPscript("Schedule");
         $OutBuf .= "<script language='javascript'>\n";
         $OutBuf .= "function Schedule_Reply()\n";
         $OutBuf .= "  {\n";
         $OutBuf .= "  if ((Schedule.readyState==4) && (Schedule.status==200 || Schedule.status==400))\n";
         $OutBuf .= "    document.getElementById('msgdiv').innerHTML = Schedule.responseText;\n";
         $OutBuf .= "  }\n";
         $OutBuf .= "</script>\n";
         $OutBuf .= "<form name='formy' method='post'>\n";
         $OutBuf .= "<div id='msgdiv'>\n";
         $OutBuf .= _("No data available.");
         $OutBuf .= "<input type='button' name='scheduleAgent' value='Schedule Agent'";
         $OutBuf .= "onClick=\"Schedule_Get('" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=schedule_agent&upload={$uploadId}&agent=agent_{$this->agentName}')\">\n";
         $OutBuf .= "</input>";
         $OutBuf .= "</div> \n";
         $OutBuf .= "</form>\n";
         $this->vars['pageContent'] = $OutBuf;
     $AgentSelect = AgentSelect($this->agentName, $uploadId, $dataset, $agentId, "onchange=\"addArsGo('newds', 'copyright_dataset');\"");
     /** change the copyright  result when selecting one version of copyright */
     if (!empty($AgentSelect)) {
         $action = Traceback_uri() . '?mod=' . GetParm('mod', PARM_RAW) . Traceback_parm_keep(array('upload', 'item'));
         $OutBuf .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n        function addArsGo(formid, selectid)\n        {\n          var selectobj = document.getElementById(selectid);\n          var Agent_pk = selectobj.options[selectobj.selectedIndex].value;\n          document.getElementById(formid).action='{$action}'+'&agent='+Agent_pk;\n          document.getElementById(formid).submit();\n          return;\n        }\n      </script>";
         $OutBuf .= "<form action=\"{$action}\" id=\"newds\" method=\"POST\">{$AgentSelect}</form>";
     $selectKey = $filter == 'nolic' ? 'nolic' : 'all';
     $OutBuf .= "<select name='view_filter' id='view_filter' onchange='ChangeFilter(this,{$uploadId}, {$item});'>";
     foreach (array('all' => _("Show all"), 'nolic' => _("Show files without licenses")) as $key => $text) {
         $selected = $selectKey == $key ? "selected" : "";
         $OutBuf .= "<option {$selected} value=\"{$key}\">{$text}</option>";
     $OutBuf .= "</select>";
     $uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback());
     list($tables, $tableVars) = $this->ShowUploadHist($uploadId, $item, $uri, $selectKey, $uploadtree_tablename, $agentId);
     $this->vars['tables'] = $tableVars;
     $this->vars['pageContent'] = $OutBuf . $tables;
     $this->vars['scriptBlock'] = $this->createScriptBlock();
  * \brief This function returns the scheduler status.
 function Output()
     $uTime = microtime(true);
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
         return 0;
     $V = "";
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($Upload);
     if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) {
         $text = _("Permission Denied");
         echo "<h2>{$text}<h2>";
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $tag_pk = GetParm("tag", PARM_INTEGER);
     $updcache = GetParm("updcache", PARM_INTEGER);
     $this->uploadtree_tablename = GetUploadtreeTableName($Upload);
     /* Remove "updcache" from the GET args.
      * This way all the url's based on the input args won't be
      * polluted with updcache
      * Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */
     $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "tag", "agent", "orderBy", "orderl", "orderc"));
     if ($updcache) {
         $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace("/&updcache=[0-9]*/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $V = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey);
     } else {
         $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey);
     if (empty($V)) {
         switch ($this->OutputType) {
             case "XML":
             case "HTML":
                 $V .= "<font class='text'>\n";
                 /* Show the folder path */
                 $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse", -1, '', '', $this->uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n";
                 if (!empty($Upload)) {
                     $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback());
                     $V .= js_url();
                     $V .= $this->ShowUploadHist($Item, $Uri, $tag_pk);
                 $V .= "</font>\n";
                 $text = _("Loading...");
                 /*$V .= "<div id='ajax_waiting'><img src='images/ajax-loader.gif'>$text</div>"; */
             case "Text":
         $Cached = false;
     } else {
         $Cached = true;
     if (!$this->OutputToStdout) {
         return $V;
     print "{$V}";
     $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime;
     // convert usecs to secs
     $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds");
     printf("<small>{$text}</small>", $Time);
     if ($Cached) {
         $text = _("cached");
         $text1 = _("Update");
         echo " <i>{$text}</i>   <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>";
     } else {
         /*  Cache Report if this took longer than 1/2 second*/
         if ($Time > 0.5) {
             ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V);
Пример #8
  * \brief Generate the view contents in HTML
  * @param resource $inputFile
  * @param string $BackMod
  * @param int $ShowMenu
  * @param int $ShowHeader
  * @param null $ShowText
  * @param bool $ViewOnly
  * @param bool $DispView
  * @param Highlight[] $highlightEntries
  * @param bool $insertBacklink
  * \note This function is intended to be called from other plugins.
 function getView($inputFile = NULL, $BackMod = "browse", $ShowHeader = 1, $ShowText = NULL, $highlightEntries = array(), $insertBacklink = false, $getPageMenuInline = false)
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
         $output = "Invalid plugin state: " . $this->State;
         return $getPageMenuInline ? array("Error", $output) : $output;
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (!empty($Upload) && !$this->uploadDao->isAccessible($Upload, Auth::getGroupId())) {
         $output = "Access denied";
         return $getPageMenuInline ? array("Error", $output) : $output;
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Page = GetParm("page", PARM_INTEGER);
     $licenseId = GetParm("licenseId", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (!$inputFile && empty($Item)) {
         $output = "invalid input file";
         return $getPageMenuInline ? array("Error", $output) : $output;
     $uploadtree_tablename = $this->uploadDao->getUploadtreeTableName($Upload);
     if ($ShowHeader) {
         $Uri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=browse" . Traceback_parm_keep(array('item', 'show', 'folder', 'upload'));
         /* No item */
         $header = Dir2Browse($BackMod, $Item, NULL, $showBox = 0, "View", -1, '', '', $uploadtree_tablename);
         $this->vars['micromenu'] = $header;
     /* Display file contents */
     $output = "";
     $openedFin = False;
     $Format = $this->microMenu->getFormatParameter($Item);
     if (empty($inputFile)) {
         $inputFile = @fopen(RepPathItem($Item), "rb");
         if ($inputFile) {
             $openedFin = true;
         if (empty($inputFile)) {
             $output = $this->outputWhenFileNotInRepo($Upload, $Item);
             return $getPageMenuInline ? array("Error", $output) : $output;
     $Uri = preg_replace('/&page=[0-9]*/', '', Traceback());
     $blockSize = $Format == 'hex' ? $this->blockSizeHex : $this->blockSizeText;
     if (!isset($Page) && !empty($licenseId)) {
         $startPos = -1;
         foreach ($highlightEntries as $highlightEntry) {
             if ($highlightEntry->getLicenseId() == $licenseId && ($startPos == -1 || $startPos > $highlightEntry->getStart())) {
                 $startPos = $highlightEntry->getStart();
         if ($startPos != -1) {
             $Page = floor($startPos / $blockSize);
     if (!empty($ShowText)) {
         echo $ShowText, "<hr>";
     $PageMenu = $this->GetFileJumpMenu($inputFile, $Page, $blockSize, $Uri);
     $PageSize = $blockSize * $Page;
     if (!empty($PageMenu) and !$getPageMenuInline) {
         $output .= "<center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
     $startAt = $PageSize;
     $endAt = $PageSize + $blockSize;
     $relevantHighlightEntries = array();
     foreach ($highlightEntries as $highlightEntry) {
         if ($highlightEntry->getStart() < $endAt && $highlightEntry->getEnd() >= $startAt) {
             $relevantHighlightEntries[] = $highlightEntry;
     $splitPositions = $this->highlightProcessor->calculateSplitPositions($relevantHighlightEntries);
     if ($Format == 'hex') {
         $output .= $this->getHex($inputFile, $PageSize, $this->blockSizeHex, $splitPositions);
     } else {
         $output .= $this->getText($inputFile, $PageSize, $Format == 'text' ? 0 : 1, $this->blockSizeText, $splitPositions, $insertBacklink);
     if (!empty($PageMenu) and !$getPageMenuInline) {
         $output .= "<P /><center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
     if ($openedFin) {
     return $getPageMenuInline ? array($PageMenu, $output) : $output;
Пример #9
  * \brief This function returns the scheduler status.
 function Output()
     $uTime = microtime(true);
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
         return 0;
     $OutBuf = "";
     $Folder = GetParm("folder", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $filter = GetParm("filter", PARM_STRING);
     /* check upload permissions */
     $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($Upload);
     if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) {
         $text = _("Permission Denied");
         echo "<h2>{$text}<h2>";
     /* Get uploadtree_tablename */
     $uploadtree_tablename = GetUploadtreeTableName($Upload);
     $this->uploadtree_tablename = $uploadtree_tablename;
     /* Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */
     /********  disable cache to see if this is fast enough without it *****
         $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload","item","folder", "orderBy", "orderc", "ordercp")) . "&show=$Show";
        if ($this->UpdCache != 0)
        $OutBuf .= "";
        $Err = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey);
        $OutBuf .= ReportCacheGet($CacheKey);
     if (empty($OutBuf)) {
         switch ($this->OutputType) {
             case "XML":
             case "HTML":
                 $OutBuf .= "\n<script language='javascript'>\n";
                 /* function to replace this page specifying a new filter parameter */
                 $OutBuf .= "function ChangeFilter(selectObj, upload, item){";
                 $OutBuf .= "  var selectidx = selectObj.selectedIndex;";
                 $OutBuf .= "  var filter = selectObj.options[selectidx].value;";
                 $OutBuf .= '  window.location.assign("?mod=' . $this->Name . '&upload="+upload+"&item="+item +"&filter=" + filter); ';
                 $OutBuf .= "}</script>\n";
                 $OutBuf .= "<font class='text'>\n";
                 /* Show the folder path */
                 $OutBuf .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse", -1, '', '', $uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n";
                 if (!empty($Upload)) {
                     /** advanced interface allowing user to select dataset (agent version) */
                     $Agent_name = "copyright";
                     $dataset = "copyright_dataset";
                     $arstable = "copyright_ars";
                     /** get proper agent_id */
                     $Agent_pk = GetParm("agent", PARM_INTEGER);
                     if (empty($Agent_pk)) {
                         $Agent_pk = LatestAgentpk($Upload, $arstable);
                     if ($Agent_pk == 0) {
                         $text = _("No data available.  Use Jobs > Agents to schedule a copyright scan.");
                         $Msg = "<b>{$text}</b><p>";
                         $OutBuf .= $Msg;
                     $AgentSelect = AgentSelect($Agent_name, $Upload, true, $dataset, $dataset, $Agent_pk, "onchange=\"addArsGo('newds', 'copyright_dataset');\"");
                     /** change the copyright  result when selecting one version of copyright */
                     if (!empty($AgentSelect)) {
                         $action = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=copyrighthist&upload={$Upload}&item={$Item}";
                         $OutBuf .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n                function addArsGo(formid, selectid)\n                {\n                  var selectobj = document.getElementById(selectid);\n                  var Agent_pk = selectobj.options[selectobj.selectedIndex].value;\n                  document.getElementById(formid).action='{$action}'+'&agent='+Agent_pk;\n                  document.getElementById(formid).submit();\n                  return;\n                }\n              </script>";
                         /* form to select new dataset, show dataset */
                         $OutBuf .= "<form action='{$action}' id='newds' method='POST'>\n";
                         $OutBuf .= $AgentSelect;
                         $OutBuf .= "</form>";
                     $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback());
                     /* Select list for filters */
                     $SelectFilter = "<select name='view_filter' id='view_filter' onchange='ChangeFilter(this,{$Upload}, {$Item})'>";
                     $text = _("Show all");
                     $Selected = $filter == 'none' ? "selected" : "";
                     $SelectFilter .= "<option {$Selected} value='none'>{$text}";
                     $text = _("Show files without licenses");
                     $Selected = $filter == 'nolics' ? "selected" : "";
                     $SelectFilter .= "<option {$Selected} value='nolics'>{$text}";
                     $SelectFilter .= "</select>";
                     $OutBuf .= $SelectFilter;
                     $OutBuf .= $this->ShowUploadHist($Item, $Uri, $filter, $uploadtree_tablename, $Agent_pk);
                 $OutBuf .= "</font>\n";
             case "Text":
         /*  Cache Report */
         /********  disable cache to see if this is fast enough without it *****
             $Cached = false;
            ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $OutBuf);
     } else {
         $Cached = true;
     if (!$this->OutputToStdout) {
         return $OutBuf;
     print "{$OutBuf}";
     $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime;
     // convert usecs to secs
     $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds");
     printf("<small>{$text}</small>", $Time);
     /********  disable cache to see if this is fast enough without it *****
         $text = _("cached");
        $text1 = _("Update");
        if ($Cached) echo " <i>$text</i>   <a href=\"$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]&updcache=1\"> $text1 </a>";
Пример #10
  * \brief This function returns the scheduler status.
 function Output()
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
         return 0;
     $V = "";
     $Folder = GetParm("folder", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (empty($Item)) {
     switch ($this->OutputType) {
         case "CSV":
             $text = _("License Count|License Summary|Path");
             print "{$text}\n";
             $this->ShowLicenseTree($Upload, $Item, $Uri);
         case "XML":
         case "HTML":
             $V .= "<font class='text'>\n";
             /* Show the folder path */
             $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse") . "<P />\n";
             /* Get the folder description */
             if (!empty($Folder)) {
                 // $V .= $this->ShowFolder($Folder);
             if (!empty($Upload)) {
                 print $V;
                 $V = "";
                 $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback());
                 print "<table border='0' width='100%'>";
                 $this->ShowLicenseTree($Upload, $Item, $Uri);
                 print "</table>";
             $V .= "</font>\n";
         case "Text":
     if (!$this->OutputToStdout) {
         return $V;
     print "{$V}";
Пример #11
function menu_to_1html($Menu, $ShowRefresh = 1, $ShowTraceback = 0, $ShowAll = 1)
    $V = "";
    $Std = "";
    global $menu_to_1html_counter;
    if ($ShowTraceback) {
        global $Plugins;
        $Refresh =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("refresh")];
        if (!empty($Refresh)) {
            $text = _("Traceback");
            $URL = Traceback_dir() . "?" . $Refresh->GetRefresh();
            $Std .= "<a href='{$URL}' target='_top'>{$text}</a>";
    if ($ShowRefresh) {
        if (!empty($Std)) {
            $Std .= " | ";
        $text = _("Refresh");
        $Std .= "<a href='" . Traceback() . "'>{$text}</a>";
    $First = 1;
    if (!empty($Menu)) {
        foreach ($Menu as $Val) {
            if ($Val->Name == "[BREAK]") {
                if (!$First) {
                    $V .= " &nbsp;&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; ";
                $First = 1;
            } else {
                if (!empty($Val->HTML)) {
                    $V .= $Val->HTML;
                    $First = 0;
                } else {
                    if (!empty($Val->URI)) {
                        if (!$First) {
                            $V .= " | ";
                        $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $Val->URI . "'";
                        if (!empty($Val->Title)) {
                            $V .= " title='" . htmlentities($Val->Title, ENT_QUOTES) . "'";
                        $V .= ">";
                        if (@$_SESSION['fullmenudebug'] == 1) {
                            $V .= $Val->FullName . "(" . $Val->Order . ")";
                        } else {
                            $V .= $Val->Name;
                        $V .= "</a>";
                        $First = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ($ShowAll) {
                            if (!$First) {
                                $V .= " | ";
                            if (@$_SESSION['fullmenudebug'] == 1) {
                                $V .= $Val->FullName . "(" . $Val->Order . ")";
                            } else {
                                $V .= $Val->Name;
                            $First = 0;
    if (!empty($Std)) {
        if (!$First) {
            $V .= " &nbsp;&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; ";
        $V .= $Std;
        $Std = NULL;
    return "<div id='menu1html-{$menu_to_1html_counter}' align='right' style='padding:0px 5px 0px 5px'><small>{$V}</small></div>";
Пример #12
  * \brief Generate the view contents in HTML and sends it
  *  to stdout.
  * \param $Name - the name for this plugin.
  * \note This function is intended to be called from other plugins.
 function ShowView($Fin = NULL, $BackMod = "browse", $ShowMenu = 1, $ShowHeader = 1, $ShowText = NULL, $ViewOnly = False, $DispView = True)
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
     $V = "";
     global $Plugins;
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (!empty($Upload)) {
         $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($Upload);
         if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) {
     $Folder = GetParm("folder", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Show = GetParm("show", PARM_STRING);
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $nomosagent_pk = GetParm("napk", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Page = GetParm("page", PARM_INTEGER);
     $bucketagent_pk = GetParm("bapk", PARM_INTEGER);
     if (!$Fin && (empty($Item) || empty($Upload))) {
     if (empty($Page)) {
         $Page = 0;
     /* Get uploadtree table name */
     $uploadtree_tablename = "uploadtree";
     if (!empty($Upload)) {
         $uploadtree_tablename = GetUploadtreeTablename($Upload);
     switch (GetParm("format", PARM_STRING)) {
         case 'hex':
             $Format = 'hex';
         case 'text':
             $Format = 'text';
         case 'flow':
             $Format = 'flow';
             /* Determine default show based on mime type */
             if (empty($Item)) {
                 $Format = 'text';
             } else {
                 $Meta = GetMimeType($Item);
                 list($Type, $Junk) = explode("/", $Meta, 2);
                 if ($Type == 'text') {
                     $Format = 'flow';
                 } else {
                     switch ($Meta) {
                         case "application/octet-string":
                         case "application/x-awk":
                         case "application/x-csh":
                         case "application/x-javascript":
                         case "application/x-perl":
                         case "application/x-shellscript":
                         case "application/x-rpm-spec":
                         case "application/xml":
                         case "message/rfc822":
                             $Format = 'flow';
                             $Format = 'flow';
        Display micro header
     if ($ShowHeader) {
         $Uri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=browse";
         $Opt = "";
         if (!empty($Item)) {
             $Opt .= "&item={$Item}";
         if (!empty($Upload)) {
             $Opt .= "&upload={$Upload}";
         if (!empty($Folder)) {
             $Opt .= "&folder={$Folder}";
         if (!empty($Show)) {
             $Opt .= "&show={$Show}";
         /* No item */
         $V .= Dir2Browse($BackMod, $Item, NULL, 1, "View", -1, '', '', $uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n";
     // if ShowHeader
        Display file contents
     print $V;
     $V = "";
     $openedFin = False;
     if (empty($Fin)) {
         $Fin = @fopen(RepPathItem($Item), "rb");
         if ($Fin) {
             $openedFin = true;
         if (empty($Fin)) {
             /* Added by vincent implement when view files which not in repository, ask user if want to reunpack*/
             /** BEGIN **/
             /* If this is a POST, then process the request. */
             $uploadunpack = GetParm('uploadunpack', PARM_INTEGER);
             $uploadpk = $Upload;
             $flag = 0;
             $P =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("ui_reunpack")];
             $state = $P->CheckStatus($uploadpk, "reunpack", "ununpack");
             //print "<p>$state</p>";
             if ($state == 0 || $state == 2) {
                 if (!empty($uploadunpack)) {
                     $rc = $P->AgentAdd($uploadpk);
                     if (empty($rc)) {
                         /* Need to refresh the screen */
                         $text = _("Unpack added to job queue");
                         $V .= displayMessage($text);
                         $flag = 1;
                         $text = _("Reunpack job is running: you can see it in");
                         $text1 = _("jobqueue");
                         print "<p> <font color=red>{$text} <a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=showjobs'>{$text1}</a></font></p>";
                     } else {
                         $text = _("Unpack of Upload failed");
                         $V .= displayMessage("{$text}: {$rc}");
                     print $V;
             } else {
                 $flag = 1;
                 $text = _("Reunpack job is running: you can see it in");
                 $text1 = _("jobqueue");
                 print "<p> <font color=red>{$text} <a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=showjobs'>{$text1}</a></font></p>";
             $text = _("File contents are not available in the repository.");
             print "{$text}\n";
             $P =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("ui_reunpack")];
             print $P->ShowReunpackView($Item, $flag);
         /** END **/
     $Pages = "";
     $Uri = preg_replace('/&page=[0-9]*/', '', Traceback());
     $HighlightMenu = "";
     $HighlightMenu .= "</center>";
     // some fcn left a dangling center
     if ($Format == 'hex') {
         $HighlightMenu .= $this->GetHighlightMenu(VIEW_BLOCK_HEX, $ViewOnly, $DispView);
         if (!empty($HighlightMenu)) {
             print "<center>{$HighlightMenu}</center><hr>\n";
         $PageMenu = $this->GetFileJumpMenu($Fin, $Page, VIEW_BLOCK_HEX, $Uri);
         $PageSize = VIEW_BLOCK_HEX * $Page;
         if (!empty($PageMenu)) {
             print "<center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
         $this->ShowHex($Fin, $PageSize, VIEW_BLOCK_HEX);
         if (!empty($PageMenu)) {
             print "<P /><center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
     } else {
         if ($Format == 'text') {
             $HighlightMenu .= $this->GetHighlightMenu(VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT, $ViewOnly, $DispView);
             if (!empty($HighlightMenu)) {
                 print "<center>{$HighlightMenu}</center><hr>\n";
             $PageMenu = $this->GetFileJumpMenu($Fin, $Page, VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT, $Uri);
             $PageSize = VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT * $Page;
             if (!empty($PageMenu)) {
                 print "<center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
             $this->ShowText($Fin, $PageSize, 0, VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT);
             if (!empty($PageMenu)) {
                 print "<P /><center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
         } else {
             if ($Format == 'flow') {
                 $HighlightMenu .= $this->GetHighlightMenu(VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT, $ViewOnly, $DispView);
                 if (!empty($HighlightMenu)) {
                     print "<center>{$HighlightMenu}</center><hr>\n";
                 $PageMenu = $this->GetFileJumpMenu($Fin, $Page, VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT, $Uri);
                 $PageSize = VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT * $Page;
                 if (!empty($PageMenu)) {
                     print "<center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
                 if (!empty($ShowText)) {
                     echo $ShowText, "<hr>";
                 $this->ShowText($Fin, $PageSize, 1, VIEW_BLOCK_TEXT);
                 if (!empty($PageMenu)) {
                     print "<P /><center>{$PageMenu}</center><br>\n";
     if ($openedFin) {
Пример #13
  * This function is called when user output is
  * requested.  This function is responsible for content.
  * The $ToStdout flag is "1" if output should go to stdout, and
  * 0 if it should be returned as a string.  (Strings may be parsed
  * and used by other plugins.)
 function Output()
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
     $V = "";
     global $Plugins;
     $View =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view")];
     $LicShortname = GetParm("lic", PARM_TEXT);
     $LicIdSet = GetParm("licset", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER);
     $nomosagent_pk = GetParm("napk", PARM_INTEGER);
     $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER);
     $LicenseFileId = GetParm("fl_pk", PARM_INTEGER);
     /* only display nomos results if we know the nomosagent_pk 
        Otherwise, we don't know what results to display.  */
     $nomos_out = "";
     if (!empty($nomosagent_pk)) {
         $pfile_pk = 0;
         // unknown, only have uploadtree_pk aka $Item
         $nomos_license_array = GetFileLicenses($nomosagent_pk, $pfile_pk, $Item, "uploadtree", "yes");
         //$nomos_license_array = explode(",", $nomos_license_string);
         //print "nomos_license_string is:$nomos_license_string\n";
         if (!empty($nomos_license_array)) {
             $text = _("The Nomos license scanner found:");
             $nomos_out = "{$text} <b>";
         $rec_flag = 0;
         foreach ($nomos_license_array as $fl_pk => $one_license) {
             $one_license = trim($one_license);
             if (0 == $rec_flag) {
                 $rec_flag = 1;
             } else {
                 $nomos_out .= " ,";
             $url_one_license = urlencode($one_license);
             $text = _("License Reference");
             $nomos_out .= "<a title='{$text}' href='javascript:;'";
             $nomos_out .= "onClick=\"javascript:window.open('";
             $nomos_out .= Traceback_uri();
             $nomos_out .= "?mod=view-license";
             $nomos_out .= "&lic=";
             $nomos_out .= $url_one_license;
             $nomos_out .= "&upload=";
             $nomos_out .= $Upload;
             $nomos_out .= "&item=";
             $nomos_out .= $Item;
             $text = _("License Text");
             $nomos_out .= "','{$text}','width=600,height=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');\"";
             $nomos_out .= ">{$one_license}";
             $nomos_out .= "</a>";
             /** edit this license */
             $text = _("Edit");
             $nomosAgentpk = LatestAgentpk($Upload, "nomos_ars");
             /** go to the license change page */
             if (plugin_find_id('change_license') >= 0) {
                 $text1 = _("Edit This Licence Reference");
                 $nomos_out .= "<a title='{$text1}' href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=change_license&fl_pk={$fl_pk}";
                 $nomos_out .= "&upload={$Upload}&item={$Item}&napk={$nomosAgentpk}";
                 $nomos_out .= "' style='color:#ff0000;font-style:italic'>[{$text}]</a>";
     if (!empty($LicShortname)) {
         $this->ViewLicenseText($Item, $LicShortname, $LicIdSet, $nomos_out);
     if (empty($Item)) {
     $ModBack = GetParm("modback", PARM_STRING);
     if (empty($ModBack) && !empty($nomos_out)) {
         $ModBack = "nomoslicense";
     /* Load bSAM licenses for this file */
     $bsam_plugin_key = plugin_find_id("license");
     /** -1, can not find bsam plugin, or find */
     /** if the bsam plugin does exist, get and show bSAM licenses */
     if (-1 != $bsam_plugin_key) {
         $Results = $this->LicenseGetForFile($Item);
         /* Show bSAM licenses  */
         if (count($Results) <= 0) {
               Since LicenseGetForFile() doesn't distinguish between files that
               bSAM ran on and found no licenses, and files that bSAM was never
               run on (both cases return no $Results rows), don't tell the
               user a misleading "No licenses found".
             // $View->AddHighlight(-1,-1,'white',NULL,"No licenses found");
             if (empty($ModBack)) {
                 $ModBack = "browse";
         } else {
             foreach ($Results as $R) {
                 if (empty($R['pfile_path'])) {
                 if (!empty($R['phrase_text'])) {
                     $RefURL = NULL;
                     if ($R['licterm_name'] != 'Phrase') {
                         $R['phrase_text'] = '';
                 } else {
                     $RefURL = Traceback() . "&lic=" . $R['lic_fk'] . "&licset=" . $R['tok_pfile_start'];
                 $this->ConvertLicPathToHighlighting($R, $R['licterm_name'], $RefURL);
             if (empty($ModBack)) {
                 $ModBack = "license";
     $View->ShowView(NULL, $ModBack, 1, 1, $nomos_out);
Пример #14
  * \brief Given a Folder_pk, list every upload in the folder.
 function ShowFolder($Folder, $Show)
     global $Plugins;
     global $PG_CONN;
     $V = "";
     /* Get list of uploads in this folder */
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM upload\n        INNER JOIN uploadtree ON upload_fk = upload_pk\n        AND upload.pfile_fk = uploadtree.pfile_fk\n        AND parent IS NULL\n        AND lft IS NOT NULL \n        WHERE upload_pk IN\n        (SELECT child_id FROM foldercontents WHERE foldercontents_mode & 2 != 0 AND parent_fk = {$Folder})\n        ORDER BY upload_filename,upload_desc,upload_pk,upload_origin;";
     $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql);
     DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $Uri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $this->Name;
     $V .= "<table border=1 width='100%'>";
     $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='20%'>\n";
     $V .= FolderListScript();
     $text = _("Folder Navigation");
     $V .= "<center><H3>{$text}</H3></center>\n";
     $V .= "<center><small>";
     if ($Folder != GetUserRootFolder()) {
         $text = _("Top");
         $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $this->Name . "'>{$text}</a> |";
     $text = _("Expand");
     $V .= "<a href='javascript:Expand();'>{$text}</a> |";
     $text = _("Collapse");
     $V .= "<a href='javascript:Collapse();'>{$text}</a> |";
     $text = _("Refresh");
     $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback() . "'>{$text}</a>";
     $V .= "</small></center>";
     $V .= "<P>\n";
     $V .= "<form>\n";
     $V .= FolderListDiv($Folder, 0, $Folder, 1);
     $V .= "</form>\n";
     $V .= "</td><td valign='top'>\n";
     $text = _("Uploads");
     $V .= "<center><H3>{$text}</H3></center>\n";
     $V .= "<table class='text' id='browsetbl' border=0 width='100%' cellpadding=0>\n";
     $text = _("Upload Name and Description");
     $text1 = _("Upload Date");
     $V .= "<th>{$text}</th><th>{$text1}</th></tr>\n";
     /* Browse-Pfile menu */
     $MenuPfile = menu_find("Browse-Pfile", $MenuDepth);
     /* Browse-Pfile menu without the compare menu item */
     $MenuPfileNoCompare = menu_remove($MenuPfile, "Compare");
     while ($Row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         if (empty($Row['upload_pk'])) {
         $Desc = htmlentities($Row['upload_desc']);
         $UploadPk = $Row['upload_pk'];
         /* check permission on upload */
         $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($UploadPk);
         if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) {
         $Name = $Row['ufile_name'];
         if (empty($Name)) {
             $Name = $Row['upload_filename'];
         /* If UploadtreePk is not an artifact, then use it as the root.
            Else get the first non artifact under it.
         if (Isartifact($Row['ufile_mode'])) {
             $UploadtreePk = DirGetNonArtifact($Row['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename);
         } else {
             $UploadtreePk = $Row['uploadtree_pk'];
         $V .= "<tr><td>";
         if (IsContainer($Row['ufile_mode'])) {
             $V .= "<a href='{$Uri}&upload={$UploadPk}&folder={$Folder}&item={$UploadtreePk}&show={$Show}'>";
             $V .= "<b>" . $Name . "</b>";
             $V .= "</a>";
         } else {
             $V .= "<b>" . $Name . "</b>";
         $V .= "<br>";
         if (!empty($Desc)) {
             $V .= "<i>" . $Desc . "</i><br>";
         $Upload = $Row['upload_pk'];
         $Parm = "upload={$Upload}&show={$Show}&item=" . $Row['uploadtree_pk'];
         if (Iscontainer($Row['ufile_mode'])) {
             $V .= menu_to_1list($MenuPfile, $Parm, " ", " ", 1, $UploadPk);
         } else {
             $V .= menu_to_1list($MenuPfileNoCompare, $Parm, " ", " ", 1, $UploadPk);
         /* Job queue link */
         $text = _("History");
         if (plugin_find_id('showjobs') >= 0) {
             $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=showjobs&upload={$UploadPk}'>[{$text}]</a>";
             $V .= "</td>\n";
             $V .= "<td align='right'>" . substr($Row['upload_ts'], 0, 19) . "</td>";
         $V .= "<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
     $V .= "</table>\n";
     $V .= "</td></tr>\n";
     $V .= "</table>\n";
     return $V;
  * \brief Generate the text for this plugin.
 function Output()
     if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) {
     global $PG_CONN;
     $V = "";
     switch ($this->OutputType) {
         case "XML":
         case "HTML":
             $Filename = GetParm("filename", PARM_STRING);
             $Uri = preg_replace("/&filename=[^&]*/", "", Traceback());
             /* Prompt for the string to search for */
             $V .= "<form action='{$Uri}' method='POST'>\n";
             $V .= "<ul>\n";
             $V .= "<li>Enter the string to search for:<P>";
             $V .= "<INPUT type='text' name='filename' size='40' value='" . htmlentities($Filename) . "'>\n";
             $V .= "</ul>\n";
             $V .= "<input type='submit' value='Search!'>\n";
             $V .= "</form>\n";
             if (!empty($Filename)) {
                 /* Get uploadtree_pk's for all debian uploads */
                 $sql = "SELECT uploadtree_pk, upload_pk, upload_filename FROM upload INNER JOIN uploadtree ON upload_fk=upload_pk AND parent IS NULL WHERE upload_filename LIKE '%{$Filename}%';";
                 $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql);
                 DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
                 $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
                 if (empty($row['upload_pk'])) {
                     $V = "There are no uploads with {$Filename} in the description.";
                 } else {
                     /* Loop thru results to obtain all licenses in their uploadtree recs*/
                     $Lics = array();
                     while ($Row = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
                         if (empty($Row['upload_pk'])) {
                         } else {
                             LicenseGetAll($Row[uploadtree_pk], $Lics);
                         $V = "<option value='" . $Row['upload_pk'] . "'>{$Name}</option>\n";
                     $V .= "</select><P />\n";
                     $V .= "<table border=1>\n";
                     foreach ($Lics as $key => $value) {
                         if ($key == " Total ") {
                             $V .= "<tr><th>{$key}<th>{$value}\n";
                         } else {
                             if (plugin_find_id('search_file_by_license') >= 0) {
                                 $V .= "<tr><td><a href='/repo/?mod=search_file_by_license&item={$Row['uploadtree_pk']}&lic=" . urlencode($key) . "'>{$key}</a><td align='right'>{$value}\n";
                             } else {
                                 $V .= "<tr><td>{$key}<td align='right'>{$value}\n";
                     $V .= "</table>\n";
                     //	  print "<pre>"; print_r($Lics); print "</pre>";
         case "Text":
     if (!$this->OutputToStdout) {
         return $V;
     print $V;