Пример #1
				foreach ($products as $key => $value) //render product
			<div style = "width:300px; margin-left:20px; float:left; border:2px #333 dotted">
			<h3>My Basket</h3><br />
				<?php echo KoolScripting::Start();?>
					<updatepanel id="basket">
							if (isset($_POST['addItem']) && $_POST['addItem'] != "") $_SESSION['basket'][] = $_POST['addItem']; //add product to basket
							if (isset($_POST['removeItem']) && $_POST['removeItem'] != "") array_splice($_SESSION['basket'],FindBasket($_POST['removeItem']),1); //remove product from basket
							echo "<b>Total Cost:</b> $".TotalCost()."<br />"; //show total cost
							foreach ($_SESSION['basket'] as $value) //render product in basket
							<input type="hidden" id="addItem" name = "addItem" value = "" />
							<input type="hidden" id="removeItem" name = "removeItem" value = "" />
						<loading image="<?php echo $KoolControlsFolder ?>/KoolAjax/loading/5.gif" />
				<?php echo KoolScripting::End();?>
			<br style="clear:both" />
Пример #2
			<h3>My Basket</h3><br />
echo KoolScripting::Start();
					<updatepanel id="basket">
if (isset($_POST['addItem']) && $_POST['addItem'] != "") {
    $_SESSION['basket'][] = $_POST['addItem'];
//add product to basket
if (isset($_POST['removeItem']) && $_POST['removeItem'] != "") {
    array_splice($_SESSION['basket'], FindBasket($_POST['removeItem']), 1);
//remove product from basket
echo "<b>Total Cost:</b> \$" . TotalCost() . "<br />";
//show total cost
foreach ($_SESSION['basket'] as $value) {
    //render product in basket
							<input type="hidden" id="addItem" name = "addItem" value = "" />
							<input type="hidden" id="removeItem" name = "removeItem" value = "" />
						<loading image="<?php 
echo $KoolControlsFolder;
/KoolAjax/loading/5.gif" />
     $separator_count = $separator_count + $separator;
     $unit_scale = $unit_scale + $unit;
 $unit_scale_print = "£" . number_format($unit_scale);
 $pdf->Cell(0, 3, $unit_scale_print, 0, 1);
 $pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 9);
 $pdf->Cell(0, 5, $proj_title, 0, 1, L, 0, $proj_link);
 $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 6);
 $pdf->Cell(0, 6, '', 0, 1);
 // Insert a line showing the PROJECT TOTAL if this is a new project we're about to start
 TotalCost($proj_id, $bar_scale, $bar_width_standard);
 // Now a bar which shows the unassigned work
 $sql_cost_unassigned = " SELECT SUM(ts_cost_factored) FROM intranet_timesheet WHERE `ts_stage_fee` = 0 AND `ts_project`= {$proj_id}";
 $result_cost_unassigned = mysql_query($sql_cost_unassigned, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $array_cost_unassigned = mysql_fetch_array($result_cost_unassigned);
 $cost_unassigned = $array_cost_unassigned['SUM(ts_cost_factored)'];
 $project_cost_total = $project_cost_total + $cost_unassigned;
 // if ($cost_unassigned = 0) { $cost_unassigned = $effectively_zero; }
 if ($cost_unassigned > 0) {
     $bar_width = $cost_unassigned / $bar_scale * $bar_width_standard;
     $pdf->SetTextColor(150, 150, 150);
     $cost_unassigned = str_replace("&pound;", "£", MoneyFormat($cost_unassigned)) . " [Unassigned]";
     $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 6);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0.5, '', 0, 1);
     $pdf->Cell(13, 4, '', 0, 0);