Пример #1
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_categories = getCategoriesList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_columns = getColumnsList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_images = themerex_array_merge(array('none' => "none"), getListFiles("/images/icons", "png"));
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons = array_merge(array("inherit", "none"), getIconsList());
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_locations = getDedicatedLocationsList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_blogger_styles = getBloggerStylesList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_filters = getPortfolioFiltersList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_formats = getPostFormatsFiltersList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_googlemap_styles = getGooglemapStylesList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_hovers = getHoversList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_hovers_dir = getHoversDirectionsList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_tint = getBgTintList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_field_types = getFieldTypesList();
// Shortcodes list
$THEMEREX_shortcodes = array(array("title" => __("Accordion", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Accordion items", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_accordion", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Accordion style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style for display accordion", "themerex"), "value" => 1, "options" => array(1 => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), 2 => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), 3 => __('Style 3', 'themerex')), "type" => "radio"), array("id" => "counter", "title" => __("Counter", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Display counter before each accordion title", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "large", "title" => __("Large titles", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show large titles", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "shadow", "title" => __("Shadow", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Display shadow under toggles block", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "initial", "title" => __("Initially opened item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Number of initially opened item", "themerex"), "value" => 1, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Accordion item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_accordion_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Accordion item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title for current accordion item", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Accordion item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current accordion item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Anchor", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert anchor for the TOC (table of content)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_anchor", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "icon", "title" => __("Anchor's icon", 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select icon for the anchor from Fontello icons set', 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Short title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Short title of the anchor (for the table of content)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "Description", "title" => __("Long description", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Description for the popup (then hover on the icon). You can use '{' and '}' - make the text italic, '|' - insert line break", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "url", "title" => __("External URL", "themerex"), "desc" => __("External URL for this TOC item", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "separator", "title" => __("Add separator", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Add separator under item in the TOC", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Audio", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert audio player", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_audio", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for audio file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for audio file", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose audio', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'audio', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose audio file', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select audio file', 'themerex'))), "after" => array('icon' => 'icon-cancel', 'action' => 'media_reset')), array("id" => "controls", "title" => __("Show controls", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show controls in audio player", "themerex"), "size" => "medium", "value" => "show", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_show_hide), array("id" => "autoplay", "title" => __("Autoplay audio", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Autoplay audio on page load", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width("100%"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(50), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Banner", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner image with link", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_banner", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "src", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Banner alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align banner to left, center or right", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Link URL", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for link on banner click", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "target", "title" => __("Link target", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Target for link on banner click", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "popup", "title" => __("Open link in popup", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Open link target in popup window", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "rel", "title" => __("Rel attribute", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Rel attribute for banner's link (if need)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner's title", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner's inner text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Block container", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for any block ([section] analog - to enable nesting)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_block", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Fore color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any color for objects in this section", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any background color for this section", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bg_image", "title" => __("URL for background image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site for the background", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "bg_tint", "title" => __("Background tint", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Main background tint: dark or light", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_tint), array("id" => "dedicated", "title" => __("Dedicated", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use this block as dedicated content - show it before post title on single page", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Align", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select block alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "columns", "title" => __("Columns emulation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select width for columns emulation", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_columns), array("id" => "scroll", "title" => __("Use scroller", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use scroller to show block content", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Scroll direction", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Scroll direction (if Use scroller = yes)", "themerex"), "value" => "horizontal", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "dependency" => array('scroll' => array('yes')), "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_dir), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "delimiter" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_style)), array("title" => __("Blogger", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert posts (pages) in many styles from desired categories or directly from ids", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_blogger", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Posts output style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired style for posts output", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_blogger_styles), array("id" => "filters", "title" => __("Show filters", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use post's tags or categories as filter buttons", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "dir" => "horizontal", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_filters), array("id" => "hover", "title" => __("Hover effect", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select hover effect (only if style=Portfolio)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('style' => array('portfolio')), "value" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_hovers), array("id" => "hover_dir", "title" => __("Hover direction", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select hover direction (only if style=Portfolio and hover=Circle|Square)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('style' => array('portfolio'), 'hover' => array('square', 'circle')), "value" => "left_to_right", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_hovers_dir), array("id" => "ids", "title" => __("Post IDs list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of posts ID. If set - parameters above are ignored!", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "cat", "title" => __("Categories list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select the desired categories. If not selected - show posts from any category or from IDs list", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('ids' => array('is_empty')), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "style" => "list", "multiple" => true, "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_categories), array("id" => "count", "title" => __("Total posts to show", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many posts will be displayed? If used IDs - this parameter ignored.", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('ids' => array('is_empty')), "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "visible", "title" => __("Number of visible posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many posts will be visible at once? If empty or 0 - all posts are visible", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('ids' => array('is_empty')), "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "offset", "title" => __("Offset before select posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skip posts before select next part.", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('ids' => array('is_empty')), "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "orderby", "title" => __("Post order by", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts sorting method", "themerex"), "value" => "date", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_sorting), array("id" => "order", "title" => __("Post order", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts order", "themerex"), "value" => "desc", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_ordering), array("id" => "only", "title" => __("Select posts only", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select posts only with reviews, videos, audios, thumbs or galleries", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_formats), array("id" => "scroll", "title" => __("Use scroller", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use scroller to show all posts (if parameter 'visible' less than 'count')", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "controls", "title" => __("Show slider controls", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show arrows to control scroll slider", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('scroll' => array('yes')), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "location", "title" => __("Dedicated content location", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select position for dedicated content (only for style=excerpt)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "dependency" => array('style' => array('excerpt')), "value" => "default", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_locations), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Posts direction", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Display posts in horizontal or vertical direction", "themerex"), "value" => "horizontal", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_dir), array("id" => "rating", "title" => __("Show rating stars", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show rating stars under post's header", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "info", "title" => __("Show post info block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show post info block (author, date, tags, etc.)", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "links", "title" => __("Allow links on the post", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Allow links on the post from each blogger item", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "descr", "title" => __("Description length", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many characters are displayed from post excerpt? If 0 - don't show description", "themerex"), "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "increment" => 10, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "readmore", "title" => __("More link text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Read more link text. If empty - show 'More', else - used as link text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Break", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Line break with clear floating (if need)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_br", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "clear", "title" => __("Clear floating", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Clear floating (if need)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('none' => __('None', 'themerex'), 'left' => __('Left', 'themerex'), 'right' => __('Right', 'themerex'), 'both' => __('Both', 'themerex'))))), array("title" => __("Button", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Button with link", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_button", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Caption", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Button caption", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Button's shape", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's shape", "themerex"), "value" => "square", "type" => "switch", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('square' => __('Square', 'themerex'), 'round' => __('Round', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Button's style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's style", "themerex"), "value" => "global", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('global' => __('Global', 'themerex'), 'light' => __('Light', 'themerex'), 'dark' => __('Dark', 'themerex'), 'border' => __('Border', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Button's size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's size", "themerex"), "value" => "medium", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('mini' => __('Small', 'themerex'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'themerex'), 'big' => __('Large', 'themerex'), 'huge' => __('Huge', 'themerex'), 'banner' => __('Banner', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "fullsize", "title" => __("Fullsize mode", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Set button's width to 100%", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __("Button's icon", 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select icon for the title from Fontello icons set', 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Button's color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any color for button background", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Button's alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align button to left or right", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_float), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Link URL", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for link on button click", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "target", "title" => __("Link target", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Target for link on button click", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('link' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "popup", "title" => __("Open link in popup", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Open link target in popup window", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('link' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "rel", "title" => __("Rel attribute", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Rel attribute for button's link (if need)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('link' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Chat", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chat message", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_chat", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chat item title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Item link", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chat item link", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Chat item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current chat item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Columns", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert up to 5 columns in your page (post)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_columns", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Column", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Column item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_column_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "span", "title" => __("Merge columns", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Count merged columns from current", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Alignment text in the column", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Fore color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any color for objects in this column", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any background color for this column", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bg_image", "title" => __("URL for background image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site for the background", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Column item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current column item content", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_style))), array("title" => __("Contact form", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert contact form", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_contact_form", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Contact form title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "description", "title" => __("Description", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Short description for contact form", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Field", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Custom field", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_form_item", "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Field's type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Type of the custom field", "themerex"), "value" => "text", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_field_types), array("id" => "label", "title" => __("Field's label", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Label for the custom field", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "name", "title" => __("Field's name", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Name of the custom field", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "value", "title" => __("Default value", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Default value of the custom field", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Content block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for main content block with desired class and style (use it only on fullscreen pages)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_content", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_style)), array("title" => __("Countdown", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert countdown object", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_countdown", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "date", "title" => __("Date", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Upcoming date (format: yyyy-mm-dd)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "format" => "yy-mm-dd", "type" => "date"), array("id" => "time", "title" => __("Time", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Upcoming time (format: HH:mm:ss)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align counter to left, center or right", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Dropcaps", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Make first letter as dropcaps", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_dropcaps", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Dropcaps style", "themerex"), "value" => "1", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array(1 => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), 2 => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), 3 => __('Style 3', 'themerex'), 4 => __('Style 4', 'themerex'), 5 => __('Style 5', 'themerex'), 6 => __('Style 6', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Paragraph content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Paragraph with dropcaps content", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("E-mail collector", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Collect the e-mail address into specified group", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_emailer", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "group", "title" => __("Group", "themerex"), "desc" => __("The name of group to collect e-mail address", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "open", "title" => __("Open", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Initially open the input field on show object", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align object to left, center or right", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Gap", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert gap (fullwidth area) in the post content. Attention! Use the gap only in the posts (pages) without left or right sidebar", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_gap", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Gap content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Gap inner content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"))), array("title" => __("Google map", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert Google map with desired address or coordinates", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_googlemap", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "address", "title" => __("Address", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Address to show in map center", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "latlng", "title" => __("Latitude and Longtitude", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated map center coorditanes (instead Address)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "zoom", "title" => __("Zoom", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Map zoom factor", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => 16, "min" => 1, "max" => 20, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Map style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select map style", "themerex"), "value" => "default", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_googlemap_styles), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width('100%'), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(240), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Hide/Show any block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Hide or Show any block with desired CSS-selector", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_hide", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "selector", "title" => __("Selector", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any block's CSS-selector", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "hide", "title" => __("Hide or Show", "themerex"), "desc" => __("New state for the block: hide or show", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "size" => "small", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no, "type" => "switch"))), array("title" => __("Highlight text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlight text with selected color, background color and other styles", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_highlight", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlight type", "themerex"), "value" => "1", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array(0 => __('Custom', 'themerex'), 1 => __('Type 1', 'themerex'), 2 => __('Type 2', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Color for the highlighted text", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "backcolor", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Background color for the highlighted text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Font size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Font size for the highlighted text (default - in pixels, allows any CSS units of measure)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Highlighting content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for highlight", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_style)), array("title" => __("Icon", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert icon", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_icon", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select font icon from the Fontello icons set', 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Icon's color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's color", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('icon' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "background", "title" => __("Background style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Style of the icon background", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('icon' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "none", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('none' => __('None', 'themerex'), 'round' => __('Round', 'themerex'), 'square' => __('Square', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('icon' => array('not_empty'), 'background' => array('round', 'square')), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Font size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's font size", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('icon' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "", "type" => "spinner", "min" => 8, "max" => 240), array("id" => "weight", "title" => __("Font weight", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon font weight", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('icon' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "", "type" => "select", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('100' => __('Thin (100)', 'themerex'), '300' => __('Light (300)', 'themerex'), '400' => __('Normal (400)', 'themerex'), '700' => __('Bold (700)', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon text alignment", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('icon' => array('not_empty')), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert image into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_image", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Image title (if need)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __("Icon before title", 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select icon for the title from Fontello icons set', 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Float image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Float image to left or right side", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_float), array("id" => "shape", "title" => __("Image Shape", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Shape of the image: square (rectangle) or round", "themerex"), "value" => "square", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array("square" => __('Square', 'themerex'), "round" => __('Round', 'themerex'))), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Infobox", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert infobox into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_infobox", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Infobox style", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('regular' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'info' => __('Info', 'themerex'), 'success' => __('Success', 'themerex'), 'error' => __('Error', 'themerex'), 'result' => __('Result', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "closeable", "title" => __("Closeable box", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create closeable box (with close button)", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Infobox content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for infobox", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Line", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert Line into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_line", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Line style", "themerex"), "value" => "solid", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('solid' => __('Solid', 'themerex'), 'dashed' => __('Dashed', 'themerex'), 'dotted' => __('Dotted', 'themerex'), 'double' => __('Double', 'themerex'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Line color", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("List", "themerex"), "desc" => __("List items with specific bullets", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_list", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Bullet's style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Bullet's style for each list item", "themerex"), "value" => "ul", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_list_styles), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('List icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select list icon from Fontello icons set (only for style=Iconed)", 'themerex'), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("List item with specific bullet", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_list_item", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("List item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current list item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('List icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select list icon from Fontello icons set (only for style=Iconed)", 'themerex'), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("List item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current list item title (show it as tooltip)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Parallax", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create the parallax container (with asinc background image)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_parallax", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "gap", "title" => __("Create gap", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create gap around parallax container", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "size" => "small", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no, "type" => "switch"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style of the parallax background (for correct font color choise)", "themerex"), "value" => "light", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('light' => __('Light', 'themerex'), 'dark' => __('Dark', 'themerex')), "type" => "switch"), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Dir", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Scroll direction for the parallax background", "themerex"), "value" => "up", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('up' => __('Up', 'themerex'), 'down' => __('Down', 'themerex')), "type" => "switch"), array("id" => "speed", "title" => __("Speed", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Image motion speed (from 0.0 to 1.0)", "themerex"), "min" => "0", "max" => "1", "step" => "0.1", "value" => "0.3", "type" => "range"), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select color for parallax background", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "overlay", "title" => __("Overlay", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Overlay color opacity (from 0.0 to 1.0)", "themerex"), "min" => "0", "max" => "1", "step" => "0.1", "value" => "0", "type" => "range"), array("id" => "texture", "title" => __("Texture", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Texture style from 1 to 11. 0 - without texture.", "themerex"), "min" => "0", "max" => "11", "step" => "1", "value" => "0", "type" => "range"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site for the parallax background", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "image_x", "title" => __("Image X position", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Image horizontal position (as background of the parallax block) - in percent", "themerex"), "min" => "0", "max" => "100", "value" => "50", "type" => "range"), array("id" => "video", "title" => __("Video background", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select video from media library or paste URL for video file from other site to show it as parallax background", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose video', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'video', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose video file', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select video file', 'themerex'))), "after" => array('icon' => 'icon-cancel', 'action' => 'media_reset')), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for the parallax container", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Popup window", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for any html-block with desired class and style for popup window", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_popup", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_style)), array("title" => __("Price", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert price with decoration", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character", "themerex"), "value" => "\$", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc.", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Price table container", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price table container. After insert it, move cursor inside and select shortcode Price Item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_table", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Alignment text in the table", "themerex"), "value" => "center", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item column", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_item", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "animation", "title" => __("Animation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Animate column on mouse hover", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Price table item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price table item (column with values)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_item", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "animation", "title" => __("Animation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Animate column on mouse hover", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Data", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item data - title, price, footer, etc.", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_data", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current cell content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Cell type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type of the price table cell", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('none' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'title' => __('Title', 'themerex'), 'image' => __('Image', 'themerex'), 'price' => __('Price', 'themerex'), 'footer' => __('Footer', 'themerex'), 'united' => __('United', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated) - only for type=price", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('price')), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character - only for type=price", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('price')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc. - only for type=price", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('price')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Price table data", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item data - title, price, footer, etc.", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_data", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current cell content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Cell type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type of the price table cell", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('none' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'title' => __('Title', 'themerex'), 'image' => __('Image', 'themerex'), 'price' => __('Price', 'themerex'), 'footer' => __('Footer', 'themerex'), 'united' => __('United', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated) - only for type=price", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('price')), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character - only for type=price", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('price')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc. - only for type=price", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('price')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Quote", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote text", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_quote", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "cite", "title" => __("Quote cite", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for quote cite", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title (author)", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote title (author name)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Quote content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Section container", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for any block with desired class and style", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_section", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Fore color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any color for objects in this section", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any background color for this section", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bg_image", "title" => __("URL for background image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site for the background", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "bg_tint", "title" => __("Background tint", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Main background tint: dark or light", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_tint), array("id" => "dedicated", "title" => __("Dedicated", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use this block as dedicated content - show it before post title on single page", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Align", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select block alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array("none" => __("None", 'themerex'), "left" => __("Left", 'themerex'), "right" => __("Right", 'themerex'))), array("id" => "columns", "title" => __("Columns emulation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select width for columns emulation", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_columns), array("id" => "scroll", "title" => __("Use scroller", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use scroller to show section content", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Scroll direction", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Scroll direction (if Use scroller = yes)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('scroll' => array('yes')), "value" => "horizontal", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_dir), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_style)), array("title" => __("Skills", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert skills diagramm in your page (post)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_skills", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "maximum", "title" => __("Max value", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Max value for skills items", "themerex"), "value" => 100, "min" => 1, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Skills type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type of skills block", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "bar", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('bar' => __('Bar', 'themerex'), 'pie' => __('Pie chart', 'themerex'), 'counter' => __('Counter', 'themerex'), 'arc' => __('Arc', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Skills style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style of skills items (only for type=counter)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('counter')), "value" => 1, "min" => 1, "max" => 4, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Direction", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select direction of skills block", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('counter', 'pie', 'bar')), "value" => "horizontal", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_dir), array("id" => "layout", "title" => __("Skills layout", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select layout of skills block", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('counter', 'pie', 'bar')), "value" => "rows", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('rows' => __('Rows', 'themerex'), 'columns' => __('Columns', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Skills title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skills block title", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "subtitle", "title" => __("Skills subtitle", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skills block subtitle - text in the center (only for type=arc)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('arc')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Align skills block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align skills block to left or right side", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_float), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Skills items color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Color for all skills items", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Skill", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skills item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_skills_item", "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Skills item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current skills item title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "level", "title" => __("Sklls item level", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current skills level", "themerex"), "value" => 50, "min" => 0, "increment" => 1, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Skills item color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current skills item color", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Skills item style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style for the current skills item (only for type=counter)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('type' => array('price')), "value" => 1, "min" => 1, "max" => 4, "type" => "spinner"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Slider", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert slider into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_slider", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array_merge(array(array("id" => "engine", "title" => __("Slider engine", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select engine for slider. Attention! Flex and Swiper are built-in engines, all other engines appears only if corresponding plugings are installed", "themerex"), "value" => "flex", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_sliders)), revslider_exists() || royalslider_exists() ? array(array("id" => "alias", "title" => __("Revolution slider alias or Royal Slider ID", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Alias for Revolution slider or Royal slider ID", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('revo', 'royal')), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text")) : array(), array(array("id" => "interval", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Slides change interval", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Slides change interval (in milliseconds: 1000ms = 1s)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "divider" => true, "value" => 5000, "increment" => 500, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "cat", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Category list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of category slugs. If empty - select posts from any category or from IDs list", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "style" => "list", "multiple" => true, "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_categories), array("id" => "count", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Number of posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many posts will be displayed? If used IDs - this parameter ignored.", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "offset", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Offset before select posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skip posts before select next part.", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "orderby", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Post order by", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts sorting method", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "value" => "date", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_sorting), array("id" => "order", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Post order", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts order", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "value" => "desc", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_ordering), array("id" => "ids", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Post IDs list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of posts ID. If set - parameters above are ignored!", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "controls", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Show slider controls", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show arrows inside slider", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "divider" => true, "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "pagination", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Show slider pagination", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show bullets for switch slides", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "value" => "yes", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('yes' => __('Dots', 'themerex'), 'full' => __('Side Titles', 'themerex'), 'over' => __('Over Titles', 'themerex'), 'no' => __('None', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "titles", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Show titles section", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show section with post's title and short post's description", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "divider" => true, "value" => "no", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("no" => __('Not show', 'themerex'), "slide" => __('Show/Hide info', 'themerex'), "fixed" => __('Fixed info', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "descriptions", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Post descriptions", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "desc" => __("Show post's excerpt max length (characters)", "themerex"), "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 1000, "increment" => 10, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "links", "title" => __("Flex&Swiper: Post's title as link", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Make links from post's titles", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('engine' => array('flex', 'swiper')), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "border", "title" => __("Show border", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show border around slider", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("none" => __('No border', 'themerex'), "light" => __('Light tablet', 'themerex'), "dark" => __('Dark tablet', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Float slider", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Float slider to left or right side", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_float), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), "children" => array("title" => __("Slide", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Slider item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_slider_item", "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "src", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site for the current slide", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Table", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert a table into post (page). ", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_table", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Table style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select table style", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "select", "options" => array("1" => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), "2" => __('Style 2', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Cells padding", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select padding for the table cells", "themerex"), "value" => "medium", "type" => "select", "options" => array("small" => __('Small', 'themerex'), "medium" => __('Medium', 'themerex'), "big" => __('Big', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Content alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select alignment for each table cell", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array("none" => __("None", 'themerex'), "left" => __("Left", 'themerex'), "center" => __("Center", 'themerex'), "right" => __("Right", 'themerex'))), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Table content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content, created with any table-generator", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 8, "value" => "Paste here table content, generated on one of many public internet resources, for example: http://www.impressivewebs.com/html-table-code-generator/ or http://html-tables.com/", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Tabs", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert tabs in your page (post)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_tabs", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Tabs style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style for tabs items", "themerex"), "value" => 1, "options" => array(1 => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), 2 => __('Style 2', 'themerex')), "type" => "radio"), array("id" => "initial", "title" => __("Initially opened tab", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Number of initially opened tab", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => 1, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "scroll", "title" => __("Use scroller", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use scroller to show tab content (height parameter required)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Tab", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Tab item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_tab", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_title_", "title" => __("Tab title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current tab title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Tab content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current tab content", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Team", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert team in your page (post)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_team", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array($THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Member", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Team member", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_team_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "user", "title" => __("Team member", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select one of registered users (if present) or put name, position etc. in fields below", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_users), array("id" => "name", "title" => __("Name", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Team member's name", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('user' => array('is_empty', 'none')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "position", "title" => __("Position", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Team member's position", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('user' => array('is_empty', 'none')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "email", "title" => __("E-mail", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Team member's e-mail", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('user' => array('is_empty', 'none')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "photo", "title" => __("Photo", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Team member's photo (avatar)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('user' => array('is_empty', 'none')), "value" => "", "readonly" => false, "type" => "media"), array("id" => "socials", "title" => __("Socials", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Team member's socials icons: name=url|name=url... For example: facebook=http://facebook.com/myaccount|twitter=http://twitter.com/myaccount", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('user' => array('is_empty', 'none')), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Description", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Team member's short description", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Testimonials", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert testimonials into post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_testimonials", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title of testimonmials block", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Testimonials style", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "1", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("1" => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), "2" => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), "3" => __('Style 3', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "controls", "title" => __("Show arrows", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show control buttons. Values 'top' and 'bottom' allowed only for Style 1", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "on", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("off" => __('Off', 'themerex'), "on" => __('Over', 'themerex'), "top" => __('Top', 'themerex'), "bottom" => __('Bottom', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "interval", "title" => __("Testimonials change interval", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Testimonials change interval (in milliseconds: 1000ms = 1s)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => 7000, "increment" => 500, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Testimonials item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_testimonials_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "name", "title" => __("Name", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Name of the testimonmials author", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "position", "title" => __("Position", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Position of the testimonmials author", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "email", "title" => __("E-mail", "themerex"), "desc" => __("E-mail of the testimonmials author", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "photo", "title" => __("Photo", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload photo of testimonmials author or write URL of photo from other site", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Testimonials text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current testimonials text", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create header tag (1-6 level) with many styles", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_title", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Title content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Title type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title type (header level)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __('Header 1', 'themerex'), '2' => __('Header 2', 'themerex'), '3' => __('Header 3', 'themerex'), '4' => __('Header 4', 'themerex'), '5' => __('Header 5', 'themerex'), '6' => __('Header 6', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Title style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title style", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "select", "options" => array('regular' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'underline' => __('Underline', 'themerex'), 'divider' => __('Divider', 'themerex'), 'iconed' => __('With icon (image)', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title text alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Title color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select color for the title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "weight", "title" => __("Font weight", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title font weight", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "select", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('inherit' => __('Default', 'themerex'), '100' => __('Thin (100)', 'themerex'), '300' => __('Light (300)', 'themerex'), '400' => __('Normal (400)', 'themerex'), '700' => __('Bold (700)', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Title font icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select font icon for the title from Fontello icons set (if style=iconed)", 'themerex'), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "image", "title" => __('or image icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select image icon for the title instead icon above (if style=iconed)", 'themerex'), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "value" => "", "type" => "images", "size" => "small", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_images), array("id" => "picture", "title" => __('or URL for image file', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site (if style=iconed)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "size", "title" => __('Icon (image) size', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select icon (image) size (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "value" => "medium", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('small' => __('Small', 'themerex'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'themerex'), 'large' => __('Large', 'themerex'), 'huge' => __('Huge', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "position", "title" => __('Icon (image) position', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select icon (image) position (if style=iconed)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "value" => "left", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('top' => __('Top', 'themerex'), 'left' => __('Left', 'themerex'), 'right' => __('Right', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "background", "title" => __('Show background under icon', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select background under icon (if style=iconed)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('none' => __('None', 'themerex'), 'square' => __('Square', 'themerex'), 'circle' => __('Circle', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's background color (if style=iconed)", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('style' => array('iconed')), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Toggles", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Toggles items", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_toggles", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Toggles style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style for display toggles", "themerex"), "value" => 1, "options" => array(1 => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), 2 => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), 3 => __('Style 3', 'themerex')), "type" => "radio"), array("id" => "counter", "title" => __("Counter", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Display counter before each toggles title", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "large", "title" => __("Large 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"themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Toggles item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current toggles item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class))), array("title" => __("Tooltip", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create tooltip for selected text", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_tooltip", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Tooltip title (required)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Tipped content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlighted content with tooltip", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Twitter", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert twitter feed into post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_twitter", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "user", "title" => __("Twitter Username", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Your username in the twitter account. If empty - get it from Theme Options.", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "consumer_key", "title" => __("Consumer Key", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Consumer Key from the twitter account", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "consumer_secret", "title" => __("Consumer Secret", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Consumer Secret from the twitter account", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "token_key", "title" => __("Token Key", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Token Key from the twitter account", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "token_secret", "title" => __("Token Secret", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Token Secret from the twitter account", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "count", "title" => __("Tweets number", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Tweets number to show", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => 3, "max" => 20, "min" => 1, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "interval", "title" => __("Tweets change interval", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Tweets change interval (in milliseconds: 1000ms = 1s)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => 7000, "increment" => 500, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Video", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert video player", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_video", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for video file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select video from media library or paste URL for video file from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose video', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'video', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose video file', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select video file', 'themerex'))), "after" => array('icon' => 'icon-cancel', 'action' => 'media_reset')), array("id" => "autoplay", "title" => __("Autoplay video", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Autoplay video on page load", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Show title bar", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show title bar above video frame", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("Cover image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site for video preview", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)), array("title" => __("Zoom", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert the image with zoom/lens effect", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_zoom", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("Main image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload main image", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "over", "title" => __("Overlaping image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload overlaping image", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "border", "title" => __("Show border", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show border around image", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("none" => __('No border', 'themerex'), "light" => __('Light tablet', 'themerex'), "dark" => __('Dark tablet', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Float zoom", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Float zoom to left or right side", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_float), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_class)));
// Filters for shortcodes handling
// Enable/Disable shortcodes in the excerpt
function sc_excerpt_shortcodes($content)
    $content = do_shortcode($content);
    //$content = strip_shortcodes($content);
    return $content;
// Prepare shortcodes in content
function sc_prepare_content()
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        $filters = array(array('themerex', 'sc', 'clear', 'around'), array('widget', 'text'), array('the', 'excerpt'), array('the', 'content'));
        if (function_exists('is_woocommerce')) {
Пример #2
    global $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no;
    return array("id" => "indent", "title" => __("Space between columns", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Turns sace between columns on", "themerex"), "value" => $status, "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no);
// Margins params
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top = array("id" => "top", "title" => __("Top margin", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "spinner");
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right = array("id" => "right", "title" => __("Right margin", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "spinner");
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom = array("id" => "bottom", "title" => __("Bottom margin", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "spinner");
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left = array("id" => "left", "title" => __("Left margin", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "spinner");
// List's styles
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_list_styles = array('ul' => __("Unordered", 'themerex'), 'ol' => __("Ordered", 'themerex'), 'iconed' => __('Iconed', 'themerex'));
// section/block options
$THEMEREX_section_block_options = array(array("id" => "class", "title" => __("CSS class", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Attribute class for container (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("CSS style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any additional CSS rules (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Align", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select block alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "dedicated", "title" => __("Dedicated", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use this block as dedicated content - show it before post title on single page", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "columns", "title" => __("Columns emulation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select width for columns emulation", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_columns), array("id" => "scroll", "title" => __("Use scroller", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use scroller to show block content", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Scroll direction", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Scroll direction (if Use scroller = yes)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "horizontal", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_dir), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("URL for block", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "background", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "src", "title" => __("Background image", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), array("id" => "padding", "title" => __("Padding", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Padding of block (top right bottom left / Example: 20px 10px 0 30px)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id);
// Shortcodes list
$THEMEREX_shortcodes = array(array("title" => __("Aside", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_aside", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Item link", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("Item image", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Audio", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert audio player", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_audio", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Audio track title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "author", "title" => __("Author of the track", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for audio file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for audio file", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose audio', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'audio', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose audio file', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select audio file', 'themerex'))), "after" => array('icon' => 'icon-cancel', 'action' => 'media_reset')), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("Image", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "autoplay", "title" => __("Autoplay audio", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Autoplay audio on page load", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "controls", "title" => __("Show controls", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show controls in audio player (used in standard html5 player or 3rd party plugins)", "themerex"), "size" => "medium", "value" => "show", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_show_hide), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width("100%"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height('', 'Height of the block with image. This option works if you have a background image'), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Banner", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner image with link", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_banner", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "src", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Banner alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align banner to left, center or right", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Link URL", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for link on banner click", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "rel", "title" => __("Rel attribute", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Rel attribute for banner's link (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "target", "title" => __("Link target", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Target for link on banner click", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "popup", "title" => __("Open link in popup", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Open link target in popup window", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner title", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Block container", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for any block with desired class and style ([section] analog - to nesting enable)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_block", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => $THEMEREX_section_block_options), array("title" => __("Blogger", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert posts (pages) in many styles from desired categories or directly from ids", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_blogger", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Posts output style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired style for posts output", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "regular", "type" => "select", "options" => array('regular' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'excerpt' => __('Excerpt', 'themerex'), 'related' => __('Related', 'themerex'), 'date' => __('Date', 'themerex'), 'image_large' => __('Large featured image', 'themerex'), 'image_medium' => __('Medium featured image', 'themerex'), 'image_small' => __('Small featured image', 'themerex'), 'image_tiny' => __('Tiny featured image', 'themerex'), 'accordion_1' => __('Accordion style 1', 'themerex'), 'accordion_2' => __('Accordion style 2', 'themerex'), 'accordion_3' => __('Accordion style 3', 'themerex'), 'list' => __('List', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "cat", "title" => __("Category list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select the desired categories. If not selected - show posts from any category or from IDs list", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "style" => "list", "multiple" => true, "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_categories), array("id" => "count", "title" => __("Total posts to show", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many posts will be displayed? If used IDs - this parameter ignored.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "visible", "title" => __("Number of visible posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many posts will be visible at once? If empty or 0 - all posts are visible", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "offset", "title" => __("Offset before select posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skip posts before select next part.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "scroll", "title" => __("Use scroller", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Use scroller to show all posts (if parameter 'visible' less than 'count')", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), THEMEREX_shortcodes_indent(), array("id" => "orderby", "title" => __("Post order by", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts sorting method", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "date", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_sorting), array("id" => "order", "title" => __("Post order", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts order", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "desc", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_ordering), array("id" => "ids", "title" => __("Post IDs list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of posts ID. If set - parameters above are ignored!", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "location", "title" => __("Dedicated content location", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select position for dedicated content (only for style=excerpt)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "default", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_locations), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Posts direction", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Display posts in horizontal or vertical direction", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "horizontal", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_dir), array("id" => "rating", "title" => __("Show rating stars", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show rating stars under post's header", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "descr", "title" => __("Description length", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many characters are displayed from post excerpt? If 0 - don't show description", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 1000, "increment" => 10, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "info", "title" => __("Show post info block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show post info block (author, date, tags, etc.)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "readmore", "title" => __("More link text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Read more link text. If empty - show 'More', else - used as link text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Break <br>", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Line break with clear floating (if need)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_br", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "clear", "title" => __("Clear floating", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Clear floating (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('none' => __('None', 'themerex'), 'left' => __('Left', 'themerex'), 'right' => __('Right', 'themerex'), 'both' => __('Both', 'themerex'))))), array("title" => __("Button", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Button with link", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_button", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Caption", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Button caption", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "skin", "title" => __("Button's color style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's color style", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "global", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('global' => __('Global', 'themerex'), 'dark' => __('Dark', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Button's style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's style", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('regular' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'line' => __('Line', 'themerex'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Button's size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's size", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "medium", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('mini' => __('Small', 'themerex'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'themerex'), 'big' => __('Large', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "fullsize", "title" => __("Fullsize mode", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Set button's width to 100%", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Button icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Select icon for the title from Fontello icons set', 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "background", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Text color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Button alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align button to 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"", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "rel", "title" => __("Rel attribute", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Rel attribute for button's link (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "popup", "title" => __("Open link in popup", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Open link target in popup window", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Chart", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert a chart in your page (post)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_chart", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Title size", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 46, "min" => 1, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Title color", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "legend", "title" => __("Show legend", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align object to left, center or right", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Chart", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chart item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_chart_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Skills item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current skills item title", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "level", "title" => __("Skills item level", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current skills level", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 50, "min" => 0, "increment" => 1, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color of skills item", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select font icon from the Fontello icons set", 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "icon_color", "title" => __("Color of icon", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Chat", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chat message", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_chat", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chat item title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Item link", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chat item link", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Chat item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current chat item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Columns", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert up to 6 columns in your page (post)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_columns", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(THEMEREX_shortcodes_indent(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Column", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Column item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_column_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "colspan", "title" => __("Merge columns", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Count merged columns from current", "themerex"), "value" => "", "min" => 2, "max" => 11, "increment" => 1, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Column item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current column item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Contact form", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert contact form", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_contact_form", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Contact form title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "description", "title" => __("Description", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Short description for contact form", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __('Contact info', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Display contact information using theme options', 'themerex'), "id" => "trx_contact_info", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Contact info title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "description", "title" => __("Description", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Short description for contact info", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "contact_list", "title" => __('Contact block elements', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Sets number and order of info putout<br><i>objects can be dragged with mouse</i>', 'themerex'), "value" => "adress_1,phone_1,website,email", 'multiple' => true, "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("address_1" => __('Adress 1', 'themerex'), "address_2" => __('Adress 2', 'themerex'), "phone_1" => __('Phone 1', 'themerex'), "phone_2" => __('Phone 2', 'themerex'), "fax" => __('Fax', 'themerex'), "website" => __('Web site', 'themerex'), "email" => __('Email', 'themerex'))), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Content block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for main content block with desired class and style (use it only on fullscreen pages)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_content", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __('Text align', 'themerex'), "value" => "center", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("left" => __('Left', 'themerex'), "center" => __('Center', 'themerex'), "right" => __('Right', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "class", "title" => __("Element CSS class", "themerex"), "desc" => __("CSS class for current element (optional)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("CSS styles", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any additional CSS rules (if need)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Countdown", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert countdown object", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_countdown", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "date", "title" => __("Date", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Upcoming date (format: yyyy-mm-dd)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "format" => "yy-mm-dd", "type" => "date"), array("id" => "time", "title" => __("Time", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Upcoming time (format: HH:mm:ss)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Countdown style", "themerex"), "value" => "round", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array("flip" => __('Flip', 'themerex'), "round" => __('Round', 'themerex'))), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Dropcaps", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Make first letter as dropcaps", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_dropcaps", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Dropcaps style", "themerex"), "value" => "1", "style" => "list", "type" => "images", "options" => array(1 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/dropcaps1.png', 2 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/dropcaps2.png', 3 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/dropcaps3.png', 4 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/dropcaps4.png')), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Paragraph content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Paragraph with dropcaps content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("E-mail collector", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Collect the e-mail address into specified group", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_emailer", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "group", "title" => __("Group", "themerex"), "desc" => __("The name of group to collect e-mail address", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "open", "title" => __('Open form', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Open search e-mailer', 'themerex'), "std" => "yes", "options" => $yes_no, "type" => "switch"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align object to left, center or right", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Google map", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert Google map with desired address or coordinates", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_googlemap", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "address", "title" => __("Address", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Address to show in map center", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "latlng", "title" => __("Latitude and Longtitude", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated map center coorditanes (instead Address)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "zoom", "title" => __("Zoom", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Map zoom factor", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 16, "min" => 1, "max" => 20, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "scroll", "title" => __('Zoom with mouse wheel', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Map\'s zoom with mouse wheel', 'themerex'), "override" => "category,page,post", "std" => "yes", "options" => $yes_no, "type" => "switch"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Map style", "themerex"), "value" => "royal", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $gmap_styles), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width('100%'), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(300), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Graph", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert a graph in your page (post)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_graph", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "labels", "title" => __("Labels", "themerex"), "desc" => __("The graph requires an array of labels for each of the data points. This is shown on the X axis.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __('Type', 'themerex'), "value" => "Curve", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("Curve" => __('Curve', 'themerex'), "Line" => __('Line', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("CSS style", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Graph", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Graph item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_graph_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "datas", "title" => __("Datas", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert datas (example: value1, value2, value3)", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Colour for the fill", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Attribute", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "Attribute", "type" => "text")))), array("title" => __("Hide any block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Hide any block with desired CSS-selector", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_hide", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "selector", "title" => __("Selector", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any block's CSS-selector", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"))), array("title" => __("Highlight text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlight text with selected color, background color and other styles", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_highlight", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlight Style", "themerex"), "value" => "1", "style" => "list", "type" => "images", "options" => array(1 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/highlight2.png', 2 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/highlight1.png', 3 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/highlight3.png', 4 => get_template_directory_uri() . '/admin/images/icons/highlight4.png')), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Color for highlighted text", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "backcolor", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Background color for highlighted text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("CSS-styles", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any additional CSS rules", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Highlighting content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for highlight", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Icon", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert icon", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_icon", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select font icon from the Fontello icons set", 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Icon's color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon text alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "", "divider" => false, "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "box_style", "title" => __("Background style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Style of the icon background ", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "none", "type" => "radio", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_box_style), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Font size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon font size", "themerex"), "value" => "20", "divider" => false, "type" => "spinner", "min" => 8, "max" => 240), array("id" => "weight", "title" => __("Font weight", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon font weight", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "select", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('100' => __('Thin (100)', 'themerex'), '300' => __('Light (300)', 'themerex'), '400' => __('Normal (400)', 'themerex'), '700' => __('Bold (700)', 'themerex'))), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Icons widget", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert icons widget", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_icons_widget", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select font icon from the Fontello icons set", 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "icon-heart", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "count", "title" => __("Icons count", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "10", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "value", "title" => __("Value", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert value", "themerex"), "value" => "5", "divider" => false, "type" => "text"), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Icons size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert icons size", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "40", "type" => "text"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert image into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_image", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "dependency" => array('user' => array('is_empty', 'none')), "value" => "", "readonly" => false, "type" => "media"), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Image title (if need)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Float image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Float image to left or right side", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Infobox", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert infobox into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_infobox", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Infobox style", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('regular' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'info' => __('Info', 'themerex'), 'notice' => __('Notice', 'themerex'), 'warning' => __('Warning', 'themerex'), 'success' => __('Success', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title infobox", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "dir", "title" => __("Title position", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Vertical title position or horizontal", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "horizontal", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'themerex'), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "closeable", "title" => __("Closeable box", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create closeable box (with close button)", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Infobox content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for infobox", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Islands", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert widget into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_islands", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Text color", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "light", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('light' => __('White', 'themerex'), 'dark' => __('Black', 'themerex'))), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("<b>Max count of children is 5!</b>", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_island_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __('URL for item', 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text")))), array("title" => __("Line", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert Line into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_line", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "solid", "dir" => "vertical", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('solid' => __('Solid <dd class=\\"lineSolid\\"></dd>', 'themerex'), 'dashed' => __('Dashed <dd class=\\"lineDashed\\"></dd>', 'themerex'), 'dotted' => __('Dotted <dd class=\\"lineDotted\\"></dd>', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Line color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Line alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("This option works along with the width option", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("List", "themerex"), "desc" => __("List items with specific bullets", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_list", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Bullet's style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Bullet's style for each list item", "themerex"), "value" => "ul", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_list_styles), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('List icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select list icon from Fontello icons set (only for style='Iconed')", 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "marked", "title" => __("Ticked list", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("List item with specific bullet", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_list_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("List item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current list item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('List icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select list icon from Fontello icons set (only for style='Iconed')", 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "marked", "title" => __("Ticked list's item", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("List item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current list item title (show it as tooltip)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("More button", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert button to hide and show selected <b>SECTION</b>", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_more", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "id", "title" => __("Block ID", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert id of section which you want show/hide", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left)), array("title" => __("Popup window", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for any html-block with desired class and style for popup window", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_popup", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array($THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, array("id" => "class", "title" => __("CSS class", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Attribute class for container (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("CSS style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any additional CSS rules (if need)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left)), array("title" => __("Price table container", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price table container. After insert it, move cursor inside and select shortcode Price Item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_table", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "1", "dir" => "horizontal", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('1' => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), '2' => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), '3' => __('Style 3', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color type", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "green", "dir" => "horizontal", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('green' => __('Basic', 'themerex'), 'blue' => __('Blue', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Alignment text in the table", "themerex"), "value" => "center", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_indent(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item column", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_item", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "animation", "title" => __("Animation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Animate column on mouse hover", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Price table item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price table column", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_item", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "animation", "title" => __("Animation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Animate column on mouse hover", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Data", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item data - title, price, footer, etc.", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_data", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current cell content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Cell type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type of the price table cell", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('none' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'title' => __('Title', 'themerex'), 'image' => __('Image', 'themerex'), 'price' => __('Price', 'themerex'), 'footer' => __('Footer', 'themerex'), 'united' => __('United', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated) - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc. - only for type=price", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Price table data", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item data - title, price, footer, etc.", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_data", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current cell content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Cell type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type of the price table cell", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('none' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'title' => __('Title', 'themerex'), 'image' => __('Image', 'themerex'), 'price' => __('Price', 'themerex'), 'footer' => __('Footer', 'themerex'), 'united' => __('United', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated) - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc. - only for type=price", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Quote", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote text", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_quote", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Quote content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "1", "dir" => "horizontal", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('1' => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), '2' => __('Style 2', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Quote cite", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for quote cite", 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=> "align", "title" => __("Text alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title text alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create header tag (1-6 level) with many styles", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_title", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Title content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "Title", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Title type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title type (header level)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __('Header 1', 'themerex'), '2' => __('Header 2', 'themerex'), '3' => __('Header 3', 'themerex'), '4' => __('Header 4', 'themerex'), '5' => __('Header 5', 'themerex'), '6' => __('Header 6', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Title color", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "weight", "title" => __("Font weight", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title font weight", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('100' => __('Thin (100)', 'themerex'), '300' => __('Light (300)', 'themerex'), '400' => __('Normal (400)', 'themerex'), '700' => __('Bold (700)', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Text alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title text alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "", "divider" => false, "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "position", "title" => __('Icon (image) position', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select icon (image) position (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('top' => __('Top', 'themerex'), 'left' => __('Left', 'themerex'), 'right' => __('Right', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "box_style", "title" => __('Show background under icon', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select background under icon", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_box_style), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Title font icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select font icon for the title from Fontello icons set (if style='iconed')", 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "size", "title" => __('Icon size', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select icon size (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('small' => __('Small', 'themerex'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'themerex'), 'inherit' => __('Inherit', 'themerex'), 'large' => __('Large', 'themerex'), 'huge' => __('Huge', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "icon_color", "title" => __('Icon color', 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's background color (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "icon_image", "title" => __('or image icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select image icon for the title instead icon above (if style='iconed')", 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "images", "size" => "small", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_images), array("id" => "image_url", "title" => __('or URL for image file', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Toggles / Accordion", "themerex"), "desc" => __("<b>Toggles</b>:  allows to expand and collapse text blocks to reveal the content related to that block; it's possible to expand all blocks <br> <b>Accordion</b>: allows to expand and colapse blocks to reveal the content related to that block, but unlike toggles, when expanding one of the blocks, the rest collapse", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_toggles", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "type ", "title" => __("Type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type for display", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "toggles", "options" => array('toggles' => __('Toggles', 'themerex'), 'accordion' => __('Accordion', 'themerex')), "type" => "checklist"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style for display", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "1", "options" => array("1" => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), "2" => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), "3" => __('Style 3', 'themerex')), "type" => "checklist"), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __("Icon position", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's position in the accordion", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "left", "options" => array('left' => __('Left', 'themerex'), 'right' => __('Right', 'themerex'), 'off' => __('Off', 'themerex')), "type" => "checklist"), array("id" => "counter", "title" => __("Counter", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Display counter before each title", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "initial", "title" => __("Initially opened item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Option (Number of initially opened item) applies only to accordions", "themerex"), "value" => 1, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Toggle", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Toggle item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_toggles_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Toggle item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title for current toggle item", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Toggles item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current toggle item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id, array("id" => "open", "title" => __("Open on show", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Open current toggle item on show <br> <i>works only with the type 'toggle'</i>", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no)))), array("title" => __("Tooltip", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create tooltip for selected text", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_tooltip", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Tooltip title (required)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Tipped content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlighted content with tooltip", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Video", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert video player", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_video", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for video file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select video from media library or paste URL for video file from other site", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose video', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'video', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose video file', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select video file', 'themerex'))), "after" => array('icon' => 'icon-cancel', 'action' => 'media_reset')), array("id" => "autoplay", "title" => __("Autoplay video", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Autoplay video on page load", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Video title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title displayed in the video", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("Image preview", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site for video preview", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Waves", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert waves into post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_wave", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Waves type", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "1", "options" => array('1' => __('Type 1', 'themerex'), '2' => __('Type 2', 'themerex')), "type" => "checklist"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Zoom", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert zoom image into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_zoom", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "over", "title" => __("URL for overlap image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload overlapping image", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Float zoom", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Float zoom to left or right side", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_float), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)));
// Filters for shortcodes handling
// Enable shortcodes in widgets
//add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
// Enable shortcodes in excerpt
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'do_shortcode');
// Clear \n around shortcodes
add_filter('widget_text', 'sc_empty_paragraph_fix2', 1);
add_filter('the_excerpt', 'sc_empty_paragraph_fix2', 1);
add_filter('the_content', 'sc_empty_paragraph_fix2', 1);
function sc_empty_paragraph_fix2($content)
    $content = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content);
    $content = preg_replace("/\\]\\s*\n*\\s*\\[/", "][", $content);
    return $content;
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_dir = getDirectionList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_align = getAlignmentList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_float = getFloatList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_show_hide = getShowHideList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_sorting = getSortingList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_ordering = getOrderingList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_sliders = getSlidersList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_users = getUsersList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_categories = getCategoriesList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_columns = getColumnsList();
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_images = themerex_array_merge(array('none' => "none"), getListFiles("/images/icons", "png"));
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons = array_merge(array("none"), getIconsList());
$THEMEREX_shortcodes_sidebars = getSidebarsList();
// Shortcodes list
$THEMEREX_shortcodes = array(array("title" => __("Accordion", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Accordion items", "themerex"), "id" => "accordion", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "initial", "title" => __("Initially opened item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Number of initially opened item", "themerex"), "value" => 1, "min" => 0, "type" => "spinner"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Accordion item", "themerex"), "id" => "accordion_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Accordion item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title for current accordion item", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Title font icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select font icon for the title from Fontello icons set.", 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Accordion item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current accordion item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Audio", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert audio player", "themerex"), "id" => "audio", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for audio file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for audio file", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose audio', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'audio', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose audio file', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select audio file', 'themerex'))), "after" => array('icon' => 'icon-cancel', 'action' => 'media_reset')), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Audio title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title for current audio file", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "author", "title" => __("Audio author", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Author of current audio file", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "controls", "title" => __("Show controls", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show controls in audio player", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "size" => "medium", "value" => "show", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_show_hide), array("id" => "autoplay", "title" => __("Autoplay audio", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Autoplay audio on page load", "themerex"), "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width("100%"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Banner", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner image with link", "themerex"), "id" => "banner", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "src", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Banner alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align banner to left, center or right", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Link URL", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for link on banner click", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "rel", "title" => __("Rel attribute", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Rel attribute for banner's link (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "target", "title" => __("Link target", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Target for link on banner click", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner title", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Banner text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Block container", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Container for any block with desired class and style ([section] analog - to nesting enable)", "themerex"), "id" => "block", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "class", "title" => __("CSS class", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Attribute class for container (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("CSS style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any additional CSS rules (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Align", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select block alignment", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array("none" => __("None", 'themerex'), "left" => __("Left", 'themerex'), "right" => __("Right", 'themerex'), "center" => __("Center", 'themerex'))), array("id" => "text_align", "title" => __("Text align inside section", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select text alignment in current section", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "left", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('left' => __('Left', 'themerex'), 'center' => __('Center', 'themerex'), 'right' => __('Right', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Container content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for section container", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Blogger", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert posts (pages) in many styles from desired categories or directly from ids", "themerex"), "id" => "blogger", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "cat", "title" => __("Category list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select the desired categories. If not selected - show posts from any category or from IDs list", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "style" => "list", "multiple" => true, "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_categories), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Blogger section title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Enter here title for the current blogger section.", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "count", "title" => __("Total posts to show", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many posts will be displayed? If used IDs - this parameter ignored.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "visible", "title" => __("Number of visible posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many posts will be visible at once? If empty or 0 - all posts are visible", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "offset", "title" => __("Offset before select posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skip posts before select next part.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "orderby", "title" => __("Post order by", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts sorting method", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "date", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_sorting), array("id" => "order", "title" => __("Post order", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts order", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "desc", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_ordering), array("id" => "ids", "title" => __("Post IDs list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of posts ID. If set - parameters above are ignored!", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Posts output style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired style for posts output", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "regular", "type" => "select", "options" => array('default' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'date' => __('Date', 'themerex'), 'image_large' => __('Large featured image', 'themerex'), 'image_medium' => __('Medium featured image', 'themerex'), 'image_small' => __('Small featured image', 'themerex'), 'accordion' => __('Accordion style 1', 'themerex'), 'list' => __('List', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "rating", "title" => __("Show rating", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show rating stars under post's header", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "border", "title" => __("Show border", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show border under the blogger items.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "descr", "title" => __("Description length", "themerex"), "desc" => __("How many characters are displayed from post excerpt? If 0 - don't show description", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 1000, "increment" => 10, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "link_title", "title" => __("More link text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Read more link text. If empty - show 'More', else - used as link text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "divider" => false, "type" => "text"), array("id" => "link_url", "title" => __("More link URL", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Read more link URL. If empty - will not be displayed.", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Button", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Button with link", "themerex"), "id" => "button", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Caption", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Button caption", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Button's shape", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's shape", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "square", "type" => "switch", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('square' => __('Square', 'themerex'), 'rounded' => __('Rounded', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Button's style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's style", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "default", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('default' => __('Default', 'themerex'), 'border' => __('Border', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Button's size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select button's size", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "medium", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('mini' => __('Small', 'themerex'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'themerex'), 'big' => __('Large', 'themerex'), 'huge' => __('Huge', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "fullsize", "title" => __("Fullsize mode", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Set button's width to 100%", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Button's color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any color for button background", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Button alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align button to left, center or right", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Link URL", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for link on button click", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "target", "title" => __("Link target", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Target for link on button click", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "rel", "title" => __("Rel attribute", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Rel attribute for button's link (if need)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Chat", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Chat items", "themerex"), "id" => "chat", 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=> __("Column item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current column item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Contact form", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert contact form", "themerex"), "id" => "contact_form", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Contact form title", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "description", "title" => __("Description", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Short description for contact form", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Countdown", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert countdown object", "themerex"), "id" => "countdown", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "date", "title" => __("Date", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Upcoming date (format: yyyy-mm-dd)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "format" => "yy-mm-dd", "type" => "date"), array("id" => "time", "title" => __("Time", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Upcoming time (format: HH:mm:ss)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Style of countdown block", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), '2' => __('Style 2', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align counter to left, center or right", "themerex"), "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Divider", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create gradient horizontal divider", "themerex"), "id" => "divider", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "top", "title" => __("Top indent", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 10, "min" => 0, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "bottom", "title" => __("Bottom indent", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 10, "min" => 0, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Divider style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select style of separator", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "std", "type" => "select", "options" => array('std' => __('Standard', 'themerex'), 'solid' => __('Solid', 'themerex'), 'dashed' => __('Dashed', 'themerex'), 'dotted' => __('Dotted', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Divider color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select color of divider", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Dropcaps", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Make first letter as dropcaps", "themerex"), "id" => "dropcaps", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Dropcaps style", "themerex"), "value" => "1", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array(1 => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), 2 => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), 3 => __('Style 3', 'themerex'), 4 => __('Style 4', 'themerex'), 5 => __('Style 5', 'themerex'), 6 => __('Style 6', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Paragraph content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Paragraph with dropcaps content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("E-mail collector", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Collect the e-mail address into specified group", "themerex"), "id" => "emailer", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "group", "title" => __("Group", "themerex"), "desc" => __("The name of group to collect e-mail address", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "open", "title" => __("Open", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Initially open the input field on show object", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Align object to left, center or right", "themerex"), "divider" => true, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Gap", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert gap (fullwidth area) in the post content. Attention! Use the gap only in the posts (pages) without left or right sidebar", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_gap", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Gap content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Gap inner content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"))), array("title" => __("Google map", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert Google map with desired address or coordinates", "themerex"), "id" => "googlemap", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "address", "title" => __("Address", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Address to show in map center", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "latlng", "title" => __("Latitude and Longtitude", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated map center coorditanes (instead Address)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "zoom", "title" => __("Zoom", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Map zoom factor", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 16, "min" => 1, "max" => 20, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Map style", "themerex"), "value" => "default", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('default' => __('Default', 'themerex'), 'simple' => __('Simple', 'themerex'), 'muted_blue' => __('Muted Blue', 'themerex'), 'greyscale' => __('Greyscale', 'themerex'), 'greyscale2' => __('Greyscale 2', 'themerex'), 'style1' => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), 'style2' => __('Style 2', 'themerex'), 'style3' => __('Style 3', 'themerex'))), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width('100%'), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(240), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Hide any block", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Hide any block with desired CSS-selector", "themerex"), "id" => "hide", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "selector", "title" => __("Selector", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any block's CSS-selector", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"))), array("title" => __("Highlight text", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlight text with selected color, background color and other styles", "themerex"), "id" => "highlight", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Highlight type", "themerex"), "value" => "1", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array(0 => __('Custom', 'themerex'), 1 => __('Type 1', 'themerex'), 2 => __('Type 2', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Color for highlighted text", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "backcolor", "title" => __("Background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Background color for highlighted text", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("CSS-styles", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Any additional CSS rules", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Highlighting content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for highlight", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Icon", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert icon", "themerex"), "id" => "icon", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('Icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select font icon from the Fontello icons set", 'themerex'), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Icon's color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "background", "title" => __("Background style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Style of the icon background ", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "none", "type" => "radio", "options" => array('none' => __('None', 'themerex'), 'round' => __('Round', 'themerex'), 'square' => __('Square', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "size", "title" => __("Font size", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon font size", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "spinner", "min" => 8, "max" => 240), array("id" => "weight", "title" => __("Font weight", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon font weight", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('100' => __('Thin (100)', 'themerex'), '300' => __('Light (300)', 'themerex'), '400' => __('Normal (400)', 'themerex'), '700' => __('Bold (700)', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon text alignment", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert image into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "image", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "url", "title" => __("URL for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Image title (if need)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Float image", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Float image to left or right side", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_float), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Infobox", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert infobox into your post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "infobox", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Infobox style", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('regular' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'info' => __('Info', 'themerex'), 'success' => __('Success', 'themerex'), 'error' => __('Error', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "closeable", "title" => __("Closeable box", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create closeable box (with close button)", "themerex"), "value" => "no", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Infobox content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Content for infobox", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("List", "themerex"), "desc" => __("List items with specific bullets", "themerex"), "id" => "list", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Bullet's style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Bullet's style for each list item", "themerex"), "value" => "ul", "type" => "checklist", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_list_styles), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('List icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select list icon from Fontello icons set (only for style='Iconed'", 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("List item with specific bullet", "themerex"), "id" => "list_item", "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("List item content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current list item content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "icon", "title" => __('List icon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __("Select list icon from Fontello icons set (only for style='Iconed'", 'themerex'), "value" => "", "type" => "icons", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_icons), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("List item title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current list item title (show it as tooltip)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Price", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert price with decoration", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price", "decorate" => false, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "\$", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc.", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Price table container", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price table container. After insert it, move cursor inside and select shortcode Price Item", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_table", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Alignment text in the table", "themerex"), "value" => "center", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item column", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_item", "decorate" => true, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "animation", "title" => __("Animation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Animate column on mouse hover", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Price table item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price table column", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_item", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "animation", "title" => __("Animation", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Animate column on mouse hover", "themerex"), "value" => "yes", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_yes_no), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Data", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item data - title, price, footer, etc.", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_data", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current cell content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Cell type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type of the price table cell", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('none' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'title' => __('Title', 'themerex'), 'image' => __('Image', 'themerex'), 'price' => __('Price', 'themerex'), 'titled' => __('Titled Price', 'themerex'), 'united' => __('United', 'themerex'), 'footer' => __('Footer', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated) - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc. - only for type=price", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Link url", "themerex"), "desc" => __("The field is available for cells of the 'picture' type. When clicking the picture, you will be redirected by the link specified.", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Price table data", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Price item data - title, price, footer, etc.", "themerex"), "id" => "trx_price_data", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Current cell content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Cell type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select type of the price table cell", "themerex"), "value" => "regular", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => array('none' => __('Regular', 'themerex'), 'title' => __('Title', 'themerex'), 'image' => __('Image', 'themerex'), 'price' => __('Price', 'themerex'), 'titled' => __('Titled Price', 'themerex'), 'united' => __('United', 'themerex'), 'footer' => __('Footer', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "money", "title" => __("Money", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Money value (dot or comma separated) - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "currency", "title" => __("Currency", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Currency character - only for type=price", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "link", "title" => __("Link url", "themerex"), "desc" => __("The field is available for cells of the 'picture' type. When clicking the picture, you will be redirected by the link specified.", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "period", "title" => __("Period", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Period text (if need). For example: monthly, daily, etc. - only for type=price", "themerex"), "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("URL (source) for image file", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site", "themerex"), "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id)), array("title" => __("Quote", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote text", "themerex"), "id" => "quote", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "cite", "title" => __("Quote cite", "themerex"), "desc" => __("URL for quote cite", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title (author)", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote title (author name)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Quote content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Quote content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" 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If used IDs - this parameter ignored.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 3, "min" => 1, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "offset", "title" => __("Offset before select posts", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Skip posts before select next part.", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "date_before", "title" => __("Post published before", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Date to retrieve posts before.)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "format" => "yy-mm-dd", "type" => "date"), array("id" => "date_after", "title" => __("Post published after", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Date to retrieve posts after.)", "themerex"), "value" => "", "format" => "yy-mm-dd", "type" => "date"), array("id" => "orderby", "title" => __("Post order by", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts sorting method", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "date", "type" => "select", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_sorting), array("id" => "order", "title" => __("Post order", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select desired posts order", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "desc", "type" => "switch", "size" => "big", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_ordering), array("id" => "ids", "title" => __("Post IDs list", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of posts ID. 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"rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Testimonials", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Insert testimonials into post (page)", "themerex"), "id" => "testimonials", "decorate" => true, "container" => false, "params" => array(array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title of testimonmials block", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "text"), array("id" => "style", "title" => __("Style", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Testimonials style", "themerex"), "value" => "1", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array("1" => __('Style 1', 'themerex'), "2" => __('Style 2', 'themerex'))), THEMEREX_shortcodes_width(), THEMEREX_shortcodes_height(), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_left, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_right, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id), "children" => array("title" => __("Item", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Testimonials item", 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=> "textarea"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_id))), array("title" => __("Title", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Create header tag (1-6 level) with many styles", "themerex"), "id" => "title", "decorate" => false, "container" => true, "params" => array(array("id" => "_content_", "title" => __("Title content", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title content", "themerex"), "rows" => 4, "value" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array("id" => "type", "title" => __("Title type", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title type (header level)", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __('Header 1', 'themerex'), '2' => __('Header 2', 'themerex'), '3' => __('Header 3', 'themerex'), '4' => __('Header 4', 'themerex'), '5' => __('Header 5', 'themerex'), '6' => __('Header 6', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "font_size", "title" => __("Font size", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => '', "min" => 10, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "letter_spacing", "title" => __("Letter spacing", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => '', "min" => -100, "max" => 100, "type" => "spinner"), array("id" => "weight", "title" => __("Font weight", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title font weight", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "select", "size" => "medium", "options" => array('100' => __('Thin (100)', 'themerex'), '300' => __('Light (300)', 'themerex'), '400' => __('Normal (400)', 'themerex'), '700' => __('Bold (700)', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "color", "title" => __("Color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select font color", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "align", "title" => __("Alignment", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title text alignment", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "checklist", "dir" => "horizontal", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_align), array("id" => "transform", "title" => __("Text Transform", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Title text transform", 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"checklist", "options" => array('top' => __('Top', 'themerex'), 'left' => __('Left', 'themerex'), 'right' => __('Right', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "background", "title" => __('Show background under icon', "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select background under icon (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "none", "type" => "checklist", "options" => array('none' => __('None', 'themerex'), 'square' => __('Square', 'themerex'), 'circle' => __('Circle', 'themerex'))), array("id" => "bg_color", "title" => __("Icon's background color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's background color (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), array("id" => "bd_color", "title" => __("Icon's border color", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Icon's border color (if style='iconed')", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "color"), $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_top, $THEMEREX_shortcodes_margin_bottom, 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=> false, "readonly" => false, "value" => "", "type" => "media", "before" => array('title' => __('Choose video', 'themerex'), 'action' => 'media_upload', 'type' => 'video', 'multiple' => false, 'linked_field' => '', 'captions' => array('choose' => __('Choose video file', 'themerex'), 'update' => __('Select video file', 'themerex'))), "after" => array('icon' => 'icon-cancel', 'action' => 'media_reset')), array("id" => "autoplay", "title" => __("Autoplay video", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Autoplay video on page load", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "title", "title" => __("Show title bar", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Show title bar above video frame", "themerex"), "divider" => false, "value" => "off", "type" => "switch", "options" => $THEMEREX_shortcodes_on_off), array("id" => "image", "title" => __("Image preview", "themerex"), "desc" => __("Select or upload image or write URL from other site 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// Filters for shortcodes handling
// Enable shortcodes in widgets
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// Enable shortcodes in excerpt
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// Clear \n around shortcodes
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