Пример #1
 private static function parse_headers($raw, $first)
     # first, deal with folded lines
     $raw_lines = explode("\r\n", $raw);
     $lines = array();
     $lines[] = array_shift($raw_lines);
     foreach ($raw_lines as $line) {
         if (preg_match("!^[ \t]!", $line)) {
             $lines[count($lines) - 1] .= ' ' . trim($line);
         } else {
             $lines[] = trim($line);
     # now split them out
     $out = array($first => array_shift($lines));
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         list($k, $v) = explode(':', $line, 2);
         $out[StrToLower($k)] = trim($v);
     return $out;
Пример #2
function jeRobot()
    //(funkce převzata z http://seo.nawebu.cz/200301/0287.html)
    $robot = 0;
    $agent_test = " " . StrToLower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
    if (!StrPos($agent_test, "mozilla") && !StrPos($agent_test, "opera") && !StrPos($agent_test, "links") && !StrPos($agent_test, "lynx") && !StrPos($agent_test, "icab") && !StrPos($agent_test, "reqwireless")) {
        $robot = 1;
    } else {
        if (StrPos($agent_test, "@")) {
            $robot = 1;
        if (StrPos($agent_test, "search")) {
            $robot = 1;
        if (StrPos($agent_test, "crawl")) {
            $robot = 1;
        if (StrPos($agent_test, "bot")) {
            $robot = 1;
        if (StrPos($agent_test, "spider")) {
            $robot = 1;
        if (StrPos($agent_test, "jeeves")) {
            $robot = 1;
    return $robot;
Пример #3
 public static function title2pagename($text)
     $znaky = array('á' => 'a', 'é' => 'e', 'ě' => 'e', 'í' => 'i', 'ó' => 'o', 'ú' => 'u', 'ů' => 'u', 'ý' => 'y', 'ž' => 'z', 'š' => 's', 'č' => 'c', 'ř' => 'r', 'Á' => 'A', 'É' => 'E', 'Ě' => 'E', 'Í' => 'I', 'Ó' => 'O', 'Ú' => 'U', 'Ů' => 'U', 'Ý' => 'Y', 'Ž' => 'Z', 'Š' => 'S', 'Č' => 'C', 'Ř' => 'R');
     $return = strtr($text, $znaky);
     $return = Str_Replace(" ", "", $return);
     //smaze mezery
     $return = StrToLower($return);
     //velká písmena nahradí malými.
     return $return;
Пример #4
 function Get_Active_Extensions()
     $arr_extension = array();
     foreach ((array) get_option('active_plugins') as $plugin_file) {
         $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_file);
         if (StrPos(StrToLower($plugin_data['Author']), 'dennis hoppe') !== False) {
             $arr_extension[$plugin_file] = $plugin_data;
     return $arr_extension;
Пример #5
function process_dir($pngs, $dir, &$map)
    $dh = opendir("{$pngs}/{$dir}");
    while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
        if (preg_match('!^tile_z0_(\\d\\d)_(\\d\\d)\\.png$!', $file, $m)) {
            $key = StrToLower($dir);
            $map[$key]["{$m['1']}-{$m['2']}"] = "{$pngs}/{$dir}/{$file}";
Пример #6
	function useragent_decode($ua){

		# a list of user agents, in order we'll match them.
		# e.g. we put chrome before safari because chrome also
		# claims it is safari (but the reverse is not true)

		$agents = array(

		$engines = array(

		$ua = StrToLower($ua);
		$out = array();

		$temp = useragent_match($ua, $agents);
		$out['agent']		= $temp['token'];
		$out['agent_version']	= $temp['version'];

		$temp = useragent_match($ua, $engines);
		$out['engine']		= $temp['token'];
		$out['engine_version']	= $temp['version'];

		# safari does something super annoying, putting the version in the
		# wrong place like: "Version/5.0.1 Safari/533.17.8"

		if ($out['agent'] == 'safari'){
			$temp = useragent_match($ua, array('version'));
			if ($temp['token']) $out['agent_version'] = $temp['version'];

		return $out;
Пример #7
 function get_files($directory)
     $arr_file = (array) Glob($directory . '{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE);
     $sort_order = array();
     foreach ($arr_file as $index => $file) {
         $path = RealPath($file);
         if (!Is_File($path)) {
         } else {
             $arr_file[$index] = $path;
             $sort_order[$index] = StrToLower($file);
     Array_Multisort($sort_order, $arr_file);
     return $arr_file;
Пример #8
function CleanUpElem(&$elem_name, &$cfg_file, &$template)
    // Fixes HEX strings to look like 0xABCDEF12345 rather than 0Xabc or 0xaf
    if (Preg_Match("/(0x)([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i", $elem_name, $matches)) {
        $elem_name = Preg_Replace("/(0x)([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i", "0x" . StrToUpper($matches[2]), $elem_name);
    print "    Cleaning up elem '{$elem_name}'\n";
    $cfg_elem = FindConfigElem($cfg_file, $elem_name);
    $cfg_elem = array_change_key_case($cfg_elem, CASE_LOWER);
    $new_elem = array();
    $last_label = 0;
    foreach ($template as $indice => $line) {
        if (Preg_Match('/\\[Label=([[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]]+)\\]/', $line, $matches)) {
            if ($last_label) {
            $matches[1] = Preg_Replace("/%s/i", " ", $matches[1]);
            $line = "//{$matches[1]}";
            if ($indice > 1) {
                $line = "\n\t{$line}";
            $last_label = $line;
            $new_elem[$line] = array("");
        } else {
            $property = StrToLower($line);
            if ($cfg_elem[$property]) {
                $new_elem[$line] = $cfg_elem[$property];
                $last_label = 0;
    if (Count($cfg_elem) > 0) {
        $new_elem["\n\t//Custom Values"] = array("");
        // Lines not in the template go at the end as custom values
        foreach ($cfg_elem as $key => $value) {
            $new_elem[$key] = $value;
    if ($last_label) {
    return $new_elem;
Пример #9
function process_dir($pngs, $dir, &$map)
    $files = array();
    $dh = opendir("{$pngs}/{$dir}");
    while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
        if (preg_match('!^(.*?)_?(\\d\\d)_(\\d\\d)\\.png$!', $file, $m)) {
            $key = StrToLower($dir . '__' . $m[1]);
            $map[$key]["{$m['2']}-{$m['3']}"] = "{$pngs}/{$dir}/{$file}";
            $files[] = $file;
    # make preview
    $out = "";
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        $out .= "<img src=\"{$file}\" style=\"border: 1px solid red\" >\n";
    $fh = fopen("{$pngs}/{$dir}/preview.htm", 'w');
    fwrite($fh, $out);
Пример #10
 static function generate($depth = False)
     # Get current Filter string
     $filter = RawUrlDecode(Get_Query_Var('filter'));
     if (!empty($filter)) {
         $str_filter = $filter;
     } elseif (Is_Singular()) {
         $str_filter = StrToLower(Get_The_Title());
     } else {
         $str_filter = '';
     # Explode Filter string
     $arr_current_filter = empty($str_filter) ? array() : PReg_Split('/(?<!^)(?!$)/u', $str_filter);
     Array_UnShift($arr_current_filter, '');
     $arr_filter = array();
     # This will be the function result
     $filter_part = '';
     # Check if we are inside a taxonomy archive
     $taxonomy_term = Is_Tax() ? Get_Queried_Object() : Null;
     foreach ($arr_current_filter as $filter_letter) {
         $filter_part .= $filter_letter;
         $arr_available_filters = self::getFilters($filter_part, $taxonomy_term);
         if (Count($arr_available_filters) <= 1) {
         $active_filter_part = MB_SubStr(Implode($arr_current_filter), 0, MB_StrLen($filter_part) + 1);
         $arr_filter_line = array();
         foreach ($arr_available_filters as $available_filter) {
             $arr_filter_line[$available_filter] = (object) array('filter' => MB_StrToUpper(MB_SubStr($available_filter, 0, 1)) . MB_SubStr($available_filter, 1), 'link' => Post_Type::getArchiveLink($available_filter, $taxonomy_term), 'active' => $active_filter_part == $available_filter, 'disabled' => False);
         $arr_filter[] = $arr_filter_line;
         # Check filter depth limit
         if ($depth && Count($arr_filter) >= $depth) {
     # Run a filter
     $arr_filter = Apply_Filters('glossary_prefix_filter_links', $arr_filter, $depth);
     return $arr_filter;
Пример #11
 $Data = $Upload['Data'];
 if ($gZip = @GzInflate(SubStr($Upload['Data'], 10))) {
     echo "Файл базы данных является сжатым файлом gzip\n";
     $Data = $gZip;
 } else {
     echo "Файл базы данных не является сжатым файлом gzip\n";
 $File = rTrim($Upload['Name'], '.gz');
 $File = PathInfo($File);
 switch (StrToLower($File['extension'])) {
     case 'xml':
         $Data = String_XML_Parse($Data);
         if (Is_Exception($Data)) {
             return SPrintF('Ошибка чтения базы данных: (%s)', $Data->String);
     case 'serialize':
         $Data = UnSerialize($Data);
         if (!$Data) {
             return 'Ошибка чтения базы данных';
Пример #12
 public static function select_country()
     $id960ddd9e843150fe4875c48e896395edac7ca1d77cc319b5c0bea76103c0ad59ef40f87a2cd8424 = explode(",", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
     $id960ddd9e843150fe4875c48e896395edac7ca1d77cc319b5c0bea76103c0ad59ef40f87a2cd8424 = StrToLower(Substr(chop($id960ddd9e843150fe4875c48e896395edac7ca1d77cc319b5c0bea76103c0ad59ef40f87a2cd8424[0]), 0, 2));
     $i5a4616ba4ac4a7f21e69ba2afe5e994ae9927078 = "44";
     if (strlen($id960ddd9e843150fe4875c48e896395edac7ca1d77cc319b5c0bea76103c0ad59ef40f87a2cd8424) > 0) {
         $i5a4616ba4ac4a7f21e69ba2afe5e994ae9927078 = SmsVariables::$countryPrefix[$id960ddd9e843150fe4875c48e896395edac7ca1d77cc319b5c0bea76103c0ad59ef40f87a2cd8424];
     return $i5a4616ba4ac4a7f21e69ba2afe5e994ae9927078;
Пример #13
 $arResult["UserPropertiesMain"] = array("SHOW" => "N", "DATA" => array());
 $arResult["UserPropertiesContact"] = array("SHOW" => "N", "DATA" => array());
 $arResult["UserPropertiesPersonal"] = array("SHOW" => "N", "DATA" => array());
 if (count($arParams["USER_PROPERTY_MAIN"]) > 0 || count($arParams["USER_PROPERTY_CONTACT"]) > 0 || count($arParams["USER_PROPERTY_PERSONAL"]) > 0) {
     $arUserFields = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFields("USER", $arResult["User"]["ID"], LANGUAGE_ID);
     foreach ($arUserFields as $fieldName => $arUserField) {
         //echo "<pre>".print_r($arUserField, true)."</pre>";
         $arUserField["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"] = StrLen($arUserField["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"]) > 0 ? $arUserField["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"] : $arUserField["FIELD_NAME"];
         $arUserField["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arUserField["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"]);
         $arUserField["~EDIT_FORM_LABEL"] = $arUserField["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"];
         $arUserField["PROPERTY_VALUE_LINK"] = "";
         if (in_array($arUserField["FIELD_NAME"], $arParams["SONET_USER_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE"])) {
             $arUserField["PROPERTY_VALUE_LINK"] = $arParams["PATH_TO_SEARCH_INNER"] . (StrPos($arParams["PATH_TO_SEARCH_INNER"], "?") !== false ? "&" : "?") . "flt_" . StrToLower($arUserField["FIELD_NAME"]) . "=#VALUE#";
         } elseif ($bIntranet) {
             $arUserField['SETTINGS']['SECTION_URL'] = $arParams["PATH_TO_CONPANY_DEPARTMENT"];
         if (in_array($fieldName, $arParams["USER_PROPERTY_MAIN"])) {
             $arResult["UserPropertiesMain"]["DATA"][$fieldName] = $arUserField;
         if (in_array($fieldName, $arParams["USER_PROPERTY_CONTACT"])) {
             $arResult["UserPropertiesContact"]["DATA"][$fieldName] = $arUserField;
         if (in_array($fieldName, $arParams["USER_PROPERTY_PERSONAL"])) {
             $arResult["UserPropertiesPersonal"]["DATA"][$fieldName] = $arUserField;
     if (count($arResult["UserPropertiesMain"]["DATA"]) > 0) {
         $arResult["UserPropertiesMain"]["SHOW"] = "Y";
Пример #14
function getHttpResponse($res, $strRequest)
    fputs($res, $strRequest);
    $bChunked = False;
    while (($line = fgets($res, 4096)) && $line != "\r\n") {
        if (@preg_match("/Transfer-Encoding: +chunked/i", $line)) {
            $bChunked = True;
        } elseif (@preg_match("/Content-Length: +([0-9]+)/i", $line, $regs)) {
            $length = $regs[1];
    $strRes = "";
    if ($bChunked) {
        $maxReadSize = 4096;
        $length = 0;
        $line = FGets($res, $maxReadSize);
        $line = StrToLower($line);
        $strChunkSize = "";
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < StrLen($line) && in_array($line[$i], array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"))) {
            $strChunkSize .= $line[$i];
        $chunkSize = hexdec($strChunkSize);
        while ($chunkSize > 0) {
            $processedSize = 0;
            $readSize = $chunkSize > $maxReadSize ? $maxReadSize : $chunkSize;
            while ($readSize > 0 && ($line = fread($res, $readSize))) {
                $strRes .= $line;
                $processedSize += StrLen($line);
                $newSize = $chunkSize - $processedSize;
                $readSize = $newSize > $maxReadSize ? $maxReadSize : $newSize;
            $length += $chunkSize;
            $line = FGets($res, $maxReadSize);
            $line = FGets($res, $maxReadSize);
            $line = StrToLower($line);
            $strChunkSize = "";
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < StrLen($line) && in_array($line[$i], array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"))) {
                $strChunkSize .= $line[$i];
            $chunkSize = hexdec($strChunkSize);
    } elseif ($length) {
        $strRes = fread($res, $length);
    } else {
        while ($line = fread($res, 4096)) {
            $strRes .= $line;
    return $strRes;
Пример #15
 function fix_case_inner($m)
     $data = StrToLower($m[2]);
     $data = preg_replace_callback('/(^|[^\\w\\s\';,\\-])(\\s*)([a-z])/', create_function('$m', 'return $m[1].$m[2].StrToUpper($m[3]);'), $data);
     return $m[1] . $data . $m[3];
Пример #16
function cff_autolink_email($text, $tagfill = '')
    $atom = '[^()<>@,;:\\\\".\\[\\]\\x00-\\x20\\x7f]+';
    # from RFC822
    $text_l = StrToLower($text);
    $cursor = 0;
    $loop = 1;
    $buffer = '';
    while ($cursor < strlen($text) && $loop) {
        # find an '@' symbol
        $ok = 1;
        $pos = strpos($text_l, '@', $cursor);
        if ($pos === false) {
            $loop = 0;
            $ok = 0;
        } else {
            $pre = substr($text, $cursor, $pos - $cursor);
            $hit = substr($text, $pos, 1);
            $post = substr($text, $pos + 1);
            $fail_text = $pre . $hit;
            $fail_len = strlen($fail_text);
            # substring found - first check to see if we're inside a link tag already...
            $bits = preg_split("!</a>!i", $pre);
            $last_bit = array_pop($bits);
            if (preg_match("!<a\\s!i", $last_bit)) {
                #echo "fail 1 at $cursor<br />\n";
                $ok = 0;
                $cursor += $fail_len;
                $buffer .= $fail_text;
        # check backwards
        if ($ok) {
            if (preg_match("!({$atom}(\\.{$atom})*)\$!", $pre, $matches)) {
                # move matched part of address into $hit
                $len = strlen($matches[1]);
                $plen = strlen($pre);
                $hit = substr($pre, $plen - $len) . $hit;
                $pre = substr($pre, 0, $plen - $len);
            } else {
                #echo "fail 2 at $cursor ($pre)<br />\n";
                $ok = 0;
                $cursor += $fail_len;
                $buffer .= $fail_text;
        # check forwards
        if ($ok) {
            if (preg_match("!^({$atom}(\\.{$atom})*)!", $post, $matches)) {
                # move matched part of address into $hit
                $len = strlen($matches[1]);
                $hit .= substr($post, 0, $len);
                $post = substr($post, $len);
            } else {
                #echo "fail 3 at $cursor ($post)<br />\n";
                $ok = 0;
                $cursor += $fail_len;
                $buffer .= $fail_text;
        # commit
        if ($ok) {
            $cursor += strlen($pre) + strlen($hit);
            $buffer .= $pre;
            $buffer .= "<a href=\"mailto:{$hit}\"{$tagfill}>{$hit}</a>";
    # add everything from the cursor to the end onto the buffer.
    $buffer .= substr($text, $cursor);
    return $buffer;
Пример #17
 function GetHTTPPage($_257042062, $_86746754, &$_2132833962)
     global $SERVER_NAME, $DB;
     $_1242762492 = COption::$GLOBALS['_____1306963051'][36](___1498308727(1535), ___1498308727(1536), DEFAULT_UPDATE_SERVER);
     $_2058012254 = round(0 + 40 + 40);
     $_1995873062 = COption::$GLOBALS['_____1306963051'][37](___1498308727(1537), ___1498308727(1538), ___1498308727(1539));
     $_1369122565 = COption::$GLOBALS['_____1306963051'][38](___1498308727(1540), ___1498308727(1541), ___1498308727(1542));
     $_957289202 = COption::$GLOBALS['_____1306963051'][39](___1498308727(1543), ___1498308727(1544), ___1498308727(1545));
     $_1861132694 = COption::$GLOBALS['_____1306963051'][40](___1498308727(1546), ___1498308727(1547), ___1498308727(1548));
     $_68699979 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][706]($_1995873062) > 892 - 2 * 446 && $GLOBALS['____467353288'][707]($_1369122565) > 960 - 2 * 480;
     if ($_257042062 == ___1498308727(1549)) {
         $_257042062 = ___1498308727(1550);
     } elseif ($_257042062 == ___1498308727(1551)) {
         $_257042062 = ___1498308727(1552);
     } elseif ($_257042062 == ___1498308727(1553)) {
         $_257042062 = ___1498308727(1554);
     } elseif ($_257042062 == ___1498308727(1555)) {
         $_257042062 = ___1498308727(1556);
     } elseif ($_257042062 == ___1498308727(1557)) {
         $_257042062 = ___1498308727(1558);
     } elseif ($_257042062 == ___1498308727(1559)) {
         $_257042062 = ___1498308727(1560);
     } elseif ($_257042062 == ___1498308727(1561)) {
         $_257042062 = ___1498308727(1562);
     if ($_68699979) {
         $_1369122565 = IntVal($_1369122565);
         if ($_1369122565 <= 174 * 2 - 348) {
             $_1369122565 = round(0 + 26.666666666667 + 26.666666666667 + 26.666666666667);
         $_623347571 = $_1995873062;
         $_681903597 = $_1369122565;
     } else {
         $_623347571 = $_1242762492;
         $_681903597 = $_2058012254;
     $_1126662475 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][708]($_623347571, $_681903597, $_899437029, $_1470493021, round(0 + 40 + 40 + 40));
     if ($_1126662475) {
         $_98669508 = ___1498308727(1563);
         if ($_68699979) {
             $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1564) . $_1242762492 . ___1498308727(1565) . $_257042062 . ___1498308727(1566);
             if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][709]($_957289202) > 242 * 2 - 484) {
                 $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1567) . $GLOBALS['____467353288'][710]($_957289202 . ___1498308727(1568) . $_1861132694) . ___1498308727(1569);
         } else {
             $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1570) . $_257042062 . ___1498308727(1571);
         $_833462016 = self::GetOption(US_BASE_MODULE, ___1498308727(1572), ___1498308727(1573));
         $_86746754 .= ___1498308727(1574) . $GLOBALS['____467353288'][711]($_833462016);
         if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][712](___1498308727(1575))) {
             $_86746754 .= ___1498308727(1576) . $GLOBALS['____467353288'][713](___1498308727(1577));
         } else {
             $_86746754 .= ___1498308727(1578) . $GLOBALS['____467353288'][714](___1498308727(1579));
         $_933200987 = $DB->GetVersion();
         $_86746754 .= ___1498308727(1580) . $GLOBALS['____467353288'][715]($_933200987 != false ? $_933200987 : ___1498308727(1581));
         $_86746754 .= ___1498308727(1582) . COption::$GLOBALS['_____1306963051'][41](___1498308727(1583), ___1498308727(1584), ___1498308727(1585));
         $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1586);
         $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1587);
         $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1588) . $_1242762492 . ___1498308727(1589);
         $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1590);
         $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1591);
         $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1592) . $GLOBALS['____467353288'][716]($_86746754) . ___1498308727(1593);
         $_98669508 .= "{$_86746754}";
         $_98669508 .= ___1498308727(1594);
         $GLOBALS['____467353288'][717]($_1126662475, $_98669508);
         $_724601202 = False;
         while (!$GLOBALS['____467353288'][718]($_1126662475)) {
             $_1758870021 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][719]($_1126662475, round(0 + 2048 + 2048));
             if ($_1758870021 != ___1498308727(1595)) {
                 if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][720](___1498308727(1596), $_1758870021)) {
                     $_724601202 = True;
             } else {
         $_1501652390 = ___1498308727(1597);
         if ($_724601202) {
             $_230052354 = round(0 + 1024 + 1024 + 1024 + 1024);
             $_968809950 = 1248 / 2 - 624;
             $_1758870021 = FGets($_1126662475, $_230052354);
             $_1758870021 = StrToLower($_1758870021);
             $_1856884664 = ___1498308727(1598);
             $_774284784 = 882 - 2 * 441;
             while ($_774284784 < StrLen($_1758870021) && $GLOBALS['____467353288'][721]($_1758870021[$_774284784], array(___1498308727(1599), ___1498308727(1600), ___1498308727(1601), ___1498308727(1602), ___1498308727(1603), ___1498308727(1604), ___1498308727(1605), ___1498308727(1606), ___1498308727(1607), ___1498308727(1608), ___1498308727(1609), ___1498308727(1610), ___1498308727(1611), ___1498308727(1612), ___1498308727(1613), ___1498308727(1614)))) {
                 $_1856884664 .= $_1758870021[$_774284784];
             $_1345014641 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][722]($_1856884664);
             while ($_1345014641 > 1264 / 2 - 632) {
                 $_1593790400 = 1316 / 2 - 658;
                 $_1371628598 = $_1345014641 > $_230052354 ? $_230052354 : $_1345014641;
                 while ($_1371628598 > 952 - 2 * 476 && ($_1758870021 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][723]($_1126662475, $_1371628598))) {
                     $_1501652390 .= $_1758870021;
                     $_1593790400 += StrLen($_1758870021);
                     $_2114357872 = $_1345014641 - $_1593790400;
                     $_1371628598 = $_2114357872 > $_230052354 ? $_230052354 : $_2114357872;
                 $_968809950 += $_1345014641;
                 $_1758870021 = FGets($_1126662475, $_230052354);
                 $_1758870021 = FGets($_1126662475, $_230052354);
                 $_1758870021 = StrToLower($_1758870021);
                 $_1856884664 = ___1498308727(1615);
                 $_774284784 = 964 - 2 * 482;
                 while ($_774284784 < StrLen($_1758870021) && $GLOBALS['____467353288'][724]($_1758870021[$_774284784], array(___1498308727(1616), ___1498308727(1617), ___1498308727(1618), ___1498308727(1619), ___1498308727(1620), ___1498308727(1621), ___1498308727(1622), ___1498308727(1623), ___1498308727(1624), ___1498308727(1625), ___1498308727(1626), ___1498308727(1627), ___1498308727(1628), ___1498308727(1629), ___1498308727(1630), ___1498308727(1631)))) {
                     $_1856884664 .= $_1758870021[$_774284784];
                 $_1345014641 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][725]($_1856884664);
         } else {
             while ($_1758870021 = $GLOBALS['____467353288'][726]($_1126662475, round(0 + 819.2 + 819.2 + 819.2 + 819.2 + 819.2))) {
                 $_1501652390 .= $_1758870021;
     } else {
         $_1501652390 = ___1498308727(1632);
         if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][728](___1498308727(1633)) && $GLOBALS['____467353288'][729](___1498308727(1634), ___1498308727(1635))) {
             $_1470493021 = CUtil::ConvertToLangCharset($_1470493021);
         $_2132833962 .= GetMessage(___1498308727(1636)) . ___1498308727(1637) . $_899437029 . ___1498308727(1638) . $_1470493021 . ___1498308727(1639);
         if (IntVal($_899437029) <= 1100 / 2 - 550) {
             $_2132833962 .= GetMessage(___1498308727(1640)) . ___1498308727(1641);
         CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log(___1498308727(1642) . $_1242762492 . ___1498308727(1643) . $_899437029 . ___1498308727(1644) . $_1470493021 . ___1498308727(1645), ___1498308727(1646));
     return $_1501652390;
Пример #18
 public static function __TreeItemCompare($a, $b)
     if ($a["COMPLEX"] == "Y" && $b["COMPLEX"] == "Y" || $a["COMPLEX"] != "Y" && $b["COMPLEX"] != "Y") {
         if ($a["SORT"] < $b["SORT"] || $a["SORT"] == $b["SORT"] && StrToLower($a["TITLE"]) < StrToLower($b["TITLE"])) {
             return -1;
         } elseif ($a["SORT"] > $b["SORT"] || $a["SORT"] == $b["SORT"] && StrToLower($a["TITLE"]) > StrToLower($b["TITLE"])) {
             return 1;
         } else {
             return 0;
     } else {
         if ($a["COMPLEX"] == "Y") {
             return -1;
         if ($b["COMPLEX"] == "Y") {
             return 1;
     return 0;
Пример #19
    $out = array('ok' => 0, 'error' => $msg);
    if ($code) {
        $out['error_code'] = $code;
    return $out;
# Smarty stuff
$GLOBALS['error'] = array();
$GLOBALS['smarty']->assign_by_ref('error', $error);
# Hey look! Running code! Note that db_init will try
# to automatically connect to the db_main database
# (unless you've disable the 'auto_connect' flag) and
# will blow its brains out if there's a problem.
if ($this_is_webpage) {
if (StrToLower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) == 'prefetch') {
    if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['allow_precache']) {
# this timer stores the end of core library loading
$GLOBALS['timings']['init_end'] = microtime_ms();
Пример #20
	function GetList(&$by, &$order, $lang = LANGUAGE_ID)
		global $DB;
		global $CACHE_MANAGER;

			|| StrToLower($by) == "name"
			|| StrToLower($by) == "currency"
			|| StrToLower($order) == "desc")
			$dbCurrencyList = CFTriggerConditions::__GetList($by, $order, $lang);
			$by = "sort";
			$order = "asc";

			$lang = substr($lang, 0, 2);

			if (defined("CURRENCY_CACHE_TIME"))
				$cacheTime = intval(CURRENCY_CACHE_TIME);

			if ($CACHE_MANAGER->Read($cacheTime, "currency_currency_list_".$lang))
				$arCurrencyList = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get("currency_currency_list_".$lang);
				$dbCurrencyList = new CDBResult();
				$arCurrencyList = array();
				$dbCurrencyList = CFTriggerConditions::__GetList($by, $order, $lang);
				while ($arCurrency = $dbCurrencyList->Fetch())
					$arCurrencyList[] = $arCurrency;

				$CACHE_MANAGER->Set("currency_currency_list_".$lang, $arCurrencyList);

				$dbCurrencyList = new CDBResult();

		return $dbCurrencyList;
Пример #21
 /** возвращается текст ошибки, если таковая была.                 **/
 public static function __GetHTTPPage($page, $strVars, &$strError)
     global $SERVER_NAME, $DB;
     CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log("exec CUpdateClientPartner::GetHTTPPage");
     $ServerIP = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site", DEFAULT_UPDATE_SERVER);
     $ServerPort = 80;
     $proxyAddr = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_addr", "");
     $proxyPort = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_port", "");
     $proxyUserName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_user", "");
     $proxyPassword = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_pass", "");
     $bUseProxy = strlen($proxyAddr) > 0 && strlen($proxyPort) > 0;
     if ($page == "LIST") {
         $page = "smp_updater_list.php";
     } elseif ($page == "STEPM") {
         $page = "smp_updater_modules.php";
     } elseif ($page == "SEARCH") {
         $page = "smp_updater_search.php";
     } elseif ($page == "MODULE") {
         $page = "smp_updater_actions.php";
     } elseif ($page == "REG") {
         $page = "smp_updater_register.php";
     } elseif ($page == "ACTIV") {
         $page = "us_updater_actions.php";
     $strVars .= "&product=" . (IsModuleInstalled("intranet") ? "CORPORTAL" : "BSM") . "&verfix=2";
     if ($bUseProxy) {
         $proxyPort = IntVal($proxyPort);
         if ($proxyPort <= 0) {
             $proxyPort = 80;
         $requestIP = $proxyAddr;
         $requestPort = $proxyPort;
     } else {
         $requestIP = $ServerIP;
         $requestPort = $ServerPort;
     $FP = fsockopen($requestIP, $requestPort, $errno, $errstr, 120);
     if ($FP) {
         $strRequest = "";
         if ($bUseProxy) {
             $strRequest .= "POST http://" . $ServerIP . "/bitrix/updates/" . $page . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
             if (strlen($proxyUserName) > 0) {
                 $strRequest .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($proxyUserName . ":" . $proxyPassword) . "\r\n";
         } else {
             $strRequest .= "POST /bitrix/updates/" . $page . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
         $strRequest .= "User-Agent: BitrixSMUpdater\r\n";
         $strRequest .= "Accept: */*\r\n";
         $strRequest .= "Host: " . $ServerIP . "\r\n";
         $strRequest .= "Accept-Language: en\r\n";
         $strRequest .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
         $strRequest .= "Content-length: " . strlen($strVars) . "\r\n\r\n";
         $strRequest .= "{$strVars}";
         $strRequest .= "\r\n";
         //CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log($strRequest, "!!!!!");
         fputs($FP, $strRequest);
         $bChunked = False;
         while (!feof($FP)) {
             $line = fgets($FP, 4096);
             if ($line != "\r\n") {
                 if (preg_match("/Transfer-Encoding: +chunked/i", $line)) {
                     $bChunked = True;
             } else {
         $content = "";
         if ($bChunked) {
             $maxReadSize = 4096;
             $length = 0;
             $line = FGets($FP, $maxReadSize);
             $line = StrToLower($line);
             $strChunkSize = "";
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < StrLen($line) && in_array($line[$i], array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"))) {
                 $strChunkSize .= $line[$i];
             $chunkSize = hexdec($strChunkSize);
             while ($chunkSize > 0) {
                 $processedSize = 0;
                 $readSize = $chunkSize > $maxReadSize ? $maxReadSize : $chunkSize;
                 while ($readSize > 0 && ($line = fread($FP, $readSize))) {
                     $content .= $line;
                     $processedSize += StrLen($line);
                     $newSize = $chunkSize - $processedSize;
                     $readSize = $newSize > $maxReadSize ? $maxReadSize : $newSize;
                 $length += $chunkSize;
                 $line = FGets($FP, $maxReadSize);
                 $line = FGets($FP, $maxReadSize);
                 $line = StrToLower($line);
                 $strChunkSize = "";
                 $i = 0;
                 while ($i < StrLen($line) && in_array($line[$i], array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"))) {
                     $strChunkSize .= $line[$i];
                 $chunkSize = hexdec($strChunkSize);
         } else {
             while ($line = fread($FP, 4096)) {
                 $content .= $line;
     } else {
         $content = "";
         $strError .= GetMessage("SUPP_GHTTP_ER") . ": [" . $errno . "] " . $errstr . ". ";
         if (IntVal($errno) <= 0) {
             $strError .= GetMessage("SUPP_GHTTP_ER_DEF") . " ";
         CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log("Error connecting 2 " . $ServerIP . ": [" . $errno . "] " . $errstr . "", "ERRCONN");
     //CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log($content, "!1!");
     //echo "content:<br>".$content."<br><br>";
     return $content;
Пример #22

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) {
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("iblock")) {
    return ShowError(GetMessage("EC_IBLOCK_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED"));
if (!CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork")) {
    return ShowError(GetMessage("EC_SONET_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED"));
require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_ROOT . "/modules/main/classes/" . $GLOBALS["DBType"] . "/favorites.php";
$iblockId = Trim($arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]);
$taskType = StrToLower($arParams["TASK_TYPE"]);
if (!in_array($taskType, array("group", "user"))) {
    $taskType = "user";
$ownerId = IntVal($arParams["OWNER_ID"]);
if ($ownerId <= 0) {
    $taskType = "user";
    $ownerId = $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID();
$ownerId = IntVal($ownerId);
$arParams["TASK_VAR"] = Trim($arParams["TASK_VAR"]);
if (StrLen($arParams["TASK_VAR"]) <= 0) {
    $arParams["TASK_VAR"] = "task_id";
$arParams["GROUP_VAR"] = Trim($arParams["GROUP_VAR"]);
if (StrLen($arParams["GROUP_VAR"]) <= 0) {
    $arParams["GROUP_VAR"] = "group_id";
Пример #23
  * <p>Метод проверяет, может ли пользователь совершать указанную операцию над профайлом заданного пользователя.</p>
  * @param int $fromUserID  Код пользователя, права которого проверяются.
  * @param int $toUserID  Код пользователя, к профайлу которого осуществляется доступ.
  * @param string $operation  Операция.</bod
  * @param bool $bCurrentUserIsAdmin = false Является ли администратором пользователь, права которого
  * проверяются. Необязательный парамтер. По умолчанию равен false.
  * @return bool <p>True, если права на выполнение операции есть. Иначе - false.</p> <br><br>
  * @static
  * @link http://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/api_help/socialnetwork/classes/csocnetuserperms/canperformoperation.php
  * @author Bitrix
 public static function CanPerformOperation($fromUserID, $toUserID, $operation, $bCurrentUserIsAdmin = false)
     global $arSocNetUserOperations;
     $fromUserID = IntVal($fromUserID);
     $toUserID = IntVal($toUserID);
     if ($toUserID <= 0) {
         return false;
     $operation = StrToLower(Trim($operation));
     if (!array_key_exists($operation, $arSocNetUserOperations)) {
         return false;
     // use no profile private permission restrictions at the extranet site
     if (CModule::IncludeModule('extranet') && CExtranet::IsExtranetSite()) {
         return true;
     if ($bCurrentUserIsAdmin) {
         return true;
     if ($fromUserID == $toUserID) {
         return true;
     $usersRelation = CSocNetUserRelations::GetRelation($fromUserID, $toUserID);
     if ($usersRelation == SONET_RELATIONS_BAN && !IsModuleInstalled("im")) {
         return false;
     $toUserOperationPerms = CSocNetUserPerms::GetOperationPerms($toUserID, $operation);
     if ($toUserOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_NONE) {
         return false;
     if ($toUserOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_ALL) {
         return true;
     if ($toUserOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_AUTHORIZED) {
         return $fromUserID > 0;
     if ($toUserOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_FRIENDS || $toUserOperationPerms == SONET_RELATIONS_TYPE_FRIENDS2) {
         return CSocNetUserRelations::IsFriends($fromUserID, $toUserID);
     return false;
Пример #24
 function stem($w)
     # load into scope
     $r =& $GLOBALS['Porter_Stemmer_r'];
     $step2list =& $GLOBALS['Porter_Stemmer_step2list'];
     $step3list =& $GLOBALS['Porter_Stemmer_step3list'];
     $w = StrToLower($w);
     # length at least 3
     if (strlen($w) < 3) {
         return $w;
     # now map initial y to Y so that the patterns never treat it as vowel:
     $firstch = substr($w, 0, 1);
     if ($firstch == 'y') {
         $w = ucfirst($w);
     # Step 1a
     if (preg_match('/(ss|i)es$/', $w)) {
         $w = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 2);
     } else {
         if (preg_match('/([^s])s$/', $w)) {
             $w = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 1);
     # Step 1b
     if (preg_match('/eed$/', $w)) {
         $pre = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 3);
         if (preg_match("/{$r['mgr0']}/", $pre)) {
             $w = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 1);
     } else {
         if (preg_match('/(ed|ing)$/', $w, $m1)) {
             $stem = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, strlen($m1[1]));
             if (preg_match("/{$r['_v']}/", $stem)) {
                 $w = $stem;
                 if (preg_match('/(at|bl|iz)$/', $w)) {
                     $w .= "e";
                 } else {
                     if (preg_match('/([^aeiouylsz])\\1$/', $w)) {
                         $w = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 1);
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match("/^{$r['c2']}{$r['v']}[^aeiouwxy]\$/", $w)) {
                             $w .= "e";
     # Step 1c
     if (preg_match('/y$/', $w)) {
         $stem = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 1);
         if (preg_match("/{$r['_v']}/", $stem)) {
             $w = $stem . "i";
     # Step 2
     if (preg_match('/(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/', $w, $m1)) {
         $suffix = $m1[1];
         $stem = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, strlen($suffix));
         if (preg_match("/{$r['mgr0']}/", $stem)) {
             $w = $stem . $step2list[$suffix];
     # Step 3
     if (preg_match('/(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/', $w, $m1)) {
         $suffix = $m1[1];
         $stem = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, strlen($suffix));
         if (preg_match("/{$r['mgr0']}/", $stem)) {
             $w = $stem . $step3list[$suffix];
     # Step 4
     if (preg_match('/(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/', $w, $m1)) {
         $stem = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, strlen($m1[1]));
         if (preg_match("/{$r['mgr1']}/", $stem)) {
             $w = $stem;
     } else {
         if (preg_match('/(s|t)(ion)$/', $w, $m1)) {
             $stem = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, strlen($m1[2]));
             if (preg_match("/{$r['mgr1']}/", $stem)) {
                 $w = $stem;
     #  Step 5
     if (preg_match('/e$/', $w)) {
         $stem = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 1);
         $b1 = preg_match("/{$r['mgr1']}/", $stem);
         $b2 = preg_match("/{$r['meq1']}/", $stem);
         $b3 = preg_match("/^{$r['c2']}{$r['v']}[^aeiouwxy]\$/", $stem);
         if ($b1 || $b2 && !$b3) {
             $w = $stem;
     if (preg_match('/ll$/', $w) && preg_match("/{$r['mgr1']}/", $w)) {
         $w = Porter_Stemmer::end_chop($w, 1);
     # and turn initial Y back to y
     if ($firstch == 'y') {
         $w = lcfirst($w);
     return $w;
Пример #25
 # prepare text: delete tags, begin/end space
 $Text = trim(Strip_Tags($Article['Text']));
 # delete space on string begin
 $Text = Str_Replace("\n ", "\n", $Text);
 # delete double spaces
 $Text = Str_Replace("  ", " ", $Text);
 # delete carrier return
 $Text = Str_Replace("\r", "", $Text);
 # delete many \n
 $Text = Str_Replace("\n\n", "\n", $Text);
 # prepare for java script
 $Text = Str_Replace("\n", '\\n', $Text);
 # format: /Administrator/Buttons:SortOrder:ImageName.gif
 # button image, get image name
 $Partition = explode(":", $Article['Partition']);
 $Extension = isset($Partition[2]) ? Explode(".", StrToLower($Partition[2])) : '';
 # если есть чё-то после точки, и если оно похоже на расширение картинки, ставим это как картинку
 if (isset($Extension[1]) && In_Array($Extension[1], array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg'))) {
     $Image = $Partition[2];
 } else {
     # иначе - дефолтовую информационную картинку
     $Image = 'Info.gif';
 # делаем кнопку
 $Comp = Comp_Load('Buttons/Standard', array('onclick' => SPrintF("form.Message.value += '%s'; form.Message.focus();", $Text), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer;'), $Article['Title'], $Image);
 if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
Пример #26

# build a map of unified and google codes to the image path
$json = file_get_contents('../../emoji.json');
$data = json_decode($json, true);
$map = array();
foreach ($data as $row) {
    if ($row['unified']) {
        $map['U_' . StrToLower($row['unified'])] = $row['image'];
    if ($row['google']) {
        $map['G_' . StrToLower($row['google'])] = $row['image'];
# now iterate over the known hangouts icons, checking we have a storage path
# for each one.
$data = file_get_contents('gmail.html');
preg_match_all('!button string="(.*?)"!', $data, $m);
foreach ($m[1] as $code) {
    $img = '?';
    if ($map["U_{$code}"]) {
        $img = $map["U_{$code}"];
    } elseif ($map["G_{$code}"]) {
        $img = $map["G_{$code}"];
    } else {
        $img = $code . '.png';
Пример #27

        if ($endpoint['url']) {
			<li> API endpoint: <code><?php 
            echo HtmlSpecialChars($endpoint['url']);
            if (count($endpoint['formats'])) {
				(only supports <code><?php 
                echo HtmlSpecialChars(StrToLower(implode(', ', $endpoint['formats'])));

        if ($endpoint['docs_url']) {
			<li> Documentation: <a href="<?php 
            echo HtmlSpecialChars($endpoint['docs_url']);
Пример #28
 case 'EMAIL':
     if ($bIntranet && StrLen($val) > 0) {
         $val = '<a href="mailto:' . htmlspecialcharsbx($val) . '">' . htmlspecialcharsbx($val) . '</a>';
     } else {
         $val = '';
 case 'WORK_WWW':
     if ($val == "http://") {
         $val = "";
     } elseif (StrLen($val) > 0) {
         $val = htmlspecialcharsbx($val);
         $valLink = $val;
         if (StrToLower(SubStr($val, 0, StrLen("http://"))) != "http://") {
             $valLink = "http://" . $val;
         $val = '<a href="' . $valLink . '" target="_blank">' . $val . '</a>';
     if (StrLen($val) > 0) {
         $val = GetCountryByID($val);
     if (StrLen($val) > 0) {
         $val = htmlspecialcharsbx($val) . '<!-- <img src="http://web.icq.com/whitepages/online?icq=' . htmlspecialcharsbx($val) . '&img=5" alt="" />-->';
Пример #29
function Soubory($login_uc)
  global $kod;
  global $skupina;
  echo "<p><h3>Odeslané soubory</h3>";
  if($skupina>=20) $podminka = "(vs.id_skup = '$skupina' or vs.id_skup = '-1' or vs.id_skup = '-2')";
  else $podminka = "(vs.id_skup = '$skupina' or vs.id_skup = '-2')";
  $SQL = "      select distinct v.id, v.popis popis, v.datum datum,
                       v.nazev nazev, v.velikost velikost,
                       v.login_uc login_uc,
                       u.jmeno jmeno, u.prijmeni prijmeni, v.trida, v.predmet
                from soubory_skupiny vs, soubory v, ucitele u
                where u.login=v.login_uc and
                      v.id = vs.id_soub and
                      v.login_uc = '$login_uc' and
                order by v.datum ";

    if(DB_select($SQL, $vystup, $pocet))
      echo "<p><table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=5>";
      echo "<tr><td colspan=3><p><b>Poèet záznamù:</b> $pocet</td></tr>";
      echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#dddddd\"><td><center><b>soubor</b></center></td><td>
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td valign=\"top\"><dl><dt><a
        echo "<dd><small><i>".$zaz["popis"]."</i></small></dd></dl></td>";
        echo "<td valign=\"top\"><small>".$zaz["trida"]."</small></td>";
        echo "<td valign=\"top\"><small>".$zaz["predmet"]."</small></td>";
        echo "<td valign=\"top\"><small>".Prevod($zaz["velikost"])."</small></td>";
        echo "<td valign=\"top\"><small>".Datum($zaz["datum"], 0)."</small></td>";
        echo "</tr>";
      echo "</table>";
    else echo "<p>".Text_alter("", "nejsou vám urèeny ¾ádné soubory");

Пример #30
         # prepare for java script
         $Text = Str_Replace("\n", '\\n', $Text);
         # format: SortOrder:ImageName.gif
         # button image, get image name
         $Partition = Explode(":", $Article['Partition']);
         $Extension = isset($Partition[1]) ? Explode(".", StrToLower($Partition[1])) : '';
         # если есть чё-то после точки, и если оно похоже на расширение картинки, ставим это как картинку
         $Image = 'Info.gif';
         #дефолтовую информационную картинку
         if (isset($Extension[1]) && In_Array($Extension[1], array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg'))) {
             $Image = $Partition[1];
         # делаем кнопку, если это системная кнопка или этого админа
         if (!Preg_Match('/@/', $Partition[0]) && $Partition[0] < 2000 && $__USER['Params']['Settings']['EdeskButtons'] == "No" || StrToLower($Partition[0]) == StrToLower($__USER['Email'])) {
             $Comp = Comp_Load('Buttons/Standard', array('onclick' => SPrintF("form.Message.value += '%s';form.Message.focus();", $Text), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer;'), $Article['Title'], $Image);
             if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
                 return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
             $Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', $Comp));