function SetShopDd($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "shopdd"); $ddid = $add['ddid']; $doing = $add['doing']; $checked = (int) $add['checked']; $haveprice = (int) $add['haveprice']; $outproduct = (int) $add['outproduct']; $count = count($ddid); if (empty($count)) { printerror("NotSetDdid", "history.go(-1)"); } $shoppr = ShopSys_hReturnSet(); $add = ''; $ids = ''; $dh = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $ddid[$i] = (int) $ddid[$i]; $ids .= $dh . $ddid[$i]; $dh = ','; } $add = 'ddid in (' . $ids . ')'; $mess = 'ErrorUrl'; $log = ''; if ($doing == 1) { $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd set checked='{$checked}' where " . $add); $mess = "SetCheckedSuccess"; $log = "doing={$doing}&do=SetChecked&checked={$checked}<br>ddid={$ids}"; //订单日志 $log_ecms = 'SetChecked'; $log_bz = ''; if ($checked == 1) { $log_addbz = '确认'; } elseif ($checked == 2) { $log_addbz = '取消'; } elseif ($checked == 3) { $log_addbz = '退货'; } elseif ($checked == 0) { $log_addbz = '未确认'; } //写入订单日志 if ($ids) { $logsql = $empire->query("select ddid,havecutnum from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd where " . $add); while ($logr = $empire->fetch($logsql)) { ShopSys_DdInsertLog($logr['ddid'], $log_ecms, $log_bz, $log_addbz); //订单日志 //库存 if ($shoppr['cutnumtype'] == 0 && $checked == 2 && $logr['havecutnum']) { $ddaddr = $empire->fetch1("select buycar from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd_add where ddid='{$logr['ddid']}'"); Shopsys_hCutMaxnum($logr['ddid'], $ddaddr['buycar'], $logr['havecutnum'], $shoppr, 1); } } } } elseif ($doing == 2) { $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd set outproduct='{$outproduct}' where " . $add); $mess = "SetOutProductSuccess"; $log = "doing={$doing}&do=SetOutProduct&outproduct={$outproduct}<br>ddid={$ids}"; //订单日志 $log_ecms = 'SetOutProduct'; $log_bz = ''; if ($outproduct == 1) { $log_addbz = '已发货'; } elseif ($outproduct == 2) { $log_addbz = '备货中'; } elseif ($outproduct == 0) { $log_addbz = '未发货'; } //写入订单日志 if ($ids) { $logsql = $empire->query("select ddid from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd where " . $add); while ($logr = $empire->fetch($logsql)) { ShopSys_DdInsertLog($logr['ddid'], $log_ecms, $log_bz, $log_addbz); //订单日志 } } } elseif ($doing == 3) { $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd set haveprice='{$haveprice}' where " . $add); $mess = "SetHavepriceSuccess"; $log = "doing={$doing}&do=SetHaveprice&haveprice={$haveprice}<br>ddid={$ids}"; //订单日志 $log_ecms = 'SetHaveprice'; $log_bz = ''; if ($haveprice == 1) { $log_addbz = '已付款'; } elseif ($haveprice == 0) { $log_addbz = '未付款'; } //写入订单日志 if ($ids) { $logsql = $empire->query("select ddid,havecutnum from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd where " . $add); while ($logr = $empire->fetch($logsql)) { ShopSys_DdInsertLog($logr['ddid'], $log_ecms, $log_bz, $log_addbz); //订单日志 //库存 if ($shoppr['cutnumtype'] == 1 && $haveprice == 1 && !$logr['havecutnum']) { $ddaddr = $empire->fetch1("select buycar from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd_add where ddid='{$logr['ddid']}'"); Shopsys_hCutMaxnum($logr['ddid'], $ddaddr['buycar'], $logr['havecutnum'], $shoppr, 0); } } } } elseif ($doing == 4) { $log_ecms = 'DelDd'; $log_bz = ''; $log_addbz = ''; //库存 if ($ids) { $logsql = $empire->query("select ddid,havecutnum,checked,haveprice from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd where " . $add . " and havecutnum=1"); while ($logr = $empire->fetch($logsql)) { if ($logr['haveprice'] == 1) { continue; } if ($logr['havecutnum']) { $ddaddr = $empire->fetch1("select buycar from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd_add where ddid='{$logr['ddid']}'"); Shopsys_hCutMaxnum($logr['ddid'], $ddaddr['buycar'], $logr['havecutnum'], $shoppr, 1); } } } $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd where " . $add); $sql2 = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd_add where " . $add); $sql3 = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsshop_ddlog where " . $add); $mess = "DelDdSuccess"; $log = "doing={$doing}&do=DelDd<br>ddid={$ids}"; } else { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)"); } if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog($log); printerror($mess, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function ShopSys_hTimeCutMaxnum($userid, $shoppr) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $class_r; if ($shoppr['cutnumtype'] == 1 || $shoppr['cutnumtime'] == 0) { return ''; } $userid = (int) $userid; $where = $userid ? "userid='{$userid}' and " : ""; $time = time() - $shoppr['cutnumtime'] * 60; $ddsql = $empire->query("select ddid,havecutnum from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd where " . $where . "haveprice=0 and checked=0 and havecutnum=1 and ddtruetime<{$time}"); while ($ddr = $empire->fetch($ddsql)) { $ddaddr = $empire->fetch1("select buycar from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd_add where ddid='{$ddr['ddid']}'"); Shopsys_hCutMaxnum($ddr['ddid'], $ddaddr['buycar'], $ddr['havecutnum'], $shoppr, 1); } $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd set checked=2 where " . $where . "haveprice=0 and checked=0 and havecutnum=1 and ddtruetime<{$time}"); }