function DisplayWidgetIcon() { $id = $_GET["id"]; $pac = $_GET["pac"]; $data = GetPageData($pac, false); if ($data == null) { return; } if ($data['error'] != null && $data['error'] != "") { SetSortValue($id, -3); $src = GetFeedwebUrl() . "IMG/Remove.png"; if ($data['error'] == "Bad PAC") { $title = __("The widget data is invalid and cannot be used.", "FWTD"); echo "<script>function OnInvalidPAC() { if (window.confirm ('" . __("Remove Invalid Widget?", "FWTD") . "') == true) " . "window.location.href='" . plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "/widget_commit.php?feedweb_cmd=REM&wp_post_id=" . $id . "'; } " . "</script><a href='#' onclick='OnInvalidPAC()'><img title='{$title}' src='{$src}' style='padding-left: 4px;'/></a>"; return; } $title = __("Unknown error.", "FWTD") . __("\nPlease contact Feedweb (", "FWTD"); echo "<img title='{$title}' src='{$src}' style='padding-left: 4px;'/>"; return; } $src = GetFeedwebUrl() . "IMG/Edit.png"; $votes = $data['votes']; $score = $data['score']; if ($score != "") { SetSortValue($id, intval($votes)); $format = __("Edit / Remove Rating Widget\n(%s Votes. Average Score: %s)", "FWTD"); $title = sprintf($format, $votes, $score); if ($data['image'] != "") { $src = GetFileUrl($data['image']); } } else { SetSortValue($id, 0); $title = __("Edit / Remove Rating Widget\n(No votes yet)", "FWTD"); } $width = 675; $height = 360; $url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "widget_dialog.php?wp_post_id=" . $id . "&mode=edit&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height={$height}&width={$width}"; $div_class = GetStatusImageClass(); $image_id = $div_class . "_" . $id; echo "<div class='{$div_class}' style='display: inline;' onmouseover='ShowFeedwebStats({$id})' onmouseout='HideFeedwebStats()'>"; $answers = $data['answers']; if ($answers != null) { for ($index = 0; $index < count($answers); $index++) { $text = str_replace("'", "’", $answers[$index]); echo "<input type='hidden' class='FeedwebPostAnswerData' value='{$text}'/>"; } } echo "<input alt='{$url}' class='thickbox' id='{$image_id}' title='{$title}' type='image' src='{$src}'/></div>"; }
function FillFeedwebCell($id) { $width = 675; $height = 360; // First, find out if a wiget has been created already $pac = GetPac($id); if ($pac == null) { $status = GetInsertWidgetStatus($id); if ($status != null) { SetSortValue($id, -2); $src = GetFeedwebUrl() . "IMG/Warning.png"; echo "<img src='{$src}' title='{$status}'/>"; } else { SetSortValue($id, -1); $src = GetFeedwebUrl() . "IMG/Append.png"; $title = __("Insert Rating Widget", "FWTD"); $url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "widget_dialog.php?wp_post_id={$id}&mode=add&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height={$height}&width={$width}"; echo "<input alt='{$url}' class='thickbox' title='{$title}' type='image' src='{$src}'/>"; } } else { global $feedweb_cell_index; $feedweb_cell_index++; $src = GetFeedwebUrl() . "FPW/IMG/Loader.gif"; echo "<img id='Feedweb_PostDataLoadingImage_{$id}' alt='' title='Loading...' src='{$src}' style='width: 30px;'/>"; echo "<script>setTimeout(function () { LoadPageInfo('{$pac}', '{$id}') }, {$feedweb_cell_index} * 500);</script>"; /* $data = GetPageData($pac, false); if ($data == null) return; if ($data['error'] != null && $data['error'] != "") { SetSortValue($id, -3); $src = GetFeedwebUrl()."IMG/Remove.png"; if ($data['error'] == "Bad PAC") { $title = __("The widget data is invalid and cannot be used.", "FWTD"); echo "<script>function OnInvalidPAC() { if (window.confirm ('".__("Remove Invalid Widget?", "FWTD")."') == true) ". "window.location.href='".plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)."/widget_commit.php?feedweb_cmd=REM&wp_post_id=".$id."'; } ". "</script><a href='#' onclick='OnInvalidPAC()'><img title='$title' src='$src' style='padding-left: 4px;'/></a>"; return; } $title = __("Unknown error.", "FWTD").__("\nPlease contact Feedweb (", "FWTD"); echo "<img title='$title' src='$src' style='padding-left: 4px;'/>"; return; } $src = GetFeedwebUrl()."IMG/Edit.png"; $votes = $data['votes']; $score = $data['score']; if ($score != "") { SetSortValue($id, intval($votes)); $format = __("Edit / Remove Rating Widget\n(%s Votes. Average Score: %s)", "FWTD"); $title = sprintf($format, $votes, $score); if ($data['image'] != "") $src = GetFileUrl($data['image']); } else { SetSortValue($id, 0); $title = __("Edit / Remove Rating Widget\n(No votes yet)", "FWTD"); } $url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__)."widget_dialog.php?wp_post_id=".$id."&mode=edit&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=$height&width=$width"; $div_class = GetStatusImageClass(); $image_id = $div_class . "_" . $id; echo "<div class='$div_class' style='display: inline;' onmouseover='ShowFeedwebStats($id)' onmouseout='HideFeedwebStats()'>"; $answers = $data['answers']; if ($answers != null) for ($index = 0; $index < count($answers); $index++) { $text = str_replace("'", "’", $answers[$index]); echo "<input type='hidden' class='FeedwebPostAnswerData' value='$text'/>"; } echo "<input alt='$url' class='thickbox' id='$image_id' title='$title' type='image' src='$src'/></div>"; */ } }