Пример #1
function demoplugin_Run($plugin_id)
    print "<h3>Hello I'm the demo plugin with id {$plugin_id}</h3>\n";
    print "Query backend plugin for function <b>try</b><br>\n";
    // the command to be executed in the backend plugin
    $command = 'demoplugin::try';
    // two scalar values
    $colour1 = '#72e3fa';
    $colour2 = '#2a6f99';
    // one array
    $colours = array('#12af7d', '#56fc7b');
    // prepare arguments
    $opts = array();
    $opts['colour1'] = $colour1;
    $opts['colour2'] = $colour2;
    $opts['colours'] = $colours;
    // call command in backened plugin
    $out_list = nfsend_query($command, $opts);
    // get result
    if (!is_array($out_list)) {
        SetMessage('error', "Error calling backend plugin");
        return FALSE;
    $string = $out_list['string'];
    print "Backend reported: <b>{$string}</b><br>\n";
    print "<h3>Picture sent from the backend</h3>\n";
    print "<IMG src='pic.php?picture=smily.jpg' border='0' alt='Smily'>\n";
Пример #2
function check_email_address(&$emaillist, $opts)
    $emaillist = preg_replace("/^\\s+/", '', $emaillist);
    $emaillist = preg_replace("/\\s+\$/", '', $emaillist);
    if ($emaillist == '') {
        return 0;
    foreach (explode(',', $emaillist) as $email) {
        $email = preg_replace("/^\\s+/", '', $email);
        $email = preg_replace("/\\s+\$/", '', $email);
        // Just make a rough check of characters. the backend will check the email address format
        if (!ereg("^[A-Za-z0-9_\\.@-]{6,128}\$", $email)) {
            SetMessage('error', "Error illegal characters in email address '{$email}'");
            return 1;
        return 0;
Пример #3
function Process_stat_tab($tab_changed, $profile_changed)
    // the default display page - the profile stats
    $_SESSION['display'] = 'default';
    // if it's a new profile, only admin tasks make sense
    // no refresh
    if ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['status'] == 'new') {
        $_SESSION['tablock'] = "A new profile needs to be completed first.";
    } else {
    if (isset($_COOKIE['extended_channellist'])) {
        $_POST['extended_channellist'] = $_COOKIE['extended_channellist'];
    $parse_opts = array("extended_channellist" => array("required" => 0, "default" => 1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL));
    list($form_data, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
    $_COOKIE['extended_channellist'] = $form_data['extended_channellist'];
    // just display profile status
    if ($tab_changed || $profile_changed) {
    // Delete this profile - process confirmed action
    if (array_key_exists('deleteprofile_x', $_POST)) {
        $parse_opts = array("switch" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[A-Za-z0-9\\.][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_\\/]+\$/", "validate" => "profile_exists_validate", "must_exist" => 1));
        list($form_data, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
        if ($has_errors > 0) {
        if ($form_data['switch'] != $_SESSION['profileswitch']) {
            SetMessage('error', "Profile to delete is not current profile");
        // Do the work
        $cmd_opts['profile'] = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
        if (array_key_exists('pid', $_SESSION)) {
            $cmd_opts['pid'] = $_SESSION['pid'];
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("delete-profile", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            SetMessage('info', "Profile '" . $cmd_opts['profile'] . "' deleted");
            $profiles = GetProfiles();
            // as current profile no longer exists, switch to 'live'
            $_SESSION['profile'] = 'live';
            $_SESSION['profilegroup'] = '.';
            $_SESSION['profileswitch'] = './live';
            $profileinfo = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
            $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = $profileinfo;
        // else errors are displayed anyway - nothing to do
    // Cancel building the profile
    if (array_key_exists('cancelbuild_x', $_POST)) {
        $parse_opts = array("switch" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[A-Za-z0-9\\.][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_\\/]+\$/", "validate" => "profile_exists_validate", "must_exist" => 1));
        list($form_data, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
        if ($has_errors > 0) {
        if ($form_data['switch'] != $_SESSION['profileswitch']) {
            SetMessage('error', "Profile to delete is not current profile");
        // Do the work
        $cmd_opts['profile'] = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("cancel-profile", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            SetMessage('info', "Building profile '" . $cmd_opts['profile'] . "' canceled");
            $profiles = GetProfiles();
            $_SESSION['cancel-inprogress'] = 1;
        // else errors are displayed anyway - nothing to do
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 5;
    // put profile into another group?
    if (array_key_exists('regroup', $_POST)) {
        if (!array_key_exists('groupselect', $_POST) || !array_key_exists('profilegroup', $_POST)) {
            SetMessage('error', "Missing parameters");
        $_group = Util::htmlentities($_POST['groupselect']);
        if ($_group == '(nogroup)') {
            $_group = '.';
        } else {
            if ($_group == 'New group ...') {
                $_group = Util::htmlentities($_POST['profilegroup']);
        if ($_group != '.' && !preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_]+\$/", $_group)) {
            SetMessage('error', "Illegal characters in group name '{$_group}'");
        } else {
            $cmd_opts['profile'] = $_SESSION['profile'];
            $cmd_opts['profilegroup'] = $_SESSION['profilegroup'];
            $cmd_opts['newgroup'] = $_group;
        if ($cmd_opts['profilegroup'] == $cmd_opts['newgroup']) {
            // nothing changed
        // Do the work
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("modify-profile", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            // update new info in SESSION
            $_SESSION['profilegroup'] = $cmd_opts['newgroup'];
            $_SESSION['profileswitch'] = $cmd_opts['newgroup'] . '/' . $_SESSION['profile'];
            $profileinfo = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
            $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = $profileinfo;
            $profiles = GetProfiles();
        // else errors are displayed anyway - nothing to do
    // Edit a profile
    if (array_key_exists('edit', $_POST)) {
        $cmd_opts = array();
        if (array_key_exists('profile_maxsize', $_POST)) {
            $_tmp = ParseMaxSize($_POST['profile_maxsize']);
            if (strlen($_tmp) > 0) {
                $cmd_opts['maxsize'] = $_tmp;
            } else {
                SetMessage('warning', "Invalid value for maxsize");
        if (array_key_exists('profile_expire', $_POST)) {
            $_tmp = ParseExpire($_POST['profile_expire']);
            if ($_tmp >= 0) {
                $cmd_opts['expire'] = $_tmp;
            } else {
                SetMessage('warning', "Invalid value for expire");
        if (array_key_exists('description', $_POST)) {
            $_tmp = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $_POST['description']);
            if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                $description = addslashes($_tmp);
            } else {
                $description = $_tmp;
            $cmd_opts['description'] = explode("\n", $description);
        if (array_key_exists('profile_type', $_POST)) {
            $_tmp = $_POST['profile_type'];
            if (!is_numeric($_tmp) || $_tmp > 6) {
                SetMessage('warning', "Invalid value for profile_type");
            } else {
                if ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] != $_tmp) {
                    $cmd_opts['profile_type'] = $_tmp;
        if (count(array_keys($cmd_opts)) > 0) {
            $cmd_opts['profile'] = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
            // Do the work
            $cmd_out = nfsend_query("modify-profile", $cmd_opts, 0);
            if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
                $profileinfo = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
                $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = $profileinfo;
    // Cancel an edit or add a channel dialog
    if (array_key_exists('edit_channel_cancel', $_POST) || array_key_exists('add_channel_cancel', $_POST)) {
        // nothing to do - default will do
    // Add a new channel - provide add dialog
    if (array_key_exists('add_channel_x', $_POST)) {
        $_POST['add_channel'] = $_POST['add_channel_x'];
    if (array_key_exists('add_channel', $_POST)) {
        $_SESSION['display'] = 'add_channel';
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
    // edit a channel - provide edit dialog
    if (array_key_exists('edit_channel', $_POST)) {
        $parse_opts = array("edit_channel" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_]+\$/", "validate" => NULL));
        list($form_data, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
        $form_data['profileswitch'] = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
        if ($has_errors > 0) {
        $_channel = $form_data['edit_channel'];
        if (!array_key_exists($_channel, $_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'])) {
            SetMessage('error', "Channel '{$_channel}' does not exists in profile '" . $form_data['profile'] . "'");
        $_SESSION['form_data'] = $form_data;
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['display'] = 'edit_channel';
    // edit or add a channel? - process commited form entries
    if (array_key_exists('edit_channel_commit', $_POST) || array_key_exists('add_channel_commit', $_POST)) {
        if (array_key_exists('edit_channel_commit', $_POST)) {
            $_display = "edit_channel";
        } else {
            $_display = "add_channel";
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
        $parse_opts = array("name" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_]*\$/", "validate" => NULL), "colour" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^#[0-9a-f]{6}/i", "validate" => NULL), "sign" => array("required" => 1, "default" => '+', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('+', '-'), "validate" => NULL), "order" => array("required" => 1, "default" => 1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[0-9]{1,2}/", "validate" => NULL), "filter" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[\\s!-~]+\$/", "validate" => 'filter_validate'), "configured" => array("required" => 1, "default" => array(), "allow_null" => 0, "match" => NULL, "validate" => 'channel_validate'));
        list($form_data, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
        $form_data['profile'] = $_SESSION['profile'];
        $form_data['profilegroup'] = $_SESSION['profilegroup'];
        // additional checks
        if (!is_null($form_data['name'])) {
            $_channel = $form_data['name'];
            if ($_display == "edit_channel") {
                // verify channel in existing profile
                if (!array_key_exists($_channel, $_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'])) {
                    SetMessage('error', "Channel '{$_channel}' does not exist in profile '{$profile}'");
                    $has_errors = 1;
            } else {
                // verify channel name for new channel
                if (array_key_exists($_channel, $_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'])) {
                    SetMessage('error', "Channel '{$_channel}' already exist in profile '" . $_SESSION['profile'] . "'");
                    $has_errors = 1;
        // else error already reported by ParseForm
        // must not change the sourcelist or the filter of a channel in profile 'live'
        if ($form_data['profile'] == 'live') {
        } else {
            $form_data['sourcelist'] = implode('|', $form_data['configured']);
        $_SESSION['form_data'] = $form_data;
        if ($has_errors > 0) {
            $_SESSION['display'] = $_display;
        // Do the work
        $command = $_display == 'add_channel' ? 'add-channel' : 'modify-channel';
        // make sure parameters match for nfsend
        $form_data['channel'] = $form_data['name'];
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query($command, $form_data, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            $profileinfo = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
            $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = $profileinfo;
        } else {
            // fishy something went wrong
            $_SESSION['display'] = $_display;
    // delete a channel
    if (array_key_exists('delete_channel_commit_x', $_POST)) {
        if (!array_key_exists('name', $_POST)) {
            SetMessage('error', "Missing channel name");
        $profile = $_SESSION['profile'];
        $_channelname = $_POST['name'];
        if (!array_key_exists($_channelname, $_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel'])) {
            SetMessage('error', "Channel '{$_tmp}' does not exist in profile '{$profile}'");
        // do the work
        $cmd_opts['profile'] = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
        $cmd_opts['channel'] = $_channelname;
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("delete-channel", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            $profileinfo = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
            $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = $profileinfo;
    // Cancel a new profile dialog
    if (array_key_exists('new_profile_cancel', $_POST)) {
        if (array_key_exists("new_profile", $_SESSION)) {
        // default will do
    // create a new profile - provide the new profile dialog
    // this input comes directly from the profile select menu
    if (array_key_exists('new_profile', $_SESSION)) {
        $_SESSION['display'] = 'new_profile';
    // create a new profile - process commited form
    if (array_key_exists('new_profile_commit', $_POST)) {
        $parse_opts = array("newprofileswitch" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[A-Za-z0-9\\.][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_\\/]+\$/", "validate" => "profile_exists_validate", "must_exist" => 0), "tstart" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^[0-9]+[0-9\\-]+[0-9]+\$/", "validate" => "date_time_validate"), "tend" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^[0-9]+[0-9\\-]+[0-9]+\$/", "validate" => "date_time_validate"), "channel_wizard" => array("required" => 1, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('classic', 'individual'), "validate" => NULL), "expire" => array("required" => 0, "default" => 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[\\s!-~]+\$/", "validate" => 'expire_validate'), "maxsize" => array("required" => 0, "default" => 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[\\s!-~]+\$/", "validate" => 'maxsize_validate'), "description" => array("required" => 0, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^[\\s!-~]+\$/", "validate" => 'description_validate'), "filter" => array("required" => 0, "default" => NULL, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^[\\s!-~]+\$/", "validate" => 'filter_validate'), "channel" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array(), "allow_null" => 1, "match" => NULL, "validate" => 'channel_validate'), "shadow" => array("required" => 1, "default" => 1, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "num_channels" => array("required" => 0, "default" => 0, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^[0-9]{1,3}\$/", "validate" => NULL));
        list($form_data, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
        if (preg_match("/^(.+)\\/(.+)/", $form_data['newprofileswitch'], $matches)) {
            $_profilegroup = $matches[1];
            $_profilename = $matches[2];
            $form_data['profileswitch'] = $form_data['newprofileswitch'];
            $form_data['profile'] = $_profilename;
            $form_data['profilegroup'] = $_profilegroup;
        } else {
            $has_errors = 1;
        // additional checks
        if (!is_null($form_data['tend']) && !is_null($form_data['tstart']) && $form_data['tend'] < $form_data['tstart']) {
            $ts = UNIX2DISPLAY($form_data['tstart']);
            $te = UNIX2DISPLAY($form_data['tend']);
            $form_data['tstart'] = NULL;
            $form_data['tend'] = NULL;
            SetMessage('error', "Profile end time '{$te}' earlier then Start time '{$ts}'");
            $has_errors = 1;
        if (!is_null($form_data['tend']) && is_null($form_data['tstart'])) {
            $te = UNIX2DISPLAY($form_data['tend']);
            SetMessage('error', "Profile has end time '{$te}', but no start time set");
            $has_errors = 1;
        if ($form_data['channel_wizard'] == 'classic') {
            if (is_null($form_data['filter']) || count($form_data['channel']) == 0) {
                SetMessage('error', "A classic profile needs a valid filter and at least one selected channel");
                $has_errors = 1;
        if ($has_errors > 0) {
            $_SESSION['form_data'] = $form_data;
            $_SESSION['display'] = 'new_profile';
            $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
        // do the work
        if (array_key_exists('channel_wizard', $form_data)) {
            $type = $form_data['channel_wizard'];
            if (NewProfileCreate($form_data, $type) == TRUE) {
                // update NfSen to include the new profile
                $profiles = GetProfiles();
                // switch to new profile
                $_SESSION['profileswitch'] = $form_data['profileswitch'];
                $_SESSION['profile'] = $form_data['profile'];
                $_SESSION['profilegroup'] = $form_data['profilegroup'];
                $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
                SetMessage('info', "Profile '" . $form_data['profile'] . "' created");
                //	if ( $_SESSION['profileinfo']['type'] == 1 && $_SESSION['profileinfo']['status'] != 'new' )
                if ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'] < $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tend']) {
                    $_SESSION['refresh'] = 5;
            } else {
                $_SESSION['form_data'] = $form_data;
                $_SESSION['display'] = 'new_profile';
    if (array_key_exists('commit_profile_x', $_POST)) {
        if ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['status'] != 'new' && $_SESSION['profileinfo']['status'] != 'stalled') {
            SetMessage('error', "Can not commit a profile, not in status 'new or stalled'");
        // Do the work
        // if it fails, the default will do
        if (NewProfileCommit($_SESSION['profileswitch'])) {
            $profileinfo = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
            $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = $profileinfo;
            if ($_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'] < $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tend']) {
                $_SESSION['refresh'] = 5;
    // refresh time if profile building in progress
    if (preg_match("/built/", $_SESSION['profileinfo']['status'])) {
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 5;
Пример #4
function ParseInput()
    global $TabList;
    global $BookmarkVars;
    global $GraphTabs;
    global $Refresh;
    // Preset refresh value. Any Input pasring routing may reset refresh to 0, to disable refresh
    $_SESSION['refresh'] = $Refresh;
     * user input may come from forms or links (POST or GET data) due to normal
     * form processing. If a bookmark is specified in the URL, this overwrites other
     * input data. To simplify data input checks, the bookmark is handled as any other post request
    if (isset($_GET['bookmark'])) {
        // process bookmarkstring
        $_bookmark = Util::htmlentities(base64_decode(urldecode($_GET['bookmark'])));
        ReportLog("Bookmark: '{$_bookmark}'");
        $_vars = explode('|', $_bookmark);
        if (count($BookmarkVars) == count($_vars)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($BookmarkVars); $i++) {
                if ($_vars[$i] != '-') {
                    $_varpath = explode('/', $BookmarkVars[$i]);
                    $_varname = count($_varpath) == 2 ? $_varpath[1] : $_varpath[0];
                    ReportLog("Bookmark: Set {$_varname}");
                    $_POST[$_varname] = $_vars[$i];
        } else {
            SetMessage('warning', "Bookmark processing error");
    // process tab
    if (!array_key_exists('tab', $_SESSION)) {
        // first time in this session
        // initialize some more vars in the SESSION var
    } else {
        $_tab = $_SESSION['tab'];
    // click on tab list
    if (array_key_exists('tab', $_GET)) {
        $_tab = $_GET['tab'];
    // tab from bookmark overwrites other entries
    if (array_key_exists('tab', $_POST)) {
        $_tab = $_POST['tab'];
    $tab_changed = 0;
    if ($_tab != $_SESSION['tab'] || $_SESSION['tab'] == NULL) {
        // _tab changed since last cycle
        if (array_key_exists('tablock', $_SESSION)) {
            // must not change tab right now
            SetMessage('error', $_SESSION['tablock']);
        } else {
            // Verify new tab
            if (!is_numeric($_tab) || ($_tab > count($TabList) || $_tab < 0)) {
                SetMessage('warning', "Requested Tab not available. Set default tab to " . $TabList[0]);
                $_tab = 0;
            $_tab = (int) $_tab;
            $_SESSION['tab'] = $_tab;
            if (!isset($_GET['bookmark'])) {
                $tab_changed = 1;
            ReportLog("Tab: Set tab to {$_tab}: " . $TabList[$_tab]);
    // rebuild profile list
    if ($tab_changed && $_SESSION['tab'] == 4) {
        $profiles = GetProfiles();
    // process sub tab
    $_tab = -1;
    if (array_key_exists('sub_tab', $_GET)) {
        $_tab = strip_tags($_GET['sub_tab']);
    if (array_key_exists('sub_tab', $_POST)) {
        $_tab = strip_tags($_POST['sub_tab']);
    if ($_tab >= 0) {
        if (!is_numeric($_tab) || $_tab < 0) {
            $_tab = 0;
        $_SESSION['sub_tab'] = $_tab;
        ReportLog("Subtab: Set tab to {$_tab}: " . $GraphTabs[$_tab]);
    // process profileswitch
    if (!array_key_exists('profileswitch', $_SESSION)) {
        // this is fishy - InitSession should have set this
        SetMessage('error', "Missing session parameter 'profileswitch'");
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
        return array(FALSE, 0, 0);
    } else {
        $_profileswitch = $_SESSION['profileswitch'];
    if (array_key_exists('profileswitch', $_POST)) {
        $_profileswitch = Util::htmlentities($_POST['profileswitch']);
    // the alerting module only accepts profile live for now
    if ($_SESSION['tab'] == 3) {
        $_profileswitch = './live';
    $profile_changed = 0;
    if ($_profileswitch != $_SESSION['profileswitch']) {
        if ($_profileswitch == "New Profile ...") {
            // make sure the profile admin page gets this request;
            $_SESSION['tab'] = 4;
            $_SESSION['new_profile'] = TRUE;
            $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
        } else {
            // process new profileswitch
            if (preg_match("/^(.+)\\/(.+)/", $_profileswitch, $matches)) {
                $_profilegroup = $matches[1];
                $_profilename = $matches[2];
                // Check if profilegroup/profilename exists
                $_found = FALSE;
                foreach ($_SESSION['ProfileList'] as $p) {
                    if ($p == $_profileswitch) {
                        $_found = TRUE;
                if (!$_found) {
                    SetMessage('error', "Profile '{$_profilename}' does not exists in profile group '{$_profilegroup}'");
                    SetMessage('warning', "Fall back to profile live");
                    $_profilegroup = '.';
                    $_profilename = 'live';
            } else {
                SetMessage('error', "Can not parse profileswitch");
                SetMessage('warning', "Fall back to profile live");
                $_profilegroup = '.';
                $_profilename = 'live';
            $profile_changed = 1;
            $_SESSION['profile'] = $_profilename;
            $_SESSION['profilegroup'] = $_profilegroup;
            $_SESSION['profileswitch'] = $_profileswitch;
    $profileinfo = ReadProfile($_SESSION['profileswitch']);
    if ($profileinfo == FALSE) {
        SetMessage('warning', "Fall back to profile live");
        $profiles = GetProfiles();
        $_SESSION['profileswitch'] = './live';
        $_SESSION['profile'] = 'live';
        $_SESSION['profilegroup'] = '.';
        $profileinfo = ReadProfile('./live');
        if ($profileinfo == FALSE) {
            // double failure
            SetMessage('error', "Can't read profile 'live'");
            $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
            return array(FALSE, 0, 0);
    if ($profileinfo['status'] == 'new') {
        $_SESSION['tab'] = 4;
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
        $_SESSION['tablock'] = "A new profile needs to be completed first.";
    } else {
    $_SESSION['profileinfo'] = $profileinfo;
    // no refresh for history profiles
    if (($profileinfo['type'] & 3) == 1) {
        $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
    return array(TRUE, $tab_changed, $profile_changed);
Пример #5
function PortTracker_ParseInput($plugin_id)
    global $PortDisplayOrder;
    // Which graph to display
    if (isset($_GET["{$plugin_id}_graph"])) {
        $_tmp = $_GET["{$plugin_id}_graph"];
        if (!is_numeric($_tmp) || $_tmp > count($PortDisplayOrder) || $_tmp < 0) {
            $_SESSION['warning'] = "Can't display graph '{$_tmp}'";
        } else {
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_graph"] = $_tmp;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_graph"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_graph"] = 0;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"] = array();
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"] = array();
    $_SESSION['rrdgraph_getparams']['profile'] = 1;
    // register 'get-portgraph' command for rrdgraph.php
    if (!array_key_exists('rrdgraph_cmds', $_SESSION) || !array_key_exists('PortTracker::get-portgraph', $_SESSION['rrdgraph_cmds'])) {
        $_SESSION['rrdgraph_cmds']['PortTracker::get-portgraph'] = 1;
    $_SESSION['rrdgraph_getparams']['profile'] = 1;
    // Top N ports
    if (isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_topN"])) {
        $_tmp = $_POST["{$plugin_id}_topN"];
        if (!is_numeric($_tmp) || $_tmp > 10 || $_tmp < 0) {
            $_SESSION['warning'] = "Invalid Top N number. Defaults to 10.";
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_topN"] = 10;
        } else {
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_topN"] = $_tmp;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_topN"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_topN"] = 10;
    // Static tracked ports
    if (isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_action"])) {
        switch ($_POST["{$plugin_id}_action"]) {
            case 'Add':
                $_track_tmp = isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_trackport"]) ? $_POST["{$plugin_id}_trackport"] : 0;
                $_skip_tmp = isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_skipport"]) ? $_POST["{$plugin_id}_skipport"] : 0;
                if ($_track_tmp > 0 && $_track_tmp < 65536) {
                    if (in_array($_track_tmp, $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"])) {
                        SetMessage('error', "Port {$_track_tmp} already in skip list");
                    } else {
                        if (!in_array($_track_tmp, $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"])) {
                            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"][] = $_track_tmp;
                } else {
                    if ($_skip_tmp > 0 && $_skip_tmp < 65536) {
                        if (in_array($_skip_tmp, $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"])) {
                            $_SESSION['error'] = "Port {$_skip_tmp} already in track list";
                        } else {
                            if (!in_array($_skip_tmp, $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"])) {
                                $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"][] = $_skip_tmp;
                    } else {
                        SetMessage('error', "Invalid Port");
            case 'Delete':
                $_track_tmp = isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_track"]) ? $_POST["{$plugin_id}_track"] : 0;
                if ($_track_tmp > 0 && $_track_tmp < 65536) {
                    if (in_array($_track_tmp, $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"])) {
                        // remove $_track_tmp from array. As we don't know, where it is, cycle through the array
                        $count = count($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"]);
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                            $_port = array_shift($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"]);
                            if ($_port != $_track_tmp) {
                                array_push($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"], $_port);
                $_skip_tmp = isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_skip"]) ? $_POST["{$plugin_id}_skip"] : 0;
                if ($_skip_tmp > 0 && $_skip_tmp < 65536) {
                    if (in_array($_skip_tmp, $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"])) {
                        // remove $_skip_tmp from array. As we don't know, where it is, cycle through the array
                        $count = count($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"]);
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                            $_port = array_shift($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"]);
                            if ($_port != $_skip_tmp) {
                                array_push($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_skip"], $_port);
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_track"] = array();
    // Graph wsize
    if (isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_wsize"])) {
        $_tmp = $_POST["{$plugin_id}_wsize"];
        if (!is_numeric($_tmp) || $_tmp > 5 || $_tmp < 0) {
            $_SESSION['warning'] = "Invalid Window scale. Defaults to 1 day.";
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_wsize"] = 1;
        } else {
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_wsize"] = $_tmp;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_wsize"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_wsize"] = 1;
    // Graph Scale
    if (isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_logscale"])) {
        $_tmp = $_POST["{$plugin_id}_logscale"];
        if (!is_numeric($_tmp) || $_tmp > 1 || $_tmp < 0) {
            $_SESSION['warning'] = "Invalid Graph Scaling. Defaults to linear.";
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_logscale"] = 0;
        } else {
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_logscale"] = $_tmp;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_logscale"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_logscale"] = 0;
    // Stacked Graph
    if (isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_stacked"])) {
        $_tmp = $_POST["{$plugin_id}_stacked"];
        if (!is_numeric($_tmp) || $_tmp > 1 || $_tmp < 0) {
            $_SESSION['warning'] = "Invalid Graph Scaling. Defaults to linear.";
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_stacked"] = 0;
        } else {
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_stacked"] = $_tmp;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_stacked"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_stacked"] = 0;
    // 24 hour average
    if (isset($_POST["{$plugin_id}_24avg"])) {
        $_tmp = $_POST["{$plugin_id}_24avg"];
        if (!is_numeric($_tmp) || $_tmp > 1 || $_tmp < 0) {
            $_SESSION['warning'] = "Invalid Graph Scaling. Defaults to linear.";
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_24avg"] = 0;
        } else {
            $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_24avg"] = $_tmp;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_24avg"])) {
        $_SESSION["{$plugin_id}_24avg"] = 0;
Пример #6
function Process_Details_tab($tab_changed, $profile_changed)
    global $DisplayOrder;
    global $TypeOrder;
    global $ListNOption;
    global $TopNOption;
    global $IPStatOption;
    global $IPStatOrder;
    global $WinSizeScale;
    global $LimitScale;
    global $OutputFormatOption;
    $_SESSION['refresh'] = 0;
    if ($profile_changed || $tab_changed) {
    // register 'get-detailsgraph' command for rrdgraph.php
    if (!array_key_exists('rrdgraph_cmds', $_SESSION) || !array_key_exists('get-detailsgraph', $_SESSION['rrdgraph_cmds'])) {
        $_SESSION['rrdgraph_cmds']['get-detailsgraph'] = 1;
        $_SESSION['rrdgraph_getparams']['profile'] = 1;
    // process channels. 'channeltrigger' is a hidden field, always present to
    // trigger this block
    // put a compiled list into the POST array, which is scanned afterwards
    if (isset($_POST['srctrigger'])) {
        if (isset($_POST['MultipleSources'])) {
            if ($_POST['MultipleSources'] == 'All') {
                $_channels = get_channel_list();
                if (!empty($_channels)) {
                    $_POST['channellist'] = implode('!', $_channels);
                } else {
                    $_POST['channellist'] = '';
            } else {
                $_POST['channellist'] = '';
        } else {
            $_channels = array();
            foreach (array_keys($_SESSION['profileinfo']['channel']) as $channel) {
                if (array_key_exists($channel, $_POST)) {
                    $_channels[] = $channel;
            $_POST['channellist'] = implode('!', $_channels);
    // move type from URL get to POST
    if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
        $_POST['type'] = Util::htmlentities($_GET['type']);
    if (isset($_GET['proto'])) {
        $_POST['proto'] = Util::htmlentities($_GET['proto']);
    if (isset($_COOKIE['statpref'])) {
        $_POST['statpref'] = Util::htmlentities($_COOKIE['statpref']);
    if (isset($_COOKIE['statvisible'])) {
        $_POST['statvisible'] = Util::htmlentities($_COOKIE['statvisible']);
    // to get the defaults in the parse_opts array
    if ($tab_changed || $profile_changed) {
        $detail_opts = array();
    } else {
        $detail_opts = array_key_exists('detail_opts', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['detail_opts'] : array();
    //getting default channel list
    if (!empty($detail_opts['channellist'])) {
        $default_chanellist = $detail_opts['channellist'];
    } else {
        $_channels = get_channel_list();
        $default_chanellist = implode('!', $_channels);
    // process form data
    $parse_opts = array("type" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('type', $detail_opts) ? $detail_opts['type'] : 'flows', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => $TypeOrder, "validate" => NULL), "proto" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('proto', $detail_opts) ? $detail_opts['proto'] : 'any', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => $DisplayOrder, "validate" => NULL), "wsize" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('wsize', $detail_opts) ? $detail_opts['wsize'] : 1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => range(0, count($WinSizeScale) - 1), "validate" => NULL), "ratescale" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('ratescale', $detail_opts) ? $detail_opts['ratescale'] : 1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "logscale" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('logscale', $detail_opts) ? $detail_opts['logscale'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "linegraph" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('linegraph', $detail_opts) ? $detail_opts['linegraph'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "cursor_mode" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('cursor_mode', $detail_opts) ? $detail_opts['cursor_mode'] : 1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "channellist" => array("required" => 0, "default" => $default_chanellist, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\!]*\$/", "validate" => 'channellist_validate'), "statpref" => array("required" => 0, "default" => '0:0:0', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[0-5]:[0-5]:[0-5]\$/", "validate" => NULL), "statvisible" => array("required" => 0, "default" => 1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL));
    list($detail_opts, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
    //if ( $has_errors )
    //	return;
    $_SESSION['detail_opts'] = $detail_opts;
    // for bookmarking only
    $_SESSION['channellist'] = $detail_opts['channellist'];
    // set cookie for javascript functions
    $_COOKIE['statpref'] = $detail_opts['statpref'];
    $_COOKIE['statvisible'] = $detail_opts['statvisible'];
    if ($tab_changed || $profile_changed || isset($_POST['wsize']) || (!isset($_SESSION['tend']) || !isset($_SESSION['tleft']) || !isset($_SESSION['tright']))) {
        $_SESSION['tend'] = $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tend'];
        if ($_SESSION['tend'] - 43200 < $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart']) {
            // the middle of the graph is outside the profile, so set the mark
            // to the beginning of the profile
            $_SESSION['tleft'] = $_SESSION['profileinfo']['tstart'];
        } else {
            $scale = $WinSizeScale[$detail_opts['wsize']];
            // set the tleft to the middle of the graph
            $_SESSION['tleft'] = $_SESSION['tend'] - 14400 * $scale;
        //$_SESSION['tright'] = $_SESSION['tleft'];
        $_SESSION['tright'] = $_SESSION['tend'];
        if (!array_key_exists('DefaultFilters', $_SESSION)) {
        $_SESSION['process_form'] = array();
    // process the input data from the netflow processing form
    // to get the defaults in the parse_opts array
    if (array_key_exists('process', $_POST)) {
        $process_form = array();
    } else {
        $process_form = array_key_exists('process_form', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['process_form'] : array();
    $default_selector = array();
    if (is_array($process_form['srcselector'])) {
        $default_selector = $process_form['srcselector'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($process_form['srcselector'])) {
            $default_selector[] = $process_form['srcselector'];
    if (empty($default_selector)) {
        if (!empty($detail_opts['channellist'])) {
            $default_selector = explode('!', $detail_opts['channellist']);
    $parse_opts = array("modeselect" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('modeselect', $process_form) ? $process_form['modeselect'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "srcselector" => array("required" => 0, "default" => $default_selector, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => null, "validate" => 'srcselector_validate'), "DefaultFilter" => array("required" => 0, "default" => -1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array_merge(array(-1), array_keys($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'])), "validate" => NULL), "filter" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('filter', $process_form) ? implode("\n", $process_form['filter']) : NULL, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^[\\s!-~]*\$/", "validate" => 'filter_validate'), "filter_name" => array("required" => 0, "default" => '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^\$|^[A-Za-z0-9\\.][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_\\/]+\$/", "validate" => NULL), "filter_edit" => array("required" => 0, "default" => null, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => array_merge(array(null), array_keys($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'])), "validate" => NULL), "filter_delete" => array("required" => 0, "default" => null, "allow_null" => 1, "match" => array_merge(array(null), array_keys($_SESSION['DefaultFilters'])), "validate" => NULL), "listN" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('listN', $process_form) ? $process_form['listN'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => range(0, count($ListNOption) - 1), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_bidir" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_bidir', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_bidir'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_proto" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_proto', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_proto'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_srcip" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_srcip', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_srcip'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_srcport" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_srcport', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_srcport'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_dstip" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_dstip', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_dstip'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_dstport" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_dstport', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_dstport'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_srcselect" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_srcselect', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_srcselect'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1, 2), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_dstselect" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_dstselect', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_dstselect'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1, 2), "validate" => NULL), "aggr_srcnetbits" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_srcnetbits', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_srcnetbits'] : 24, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[0-9]+\$/", "validate" => NULL), "aggr_dstnetbits" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('aggr_dstnetbits', $process_form) ? $process_form['aggr_dstnetbits'] : 24, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[0-9]+\$/", "validate" => NULL), "timesorted" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('timesorted', $process_form) ? $process_form['timesorted'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "IPv6_long" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('IPv6_long', $process_form) ? $process_form['IPv6_long'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "output" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('output', $process_form) ? $process_form['output'] : 'extended', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array_key_exists('formatlist', $_SESSION) ? array_keys($_SESSION['formatlist']) : array('extended'), "validate" => NULL), "customfmt" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('customfmt', $process_form) ? $process_form['customfmt'] : '', "allow_null" => 1, "match" => "/^\$|^[\\s!-~]+\$/", "validate" => NULL), "fmt_save" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('fmt_save', $process_form) ? $process_form['fmt_save'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^\$|^[A-Za-z0-9\\.][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_\\/]+\$/", "validate" => NULL), "fmt_delete" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('fmt_delete', $process_form) ? $process_form['fmt_delete'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^\$|^[A-Za-z0-9\\.][A-Za-z0-9\\-+_\\/]+\$/", "validate" => NULL), "topN" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('topN', $process_form) ? $process_form['topN'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => range(0, count($TopNOption) - 1), "validate" => NULL), "stattype" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('stattype', $process_form) ? $process_form['stattype'] : 1, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => range(0, count($IPStatOption) - 1), "validate" => NULL), "statorder" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('statorder', $process_form) ? $process_form['statorder'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => range(0, count($IPStatOrder) - 1), "validate" => NULL), "limitoutput" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('limitoutput', $process_form) ? $process_form['limitoutput'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array('', 'checked'), "validate" => NULL), "limitwhat" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('limitwhat', $process_form) ? $process_form['limitwhat'] : '', "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "limithow" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('limithow', $process_form) ? $process_form['limithow'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => array(0, 1), "validate" => NULL), "limitsize" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('limitsize', $process_form) ? $process_form['limitsize'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => "/^[0-9]+\$/", "validate" => NULL), "limitscale" => array("required" => 0, "default" => array_key_exists('limitscale', $process_form) ? $process_form['limitscale'] : 0, "allow_null" => 0, "match" => range(0, count($LimitScale) - 1), "validate" => NULL));
    list($process_form, $has_errors) = ParseForm($parse_opts);
    $_SESSION['process_form'] = $process_form;
    //if ( $has_errors )
    //	return;
    if (array_key_exists('fmt_save', $_POST)) {
        if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $cmd_opts['formatdef'] = addslashes($process_form['customfmt']);
        } else {
            $cmd_opts['formatdef'] = $process_form['customfmt'];
        $cmd_opts['format'] = $process_form['fmt_save'];
        $cmd_opts['overwrite'] = 1;
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("add-format", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            $_SESSION['process_form']['output'] = $process_form['fmt_save'];
    if (array_key_exists('fmt_delete', $_POST)) {
        $_tmp = Util::htmlentities($_POST['fmt_delete']);
        if (array_key_exists($_tmp, $OutputFormatOption)) {
            SetMessage('error', "Can not delete built in format '{$_tmp}'");
        } else {
            if (!array_key_exists($_tmp, $_SESSION['formatlist'])) {
                SetMessage('error', "Unknon format '{$_tmp}'");
            } else {
                $cmd_opts['format'] = $_tmp;
                $cmd_out = nfsend_query("delete-format", $cmd_opts, 0);
                $_SESSION['process_form']['output'] = $parse_opts['output']['default'];
    if (!array_key_exists('formatlist', $_SESSION)) {
        foreach ($OutputFormatOption as $opt) {
            $_SESSION['formatlist'][$opt] = $opt;
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("get-formatlist", array(), 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            foreach ($cmd_out as $key => $value) {
                $_SESSION['formatlist'][$key] = $value;
        $_SESSION['formatlist']['custom ...'] = 0;
    if (array_key_exists('filter_save_x', $_POST)) {
        $cmd_opts['filtername'] = $process_form['filter_name'];
        $cmd_opts['overwrite'] = 1;
        $cmd_opts['filter'] = $process_form['filter'];
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("add-filter", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            $_SESSION['process_form']['DefaultFilter'] = -1;
            $_SESSION['process_form']['filter'] = array();
    if (array_key_exists('filter_edit_x', $_POST)) {
        $cmd_opts['filter'] = $process_form['filter_name'];
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("get-filter", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            $_SESSION['process_form']['editfilter'] = $cmd_out['filter'];
        $_SESSION['anchor'] = '#processing';
    if (array_key_exists('filter_delete_x', $_POST)) {
        $cmd_opts['filtername'] = $process_form['filter_name'];
        $cmd_out = nfsend_query("delete-filter", $cmd_opts, 0);
        if (is_array($cmd_out)) {
            $_SESSION['process_form']['DefaultFilter'] = -1;
    if (count(array_diff($_SESSION['process_form']['filter'], $_SESSION['auto_filter'])) == 0) {
        if ($_SESSION['detail_opts']['proto'] == 'any') {
            $_SESSION['process_form']['filter'] = array();
        } else {
            if ($_SESSION['detail_opts']['proto'] == 'other') {
                $_SESSION['process_form']['filter'] = array('not (proto tcp or proto udp or proto icmp or proto icmp6)');
            } else {
                $_SESSION['process_form']['filter'] = array('proto ' . $_SESSION['detail_opts']['proto']);
        $_SESSION['auto_filter'] = $_SESSION['process_form']['filter'];
    } else {
        $_SESSION['auto_filter'] = array();
    if (array_key_exists('process', $_POST)) {
        $run = CompileCommand($process_form['modeselect']);
        $_SESSION['anchor'] = '#processing';
    } else {
        $run = null;
    $_SESSION['run'] = $run;
Пример #7
function nfsend_query($command, $cmd_opts)
    global $DEBUG;
    if (!isset($_SESSION['nfsend'])) {
        ReportLog("nfsend No socket - open connection first");
    if (!isset($_SESSION['nfsend'])) {
        SetMessage('error', _("nfsend - connection failed!"));
        return FALSE;
    $nfsend = $_SESSION['nfsend'];
    $is_binary = preg_match("/^@/", $command);
    if ($DEBUG == 1 && !$is_binary) {
        ReportLog("nfsend INTERNAL '.debug=1'");
        @socket_write($nfsend, ".debug=1\n");
    ReportLog("nfsend COMMAND '{$command}' binary: {$is_binary}");
    // Socket may have timouted since last query
    // check for errors while sending command, and reopenn socket in case of an error
    if (@socket_write($nfsend, "{$command}\n") == FALSE) {
        $errstr = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($nfsend));
        ReportLog("nfsend 1st write() failed: reason: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($nfsend)));
        $nfsend = $_SESSION['nfsend'];
        if (@socket_write($nfsend, "{$command}\n") == FALSE) {
            $errstr = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($nfsend));
            SetMessage('error', _("nfsend socket_write() communication error") . ": {$errstr}");
            return FALSE;
    // the socket is established and ready - just send the opts
    foreach ($cmd_opts as $key => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $val) {
                ReportLog("nfsend WRITE: '_{$key}'='{$val}'");
                @socket_write($nfsend, "_{$key}={$val}\n");
        } else {
            ReportLog("nfsend WRITE: '{$key}'='{$value}'");
            @socket_write($nfsend, "{$key}={$value}\n");
    // send EODATA
    ReportLog("nfsend EODATA");
    @socket_write($nfsend, ".\n");
    $out_list = array();
    $debug = array();
    $done = 0;
    $EODATA = 0;
    $error_occured = 0;
    while (!$done) {
        if ($is_binary) {
            $line = @socket_read($nfsend, 1024, PHP_BINARY_READ);
        } else {
            $line = @socket_read($nfsend, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ);
        if ($line == FALSE) {
            $errno = socket_last_error($nfsend);
            if ($errno) {
                $errstr = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($nfsend));
                $ret = FALSE;
                SetMessage('error', _("nfsend socket_read() communication error") . ": {$errstr}");
                ReportLog("nfsend connection error '{$errno}' '{$errstr}'");
            } else {
                // connection closed in binary mode
                $ret = TRUE;
            return $ret;
        if ($is_binary) {
            print "{$line}";
        $line = rtrim($line);
        if (preg_match("/^\$/", $line)) {
        // was last line EODATA?
        if ($EODATA) {
            // if so, $line contains the status message
            $done = 1;
            $EODATA = 0;
            ReportLog("nfsend STATUS '{$line}'");
            // parse status line for various messages
            if (strncasecmp($line, "ok ", 3) == 0) {
            if (strncasecmp($line, "err ", 4) == 0) {
                $msg = substr($line, 4);
                $error_occured = 1;
                SetMessage('error', "nfsend: {$msg}");
            if (strncasecmp($line, "warn ", 5) == 0) {
                $msg = substr($line, 5);
                SetMessage('warning', "nfsend: {$msg}");
            if (strncasecmp($line, "alert ", 6) == 0) {
                $msg = substr($line, 6);
                SetMessage('alert', "nfsend: {$msg}");
            // not needed, but catch it anyway
        if (preg_match("/^\\..+/", $line)) {
            ReportLog("nfsend Skip line '{$line}'");
            $debug[] = $line;
        if (preg_match("/^INFO /", $line)) {
            ReportLog("nfsend Skip info line '{$line}'");
        // EODATA received
        if (preg_match("/^\\.\$/", $line)) {
            $EODATA = 1;
        if (!preg_match("/=/", $line)) {
            ReportLog("nfsend Skip buggy line '{$line}' Expected key=value pair");
        ReportLog("nfsend Process line '{$line}'");
        // parse regular output lines
        list($key, $value) = split('=', $line, 2);
        // check for multiline output
        if (preg_match("/^\\_(.+)/", $key, $matches)) {
            $key = $matches[1];
            $out_list[$key][] = $value;
        } else {
            $out_list[$key] = $value;
    return $is_binary ? TRUE : ($error_occured ? FALSE : $out_list);
Пример #8
function check_email_address(&$emaillist, $opts)
    $emaillist = preg_replace("/^\\s+/", '', $emaillist);
    $emaillist = preg_replace("/\\s+\$/", '', $emaillist);
    if ($emaillist == '') {
        return 0;
    foreach (explode(',', $emaillist) as $email) {
        $email = preg_replace("/^\\s+/", '', $email);
        $email = preg_replace("/\\s+\$/", '', $email);
        // First, we check that there's one @ symbol, and that the lengths are right
        if (!ereg("^[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}\$", $email)) {
            // Email invalid because wrong number of characters in one section, or wrong number of @ symbols.
            SetMessage('error', _("Error 1 checking email address") . " '{$email}'");
            return 1;
        // Split it into sections to make life easier
        $email_array = explode("@", $email);
        $local_array = explode(".", $email_array[0]);
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($local_array); $i++) {
            if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9!#\$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-][A-Za-z0-9!#\$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\\.-]{0,63})|(\"[^(\\|\")]{0,62}\"))\$", $local_array[$i])) {
                SetMessage('error', _("Error 2 checking email address") . " '{$email}'");
                return 1;
        if (!ereg("^\\[?[0-9\\.]+\\]?\$", $email_array[1])) {
            // Check if domain is IP. If not, it should be valid domain name
            $domain_array = explode(".", $email_array[1]);
            if (sizeof($domain_array) < 2) {
                SetMessage('error', _("Error 3 checking email address") . " '{$email}'");
                return 1;
                // Not enough parts to domain
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($domain_array); $i++) {
                if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]+))\$", $domain_array[$i])) {
                    SetMessage('error', _("Error 4 checking email address") . " '{$email}'");
                    return 1;
    return 0;