Пример #1
function SaveTextToFile($datafile, $text, $type = "w")
    if (!($handle = fopen($datafile, $type))) {
        SendMessage($email, "{$subj} Error", "Cannot open file \"{$datafile}\" for write text \"" . $text . "\"");
    if (!fwrite($handle, $text)) {
        SendMessage($email, "{$subj} Error", "Cannot write text \"" . $text . "\" to file \"{$datafile}\"");
function AllyPage_CircularMessage()
    global $db_prefix;
    global $GlobalUser;
    global $session;
    global $ally;
    global $AllianzenError;
    if (method() === "POST" && key_exists('r', $_POST)) {
        $ally_id = $ally['ally_id'];
        $myrank = LoadRank($ally_id, $GlobalUser['allyrank']);
        if (!($myrank['rights'] & 0x80)) {
            $AllianzenError = "<center>\nНедостаточно прав для проведения операции<br></center>";
        $rank_id = intval($_POST['r']);
        if ($rank_id == 0) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE ally_id = {$ally_id}";
        } else {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE ally_id = {$ally_id} AND allyrank = {$rank_id}";
        $result = dbquery($query);
        $rows = dbrows($result);
        if ($rows) {
<script src="js/cntchar.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="js/win.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
            echo $session;
" method=POST>
<tr><td class=c>Следующие игроки получили Ваше общее послание</td></tr>
            $text = str_replace('\\"', "&quot;", bb($_POST['text']));
            $text = str_replace('\'', "&rsquo;", $text);
            $text = str_replace('\\`', "&lsquo;", $text);
            while ($rows--) {
                $user = dbarray($result);
                SendMessage($user['player_id'], va("Альянс [#1]", $ally['tag']), va("Общее послание Вашему альянсу [#1]", $ally['tag']), va("Игрок #1 сообщает Вам следующее:<br>#2", $GlobalUser['oname'], $text), 0);
                echo $user['oname'] . "<br>\n";
<tr><th><input type=submit value="Ok"></th></tr>
        } else {
<script src="js/cntchar.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="js/win.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
            echo $session;
&a=17" method=POST>
<tr><td class=c>Ошибка</td></tr>
<tr><th>К сожалению, получатели не найдены</th></tr>
<tr><th><input type=submit value="Назад"></th></tr>
<script src="js/cntchar.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="js/win.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
&a=17&sendmail=1" method=POST>
<tr><td class=c colspan=2>Отправить общее сообщение</td></tr>
<select name=r>
    <option value=0>Все игроки</option>
    $result = EnumRanks($ally['ally_id']);
    $rows = dbrows($result);
    while ($rows--) {
        $rank = dbarray($result);
        if ($rank['rank_id'] == 0 || $rank['rank_id'] == 1) {
        // Основателя и новичка не показываем
        echo "    <option value=" . $rank['rank_id'] . ">Только определённому рангу: " . $rank['name'] . "</option>\n";
<tr><th>Текст сообщения (<span id="cntChars">0</span> / 2000 Симв.)</th><th><textarea name=text cols=60 rows=10 onkeyup="javascript:cntchar(2000)"></textarea></th></tr>
<tr><th colspan=2><input type=submit value="Отправить"></th></tr></table></center></form>
Пример #3
function SendGreetingsMessage($player_id)
    SendMessage($player_id, "Командование флотом", "Добро пожаловать в ОГейм!", bb("Добро пожаловать в [b]OGame[/b] !\n" . "\n" . "Для начала Вам необходимо развить рудники.\n" . "Это можно сделать в меню \"постройки\".\n" . "Выберите рудник по добыче металла и нажмите на \"строить\".\n" . "Теперь у Вас есть немного времени для ознакомления с игрой.\n" . "Помощь по игре Вы можете найти по этим ссылкам: \n" . "[url=http://tutorial.oldogame.ru/]Туториал[/url]\n" . "[url=http://board.oldogame.ru]Форум[/url]\n" . "\n" . "Тем временем Ваш рудник уже должен построиться.\n" . "Для работы рудников необходима энергия, для её получения постройте солнечную электростанцию.\n" . "Для этого снова зайдите в меню \"постройки\" и кликните на электростанции.\n" . "Для того, чтобы посмотреть, насколько далеко Вы зашли в развитии, зайдите в меню \"Технологии\".\n" . "Итак, Ваш победный поход по вселенной начался... Удачи!\n"), 5);
Пример #4
echo "\r\n\r\n{$count} issues:\r\n{$collected}";
if (array_key_exists('notify', $settings['settings'])) {
    $to = $settings['settings']['notify'];
    if ($count && strlen($collected)) {
        SendMessage($to, "{$count} locations with issues - WebPagetest ALERT", $collected);
    // send the slow logs from the last hour
    if (strlen($to) && is_file('./tmp/slow_tests.log')) {
        $slow = file_get_contents('./tmp/slow_tests.log');
        if ($slow !== false && strlen($slow)) {
            SendMessage($to, 'Slow tests report', $slow);
function SendMessage($to, $subject, &$body)
    global $settings;
    // send the e-mail through an SMTP server?
    if (array_key_exists('mailserver', $settings)) {
        require_once "Mail.php";
        $mailServerSettings = $settings['mailserver'];
        $mailInit = array();
        if (array_key_exists('host', $mailServerSettings)) {
            $mailInit['host'] = $mailServerSettings['host'];
        if (array_key_exists('port', $mailServerSettings)) {
Пример #5
function Admin_Broadcast()
    global $session;
    global $db_prefix;
    global $GlobalUser;
    $write_error = "";
    // Обработка POST-запроса.
    if (method() === "POST") {
        $cat = $_POST['cat'];
        $subj = $_POST['subj'];
        if ($subj === "") {
            $write_error = "<center><font color=#FF0000>Заполните тему</font><br/></center>\n";
        $text = $_POST['text'];
        if ($text === "") {
            $write_error = "<center><font color=#FF0000>Введите текст сообщения</font><br/></center>\n";
        if ($write_error === "") {
            if ($cat == 1) {
                $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE score1 < 5000;";
            } else {
                if ($cat == 2) {
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE place1 < 100;";
                } else {
                    if ($cat == 3) {
                        $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE admin = 1;";
                    } else {
                        $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "users;";
            // Всем
            $ownhome = GetPlanet($GlobalUser['hplanetid']);
            $from = $GlobalUser['oname'] . " <a href=\"index.php?page=galaxy&galaxy=" . $ownhome['g'] . "&system=" . $ownhome['s'] . "&position=" . $ownhome['p'] . "&session={PUBLIC_SESSION}\">[" . $ownhome['g'] . ":" . $ownhome['s'] . ":" . $ownhome['p'] . "]</a>\n";
            $subj = $subj . " <a href=\"index.php?page=writemessages&session={PUBLIC_SESSION}&messageziel=" . $GlobalUser['player_id'] . "&re=1&betreff=Re:" . $subj . "\">\n" . "</a>\n";
            $text = str_replace('\\"', "&quot;", bb($text));
            $text = str_replace('\'', "&rsquo;", $text);
            $text = str_replace('\\`', "&lsquo;", $text);
            $result = dbquery($query);
            $usernum = $rows = dbrows($result);
            while ($rows--) {
                $user = dbarray($result);
                SendMessage($user['player_id'], $from, $subj, $text, 5);
            if ($usernum > 0) {
                $write_error = "<center><font color=#00FF00>Сообщение отправлено {$usernum} пользователям.</font><br/></center>\n";
            } else {
                $write_error = "<center><font color=#00FF00>Адресаты не найдены.</font><br/></center>\n";

    echo AdminPanel();

    echo $write_error;

<form action="index.php?page=admin&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
&mode=Broadcast" method="POST">

Кому: <select name="cat">
<option value="0">Всем</option>
<option value="1">Новичкам (менее 5.000 очков)</option>
<option value="2">Игрокам из топ100</option>
<option value="3">Операторам</option>

Тема : <input name="subj" size=80>

<textarea cols='100' rows='20' name='text'></textarea>

<center><input type="submit" value="Отправить"></center>


Пример #6
            SendMessage($user['player_id'], va("Альянс [#1]", $ally['tag']), "Общее сообщение", va("Игрок #1 был принят в наш альянс.", $newcomer['oname']), 0);
        SendMessage($player_id, va("Альянс [#1]", $ally['tag']), va("Регистрация [#1] принята", $ally['tag']), va("Сердечно поздравляем, Вы теперь член альянса [#1]", $ally['tag']), 0);
        $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "users SET ally_id = {$ally_id}, allyrank = 1, joindate = {$now} WHERE player_id = {$player_id}";
    if ($_POST['aktion'] === "Отклонить" && $show > 0) {
        $app = LoadApplication($show);
        // Выслать сообщение об отказе.
        $reason = "-причина не указана-";
        if ($_POST['text'] !== "") {
            $reason = $_POST['text'];
        SendMessage($app['player_id'], va("Альянс [#1]", $ally['tag']), va("Регистрация [#1] отклонена", $ally['tag']), $reason, 0);
$result = EnumApplications($ally['ally_id']);
$apps = dbrows($result);
if ($apps > 0) {

<div id='content'>
<table width=519>
<tr><td class=c colspan=2>Обзор регистрации в этом альянсе [<?php 
    echo $ally['tag'];
Пример #7
function NewMessage()
    global $CFG, $dbConn, $aPostIcons, $aSmilies;
    // Default values.
    $bParseURLs = FALSE;
    $bParseEMails = TRUE;
    $bDisableSmilies = FALSE;
    $bSaveCopy = TRUE;
    $bTrack = TRUE;
    // Are they submitting?
    if ($_REQUEST['submit'] == 'Send Message') {
        $aError = SendMessage();
    // Are they forwarding?
    if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == 'forward') {
        // Yes, get the message they want to forward.
        $iMessageID = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
        $dbConn->query("SELECT pm.datetime, pm.author, pm.subject, pm.body, citizen.username FROM pm JOIN citizen ON (citizen.id = pm.author) WHERE pm.id={$iMessageID} AND pm.ownerid={$_SESSION['userid']}");
        $aSQLResult = $dbConn->getresult();
        // Change the subject and add a copy of the message being forwarded.
        $strSubject = htmlsanitize("Fw: {$aSQLResult[2]}");
        $strMessage = "\n\n[quote][i]{$aSQLResult[4]} wrote on [dt={$aSQLResult[0]}]:[/i]\n[b]{$aSQLResult[3]}[/b][/quote]";
    // Are they replying?
    if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'reply') {
        // Yes, get the message they want to reply to.
        $iMessageID = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
        $dbConn->query("SELECT pm.datetime, pm.author, pm.subject, pm.body, citizen.username FROM pm JOIN citizen ON (citizen.id = pm.author) WHERE pm.id={$iMessageID} AND pm.ownerid={$_SESSION['userid']}");
        $aSQLResult = $dbConn->getresult();
        // Set the recipient & subject, and add a copy of the message being forwarded.
        $strRecipient = $aSQLResult[4];
        $strSubject = strpos($aSQLResult[2], 'Re: ') !== 0 ? "Re: {$aSQLResult[2]}" : $aSQLResult[2];
        $strMessage = "\n\n[quote][i]{$aSQLResult[4]} wrote on [dt={$aSQLResult[0]}]:[/i]\n[b]{$aSQLResult[3]}[/b][/quote]";
    // Are they specifying a user ID?
    if (isset($_REQUEST['userid'])) {
        // Yes, so get the username of the user whose ID was specified.
        $iUserID = (int) $_REQUEST['userid'];
        $dbConn->query("SELECT username FROM citizen WHERE id={$iUserID}");
        list($strRecipient) = $dbConn->getresult();
    // Template
    require "./skins/{$CFG['skin']}/pm/newmessage.tpl.php";
    // Send the page.
            $write_error = "<center><font color=#FF0000>Не хватает темы</font><br/><br/></center>\n";
        } else {
            if ($text === "") {
                $write_error .= "<center><font color=#FF0000>А где же сообщение?</font><br/><br/></center>\n";
            } else {
                if ($user['useskin']) {
                    $skin = $user['skin'];
                } else {
                    $skin = hostname() . "evolution/";
                $text = str_replace('\\"', "&quot;", bb($text));
                $text = str_replace('\'', "&rsquo;", $text);
                $text = str_replace('\\`', "&lsquo;", $text);
                $from = $GlobalUser['oname'] . " <a href=\"index.php?page=galaxy&galaxy=" . $ownhome['g'] . "&system=" . $ownhome['s'] . "&position=" . $ownhome['p'] . "&session={PUBLIC_SESSION}\">[" . $ownhome['g'] . ":" . $ownhome['s'] . ":" . $ownhome['p'] . "]</a>\n";
                $subj = $subj . " <a href=\"index.php?page=writemessages&session={PUBLIC_SESSION}&messageziel=" . $GlobalUser['player_id'] . "&re=1&betreff=Re:" . $subj . "\">\n" . "<img border=\"0\" alt=\"Ответить\" src=\"" . $skin . "img/m.gif\" /></a>\n";
                SendMessage($user['player_id'], $from, $subj, $text, 0);
                $write_error = "<center><font color=#00FF00>Сообщение отправлено</font><br/></center>\n";
echo "<!-- CONTENT AREA -->\n";
echo "<div id='content'>\n";
echo "<center>\n";
echo $write_error;
echo "<center>\n";
echo "<form action=\"index.php?page=writemessages&session=" . $_GET['session'] . "&gesendet=1&messageziel=" . intval($_GET['messageziel']) . "\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "<table width=\"519\">\n\n";
//echo "GET: "; print_r ($_GET); echo "<br>";
//echo "POST: "; print_r ($_POST); echo "<br>";
echo "<tr><td class=\"c\" colspan=\"2\">Написать сообщение</td></tr>\n";
Пример #9
                    if (key_exists('action', $_GET) && $_GET['action'] == 6) {
                    } else {
                        if (key_exists('action', $_GET) && $_GET['action'] == 7) {
                        } else {
                            if (key_exists('action', $_GET) && $_GET['action'] == 8 && $_GET['buddy_id']) {
                                $buddy_id = intval($_GET['buddy_id']);
                                $buddy = LoadBuddy($buddy_id);
                                if ($buddy['request_from'] == $GlobalUser['player_id']) {
                                    SendMessage($buddy['request_to'], loca("BUDDY_LIST"), loca("BUDDY_CONFIRM"), va(loca("BUDDY_MSG_DELETED"), $GlobalUser['oname']), 0);
                                if ($buddy['request_to'] == $GlobalUser['player_id']) {
                                    SendMessage($buddy['request_from'], loca("BUDDY_LIST"), loca("BUDDY_CONFIRM"), va(loca("BUDDY_MSG_DELETED"), $GlobalUser['oname']), 0);
                            } else {
echo "</center>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "<!-- END CONTENT AREA -->\n";
Пример #10
function SendMessageFromMenteeToMentor($toEmail, $msg, $email)
    $mentorArr = GetMentorDetailsByEmail($toEmail);
    $menteeArr = GetMenteeDetailsByEmail($email);
    // mentor names and email address
    $mentorEmail = $mentorArr["MentorEmail"];
    $mentorName = $mentorArr["MentorName"];
    // mentee name and email address
    $menteeEmail = $menteeArr["MenteeEmail"];
    $menteeName = $menteeArr["MenteeName"];
    $subject = $menteeName . " - Query Received";
    $message = "Dear " . $mentorName . "<br /><br />";
    $message .= "You have Received a query from one of your mentees, namely " . $menteeName . " (" . $menteeEmail . "). Please repond to him either privately or through the <a href='http://mentored-research.com/login' target='_blank'>MR-Portal</a> <br /><br />";
    $message .= $msg . "<br /><br />";
    $message .= "Team Mentored-Research<br />";
    $message .= "info@mentored-research.com<br /><br />";
    $message .= "Please do not reply to this automated mail.<br />";
    $res = SendMessage($mentorEmail, $mentorName, $menteeEmail, $menteeName, $subject, $message);
    if ($res == "-1") {
        echo $res;
    } else {
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode($res);
Пример #11
function AllyPage_Takeover()
    global $GlobalUser;
    global $session;
    global $ally;
    global $AllianzenError;
    // Обменять званиями главу и "правую руку".
    if ($_GET['a'] == 18 && $_REQUEST['s'] == 1) {
        $now = time();
        $myrank = LoadRank($ally['ally_id'], $GlobalUser['allyrank']);
        if (!($myrank['rights'] & 0x100)) {
            $AllianzenError = "<center>\nНедостаточно прав для проведения операции<br></center>";
        } else {
            // Выслать всем участникам сообщение что власть поменялась (кроме самого главы).
            $from = va("Альянс [#1]", $ally['tag']);
            $subj = va("Смена власти в альянсе [#1]", $ally['tag']);
            $text = va("Игрок #1, обладающий титулом основателя альянса, покинул его", $GlobalUser['oname'], $ally['tag']);
            $result = EnumerateAlly($ally['ally_id']);
            $rows = dbrows($result);
            while ($rows--) {
                $user = dbarray($result);
                if ($user['player_id'] != $ally['owner_id']) {
                    SendMessage($user['player_id'], $from, $subj, $text, 0);
            // Поменять звания
            $newhead = LoadUser(intval($_REQUEST['uid']));
            $newhead_rank = LoadRank($ally['ally_id'], $newhead['allyrank']);
            if ($newhead['ally_id'] != $ally['ally_id'] || ($newhead_rank['rights'] & 0x100) == 0) {
                $AllianzenError = "<center>\nНедостаточно прав для проведения операции<br></center>";
            SetUserRank($newhead['player_id'], $GlobalUser['allyrank']);
            SetUserRank($GlobalUser['player_id'], $newhead['allyrank']);
            // Установить нового хозяина альянса
            AllyChangeOwner($ally['ally_id'], $newhead['player_id']);
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
            echo $session;
" method="POST">
<tr><td class=c>Вы утратили свой статус</td></tr><tr><th><br><input type="submit" value="OK"></th></tr></form></table><br><br><br><br>
    // Ололош, любой игрок по этому параметру может взять на себя права главы, без всяких проверок.....
    if ($_GET['a'] == 18 && $_REQUEST['s'] == 2) {
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
        echo $session;
" method="POST">
<tr><td class=c>Звание передано</td></tr><tr><th><br><input type="submit" value="OK"></th></tr></form></table><br><br><br><br>
    // Если открыть у НЕ главы страничку:
    if ($ally['owner_id'] != $GlobalUser['player_id']) {
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
        echo $session;
&a=5" method=POST>
<tr><td class=c>Глава ещё активен</td></tr><tr><th><input type=submit value="Назад"></th></tr></form></table><br><br><br><br>
    // Перечислить всех игроков альянса с правами "правая рука". Если никого нет, то просто вывести кнопку "назад".
    $users = array();
    $rank_result = EnumRanks($ally['ally_id']);
    while ($rank = dbarray($rank_result)) {
        if ($rank['rights'] & 0x100) {
            $result = LoadUsersWithRank($ally['ally_id'], $rank['rank_id']);
            while ($user = dbarray($result)) {
                if ($user['player_id'] == $ally['owner_id']) {
                // не показывать главу
                $user['rankname'] = $rank['name'];
                $users[] = $user;
    if (count($users) == 0) {
        // Никто не найден, вывести кнопку "назад"
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
        echo $session;
&a=5" method=POST>
<tr><td class=c></th></tr><tr><th><input type=submit value="Назад"></th></tr></form></table><br><br><br><br>
    } else {
        // Перечислить найденных пользователей с рангом "правая рука"
<table width=519>
<form action="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
        echo $session;
&a=18" method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=s value=1>
<tr><td class=c colspan=2><?php 
        echo va("Перенять руководство над #1", "\"" . $ally['name'] . "\"");
<tr><th>Передача звания</th><th><select name=uid>
        foreach ($users as $i => $user) {
            echo "  <option value=" . $user['player_id'] . ">" . $user['oname'] . " (Rang: " . $user['rankname'] . ")\n";
<tr><th colspan=2><input type=submit value="Передать"></th></tr></form></table><br><br><br><br>
Пример #12
    //Print error if any
    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
        echo 'error:' . curl_error($ch);
    echo $output;
if (isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET) || isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['keyword']) && !empty($_REQUEST['keyword'])) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['number']) && !empty($_REQUEST['number'])) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['message']) && !empty($_REQUEST['message'])) {
                $mobile = $_REQUEST['number'];
                $mess = $_REQUEST['message'];
                $keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword'];
                $message = $keyword . $mobile . $mess;
                SendMessage('9910065699', $message);
                $sms = new SMSReceiver();
                $sms->ProcessData($keyword, $mobile, $mess);
            } else {
                echo "ERROR : Message not sent -- Text parameter is missing!\r\n";
        } else {
            echo "ERROR : Message not sent -- Phone parameter is missing!\r\n";
    } else {
        echo "ERROR : Message not sent -- Keyword is missing!\r\n";
} else {
    echo "ERROR : Message not received  -- Phone and Text parameter is missing!\r\n";
Пример #13
    case 2:
        if (!$Message) {
            BeginHtml($Title2, $Title2, "http://" . $DOC_DOMAIN . "/management/messages/");
            $perm->ExitIfNotAccess(NC_PERM_ITEM_GROUP, NC_PERM_ACTION_MAIL, 0, 0, 1);
            nc_print_status(CONTROL_USER_MAIL_ERROR_NOBODY, 'error');
        if (isset($Attach)) {
            BeginHtml($Title2, $Title3, "http://" . $DOC_DOMAIN . "/management/messages/");
            $perm->ExitIfNotAccess(NC_PERM_ITEM_GROUP, NC_PERM_ACTION_MAIL, 0, 0, 1);
            $Result = $db->query("INSERT INTO MailTmp (Subject,Message) VALUES ('" . $Subject . "','" . $Message . "')");
            $TmpID = $db->insert_id;
        } else {
            BeginHtml($Title2, $Title3, "http://" . $DOC_DOMAIN . "/management/messages/");
            $perm->ExitIfNotAccess(NC_PERM_ITEM_GROUP, NC_PERM_ACTION_MAIL, 0, 0, 1);
            SendMessage($PermissionGroupID, $Subject, $Message, 0, $is_html);
    case 3:
        BeginHtml($Title2, $Title3, "http://" . $DOC_DOMAIN . "/management/messages/");
        $perm->ExitIfNotAccess(NC_PERM_ITEM_GROUP, NC_PERM_ACTION_MAIL, 0, 0, 1);
        $Array = $db->get_row("SELECT Subject, Message FROM MailTmp WHERE MailTmp_ID='" . $TmpID . "'", ARRAY_N);
        $Subject = $Array[0];
        $Message = $Array[1];
        $Result = $db->query("DELETE FROM MailTmp WHERE MailTmp_ID='" . $TmpID . "'");
        SendMessage($PermissionGroupID, $Subject, $Message, 1, $is_html);
Пример #14
function PageAlly_MemberSettings()
    global $db_prefix;
    global $session;
    global $ally;
    global $GlobalUser;
    global $AllianzenError;
    $selected_user = 0;
    if (key_exists('u', $_GET)) {
        $selected_user = intval($_GET['u']);
    if (method() === "GET" && $_GET['a'] == 13 && $selected_user) {
        $leaver = LoadUser($selected_user);
        $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "users SET ally_id = 0 WHERE player_id = {$selected_user}";
        // Разослать сообщения членам альянса об исключении игрока
        $result = EnumerateAlly($ally['ally_id']);
        $rows = dbrows($result);
        while ($rows--) {
            $user = dbarray($result);
            SendMessage($user['player_id'], va("Альянс [#1]", $ally['tag']), "Общее сообщение", va("Игрок #1 исключён из альянса.", $leaver['oname']), 0);
        // Сообщение игроку об исключении.
        SendMessage($leaver['player_id'], va("Альянс [#1]", $ally['tag']), va("Членство в альянсе [#1] окончено", $ally['tag']), va("Игрок #1 исключает Вас из альянса [#2] .<br>Теперь Вы можете зарегистрироваться снова", $GlobalUser['oname'], $ally['tag']), 0);
    if (method() === "POST" && $_GET['a'] == 16 && $selected_user) {
        $newrank = intval($_POST['newrang']);
        $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "users SET allyrank = {$newrank} WHERE player_id = {$selected_user}";
    $now = time();
    $members = CountAllyMembers($ally['ally_id']);
    $sort1 = intval($_GET['sort1']);
    $sort2 = intval($_GET['sort2']) ^ 1;
<script src="js/cntchar.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="js/win.js" type="text/javascript"></script><br>
<a href="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
&a=5">Назад к обзору</a>
<table width=519>
<tr><td class='c' colspan='10'>Список членов (кол-во: <?php 
    echo $members;
    <th><a href="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
    echo $sort2;
    <th> </th>
    <th><a href="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
    echo $sort2;
    <th><a href="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
    echo $sort2;
    <th><a href="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
    echo $sort2;
    <th><a href="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
    echo $sort2;
    <th><a href="index.php?page=allianzen&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
    echo $sort2;

    $result = EnumerateAlly($ally['ally_id'], intval($_GET['sort1']), intval($_GET['sort2']));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $members; $i++) {
        $user = dbarray($result);
        $rank = LoadRank($user['ally_id'], $user['allyrank']);
        $hplanet = GetPlanet($user['hplanetid']);
        $days = floor(($now - $user['lastclick']) / (60 * 60 * 24));
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<th>" . ($i + 1) . "</th>";
        echo "<th>" . $user['oname'] . "</th>";
        if ($GlobalUser['player_id'] != $user['player_id']) {
            echo "<th><a href=\"index.php?page=writemessages&session={$session}&messageziel=" . $user['player_id'] . "\"><img src=\"" . UserSkin() . "img/m.gif\" border=0 alt=\"Написать сообщение\"></a></th>";
        } else {
            echo "<th></th>";
        echo "<th>" . $rank['name'] . "</th>";
        echo "<th>" . nicenum($user['score1'] / 1000) . "</th>";
        echo "<th><a href=\"index.php?page=galaxy&galaxy=" . $hplanet['g'] . "&system=" . $hplanet['s'] . "&position=" . $hplanet['p'] . "&session={$session}\" >[" . $hplanet['g'] . ":" . $hplanet['s'] . ":" . $hplanet['p'] . "]</a></th>";
        echo "<th>" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $user['joindate']) . "</th>";
        echo "<th>" . $days . "d</th>";
        if ($user['allyrank'] > 0) {
            echo "<th>";
            echo "<a onmouseover='return overlib(\"<font color=white>Выгнать игрока</font>\", WIDTH, 100);' onmouseout='return nd();' alt='Выгнать игрока' href='javascript:if(confirm(\"Вы уверены, что игрок " . $user['oname'] . " должен покинуть альянс?\"))document.location=\"index.php?page=allianzen&session={$session}&a=13&u=" . $user['player_id'] . "\"';>";
            echo "<img src='" . UserSkin() . "pic/abort.gif' alt='Выгнать игрока' border='0' ></a>";
            echo "<a onmouseover=\"return overlib('<font color=white>Назначить ранг</font>', WIDTH, 100);\" onmouseout='return nd();' alt='Назначить ранг' href=\"index.php?page=allianzen&session={$session}&a=7&u=" . $user['player_id'] . "\">";
            echo "<img src=\"" . UserSkin() . "pic/key.gif\" alt='Назначить ранг' border=0></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            echo "</th>";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            if ($user['player_id'] == $selected_user) {
                $rank_result = EnumRanks($ally['ally_id']);
                $rows = dbrows($rank_result);
                echo "<form action=\"index.php?page=allianzen&session={$session}&a=16&u={$selected_user}\" method=POST><tr><th colspan=3>Ранг для " . $user['oname'] . ":</th><th><select name=\"newrang\">";
                while ($rows--) {
                    $user_rank = dbarray($rank_result);
                    if ($user_rank['rank_id'] == 0) {
                    echo "<option value=\"" . $user_rank['rank_id'] . "\"";
                    if ($user_rank['rank_id'] == $user['allyrank']) {
                        echo " SELECTED";
                    echo ">" . $user_rank['name'] . "\n";
                echo "</th><th colspan=5><input type=submit value=\"Сохранить\"></th></tr></form>\n";
        } else {
            echo "<th>&nbsp;</th></tr>\n";

Пример #15
        throw new Exception($result->getErrorMessage());
//get params
if (ReturnGetPost('recieverid') && preg_match('/' . REGEXP_THREEMAID_ANY . '/', ReturnGetPost('recieverid'))) {
    $threemaId = htmlentities(ReturnGetPost('recieverid'));
    $message = ReturnGetPost('message');
//create connection
$connector = CreateConnection();
//Send message
if ($threemaId !== null && $message !== null) {
    if (!$isIncluded) {
        header('Content-Type: text/plain');
    $actionDone = true;
    try {
        $messageId = SendMessage($connector, $threemaId, $message);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
//Show direct output if the file is called directly
if (!$isIncluded) {
    if ($errorMessage === null) {
        echo 'Message ID: ' . $messageId;
    } else {
        echo $errorMessage;
Пример #16

require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/data-layer/dbCommunication.php";
if (isset($_POST['update_chat'])) {
if (isset($_POST['update_leaderboard'])) {
if (isset($_POST['get_games'])) {
if (isset($_POST['send_message'])) {
    $Message = $_POST["message"];
if (isset($_POST['update_game'])) {
if (isset($_POST['create_game'])) {
    $GameName = $_POST["game_name"];
    $Username = $_SESSION["Username"];
    $output = CreateGame($GameName, $Username);
if (isset($_POST['game_hit'])) {
    $Username = $_SESSION["Username"];
    $GameID = $_SESSION["GameID"];
    if (IsUserTurn($Username, $GameID)) {
Пример #17
function ExpeditionHold($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target)
    global $loca_lang;
    global $GlobalUni;
    $exptab = LoadExpeditionSettings();
    $hold_time = $fleet_obj['flight_time'] / 3600;
    loca_add("common", $GlobalUni['lang']);
    loca_add("technames", $GlobalUni['lang']);
    loca_add("expedition", $GlobalUni['lang']);
    // Событие экспедиции.
    $chance = mt_rand(0, 99);
    if ($chance < $exptab['chance_success'] + $hold_time) {
        $expcount = $target['m'];
        // счётчик посещений
        if ($expcount <= $exptab['depleted_min']) {
            $chance_depleted = 0;
        } else {
            if ($expcount <= $exptab['depleted_med']) {
                $chance_depleted = $exptab['chance_depleted_min'];
            } else {
                if ($expcount <= $exptab['depleted_max']) {
                    $chance_depleted = $exptab['chance_depleted_med'];
                } else {
                    $chance_depleted = $exptab['chance_depleted_max'];
        $chance = mt_rand(0, 99);
        if ($chance >= $chance_depleted) {
            if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_alien']) {
                $text = Exp_BattleAliens($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
            } else {
                if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_pirates']) {
                    $text = Exp_BattlePirates($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
                } else {
                    if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_dm']) {
                        $text = Exp_DarkMatterFound($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
                    } else {
                        if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_lost']) {
                            $text = Exp_NothingHappens($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
                        } else {
                            if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_delay']) {
                                $text = Exp_DelayFleet($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
                            } else {
                                if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_accel']) {
                                    $text = Exp_AccelFleet($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
                                } else {
                                    if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_res']) {
                                        $text = Exp_ResourcesFound($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($chance >= $exptab['chance_fleet']) {
                                            $text = Exp_FleetFound($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
                                        } else {
                                            $text = Exp_TraderFound($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
        } else {
            $text = Exp_NothingHappens($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
    } else {
        $text = Exp_NothingHappens($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
    // DEBUG
    //$text = Exp_FleetFound ($queue, $fleet_obj, $fleet, $origin, $target);
    // Обновляем счётчик посещений экспедиции на планете.
    AdjustResources(1, 0, 0, $target['planet_id'], '+');
    // Бортовой журнал, дополнение связиста
    if ($fleet[210] > 0) {
        $text .= "\n<br/>\n<br/>\n" . Logbook($expcount, $exptab);
    SendMessage($fleet_obj['owner_id'], "Командование флотом", "Результат экспедиции [" . $target['g'] . ":" . $target['s'] . ":" . $target['p'] . "]", $text, 3, $queue['end']);
Пример #18
function bawkBotExecuteCommand($server, $messageNick, $messageType, $messageChan, $messageCont, $messageMask = "", $choke = false)
    global $plugins, $aliaser, $messageQueue, $mysql_statistics, $mysql_statistics;
    $isCommand = substr($messageCont, 0, 1) == COMMANDSYMBOL;
    $preAliaser = $messageCont;
    if ($isCommand) {
        do {
            $pipeCount = substr_count($messageCont, "|");
            $messageCommands = parse_delimiters($messageCont, "|");
            foreach ($messageCommands as &$tmpMsg) {
                $tmp = parse_delimiters(substr($tmpMsg, 1), " ");
                $tmpMsg = COMMANDSYMBOL . implode(" ", $aliaser->performAlias($tmp));
            $messageCont = implode(" | ", $messageCommands);
        } while ($pipeCount != substr_count($messageCont, "|"));
        $messageCommands = parse_delimiters($messageCont, "|");
    } else {
        $messageCommands = array($messageCont);
    $pipeCommandCounter = 1;
    $stdin = array();
    //The output of a message if it is piped. If it returns multiple lines, they are concatenated
    //together with a space in between.
    if ($isCommand) {
        if ($mysql_statistics) {
            $queryString = sprintf("INSERT INTO `commands` (`time`,`server`,`nick`,`hostmask`,`type`,`channel`,`prealiser`,`message`,`choked`) VALUES ('%d','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%d')", time(), addslashes($server['host']), addslashes($messageNick), addslashes($messageMask), addslashes($messageType), addslashes($messageChan), addslashes($preAliaser), addslashes($messageCont), addslashes($choke));
            mysql_query($queryString, $mysql_statistics);
        $stdinCnt = 1;
        foreach ($messageCommands as $message) {
            $counter = 1;
            foreach ($stdin as $stdinval) {
                $message = str_replace_outside_quotes("[in-" . $counter . "]", '"' . trim($stdin[$counter]) . '"', $message);
            if (isset($stdin[$stdinCnt - 1])) {
                $message = str_replace_outside_quotes("[in]", '"' . trim($stdin[$stdinCnt - 1]) . '"', $message);
            $stdin[$stdinCnt] = "";
            $command = parse_delimiters(substr($message, 1, strlen($message)), ' ');
            $message = COMMANDSYMBOL . implode($command, " ");
            /*End aliasing. Output is the final (valid) command.*/
            /*Plugin messenger / pipe output manager*/
            foreach ($plugins as $key => $plugin) {
                if (in_array(trim($messageType . "." . strtolower(trim($command[0]))), $plugin['object']->getHooks())) {
                    //Get the permission level for the plugin, and the user.
                    if ($server["USERDATA"]->existsUserData("BawkBotPermissions", $messageChan, $messageNick, "PermissionLevel") && $server["USERDATA"]->existsUserData("BawkBotPermissions", $messageChan, $messageNick, "isAuthenticated")) {
                        $userPermissionsData = $server["USERDATA"]->getUserData("BawkBotPermissions", $messageChan, $messageNick);
                        $userPermissionsLevel = $userPermissionsData['isAuthenticated'] ? $userPermissionsData["PermissionLevel"] : 0;
                    } else {
                        $userPermissionsLevel = 0;
                        $server["USERDATA"]->addUserData("BawkBotPermissions", $messageChan, $messageNick, array("PermissionLevel" => 0, "isAuthenticated" => 0));
                    $pluginPermissionsLevel = $plugin['object']->getUserPermissions($server, $messageChan, $messageNick, $message);
                    //Make sure we have enough permissions, make sure the permissions on the plugin is set, and make sure we're not ignored.
                    if ((int) $userPermissionsLevel >= (int) $pluginPermissionsLevel && (int) $pluginPermissionsLevel <= 9000 && (int) $userPermissionsLevel >= 0) {
                        $finalMsg = $message;
                        if (substr(trim($message), -1, 1) == "&") {
                            $finalMsg = substr($finalMsg, 0, strlen($finalMsg) - 1);
                        //Push the data to the plugin, signal for it to process, and receive output.
                        $plugin['object']->pushMessage($server, $messageChan, $messageNick, $finalMsg, $messageType, $messageMask);
                        $output = $plugin['object']->receiveOutput();
                        foreach ($output as $msgKey => $toPrint) {
                            //If we have an ampersand at the end of our command, make sure we output the message no matter what.
                            if (substr(trim($message), -1, 1) == "&") {
                                $stdin[$stdinCnt] .= trim($toPrint->getMessage()) . " " . chr(3);
                            if ($pipeCommandCounter >= count($messageCommands) || substr(trim($message), -1, 1) == "&") {
                                //Print outputs of the plugin
                                if (trim($toPrint->getMessage()) != "") {
                                    $outMessages = str_split($toPrint->getMessage(), 400);
                                    foreach ($outMessages as $outMessage) {
                                        SendMessage($toPrint->getServer(), $toPrint->getChannel(), $outMessage);
                            } else {
                                //Prepare it for the next pipe down the line...
                                /*chr(3) is used because it is neutral to the client (invisible), 
                                  doesn't break IRC, and is splitable.*/
                                $stdin[$stdinCnt] .= $toPrint->getMessage() . " " . chr(3);
                    } else {
                        if ($userPermissionsLevel >= 0) {
                            //Silence ignored people.
                            SendCommand($server, "PRIVMSG NickServ STATUS " . $messageNick . "\r\n");
                            SendMessage($server, $messageChan, "Permission Denied. To do this, you need level: " . $pluginPermissionsLevel . " for `" . strtolower(trim($command[0])) . "`, you have: " . $userPermissionsLevel);
        //foreach (piping loop)
    //This sends off the chat to plugins that request it. Note that a chr(4) is appended to the beginning of the message.
    if (!$choke) {
        foreach ($plugins as $key => $plugin) {
            if (in_array("BawkBot.logMsg", $plugin['object']->getHooks())) {
                $plugin['object']->pushMessage($server, $messageChan, $messageNick, chr(4) . $messageCont, $messageType, $messageMask);
                $output = $plugin['object']->receiveOutput();
                foreach ($output as $idk => $toPrint) {
                    //Print outputs of the plugin
                    if (trim($toPrint->getMessage()) != "") {
                        $outMessages = str_split($toPrint->getMessage(), 400);
                        foreach ($outMessages as $outMessage) {
                            SendMessage($toPrint->getServer(), $toPrint->getChannel(), $outMessage);
    //Sends chat responses that bawkbot sends out.
    foreach ($plugins as $key => $plugin) {
        if (in_array("BawkBot.Messages", $plugin['object']->getHooks()) || in_array("BawkBot.logMsg", $plugin['object']->getHooks())) {
            foreach ($messageQueue as $outMessage) {
                $plugin['object']->pushMessage($server, $messageChan, "BawkBot", chr(4) . $outMessage, $messageType, $messageMask);
    $messageQueue = array();
Пример #19
require_once "../include/config.inc.php";
switch ($_POST['FUNC']) {
        require_once "../third_api/ofpay/ofpayV3.class.php";
    case 'GAME_RECHARGE':
        require_once "../third_api/ofpay/ofpayV2.class.php";
    case 'SEND_SMS':
        require_once "../third_api/sendsms.php";
 * 接口开始接收POST数据
function __BeginRecivePostData()
    header("Connection: close\r\n");
    // 这里的冒号前面不能有空格
    header("Content-Encoding: none\r\n");
Пример #20
    $subject = "Quota P-" . $project_id . " V-" . $vp_id;
    $body = "Quota for Project " . $project_id . " , Panel " . $vp_id . " has been fulfilled";
    SendMessage($subject, $body, $project_id, $sales_user_id, $manager_user_id);
//Step 6. Checking for Client Codes
if (strpos($client_link, "{{CLIENTKEY}}", 0) > 0) {
    //$query2 = 'SELECT Code FROM clientcode WHERE status IS NULL AND ClientRedirectID = ' . $ClientRedirectID . ' ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT 1 ';
    $query2 = 'SELECT Code FROM ' . $tbl_cli_cd . ' WHERE status IS NULL AND project_id = ' . $project_id . ' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1 ';
    $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error() . $query2);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result2) <= 0) {
        echo '<h1 class="wrn">The study is temporarily on hold, Please try again later.</h1>';
        $subject = "Client code over flow Project-" . $project_id;
        $body = "Client code out of stock for Project " . $project_id . " and no new panellist will be allowed to these survey.";
        //SendMessage($subject, $body, $ClientRedirectID, $SalesPersonID, $ManagerID);
        //UpdateErrors($ClientRedirectID, $vp_id);
        SendMessage($subject, $body, $project_id, $sales_user_id, $manager_user_id);
        UpdateErrors($project_id, $vp_id);
    } else {
        $client_link = str_replace("{{CLIENTKEY}}", $Code, $client_link);
        //ClientID	VendorID Referrer
        //            $query = 'INSERT INTO panelistredirects
        //			( ClientRedirectID, VendorRedirectID, ForeignID,  ForeignMISC,Status, Created, StartIP, clientcode, ClientID, VendorID, referrer, DataOnRedirect)
        //			VALUES
        //			(' . $ClientRedirectID . ', ' . $vp_id . ', "' . $proj_id . '", "' . $ext . '",  "Redirected" , NOW() ,"' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '","' . $Code . '", ' . $ClientID . ', ' . $VendorID . ', "' . $referrer . '" ,"' . $DataOnRedirect . '")';
        $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tbl_pnl_red . '
			( project_id, vendor_project_id, panellist_id, foreign_misc, redirect_status_id, created_datetime, StartIP, client_code, client_id, vendor_id, referrer, DataOnRedirect)
			(' . $project_id . ', ' . $vp_id . ', "' . $panellist_id . '", "' . $ext . '",  ' . STATUS_REDIRECT_REDIRECTED . '  , NOW() ,"' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '","' . $Code . '", ' . $client_id . ', ' . $vendor_id . ', "' . $referrer . '" ,"' . $DataOnRedirect . '")';
Пример #21
* Send a validation email
* @param mixed $info
function EmailValidation($info)
    $email = $info['email'];
    $id = $info['id'];
    $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_SSL'] == 'On' ? 'https' : 'http';
    $url = "{$protocol}://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?validate={$id}";
    $content = "Thank you for requesting a WebPagetest API key.  In order to assign a key we need to validate your email address.\n\nTo complete the validation and retrieve your API key please go to {$url}";
    SendMessage($email, 'WebPagetest API Key Request', $content);
    echo 'A validation email was sent to ' . htmlspecialchars($email) . '.<br><br>Once the email arrives, follow the instructions in it to activate your API key.';
Пример #22
function Admin_BattleSim()
    global $session;
    global $db_prefix;
    global $GlobalUser;
    $fleetmap = array(202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215);
    $defmap = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408);
    $unitab = LoadUniverse();
    $rf = $unitab['rapid'];
    $fid = $unitab['fid'];
    $did = $unitab['did'];
    $debug = false;
    $maxslot = $unitab['acs'] * $unitab['acs'];
    $BattleReport = "";
    $aloss = $dloss = 0;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Обработка POST-запроса.
    if (method() === "POST" && $GlobalUser['admin'] >= 2) {
        //print_r ( $_POST );
        //echo "<hr>";
        // Сформировать список атакующих и обороняющихся
        $a = array();
        $d = array();
        $anum = intval($_POST['anum']);
        $dnum = intval($_POST['dnum']);
        // Атакующие
        for ($i = 0; $i < $anum; $i++) {
            if ($_POST["a" . $i . "_weap"] === "") {
                $_POST["a" . $i . "_weap"] = 0;
            if ($_POST["a" . $i . "_shld"] === "") {
                $_POST["a" . $i . "_shld"] = 0;
            if ($_POST["a" . $i . "_armor"] === "") {
                $_POST["a" . $i . "_armor"] = 0;
            $a[$i]['r109'] = intval($_POST["a" . $i . "_weap"]);
            $a[$i]['r110'] = intval($_POST["a" . $i . "_shld"]);
            $a[$i]['r111'] = intval($_POST["a" . $i . "_armor"]);
            $a[$i]['oname'] = "Attacker{$i}";
            $a[$i]['g'] = mt_rand(1, 9);
            $a[$i]['s'] = mt_rand(1, 499);
            $a[$i]['p'] = mt_rand(1, 15);
            $a[$i]['fleet'] = array();
            foreach ($fleetmap as $n => $gid) {
                if ($_POST["a" . $i . "_{$gid}"] === "") {
                    $_POST["a" . $i . "_{$gid}"] = 0;
                $a[$i]['fleet'][$gid] = intval($_POST["a" . $i . "_{$gid}"]);
        // Обороняющиеся
        for ($i = 0; $i < $dnum; $i++) {
            if ($_POST["d" . $i . "_weap"] === "") {
                $_POST["d" . $i . "_weap"] = 0;
            if ($_POST["d" . $i . "_shld"] === "") {
                $_POST["d" . $i . "_shld"] = 0;
            if ($_POST["d" . $i . "_armor"] === "") {
                $_POST["d" . $i . "_armor"] = 0;
            $d[$i]['r109'] = intval($_POST["d" . $i . "_weap"]);
            $d[$i]['r110'] = intval($_POST["d" . $i . "_shld"]);
            $d[$i]['r111'] = intval($_POST["d" . $i . "_armor"]);
            $d[$i]['oname'] = "Defender{$i}";
            $d[$i]['g'] = mt_rand(1, 9);
            $d[$i]['s'] = mt_rand(1, 499);
            $d[$i]['p'] = mt_rand(1, 15);
            $d[$i]['fleet'] = array();
            foreach ($fleetmap as $n => $gid) {
                if ($_POST["d" . $i . "_{$gid}"] === "") {
                    $_POST["d" . $i . "_{$gid}"] = 0;
                $d[$i]['fleet'][$gid] = intval($_POST["d" . $i . "_{$gid}"]);
            $d[$i]['defense'] = array();
            foreach ($defmap as $n => $gid) {
                if ($_POST["d" . $i . "_{$gid}"] === "") {
                    $_POST["d" . $i . "_{$gid}"] = 0;
                $d[$i]['defense'][$gid] = intval($_POST["d" . $i . "_{$gid}"]);
        // Симулировать битву
        $battle_result = 0;
        if ($_POST['debug'] === "on") {
            $debug = true;
        } else {
            $debug = false;
        if ($_POST['rapid'] === "on") {
            $rf = true;
        } else {
            $rf = 0;
        if ($_POST['fid'] === "") {
            $fid = 0;
        } else {
            $fid = intval($_POST['fid']);
        if ($_POST['did'] === "") {
            $did = 0;
        } else {
            $did = intval($_POST['did']);
        $BattleReport = SimBattle($a, $d, $rf, $fid, $did, $debug, &$battle_result, &$aloss, &$dloss);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Таблица ввода параметров симуляции.
    function getval($name)
        if ($_POST[$name] != "") {
            return "value=\"" . $_POST[$name] . "\" ";
    function getval2($arr, $id)
        if ($_POST[$arr][$id] != 0) {
            return "value=\"" . $_POST[$arr][$id] . "\" ";
        } else {
            return "";

<script language="JavaScript">

var maxslot = <?php 
    echo $maxslot;

function toint (num)
    if ( typeof (num) == "undefined" ) num = 0;
    return parseInt (num);

// Пересчитать количество атакующих и обороняющихся.
function RecalcAttackersDefendersNum ()
    var anum = dnum = 1;
    var fleet = [ 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215 ];
    var defense = [ 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408 ];

    for ( n=0; n<maxslot; n++ )        // Атакующие
        sum = 0;
        for (var i in fleet) {
            value = toint (document.getElementById ( "a"+n+"_" + fleet[i] ).value);
            if ( value ) sum += value;
        if ( sum > 0 ) anum = n + 1;

    for ( n=0; n<maxslot; n++ )        // Обороняющиеся
        sum = 0;
        for (var i in fleet) {
            value = toint (document.getElementById ( "d"+n+"_" + fleet[i] ).value);
            if ( value ) sum += value;
        for (var i in defense) {
            value = toint (document.getElementById ( "d"+n+"_" + defense[i] ).value);
            if ( value ) sum += value;
        if ( sum > 0 ) dnum = n + 1;

    document.getElementById ( "anum" ).value = anum;
    document.getElementById ( "dnum" ).value = dnum;
    //alert ( "Атакующих : " + anum + ", Обороняющихся : " + dnum );

// При смене слота - занести данные из массива слотов в ячейки ввода
function OnChangeSlot (attacker)
    var fleet = [ 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215 ];
    var defense = [ 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408 ];

    if (attacker) {
        slot = document.simForm.aslot.value - 1;
        for (var i in fleet) {
            value = toint (document.getElementById ( "a"+slot+"_" + fleet[i] ).value);
            if (value) document.getElementById ( "a_" + fleet[i] ).value = value;
            else document.getElementById ( "a_" + fleet[i] ).value = "";
    else {
        slot = document.simForm.dslot.value - 1;
        for (var i in fleet) {
            value = toint (document.getElementById ( "d"+slot+"_" + fleet[i] ).value);
            if ( value ) document.getElementById ( "d_" + fleet[i] ).value = value;
            else document.getElementById ( "d_" + fleet[i] ).value = "";
        for (var i in defense) {
            value = toint (document.getElementById ( "d"+slot+"_" + defense[i] ).value);
            if (value) document.getElementById ( "d_" + defense[i] ).value = value;
            else document.getElementById ( "d_" + defense[i] ).value = "";

// При изменении ячейки - внести данные из неё в массив слотов
function OnChangeValue (attacker, id)
    if (attacker) {
        slot = document.simForm.aslot.value - 1;
        document.getElementById ( "a"+slot+"_" + id ).value = document.getElementById ( "a_" + id ).value;
    else {
        slot = document.simForm.dslot.value - 1;
        document.getElementById ( "d"+slot+"_" + id ).value = document.getElementById ( "d_" + id ).value;

    RecalcAttackersDefendersNum ();

RecalcAttackersDefendersNum ();


    echo AdminPanel();

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<form name="simForm" action="index.php?page=admin&session=<?php 
    echo $session;
&mode=BattleSim" method="POST" >

    for ($n = 0; $n < $maxslot; $n++) {
        foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) {
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"a" . $n . "_{$gid}\" name=\"a" . $n . "_{$gid}\" value=\"0\"> \n";
        foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) {
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"d" . $n . "_{$gid}\" name=\"d" . $n . "_{$gid}\" value=\"0\"> \n";
        foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) {
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"d" . $n . "_{$gid}\" name=\"d" . $n . "_{$gid}\" value=\"0\"> \n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"a" . $n . "_weap\" name=\"a" . $n . "_weap\" size=2 > <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"a" . $n . "_shld\" name=\"a" . $n . "_shld\" size=2 > <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"a" . $n . "_armor\" name=\"a" . $n . "_armor\" size=2 > \n";
        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"d" . $n . "_weap\" name=\"d" . $n . "_weap\" size=2 > <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"d" . $n . "_shld\" name=\"d" . $n . "_shld\" size=2 > <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"d" . $n . "_armor\" name=\"d" . $n . "_armor\" size=2 > \n";

<input type="hidden" id="anum" name="anum" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" id="anum" name="dnum" value="1" />

<tr>        <td class=c>Атакующий</td>                <td class=c>Оборояющийся</td>  </tr>

<td> Вооружение: <input id="a_weap" size=2 > Щиты: <input id="a_shld" size=2 > Броня: <input id="a_armor" size=2 ></td>   
<td> Вооружение: <input id="d_weap" size=2 > Щиты: <input id="d_shld" size=2 > Броня: <input id="d_armor" size=2 ></td>   

        <tr> <th valign=top>
    echo "<tr><td class=c><b>Флот</b></td> ";
    if ($maxslot > 0) {
        echo "<td>Слот: <select name=\"aslot\" onchange=\"OnChangeSlot(1);\">\n";
        for ($n = 1; $n <= $maxslot; $n++) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$n}\">{$n}</option>\n";
        echo "</select> </td> ";
    echo " </tr>\n";
    foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) {
           <tr><td> <?php 
        echo loca("NAME_{$gid}");
 </td> <td> <input id="a_<?php 
        echo $gid;
" size=5  onKeyUp="OnChangeValue(1, <?php 
        echo $gid;
);"> </td> </tr>

<tr><td colspan=2> 
<tr><td class=c colspan=2>Настройки</td></tr>
<tr><td>Отладочная информация</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="debug" <? if($debug) echo "checked"; ?> ></td></tr>
<tr><td>Скорострел</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="rapid" <? if($rf) echo "checked"; ?> ></td></tr>
<tr><td>Флот в обломки</td><td><input name="fid" size=3 value="<?php 
    echo $fid;
"> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Оборона в обломки</td><td><input name="did" size=3 value="<?php 
    echo $did;


        <th valign=top>
    echo "<tr><td class=c><b>Флот</b></td>";
    if ($maxslot > 0) {
        echo "<td>Слот: <select name=\"dslot\" onchange=\"OnChangeSlot(0);\">\n";
        for ($n = 1; $n <= $maxslot; $n++) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$n}\">{$n}</option>\n";
        echo "</select> </td> ";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    foreach ($fleetmap as $i => $gid) {
           <tr><td> <?php 
        echo loca("NAME_{$gid}");
 </td> <td> <input id="d_<?php 
        echo $gid;
" size=5 onKeyUp="OnChangeValue(0, <?php 
        echo $gid;
);"> </td> </tr>
    echo "<tr><td class=c><b>Оборона</b></td></tr>\n";
    foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) {
           <tr><td> <?php 
        echo loca("NAME_{$gid}");
 </td> <td> <input id="d_<?php 
        echo $gid;
" size=5 onKeyUp="OnChangeValue(0, <?php 
        echo $gid;
);"> </td> </tr>

<tr><td colspan=2><center><input type="submit" value="Начать бой"></center></td></tr>

    if ($BattleReport !== "") {
        $a_result = array(0 => "combatreport_ididattack_iwon", 1 => "combatreport_ididattack_ilost", 2 => "combatreport_ididattack_draw");
        $bericht = SendMessage($GlobalUser['player_id'], "Командование флотом", "Боевой доклад", $BattleReport, 6);
        MarkMessage($GlobalUser['player_id'], $bericht);
        $subj = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"fenster('index.php?page=bericht&session={$session}&bericht={$bericht}', 'Bericht_Kampf');\" ><span class=\"" . $a_result[$battle_result] . "\">Боевой доклад [" . $d[0]['g'] . ":" . $d[0]['s'] . ":" . $d[0]['p'] . "] (V:" . nicenum($dloss) . ",A:" . nicenum($aloss) . ")</span></a>";
        echo "{$subj}<br>";

function test_notif()
    build_progress(15, "Send a test message...");
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $UfdbguardSMTPNotifs = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("UfdbguardSMTPNotifs")));
    $GLOBALS["PROGRESS"] = true;
    SendMessage("This is a test message ", "This is the body message", $UfdbguardSMTPNotifs);
Пример #24
function RocketAttack($fleet_id, $planet_id)
    global $UnitParam;
    $fleet = LoadFleet($fleet_id);
    $amount = $fleet['ipm_amount'];
    $primary = $fleet['ipm_target'];
    $origin = GetPlanet($fleet['start_planet']);
    $target = GetPlanet($planet_id);
    $origin_user = LoadUser($origin['owner_id']);
    $target_user = LoadUser($target['owner_id']);
    // Отбить атаку МПР перехватчиками
    $ipm = $amount;
    $abm = $target['d502'];
    $ipm = max(0, $ipm - $abm);
    $ipm_destroyed = $amount - $ipm;
    $target['d502'] -= $ipm_destroyed;
    $maxdamage = $ipm * 12000 * (1 + $origin_user['r109'] / 10);
    // Произвести атаку первичной цели
    if ($primary > 0 && $ipm > 0) {
        $armor = $UnitParam[$primary][0] * (1 + 0.1 * $target_user['r111']) / 10;
        $count = $target["d{$primary}"];
        $destroyed = min(floor($maxdamage / $armor), $count);
        $target["d{$primary}"] -= $destroyed;
        $maxdamage -= $destroyed * $armor;
        $maxdamage -= $destroyed;
    // Расчитать потери обороны, если еще остались МПР
    if ($maxdamage > 0) {
        $defmap = array(401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 502, 503);
        foreach ($defmap as $i => $id) {
            if ($id == $primary) {
            $armor = $UnitParam[$id][0] * (1 + 0.1 * $target_user['r111']) / 10;
            $count = $target["d{$id}"];
            if ($count == 0) {
            $destroyed = min(floor($maxdamage / $armor), $count);
            $target["d{$id}"] -= $destroyed;
            $maxdamage -= $destroyed * $armor;
            $maxdamage -= $destroyed;
            if ($maxdamage <= 0) {
    // Записать назад потери обороны.
    SetPlanetDefense($planet_id, $target);
    // Изменить статистику игроков
    $text = "{$amount} ракетам из общего числа выпущенных ракет с планеты " . $origin['name'] . " <a href=# onclick=showGalaxy(" . $origin['g'] . "," . $origin['s'] . "," . $origin['p'] . "); >[" . $origin['g'] . ":" . $origin['s'] . ":" . $origin['p'] . "]</a>  ";
    $text .= "удалось попасть на Вашу планету " . $target['name'] . " <a href=# onclick=showGalaxy(" . $target['g'] . "," . $target['s'] . "," . $target['p'] . "); >[" . $target['g'] . ":" . $target['s'] . ":" . $target['p'] . "]</a> !<br>";
    if ($ipm_destroyed) {
        $text .= "{$ipm_destroyed} ракет(-ы) было уничтожено Вашими ракетами-перехватчиками<br>:<br>";
    $defmap = array(503, 502, 408, 407, 406, 405, 404, 403, 402, 401);
    $text .= "<table width=400><tr><td class=c colspan=4>Поражённая оборона</td></tr>";
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($defmap as $i => $gid) {
        if ($n % 2 == 0) {
            $text .= "</tr>";
        if ($target["d{$gid}"]) {
            $text .= "<td>" . loca("NAME_{$gid}") . "</td><td>" . nicenum($target["d{$gid}"]) . "</td>";
    $text .= "</table><br>\n";
    // Обновить активность на планете.
    $queue = GetFleetQueue($fleet_id);
    UpdatePlanetActivity($planet_id, $queue['end']);
    SendMessage($target_user['player_id'], "Командование флотом", "Ракетная атака", $text, 2);
Пример #25
function AddUnionMember($union_id, $name)
    global $db_prefix;
    global $GlobalUser;
    $union = LoadUnion($union_id);
    // Пустое имя, ничего не делаем.
    if ($name === "") {
        return "";
    // Достигнуто максимальное количество пользователей
    if ($union['players'] >= 5) {
        return "Участвовать могут максимум 5 игроков!";
    // Найти пользователя
    $name = mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8');
    $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $db_prefix . "users WHERE name = '" . $name . "' LIMIT 1";
    $result = dbquery($query);
    if (dbrows($result) == 0) {
        return "Пользователь не найден";
    $user = dbarray($result);
    // Проверить есть ли уже такой пользователь в САБе.
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $union['players']; $i++) {
        if ($union["player"][$i] == $user['player_id']) {
            return "Такой пользователь уже добавлен в союз";
        // есть.
    // Проверить является ли пользователем другом или соалом.
    if (!IsBuddy($GlobalUser['player_id'], $user['player_id'])) {
        if ($user['ally_id']) {
            if ($user['ally_id'] != $GlobalUser['ally_id']) {
                return "Пользователь должен быть в списке друзей или одном альянсе";
        } else {
            return "Пользователь должен быть в списке друзей или одном альянсе";
    // Добавить пользователя в САБ и послать ему сообщение о приглашении.
    $union['player'][$union['players']] = $user['player_id'];
    $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "union SET players = '" . implode(",", $union['player']) . "' WHERE union_id = {$union_id}";
    $target_player = LoadUser($union['target_player']);
    $head_fleet = LoadFleet($union['fleet_id']);
    $target_planet = GetPlanet($head_fleet['target_planet']);
    $queue = GetFleetQueue($union['fleet_id']);
    $text = va("#1 приглашает Вас на миссию #2 против игрока #3 на планете <a href=\"#\" onClick=showGalaxy(#4,#5,#6)><b><u>[#7:#8:#9]</u></b></a>. ", $GlobalUser['oname'], $union['name'], $target_player['oname'], $target_planet['g'], $target_planet['s'], $target_planet['p'], $target_planet['g'], $target_planet['s'], $target_planet['p']) . va("Прибытие флота назначено на #1. ВНИМАНИЕ: время прибытия может измениться из-за скорости других задействованных флотов!", date("D M Y H:i:s", $queue['end']));
    SendMessage($user['player_id'], $GlobalUser['oname'], "Приглашение к совместной атаке", $text, 5);
    return "";
Пример #26
function PropagateBuildQueue($planet_id, $from)
    global $db_prefix, $GlobalUni;
    $speed = $GlobalUni['speed'];
    $planet = GetPlanet($planet_id);
    $user = LoadUser($planet['owner_id']);
    $result = GetBuildQueue($planet_id);
    $cnt = dbrows($result);
    if ($cnt > 0) {
        while ($row = dbarray($result)) {
            $id = $row['tech_id'];
            $lvl = $row['level'];
            $destroy = $row['destroy'];
            $text = CanBuild($user, $planet, $id, $lvl, $destroy);
            if ($text === '') {
                // Списать ресурсы
                $res = BuildPrice($id, $lvl);
                $m = $res['m'];
                $k = $res['k'];
                $d = $res['d'];
                $e = $res['e'];
                AdjustResources($m, $k, $d, $planet_id, '-');
                if ($destroy) {
                    $BuildEvent = "Demolish";
                } else {
                    $BuildEvent = "Build";
                $duration = floor(BuildDuration($id, $lvl, $planet['b14'], $planet['b15'], $speed));
                AddQueue($user['player_id'], $BuildEvent, $row['id'], $id, $lvl, $from, $duration, 20);
                // Обновить время запуска и окончания постройки
                $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "buildqueue SET start = {$from}, end = " . ($from + $duration) . " WHERE id = " . $row['id'];
            } else {
                if ($destroy) {
                    $pre = 'Заказ на снос';
                } else {
                    $pre = 'Заказ на строительство';
                $pre = va("#1 для Вашей постройки #2 #3-го уровня на #4 выполнить не удалось.", $pre, loca("NAME_{$id}"), $lvl, $planet['name'] . " <a href=\"javascript:showGalaxy(" . $planet['g'] . "," . $planet['s'] . "," . $planet['p'] . ")\" >[" . $planet['g'] . ":" . $planet['s'] . ":" . $planet['p'] . "]</a>");
                SendMessage($user['player_id'], 'Системное сообщение', 'Производство отменено', $pre . "<br><br>" . $text, 5, $from);
                // удалить постройку, которую нельзя построить из очереди
                dbquery("DELETE FROM " . $db_prefix . "buildqueue WHERE id = " . $row['id']);
                // Корректировать уровень следующих построек.
                $query = "UPDATE " . $db_prefix . "buildqueue SET level = level - 1 WHERE tech_id = " . $row['tech_id'] . " AND planet_id = {$planet_id} AND list_id > " . $row['list_id'];
                // Перегружаем очередь из БД.
                $result = GetBuildQueue($planet_id);
    // cnt
Пример #27
function SendNewUserMail($email)
    $subject = "User Added - " . $email;
    $message = "Dear " . $email . "<br /><br />";
    $message .= "Congratulations! You are now a part of the Mentored-Research Family. You have been added to the M-R database. To get started with your account, please <a href='http://mentored-research.com/login/signup.php' target='_blank'>Sign Up Here.</a>" . "<br /><br />";
    $message .= "In case you face any issues, please put in a word to us at: guide@mentored-research.com <br /><br />";
    $message .= "Team Mentored-Research<br />";
    $message .= "info@mentored-research.com<br /><br />";
    $message .= "Please do not reply to this automated mail.<br /><br />";
    $res = SendMessage($email, $email, "*****@*****.**", "Mentored-Research", $subject, $message);
Пример #28
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    //get response
    $output = curl_exec($ch);
    //Print error if any
    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
        echo 'error:' . curl_error($ch);
    echo $output;
if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['phone']) && !empty($_REQUEST['phone'])) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['text']) && !empty($_REQUEST['text'])) {
            $mobile = $_REQUEST['phone'];
            $mess = $_REQUEST['text'];
            SendMessage($mobile, $mess);
        } else {
            echo "ERROR : Message not sent -- Text parameter is missing!\r\n";
    } else {
        echo "ERROR : Message not sent -- Phone parameter is missing!\r\n";

<form method="post" action="sendsms.php"> 
<table border="1"> 
Пример #29
$phone = $_GET["phone"];
$verifyCode = $_GET["verifycode"];

SendMessage($phone, "您的验证码是:" . $verifyCode . ",欢迎注册通付宝用户。如需帮助请联系客服。");
echo "验证码已发送,60秒内未收到请重新获取";

function SendMessage($phone, $message)
	$uid = "nicegan";
	$pwd = "chengan";
	$url = "http://www.106jiekou.com/webservice/sms.asmx/Submit";
	$param = "account=" . $uid . "&password="******"&mobile=" . $phone . "&content=" . rawurlencode($message);

	$ch = curl_init();
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $param);
	$returnValue = curl_exec($ch);
Пример #30

// this is the file for all the AJAX requests that will be made from the client.
//these are for the PHP Helper files
include 'headers/databaseConn.php';
include 'helpers.php';
if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "1") {
    SendMessage($_GET["name"], $_GET["email"], $_GET["phone"], $_GET["message"]);
} else {
    if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "2") {
        // to check if user exits in the user table.
        CheckUserSignup($_GET["name"], $_GET["email"]);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "3") {
            // to check if user exits in the Register table.
            CheckUserRegistrationAndVerification($_GET["name"], $_GET["email"]);
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "4") {
                // to check if user exits in the Register table for logging in functionality.
                CheckUserRegistrationAndVerification($_GET["name"], $_GET["email"]);
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "5") {
                    // to check if the coupon code exists in the database table or not!
                } else {
                    if (isset($_POST["no"]) && $_POST["no"] == "6") {
                        // to insert/update the userEmail and userName in the Register table.
                        UserRegister($_POST["signemail"], $_POST["signname"], $_POST["signpwd"]);
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "7") {
                            // for authentication of password from the Resgiter table during login.