Пример #1
function test()
    $server = array();
    //we will use an array to store all the server data.
    //Open the socket connection to the IRC server
    $server['SOCKET'] = @fsockopen($server_host, $server_port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
    if ($server['SOCKET']) {
        //Ok, we have connected to the server, now we have to send the login commands.
        SendCommand("PASS NOPASS\n\r");
        //Sends the password not needed for most servers
        SendCommand("NICK {$nickname}\n\r");
        //sends the nickname
        SendCommand("USER {$nickname} USING PHP IRC\n\r");
        //sends the user must have 4 paramters
        while (!feof($server['SOCKET'])) {
            $server['READ_BUFFER'] = fgets($server['SOCKET'], 1024);
            //get a line of data from the server
            echo "[RECIVE] " . $server['READ_BUFFER'] . "<br>\n\r";
            //display the recived data from the server
            IRC Sends a "PING" command to the client which must be anwsered with a "PONG"
            Or the client gets Disconnected
            //Now lets check to see if we have joined the server
            if (strpos($server['READ_BUFFER'], "422")) {
                //If we have joined the server
                SendCommand("JOIN {$server_chan}\n\r");
                //Join the chanel
            if (substr($server['READ_BUFFER'], 0, 6) == "PING :") {
                SendCommand("PONG :" . substr($server['READ_BUFFER'], 6) . "\n\r");
                //Reply with pong
                //As you can see i dont have it reply with just "PONG"
                //It sends PONG and the data recived after the "PING" text on that recived line
                //Reason being is some irc servers have a "No Spoof" feature that sends a key after the PING
                //Command that must be replied with PONG and the same key sent.
            //This flushes the output buffer forcing the text in the while loop to be displayed "On demand"
Пример #2
function ExtGPIO()
    global $args;
    $result = array();
    $gpio = $args['gpio'];
    $mode = $args['mode'];
    $val = $args['val'];
    check($gpio, "gpio", __FUNCTION__);
    check($mode, "mode", __FUNCTION__);
    check($val, "val", __FUNCTION__);
    $status = SendCommand(sprintf("ExtGPIO,%s,%s,%s", $gpio, $mode, $val));
    $status = explode(',', $status, 14);
    if ((int) $status[1] >= 0) {
        $result['status'] = 'success';
        $result['result'] = $status[6];
    } else {
        $result['status'] = 'failed';

 * 飞信机器人--事件插件--好友邀请
 * 功能: 当对方增加机器人为好友时,收到此事件。在该事件中,可以根据对方的号码来做不同的处理
 * 作者: Kelvin
 * 联系: msn:shichangguo@msn.com, qq:191848423
require_once './plugins/inc/config.inc.php';
require_once './plugins/inc/utils.inc.php';
$srvMobile = $argv[1];
$uri = base64_decode($argv[2]);
SendCommand("accept_contact_request {$uri}");
SendCommand("buddy-delete {$uri}");
Пример #4
function GetTestMode()
    header("Content-Type: application/json");
    echo SendCommand("GetTestMode");
Пример #5
function connectToIRC($host, $port, $nick, $channels, $onJoin, $authMethod)
    global $serverThreads;
    $thisServer = array();
    $thisServer["SOCKET"] = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
    $thisServer["USERDATA"] = new ircUsersData($host);
    $thisServer["USERDATA"]->addUserData("BawkBotPermissions", "*", "*", array("isAuthenticated" => 0));
    $thisServer["host"] = $host;
    $thisServer["authMethod"] = $authMethod;
    $thisServer["nick"] = $nick;
    $thisServer["channels"] = array();
    if ($thisServer['SOCKET']) {
        SendCommand($thisServer, "PASS NOPASS\r\n");
        SendCommand($thisServer, "NICK {$nick}\r\n");
        SendCommand($thisServer, "USER nick USING PHP IRC\r\n");
        $authed = 0;
        while (!feof($thisServer['SOCKET']) && $authed != 2) {
            $thisServer['READ_BUFFER'] = fgets($thisServer['SOCKET'], 1024);
            echo "[RECEIVE] " . str_replace("\r\n", "", $thisServer['READ_BUFFER']) . "\r\n";
            if (strpos($thisServer['READ_BUFFER'], "376")) {
                foreach ($channels as $key => $chan) {
                    SendCommand($thisServer, "JOIN {$chan}\r\n");
                    $thisServer["channels"][] = $chan;
                SendCommand($thisServer, $onJoin . "\r\n");
            if (substr($thisServer['READ_BUFFER'], 0, 6) == "PING :") {
                SendCommand($thisServer, "PONG :" . substr($thisServer['READ_BUFFER'], 6) . "\r\n");
        $serverThreads[] = $thisServer;
    } else {
        print "Failed connection.";
 * 功能: 新消息到达时激活
 * 作者: Kelvin
 * 联系: msn:shichangguo@msn.com, qq:191848423
require_once './plugins/inc/config.inc.php';
require_once './plugins/inc/utils.inc.php';
require_once './plugins/inc/session.inc.php';
$srvMobile = $argv[1];
$uri = base64_decode($argv[2]);
$message = strip_tags(base64_decode($argv[3]));
// Base64 编码的消息
$type = base64_decode($argv[4]);
if( $type=='text/plain' && substr($message,0,1)=='#' )
        $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        SendCommand("longsms $uri 谢谢您的参与!");
$session = new CSession($srvMobile, $srvFetion, $uri);
$retMsg = $session->handleMsg($message, $type);
if ($type == 'text/plain') {
    $retMsg = strip_tags(strip_tags($retMsg));
    SendCommand("longsms {$uri} {$retMsg}");
} else {
    SendCommand("chat {$uri} {$retMsg}");
Пример #7
function SaveFPDv1()
    global $settings;
    $outputCount = 12;
    $carr = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 1024; $i++) {
        $carr[$i] = 0x0;
    $i = 0;
    // Header
    $carr[$i++] = 0x55;
    $carr[$i++] = 0x55;
    $carr[$i++] = 0x55;
    $carr[$i++] = 0x55;
    $carr[$i++] = 0x55;
    $carr[$i++] = 0xcc;
    $_SESSION['PixelnetDMXentries'] = NULL;
    for ($o = 0; $o < $outputCount; $o++) {
        // Active Output
        if (isset($_POST['FPDchkActive'][$o])) {
            $active = 1;
            $carr[$i++] = 1;
        } else {
            $active = 0;
            $carr[$i++] = 0;
        // Start Address
        $startAddress = intval($_POST['FPDtxtStartAddress'][$o]);
        $carr[$i++] = $startAddress % 256;
        $carr[$i++] = $startAddress / 256;
        // Type
        $type = intval($_POST['pixelnetDMXtype'][$o]);
        $carr[$i++] = $type;
        $_SESSION['PixelnetDMXentries'][] = new PixelnetDMXentry($active, $type, $startAddress);
    $f = fopen($settings['configDirectory'] . "/Falcon.FPDV1", "wb");
    fwrite($f, implode(array_map("chr", $carr)), 1024);
Пример #8
function ExtGPIO()
    $gpio = $_GET['gpio'];
    $mode = $_GET['mode'];
    $val = $_GET['val'];
    check($gpio, "gpio", __FUNCTION__);
    check($mode, "mode", __FUNCTION__);
    check($val, "val", __FUNCTION__);
    $status = SendCommand(sprintf("ExtGPIO,%s,%s,%s", $gpio, $mode, $val));
    $status = explode(',', $status, 14);
    if ((int) $status[1] >= 0) {
        $doc = new DomDocument('1.0');
        $root = $doc->createElement('Status');
        $root = $doc->appendChild($root);
        $temp = $doc->createElement('Success');
        $temp = $root->appendChild($temp);
        $result = $doc->createTextNode((int) $status[6]);
        $result = $temp->appendChild($result);
        echo $doc->saveHTML();
    } else {