Пример #1
 function main()
     // First pull the report
     $row_rep = SQL_OneRow("SELECT * from reports where skey=" . gp('gp_skey'));
     $sreport = SQL_Format('char', $row_rep['report']);
     // Now the tables
     $rows_tab = SQL_AllRows("SELECT * From reporttables WHERE report={$sreport}");
     $rows_tab = KeyRowsFromRows($rows_tab, 'table_id');
     // Now all columns
     $rows_col = SQL_AllRows("SELECT * From reportcolumns WHERE report={$sreport}\n           ORDER BY uicolseq ");
     // Go get the joins
     $SQL_FROMJOINS = $this->ehProcessFromJoins(array_keys($rows_tab));
     // Build a list of columns, and order-by columns, and filters
     $SQL_COLSA = array();
     $SQL_COLSOBA = array();
     $SQL_COLSWHA = array();
     foreach ($rows_col as $row_col) {
         $SQL_COLSA[] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'];
         if ($row_col['uisort'] != 0) {
             $SQL_COLSOBA[$row_col['uisort']] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'];
         if ($row_col['compoper'] != '' && $row_col['compval'] != '') {
             $table_dd = DD_TableRef($row_col['table_id']);
             $ddcol =& $table_dd['flat'][$row_col['column_id']];
             $colval = SQL_Format($ddcol['type_id'], $row_col['compval']);
             $SQL_COLSWHA[] = $row_col['table_id'] . '.' . $row_col['column_id'] . $row_col['compoper'] . $colval;
     // Collapse the lists into strings
     $SQL_COLS = implode("\n       ,", $SQL_COLSA);
     $SQL_COLSOB = '';
     if (count($SQL_COLSOBA) > 0) {
         $SQL_COLSOB = "\n ORDER BY " . implode(',', $SQL_COLSOBA);
     $SQL_WHERE = '';
     if (count($SQL_COLSWHA) > 0) {
         $SQL_WHERE = "\n WHERE " . implode("\n       ", $SQL_COLSWHA);
     // Now build the final SQL
     //echo $SQ;
     // Display
     $this->ehProcessDisplay($SQ, $rows_col, $row_rep);
Пример #2
  *  Takes a list of tables and JOINs them together
  *  and builds the complete query for them.
  *  Returns: A SQL SELECT statement
 function genSQLSectionJoin($yamlP2)
     $page = $this->page;
     $uifilter = a($this->yamlP2, 'uifilter', array());
     // Go get the joins
     $SQL_FROMJOINS = $this->genSQLFromJoins($yamlP2);
     $SQL_COLSWHA = array();
     // See if any of the columns have a GROUP setting,
     // if so, all others must get group: Y
     $yamlP2['groupby'] = array();
     $group = false;
     foreach ($yamlP2['table'] as $table_id => $tabinfo) {
         foreach ($tabinfo['column'] as $colname => $colinfo) {
             if (ArraySafe($colinfo, 'group', '') != '') {
                 $group = true;
     if ($group) {
         foreach ($yamlP2['table'] as $table_id => $tabinfo) {
             foreach ($tabinfo['column'] as $colname => $colinfo) {
                 if (ArraySafe($colinfo, 'group', '') == '') {
                     //if(ArraySafe($colinfo,'uino','N')=='N') {
                     $yamlP2['groupby'][] = "{$table_id}.{$colname}";
     // Build various lists of columns
     $SQL_COLSA = array();
     $SQL_COLSOBA = array();
     foreach ($yamlP2['table'] as $table => $table_info) {
         $table_dd = dd_TableRef($table);
         foreach ($table_info['column'] as $colname => $colinfo) {
             // order by
             if (ArraySafe($colinfo, 'order', 'N') == 'Y') {
                 $SQL_COLSOBA[] = "{$table}.{$colname}";
             // comparison
             if (isset($colinfo['compare'])) {
                 $compare = $this->SQLCompare($table, $colname, $colinfo);
                 if ($compare != '') {
                     $SQL_COLSWHA[] = $compare;
             // group by
             if (a($colinfo, 'group', '') != '') {
                 //$coldef = str_replace("as $colname","",$coldef);
                 $coldef = $colinfo['group'] . "({$table}.{$colname})";
             } else {
                 $coldef = "{$table}.{$colname}";
             // If not in output, stop now
             // KFD 5/31/08, no, keep going and filter out at
             //     output.  We need all columns in case they
             //     are orderby columns
             if (a($colinfo, 'uino', 'N') == 'Y') {
             // if a constant, add the constant and skip the rest
             $constant = a($colinfo, 'constant', '');
             if (ArraySafe($table_info, 'left_join', 'N') == 'Y') {
                 $z = SQL_Format($table_dd['flat'][$colname]['type_id'], '');
                 $cval = $constant == '' ? $coldef : "'{$constant}'";
                 $coldef = "COALESCE({$cval},{$z}) as {$colname}";
             } else {
                 $coldef = $constant == '' ? "{$coldef} as {$colname}" : "'{$constant}' as {$colname}";
             $SQL_COLSA[] = $coldef;
     // Collapse the lists into strings
     $SQL_COLS = implode("\n       ,", $SQL_COLSA);
     # KFD 4/9/09.  Slip in skey and source from first table.
     $tables = array_keys($yamlP2['table']);
     $skeytable = $tables[0];
     $SQL_COLS = $skeytable . ".skey,'{$skeytable}' as _source," . $SQL_COLS;
     $SQL_COLSOB = '';
     if (isset($yamlP2['orderby'])) {
         $SQL_COLSOB = "\n ORDER BY " . $yamlP2['orderby'];
     } else {
         if (count($SQL_COLSOBA) > 0) {
             $SQL_COLSOB = "\n ORDER BY " . implode(',', $SQL_COLSOBA);
     // For the UI Filter values, add in the values provided by the user
     $SQL_WHERE = '';
     if (count($SQL_COLSWHA) > 0) {
         $SQL_WHERE = "\n WHERE " . implode("\n   AND ", $SQL_COLSWHA);
     // Collapse the group by
     $SQL_GROUPBY = '';
     if (count($yamlP2['groupby']) > 0) {
         $SQL_GROUPBY = "\n GROUP BY " . implode(',', $yamlP2['groupby']);
     // Now build the final SQL
     if (gp('gp_post') == 'onscreen') {
         $SQ .= " LIMIT 300";
     return $SQ;
Пример #3
 function SpecDDL_Triggers_ColConsMinMax()
     $this->LogEntry("Building Min/Max column constraints");
     $results = $this->SQLREAD("Select table_id,column_id,type_id,value_min,value_max \n         FROM zdd.tabflat\n\t\t  WHERE value_min<>'' OR value_max<>''");
     while ($row = pg_fetch_array($results)) {
         if ($row['value_min'] != '') {
             $c = $row['column_id'];
             $msg = "Value must be at least " . $row['value_min'];
             $compare = "new." . trim($row['column_id']) . ' < ' . SQL_Format($row['type_id'], $row['value_min']);
             $s1 = "\n" . "    -- 7010 Column Minimum Constraint\n" . "    IF ({$compare}) THEN \n" . "        ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1;\n" . "        ErrorList = ErrorList || ##{$c},6010,{$msg};##;\n" . "    END IF;\n";
             $this->SpecDDL_TriggerFragment($row["table_id"], "INSERT", "BEFORE", "7010", $s1);
             $this->SpecDDL_TriggerFragment($row["table_id"], "UPDATE", "BEFORE", "7010", $s1);
         if ($row['value_max'] != '') {
             $c = $row['column_id'];
             $msg = "Value must be less than or equal to " . $row['value_max'];
             $compare = "new." . trim($row['column_id']) . ' > ' . SQL_Format($row['type_id'], $row['value_max']);
             $s1 = "\n" . "    -- 7010 Column Maximum Constraint\n" . "    IF ({$compare}) THEN \n" . "        ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1;\n" . "        ErrorList = ErrorList || ##{$c},6011,{$msg};##;\n" . "    END IF;\n";
             $this->SpecDDL_TriggerFragment($row["table_id"], "INSERT", "BEFORE", "7010", $s1);
             $this->SpecDDL_TriggerFragment($row["table_id"], "UPDATE", "BEFORE", "7010", $s1);
Пример #4
function scDBUpdateOrInsert($table, $colvals)
    $table_id = $table["table_id"];
    $tabflat =& $table["flat"];
    // First query for the pk value.  If not found we will
    // just do an insert
    $abort = false;
    $a_pk = explode(',', $table['pks']);
    $s_where = '';
    foreach ($a_pk as $colname) {
        if (!isset($colvals[$colname])) {
            $abort = true;
        $a_where[] = $colname . ' = ' . SQL_Format($tabflat[$colname]['type_id'], $colvals[$colname]);
    if ($abort) {
        $skey = false;
    } else {
        $s_where = implode(' AND ', $a_where);
        $sql = 'SELECT skey FROM ' . DDTable_IDResolve($table_id) . ' WHERE ' . $s_where;
        $skey = SQL_OneValue('skey', $sql);
    // STD says on 12/15/2006 that this routine should not put errors on screen
    //if (Errors()) echo HTMLX_Errors();
    if (!$skey) {
        //echo "insert into ".$table_id."\n";
        $retval = SQLX_Insert($table, $colvals, false);
        if (Errors()) {
            // STD says on 12/15/2006 that this routine should not put errors on screen
            //echo HTMLX_Errors();
            //echo $sql;
            $retval = 0;
    } else {
        //echo "update ".$table_id." on $skey\n";
        $colvals['skey'] = $skey;
        $retval = -$skey;
        SQLX_Update($table, $colvals);
        if (Errors()) {
            // STD says on 12/15/2006 that this routine should not put errors on screen
            //echo HTMLX_Errors();
            //echo $sql;
            $retval = 0;
    return $retval;
Пример #5
  * Go get FETCH values from other tables
 function fetch()
     // Get the list of columns from the dd
     $column_id = gp('column');
     $table_id = $this->dd['table_id'];
     $table_id_fko = $this->dd['flat'][$column_id]['table_id_fko'];
     $match = $table_id . '_' . $table_id_fko . '_';
     $collist = $this->dd['FETCHDIST'][$match];
     // Build the SQL to fetch the row
     $colsc = array();
     $colsp = array();
     foreach ($collist as $idx => $info) {
         $colsp[] = $info['column_id_par'] . ' as ' . $info['column_id'];
     $type_id = $this->dd['flat'][$column_id]['type_id'];
     $value = SQL_Format($type_id, gp('value'));
     $sql = "SELECT " . implode(',', $colsp) . "  FROM " . ddTable_idResolve($table_id_fko) . " WHERE " . $this->dd['fk_parents'][$table_id_fko]['cols_par'] . "= {$value}";
     $answer = SQL_OneRow($sql);
     x4Data('fetch', $answer);
Пример #6
 function main()
     // ------------------------------------------------
     // Branch out to ajax handling functions
     if (gpExists('fwajax')) {
         return $this->FWAjax();
     //   ...early return
     // ------------------------------------------------
     // Public sites can turn off table maintenance pages
     if (vgfGet('suppress_maintenance', false)) {
     vgfset('maintenance', true);
     # KFD 2/17/09 Sourceforge 2546056
     #             If we are in default main code branch, and
     #             there is no data dictionary, the user has
     #             called a bad page.
     if (!isset($this->table['projections'])) {
       <h1>Bad Page Request</h1>
       <p>There is no page <?php 
         echo hx(gp('gp_page'));
     // If a "fk jump", retrieve skey and make it look
     // like an edit call.
     if (gp('gp_pk') != '') {
         $pkval = gp("gp_pk");
         $pkcol = $this->table["pks"];
         $pktyp = $this->table['flat'][$pkcol]["type_id"];
         $table_id = $this->table["table_id"];
         // KFD 10/26/06, used to be $table_id
         $sq = "SELECT skey FROM " . $this->view_id . " WHERE " . $pkcol . " = " . SQL_Format($pktyp, $pkval);
         gpSet('gp_skey', SQL_OneValue('skey', $sq));
         gpSet('gp_mode', 'upd');
     // If we were invoked by a child table, don't do this
     if (is_null($this->table_obj_child)) {
         // KFD 10/26/06, keep as $table_id
         Hidden('gp_page', $this->table_id);
         // always return to same page
         Hidden('gp_mode', '');
         Hidden('gp_skey', '');
         Hidden('gp_action', '');
         Hidden('gp_save', '');
         hidden('gp_copy', '');
     // Work out what to do if mode is blank.  Might mean
     // upd, might mean browse.
     $mode = gp('gp_mode');
     $skey = gp('gp_skey');
     if ($mode == '') {
         $mode = $this->MainCheckForMover();
         if ($mode == '') {
             $mode = $skey == '' ? 'browse' : 'upd';
             gpSet('gp_mode', $mode);
     $this->mode = $mode;
     // KFD 8/13/07, Experimental COPY ability
     if (gp('gp_action') == 'copy') {
         $mode = 'ins';
         gpSet('gp_mode', 'ins');
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'search':
             $this->PageSubtitle .= " (Lookup Mode)";
         case 'ins':
             $this->PageSubtitle .= " (New Entry)";
     // ----------------------------------------------
     // Generate the main HTML elements
     if ($mode == 'browse') {
     } elseif ($mode == 'mover') {
     } else {
     if ($mode != "mover") {
     // Now if this is a child table in a 1:M, it will not actually
     // output its own stuff, it will invoke its parent, so let's
     // buffer the output
     if ($this->table_id_parent != '') {
     // Echo out the HTML
     // Put this out at end, after all HTML has been output
     if ($mode == "search") {
         $controls = ContextGet('OldRow');
         $hScript = '';
         foreach ($controls as $key => $info) {
             $hScript .= "\nob('x2t_{$key}').value='';";
         jqDocReady("function clearBoxes() { \n" . $hScript . "}\n\n");
     // Again, if this is a child table in a 1:M, capture the output and
     // make it the responsibility of the parent
     if ($this->table_id_parent != '') {
         $this->h['Complete'] = ob_get_clean();
         // Wipe out and replace all gp variables, fool the parent object
         $OldRow = ContextGet('OldRow', array());
         $gpsave = aFromGP('gp_');
         $dd = ContextGet('drilldown', array());
         $dd1 = array_pop($dd);
         gpSet('gp_skey', $dd1['skey']);
         // Now invoke the parent object, tell it about us
         $object = objPage($this->table_id_parent);
         $object->table_obj_child = $this;
         // Replace the wiped out gp variables
         gpSetFromArray('gp_', $gpsave);
         ContextSet('OldRow', $OldRow);
         // Force the menu to come from the parent
         vgaSet('menu_selected', $this->table_id_parent);
Пример #7
    function profile_conventional()
        # KFD 2/17/09 Sourceforge 2546056.  The dispatching system
        #             sends page requests here by default.  This is
        #             where we have to work out if there is a bad
        #             page request.
        if (!isset($this->dd['table_id'])) {
            <h1>No Page By That Name</h1>
            <p>There is no page <b><?php 
            echo hx(gp('x6page'));
        # KFD 2/9/09, new feature for Jeff/wholdist.  If "table_id_par"
        #             was passed in, load a certain row from the parent
        #             table into the bulletin board.  Specifically this
        #             is so the table can act like a child table
        #             w/respect to loading FETCH and FETCHDEF values.
        #             Maybe we'll do more with it later.
        $tid_par = gp('table_id_par', '');
        if ($tid_par != '') {
            $ddpar = ddTable($tid_par);
            $pks = explode(',', $ddpar['pks']);
            $aWhere = array();
            foreach ($pks as $pk) {
                $type_id = $ddpar['flat'][$pk]['type_id'];
                if (($pkval = gp('pre_' . $pk)) != '') {
                    $aWhere[] = $pk . '=' . SQL_Format($type_id, $pkval);
            $sql = 'select * from ' . ddView($tid_par) . ' where ' . implode('AND', $aWhere);
            $row = sql_oneRow($sql);
            x6Script("x6bb.fwSet('dbRow_{$tid_par}'," . json_encode($row) . ')');
        # Grab the data dictionary for this table
        $dd = $this->dd;
        $table_id = $this->dd['table_id'];
        # KFD 4/15/09 Sourceforge 2765788, handle no kids gracefully,
        #             work out how many kids there are to display
        $kidCount = 0;
        foreach ($dd['fk_children'] as $child => $info) {
            if (trim(arr($info, 'x6display', '')) != 'none') {
        # Create the top level div as a table controller
        $top = new androHTMLTableController($table_id);
        # Various heights.  Assume all borders are the same and get
        # only one.
        $hinside = x6cssDefine('insideheight');
        $hh1 = x6cssHeight('h1');
        $htabs = x6cssHeight('.ui-tabs-nav li');
        $hborder = x6cssRuleSize('ui-tabs-panel', 'border-top');
        $pad0 = x6cssDefine('pad0');
        $hlh = x6CssDefine('lh0');
        # $hpane1 is the outer, it is what is left after removing
        # h1, one row of tabs, and padding at bottom.
        # KFD 4/15/09 Sourceforge 2765788, if no kids, correct height
        if ($kidCount == 0) {
            $htabs = 0;
        $hpane1 = $hinside - $hh1 - $htabs - $pad0 * 2;
        # $hchild is the height of the empty nested tab
        # pane, hardcoded at pad0.  This is where the child
        # tables are initially displayed -- at the bottom of the
        # detail pane.  They are initially slid all of the way down,
        # that is why their height is only pad0.
        $hempty = $pad0;
        # $hdetail is the height of the detail pane inside of the
        # detail tab.  It is the $hpane1 less another tab (the
        # nested one), and $hempty, and a double padding
        $hdetail = $hpane1 - $htabs - $hempty - $pad0 * 2;
        # Begin with title and tabs
        $top->h('h1', $dd['description']);
        if (method_exists($this, 'insert_belowh1')) {
        $options = array('x6profile' => 'conventional', 'x6table' => $table_id);
        $tabs = $top->addTabs('tabs_' . $table_id, $hpane1, $options);
        $lookup = $tabs->addTab('Lookup');
        $detail = $tabs->addTab('Detail', true);
        # Make a generic grid, which will show all uisearch
        # columns, and add a row of lookup inputs to it.
        # Enclose it in a div that gives some padding on top
        # and bottom.  Divide up the left-right free space to
        # put 1/3 on the left and the remaining on the right.
        $divgrid = $lookup->h('div');
        $grid = $divgrid->addGrid($hpane1 - $hlh * 2, $table_id, true, true);
        $grid->hp['x6profile'] = 'conventional';
        $gridWidth = $this->gridGeneric($grid, $dd);
        # Work out the available free width after making the grid
        $wAvail = x6cssDefine('insidewidth') - 2 - x6cssDefine('pad0') * 2 - $gridWidth;
        $divgrid->hp['style'] = "padding-left: " . intval($wAvail / 3) . "px;\n             padding-top: " . x6CSSDefine('lh0') . "px;";
        # tell the browse tab object to focus when it is selected
        $lookup->hp['x6objectFocusId'] = $grid->hp['id'];
        # This is kind of a hack for forcing exact matches when
        # a maintenance screen is invoked with pre-set parameters
        if (gp('x6exactPre') == 1) {
            $grid->hp['x6exactPre'] = 1;
        # We are making
        # the assumption that there will *always* be child tables
        # because otherwise the programmer would have selected
        # a different profile.
        $divDetail = $detail->addDetail($dd['table_id'], true, $hdetail, $tid_par);
        $divDetail->ap['xTabSelector'] = $tabs->ul->hp['id'];
        $divDetail->ap['xTabIndex'] = 1;
        $divDetail->ap['x6profile'] = 'conventional';
        $detail->hp['x6objectFocusId'] = $divDetail->hp['id'];
        # KFD 5/27/09 Google #21 Allow user to override the detail
        if (method_exists($this, $table_id . '_detail')) {
            $method = $table_id . '_detail';
        # The div kids is a tabbar of child tables.  Notice that we
        # put nothing into them.  They are loaded dynamically when
        # the user picks them.
        $options = array('x6slideUp' => $divDetail->hp['id'], 'x6slideUpInner' => $divDetail->innerId, 'x6parentTable' => $table_id, 'x6profile' => 'kids', 'x6table' => $table_id, 'styles' => array('overflow' => 'hidden'));
        # KFD 4/15/09 Sourcefroge 2765788 no kids handle gracefully
        if ($kidCount > 0) {
            $tabKids = $detail->addTabs('kids_' . $table_id, $hempty, $options);
            $tabKids->ul->hp['xOffset'] = 2;
            $tab = $tabKids->addTab("Hide");
            $idx = 0;
            foreach ($dd['fk_children'] as $child => $info) {
                # KFD 1/2/09.  If x6display is 'none', skip it
                if (trim(arr($info, 'x6display', '')) == 'none') {
                $tc = $top->addTableController($child);
                $tc->hp['x6tablepar'] = $table_id;
                $tab = $tabKids->addTab($info['description']);
                $tab->ap['x6tablePar'] = $table_id;
                $tab->ap['x6table'] = $child;
                if ($info['x6childwrites'] == 'detail') {
                    # Create the basic detail
                    $modal = new androHTMLDetail($child, true, 700, $table_id);
                    # KFD 5/27/09 Google #21 Allow user to override
                    if (method_exists($this, $child . '_detail')) {
                        $method = $child . '_detail';
                    # Now see if we need to add buttons
                    if (file_exists(fsDirtop() . "application/x6{$child}.php")) {
                        include_once fsDirtop() . "application/x6{$child}.php";
                        $childClass = 'x6' . $child;
                        $objChild = new $childClass();
                        $custom = $objChild->customButtons();
                    # Tell framework to add it to the output.
            # And then loop through extra tabs
            foreach ($this->appTabs as $child => $caption) {
                $tab = $tabKids->addTab($caption);
                $tab->hp['x6tablePar'] = $table_id;
                $tab->hp['x6table'] = $child;
        # tell the screen to start out by focusing on
        # the browse
        # KFD 3/20/09 Sourceforge 2697962
        #             index_hidden calls this now
Пример #8
function index_hidden_ajx1ctable()
    // First fetch the values
    $table_id = gp('ajxc1table');
    $colname = gp('ajxcol');
    $colvalue = gp('ajxval');
    $skey = gp('ajxskey');
    // Now prepare the data dictionary and issue the update
    $dd = dd_tableref($table_id);
    $colvalue = SQL_Format($dd['flat'][$colname]['type_id'], $colvalue);
    SQL("UPDATE {$table_id} SET {$colname} = {$colvalue} WHERE skey = {$skey}");
    // Errors will appear as a popup
    if (Errors()) {
        echo "echo|" . hErrors();
    // If they requested values back, provide those now
    if (gp('ajxlist') != '' && gp('ajxlist') != 'X') {
        // Initialize the array of information about the queries we will make
        $info = array($table_id => array('skey' => $skey));
        // Split the list and build the arrays of information we need to
        // run queries and generate return values for display
        $raw = explode(',', gp('ajxlist'));
        $returns = array();
        foreach ($raw as $rawone) {
            // Parse each value into the three values it contains
            list($control, $table, $column) = explode(".", $rawone);
            if ($control == '-skey-') {
                // this is magic value that tells us its the skey
                $info[$table]['skey'] = $column;
                //column actually is skey here
            } else {
                // normal case, we've been told a control, table, and column.
                // If no table given, assume the table we updated
                $table = $table == '' ? $table_id : $table;
                $info[$table]['columns'][] = $column;
                $info[$table]['controls'][] = $control;
        // Now go through each table, pull the data, and build the returns
        foreach ($info as $table => $tabinfo) {
            if (!isset($tabinfo['skey'])) {
                $returns[] = "echo|No skey passed for table {$table}";
            } else {
                $sk = $tabinfo['skey'];
                $cols = implode(',', $tabinfo['columns']);
                $row = SQL_OneRow("SELECT {$cols} FROM {$table} WHERE skey = {$sk}");
                foreach ($tabinfo['columns'] as $index => $colname) {
                    $returns[] = '_value' . '|' . $tabinfo['controls'][$index] . '|' . $row[$colname];
        echo implode("|-|", $returns);
Пример #9
    function main()
        $x_app = trim(gp('txt_application'));
        echo "<h1>Build in progress</h1>";
        echo "<hr>";
        echo "<p>The system is now building the application: <b>" . $x_app . "</b>.</p>";
        echo "<p>If you are testing and expect to build several times in a row, do not ";
        echo "close this window, just hit REFRESH and the build will start again.</p>";
        echo "<p>All information below this line is from the build log.</p>";
        echo "<hr>";
        // Get everything we need from the database, use it to build
        // a "do" program.
        $GLOBALS["x_password"] = trim(gp("supassword"));
        $tsql = 'SELECT * from applications ' . ' WHERE application = ' . SQL_Format('char', $x_app);
        $row_a = SQL_OneRow($tsql);
        $tsql = 'SELECT * from webpaths ' . ' WHERE webpath = ' . SQL_Format('char', $row_a['webpath']);
        $row_n = SQL_OneRow($tsql);
        $dirws = trim($row_n["dir_pub"]);
        if (substr($dirws, -1, 1) != "/") {
            $dirws .= "/";
        $row["webserver_dir_pub"] = $dirws;
        $string = '
   // To run this program from the command line, you must
   // be logged in as a user that has superuser priveleges, such
   // as root or postgres.  When running from the web app,
   // the current user\'s priveleges are used.
   $GLOBALS["parm"] = array(
   ,"UID"=>"' . SessionGet('UID') . '"
   ,"DIR_PUBLIC"=>"' . trim($row_n["dir_pub"]) . '"
	,"DIR_PUBLIC_APP"=>"' . $x_app . '"
   ,"LOCALHOST_SUFFIX"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_n, 'dir_local', '') . '"
   ,"APP"=>"' . $x_app . '"
   ,"APPDSC"=>"' . trim($row_a["description"]) . '"
   ,"XDIRS"=>"' . trim($row_a['xdirs']) . '"
   ,"ROLE_LOGIN"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_a, 'flag_rolelogin', 'Y') . '"
   ,"FLAG_PWMD5"=>"' . ArraySafe($row_a, 'flag_pwmd5', 'N') . '"
   ,"TEMPLATE"=>"' . trim($row_a['template']) . '"
   ,"SPEC_BOOT"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec_boot"]) . '"
   ,"SPEC_LIB"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec_lib"]) . '"
   ,"SPEC_LIST"=>"' . trim($row_a["appspec"]) . '");

        $t = pathinfo(__FILE__);
        $dircur = AddSlash($t["dirname"]) . "../tmp/";
        $file = $dircur . "do" . $x_app . ".php";
        $FILE = fopen($file, "w");
        fwrite($FILE, $string);
        include $file;
        echo ob_get_clean();
Пример #10
    function ehTab_Filters_OLD()
        $skey = SQL_Format('numb', gp('gp_skey'));
        $sq = "SELECT  rc.table_id,rc.column_id\n                 ,rc.compoper,rc.compval\n                 ,t.description as tdesc\n                 ,f.description as cdesc\n                 ,rc.skey\n            FROM reportcolumns rc \n            JOIN reports       r  ON r.report = rc.report\n            JOIN tables  t  ON rc.table_id = t.table_id\n            JOIN tabflat f  ON rc.table_id = f.table_id\n                                 AND rc.column_id= f.column_id\n           WHERE r.skey={$skey}\n           ORDER BY rc.uicolseq";
        $rows = SQL_AllRows($sq);
        $opts = array('', '=', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=');
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $row['compoper'] = trim($row['compoper']);
            $hSelBase = "'&gp_ajax=colsave&gp_colsk=" . $row['skey'] . "&gp_val='+this.value+'&gp_col=";
            $hSel1 = $hSelBase . "compoper'";
            $hSel2 = $hSelBase . "compval'";
            $hOpts = '';
            foreach ($opts as $opt) {
                $sel = $row['compoper'] == $opt ? ' SELECTED ' : '';
                $hOpts .= "\n<option {$sel} value=\"{$opt}\">" . htmlentities($opt) . "</option>";
            echo '(' . $row['tdesc'] . ') ' . $row['cdesc'];
         <td><select onchange="sndReq(<?php 
            echo $hSel1;
            echo $row['compoper'];
            echo $hOpts;
         <td><input onblur="sndReq(<?php 
            echo $hSel2;
            echo $row['compval'];
                size=70 maxlength=100>
        $hHTML = ob_get_clean();
      <table width=100%>
           <td class="dhead" style="width:25%">Column
           <td class="dhead" style="width:10%">Operator
           <td class="dhead" style="width:65%">Value
        echo $hHTML;