// @version 1.0.0 // @package hhxc if (!defined('HHXC')) { die('Permission denied'); } $result = array('code' => '101', 'msg' => '', 'data' => array()); $condition = array('schema' => 'car_type', 'fields' => array('id', 'keyword1'), 'filter' => array('pid' => 0, 'zhuangtai' => 1), 'others' => 'ORDER BY firstchar, id ASC'); $recordset = StorageFind($condition); if (is_array($recordset) == FALSE or empty($recordset) == TRUE) { $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_EMPTY; } else { $cache = array(); foreach ($recordset as $index => $row) { $buffer = array('carType' => $row['id'], 'carTypeName' => $row['keyword1'], 'data' => array(), 'first' => substr(pinyin1($row['keyword1']), 0, 1)); $condition_pid = array('schema' => 'car_type', 'fields' => array('id'), 'filter' => array('pid' => $row['id'])); $condition_sub = array('schema' => 'car_type', 'fields' => array('id', 'keyword1'), 'filter' => array('pid' => array('IN', SQLSub($condition_pid)))); $buf = StorageFind($condition_sub); if (is_array($buf) and empty($buf) == FALSE) { foreach ($buf as $number => $row_car) { $e = str_replace($row['keyword1'], '', $row_car['keyword1']); $buffer['data'][] = empty($e) ? $row_car['keyword1'] : $e; } } $cache[] = $buffer; } $alphas = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); foreach ($alphas as $alpha) { $buffer = array('index' => strtoupper($alpha), 'carbrand' => array()); foreach ($cache as $item) { if ($item['first'] == $alpha) { $buffer['carbrand'][] = $item;
// Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // // 技術版API編號021 查现象-获取现象数据 // // @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-16# // @version 1.0.0 // @package hhxc if (!defined('HHXC')) { die('Permission denied'); } $content = SpeechWords(Assign($params['content'])); $word_id = explode(',', GetKeyword($content)); ## 構建現象查詢SQL $condition_sub = array('schema' => array('car_symptom', 'car_symptom_fenxi', 'car_word'), 'fields' => array('resultid', 'keyid', 'title', 'miaoshu', 'lable', '(CASE oftype WHEN 3 THEN 100 WHEN 4 THEN 80 WHEN 5 THEN 60 WHEN 1 THEN 100 ELSE 10 END) AS wordtype', 'SUM((1-text_step))*20+score AS fenshu'), 'filter' => array('t1.resultid' => 't0.id', 't1.keyid' => 't2.id', 'keyid' => array('IN', $word_id)), 'others' => 'GROUP BY resultid, keyid'); $condition = array('schema' => '(' . SQLSub($condition_sub) . ') AS tb', 'fields' => array('resultid AS id', 'title', 'miaoshu', 'lable', 'sum(wordtype + fenshu) AS score'), 'others' => 'GROUP BY resultid ORDER BY score DESC'); ## 統計查詢總數 $count = StorageRows($condition); ## 截獲最新20條數據 $condition['others'] .= ' LIMIT 20'; $recordset = StorageFind($condition); if (is_array($recordset) and empty($recordset) == FALSE) { $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array()); $item = array('total' => $count, 'list' => array(), 'keys' => array()); foreach ($recordset as $index => $row) { $item['list'][] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'title' => fmtstr($row['title']), 'lable' => fmtstr($row['lable']), 'miaoshu' => fmtstr($row['miaoshu'])); } $condition_buf = array('schema' => 'car_word', 'filter' => array('id' => array('IN', $word_id))); $buf = StorageFind($condition_buf); if (is_array($buf) and empty($buf) == FALSE) { foreach ($buf as $row) {
// Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // // 技術版API編號103 查案例-獲取案例詳細信息 ##代替058 // // @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-18# // @version 1.0.0 // @package hhxc if (!defined('HHXC')) { die('Permission denied'); } if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == FALSE) { $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_WARNING; } else { $the_times = CheckTimes($params['openid'], $params['uid']); $url_anli = sprintf(PAGE_ANLI, $params['uid'], $params['openid'], DEBUG); if (empty($the_times) == FALSE) { $result = array('code' => '101'); $record = StorageFindID('search_result', Assign($params['cid'], 0)); if (is_array($record) and empty($record) == FALSE) { $result['caseurl'] = $url_anli . $record['id']; } } else { $condition_sub = array('schema' => 'hh_techuser', 'fields' => array('grade'), 'filter' => array('id' => Assign($params['uid'], 0))); $condition = array('schema' => 'hh_score', 'fields' => array('chakan'), 'filter' => '(' . SQLSub($condition_sub) . ')'); $record = StorageFindOne($condition); if (is_array($record) and empty($record) == FALSE) { $result = array('code' => '103', 'msg' => $recod['chakan']); } } }
function StorageRows($condition = array()) { global $mysql; $sql = SQLSub($condition); $res = mysqli_query($mysql, $sql); if ($res) { return mysqli_num_rows($res); } if (DEBUG) { die(StorageError(__FUNCTION__, $sql)); } return FALSE; }
if (!defined('HHXC')) { die('Permission denied'); } $condition = array('schema' => 'hh_techforum', 'fields' => array('*', '(SELECT nick FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=hh_techforum.pubuser) AS h_nick', '(SELECT headerimg FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=hh_techforum.pubuser) AS h_headerimg', '(SELECT grade FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=hh_techforum.pubuser) AS h_grade', '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hh_techforum_img WHERE qid=hh_techforum.id) AS h_img_total', '(SELECT type FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=hh_techforum.pubuser) AS h_official', '(SELECT rank FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=hh_techforum.pubuser) AS h_rank', '(SELECT identified FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=hh_techforum.pubuser) AS h_identified', '(SELECT title FROM hh_rank WHERE dengji=(SELECT rankname FROM hh_techuser WHERE id=hh_techforum.pubuser)) AS h_rankname'), 'filter' => array('topsite' => 0, 'type' => Assign($params['tag'], 0)), 'others' => 'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10'); if (empty($params['tid'])) { $condition['filter']['id'] = array('GT', Assign($params['databasever'], 0)); } else { $condition['filter']['id'] = array('LT', Assign($params['tid'], 0)); } switch ($params['type']) { case '2': $condition['filter']['pubuser'] = Assign($params['uid'], 0); break; case '3': $condition_sub = array('schema' => 'hh_techuser_shoucang', 'fields' => array('tid'), 'filter' => array('uid' => Assign($params['uid'], 0), 'tag' => Assign($params['tag'], 0), 'type' => 1)); $condition['filter']['id'] = array('IN', '(' . SQLSub($condition_sub) . ')'); } $recordset = StorageFind($condition); if (is_array($recordset) == FALSE or empty($recordset) == TRUE) { $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_EMPTY; } else { $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array()); foreach ($recordset as $index => $row) { if ($index == 0) { $result['databasever'] = $row['id']; } if ($params['type'] == '2' and $row['pubuser'] != $params['uid']) { continue; } $buffer = array('uid' => $row['pubuser'], 'userpic' => $row['h_headerimg'], 'usernick' => $row['h_nick'], 'grade' => $row['h_grade'], 'posttime' => $row['pubtime'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'context' => $row['content'], 'messages' => $row['replycount'], 'tid' => $row['id'], 'anonymous' => $row['anonymous'], 'medias' => $row['h_img_total'], 'mdata' => array(), 'collect' => '0', 'mypraise' => '0', 'praises' => '0', 'official' => Assign($row['h_official'], 0), 'identified' => Assign($row['h_identified'], 0), 'rank' => Assign($row['h_rank'], 0), 'rankname' => Assign($row['h_rankname']), 'reward' => Assign($row['rewarded'], 0), 'rewardata' => Assign($row['reward'], 0)); $filter_count = array('uid' => Assign($params['uid'], 0), 'tag' => Assign($params['tag'], 0), 'tid' => $buffer['tid'], 'type' => 1);
<?php // Copyright 2015 The Haohaoxiuche Team Authors. All right reserved. // Use of this source that is governed by a Apache-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // // 技術版API編號022 查現象之獲取故障點列表 ##已取消 新接口054 // // @authors hjboss <*****@*****.**> 2015-12-17# // @version 1.0.0 // @package hhxc if (!defined('HHXC')) { die('Permission denied'); } ## 構建查詢故障點SQL $condition_sub = array('schema' => 'car_symptom_fault', 'fields' => array('offault'), 'filter' => array('ofsymptom' => Assign($params['pheid'], 0))); $condition = array('schema' => 'car_fault', 'fields' => array('id'), 'filter' => array('type' => array('NEQ', 7), 'id' => array('IN', SQLSub($condition_sub))), 'others' => 'LIMIT 20'); $recordset = StorageFind($condition); if (is_array($recordset) == FALSE or empty($recordset) == TRUE) { $result['msg'] = MESSAGE_EMPTY; } else { $result = array('code' => '101', 'data' => array()); foreach ($recordset as $index => $row) { $result['data'][] = $row['id']; } if (CheckOpenID($params['openid'], $params['uid']) == TRUE) { Techuser_setScore($params['uid'], 2); } }