function Harvest() { $xml = get($this->url); //echo $xml; // Convert Mycobank RSS to JSON $xp = new XsltProcessor(); $xsl = new DomDocument(); $xsl->load('xsl/rss2.xsl'); $xp->importStylesheet($xsl); // replace carriage returns and end of lines, which break JSON $xml = str_replace("\n", " ", $xml); $xml = str_replace("\r", " ", $xml); $xml_doc = new DOMDocument(); $xml_doc->loadXML($xml); $json = $xp->transformToXML($xml_doc); //echo $json; $obj = json_decode($json); //print_r($obj); // Extract details foreach ($obj->items as $i) { $item = new stdclass(); $item->links = array(); $item->link = $i->link; $item->description = $i->description; $item->id = $i->link; // Mycobank ID $id = $i->link; $id = str_replace('', '', $id); // Dates if (preg_match('/<br>Date of deposit:\\s*(?<date>(.*))<br>/', $i->description, $matches)) { //print_r($matches); $item->created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($matches['date'])); $item->updated = $item->created; } $have_literature = false; // Taxon name if (preg_match('/<a href=(.*)><i>(?<name>(.*))<\\/i><\\/a>/', $i->description, $matches)) { $item->title = $matches['name']; //print_r($matches); // Index Fungorum search... $url = '' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $matches['name']) . '&AnywhereInText=false&MaxNumber=1'; //echo $url . "\n"; $xml = get($url); //echo $xml; $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($xml); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $record_id = 0; $nodeCollection = $xpath->query("//NewDataSet/IndexFungorum/RECORD_x0020_NUMBER"); foreach ($nodeCollection as $node) { // We have this name in Index Fungorum... $record_id = $node->firstChild->nodeValue; $lsid = '' . $record_id; // Store LSID array_push($item->links, array('lsid' => $lsid)); $item->description .= '<br/><a href="' . $lsid . '">' . $lsid . '</a>'; // Get bibliographic details $rdf = ResolveGuid($lsid); //echo $rdf; $url = ''; $d = new DOMDocument(); $d->loadXML($rdf); $xpath = new DOMXPath($d); $n = $xpath->query("//tpub:title"); foreach ($n as $n2) { $url .= '&title=' . $n2->firstChild->nodeValue; } $n = $xpath->query("//tpub:volume"); foreach ($n as $n2) { $url .= '&volume=' . $n2->firstChild->nodeValue; } $n = $xpath->query("//tpub:pages"); foreach ($n as $n2) { $url .= '&pages=' . $n2->firstChild->nodeValue; } $n = $xpath->query("//tpub:year"); foreach ($n as $n2) { $url .= '&date=' . $n2->firstChild->nodeValue; } $url .= '&display=json'; //echo $url; $ref = json_decode(get($url)); if ($ref->status == 'ok') { $have_literature = true; if (isset($ref->doi)) { array_push($item->links, array('doi' => $ref->doi)); $item->description .= '<br/><a href="' . $ref->doi . '">doi:' . $ref->doi . '</a>'; } if (isset($ref->pmid)) { array_push($item->links, array('pmid' => $ref->pmid)); } if (isset($ref->hdl)) { array_push($item->links, array('hdl' => $ref->hdl)); $item->description .= '<br/><a href="' . $ref->hdl . '">doi:' . $ref->hdl . '</a>'; } if (isset($ref->url)) { array_push($item->links, array('url' => $ref->url)); $item->description .= '<br/><a href="' . $ref->url . '">' . $ref->url . '</a>'; } } else { // No joy... } } /* if (!$have_literature) { // Get from Mycobank, doesn't seem to work when I try and havest with CURL :( echo "Get lit\n"; // Get literature from Mycobank // 1. Get Mycobank web page $url = $item->link; $html = get($url); echo "html=" . $html . "\n"; echo "link=" . $item->link . "\n"; if (preg_match("/<A href='MycoBiblio.aspx\?Link=T&Rec=(.*)'\s+/", $html, $matches)) { print_r($matches); } } */ $this->StoreFeedItem($item); } } }
function Harvest() { global $debug; //echo "|" . $this->url . "|"; //$html = get($this->url); //echo $html; $url = '' . $this->title . '&find_genus=&find_species=&find_infrafamily=&find_infragenus=&find_infraspecies=&find_authorAbbrev=&find_includePublicationAuthors=on&find_includePublicationAuthors=off&find_includeBasionymAuthors=on&find_includeBasionymAuthors=off&find_publicationTitle=&show_extras=on&find_geoUnit=&find_addedSince=' . ($d = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("now - 2 months")) . '&find_modifiedSince=&find_isAPNIRecord=on&find_isAPNIRecord=false&find_isGCIRecord=on&find_isGCIRecord=false&find_isIKRecord=on&find_isIKRecord=false&find_rankToReturn=all&output_format=delimited-minimal&find_sortByFamily=on&find_sortByFamily=off&query_type=by_query&back_page=plantsearch'); //echo $url; $text = 'Id%Version%Family%Full name without family and authors%Authors 77096980-1%1.2%Begoniaceae%Begonia hekensis%D.C.Thomas 77097937-1%1.1%Begoniaceae%Begonia mysteriosa%L.Kollmann & A.P.Fontana 77096979-1%1.1%Begoniaceae%Begonia ozotothrix%D.C.Thomas'; $text = get($url); $text = trim($text); /*$text='Id%Version%Family%Full name without family and authors%Authors 60451177-2%1.1%Euphorbiaceae%Croton subgen. Geiseleria%(Klotzsch) A.Gray 77097911-1%1.1%Euphorbiaceae%Croton pallidulus var. glabrus%L.R.Lima 77097476-1%1.1%Euphorbiaceae%Euphorbia confinalis subsp. rhodesiaca%L.C.Leach 77097491-1%1.1%Euphorbiaceae%Euphorbia maryrichardsiae%G.Will. 77098208-1%1.2%Euphorbiaceae%Euphorbia ohiva%Swanepoel 60451526-2% ex Raf.'; */ if ($debug) { echo $url . "\n"; echo $text . "\n"; } // Get array of individual lines $lines = explode("\n", $text); // Extract headings from first line $parts = explode("%", $lines[0]); $size = count($parts); $heading = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { $heading[$parts[$i]] = $i; } // Read each remaining line $size = count($lines); for ($i = 1; $i < $size; $i++) { $parts = explode("%", $lines[$i]); //print_r($parts); $item = new stdclass(); //Add elements to the feed item $lsid = '' . $parts[$heading["Id"]]; $item->title = $parts[$heading["Full name without family and authors"]]; $item->id = $lsid; $item->link = '' . $parts[$heading["Id"]]; $item->description = '<i>' . $parts[$heading["Full name without family and authors"]] . '</i> ' . $parts[$heading["Authors"]]; $item->description = str_replace('subsp.', '</i>subsp.<i>', $item->description); $item->description = str_replace('var.', '</i>var.<i>', $item->description); // Identifiers $item->links = array(); // tag // $parts[$heading["Family"]] // retrieve metadata... $rdf = ResolveGuid($lsid); // Fix IPNI bug $rdf = preg_replace('/ & /', ' & ', $rdf); if ($debug) { echo $rdf; } //echo $rdf; // extract extra details... $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($rdf); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $nodeCollection = $xpath->query("//tcom:publishedIn"); foreach ($nodeCollection as $node) { $publishedIn = $node->firstChild->nodeValue; $item->description .= '<br/>' . $publishedIn; // Can we get any GUIDs for this...? $matches = array(); if (parse_ipni_ref($publishedIn, $matches)) { //print_r($matches); // we parsed it OK, now find guid... $url = ''; $url .= '&title=' . urlencode($matches['journal']); $url .= '&volume=' . $matches['volume']; $url .= '&pages=' . $matches['page']; $url .= '&display=json'; //echo $url; $j = get($url); $ref = json_decode($j); //print_r($ref); if ($ref->status == 'ok') { if (isset($ref->doi)) { array_push($item->links, array('doi' => $ref->doi)); $item->description .= '<br/><a href="' . $ref->doi . '">doi:' . $ref->doi . '</a>'; } if (isset($ref->pmid)) { array_push($item->links, array('pmid' => $ref->pmid)); } if (isset($ref->hdl)) { array_push($item->links, array('hdl' => $ref->hdl)); $item->description .= '<br/><a href="' . $ref->hdl . '">doi:' . $ref->hdl . '</a>'; } if (isset($ref->url)) { array_push($item->links, array('url' => $ref->url)); $item->description .= '<br/><a href="' . $ref->url . '">' . $ref->url . '</a>'; } } else { // No guid found, but we did parse it OK... } } else { // Don't understand this reference at all... } } $nodeCollection = $xpath->query("//dcterms:created"); foreach ($nodeCollection as $node) { $item->created = $node->firstChild->nodeValue; } $nodeCollection = $xpath->query("//dcterms:modified"); foreach ($nodeCollection as $node) { $item->updated = $node->firstChild->nodeValue; } //print_r($item); $this->StoreFeedItem($item); } }