<table class=text>
  <td>&nbsp;<a href="javascript: void(0);"
    onclick="setCheckboxess('moderator_frm', true ); return false;">Check all</a> /
    <a href="javascript: void(0);"
    onclick="setCheckboxess( 'moderator_frm', false ); return false;">Uncheck all</a>&nbsp;</td>
  <td>Selected partners:</td>
  <td><input class="no" type="submit" name="prf_form_submit" value="Delete"></td>

echo ResNavigationRet('ModeratorsLower', 0);

// Check if user selected to update some moderator properties.
if ((int) $_GET['editdis']) {
<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF];
<table align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="small" width="90%">
<tr class="panel">
<td align="center" width="10%">&nbsp;ID&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" width="30%">&nbsp;Name&nbsp;</td>
<table class=text cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
		<td>&nbsp;<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxes( 'prf_form', true ); return false;">Check all</a> / <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxes( 'prf_form', false ); return false;">Uncheck all</a>&nbsp;</td>
		<td>Selected Banners:&nbsp;</td>
		<td><input class=no type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Delete"></td>

echo ResNavigationRet('AffBannersLower', 0);
if ((int) $_GET['EditBanner']) {
    ContentBlockHead("Edit Banner");
<form method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
<table align="center" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4 class="text" width=90%>
	<tr class=panel>
		<td align=center width=10%>&nbsp;ID&nbsp;</td>
		<td align=center width=10%>&nbsp;XSize&nbsp;</td>
				<hr style="width:90%; color:#e4e4e4; height:1px;">
				<textarea name="Message" style="width:540px; height:100px;"></textarea>
		    <td  align="center">
				<input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Send Message" />

echo ResNavigationRet('ProfilesLower', 0);

function getUserMedia($ID, $sType = '')
    switch ($sType) {
        case 'video':
        case 'audio':
            $sAct = " AND `Owner`='{$ID}'";
            $sPas = "******";
if ($p_num) {
<div class="clear_both"></div>
<div style="">
<table class=text border=0 width=590 align=center>
    <td width="65">&nbsp;<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxes( 'prf_form', true ); return false;">Check all</a>/</td>
	<td align="left" width="70"> <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxes( 'prf_form', false ); return false;">Uncheck all</a>&nbsp;</td>
    <td width="100">Selected polls:</td>
    <td width="55"><input class=text type=submit name="delete" value="Delete"></td>
    <td width="1">|</td>
    <td width="110"><input class=text type=submit name="confirm" value="Confirm"></td>


echo ResNavigationRet('PollsLower', 0);

Пример #5
function PageCompPageMainCode()
    global $sex_sel;
    global $country_sel;
    global $age_start_sel;
    global $age_end_sel;
    global $onl_only;
    global $pic_only;
    global $site;
    global $p_num;
    global $page;
    global $pages_num;
    global $p_per_page;
    global $page_first_p;
    global $pages_num;
    global $search_start_age;
    global $search_end_age;
    global $max_thumb_width;
    global $max_thumb_height;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `name` IN ( 'Sex', 'Country')";
    $res = db_res($query);
    while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        switch ($arr['name']) {
            case 'Sex':
                $sex_sel = $sex_sel ? $sex_sel : 'male,female';
                $sex_options = makeCheckbox('sex', $arr['extra'], $sex_sel);
            case 'Country':
                $country_sel = $country_sel ? $country_sel : 'all';
                $country_options = makeList('country', '', $arr['extra'], $country_sel, 'onchange="javascript: flagImage = document.getElementById(\'flagImageId\'); if (this.value == \'all\') {flagImage.src = \'' . $site['images'] . 'spacer.gif\';} else {flagImage.src = \'' . $site['flags'] . '\' + this.value.toLowerCase() + \'.gif\';}"');
    $age_start_sel = $age_start_sel ? $age_start_sel : $search_start_age;
    $age_end_sel = $age_end_sel ? $age_end_sel : $search_end_age;
    $age_option_start = makeList('age_start', "{$search_start_age}-{$search_end_age}", '', $age_start_sel);
    $age_option_end = makeList('age_end', "{$search_start_age}-{$search_end_age}", '', $age_end_sel);
    $photo_only_check = '<input type="checkbox" name="photo_only" id="photo_only_id" ' . ($pic_only ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' /><label for="photo_only_id"><b>' . _t('_With photos only') . '</b></label>';
    $online_only_check = '<input type="checkbox" name="online_only" id="online_only_id" ' . ($onl_only ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' /><label for="online_only_id"><b>' . _t('_online only') . '</b></label>';
    $country_def_flag = $country_sel == 'all' ? $site['images'] . 'spacer.gif' : $site['flags'] . strtolower($country_sel) . '.gif';
    $ret = '
	    <form id="browse_form" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="get">
			<div class="browse_form_wrapper">
				<div class="browse_form_row">
					<div class="clear_both"></div>
						<div class="label">' . _t('_Sex') . ':</div>
						<div class="value">' . $sex_options . '</div>
					<div class="clear_both"></div>
				<div class="browse_form_row">
					<div class="clear_both"></div>
						<div class="label">' . _t('_DateOfBirth') . ':</div>
						<div class="value">' . _t("from") . '&nbsp;' . $age_option_start . '&nbsp;' . _t("to") . '&nbsp;' . $age_option_end . '</div>
					<div class="clear_both"></div>

				<div class="browse_form_row">
					<div class="clear_both"></div>
		    			<div class="label">' . _t('_Country') . ':</div>' . '<div class="value">' . $country_options . '&nbsp;<img id="flagImageId" src="' . $country_def_flag . '" alt="flag" />
					<div class="clear_both"></div>

				<div class="only">
				    ' . $photo_only_check . '
				    ' . $online_only_check . '

				<div class="submit">
		    		<input id="search" name="search" type="submit" value="' . _t('_Show') . '" />

    //----------------------- search results -------------------------------------------------
    $page = (int) $_GET[page];
    $p_per_page = (int) $_GET[p_per_page];
    $aVar = array(30, 60, 90);
    if (!$page) {
        $page = 1;
    if (!$p_per_page) {
        $p_per_page = 30;
    $real_first_p = (int) ($page - 1) * $p_per_page;
    $page_first_p = $real_first_p + 1;
    $temp_arr = explode(',', $sex_sel);
    foreach ($temp_arr as $value) {
        if ($value) {
            $sex_add .= " `Sex` = '{$value}' OR ";
    if ($country_sel && 'all' != $country_sel) {
        $country_add = " `Country` = '{$country_sel}' AND ";
    if ($age_start_sel) {
        $age_add .= " ( (YEAR(NOW()) - {$age_start_sel}) >= YEAR(`DateofBirth`) ) AND ";
    if ($age_end_sel) {
        $age_add .= " ( (YEAR(NOW()) - {$age_end_sel}) <= YEAR(`DateofBirth`) ) AND ";
    if ($pic_only) {
        $pic_add = " AND `Picture` = '1' ";
    if ($onl_only) {
        $onl_add = " AND (LastNavTime > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL " . getParam("member_online_time") . " MINUTE)) ";
    $sex_add = $sex_add ? '(' . $sex_add . ' 1=0 ) AND ' : '';
    $age_add = $age_add ? '(' . $age_add . ' 1=1 )' : '';
    $sql_add = $sex_add . $country_add . $age_add . $pic_add . $onl_add;
    $p_num = db_arr("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Profiles WHERE {$sql_add} AND `Status` = 'Active'");
    $p_num = $p_num[0];
    $pages_num = ceil($p_num / $p_per_page);
    $profiles_list_query = "SELECT `ID`, `NickName`, `Sex`, `DateOfBirth` FROM Profiles WHERE {$sql_add} AND `status`='Active' ORDER BY `Picture` DESC LIMIT {$real_first_p}, {$p_per_page};";
    $function = '
		    $ret = \'?\';
		    foreach ( $_GET as $key => $value )
			if ( $value )
			    $ret .= $key . \'=\' . $value . \'&amp;\';

		    return $ret;
    $ret .= '<div id="container_result" style="border: 0px solid #000000">';
    $ret .= '<div style="margin-bottom:10px;"><center>' . ResNavigationRet('ProfilesUpper', 0, $function, $aVar) . '</center></div>';
    if ($p_num > 0) {
        $res = db_res($profiles_list_query);
        $iI = 1;
        while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
            $user_is_online = get_user_online_status($arr['ID']);
            if ($iI == 6) {
                $cont = '<div class="browse_thumb_thin">';
            } else {
                $cont = '<div class="browse_thumb">';
            $cont .= getProfileOnlineStatus($user_is_online) . get_member_thumbnail($arr['ID'], 'none') . '<div class="browse_nick"><a href="' . getProfileLink($arr['ID']) . '">' . $arr['NickName'] . '</a></div></div>';
            $ret .= $cont;
            if ($iI > 6) {
                $iI = 1;
    } else {
        $ret .= '<div class="no_result">';
        $ret .= '<div>' . _t('_No results found') . '</div>';
        $ret .= '</div>';
    $ret .= '<div style="clear:both;margin-top:10px;"><center>' . ResNavigationRet('ProfilesLower', 0, $function, $aVar) . '</center></div>';
    $ret .= '</div>';
    return $ret;
<table class=text>

        <td>&nbsp;<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxess( 'mem_form', true ); return false;">Check all</a> / <a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxess( 'mem_form', false ); return false;">Uncheck all</a>&nbsp;</td>
    <td>Selected partners:</td>
    <td><input class=no type="submit" onclick="return confirm( 'Are you sure?' );" name="mem_form_submit" value="Delete"></td>

echo ResNavigationRet('PartnersMemLower', 0);

if ((int) $_GET['editmem']) {
<form method=post action=<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
<table align="center" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 class=small width=90%>
<tr class=panel>
 * Place HTML code for short version of "page navigation"
function PageCompNavigationShort($navBoxId)
    return ResNavigationRet('Search' . $navBoxId, 1);
" id="check<?php 
        echo $objectArr['ID'];
" class="no" />
    echo '<div class="clearBoth"></div>';
<div class="galleryControls">
	<div style="position: relative; float: left;">
		<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxes('approveGalleryForm', true); return false;">Check all</a>
		<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="setCheckboxes('approveGalleryForm', false); return false;">Uncheck all</a>
	<div style="position: relative; float: right">
		Selected objects:&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="confirm" value="Confirm" />&nbsp;|&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete" />
	<div class="clearBoth"></div>
    echo '<center>' . ResNavigationRet('ObjectsLower', 0) . '</center>';