public function Update($id) { if ($_POST['member_password'] == '') { unset($_POST['member_password']); } else { $_POST['member_password'] = Password($_POST['member_password']); } $date = TDate::GetInstance(); $_POST['member_active_time'] = $date->Persi2Timestamp($_POST['member_active_time']); $this->model->Edit($id, $_POST); Redirect(UR_MP . 'Member/Edit/' . $id); }
public function Update($id) { if ($_POST['manager_password'] == '') { unset($_POST['manager_password']); } else { $_POST['manager_password'] = Password($_POST['manager_password']); } if (isset($_POST['allow'])) { $_POST['manager_permission'] = implode(',', $_POST['allow']); unset($_POST['allow']); } if ($this->model->Edit($id, $_POST)) { Redirect(UR_MP . 'Manager/Edit/' . $id); } else { TNotification::Add(_lg("You can't edit this manager this protected"), NF_WARNING); Redirect(UR_MP . 'Manager/Edit/' . $id); } }
<?php include 'common.php'; $path = "games/stats-{$game}.txt"; if (!$game) { exit("wrong params"); } //check for password if ($passw) { Password($nick, $passw); } //read tabble if (file_exists($path)) { $filetext = file_get_contents($path); $stringArray = explode("\r\n", $filetext); for ($i = 0; $i < count($stringArray); $i++) { $values = explode("\t", $stringArray[$i]); if (count($values) == 3) { $tabble["{$values['0']}"] = "{$values['1']}\t{$values['2']}"; } } } //write user, sort tabble $write = $passw; if ($write && (!isset($frags) || !isset($deaths))) { exit("wrong params: no frags"); } if ($write) { if ($tabble[$nick]) { $plScores = explode("\t", $tabble[$nick]); $tabble[$nick] = max($plScores[0], $frags) . "\t" . max($plScores[1], $deaths);
<?php if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $m = new TModel('member'); $result = $m->db->Select('SELECT * FROM %table% WHERE member_email = :email AND member_password = :password AND member_type > 0', array('member'), array(':email' => $_POST['email'], ':password' => Password($_POST['password']))); if ($result != array()) { //login setcookie('mid', $result[0]['member_id'], time() + 60 * 60 * 12 * 15); setcookie('mtype', $result[0]['member_type'], time() + 60 * 60 * 12 * 15); setcookie('mname', $result[0]['member_name'], time() + 60 * 60 * 12 * 15); setcookie('mchat', $result[0]['member_chat'], time() + 60 * 60 * 12 * 15); setcookie('mact', $result[0]['member_active_time'], time() + 60 * 60 * 12 * 15); Redirect('/msg/شما با موفقیت وارد شدید.'); } else { // failed $_GET['msg'] = 'ایمیل یا گذرواژه اشتباه است و یا عضویت شما تایید نشده است.'; setcookie('mid', null, time() - 300); setcookie('mtype', null, time() - 300); setcookie('mname', null, time() - 300); setcookie('mchat', null, time() - 300); setcookie('mact', null, time() - 300); } }
session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['LoggedInCustID'])) { if (empty($_GET["txtCustomerID"])) { showForm(); exit; } else { $CustomerID = $_GET["txtCustomerID"]; } if (empty($_GET["txtPassword"])) { showForm(); exit; } else { $PasswordForm = $_GET["txtPassword"]; } //Validate password if ($PasswordForm != Password($CustomerID, $FirstName)) { showForm("Invalid password"); exit; } setcookie('FirstName', $FirstName, strtotime('+1 week'), "/500141777"); $_SESSION['LoggedInCustID'] = $CustomerID; } function Password($CustomerID, &$FirstName) { $dsn = ';dbname=31845_500141777'; $username = '******'; $password = '******'; try { $options = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //Associative array $db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $options);
if (!isset($_SESSION["contEmail"])) { # Check for empty credentials switch (true) { case empty($_POST["txtEmail"]): showForm(); exit; case empty($_POST["txtPassword"]): showForm(); exit; default: $Email = $_POST["txtEmail"]; $Password = $_POST["txtPassword"]; break; } # Validate password if ($Password != Password($Email, $FirstName)) { showForm('Invalid email and password combination'); exit; } setcookie('FirstName', $FirstName, strtotime('+1 week'), "/"); $_SESSION["contEmail"] = $Email; } # Return users password from the DB function Password($contID, &$FirstName) { $dsn = ';Database=bob'; $uname = 'bobadmin'; $pwd = 'Agilebob60515'; $options = array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); try { $db = new PDO($dsn, $uname, $pwd, $options);
* ->class('someclass'), * for a placeholder: ->placeholder('Some text'). If the attribute doesn't * take a value just omit it, so : ->required() * * In addition to HTML attributes, each element takes meta-data such as the * submitted value. All meta-data is set in exactly the same way but is prefixed * with a single underscore. For example, you can set the form's show_submitted * flag with ->_show_submitted(true), or force an initial check on a specific * item in a radioset using ->_value('name') -- in this case you are setting up * the element to appear as if that value was already submitted to it. * * This is done to make form specification as terse and fluent as possible * -- yet still giving control where needed. * **/ $contact_form = Form('contact', './')->setRenderer($r)->onSuccess('MySuccessHandler')->novalidate()->add(Fieldset('About you...', 'about')->class('about')->add(Checkbox('control', '>Collect Personal Details', 'ok')->_ignore_parent_fields('disabled,readonly,required'))->add(Input('salutation', 'Title', 'Your title please')->autofocus()->datalist($salutations)->required())->add(Input('name', 'Your Name', 'Your name please')->autocomplete('off')->required()->validator('myNameValidator'))->add(Email('email', 'Your Email', 'Your email address')->required()->autocomplete('off'))->add(URL('url', 'Website', 'Your URL here (optional)'))->add(Hidden('secret', '123'))->add(Password('pass', 'Your Password', 'Enter a password of 10 characters or more')->required()->minlength(10, '10+ chars. please'))->add(Password('oth', 'Repeat Password', 'Enter password again')->required()->minlength(10, '10+ chars. please')->matches('pass', 'This must match what you typed in the "Your Password" field.'))->add(Tel('tel', 'Phone', 'A contact number please')->pattern('/^[\\s]*[\\+]?[0-9][-0-9]*[\\s-0-9]*[\\s]*$/', 'Enter a valid phone number. This can start with an international code like +44 if needed.'))->add(Input('human', 'Are you human?', 'No bots please')->pattern('/^yes|yep|yeah|sure am|indeed$/i', 'Some form of affirmation is needed.')->required())->add(YesNo('alive', 'Were you alive when you celebrated your last birthday?', 'Babies excluded.', 'Just yes or no please.')->required())->add(Integer('age', 'How old are you?')->value(5)->min(2)->max(10)))->add(Fieldset('Your message...')->add(TextArea('msg', 'Message', 'Your message to us')->required()->pattern('/^[^0-9]*$/', 'No numbers please!')->whitelist('great,good,fantastic,amazing')))->add(Fieldset('Legal stuff...')->add(Radios('agreement', '>Do you agree to our terms?', $conditions)->required('* Please select one of the options')->validator('myConditionValidator'))->add(Checkboxes('options', 'Additional Options...', $checkboxes)->required()->value('spam_me'))->add(MSelect('depts', 'Forward to which departments?', $departments)->required('Please choose at least one department')->value('complaints-2 , complaints-3 , sales-0')))->add(Submit('Send'))->process(); /** ==================== Custom formatters follow ==================== * * These all override, or append to, some aspect of the renderer's output * and should allow you fine enough control over your form output not to * have to resort to hand-crafted HTML. * * They are all enabled by setting values on the renderer. * Thay are also totally option. In fact, the default output of the renderer * should be fine in most cases so you can probably delete all the code in * this part of the file. **/ /** * Controls the output that goes at the head of the form when there are any * invalid elements. Use this only if the renderer's default markup isn't * what you need.
?> Executed : <b> <?php echo basename($sql_file); ?> </b> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="notification success"> <?php $reg->SetValue(ROOT_SYSTEM, 'title', $_POST['title']); $reg->SetValue(ROOT_SYSTEM, 'email', $_POST['email']); $query = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . "manager` ( \n `manager_username`, `manager_email`, `manager_password`,\n `manager_displayname`, `manager_lastlogin`, `manager_type`,\n `manager_protected`) VALUES\n ( :username , :email, :password, :name, :time, 1, b'1');"; $stm = $database_handle->prepare($query); $stm->execute(array(':username' => $_POST['manager_username'], ':name' => $_POST['manager_username'], ':password' => Password($_POST['manager_password']), ':time' => time(), ':email' => $_POST['email'])); ?> Update : <b> Syetem info</b> </div> <div class="notification success"> Syetem install successfully. <br /> <b style="color: red"> Please remove install directory. </b> </div> </div> <br />
<?php $clean = array_map('strip_tags', $_POST); $result['success'] = false; $result['value'] = 'unknow error'; switch ($url[1]) { case 'regiter': $valid = array('member_name', 'member_email', 'member_password', 'member_password2', 'member_degree', 'member_field', 'member_number', 'member_city'); $insert = promis($clean, $valid); if ($insert['member_password'] != $insert['member_password2']) { $result['value'] = 'پسورد ها یکی نیستند'; echo json_encode($result); die; } else { $insert['member_password'] = Password($insert['member_password']); unset($insert['member_password2']); } if (!filter_var($insert['member_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $result['value'] = ' ایمیل معتبر نیست'; echo json_encode($result); die; } if (strlen($insert['member_name']) < 5 || strlen($insert['member_password']) < 5) { $result['value'] = ' نام یا گذرواژه خیلی کوتاه است '; echo json_encode($result); die; } if (strlen($insert['member_number']) != 11 || substr($insert['member_number'], 0, 2) != '09') { $result['value'] = ' شماره مورد نظر اشتباه است '; echo json_encode($result); die;
/** * send new password * @input post data * @return mixed [0] 1:success | 2:login failed | 3:spamer [max|try|time] */ public function CheckEmail() { $registry = TRegistry::GetInstance(); $trylog = new TTryLog(); $time = $registry->GetValue(ROOT_SYSTEM, 'login_ignore_time'); // check login try $try = $trylog->Check(TRY_PASSWORD, $time); // get max try ; $max_try = $registry->GetValue(ROOT_SYSTEM, 'login_max_try'); // check is try more than max try if ($try <= $max_try) { // can login // log try $trylog->Log(TRY_PASSWORD); // check input length if (strlen($_POST['manager_username']) < 3 || empty($_POST['manager_email'])) { // take access $ret[0] = 2; return $ret; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM %table% WHERE \n manager_username = :username AND manager_email = :email ;"; $result = $this->db->Select($sql, array('manager'), array('type' => 'ss', ":username" => $_POST['manager_username'], ":email" => $_POST['manager_email'])); //manager access control init if (count($result) == 1) { //sending $ret['passwd'] = THash::SaltGenerator(8); // update last login $this->db->Update('manager', array('type' => 'i', "manager_password" => Password($ret['passwd'])), "manager_id = '{$result[0]['manager_id']}'"); $ret[0] = 1; return $ret; } else { //not send $ret[0] = 2; return $ret; } } else { // can't login $ret[0] = 3; $ret['max'] = $max_try; $ret['time'] = $time; // and show error return $ret; } }