function sf_d() { if (!confirm('Delete?')) return; var form = document.form; form.mode.value = 'dodelete'; // = 'hiddenframe' form.submit(); } </script> EOS; pagetail(); exit; } ### }}} pagehead($pgtitle); ParagraphTitle($pgtitle); ParagraphTitle("OS Template", 1); $qry = "SELECT O.*\n, R.affiliation, R.cmf,\n FROM ostpl O\n LEFT JOIN resources R ON"; $ret = myQuery($qry); print <<<EOS <table border='1' class='mmdata'> <th>#</th> <th>Affiliation</th> <th>CC</th> <th>CMF</th> <th>OSID</th> <th>Date</th> </tr> EOS; $cnt = 0; while ($row = myFetchRow($ret)) {
EOS; } $s1 = "<select name='ostpl' id='ostpl' onchange='_fill_title()'>{$opts}</select>"; $s2 = "<input type='button' value='Show' onclick='_osview()' id='os_detail_btn'>"; print button_box($s1, $s2); // check cache first $output = $sitec->List_Resource_Template($siteid); if ($output) { } else { // occi query (it takes some time) $output = $occi->List_Resource_Template(); // update the cache $sitec->Update_Resource_Template($siteid, $output); //$sitec->Dump($siteid); } ParagraphTitle("Resource Templates", 1); $opts = "<option value=''>Select a resource template</option>"; foreach ($output as $uri) { list($prefix, $hash) = preg_split("/#/", $uri); $val = urlencode($uri); $opts .= <<<EOS <option value='{$val}' hash='{$hash}'>{$uri}</option> EOS; } $s1 = "<select name='restpl' id='restpl' onchange='_fill_title()'>{$opts}</select>"; $s2 = "<input type='button' value='Show' onclick='_resview()' id='res_detail_btn'>"; print button_box($s1, $s2); $username = get_username(); $now = date("YmdHis"); $vmname = "{$username}_{$now}"; print <<<EOS
<?php include "path.php"; include "{$env['prefix']}/inc/common.php"; include "func.php"; pagehead($pgtitle); ParagraphTitle($pgtitle); print <<<EOS <script> \$(function() { \$( "#speed" ).selectmenu(); \$( "#files" ).selectmenu(); \$( "#number" ) .selectmenu() .selectmenu( "menuWidget" ) .addClass( "overflow" ); }); </script> <style> fieldset { border: 0; } label { display: block; margin: 30px 0 0 0; } select { width: 200px;
<?php include "path.php"; include "{$env['prefix']}/inc/common.php"; include "func.php"; pagehead('Management'); ParagraphTitle("Management"); print <<<EOS <ul> <li><a href="mgrsite.php">Site Management</a> <li><a href="mgrostpl.php">OS Template</a> <li><a href="mgrvm.php">VM Management</a> EOS; print <<<EOS </ul> EOS; $title = 'List of records contained in the NEW cloud accounting database started in last 3 hours. (Times are UTC)'; $url = ""; print "<dt>{$title}"; print "<dd><a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>"; $title = 'Sites publishing new cloud accounting records (SSM 2.0)'; $url = ""; print "<dt>{$title}"; print "<dd><a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>"; $title = 'EGI ACCOUNTING PORTAL'; $url = ""; print "<dt>{$title}"; print "<dd><a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>{$url}</a>"; pagetail();
} ParagraphTitle("Proxy Infomation", 1); proxy_info($debug); pagetail(); exit; } ### }}} $title = "Proxy Information"; pagehead($title); ParagraphTitle($title); $debug = true; $debug = false; ParagraphTitle("Proxy Infomation", 1); proxy_info($debug); $title = "Generate Proxy Certificate"; ParagraphTitle($title, 1); print <<<EOS <form name='form' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> Certificate: <input type='file' name='filecert' size='30' style='height:30;'> <br> Key: <input type='file' name='filekey' size='30' style='height:30;'> <br> Password: <input type='password' name='keypass' size='20''> <br> <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='doupload'> <input type='button' value='OK' onclick='go_1()'>
ParagraphTitle("Certificate Subject", 1); cert_info(); $debug = true; $debug = false; ParagraphTitle("Generate Proxy Certifiate", 1); $keypass = $form['keypass']; generate_proxy($keypass, $debug); ParagraphTitle("Proxy Infomation", 1); proxy_info($debug); pagetail(); exit; } ### }}} $title = "Generate Proxy Certificate"; pagehead($title); ParagraphTitle($title); print <<<EOS <form name='form' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> Certificate: <input type='file' name='filecert' size='30' style='height:30;'> <br> Key: <input type='file' name='filekey' size='30' style='height:30;'> <br> Password: <input type='password' name='keypass' size='20''> <br> <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='doupload'> <input type='button' value='OK' onclick='go_1()'>