Пример #1
     //				echo $qq . "<br>";
 $mumuq = pg_safe_exec("SELECT id FROM complaints_threads WHERE complaint_ref='" . (int) $da_id . "' ORDER BY reply_ts DESC LIMIT 1");
 if ($mommoq = pg_fetch_object($mumuq)) {
     $da_rt = $mommoq->id;
 } else {
     $da_rt = 0;
 if ($da_rt > 0) {
     if ($do_notify_user) {
         $mm = "";
         $mm .= "Your complaint has received a reply from a CService Admin,\n";
         $mm .= "you will find the reply below :\n\n";
         $mm .= "============================================================================\n";
         $mm .= N_get_pure_string($_POST["areply"]) . "\n\n";
         $mm .= "============================================================================\n";
         if ($_POST["newstatus"] > 0) {
             $mm .= "Thanks for using our Complaint system, this is the last event of this ticket.\n";
             $mm .= "You'll receive a confirmation right after this message.\n\n";
         } else {
             $mm .= "You can reply to this message by following the next link :\n";
             $da_url = gen_server_url() . substr($REQUEST_URI, 0, strrpos($REQUEST_URI, "/")) . "/ticket.php?A=reply&ID=" . $_GET["ID"] . "&C=" . md5(CRC_SALT_0005 . $_GET["ID"] . $da_rt . "reply-user") . "&RT=" . $da_rt;
             $mm .= $da_url . "\n\n";
         mail($daobj->from_email, "[" . NETWORK_NAME . " CService Complaints] " . $_GET["ID"] . " - Admin Reply", $mm, "From: " . NETWORK_NAME . " Channel Service <" . OBJECT_EMAIL . ">\nReply-to: DO.NOT@REPLY.THANKS\nX-Mailer: " . NETWORK_NAME . " CService Complaint Module\n\n");
         echo "<br><br><b>Your reply has been recorded, The user is being notified by e-mail.</b><br><br>";
     } else {
         echo "<br><br><b>Your reply has been recorded (admin only), The user is NOT being notified.</b><br><br>";
     if ($_POST["newstatus"] > 0) {
Пример #2
    echo "Offending/Purged channel(s). ";
if ($_POST["ouser"] == 1) {
    echo "Authenticated/Suspended username(s). ";
if ($_POST["qt"] > 0) {
    echo "<br>Specific complaint type (" . $cpt_name[$_POST["qt"]] . "). ";
echo "</h4>";
echo "</h2>\n";
echo "<hr width=100% size=1 noshade>";
echo "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\"><b>&lt;&nbsp;back</b></a><br>\n";
$matchstring = post2db(strtolower(str_replace("*", "%", str_replace("?", "_", str_replace("%", "\\%", str_replace("_", "\\_", N_get_pure_string($_POST["q"])))))));
$cidz = array();
if (ereg("\\*", N_get_pure_string($_POST["q"])) || ereg("\\?", N_get_pure_string($_POST["q"]))) {
    $cmp_oper = "LIKE";
} else {
    $cmp_oper = " = ";
$rQT = "";
if ((int) $_POST["qt"] > 0) {
    $rQT = "complaints.complaint_type='" . (int) $_POST["qt"] . "' AND ";
if ($_POST["thread"] == 1) {
    // ticket events (must be separately) [forced auto %wild%]
    $q = "SELECT complaints_threads.complaint_ref FROM complaints_threads,complaints WHERE (lower(reply_text) LIKE '%" . $matchstring . "%' OR lower(actions_text) LIKE '%" . $matchstring . "%') AND " . $rQT . "complaints.id=complaints_threads.complaint_ref AND complaints.status!=99 ORDER BY created_ts DESC";
    //echo $q . "<br>";
    $r = pg_safe_exec($q);
    while ($o = pg_fetch_object($r)) {