Пример #1
function adminTemplate($file)
    $tplfile = './templates/' . $file . '.htm';
    $objfile = './data/templates/default/' . $file . '.tpl.php';
    if (!is_file($objfile) || @filemtime($tplfile) > @filemtime($objfile)) {
        //note 加载模板类文件
        $T = MooAutoLoad('MooTemplate');
        $T->complie($tplfile, $objfile);
    //echo $tplfile;
    return $objfile;
Пример #2
  * 取得所有分类信息列表
  * @return array
 function getCateArray()
     if (!$this->dbClass) {
         $this->dbClass = MooAutoLoad('MooMySQL');
     $cateArray = array();
     $query = $this->dbClass->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->dbName}");
     while ($category = $this->dbClass->fetchArray($query)) {
         $cateArray[$category['cateid']] = $category;
     return $cateArray;
Пример #3
function ajax_uploadfile()
    global $_MooClass;
    //note 允许的文件后缀,增加允许文件后缀还要更改checkFileTitle函数里面的对应文件类型检测
    $allow_ext = array("jpg", "gif", "rar", "png", "bmp", "wma", "wav", "mp3");
    //$allow_ext = array("wma","wav","mp3");
    if (isset($_FILES['upfile'])) {
        $attachment = $_FILES['upfile'];
        $filename = trim($attachment['name']);
        $filesize = $attachment['size'];
        if (!$filesize) {
            $filesize = 0;
        $fileext = substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1);
        //note 根据文件后缀名判断这个文件类型
        if (!in_array($fileext, $allow_ext)) {
            echo "<script>window.parent.notUpload('2','" . $fileext . "')</script>";
        //note 根据文件二进制前两位标识判断这个文件类型
        $check_ext = checkFileTitle($attachment['tmp_name']);
        if (!in_array($check_ext, $allow_ext) || $check_ext == 'unknown') {
            echo "<script>window.parent.notUpload('3','" . $filename . "')</script>";
        //note 上传路径
        $path = "./../data/upload/emailattachment/";
        //note 调用文件操作类库,建立无限级目录
        $mkdirs = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
        !is_dir($path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($path, 0777);
        //note 生成文件名
        $file_full_name = 'temp_' . date("Ymd") . '_' . time() . '_' . rand(10000, 99999) . '.' . $fileext;
        $file = $path . $file_full_name;
        while (file_exists($file)) {
            $file = $path . $file_full_name;
        //note 移动文件
        $is_ok = false;
        if (!move_uploaded_file($attachment['tmp_name'], $file)) {
            if (copy($attachment['tmp_name'], $file)) {
                $is_ok = true;
            } else {
                $is_ok = false;
        } else {
            $is_ok = true;
        if ($is_ok) {
            serverlog(3, $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'service', "{$GLOBALS['adminid']}号客服{$GLOBALS['username']}在后台上传文件", $GLOBALS['adminid']);
            $filename = iconv("utf-8", "gb2312", $filename);
            echo "<script>window.parent.UpdateMsg('" . $filename . "','" . $file_full_name . "','" . $filesize . "')</script>";
Пример #4
function login_code()
    $img = MooAutoLoad('MooSeccode');
    $img->outCodeImage(100, 20, 4);
Пример #5
function site_story_edit()
    global $story_sweet_process, $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $memcached;
    $ispost = MooGetGPC('ispost', 'integer', 'P');
    $imgpost = MooGetGPC('imgpost', 'integer', 'P');
    //$MooImage = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
    if ($imgpost == '1') {
        $story_picname = MooGetGPC('imgUrl', 'string', 'P');
        $sid = MooGetGPC('sid', 'integer', 'P');
        $mid = MooGetGPC('mid', 'integer', 'P');
        //重新生成小图 覆盖原来的首页照
        $src = IMG_ROOT . $story_picname;
        $sidmd5 = $sid * 3;
        $size = getimagesize($src, $info);
        $width = $size['0'];
        $height = $size['1'];
        $sizearray = array(0 => array('width' => 280, 'height' => 168), 1 => array('width' => 252, 'height' => 151), 2 => array('width' => 150, 'height' => 90));
        $namearray = array(0 => 'big', 1 => 'medium', 2 => 'small');
        $newimages = changesize($src, '../data/upload/story', 0, 0, $width, $height, $sid, $sizearray, $namearray);
        $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story SET is_index='{$mid}' WHERE sid='{$sid}'";
        $res = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql);
        if ($res) {
            echo 1;
    if ($ispost == '1') {
        $sid = trim(MooGetGPC('sid', 'integer', 'P'));
        $title = htmlspecialchars(trim(MooGetGPC('title', 'string', 'P')));
        $content = htmlspecialchars(trim(MooGetGPC('content', 'string', 'P')));
        $confirmtime = htmlspecialchars(MooGetGPC('confirmtime', 'string', 'P'));
        $story_date = '';
        if ($confirmtime) {
            $story_date1 = htmlspecialchars(MooGetGPC('confirmtime', 'string', 'P'));
            $story_date = strtotime($story_date1);
        } else {
            $story_date1 = trim(MooGetGPC('date', 'string', 'P'));
            $story_date = strtotime($story_date1);
        $name1 = trim(MooGetGPC('name1', 'string', 'P'));
        $name1 = htmlspecialchars($name1);
        $name2 = trim(MooGetGPC('name2', 'string', 'P'));
        $name2 = htmlspecialchars($name2);
        $state = trim(MooGetGPC('state', 'integer', 'P'));
        $syscheck = trim(MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'P'));
        $recommand = trim(MooGetGPC('recommand', 'integer', 'P'));
        $hot = trim(MooGetGPC('clicknum', 'integer', 'P'));
        $submit_date = time();
        $imgtitle = trim(MooGetGPC('imgtitle', 'string', 'P'));
        $imgtitle = htmlspecialchars($imgtitle);
        //note 上传新图片
        //note 判断上传的文件类型
        $flag = '';
        $images = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp');
        $maxfilesize = 1024 * 1024;
        $filesize = $_FILES['img']['size'];
        if (!empty($filesize)) {
            foreach ($images as $v) {
                if (strpos($_FILES['img']['type'], $v) == true) {
                    $flag = 1;
            if ($flag != 1) {
                $notice = "照片必须为BMP,JPG,PNG或GIF格式";
                MooMessageAdmin($notice, 'index.php?action=site_story&h=edit&id=' . $sid, 0);
            if ($filesize > $maxfilesize) {
                $notice = "上传图片大小不得超过1M";
                MooMessageAdmin($notice, 'index.php?action=site_story&h=edit&id=' . $sid, 0);
            //note 上传到指定目录,并且获得上传后的文件描述
            global $upload;
            $upload = MooAutoLoad('MooUpload');
            $upload->config(array('targetDir' => IMG_ROOT, 'saveType' => '0'));
            $files = $upload->saveFiles('img');
            $story_picname = $files[0]['name'] . "." . $files[0]['extension'];
            $filetype = explode('.', $story_picname);
            $filetype = array_pop($filetype);
            $src = IMG_ROOT.$story_picname;
            $size = getimagesize($src,$info);
            $width = $size['0'];
            $height = $size['1'];
            $res_in_pic = '';
            if ($story_picname) {
                //note 插入story_pic表
                $sql_in_spic = "INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic SET sid='{$sid}',img='{$story_picname}',title='{$imgtitle}',submit_date='{$submit_date}',syscheck='{$syscheck}'";
                $res_in_pic = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql_in_spic);
        $sql = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story SET title='{$title}',content='{$content}',story_date='{$story_date}',name1='{$name1}',name2='{$name2}',state='{$state}',syscheck='{$syscheck}',recommand='{$recommand}',hot='{$hot}' WHERE sid='{$sid}' ";
        $sql_up_pic = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic SET syscheck='{$syscheck}' WHERE sid='{$sid}'";
        $res = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql);
        $res_up_pic = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql_up_pic);
        //note 更新缓存
        $param = "type=query/name=story/sql=select s.sid,s.uid,s.title,s.content,s.name1,s.name2,s.story_date,sp.img from `{$dbTablePre}story` as s left join  `{$dbTablePre}story_pic` as sp on s.is_index=sp.mid where sp.syscheck=1 and s.syscheck=1 and s.recommand= '1' order by s.story_date desc,sp.img desc limit 6/cachetime=86400";
        $cachekey = md5($param);
        // 		$file = MOOPHP_DATA_DIR.'/block/story_'.$cachekey.'.data';
        if ($memcached->get('story_' . $cachekey)) {
            $memcached->delete('story_' . $cachekey);
        $story = $GLOBALS['_MooBlock']['story'];
        //note 插入日志
        serverlog(1, $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'story', '编辑成功故事', $GLOBALS['adminid']);
        salert("编辑成功", "index.php?action=site_story&h=edit&id=" . $sid);
    //note 编辑图片页面
    $sid = MooGetGPC('id', 'integer', 'G');
    $sid = intval($sid);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story WHERE `sid` = '{$sid}'";
    $sql_pic = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic WHERE `sid` = '{$sid}'";
    $editStory = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
    $editPic = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql_pic);
    require adminTemplate('site_story_edit');
Пример #6
function code()
    $img = MooAutoLoad('MooSeccode');
    $img->outCodeImage(125, 30, 4);
Пример #7
* 加载模板
* @param string $path - 模板文件路径 (包含皮肤目录和文件名) 如: default/na 
* @param string $type - 模板类型 {module:module里模块模板;public:public下的公共模板;data:data下的用户定制模板}
* @return string 返回编译后模板的系统绝对路径
function MooTemplate($path, $type)
    switch ($type) {
        case 'module':
            $tpl_path = MOOPHP_TEMPLATE_DIR . '/' . $path . '.htm';
        case 'public':
            $tpl_path = 'public/' . $path . '.htm';
        case 'data':
            $path = substr($GLOBALS['style_uid'], -1) . '/' . $GLOBALS['style_uid'] . '/' . $GLOBALS['style_uid'] . '_' . $path;
            $tpl_path = 'data/diamond/' . $path . '.htm';
            if (!file_exists($tpl_path)) {
            exit('$type error');
    $php_path = MOOPHP_DATA_DIR . '/templates/' . $type . '/' . $path . '.tpl.php';
    if (!file_exists($php_path) || filemtime($tpl_path) > filemtime($php_path)) {
        //note 加载模板类文件
        $T = MooAutoLoad('MooTemplate');
        $T->complie($tpl_path, $php_path);
    return $php_path;
Пример #8
  * 保存处理单个文件
  * @return string
 function saveFile(&$file)
     $upFile = $imageFile = array();
     $upFile['path'] = $this->targetDir;
     $upFile['filename'] = $file['name'];
     $upFile['name'] = date("YmdHis") . $this->random(10, 1);
     $upFile['extension'] = $this->getExtension($file['name']);
     $upFile['size'] = $file['size'];
     $upFile['isimage'] = 0;
     $imageFile['size'] = $file['size'];
     $destination = $upFile['path'] . $upFile['name'] . '.' . $upFile['extension'];
     if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $destination)) {
         if (in_array($upFile['extension'], array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'swf', 'bmp')) && function_exists('getimagesize') && !@getimagesize($destination)) {
             //uploadError('Not Expected Attachment!');
         } elseif (in_array($upFile['extension'], array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp'))) {
             if ($this->thumbStatus || $this->waterMarkStatus) {
                 if (!$this->imageClass) {
                     $this->imageClass = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
                 $this->imageClass->image($destination, $imageFile);
                 if (!$this->imageConfiged) {
                     $this->imageConfiged = true;
                 $this->imageClass->thumbStatus && $this->imageClass->thumb();
                 $this->imageClass->waterMarkStatus && $this->imageClass->Watermark();
                 $upFile = array_merge($this->imageClass->upFile, $upFile);
             $upFile['isimage'] = 1;
         return $upFile;
Пример #9
function imagick_rotate()
    global $_MooClass;
    $pic_path = MooGetGPC('pic_path', 'string', 'G');
    //$id = MooGetGPC('id','integer','G');
    //$uid = MooGetGPC('uid','integer','G');
    $degrees = 90;
    $file = explode('.', $pic_path);
    $count = count($file);
    if ($count == 2) {
        $new_file = '../' . $file[0] . '.1.' . $file[1];
    } elseif ($count == 3) {
        $new_file = '../' . $file[0] . '.' . ($file[1] + 1) % 4 . '.' . $file[2];
    $pic_path = '../' . $pic_path;
    $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($pic_path);
    $rotate = imagerotate($source, $degrees, 0);
    //  var_dump($pic_path);
    list($imagewidth, $imageheight, $imageType) = getimagesize($pic_path);
    $imageType = image_type_to_mime_type($imageType);
    switch ($imageType) {
        case "image/gif":
            imagegif($rotate, $new_file, 100);
        case "image/pjpeg":
        case "image/jpeg":
        case "image/jpg":
            imagejpeg($rotate, $new_file, 100);
        case "image/png":
        case "image/x-png":
            imagepng($rotate, $new_file, 100);
        case "image/bmp":
            imagewbmp($rotate, $new_file, 100);
    if ($count == 3) {
        $files = MooAutoLoad("MooFiles");
        $files->fileDelete('../' . $file[0] . '.' . $file[1] % 4 . '.' . $file[2]);
        echo $file[1];
    } else {
        echo 0;
Пример #10
function report($uid)
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $user_arr, $timestamp;
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    if ($serverid && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3) {
        MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04');
    if (MooGetGPC('reportbutton', 'string', 'P')) {
        $u_id = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('uid', 'string', 'P'));
        $ruid = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('ruid', 'string', 'P'));
        $forwhy = MooGetGPC('forwhy', 'integer', 'P');
        $umail = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('umail', 'string', 'P'));
        $content = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('content', 'string', 'P'));
        if ($forwhy == '0') {
            MooMessage('请选择您的举报原因', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
        if (rtrim($content) == '') {
            MooMessage('请选择您的举报内容', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
        //note 上传图片
        if ($_FILES['pic']['size'] <= 5242880 && !empty($_FILES['pic']['size'])) {
            $extname = strtolower(substr($_FILES['pic']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['pic']['name'], '.') + 1));
            //note 判断上传的文件类型
            $flag = '';
            $images = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'BMP');
            //foreach($images as $v) {
            //if(preg_match("/$v/",$_FILES['pic']['type'])) {
            $img_type = explode("/", $_FILES['pic']['type']);
            if (in_array($img_type[1], $images) && in_array($extname, $images)) {
                $flag = 1;
            if ($flag != 1) {
                $notice = "照片必须为BMP,JPG,PNG或GIF格式";
                MooMessage($notice, 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
            //note 上传到指定目录,并且获得上传后的文件描述
            $upload = MooAutoLoad('MooUpload');
            $upload->config(array('targetDir' => REPORT_IMG_PATH, 'saveType' => '0'));
            $files = $upload->saveFiles('pic');
            $report_picname = $files[0]['name'] . "." . $files[0]['extension'];
            //note 提交举报数据
            $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}report (uid,ruid,forwhy,umail,content,pic,addtime) values ('{$u_id}','{$ruid}','{$forwhy}','{$umail}','{$content}','{$report_picname}','" . time() . "')");
            //note 没有上传图片
        } else {
            if ($_FILES['pic']['size'] > 5242880) {
                MooMessage('上传图片大小不能超过5M', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
            } else {
                MooMessage('必须上传图片作为举报证据', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
            //note 提交举报数据
            //$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}report (uid,ruid,forwhy,umail,content,addtime) values ('$u_id','$ruid','$forwhy','$umail','$content','".time()."')");
        $sid = $user_arr['sid'];
        $title = '您的会员 ' . $user_arr['uid'] . ' 举报了 ' . $ruid;
        $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600;
        $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$sid}',title='{$title}',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'";
        $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark);
        MooMessage('举报成功', 'javascript:history.go(-2);');
    //note 两天内对同一位会员投诉只限一次
    $reportcount1 = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select id from {$dbTablePre}report where uid='{$userid}' and ruid='{$uid}' and addtime>" . mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', time() - 86400), date('d', time() - 86400), date('Y', time() - 86400)));
    if ($reportcount1) {
        MooMessage('对不起,您两天内对同一位会员投诉只限一次', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    } else {
        //note 第天只能投诉5位会员
        $reportcount = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) from {$dbTablePre}report where uid='{$userid}' and addtime>" . mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', time()), date('d', time()), date('Y', time())));
        if ($reportcount['count(*)'] >= 5) {
            MooMessage('对不起,您每天只能对5位不同的会员进行投诉', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    if ($userid == $uid) {
        MooMessage('不可以举报自己', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '03');
        $userinfo = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $uid);
    } else {
        $userinfo = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select * from {$dbTablePre}members_search as s left join {$dbTablePre}members_base as b on s.uid=b.uid  where uid='{$uid}'");
    $sql = "select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}pic where uid='{$uid}' and isimage=0";
    $pic_num = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
    if (!$userinfo) {
        MooMessage('无此用户', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '03');
    include MooTemplate('public/profile_index', 'module');
Пример #11
            tag_search($tagname, $sex, $tagid);
        } else {
            require MooTemplate('public/search_tag_more', 'module');
    case 'cityinline':
        if (!$GLOBALS['MooUid']) {
        if ($user_arr['s_cid'] == '30' || $user_arr['s_cid'] == '20' || $user_arr['s_cid'] == '10') {
        } else {
            MooMessage("对不起,您不是高级会员,请升级为高级会员!", "index.php?n=payment", '02');
    case 'test':
        //note 测试页面
        $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
        $image->config(array('waterMarkMinWidth' => '400', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '300', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb(200, 100, '1.gif');
Пример #12
function diamond_recommend()
    $key = 'web_star';
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G');
    $fileClass = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
    $file = '../data/cache/diamond_intro.php';
    $fileClass->fileOpen($file, 'a+');
    $fileClass->fileWrite($file, $uid . ',', 'a+');
    echo "<script>alert('设置成功');location.href='index.php?action=site_diamond&h=intro';</script>";
Пример #13
 * search类调用接口
 * @param $index
function searchApi($index)
    static $sp = array();
    if (empty($index)) {
        return null;
    if (!isset($sp[$index]) || !is_object($sp[$index])) {
        $sp[$index] = MooAutoLoad("MooSearch");
    return $sp[$index];
Пример #14
$h = MooGetGPC('h', 'string');
//$h = in_array ( $h, array ('stepone', 'stepsix', 'validateemail', 'seccode', 'incenter', 'serverrule' ) ) ? $h : 'stepone';
$h = in_array($h, array('stepone'));
// note 解密Cookies
 * if ($_MooCookie['auth']){ list($username, $password, $uid) =
 * MooAddslashes(explode("\t", MooAuthCode($_MooCookie['auth'], 'DECODE'))); }
 * //$uid = 14; $user = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM
 * {$dbTablePre}members as m,web_memberfield as mf WHERE m.uid='$uid' AND
 * m.uid=mf.uid"); $c = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM
 * {$dbTablePre}choice WHERE uid='$uid'"); //实例化数据验证类
$_MooCookie['auth'] = '';
$v = MooAutoLoad('MooValidation');
switch ($h) {
    case "stepone":
        global $_MooClass, $user_arr, $memcached, $_MooCookie;
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
            $error = array();
            $istueiguang = MooGetGPC('istueiguang', 'string');
            $friendprovince = '';
            if (empty($istueiguang)) {
            $username = MooGetGPC('username', 'string');
            $password = MooGetGPC('password', 'string');
            $password2 = MooGetGPC('password2', 'string');
            $gender = MooGetGPC('gender', 'integer');
            $telphone = MooGetGPC('telphone', 'string');
            $birthyear = MooGetGPC('year', 'integer');
Пример #15
function material_imgactive()
    header("Content-Type: text/plain");
    $temp_path = 'data/upload/images/tmp/';
    $dst_im = trim(MooGetGPC('dstim', 'string', 'G'));
    $src_im = trim(MooGetGPC('srcim', 'string', 'G'));
    $photo_img = base64_decode($dst_im);
    $fileInfo = pathinfo($photo_img);
    $temp_im = str_replace($temp_path, '', $dst_im);
    //list($base64_name, $img_ext) = preg_split("(\_\d\.)",$temp_im);
    $base64_name = $temp_im;
    $temp_img_1 = $temp_path . $dst_im . '_1.' . $fileInfo['extension'];
    $temp_img_2 = $temp_path . $dst_im . '_2.' . $fileInfo['extension'];
    $dst_im = $temp_img_1;
    //echo $temp_img_1;
    $action = trim(MooGetGPC('act', 'string', 'G'));
    $act_arr = array('composite', 'undo', 'redo', 'save');
    if (!file_exists($temp_img_1) || !in_array($action, $act_arr)) {
        echo "{imageFound:false}";
    switch ($action) {
        case 'composite':
            if (!file_exists($src_im)) {
                echo "{imageFound:false}";
            $x1 = MooGetGPC('x1', 'integer', 'G');
            $y1 = MooGetGPC('y1', 'integer', 'G');
            $src_w = MooGetGPC('width', 'integer', 'G');
            $src_h = MooGetGPC('height', 'integer', 'G');
            $dst_im = new Imagick($dst_im);
            $src_im = new Imagick($src_im);
            $dw = new ImagickDraw();
            $dw->composite($src_im->getImageCompose(), $x1, $y1, $src_w, $src_h, $src_im);
            copy($temp_img_1, $temp_img_2);
        case 'undo':
            if (file_exists($temp_img_2)) {
                copy($temp_img_2, $temp_img_2 . '.tmp');
                rename($temp_img_1, $temp_img_2);
                rename($temp_img_2 . '.tmp', $temp_img_1);
        case 'redo':
            copy($temp_img_1, $temp_img_2);
            copy($photo_img, $temp_img_1);
        case 'save':
            //echo 'I am save';exit;
            list($width, $height) = getimagesize($photo_img);
            $temp = explode('/', $photo_img);
            $tmp_name = explode('.', array_pop($temp));
            // 弹出数组最后一个单元(图片名称.扩展)
            // 弹出 orgin
            $path = implode('/', $temp) . '/';
            if ($_GET['cover'] == 'no') {
                $dt = substr($tmp_name[0], 0, 14);
                $pic_date = substr($dt, 0, 4) . '/' . substr($dt, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($dt, 6, 2);
                do {
                    $tmp_name[0] = $dt . rand(1111111111, 9999999999.0);
                    $tmp = $path . 'orgin/' . $tmp_name[0] . '.' . $tmp_name[1];
                } while (file_exists($tmp));
                global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid;
                //note 查询出来的总数
                $total = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as num from `{$dbTablePre}pic` where `uid` = '{$userid}' AND `isimage` = '0'", true);
                if ($total['num'] >= 20) {
                    echo '{imageFound:false,errMsg:"您已经有20张照片了,请选择覆盖保存。"}';
                copy($temp_img_1, $tmp);
                $sql = "INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}pic (uid,imgurl,pic_date,pic_name) \n\t\t\t\t\tvalues ('{$userid}','{$tmp}','{$pic_date}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . $tmp_name[0] . '.' . $tmp_name[1] . "')";
            } else {
                copy($temp_img_1, $photo_img);
            $thumb_name = md5($tmp_name[0]) . '.' . $tmp_name[1];
            $thumb1 = $path . '41_57/';
            $thumb2 = $path . '139_189/';
            $thumb3 = $path . '171_244/';
            $MooImage = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
            $new_thumb_wh = get_thumb_HW($width, $height, 41, 57);
            $MooImage->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb1, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_name));
            $MooImage->thumb($new_thumb_wh['width'], $new_thumb_wh['height'], $temp_img_1);
            $new_thumb_wh = get_thumb_HW($width, $height, 139, 189);
            $MooImage->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb2, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_name));
            $MooImage->thumb($new_thumb_wh['width'], $new_thumb_wh['height'], $temp_img_1);
            $new_thumb_wh = get_thumb_HW($width, $height, 171, 244);
            $MooImage->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb3, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_name));
            $MooImage->thumb($new_thumb_wh['width'], $new_thumb_wh['height'], $temp_img_1);
            file_exists($temp_img_2) && unlink($temp_img_2);
    $temp = explode('_', $temp_img_1);
    $temp_img_1 = str_replace($temp_path, '', $temp[0]);
    echo '{imageFound:true,imageName:"' . $temp_img_1 . '"}';
Пример #16
function story_upload()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $timestamp;
    global $user_arr;
    //note 获得那几个步骤
    $story1 = MooGetGPC('story1', 'string');
    $story2 = MooGetGPC('story2', 'string');
    $pics = MooGetGPC('pics', 'string');
    //note 提交第一步的变量赋值
    if ($story1) {
        $name1 = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('name1', 'string'));
        $name2 = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('name2', 'string'));
        $state = MooGetGPC('state', 'integer');
        $year = MooGetGPC('year', 'integer');
        $month = MooGetGPC('month', 'integer');
        $day = MooGetGPC('day', 'integer');
    //note 提交第二步变量赋值
    if ($story2 || $pics) {
        $title = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('subject', 'string'));
        $content = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('content', 'string'));
        $insert_id = MooGetGPC('insertId', 'integer');
        $img_title = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('imgTitle', 'string'));
    //note 如果已经提交故事就显示标题和内容,爱情进程,时间
    $love_story = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}story WHERE uid = '{$userid}'");
    //note 提交故事第一步
    if ($story1 && $name1 && $name2 && $state && $year && $month && $day) {
        //note 如果没有选择甜蜜进程就退出
        $storybasic = $_COOKIE['storybasic'];
        $state == '-1' && exit;
        $story_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
        //note 已经写故事了,就更新已有的故事
        $str = $name1 . $name2 . $state . $story_date;
        $md5str = md5($str);
        if ($love_story['sid']) {
            if ($md5str != $storybasic) {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}story SET name1 = '{$name1}',name2 = '{$name2}',state = '{$state}',story_date = '{$story_date}',submit_date = '{$timestamp}', syscheck = '0' WHERE sid = '{$love_story['sid']}'");
            $insert_id = $love_story['sid'];
        } else {
            $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}story (uid,name1,name2,state,story_date,submit_date) values ('{$userid}','{$name1}','{$name2}','{$state}','{$story_date}','{$timestamp}')");
            $insert_id = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->insertId();
        //note 查询出相册
        $album = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}story_pic WHERE uid = '{$userid}'");
        require MooTemplate('public/story_upload2', 'module');
        //note 更新提交故事第二步
    } else {
        if ($story2 && $insert_id) {
            $storycontent = isset($_COOKIE['storycontent']) ? $_COOKIE['storycontent'] : '';
            $md5content = md5($title . $content);
            if ($md5content != $storycontent) {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}story SET title = '{$title}',content = '{$content}',submit_date = '{$timestamp}', syscheck = '0' WHERE sid = '{$insert_id}'");
                $lsql = "UPDATE {$dbTablePre}story SET title = '{$title}',content = '{$content}', syscheck = '0' WHERE sid = '{$insert_id}'";
            MooMessage("您的爱情故事已上传成功,感谢您和我们分享您的幸福。", "index.php?n=story", '05');
            //note 上传相册中的照片的时候
        } else {
            if ($pics && $insert_id) {
                $album = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT count(1) as count FROM {$dbTablePre}story_pic WHERE uid = '{$userid}'");
                //note 如果上传照片超过30个图片,不允许上传
                if ($album['count'] > '30') {
                    MooMessage("您上传的图片已满30张!不可以在上传新的图片了", "index.php?n=story", '03');
                //note 判断上传的文件类型
                $flag = '';
                $images = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'BMP');
                $maxfilesize = 1024 * 1024;
                $filesize = $_FILES['pic']['size'];
                foreach ($images as $v) {
                    if (eregi($v, $_FILES['pic']['type'])) {
                        $file_content = file_get_contents($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name']);
                        $low_file_content = strtolower($file_content);
                        $pos = strpos($low_file_content, '<?php');
                        if ($pos) {
                            $notice = "照片中含有不安全信息请重新上传";
                            MooMessage($notice, 'index.php?n=story&h=upload');
                        } else {
                            $flag = 1;
                if ($flag != 1) {
                    $notice = "照片必须为BMP,JPG,PNG或GIF格式";
                    MooMessage($notice, 'index.php?n=story&h=upload');
                if ($filesize > $maxfilesize) {
                    $notice = "上传图片大小不得大于1M";
                    MooMessage($notice, 'index.php?n=story&h=upload');
                //note 上传到指定目录,并且获得上传后的文件描述
                $upload = MooAutoLoad('MooUpload');
                $upload->config(array('targetDir' => STORY_IMG_PATH, 'saveType' => '0'));
                $files = $upload->saveFiles('pic');
                $story_picname = $files[0]['name'] . "." . $files[0]['extension'];
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}story SET title = '{$title}',content = '{$content}',submit_date = '{$timestamp}' WHERE sid = '{$insert_id}'");
                if ($story_picname) {
                    $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}story_pic (img,sid,uid,submit_date,title) values ('{$story_picname}','{$insert_id}','{$userid}','{$timestamp}','{$img_title}')");
                //note 查询出相册
                $album = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}story_pic WHERE uid = '{$userid}'");
                $love_story = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}story WHERE uid = '{$userid}'");
                $prompt = '<script>alert("上传成功,您可以继续上传")</script>';
                include MooTemplate('public/story_upload2', 'module');
            } else {
                //note 故事日期
                $story_date = $love_story['story_date'];
                $show_year = date("Y", $story_date);
                $show_month = date("n", $story_date);
                $show_date = date("j", $story_date);
                $md5str = $love_story['name1'] . $love_story['name2'] . $love_story['state'] . $love_story['story_date'];
                $md5basic = md5($md5str);
                setcookie("storybasic", $md5basic);
                include MooTemplate('public/story_upload1', 'module');
Пример #17
function public_showmsg($uid)
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1970 05:00:00  GMT");
    header("Cache-Control:no-cache, must-revalidate");
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $memcached, $user_arr;
    //$uid = MooGetGPC('uid','integer');
    $str = '';
    $n = 0;
    //$msg = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) from {$dbTablePre}services where s_uid={$uid} and s_status='0' and flag = '1' and s_uid_del='0'");
    //$msg_count = $msg['count(*)'];
    $msg_count = header_show_total($uid);
    if ($msg_count) {
        $user_msg_id = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select distinct s_fromid from {$dbTablePre}services where s_uid={$uid} and s_status='0' and s_uid_del='0' order by s_time desc limit 3");
        $inidArr = array();
        foreach ($user_msg_id as $v) {
            if ($v['s_fromid'] == 0) {
                $from_kefu = 1;
            } else {
                $inidArr[] = $v['s_fromid'];
        $inid = implode(',', $inidArr);
        $user_msg = array();
        if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
            foreach ($inidArr as $arruid) {
                $user_msg[] = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $arruid);
        } else {
            $user_msg = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,nickname,s_cid from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid in ({$inid})");
        $str .= '<p>您有<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message">' . $msg_count . '条新消息</a></p>';
        foreach ($user_msg as $vv) {
            if ($vv) {
                $nickname = $vv['nickname'];
                if ($nickname) {
                    $str .= '<p>查看<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message&t=membermessage">' . $nickname . '给您发的新邮件</a></p>';
                } else {
                    $str .= '<p>查看<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message&t=membermessage">会员ID ' . $vv['uid'] . '给您发的新邮件</a></p>';
        if ($from_kefu) {
            $str .= '<p>查看<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message&t=hlmessage">真爱一生网发新邮件</a></p>';
    if ($user_arr['regdate'] < time() - 7200) {
        if ($user_arr['showinformation']) {
            $visitor_msg = public_showmsg_two($uid);
        $nickname = $visitor_msg['nickname'];
        $nc = $nickname ? $nickname : 'ID:' . $visitor_msg['uid'];
        if ($visitor_msg) {
            $makevisit_sec = $memcached->get('makevisit' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '_' . $uid);
            if ($makevisit_sec) {
                $sec = $makevisit_sec;
            } else {
                $sec = rand(100, 200);
                $memcached->set('makevisit' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '_' . $uid, $sec, 60);
            $img = MooGetphoto($visitor_msg['uid'], 'page');
            $mid_img = MooGetphoto($visitor_msg['uid'], 'mid');
            if ($mid_img && !$img) {
                $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
                $pic_dir = substr($mid_img, 0, 28);
                $new_file_name = $visitor_msg['uid'] * 3 . "_page.jpg";
                $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $pic_dir, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $new_file_name, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '82', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '114', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
                $image->thumb(49, 62, $mid_img);
                $img = $page_img;
            if ($img) {
                $photo = "<a target='_blank' href='index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=" . $visitor_msg['uid'] . "'><img src=" . $img . " class='u-photo'></a>";
                $str .= '<div class="c-line"></div><p>您的资料正在被:</p>' . $photo . '<p><a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">' . $nc . '</a>查看,</p><p>已查看' . $sec . '秒,</p><p><a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">查看Ta的资料</a></p><div style="clear:both"></div>';
            } else {
                $str .= '<p>您的资料正在被' . $photo . '<a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">' . $nc . '</a>查看,已查看' . $sec . '秒,<a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">查看Ta的资料</a></p>';
    $chat_msg = public_showmsg_three($uid);
    $new_message = '';
    if ($chat_msg) {
        $str .= '<p>您有<a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=service&h=chat&chatorid=' . $chat_msg['s_fromid'] . '\', \'_blank\', \'height=500, width=700, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\')">新的在线消息</a></p>';
        $new_message = '|new_message';
    $expires_time = time() - 3600 * 24 * 15;
    $sql_contact = "SELECT count(*) as yc_count,other_contact_you,you_contact_other FROM {$dbTablePre}service_contact WHERE is_read=0 and you_contact_other = '{$uid}' AND syscheck = '1' AND stat = '1' AND sendtime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_contact);
    if ($uid == $ret['you_contact_other']) {
        $you_contact_other_msg_count = $ret['yc_count'];
        if ($you_contact_other_msg_count > 0) {
            $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret['other_contact_you'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=2,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret['other_contact_you'] . '</a>委托真爱一生联系您</p>';
    $sql_leer = "SELECT receiveuid,senduid FROM web_service_leer WHERE is_read=0 and receiveuid = '" . $uid . "' AND  receivetime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret_leer = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_leer);
    if ($uid == $ret_leer['receiveuid']) {
        $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret_leer['senduid'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=0,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret_leer['senduid'] . '</a>向您送出了一个秋波</p>';
    $sql_rose = "SELECT receiveuid,senduid,num FROM web_service_rose WHERE is_read=0 and receiveuid = '" . $uid . "' AND receivetime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret_rose = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_rose);
    if ($uid == $ret_rose['receiveuid']) {
        $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret_rose['senduid'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=1,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret_rose['senduid'] . '</a>向您送出了鲜花</p>';
    $sql_liker = "SELECT * FROM web_service_friend WHERE is_read=0 and friendid = '" . $uid . "' AND sendtime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret_liker = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_liker);
    if ($uid == $ret_liker['friendid']) {
        $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret_liker['uid'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=3,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret_liker['uid'] . '</a>将您添加为意中人了</p>';
    if ($str) {
        $str .= "|最新提醒({$n}){$new_message}";
        echo $str;
    } else {
        echo $n;
Пример #18
function material_photo_upload()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $user, $pic_size_arr, $user_arr, $memcached;
    $and_uuid = isset($_GET['uuid']) ? $_GET['uuid'] : '';
    $uid = $_GET['uid'] = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : '';
    if ($uid) {
        $userid = $mem_uid = $memcached->get('uid_' . $uid);
    $checkuuid = check_uuid($and_uuid, $userid);
    if (!$checkuuid) {
        $error = "uuid_error";
        echo return_data($error, false);
    $user_arr = $user = MooMembersData($userid);
    $user_rank_id = get_userrank($userid);
        $usercer = MooFastdbGet('certification', 'uid', $userid);
    } else {
        $usercer = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}certification WHERE uid='{$userid}' LIMIT 1 ", true);
    if ($_POST['isupload'] == '1') {
        //note 设定用户id
        $memberid = $userid;
        //note 设定用户上传图片大小限制 最小10240字节 = 10k 最大419430字节 = 400K
        $minfilesize = 20480;
        $maxfilesize = 1024000;
        $filesize = $_FILES['userfile']['size'];
        if ($filesize > $maxfilesize) {
            $notice = "请上传小于1000KB的照片。";
            echo return_data($notice);
        if ($filesize < $minfilesize) {
            $notice = "请上传大于20KB的照片。";
            echo return_data($notice);
        //note 判断文件类型
        $flag = '';
        $true_type = file_type($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
        $extname = strtolower(substr($_FILES['userfile']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['userfile']['name'], '.') + 1));
        $images = array('/jpg/', '/jpeg/', '/gif/', '/png/', '/JPG/', '/JPEG/', '/GIF/', '/PNG/');
        if (in_array('/' . $extname . '/', $images)) {
            foreach ($images as $v) {
                //note http://ask.wangmeng.cn/question/76
                if (preg_match($v, $_FILES['userfile']['type']) && ('image/' . $true_type == $_FILES['userfile']['type'] || 'image/p' . $true_type == $_FILES['userfile']['type'] || 'image/x-' . $true_type == $_FILES['userfile']['type'])) {
                    $file_content = file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
                    $low_file_content = strtolower($file_content);
                    $pos = strpos($low_file_content, '<?php');
                    if ($pos) {
                        $notice = "照片中含有不安全信息请重新上传";
                        echo return_data($notice);
                    } else {
                        $flag = 1;
        //echo $true_type,'_',$flag,'_',$_FILES['userfile']['type'];exit;
        if ($flag != 1) {
            $notice = "请上传JPEG,JPG,PNG或GIF格式";
            echo return_data($notice);
        //note 设定该用户最多上传20张图片(形象照除外)
        $maxuploadnum = 20;
        //note 查询出来的总数
        $query = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(1) as num from `{$dbTablePre}pic` where `uid` = '{$memberid}' AND `isimage` = '0'", true);
        $total = $query['num'];
        //note 还可以上传多少张
        $leave_num = $maxuploadnum - $total;
        if ($leave_num <= 0) {
            $notice = '您已经有' . $maxuploadnum . '张照片了,';
            if ($user_arr['mainimg']) {
                $notice .= '不可以再上传了。';
            } else {
                $notice .= '请在相册中选一张作为形象照。';
            echo return_data($notice);
        //note 设定相册名
        $album = '';
        //note 设定全局路径
        $orgin = "orgin";
        //note 原图文件夹名
        $thumb_path = PIC_PATH;
        $timestat = time();
        $thumb_datedir = date("Y", $timestat) . "/" . date("m", $timestat) . "/" . date("d", $timestat);
        $main_img_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $orgin . "/";
        //note 调用文件操作类库,建立无限级目录
        $mkdirs = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
        !is_dir($main_img_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($main_img_path, 0777);
        //note 上传到指定目录(原图),并且获得上传后的文件描述
        $upload = MooAutoLoad('MooUpload');
        $upload->config(array('targetDir' => $main_img_path, 'saveType' => '0'));
        $files = $upload->saveFiles('userfile');
        //note 获得图片路径和缩略图的路径
        $imgurl = $files[0]['path'] . $files[0]['name'] . "." . $files[0]['extension'];
        if ($files[0]['extension'] == 'gif') {
            $output = imagecreatefromgif($imgurl);
            imagegif($output, $imgurl, 100);
        $imgurl2 = $files[0]['path'] . $files[0]['name'] . "_nowater." . $files[0]['extension'];
        @copy($imgurl, $imgurl2);
        $pic_name = $files[0]['name'] . "." . $files[0]['extension'];
        $pic_name2 = $files[0]['name'] . "_nowater." . $files[0]['extension'];
        $first = new Imagick($imgurl);
        $second = new Imagick('public/system/images/logo_original.png');
        //$second->setImageOpacity (0.4);//设置透明度
        $dw = new ImagickDraw();
        $dw->composite($second->getImageCompose(), 0, 0, 50, 0, $second);
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imgurl);
        $d = $width / $height;
        $off_wh = off_WH($width, $height);
        $new_width = $off_wh['width'];
        $new_height = $off_wh['height'];
        $big_path = $files[0]['path'];
        $big_name = $files[0]['name'] . '.' . $files[0]['extension'];
        $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $big_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $pic_name, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '41', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '57', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($new_width, $new_height, $imgurl);
        //note 缩略无水印图片
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $big_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $pic_name2, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '41', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '57', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($new_width, $new_height, $imgurl2);
        $thumb1_width = $pic_size_arr["1"]["width"];
        $thumb1_height = $pic_size_arr["1"]["height"];
        $thumb2_width = $pic_size_arr["2"]["width"];
        $thumb2_height = $pic_size_arr["2"]["height"];
        $thumb3_width = $pic_size_arr["3"]["width"];
        $thumb3_height = $pic_size_arr["3"]["height"];
        //note 生成日期目录
        $thumb1_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $thumb1_width . "_" . $thumb1_height . "/";
        $thumb2_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $thumb2_width . "_" . $thumb2_height . "/";
        $thumb3_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $thumb3_width . "_" . $thumb3_height . "/";
        !is_dir($thumb1_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($thumb1_path, 0777);
        !is_dir($thumb2_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($thumb2_path, 0777);
        !is_dir($thumb3_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($thumb3_path, 0777);
        //note 缩略图文件名
        $thumb_filename = md5($files[0]['name']) . "." . $files[0]['extension'];
        $c = 41 / 57;
        if ($d > $c) {
            $thumb1_width = 41;
            $b = $width / $thumb1_width;
            $thumb1_height = $height / $b;
        } else {
            $thumb1_height = 57;
            $b = $height / $thumb1_height;
            $thumb1_width = $width / $b;
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb1_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_filename, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '41', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '57', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($thumb1_width, $thumb1_height, $imgurl);
        $c = 139 / 189;
        if ($d > $c) {
            $thumb2_width = 139;
            $b = $width / $thumb2_width;
            $thumb2_height = $height / $b;
        } else {
            $thumb2_height = 189;
            $b = $height / $thumb2_height;
            $thumb2_width = $width / $b;
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb2_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_filename, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '139', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '189', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($thumb2_width, $thumb2_height, $imgurl);
        $c = 171 / 244;
        if ($d > $c) {
            $thumb3_width = 171;
            $b = $width / $thumb3_width;
            $thumb3_height = $height / $b;
        } else {
            $thumb3_height = 244;
            $b = $height / $thumb3_height;
            $thumb3_width = $width / $b;
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb3_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_filename, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '171', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '244', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($thumb3_width, $thumb3_height, $imgurl);
        //note 设定是否是形象照 1为形象照,0为普通照
        $isimage = (int) $_POST['isimage'];
        $updatetime = time();
        if ($isimage === 1) {
            $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("update `{$dbTablePre}members_base` set `mainimg`='{$imgurl}',`pic_date` = '{$thumb_datedir}',`pic_name` = '{$pic_name}' where `uid` = '{$memberid}'");
            $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("update `{$dbTablePre}members_search` set images_ischeck='2'  where `uid` = '{$memberid}'");
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                $image_arr = array();
                $image_arr['mainimg'] = $imgurl;
                $image_arr['pic_date'] = $thumb_datedir;
                $image_arr['pic_name'] = $pic_name;
                $members_search['images_ischeck'] = '2';
                MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $memberid, $image_arr);
                MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $memberid, $members_search);
            searchApi("members_man members_women")->updateAttr(array('images_ischeck'), array($memberid => array(0)));
            UpdateMembersSNS($userid, '修改了形象照');
        //note 写入相册表
        $isimage = 0;
        //web_members.mainimg == web_pic.imgurl 即形象照
        $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into `{$dbTablePre}pic` set `uid` = '{$memberid}',`isimage` = '{$isimage}',`album` = '{$album}',`imgurl` = '{$imgurl}',`pic_date` = '{$thumb_datedir}',`pic_name` = '{$pic_name}'");
        UpdateMembersSNS($userid, '修改了相册');
        $notice = "成功";
        echo return_data($notice);
    } else {
        $user1 = $user_arr;
Пример #19
function material_upinfo_submit()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $user_arr, $memcached;
    $and_uuid = isset($_GET['uuid']) ? $_GET['uuid'] : '';
    $uid = $_GET['uid'] = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : '';
    if ($uid) {
        $userid = $mem_uid = $memcached->get('uid_' . $uid);
    $checkuuid = check_uuid($and_uuid, $userid);
    if (!$checkuuid) {
        $error = "uuid_error";
        echo return_data($error, false);
    $user_arr = MooMembersData($userid);
    $validation = MooAutoLoad('MooValidation');
    $uid = $userid;
    //$update1_arr = $update2_arr = $update3_arr = array();
    //note members表字段
    $members_search = array();
    $members_base = array();
    $members_choice = array();
    $members_introduce = array();
    $birthyear = MooGetGPC('year', 'string', 'P');
    $members_search['birthyear'] = $birthyear;
    $birthmonth = MooGetGPC('month', 'string', 'P');
    $birthday = MooGetGPC('days', 'string', 'P');
    $members_search['updatetime'] = time();
    $members_search['nickname'] = safeFilter(MoogetGPC('nickname', 'string', 'P'));
    $members_search['telphone'] = MoogetGPC('telphone', 'string', 'P');
    $members_search['marriage'] = MoogetGPC('marriage1', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_search['height'] = MoogetGPC('height', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_search['salary'] = MoogetGPC('salary', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_search['education'] = MoogetGPC('education1', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_search['children'] = MoogetGPC('children1', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_search['house'] = MoogetGPC('house', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_base['oldsex'] = MoogetGPC('oldsex', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_search['province'] = MoogetGPC('province', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_search['city'] = MoogetGPC('city', 'integer', 'P');
    if (in_array($members_search['province'], array(10101201, 10101002))) {
        //note 修正广东省深圳和广州的区域查询 2010-09-04
        $members_search['city'] = $members_search['province'];
        $members_search['province'] = 10101000;
    //note choice表字段
    $gender = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select gender from {$dbTablePre}members_search WHERE uid='{$uid}'", true);
    if ($gender['gender'] == 0) {
        $members_choice['gender'] = 1;
    } else {
        $members_choice['gender'] = 0;
    //$update2_arr['sex'] = MoogetGpc('sex','integer','p');
    $members_choice['age1'] = MoogetGPC('age1', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['age2'] = MoogetGPC('age2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['workprovince'] = MoogetGPC('workProvince', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['workcity'] = MoogetGPC('workCity', 'integer', 'P');
    if (in_array($members_choice['workprovince'], array(10101201, 10101002))) {
        //note 修正广东省深圳和广州的区域查询 2010-09-04
        $members_choice['workcity'] = $members_choice['workprovince'];
        $members_choice['workprovince'] = 10101000;
    $members_choice['marriage'] = MoogetGPC('marriage2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['education'] = MoogetGPC('education2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['children'] = MoogetGPC('children2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['salary'] = MoogetGPC('salary1', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['height1'] = MoogetGPC('height1', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['height2'] = MoogetGPC('height2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['hasphoto'] = MoogetGPC('hasphoto', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['nature'] = MoogetGPC('nature2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['body'] = MoogetGPC('body2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['weight1'] = MoogetGPC('weight1', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['weight2'] = MoogetGPC('weight2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['occupation'] = MoogetGPC('occupation2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['nation'] = MoogetGPC('stock2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['hometownprovince'] = MoogetGPC('hometownProvince2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['hometowncity'] = MoogetGPC('hometownCity2', 'integer', 'P');
    if (in_array($members_choice['hometownprovince'], array(10101201, 10101002))) {
        //note 修正广东省深圳和广州的区域查询 2010-09-04
        $members_choice['hometowncity'] = $members_choice['hometownProvince'];
        $members_choice['hometownprovince'] = 10101000;
    $members_choice['wantchildren'] = MoogetGPC('wantchildren2', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['smoking'] = MoogetGPC('issmoking', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_choice['drinking'] = MoogetGPC('isdrinking', 'integer', 'P');
    $members_introduce['introduce_check'] = safeFilter(trim(MoogetGPC('introduce', 'string', 'P')));
    $rs = $user_arr;
    //note 验证状态
        $sta = MooFastdbGet('certification', 'uid', $uid);
    } else {
        $sta = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select telphone from {$dbTablePre}certification WHERE uid='{$uid}'", true);
    $where_arr = array('uid' => $uid);
    foreach ($members_search as $key => $val) {
        if ($key == 'telphone' && $val == '') {
        $memberssearch[$key] = $val;
    //	foreach ($members_base as $key=>$val){
    //		$membersbase[$key]=$val;
    //	}
    if (count($members_base) >= 1 || count($memberssearch) >= 1) {
        $members_search['updatetime'] = time();
        if (!rtrim($members_search['nickname'])) {
            $error = "昵称必填";
            echo return_data($error, false);
        if (preg_match('/^(1[345]\\d{9})|(18[024-9]\\d{8})|(010-?\\d{8})|(02)[012345789]-?\\d{8}|(0[3-9]\\d{2,2}-?\\d{7,8})|(.*@.*)$/', $members_search['nickname'])) {
            //MooMessage("昵称不符合规范!", "javascript:history.go(-1)");
            $error = "昵称不符合规范!";
            echo return_data($error, false);
        //echo 'sss';exit;
        //note 昵称截取
        $members_search['nickname'] = MooCutstr($members_search['nickname'], 18, $dot = '');
        if ($members_search['telphone'] && !preg_match('/^((1[345]\\d{9})|(18[0-9]\\d{8}))$/', $members_search['telphone'])) {
            $error = "请输入正确的手机号码";
            echo return_data($error, false);
        $birth = "{$birthyear}-{$birthmonth}-{$birthday}";
        $members_base['birth'] = $birth;
        updatetable('members_base', $members_base, $where_arr);
        updatetable('members_search', $memberssearch, $where_arr);
        if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
            MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $uid, $members_base);
            MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $uid, $memberssearch);
        //searchApi("members_man members_women")->UpdateAttributes(array($uid=>$members_search));
    UpdateMembersSNS($uid, '修改了资料');
    //if(rtrim($update2_arr['introduce_check'] != '')){
    $members_introduce['introduce'] = '';
    $members_introduce['introduce_pass'] = '******';
    $members_choice['updatetime'] = time();
    updatetable('members_choice', $members_choice, $where_arr);
    updatetable('members_introduce', $members_introduce, $where_arr);
        $members_choice['uid'] = $uid;
        $members_introduce['uid'] = $uid;
        if (isset($members_choice)) {
            $members_choice['updatetime'] = time();
            MooFastdbUpdate('members_choice', 'uid', $uid, $members_choice);
        MooFastdbUpdate('members_introduce', 'uid', $uid, $members_introduce);
    //searchApi("members_man members_women")->UpdateAttributes(array($uid=>$members_choice));
        $userchoice = MooFastdbGet('members_choice', 'uid', $uid);
        $introduce = MooFastdbGet('members_introduce', 'uid', $uid);
        $userchoice = array_merge($userchoice, $introduce);
    } else {
        $userchoice = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}members_choice mc left join {$dbTablePre}members_introduce mi WHERE mc.uid=mi.uid AND uid = '{$uid}'", true);
    //	MooMessage("内心独白必填!", "index.php?n=material&h=upinfo");
    if($user_rank_id == 0){
    	if($update1_arr['height']=='-1' || $update1_arr['salary']=='-1' || $update1_arr['children']=='-1' || $update1_arr['oldsex']=='-1' || $update2_arr['age1']=='-1' || $update2_arr['age2']=='-1' || $update2_arr['marriage'] == '-1' || $update2_arr['children'] == '-1' || $update2_arr['body'] == '-1'){
    if ($rs['telphone'] == $members_search['telphone'] || $sta['telphone'] == '' || $members_search['telphone'] == '') {
        $error = "修改成功";
        echo return_data($error, true);
    } else {
        $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}certification  set telphone='' where uid='{$uid}'";
        $certif_arr['telphone'] = '';
        MooFastdbUpdate('certification', 'uid', $uid, $certif_arr);
        if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                $certification_1 = MooFastdbGet('certification', 'uid', $userid);
            } else {
                $certification_1 = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}certification  WHERE uid = '{$userid}'", true);
        $error = "您的手机信息有变动请再次通过我们的验证";
        echo return_data($error, true);
    //note 快速常用搜索表更新
    //note 快速高级搜索表更新
Пример #20
function check_storyimage()
    global $_MooClass, $adminid;
    $sid = $GLOBALS['adminid'];
    $type = MooGetGPC('type', 'string') == '' ? 'list' : MooGetGPC('type', 'string');
    $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'G');
    $lei = "故事图片审核";
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer');
    $id = MooGetGPC('id', 'integer');
    $checkArr = array(1 => '审核通过', 0 => '未审核');
    switch ($type) {
        case 'list':
            $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'G');
            //note 获得当前url
            $currenturl = "index.php?action=check&h=storyimage";
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&page=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl);
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&pass=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl2) . "&pass={$pass}";
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&usersid=\\d+)/", '', $currenturl2);
            $page = get_page();
            $prepage = 20;
            $start = ($page - 1) * $prepage;
            if (isset($_GET['usersid']) && MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'G') == 0) {
            $myservice_idlist = get_myservice_idlist();
            if (empty($myservice_idlist)) {
                $sql_where = " m.sid IN({$GLOBALS['adminid']}) AND ";
            } elseif ($myservice_idlist == 'all') {
                if (isset($_GET['usersid'])) {
                    $sql_where = " m.sid='{$usersid}' AND";
            } else {
                $sql_where = " m.sid IN({$myservice_idlist}) AND ";
                if (isset($_GET['usersid'])) {
                    $sql_where .= " m.sid='{$usersid}' AND";
            if ($uid > 0) {
                $sql_where .= ' m.uid=' . $uid . ' AND ';
            } else {
                $sql_where .= ' p.syscheck=' . $pass . ' AND ';
            $sql1 = "select count(1) as c from web_story_pic as p inner join web_members as m on (p.uid = m.uid) where {$sql_where} p.mid != (select is_index from web_story as s where p.sid = s.sid)";
            $total_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql1);
            $total = $total_count['c'];
            $sql = "select p.uid,p.mid as id,p.syscheck,m.nickname,m.birthyear,m.sid,m.gender,m.lastvisit from web_story_pic as p inner join web_members as m on (p.uid = m.uid) where {$sql_where} p.mid != (select is_index from web_story as s where p.sid = s.sid) order by p.syscheck,p.submit_date desc limit {$start},{$prepage}";
            $list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
            require adminTemplate("check_list");
        case 'show':
            $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'G');
            $storyimages = array();
            if ($_COOKIE['storyimages']) {
                $storydata_dir = MOOPHP_DATA_DIR . '/block/' . 'story' . $adminid . '.data';
                if (file_exists($storydata_dir)) {
                    $storyimages = unserialize(file_get_contents($storydata_dir));
            if (!$storyimages) {
                $storyimages = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.*,b.birthyear,b.gender, a.mid FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic as a inner join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members as b WHERE a.uid=b.uid and a.uid={$uid} and a.syscheck={$pass}");
            if ($id && $storyimages) {
                $sortarr = array();
                foreach ($storyimages as $img) {
                    if ($img['mid'] == $id) {
                        $sortarr[] = -1;
                    } else {
                        $sortarr[] = $img['mid'];
                array_multisort($sortarr, SORT_ASC, $storyimages);
            $storyimage = $storyimages[0];
            $_MooClass['MooCache']->setBlockCache('story' . $adminid, $storyimages);
            $id = $storyimage['mid'];
            serverlog(1, $dbTablePre . $GLOBALS['username'] . "story_pic", "查询会员爱情故事图片", $GLOBALS['adminid']);
            require adminTemplate("check_show");
        case 'submit':
            $is_pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'string');
            $is_onpass = MooGetGPC('nopass', 'string');
            if ($is_onpass) {
                $storyimagessrc = MooGetGPC('storyimagessrc', 'string');
                $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("DELETE FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic WHERE `mid`='{$id}'");
                $files = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
                serverlog(2, $dbTablePre . "story_pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "未通过用户的故事图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
                sendusermessage($uid, "您的成功故事图片不符合图片要求,已被红娘删除,请您按要求进行操作", "成功故事图片审核");
                $alert = '成功删除故事图片';
            } elseif ($is_pass) {
                $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic SET `syscheck`=1 WHERE `mid`='{$id}'");
                serverlog(3, $dbTablePre . "story_pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "通过用户的故事图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
                sendusermessage($uid, "您的成功故事图片已经过红娘的审核,希望您和您的另一半白头偕老,同时也感谢您对红娘的支持", "成功故事图片审核");
                $alert = '审核成功故事图片成功';
            $storydata_dir = MOOPHP_DATA_DIR . '/block/' . 'story' . $adminid . '.data';
            $storyimages = array();
            if (file_exists($storydata_dir)) {
                $storyimages = unserialize(file_get_contents($storydata_dir));
            $sotryimage = array_shift($storyimages);
            $_MooClass['MooCache']->setBlockCache('story' . $adminid, $storyimages);
            if ($storyimages) {
                $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=storyimage&type=show&id=' . $sotryimage['mid'];
            } else {
                $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=storyimage';
            $storykey = $storyimages ? 1 : 0;
            setcookie('storyimages', $storykey);
            salert($alert, $url);
Пример #21
function voice_upload()
    global $dbTablePre, $_MooClass, $userid;
    $vals = MooGetGPC('vals', 'integer', 'G');
    //echo $vals;exit;
    $url_1 = substr($userid, -1, 1);
    $url_2 = substr($userid, -2, 1);
    $url_3 = substr($userid, -3, 1);
    //note 调用文件操作类库,建立无限级目录
    $mkdirs = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
    $url_s = 'data/userecord_tmp/vol_' . $userid . '.flv';
    if ($vals) {
        if (file_exists($url_s)) {
            $url = 'data/uservoi/' . $url_1 . '/' . $url_2 . '/' . $url_3;
            if (!file_exists($url)) {
            if (copy($url_s, $url . '/voi_' . $userid . '.flv')) {
                $toshoot_voice_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
                $own_uid = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select uid from {$dbTablePre}certification where uid='{$userid}'");
                if ($own_uid) {
                    $sql = "update {$dbTablePre}certification set toshoot_voice_time='{$toshoot_voice_time}',toshoot_voice_url='{$url}',toshoot_voice_check=1 where uid='{$userid}'";
                } else {
                    $sql = "insert into {$dbTablePre}certification(uid,toshoot_voice_check,toshoot_voice_time,toshoot_voice_url) values('{$userid}',1,'{$toshoot_video_time}','{$url}')";
                echo 'ok';
            } else {
                echo 'error';
        } else {
            echo 'error2';
Пример #22
function allmember_edit_info()
    global $fastdb;
    if ($_POST) {
        $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'P');
        if (empty($uid)) {
        $validation = MooAutoLoad('MooValidation');
        $search1 = array("nickname" => "昵称", "username" => "Email", "truename" => "姓名", "telphone" => "电话", "marriage" => "婚姻", "height" => "身高", "salary" => "收入", "education" => "学历", "children" => "小孩", "house" => "住房", "province" => "工作身份", "city" => "工作城市", "hometownProvince" => "籍贯省份", "hometownCity" => "籍贯城市", "corptype" => "公司类别", "is_lock" => "封锁", "city_star" => "城市之星", "usertype" => "会员类型", "s_cid" => "会员级别", "gender" => "性别", "occupation" => "职业", "nation" => "民族", "smoking" => "吸烟", "drinking" => "喝酒", "body" => "体形", "weight" => "体重", "nature" => "性格", "family" => "兄弟姐妹");
        $search2 = array(array("marriage" => array("0" => "不限", "1" => "未婚", "3" => "离异", "4" => "丧偶")), array("salary" => array("0" => "不限", "1" => "1000元以下", "2" => "1001-2000元", "3" => "2001-3000元", "4" => "3001-5000元", "5" => "5001-8000元", "6" => "8001-10000元", "7" => "10001-20000元", "8" => "20001-50000元", "9" => "50000元以上")), array("education" => array("0" => "不限", "3" => "高中及以下", "4" => "大专", "5" => "大学本科", "6" => "硕士", "7" => "博士")), array("children" => array("0" => "不限", "1" => "没有", "3" => "有,我们住在一起", "4" => "有,我们偶尔一起住", "5" => "有,但不在身边", "2" => "保密")), array("house" => array("0" => "不限", "1" => "和父母家人同住", "2" => "自有物业", "3" => "租房", "4" => "婚后有房", "5" => "保密")), array("province" => array("0" => "不限", "10102000" => "北京", "10103000" => "上海", "10101201" => "深圳", "10101002" => "广州", "10101000" => "广东", "10104000" => "天津", "10105000" => "重庆", "10106000" => "安徽", "10107000" => "福建", "10108000" => "甘肃", "10109000" => "广西", "10110000" => "贵州", "10111000" => "海南", "10112000" => "河北", "10113000" => "河南", "10114000" => "黑龙江", "10115000" => "湖北", "10116000" => "湖南", "10117000" => "吉林", "10118000" => "江苏", "10119000" => "江西", "10120000" => "辽宁", "10121000" => "内蒙古", "10122000" => "宁夏", "10123000" => "青海", "10124000" => "山东", "10125000" => "山西", "10126000" => "陕西", "10127000" => "四川", "10128000" => "西藏", "10129000" => "新疆", "10130000" => "云南", "10131000" => "浙江", "10132000" => "澳门", "10133000" => "香港", "10134000" => "台湾", "2" => "国外")), array("hometownProvince" => array("0" => "不限", "10102000" => "北京", "10103000" => "上海", "10101201" => "深圳", "10101002" => "广州", "10101000" => "广东", "10104000" => "天津", "10105000" => "重庆", "10106000" => "安徽", "10107000" => "福建", "10108000" => "甘肃", "10109000" => "广西", "10110000" => "贵州", "10111000" => "海南", "10112000" => "河北", "10113000" => "河南", "10114000" => "黑龙江", "10115000" => "湖北", "10116000" => "湖南", "10117000" => "吉林", "10118000" => "江苏", "10119000" => "江西", "10120000" => "辽宁", "10121000" => "内蒙古", "10122000" => "宁夏", "10123000" => "青海", "10124000" => "山东", "10125000" => "山西", "10126000" => "陕西", "10127000" => "四川", "10128000" => "西藏", "10129000" => "新疆", "10130000" => "云南", "10131000" => "浙江", "10132000" => "澳门", "10133000" => "香港", "10134000" => "台湾", "2" => "国外")), array("city" => array("0" => "不限", "10101201" => "深圳", "10101002" => "广州", "10101003" => "佛山", "10101004" => "湛江", "10101005" => "珠海", "10101006" => "肇庆", "10101007" => "东莞", "10101008" => "惠州", "10101011" => "中山", "10101012" => "茂名", "10101013" => "汕头", "10101014" => "梅州", "10101015" => "韶关", "10101016" => "江门", "10101018" => "清远", "10101020" => "潮州", "10101022" => "阳江", "10101023" => "河源", "10101026" => "揭阳", "10101028" => "汕尾", "10101068" => "云浮", "10105001" => "重庆", "10106001" => "合肥", "10106002" => "淮南", "10106003" => "蚌埠", "10106004" => "宿州", "10106005" => "阜阳", "10106006" => "六安", "10106007" => "巢湖", "10106008" => "滁州", "10106009" => "芜湖", "10106011" => "安庆", "10106012" => "黄山", "10106013" => "铜陵", "10106027" => "贵池", "10106042" => "淮北", "10106030" => "桐城", "10106038" => "明光", "10106075" => "马鞍山", "10106078" => "天长", "10106079" => "池州", "10106080" => "宣城", "10106099" => "亳州", "10107001" => "福州", "10107002" => "厦门", "10107010" => "莆田", "10107003" => "泉州", "10107013" => "宁德", "10107004" => "南平", "10107007" => "漳州", "10107008" => "龙岩", "10107009" => "三明", "10108001" => "兰州", "10108002" => "张掖", "10108003" => "武威", "10108004" => "酒泉", "10108006" => "金昌", "10108022" => "临夏", "10108007" => "天水", "10108008" => "定西", "10108012" => "甘南", "10108009" => "平凉", "10108023" => "嘉峪关", "10108064" => "庆阳", "10108078" => "白银", "10108084" => "陇南", "10109001" => "南宁", "10109002" => "柳州", "10109003" => "钦州", "10109004" => "百色", "10109005" => "玉林", "10109006" => "防城港", "10109007" => "桂林", "10109008" => "梧州", "10109083" => "崇左", "10109009" => "河池", "10109010" => "北海", "10109014" => "贵港", "10109018" => "来宾", "10109089" => "贺州", "10110001" => "贵阳", "10110002" => "六盘水", "10110004" => "凯里", "10110005" => "都匀", "10110006" => "安顺", "10110007" => "遵义", "10110021" => "毕节", "10110026" => "兴义", "10110055" => "铜仁", "10110082" => "黔西南", "10110083" => "黔东南", "10110084" => "黔南", "10111001" => "海口", "10111002" => "三亚", "10111006" => "文昌", "10111007" => "琼海", "10111020" => "儋州", "10111021" => "五指山", "10112001" => "石家庄", "10112002" => "衡水", "10112003" => "邢台", "10112004" => "邯郸", "10112005" => "沧州", "10112006" => "唐山", "10112007" => "廊坊", "10112008" => "秦皇岛", "10112009" => "承德", "10112010" => "保定", "10112011" => "张家口", "10113001" => "郑州", "10113002" => "新乡", "10113003" => "安阳", "10113004" => "许昌", "10113005" => "驻马店", "10113006" => "漯河", "10113007" => "信阳", "10113008" => "周口", "10113009" => "洛阳", "10113099" => "济源", "10113010" => "平顶山", "10113011" => "三门峡", "10113012" => "南阳", "10113013" => "开封", "10113014" => "商丘", "10113015" => "鹤壁", "10113016" => "濮阳", "10113017" => "焦作", "10114001" => "哈尔滨", "10114002" => "绥化", "10114053" => "黑河", "10114003" => "佳木斯", "10114004" => "牡丹江", "10114005" => "齐齐哈尔", "10114007" => "大庆", "10114067" => "七台河", "10114008" => "大兴安岭", "10114009" => "鸡西", "10114042" => "伊春", "10114020" => "鹤岗", "10114024" => "双鸭山", "10115001" => "武汉", "10115002" => "黄石", "10115004" => "鄂州", "10115005" => "襄樊", "10115006" => "咸宁", "10115007" => "十堰", "10115008" => "宜昌", "10115009" => "恩施", "10115010" => "荆州", "10115011" => "黄冈", "10115012" => "荆门", "10115013" => "孝感", "10115016" => "神农架林区", "10115034" => "天门", "10115062" => "随州", "10115066" => "仙桃", "10116001" => "长沙", "10116002" => "株洲", "10116003" => "益阳", "10116004" => "岳阳", "10116005" => "常德", "10116007" => "娄底", "10116008" => "怀化", "10116009" => "衡阳", "10116010" => "邵阳", "10116011" => "郴州", "10116013" => "张家界", "10116014" => "湘潭", "10116075" => "永州", "10116097" => "湘西", "10117001" => "长春", "10117002" => "吉林", "10117003" => "延吉", "10117042" => "长白", "10117004" => "通化", "10117006" => "四平", "10117007" => "白城", "10117008" => "松原", "10117028" => "辽源", "10117049" => "延边", "10118001" => "南京", "10118002" => "苏州", "10118003" => "无锡", "10118004" => "徐州", "10118005" => "常州", "10118006" => "镇江", "10118051" => "泰州", "10118007" => "连云港", "10118008" => "淮安", "10118009" => "盐城", "10118010" => "扬州", "10118011" => "南通", "10118017" => "常熟", "10118063" => "宿迁", "10119001" => "南昌", "10119002" => "九江", "10119003" => "景德镇", "10119004" => "上饶", "10119005" => "鹰潭", "10119006" => "宜春", "10119007" => "萍乡", "10119008" => "赣州", "10119009" => "吉安", "10119010" => "抚州", "10119040" => "新余", "10119042" => "井岗山", "10120001" => "沈阳", "10120002" => "铁岭", "10120003" => "抚顺", "10120004" => "鞍山", "10120005" => "营口", "10120006" => "大连", "10120007" => "本溪", "10120008" => "丹东", "10120009" => "锦州", "10120010" => "朝阳", "10120011" => "阜新", "10120012" => "盘锦", "10120013" => "辽阳", "10120014" => "葫芦岛", "10121001" => "呼和浩特", "10121002" => "集宁", "10121003" => "包头", "10121004" => "临河", "10121005" => "乌海", "10121007" => "海拉尔", "10121008" => "赤峰", "10121009" => "锡林浩特", "10121011" => "通辽", "10121024" => "乌兰浩特", "10121089" => "锡林郭勒盟", "10121090" => "阿拉善盟", "10121091" => "兴安", "10121092" => "鄂尔多斯", "10121093" => "呼伦贝尔", "10121094" => "巴彦淖尔", "10121095" => "乌兰察布", "10122001" => "银川", "10122002" => "石嘴山", "10122003" => "固原", "10122010" => "吴忠", "10122011" => "中卫", "10123001" => "西宁", "10123002" => "果洛", "10123003" => "玉树", "10123004" => "格尔木", "10123005" => "海西", "10123045" => "海东", "10123046" => "海北", "10123047" => "黄南", "10123048" => "海南藏族自治州", "10124001" => "青岛", "10124002" => "威海", "10124003" => "济南", "10124004" => "淄博", "10124005" => "聊城", "10124006" => "德州", "10124007" => "东营", "10124008" => "潍坊", "10124009" => "烟台", "10124011" => "泰安", "10124012" => "菏泽", "10124013" => "临沂", "10124014" => "枣庄", "10124015" => "济宁", "10124016" => "日照", "10124068" => "莱芜", "10124018" => "滨州", "10125001" => "太原", "10125003" => "忻州", "10125005" => "大同", "10125006" => "临汾", "10125008" => "运城", "10125009" => "阳泉", "10125010" => "长治", "10125011" => "晋城", "10125107" => "晋中", "10125108" => "吕梁", "10126001" => "西安", "10126002" => "渭南", "10126003" => "延安", "10126005" => "榆林", "10126006" => "宝鸡", "10126007" => "安康", "10126008" => "汉中", "10126010" => "铜川", "10126011" => "咸阳", "10127001" => "成都", "10127125" => "巴中", "10127002" => "乐山", "10127003" => "凉山", "10127005" => "绵阳", "10127007" => "阿坝", "10127008" => "雅安", "10127009" => "甘孜", "10127010" => "广元", "10127117" => "遂宁", "10127011" => "南充", "10127013" => "内江", "10127014" => "自贡", "10127015" => "宜宾", "10127016" => "泸州", "10127017" => "攀枝花", "10127018" => "德阳", "10127056" => "眉山", "10127070" => "广安", "10127137" => "达州", "10128001" => "拉萨", "10128002" => "那曲", "10128003" => "昌都", "10128004" => "山南", "10128005" => "日喀则", "10128006" => "阿里", "10128007" => "林芝", "10129001" => "乌鲁木齐", "10129002" => "石河子", "10129003" => "乌苏", "10129004" => "克拉玛依", "10129006" => "阿勒泰", "10129007" => "巴音郭楞", "10129008" => "哈密", "10129009" => "吐鲁番", "10129010" => "阿克苏", "10129011" => "喀什", "10129012" => "和田", "10129013" => "图木舒克", "10129014" => "五家渠", "10129081" => "奎屯", "10129086" => "塔城", "10129088" => "克孜勒苏", "10129089" => "博尔塔拉", "10129017" => "昌吉", "10129090" => "伊犁", "10130001" => "昆明", "10130002" => "曲靖", "10130003" => "昭通", "10130005" => "文山", "10130007" => "大理", "10130008" => "楚雄", "10130098" => "红河", "10130009" => "临沧", "10130010" => "保山", "10130011" => "玉溪", "10130030" => "丽江", "10130052" => "普洱", "10130127" => "西双版纳", "10130128" => "德宏", "10130129" => "怒江", "10130130" => "迪庆", "10131001" => "杭州", "10131002" => "温州", "10131003" => "宁波", "10131004" => "绍兴", "10131005" => "湖州", "10131006" => "嘉兴", "10131009" => "金华", "10131010" => "丽水", "10131011" => "衢州", "10131012" => "台州", "10131013" => "义乌", "10131014" => "温岭", "10131015" => "舟山", "10132001" => "澳门", "10133001" => "香港", "10134001" => "台湾", "10500000" => "美国", "10600000" => "加拿大", "10700000" => "日本", "10800000" => "澳大利亚", "10900000" => "英国", "11000000" => "法国", "11100000" => "德国", "11200000" => "俄罗斯", "11300000" => "新西兰", "11400000" => "泰国", "11500000" => "马来西亚", "11600000" => "印度尼西亚", "11700000" => "菲律宾", "11800000" => "新加坡", "11900000" => "韩国", "12000000" => "缅甸", "12100000" => "越南", "12200000" => "柬埔寨", "12300000" => "老挝", "12400000" => "印度", "12500000" => "文莱", "12600000" => "巴基斯坦", "12700000" => "朝鲜", "12800000" => "尼泊尔", "12900000" => "斯里兰卡", "13000000" => "土耳其", "13100000" => "乌克兰", "13200000" => "意大利", "13300000" => "芬兰", "13400000" => "荷兰", "13500000" => "挪威", "13600000" => "葡萄牙", "13700000" => "西班牙", "13800000" => "瑞典", "13900000" => "瑞士", "14000000" => "阿根廷", "14100000" => "巴西", "14200000" => "智利", "14300000" => "墨西哥", "14400000" => "秘鲁", "14500000" => "奥地利", "14600000" => "比利时", "14700000" => "丹麦", "14800000" => "希腊", "14900000" => "匈牙利", "15000000" => "哥伦比亚", "15100000" => "委内瑞拉", "15200000" => "爱尔兰", "15300000" => "保加利亚", "15400000" => "冰岛", "15500000" => "卢森堡", "15600000" => "罗马尼亚", "15700000" => "以色列", "15800000" => "埃及", "15900000" => "南非", "16000000" => "奥克兰", "16100000" => "喀麦隆", "16200000" => "毛里求斯", "16300000" => "马达加斯加", "16400000" => "其它地区")), array("hometownCity" => array("0" => "不限", "10101201" => "深圳", "10101002" => "广州", "10101003" => "佛山", "10101004" => "湛江", "10101005" => "珠海", "10101006" => "肇庆", "10101007" => "东莞", "10101008" => "惠州", "10101011" => "中山", "10101012" => "茂名", "10101013" => "汕头", "10101014" => "梅州", "10101015" => "韶关", "10101016" => "江门", "10101018" => "清远", "10101020" => "潮州", "10101022" => "阳江", "10101023" => "河源", "10101026" => "揭阳", "10101028" => "汕尾", "10101068" => "云浮", "10105001" => "重庆", "10106001" => "合肥", "10106002" => "淮南", "10106003" => "蚌埠", "10106004" => "宿州", "10106005" => "阜阳", "10106006" => "六安", "10106007" => "巢湖", "10106008" => "滁州", "10106009" => "芜湖", "10106011" => "安庆", "10106012" => "黄山", "10106013" => "铜陵", "10106027" => "贵池", "10106042" => "淮北", "10106030" => "桐城", "10106038" => "明光", "10106075" => "马鞍山", "10106078" => "天长", "10106079" => "池州", "10106080" => "宣城", "10106099" => "亳州", "10107001" => "福州", "10107002" => "厦门", "10107010" => "莆田", "10107003" => "泉州", "10107013" => "宁德", "10107004" => "南平", "10107007" => "漳州", "10107008" => "龙岩", "10107009" => "三明", "10108001" => "兰州", "10108002" => "张掖", "10108003" => "武威", "10108004" => "酒泉", "10108006" => "金昌", "10108022" => "临夏", "10108007" => "天水", "10108008" => "定西", "10108012" => "甘南", "10108009" => "平凉", "10108023" => "嘉峪关", "10108064" => "庆阳", "10108078" => "白银", "10108084" => "陇南", "10109001" => "南宁", "10109002" => "柳州", "10109003" => "钦州", "10109004" => "百色", "10109005" => "玉林", "10109006" => "防城港", "10109007" => "桂林", "10109008" => "梧州", "10109083" => "崇左", "10109009" => "河池", "10109010" => "北海", "10109014" => "贵港", "10109018" => "来宾", "10109089" => "贺州", "10110001" => "贵阳", "10110002" => "六盘水", "10110004" => "凯里", "10110005" => "都匀", "10110006" => "安顺", "10110007" => "遵义", "10110021" => "毕节", "10110026" => "兴义", "10110055" => "铜仁", "10110082" => "黔西南", "10110083" => "黔东南", "10110084" => "黔南", "10111001" => "海口", "10111002" => "三亚", "10111006" => "文昌", "10111007" => "琼海", "10111020" => "儋州", "10111021" => "五指山", "10112001" => "石家庄", "10112002" => "衡水", "10112003" => "邢台", "10112004" => "邯郸", "10112005" => "沧州", "10112006" => "唐山", "10112007" => "廊坊", "10112008" => "秦皇岛", "10112009" => "承德", "10112010" => "保定", "10112011" => "张家口", "10113001" => "郑州", "10113002" => "新乡", "10113003" => "安阳", "10113004" => "许昌", "10113005" => "驻马店", "10113006" => "漯河", "10113007" => "信阳", "10113008" => "周口", "10113009" => "洛阳", "10113099" => "济源", "10113010" => "平顶山", "10113011" => "三门峡", "10113012" => "南阳", "10113013" => "开封", "10113014" => "商丘", "10113015" => "鹤壁", "10113016" => "濮阳", "10113017" => "焦作", "10114001" => "哈尔滨", "10114002" => "绥化", "10114053" => "黑河", "10114003" => "佳木斯", "10114004" => "牡丹江", "10114005" => "齐齐哈尔", "10114007" => "大庆", "10114067" => "七台河", "10114008" => "大兴安岭", "10114009" => "鸡西", "10114042" => "伊春", "10114020" => "鹤岗", "10114024" => "双鸭山", "10115001" => "武汉", "10115002" => "黄石", "10115004" => "鄂州", "10115005" => "襄樊", "10115006" => "咸宁", "10115007" => "十堰", "10115008" => "宜昌", "10115009" => "恩施", "10115010" => "荆州", "10115011" => "黄冈", "10115012" => "荆门", "10115013" => "孝感", "10115016" => "神农架林区", "10115034" => "天门", "10115062" => "随州", "10115066" => "仙桃", "10116001" => "长沙", "10116002" => "株洲", "10116003" => "益阳", "10116004" => "岳阳", "10116005" => "常德", "10116007" => "娄底", "10116008" => "怀化", "10116009" => "衡阳", "10116010" => "邵阳", "10116011" => "郴州", "10116013" => "张家界", "10116014" => "湘潭", "10116075" => "永州", "10116097" => "湘西", "10117001" => "长春", "10117002" => "吉林", "10117003" => "延吉", "10117042" => "长白", "10117004" => "通化", "10117006" => "四平", "10117007" => "白城", "10117008" => "松原", "10117028" => "辽源", "10117049" => "延边", "10118001" => "南京", "10118002" => "苏州", "10118003" => "无锡", "10118004" => "徐州", "10118005" => "常州", "10118006" => "镇江", "10118051" => "泰州", "10118007" => "连云港", "10118008" => "淮安", "10118009" => "盐城", "10118010" => "扬州", "10118011" => "南通", "10118017" => "常熟", "10118063" => "宿迁", "10119001" => "南昌", "10119002" => "九江", "10119003" => "景德镇", "10119004" => "上饶", "10119005" => "鹰潭", "10119006" => "宜春", "10119007" => "萍乡", "10119008" => "赣州", "10119009" => "吉安", "10119010" => "抚州", "10119040" => "新余", "10119042" => "井岗山", "10120001" => "沈阳", "10120002" => "铁岭", "10120003" => "抚顺", "10120004" => "鞍山", "10120005" => "营口", "10120006" => "大连", "10120007" => "本溪", "10120008" => "丹东", "10120009" => "锦州", "10120010" => "朝阳", "10120011" => "阜新", "10120012" => "盘锦", "10120013" => "辽阳", "10120014" => "葫芦岛", "10121001" => "呼和浩特", "10121002" => "集宁", "10121003" => "包头", "10121004" => "临河", "10121005" => "乌海", "10121007" => "海拉尔", "10121008" => "赤峰", "10121009" => "锡林浩特", "10121011" => "通辽", "10121024" => "乌兰浩特", "10121089" => "锡林郭勒盟", "10121090" => "阿拉善盟", "10121091" => "兴安", "10121092" => "鄂尔多斯", "10121093" => "呼伦贝尔", "10121094" => "巴彦淖尔", "10121095" => "乌兰察布", "10122001" => "银川", "10122002" => "石嘴山", "10122003" => "固原", "10122010" => "吴忠", "10122011" => "中卫", "10123001" => "西宁", "10123002" => "果洛", "10123003" => "玉树", "10123004" => "格尔木", "10123005" => "海西", "10123045" => "海东", "10123046" => "海北", "10123047" => "黄南", "10123048" => "海南藏族自治州", "10124001" => "青岛", "10124002" => "威海", "10124003" => "济南", "10124004" => "淄博", "10124005" => "聊城", "10124006" => "德州", "10124007" => "东营", "10124008" => "潍坊", "10124009" => "烟台", "10124011" => "泰安", "10124012" => "菏泽", "10124013" => "临沂", "10124014" => "枣庄", "10124015" => "济宁", "10124016" => "日照", "10124068" => "莱芜", "10124018" => "滨州", "10125001" => "太原", "10125003" => "忻州", "10125005" => "大同", "10125006" => "临汾", "10125008" => "运城", "10125009" => "阳泉", "10125010" => "长治", "10125011" => "晋城", "10125107" => "晋中", "10125108" => "吕梁", "10126001" => "西安", "10126002" => "渭南", "10126003" => "延安", "10126005" => "榆林", "10126006" => "宝鸡", "10126007" => "安康", "10126008" => "汉中", "10126010" => "铜川", "10126011" => "咸阳", "10127001" => "成都", "10127125" => "巴中", "10127002" => "乐山", "10127003" => "凉山", "10127005" => "绵阳", "10127007" => "阿坝", "10127008" => "雅安", "10127009" => "甘孜", "10127010" => "广元", "10127117" => "遂宁", "10127011" => "南充", "10127013" => "内江", "10127014" => "自贡", "10127015" => "宜宾", "10127016" => "泸州", "10127017" => "攀枝花", "10127018" => "德阳", "10127056" => "眉山", "10127070" => "广安", "10127137" => "达州", "10128001" => "拉萨", "10128002" => "那曲", "10128003" => "昌都", "10128004" => "山南", "10128005" => "日喀则", "10128006" => "阿里", "10128007" => "林芝", "10129001" => "乌鲁木齐", "10129002" => "石河子", "10129003" => "乌苏", "10129004" => "克拉玛依", "10129006" => "阿勒泰", "10129007" => "巴音郭楞", "10129008" => "哈密", "10129009" => "吐鲁番", "10129010" => "阿克苏", "10129011" => "喀什", "10129012" => "和田", "10129013" => "图木舒克", "10129014" => "五家渠", "10129081" => "奎屯", "10129086" => "塔城", "10129088" => "克孜勒苏", "10129089" => "博尔塔拉", "10129017" => "昌吉", "10129090" => "伊犁", "10130001" => "昆明", "10130002" => "曲靖", "10130003" => "昭通", "10130005" => "文山", "10130007" => "大理", "10130008" => "楚雄", "10130098" => "红河", "10130009" => "临沧", "10130010" => "保山", "10130011" => "玉溪", "10130030" => "丽江", "10130052" => "普洱", "10130127" => "西双版纳", "10130128" => "德宏", "10130129" => "怒江", "10130130" => "迪庆", "10131001" => "杭州", "10131002" => "温州", "10131003" => "宁波", "10131004" => "绍兴", "10131005" => "湖州", "10131006" => "嘉兴", "10131009" => "金华", "10131010" => "丽水", "10131011" => "衢州", "10131012" => "台州", "10131013" => "义乌", "10131014" => "温岭", "10131015" => "舟山", "10132001" => "澳门", "10133001" => "香港", "10134001" => "台湾", "10500000" => "美国", "10600000" => "加拿大", "10700000" => "日本", "10800000" => "澳大利亚", "10900000" => "英国", "11000000" => "法国", "11100000" => "德国", "11200000" => "俄罗斯", "11300000" => "新西兰", "11400000" => "泰国", "11500000" => "马来西亚", "11600000" => "印度尼西亚", "11700000" => "菲律宾", "11800000" => "新加坡", "11900000" => "韩国", "12000000" => "缅甸", "12100000" => "越南", "12200000" => "柬埔寨", "12300000" => "老挝", "12400000" => "印度", "12500000" => "文莱", "12600000" => "巴基斯坦", "12700000" => "朝鲜", "12800000" => "尼泊尔", "12900000" => "斯里兰卡", "13000000" => "土耳其", "13100000" => "乌克兰", "13200000" => "意大利", "13300000" => "芬兰", "13400000" => "荷兰", "13500000" => "挪威", "13600000" => "葡萄牙", "13700000" => "西班牙", "13800000" => "瑞典", "13900000" => "瑞士", "14000000" => "阿根廷", "14100000" => "巴西", "14200000" => "智利", "14300000" => "墨西哥", "14400000" => "秘鲁", "14500000" => "奥地利", "14600000" => "比利时", "14700000" => "丹麦", "14800000" => "希腊", "14900000" => "匈牙利", "15000000" => "哥伦比亚", "15100000" => "委内瑞拉", "15200000" => "爱尔兰", "15300000" => "保加利亚", "15400000" => "冰岛", "15500000" => "卢森堡", "15600000" => "罗马尼亚", "15700000" => "以色列", "15800000" => "埃及", "15900000" => "南非", "16000000" => "奥克兰", "16100000" => "喀麦隆", "16200000" => "毛里求斯", "16300000" => "马达加斯加", "16400000" => "其它地区")), array("corptype" => array("0" => "不限", "1" => "政府机关", "2" => "事业单位", "3" => "世界500强", "4" => "外资企业", "5" => "上市公司", "6" => "国营企业", "7" => "私营企业", "8" => "自有公司")), array("is_lock" => array("0" => "是", "1" => "否")), array("usertype" => array("1" => "本站", "2" => "外站", "3" => "全权", "4" => "内部")), array("s_cid" => array("10" => "铂金", "20" => "钻石", "30" => "高级", "40" => "普通")), array("gender" => array("0" => "男", "1" => "女")), array("occupation" => array("0" => "请选择", "1" => "金融业", "2" => "计算机业", "3" => "商业", "4" => "服务行业", "5" => "教育业", "6" => "工程师", "7" => "主管,经理", "8" => "政" + "府部门", "9" => "制造业", "10" => "销售/广告/市场", "11" => "资讯业", "12" => "自由业", "13" => "农渔牧", "14" => "医生", "15" => "律师", "16" => "教师", "17" => "幼师", "18" => "会计师", "19" => "设计师", "20" => "空姐", "21" => "护士", "22" => "记者", "23" => "学者", "24" => "公务员", "26" => "职业经理人", "27" => "秘书", "28" => "音乐家", "29" => "画家", "30" => "咨询师", "31" => "审计师", "32" => "注册会计师", "33" => "军人", "34" => "警察", "35" => "学生", "36" => "待业中", "37" => "消防员", "38" => "经纪人", "39" => "模特", "40" => "教授", "41" => "IT工程师", "42" => "摄影师", "43" => "企业高管", "44" => "作家", "99" => "其他行业")), array("nation" => array("0" => "不限", "1" => "汉族", "2" => "藏族", "3" => "朝鲜族", "4" => "蒙古族", "5" => "回族", "6" => "满族", "7" => "维吾尔族", "8" => "壮族", "9" => "彝族", "10" => "苗族", "11" => "侗族", "12" => "瑶族", "13" => "白族", "14" => "布依族", "15" => "傣族", "16" => "京族", "17" => "黎族", "18" => "羌族", "19" => "怒族", "20" => "佤族", "21" => "水族", "22" => "畲族", "23" => "土族", "24" => "阿昌族", "25" => "哈尼族", "26" => "高山族", "27" => "景颇族", "28" => "珞巴族", "29" => "锡伯族", "30" => "德昂(崩龙)族", "31" => "保安族", "32" => "基诺族", "33" => "门巴族", "34" => "毛南族", "35" => "赫哲族", "36" => "裕固族", "37" => "撒拉族", "38" => "独龙族", "39" => "普米族", "40" => "仫佬族", "41" => "仡佬族", "42" => "东乡族", "43" => "拉祜族", "44" => "土家族", "45" => "纳西族", "46" => "傈僳族", "47" => "布朗族", "48" => "哈萨克族", "49" => "达斡尔族", "50" => "鄂伦春族", "51" => "鄂温克族", "52" => "俄罗斯族", "53" => "塔塔尔族", "54" => "塔吉克族", "55" => "柯尔克孜族", "56" => "乌兹别克族", "57" => "国外")), array("smoking" => array("-1,不限", "0,都可以", "1,在意")), array("drinking" => array("0" => "请选择", "1" => "不喝酒", "2" => "稍微喝一点/社交场合喝", "3" => "喝的很凶", "5" => "保密")), array("body" => array("0" => "请选择", "1" => "一般", "2" => "瘦长", "3" => "运动员型", "4" => "比较胖", "5" => "体格魁梧", "6" => "苗条", "7" => "高大美丽", "8" => "丰满", "9" => "富线条美", "10" => "矮壮结实", "11" => "皮肤白皙", "12" => "长发飘飘", "13" => "时尚卷发", "14" => "干练短发", "15" => "黝黑健康", "16" => "眉清目秀", "17" => "浓眉大眼", "0" => "保密")));
        $sql = 'select nickname,username,truename,telphone,marriage,height,salary,education,children,house,province,city,corptype,is_lock,city_star,usertype,s_cid,bgtime,endtime,gender,birthyear,password,occupation,nation,hometownProvince,hometownCity,smoking,drinking,body,weight,family from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'members_search` where `uid`=' . $uid;
        $userInfo = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true);
        $update1_arr = $update2_arr = $update3_arr = array();
        //note members表字段
        if (isset($_POST['nickname'])) {
            $update1_arr['nickname'] = MooGetGPC('nickname', 'string', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
            $update1_arr['username'] = MooGetGPC('username', 'string', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['truename'])) {
            $update1_arr['truename'] = MooGetGPC('truename', 'string', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['telphone'])) {
            $update1_arr['telphone'] = MooGetGPC('telphone', 'string', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['marriage1'])) {
            $update1_arr['marriage'] = MooGetGPC('marriage1', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['height'])) {
            $update1_arr['height'] = MooGetGPC('height', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['salary'])) {
            $update1_arr['salary'] = MooGetGPC('salary', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['education1'])) {
            $update1_arr['education'] = MooGetGPC('education1', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['children1'])) {
            $update1_arr['children'] = MooGetGPC('children1', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['house'])) {
            $update1_arr['house'] = MooGetGPC('house', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['workprovince'])) {
            $update1_arr['province'] = MooGetGPC('workprovince', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['workCity'])) {
            $update1_arr['city'] = MooGetGPC('workCity', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['corptype'])) {
            $update1_arr['corptype'] = MooGetGPC('corptype', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['family'])) {
            $update1_arr['family'] = MooGetGPC('family', 'integer', 'P');
        //$update1_arr['sid'] = MooGetGPC('sid','integer');
        if (isset($_POST['is_lock'])) {
            $update1_arr['is_lock'] = MooGetGPC('is_lock', 'integer', 'P');
        $update1_arr['city_star'] = MooGetGPC('city_star', 'integer', 'P');
        if (!empty($update1_arr['city_star'])) {
            $city_star = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne('select `city_star` from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'members_search` where `uid`=' . $uid, true);
            $now_t = time();
            if ($city_star['city_star'] < $now_t) {
                $update1_arr['city_star'] = 3600 * 24 * 31 + $now_t;
        if (isset($_POST['usertype'])) {
            $update1_arr['usertype'] = MooGetGPC('usertype', 'integer', 'P');
            if ($update1_arr['usertype'] == 5) {
                $update1_arr['sid'] = 600;
            //内部会员直接 设定 客服60号
        if (isset($_POST['s_cid'])) {
            $update1_arr['s_cid'] = MooGetGPC('s_cid', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['bgtime']) && !empty($_POST['bgtime'])) {
            $update1_arr['bgtime'] = strtotime(MooGetGPC('bgtime', 'string', 'P'));
        if (isset($_POST['endtime']) && !empty($_POST['endtime'])) {
            $update1_arr['endtime'] = strtotime(MooGetGPC('endtime', 'string', 'P'));
        if (isset($_POST['gender'])) {
            $update1_arr['gender'] = MooGetGPC('gender', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['presex'])) {
            $presex = MooGetGPC('presex', 'integer', 'P');
        //if(isset($_POST['year']))$update1_arr['birthyear'] = MooGetGPC('year','integer','P');
        //if(isset($_POST['month']))$update1_arr['birthmonth'] = MooGetGPC('month','integer','P');
        //if(isset($_POST['day']))$update1_arr['birthday'] = MooGetGPC('day','integer','P');
        $password = trim(MooGetGPC('password', 'string', 'P'));
        if ($password) {
            $update1_arr['password'] = md5($password);
        //$update1_arr['introduce'] = MoogetGPC('introduce','string','P');
        //note memberfield表字段
        if (isset($_POST['occupation2'])) {
            $update1_arr['occupation'] = MooGetGPC('occupation2', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['stock2'])) {
            $update1_arr['nation'] = MooGetGPC('stock2', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['hometownProvince'])) {
            $update1_arr['hometownProvince'] = MooGetGPC('hometownProvince', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['hometownCity'])) {
            $update1_arr['hometownCity'] = MooGetGPC('hometownCity', 'integer', 'P');
        //$update2_arr['wantchildren'] = MooGetGPC('wantchildren2','integer','P');
        if (isset($_POST['issmoking'])) {
            $update1_arr['smoking'] = MooGetGPC('issmoking', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['isdrinking'])) {
            $update1_arr['drinking'] = MooGetGPC('isdrinking', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['body'])) {
            $update1_arr['body'] = MooGetGPC('body', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['weight'])) {
            $update1_arr['weight'] = MooGetGPC('weight', 'integer', 'P');
        $userBase = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne('select nature,qq,msn,birth,oldsex from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'members_base` where `uid`=' . $uid, true);
        if (isset($_POST['nature3'])) {
            $update2_arr['nature'] = MooGetGPC('nature3', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['qq'])) {
            $update2_arr['qq'] = MooGetGPC('qq', 'string', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['msn'])) {
            $update2_arr['msn'] = MooGetGPC('msn', 'string', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['oldsex'])) {
            $update2_arr['oldsex'] = MooGetGPC('oldsex', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['year']) || isset($_POST['month']) || isset($_POST['day'])) {
            //birth modify
            $year = isset($_POST['year']) && $_POST['year'] ? $_POST['year'] : 0;
            $month = isset($_POST['month']) && $_POST['month'] ? $_POST['month'] : 0;
            $day = isset($_POST['day']) && $_POST['day'] ? $_POST['day'] : 0;
            if (!$year) {
                $time = 0;
            } elseif (!$month) {
                $time = $year . '-01-01';
            } elseif (!$day) {
                $time = $year . '-' . $month . '-01';
            } else {
                $time = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
            $update2_arr['birth'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($time));
        $sql = 'select age1,age2,height1,height2,weight1,weight2,salary,workprovince,workcity,hometownprovince,hometowncity,smoking,education,children,wantchildren,nature from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'members_choice` where `uid`=' . $uid;
        $userChoice = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true);
        //note choice表字段
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_age1'])) {
            $update3_arr['age1'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_age1', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_age2'])) {
            $update3_arr['age2'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_age2', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_minheight'])) {
            $update3_arr['height1'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_minheight', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_maxheight'])) {
            $update3_arr['height2'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_maxheight', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_minweight'])) {
            $update3_arr['weight1'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_minweight', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_maxweight'])) {
            $update3_arr['weight2'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_maxweight', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_salary'])) {
            $update3_arr['salary'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_salary', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_workprovince'])) {
            $update3_arr['workprovince'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_workprovince', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_workCity'])) {
            $update3_arr['workCity'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_workCity', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_smoking'])) {
            $update3_arr['smoking'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_smoking', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_hometownprovince'])) {
            $update3_arr['hometownprovince'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_hometownprovince', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_hometowncity'])) {
            $update3_arr['hometowncity'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_hometowncity', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_education'])) {
            $update3_arr['education'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_education', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_children'])) {
            $update3_arr['children'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_children', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_wantchildren'])) {
            $update3_arr['wantchildren'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_wantchildren', 'integer', 'P');
        if (isset($_POST['spouse_character'])) {
            $update3_arr['nature'] = MooGetGPC('spouse_character', 'integer', 'P');
        $where_arr = array('uid' => $uid);
        $modifyinfo = '';
        //initialize modify information
        $comma = ",";
        $update1arr = array();
        foreach ($update1_arr as $key => $val) {
            foreach ($search1 as $k => $v) {
                if ($k == $key) {
                    $column = $v;
            $update1arr[$key] = $val;
            if ($userInfo[$key] != $val) {
                foreach ($search2 as $v1) {
                    foreach ($v1 as $k2 => $v2) {
                        if ($k2 == $key) {
                            foreach ($v2 as $k3 => $v3) {
                                if ($userInfo[$key] == $k3) {
                                    $xx = $v3;
                                if ($val == $k3) {
                                    $val = $v3;
                        } elseif ($k2 != $key && in_array($key, array("username", "nickname", "height", "truename", "telphone", "weight", "family"))) {
                            $xx = $userInfo[$key];
                $modifyinfo .= $column . "原:" . $xx . "|现:" . $val;
                $modifyinfo .= $comma;
        foreach ($update2_arr as $key => $val) {
            $update2arr[$key] = $val;
            if (!empty($val) && $userBase[$key] != $val) {
                $modifyinfo .= $key . "原:" . $userBase[$key] . "|现:" . $val;
                $modifyinfo .= $comma;
        foreach ($update3_arr as $key => $val) {
            $update3arr[$key] = $val;
            if (!empty($val) && $userChoice[$key] != $val) {
                //echo $val.'and'.$key.'and'.$userChoice[$key];exit;
                $modifyinfo .= "配偶" . $key . "原:" . $userChoice[$key] . "|现:" . $val;
                $modifyinfo .= $comma;
        if (!isset($modifyinfo)) {
            echo "<script>alert('未修改任何信息');location.href='index.php?action=allmember&h=edit_info&uid={$uid}';</script>";
        $now = time();
        $update1arr['updatetime'] = $now;
        if (count($update1arr) >= 1) {
            updatetable('members_search', $update1arr, $where_arr);
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                $fastdb->set('members_searchuid' . $uid, null);
                MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $uid, $update1arr);
            if ($update1arr['s_cid'] == 20) {
                $sql = "REPLACE INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}diamond (uid ,username ,skin ,status, nickname, gender, birthyear,bgtime,endtime)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ( '{$uid}', '{$update1arr['username']}', '" . ($update1arr['gender'] == 0 ? 'cyan' : 'red') . "', '1', '{$update1arr['nickname']}','{$update1arr['gender']}','{$update1arr['birthyear']}','{$update1arr['bgtime']}','{$update1arr['endtime']}')";
                if (!$GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql)) {
                    echo "操作失败!无法添加钻石会员数据.请联系管理员...";
        if (count($update2arr) >= 1) {
            updatetable('members_base', $update2arr, $where_arr);
            if ($update2arr['birth']) {
                $yourage = date('Y', strtotime($update2arr['birth']));
                $sql = "update web_members_search set birthyear=" . $yourage . " where uid={$uid}";
                if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                    MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $uid, array("birthyear" => $yourage));
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $uid, $update2arr);
        if (count($update3arr) >= 1) {
            updatetable('members_choice', $update3arr, $where_arr);
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                // $fastdb->set('members_choiceuid'.$uid,null);
                MooFastdbUpdate('members_choice', 'uid', $uid, $update3arr);
        if (!empty($password)) {
            $userinfo = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT username FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search WHERE uid='{$uid}'", true);
            $content = "尊敬的用户:您在真爱一生网的密码现在改为" . $password;
            MooSendMail($userinfo['username'], "修改密码", $content, '../public/system/mailtamp/template.html', $is_template = true, $uid);
            insert_admin_log($uid, "{$GLOBALS['username']}客服成功修改{$uid}会员密码为{$password}");
            if ($userinfo['telphone']) {
                if (SendMsg($userinfo['telphone'], $content)) {
                    $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}smslog(sid,uid,content,sendtime) VALUES('{$GLOBALS['adminid']}','{$uid}','{$content}','{$GLOBALS['timestamp']}')");
        if (!isset($tag)) {
            $tag = '';
        serverlog(4, $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . "members_search和member_base", $modifyinfo, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
        echo "<script>alert('修改成功{$tag}');location.href='index.php?action=allmember&h=edit_info&uid={$uid}';</script>";
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G');
    $userinfo = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search WHERE uid='{$uid}'", true);
    $userfield = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base WHERE uid='{$uid}'", true);
    $spouseinfo = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_choice WHERE uid='{$uid}'", true);
    $userinfo = $userfield = $userinfo + $userfield;
    if (in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['admin_service_arr']) || in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['admin_service_after']) || in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['admin_service_team']) || in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['admin_complaints']) || in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['admin_all_group']) && $userinfo['usertype'] == 3 || in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['admin_resource_manager']) || in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['admin_service_manager']) || in_array($GLOBALS['groupid'], $GLOBALS['general_service']) && $userinfo['usertype'] == 3) {
        $is_admin = 0;
    } else {
        $is_admin = 1;
    require adminTemplate("allmember_edit_info");
Пример #23
function check_storyimage()
    global $_MooClass, $adminid, $dbTablePre, $memcached;
    $sql_where = '';
    $sid = $GLOBALS['adminid'];
    $type = MooGetGPC('type', 'string') == '' ? 'list' : MooGetGPC('type', 'string');
    $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string');
    $lei = "故事图片审核";
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer');
    $id = MooGetGPC('id', 'integer');
    $checkArr = array(1 => '审核通过', 0 => '未审核');
    switch ($type) {
        case 'list':
            if (MooGetGPC('pass', 'string', 'R')) {
                $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'string', 'R');
                $pass = str_replace("\\'", "", $pass);
            } else {
                $pass = 0;
            //note 获得当前url
            $currenturl = "index.php?action=check&h=storyimage";
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&page=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl);
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&pass=\\d+)/", "", $currenturl2) . "&pass={$pass}";
            $currenturl2 = preg_replace("/(&usersid=\\d+)/", '', $currenturl2);
            if (MooGetGPC('page', 'string', 'G')) {
                $page = MooGetGPC('page', 'string', 'G');
                $page = str_replace("\\'", "", $page);
            } else {
                $page = 1;
            $prepage = 20;
            $start = ($page - 1) * $prepage;
            if (MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'R') != "-1" && MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'R') != "") {
                $val = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'R');
                $val = str_replace("\\'", "", $val);
                $sid_where = "m.sid = '{$val}' AND ";
                $currentur = $currenturl2 . '&usersid=' . $val;
            } else {
                $sid_where = " ";
                $currentur = $currenturl2;
            $myservice_idlist = get_myservice_idlist();
            if (empty($myservice_idlist) || $myservice_idlist === $GLOBALS['adminid']) {
                $condition[] = " sid ={$GLOBALS['adminid']}";
            } elseif ($myservice_idlist == 'all') {
                //if(!empty($usersid)){$condition[]=" sid='$usersid'";}
                $adminUser = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,username from web_admin_user");
            } else {
                $condition[] = " sid IN({$myservice_idlist})";
                //if(!empty($usersid)) {$condition[]=" sid='$usersid'";}
                $adminUser = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,username from web_admin_user  where uid in ({$myservice_idlist}) ");
            if ($uid > 0) {
                $sql_where .= ' m.uid=' . $uid . ' AND ';
            } else {
                if ($val == 10000) {
                    $sql_where .= " p.syscheck=" . $pass . " AND ";
                } else {
                    $sql_where .= " p.syscheck=" . $pass . " AND  " . $sid_where;
            $sql1 = "select count(1) as c from web_story_pic as p left join web_members_search as m on (p.uid = m.uid) where {$sql_where} p.mid != (select is_index from web_story as s where p.sid = s.sid)";
            $total_count = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql1);
            $total = $total_count['c'];
            $sql = "select p.uid,p.mid as id,p.syscheck,m.nickname,m.birthyear,m.sid,m.gender,mb.allotdate from web_story_pic as p left join web_members_search as m on (p.uid = m.uid) left join web_members_base as mb on mb.uid=m.uid  where {$sql_where} p.mid != (select is_index from web_story as s where p.sid = s.sid) order by p.syscheck,p.submit_date desc limit {$start},{$prepage}";
            $list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
            require adminTemplate("check_list");
        case 'show':
            $pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'integer', 'G');
            $usersid = MooGetGPC('usersid', 'string', 'G');
            if (MooGetGPC('page', 'string', 'G')) {
                $page = MooGetGPC('page', 'string', 'G');
            } else {
                $page = 1;
            $url = "index.php?action=check&h=storyimage&type=list&pass='******'&usersid='{$usersid}'&page='{$page}'";
            $storyimages = array();
            if (isset($_COOKIE['storyimages']) && $_COOKIE['storyimages']) {
                $storydata_dir = $memcached->get('story' . $adminid);
                if ($storydata_dir) {
                    $storyimages = unserialize($storydata_dir);
            if (!$storyimages) {
                $storyimages = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT a.*,b.birthyear,b.gender, a.mid FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic as a left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search as b ON a.uid=b.uid WHERE a.uid={$uid} and a.syscheck={$pass}");
            if ($id && $storyimages) {
                $sortarr = array();
                foreach ($storyimages as $img) {
                    if ($img['mid'] == $id) {
                        $sortarr[] = -1;
                    } else {
                        $sortarr[] = $img['mid'];
                array_multisort($sortarr, SORT_ASC, $storyimages);
            $storyimage = $storyimages[0];
            $_MooClass['MooCache']->setBlockCache('story' . $adminid, $storyimages, 3600);
            $id = $storyimage['mid'];
            serverlog(1, $dbTablePre . $GLOBALS['username'] . "story_pic", "查询会员爱情故事图片", $GLOBALS['adminid']);
            require adminTemplate("check_show");
        case 'submit':
            $is_pass = MooGetGPC('pass', 'string');
            $is_onpass = MooGetGPC('nopass', 'string');
            if ($is_onpass) {
                $storyimagessrc = MooGetGPC('storyimagessrc', 'string');
                $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("DELETE FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic WHERE `mid`='{$id}'");
                $files = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
                serverlog(2, $dbTablePre . "story_pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "未通过用户的故事图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
                sendusermessage($uid, "您的成功故事图片不符合图片要求,已被红娘删除,请您按要求进行操作", "成功故事图片审核");
                $alert = '成功删除故事图片';
            } elseif ($is_pass) {
                $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}story_pic SET `syscheck`=1 WHERE `mid`='{$id}'");
                serverlog(3, $dbTablePre . "story_pic", $GLOBALS['username'] . "通过用户的故事图片" . $id, $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid);
                sendusermessage($uid, "您的成功故事图片已经过红娘的审核,希望您和您的另一半白头偕老,同时也感谢您对红娘的支持", "成功故事图片审核");
                $alert = '审核成功故事图片成功';
            $storydata_dir = $memcached->get('story' . $adminid);
            $storyimages = array();
            if ($storydata_dir) {
                $storyimages = unserialize($storydata_dir);
            $sotryimage = array_shift($storyimages);
            $_MooClass['MooCache']->setBlockCache('story' . $adminid, $storyimages, 3600);
            if ($storyimages) {
                $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=storyimage&type=show&id=' . $sotryimage['mid'];
            } else {
                $url = 'index.php?action=check&h=storyimage';
            $storykey = $storyimages ? 1 : 0;
            setcookie('storyimages', $storykey);
            salert($alert, $url);
Пример #24
function send_mms_commission($tel, $type, $uid)
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user_arr;
    include "ework/include/crontab_config.php";
    $pic_path = "./data/upload/userimg/";
    $file_path = "data/mmstmp/";
    if ($type == 'rose') {
        $mes = "真爱一生网 ID为" . $uid . "的会员给您发送了鲜花,赶快访问www.zhenaiyisheng.cc 登录您的账户了解ta的详细信息吧,同时可以搜索您的意中人,给TA送出自己的鲜花,希望您在茫茫人海中早日找寻到属于自己的幸福。";
        $title = "真爱一生网鲜花提醒";
    } else {
        $mes = "真爱一生网 ID为" . $uid . "的会员给您发送了委托,赶快访问www.zhenaiyisheng.cc 登录您的账户了解ta的详细信息吧,同时可以搜索您的意中人,给TA送出自己的委托,希望您在茫茫人海中早日找寻到属于自己的幸福。";
        $title = "真爱一生网委托提醒";
    $mes_gb = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", "{$mes}");
    $mkdirs = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
    $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
    $sql = "SELECT pic_date,pic_name FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}pic where uid='{$uid}' and isimage=0 and syscheck=1 limit 5";
    $user_image_arr = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
    $sql = "SELECT m.uid,m.nickname,m.province,m.city,m.gender,b.pic_name,m.birthyear,c.age1,c.age2,c.workprovince,c.workcity \n                   FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search m\n                   left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base b on m.uid=b.uid \n                   left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_choice c on m.uid=c.uid WHERE m.uid='{$uid}'";
    $userinfo = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
    $file_name_smil = 'temp' . time() . rand(10000, 99999);
    $file_array = $file_path . $file_name_smil . ".smil," . $file_path . $file_name_smil . ".txt";
    $file_name = 'temp' . time() . rand(10000, 99999);
    $nickname1 = "昵称:" . $userinfo['nickname'];
    $nickname = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", "{$nickname1}");
    $txt = " ID:" . $userinfo['uid'] . "(" . (gmdate('Y', time()) - $userinfo['birthyear']) . "岁),居住在" . ($provice_list[$userinfo['province']] || $city_list[$userinfo['city']] ? $provice_list[$userinfo['province']] . $city_list[$userinfo['city']] : "未填") . "的" . ($userinfo['gender'] ? '女士' : '男士') . "寻找一位年龄在" . $userinfo['age1'] . "-" . $userinfo['age2'] . "岁,居住" . ($provice_list[$userinfo['workprovince']] || $city_list[$userinfo['workcity']] ? $provice_list[$userinfo['workprovince']] . $city_list[$userinfo['workcity']] : "未填") . "的" . ($userinfo['gender'] ? '男士' : '女士');
    $txt1 = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", "{$txt}");
    $txt = $nickname . $txt1;
    $mkdirs->fileWrite($file_path . $file_name . ".txt", $txt);
    $pic_name_old = MooGetphoto($userinfo['uid'], 'medium');
    $pic_only_name = $userinfo['uid'] * 3 . "_medium.gif";
    $pic_name_file = $file_path . '/' . $pic_only_name;
    $pic = 'http://www.zhenaiyisheng.cc/' . $pic_name_old;
    $pic = file_get_contents($pic);
    file_put_contents($pic_name_file, $pic);
    $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $file_path . '/', 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $pic_only_name, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '100', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '125', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
    $image->thumb('100', '125', $pic_name_old);
    $par = '<par dur="50000ms"><img src="' . $pic_only_name . '" region="Image" /><text src="' . $file_name . '.txt" region="Text" /></par>';
    $file_array = $file_array . "," . $file_path . $file_name . ".txt," . $pic_name_file;
    foreach ($user_image_arr as $key => $user_image_name) {
        $user_image = thumbImgPath("2", $user_image_name['pic_date'], $user_image_name['pic_name']);
        $image_name_arr = explode('.', $user_image_name['pic_name']);
        if (file_exists("." . $user_image) && $image_name_arr[1] != 'bmp') {
            $image_only_name = $file_name . $key . ".gif";
            list($width, $height) = getimagesize('.' . $user_image);
            $d = $width / $height;
            $c = 85 / 100;
            if ($d < $c) {
                $thumb1_width = 85;
                $b = $width / $thumb1_width;
                $thumb1_height = $height / $b;
            } else {
                $thumb1_height = 100;
                $b = $height / $thumb1_height;
                $thumb1_width = $width / $b;
            $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $file_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $image_only_name, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '82', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '114', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
            $image->thumb($thumb1_height, $thumb1_width, '.' . $user_image);
            $need_product_img[] = $file_path . $image_only_name;
            $file_array = $file_array . "," . $file_path . $image_only_name;
            $par = $par . '<par dur="50000ms"><img src="' . $image_only_name . '" region="Image" /></par>';
    $mkdirs->fileWrite($file_path . $file_name_smil . ".txt", $mes_gb);
    $smil = '<smil xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/SMIL20/CR/Language"><head><layout><root-layout width="208" height="176" /><region id="Image" left="0" top="0" width="128" height="128" fit="hidden" /><region id="Text" left="0" top="50" width="128" height="128" fit="hidden" /></layout></head><body><par dur="50000ms"><text src="' . $file_name_smil . '.txt" region="Text" /></par>' . $par . '</body></smil>';
    $mkdirs->fileWrite($file_path . $file_name_smil . ".smil", $smil);
    require 'ework/include/pclzip_new.lib.php';
    $archive = new PclZip($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.zip');
    $v_list = $archive->create($file_array, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH);
    if ($v_list == 0) {
        die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true));
    $ret = send_mms_yimei_up($title, $tel, $file_name_smil . '.zip');
    $ret_ok = substr($ret, 0, 2);
    if ($ret_ok == "OK") {
        $dateline = time();
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}mmslog(sid,uid,title,content,sendtime,id_list) VALUES('000','{$uid}','{$title}','system','{$dateline}','{$uid}')";
        $sid = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql);
        $result = "OK";
    } else {
        $result = false;
    $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.zip');
    $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.txt');
    $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name_smil . '.smil');
    $mkdirs->fileDelete($file_path . $file_name . '.txt');
    if ($need_product_img) {
        foreach ($need_product_img as $del_img) {
    return $result;
Пример #25
function myaccount_makepic()
    global $_MooClass, $uid, $user, $pic_size_arr, $user_arr, $_MooCookie, $last_login_time;
    global $dbTablePre;
    $a = $_MooCookie['tmp_order'];
    $sql = "select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}tmp where uid='{$uid}' and staus=0";
    $tmp_num = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
    $sql2 = "select count(*) as count from {$dbTablePre}pic where uid='{$uid}'";
    $pic_num = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql2);
    $count = $tmp_num['c'] + $pic_num['count'];
    $succes = 'ok';
    if ($count < 20) {
        if (!empty($a)) {
            $tmp_order = $a;
        } else {
            $pic_url = time();
            MooSetCookie("tmp_order", $pic_url);
            $tmp_order = $pic_url;
        //note 设定全局路径
        $orgin = "orgin";
        //note 原图文件夹名
        $thumb_path = PIC_PATH;
        $thumb_datedir = date("Y/m/d");
        $main_img_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $orgin . "/";
        //note 调用文件操作类库,建立无限级目录
        $mkdirs = MooAutoLoad('MooFiles');
        !is_dir($main_img_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($main_img_path, 0777);
        $date = date('YmdHis') . rand(111111, 999999);
        $pic_name = $date . '.jpg';
        $imgurl = $main_img_path . $pic_name;
        $result = file_put_contents($imgurl, file_get_contents('php://input'));
        if (!$result) {
            print "ERROR: Failed to write data to {$imgurl}, check permissions\n";
        /* $w = (int)$_POST['width'];
        		$h = (int)$_POST['height'];
        		$img = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
        		imagefill($img, 0, 0, 0x669966);
        		$rows = 0;
        		$cols = 0;
        		for($rows = 0; $rows < $h; $rows++){
        			$c_row = explode(",", $_POST['px' . $rows]);
        			for($cols = 0; $cols < $w; $cols++){
        				$value = $c_row[$cols];
        				if($value != ""){
        					$hex = $value;
        					while(strlen($hex) < 6){
        						$hex = "0" . $hex;
        					$r = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2));
        					$g = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2));
        					$b = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2));
        					$test = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b);
        					imagesetpixel($img, $cols, $rows, $test);
        		} */
        //imagejpeg($img,$imgurl, 90);
        $insertarr = array('uid' => $uid, 'pic_url' => $imgurl, 'tmp_order' => $tmp_order, 'staus' => 0, 'pic_date' => $thumb_datedir, 'pic_name' => $pic_name);
        inserttable('tmp', $insertarr);
        $first = new Imagick($imgurl);
        $second = new Imagick('public/system/images/logo_original.png');
        //$second->setImageOpacity (0.4);//设置透明度
        $dw = new ImagickDraw();
        $dw->composite($second->getImageCompose(), 0, 0, 50, 0, $second);
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imgurl);
        //note 缩略图路径,大小全局调用
        $thumb1_width = $pic_size_arr["1"]["width"];
        $thumb1_height = $pic_size_arr["1"]["height"];
        $thumb2_width = $pic_size_arr["2"]["width"];
        $thumb2_height = $pic_size_arr["2"]["height"];
        $thumb3_width = $pic_size_arr["3"]["width"];
        $thumb3_height = $pic_size_arr["3"]["height"];
        //note 生成日期目录
        $thumb1_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $thumb1_width . "_" . $thumb1_height . "/";
        $thumb2_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $thumb2_width . "_" . $thumb2_height . "/";
        $thumb3_path = $thumb_path . "/" . $thumb_datedir . "/" . $thumb3_width . "_" . $thumb3_height . "/";
        !is_dir($thumb1_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($thumb1_path, 0777);
        !is_dir($thumb2_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($thumb2_path, 0777);
        !is_dir($thumb3_path) && $mkdirs->fileMake($thumb3_path, 0777);
        $thumb_filename = md5($date) . '.jpg';
        $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb1_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_filename, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '41', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '57', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($thumb1_width, $thumb1_height, $imgurl);
        $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
        $b = $width / $thumb2_width;
        $thumb2_height = $height / $b;
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb2_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_filename, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '139', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '189', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($thumb2_width, $thumb2_height, $imgurl);
        $image = MooAutoLoad('MooImage');
        $b = $width / $thumb3_width;
        $thumb3_height = $height / $b;
        $image->config(array('thumbDir' => $thumb3_path, 'thumbStatus' => '1', 'saveType' => '0', 'thumbName' => $thumb_filename, 'waterMarkMinWidth' => '171', 'waterMarkMinHeight' => '244', 'waterMarkStatus' => 9));
        $image->thumb($thumb3_width, $thumb3_height, $imgurl);
        $succes = '';
    //include MooTemplate('public/myaccount_flash', 'module');