Пример #1
 protected function parseTimeAsRatio($time)
     if (substr($time, -1) === '%') {
         return substr($time, 0, strlen($time) - 1) / 100;
     return Max(Min((double) $time, 1), 0);
Пример #2
 public function Max()
     list($xmax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
     $nmax = 0;
     $n = count($this->plots);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
         $nc = count($this->plots[$i]->coords[0]);
         $nmax = max($nmax, $nc);
         list($x) = $this->plots[$i]->Max();
         $xmax = Max($xmax, $x);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nmax; $i++) {
         // Get y-value for line $i by adding the
         // individual bars from all the plots added.
         // It would be wrong to just add the
         // individual plots max y-value since that
         // would in most cases give to large y-value.
         $y = $this->plots[0]->coords[0][$i];
         for ($j = 1; $j < $this->nbrplots; $j++) {
             $y += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
         $ymax[$i] = $y;
     $ymax = max($ymax);
     return array($xmax, $ymax);
Пример #3
 public function execute(SpecificationInterface $spec, MediaInterface $source, $dest)
     if (!$spec instanceof Animation) {
         throw new SpecNotSupportedException('Imagine Adapter only supports Image specs');
     if ($source->getType() !== MediaInterface::TYPE_VIDEO) {
         throw new SpecNotSupportedException('Imagine Adapter only supports Images');
     try {
         $movie = $this->container['ffmpeg.ffmpeg']->open($source->getFile()->getPathname());
         $duration = $source->getDuration();
         $time = $pas = Max(1, $duration / 11);
         $files = array();
         while (ceil($time) < floor($duration)) {
             $files[] = $tmpFile = $this->tmpFileManager->createTemporaryFile(self::TMP_FILE_SCOPE, 'ffmpeg', 'jpg');
             $frame = $movie->frame(TimeCode::fromSeconds($time));
             $time += $pas;
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $image = $this->container['imagine']->open($file);
             if ($spec->getWidth() && $spec->getHeight()) {
                 $box = $this->boxFromSize($spec, $image->getSize()->getWidth(), $image->getSize()->getHeight());
                 if ($spec->getResizeMode() == Animation::RESIZE_MODE_OUTBOUND) {
                     /* @var $image \Imagine\Gmagick\Image */
                     $image = $image->thumbnail($box, ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND);
                 } else {
                     $image = $image->resize($box);
             $image->save($file, array('quality' => $spec->getQuality(), 'resolution-units' => $spec->getResolutionUnit(), 'resolution-x' => $spec->getResolutionX(), 'resolution-y' => $spec->getResolutionY()));
         $image = $this->container['imagine']->open(array_shift($files));
         foreach ($files as $file) {
         $image->save($dest, array('animated' => true, 'animated.delay' => 800, 'animated.loops' => 0));
     } catch (FFMpegException $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Unable to transmute video to animation due to FFMpeg', null, $e);
     } catch (ImagineException $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Unable to transmute video to animation due to Imagine', null, $e);
     } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $this;
Пример #4
if (Is_Error(DB_Transaction($TransactionID = UniqID('DomainTransfer')))) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$OrderID = DB_Insert('Orders', array('ContractID' => $Contract['ID'], 'ServiceID' => 20000, 'IsPayed' => TRUE, 'ServerID' => $DomainScheme['ServerID']));
if (Is_Error($OrderID)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$IDomainOrder = array('OrderID' => $OrderID, 'DomainName' => Mb_StrToLower($DomainName, 'UTF-8'), 'SchemeID' => $DomainScheme['ID'], 'PersonID' => $PersonID, 'WhoIs' => $WhoIs['Info'], 'AuthInfo' => $AuthInfo ? $AuthInfo : NULL, 'UpdateDate' => Time());
$IDomainOrder['ExpirationDate'] = Max($WhoIs['ExpirationDate'], Time());
$Domain = SPrintF('%s.%s', $DomainName, $DomainScheme['Name']);
for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $NsName = isset($WhoIs[SPrintF('Ns%uName', $i)]) ? $WhoIs[SPrintF('Ns%uName', $i)] : '';
    $IDomainOrder[SPrintF('Ns%uName', $i)] = $NsName;
    $NsIP = isset($WhoIs[SPrintF('Ns%uIP', $i)]) ? $WhoIs[SPrintF('Ns%uIP', $i)] : '';
    $IDomainOrder[SPrintF('Ns%uIP', $i)] = $NsIP;
Пример #5
 function GetXMinMax()
     list($min, $ymin) = $this->plots[0]->Min();
     list($max, $ymax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
     $i = 0;
     // Some plots, e.g. PlotLine should not affect the scale
     // and will return (null,null). We should ignore those
     // values.
     while (($min === null || $max === null) && $i < count($this->plots) - 1) {
         list($min, $ymin) = $this->plots[$i]->Min();
         list($max, $ymax) = $this->plots[$i]->Max();
     foreach ($this->plots as $p) {
         list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
         list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
         if ($xmin !== null && $xmax !== null) {
             $min = Min($xmin, $min);
             $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     if ($this->y2axis != null) {
         foreach ($this->y2plots as $p) {
             list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
             list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
             $min = Min($xmin, $min);
             $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     $n = count($this->ynaxis);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
         if ($this->ynaxis[$i] != null) {
             foreach ($this->ynplots[$i] as $p) {
                 list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
                 list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
                 $min = Min($xmin, $min);
                 $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     return array($min, $max);
Пример #6
 function Max()
     return Max($this->data);
Пример #7
     $Comp = Comp_Load('Invoices/Build', $InvoiceID);
     if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
 if (isset($Contract['HostingOrders'])) {
     $HostingOrders = $Contract['HostingOrders'];
     $HostingOrders = Is_Array($HostingOrders) ? $HostingOrders : array();
     foreach ($HostingOrders as $HostingOrder) {
         $DaysRemainded = Max(0, (int) $HostingOrder['DaysRemainded']);
         $IHostingOrder = array('Login' => $HostingOrder['Login'], 'Password' => $HostingOrder['Password'], 'Domain' => $HostingOrder['Domain'], 'StatusID' => $DaysRemainded ? 'Active' : 'Suspended', 'StatusDate' => GetTime($HostingOrder['OrderDate']));
         $HostingScheme = $HostingOrder['HostingScheme'];
         $HostingScheme = Is_Array($HostingScheme) ? $HostingScheme : array();
         $dHostingScheme = DB_Select('HostingSchemes', array('ID', 'ServersGroupID', 'CostDay'), array('Where' => SPrintF("`Name` = '%s'", $HostingScheme['Name'])));
         switch (ValueOf($dHostingScheme)) {
             case 'error':
                 return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
             case 'exception':
                 $CostDay = $HostingScheme['CostDay'];
Пример #8
function print_inventory_planning()
    global $path_to_root;
    $category = $_POST['PARAM_0'];
    $location = $_POST['PARAM_1'];
    $comments = $_POST['PARAM_2'];
    $orientation = $_POST['PARAM_3'];
    $destination = $_POST['PARAM_4'];
    if ($destination) {
        include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/excel_report.inc";
    } else {
        include_once $path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc";
    $orientation = $orientation ? 'L' : 'P';
    if ($category == ALL_NUMERIC) {
        $category = 0;
    if ($category == 0) {
        $cat = _('All');
    } else {
        $cat = get_category_name($category);
    if ($location == ALL_TEXT) {
        $location = 'all';
    if ($location == 'all') {
        $loc = _('All');
    } else {
        $loc = get_location_name($location);
    $cols = array(0, 50, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 390, 435, 480, 525);
    $per0 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y')));
    $per1 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, 1, date('Y')));
    $per2 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 2, 1, date('Y')));
    $per3 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 3, 1, date('Y')));
    $per4 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 4, 1, date('Y')));
    $headers = array(_('Category'), '', $per4, $per3, $per2, $per1, $per0, '3*M', _('QOH'), _('Cust Ord'), _('Supp Ord'), _('Sugg Ord'));
    $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right');
    $params = array(0 => $comments, 1 => array('text' => _('Category'), 'from' => $cat, 'to' => ''), 2 => array('text' => _('Location'), 'from' => $loc, 'to' => ''));
    $rep = new FrontReport(_('Inventory Planning Report'), "InventoryPlanning", user_pagesize(), 9, $orientation);
    if ($orientation == 'L') {
    $rep->Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns);
    $res = getTransactions($category, $location);
    $catt = '';
    while ($trans = db_fetch($res)) {
        if ($catt != $trans['cat_description']) {
            if ($catt != '') {
                $rep->Line($rep->row - 2);
                $rep->NewLine(2, 3);
            $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['category_id']);
            $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['cat_description']);
            $catt = $trans['cat_description'];
        if ($location == 'all') {
            $loc_code = "";
        } else {
            $loc_code = $location;
        $custqty = get_demand_qty($trans['stock_id'], $loc_code);
        $custqty += get_demand_asm_qty($trans['stock_id'], $loc_code);
        $suppqty = get_on_porder_qty($trans['stock_id'], $loc_code);
        $suppqty += get_on_worder_qty($trans['stock_id'], $loc_code);
        $period = getPeriods($trans['stock_id'], $trans['loc_code']);
        $dec = get_qty_dec($trans['stock_id']);
        $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['stock_id']);
        $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['description'] . ($trans['inactive'] == 1 ? " (" . _("Inactive") . ")" : ""), -1);
        $rep->AmountCol(2, 3, $period['prd0'], $dec);
        $rep->AmountCol(3, 4, $period['prd1'], $dec);
        $rep->AmountCol(4, 5, $period['prd2'], $dec);
        $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $period['prd3'], $dec);
        $rep->AmountCol(6, 7, $period['prd4'], $dec);
        $MaxMthSales = Max($period['prd0'], $period['prd1'], $period['prd2'], $period['prd3']);
        $IdealStockHolding = $MaxMthSales * 3;
        $rep->AmountCol(7, 8, $IdealStockHolding, $dec);
        $rep->AmountCol(8, 9, $trans['qty_on_hand'], $dec);
        $rep->AmountCol(9, 10, $custqty, $dec);
        $rep->AmountCol(10, 11, $suppqty, $dec);
        $SuggestedTopUpOrder = $IdealStockHolding - $trans['qty_on_hand'] + $custqty - $suppqty;
        if ($SuggestedTopUpOrder < 0.0) {
            $SuggestedTopUpOrder = 0.0;
        $rep->AmountCol(11, 12, $SuggestedTopUpOrder, $dec);
    $rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
Пример #9
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
$Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', array('align' => 'right'), $Div));
$Table[] = new Tag('TABLE', array('width' => '100%'), $Tr);
$Comp = Comp_Load('Tables/Standard', $Table);
if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Iframe = new Tag('IFRAME', array('id' => 'TicketReadMessages', 'src' => SPrintF('/TicketMessages?TicketID=%u', $Ticket['ID']), 'width' => '100%', 'style' => SPrintF('height:%u;', Max(@$_COOKIE['hScreen'] / 2.5, 240))), 'Загрузка...');
$Form->AddChild(new Tag('TABLE', new Tag('TR', new Tag('TD', $Iframe)), new Tag('TR', new Tag('TD', $Comp))));
$DOM->AddChild('Into', $Form);
if (Is_Error($DOM->Build(FALSE))) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
return array('Status' => 'Ok', 'DOM' => $DOM->Object);
Пример #10

if (!(list($Countries, $Rank, $CountryUsers, $CountryMax, $CountryMin, $LogIncrements) = $Cache->get_value('geodistribution'))) {
    include_once SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/charts.class.php';
		SELECT Code, Users
		FROM users_geodistribution');
    $Data = $DB->to_array();
    $Count = $DB->record_count() - 1;
    if ($Count < 30) {
        $CountryMinThreshold = $Count;
    } else {
        $CountryMinThreshold = 30;
    $CountryMax = ceil(log(Max(1, $Data[0][1])) / log(2)) + 1;
    $CountryMin = floor(log(Max(1, $Data[$CountryMinThreshold][1])) / log(2));
    $CountryRegions = array('RS' => array('RS-KM'));
    // Count Kosovo as Serbia as it doesn't have a TLD
    foreach ($Data as $Key => $Item) {
        list($Country, $UserCount) = $Item;
        $Countries[] = $Country;
        $CountryUsers[] = number_format((log($UserCount) / log(2) - $CountryMin) / ($CountryMax - $CountryMin) * 100, 2);
        $Rank[] = round((1 - $Key / $Count) * 100);
        if (isset($CountryRegions[$Country])) {
            foreach ($CountryRegions[$Country] as $Region) {
                $Countries[] = $Region;
                $Rank[] = end($Rank);
Пример #11
 function Stroke($aStrokeFileName = "")
     // If the filename is the predefined value = '_csim_special_'
     // we assume that the call to stroke only needs to do enough
     // to correctly generate the CSIM maps.
     // We use this variable to skip things we don't strictly need
     // to do to generate the image map to improve performance
     // a best we can. Therefor you will see a lot of tests !$_csim in the
     // code below.
     $_csim = $aStrokeFileName === _CSIM_SPECIALFILE;
     // We need to know if we have stroked the plot in the
     // GetCSIMareas. Otherwise the CSIM hasn't been generated
     // and in the case of GetCSIM called before stroke to generate
     // CSIM without storing an image to disk GetCSIM must call Stroke.
     $this->iHasStroked = true;
     // Do any pre-stroke adjustment that is needed by the different plot types
     // (i.e bar plots want's to add an offset to the x-labels etc)
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->plots); ++$i) {
     // Any plots on the second Y scale?
     if ($this->y2scale != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->y2plots); ++$i) {
     // Bail out if any of the Y-axis not been specified and
     // has no plots. (This means it is impossible to do autoscaling and
     // no other scale was given so we can't possible draw anything). If you use manual
     // scaling you also have to supply the tick steps as well.
     if (!$this->yscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots) == 0 || $this->y2scale != null && !$this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && count($this->y2plots) == 0) {
         $e = "Can't draw unspecified Y-scale.<br>\nYou have either:<br>\n";
         $e .= "1. Specified an Y axis for autoscaling but have not supplied any plots<br>\n";
         $e .= "2. Specified a scale manually but have forgot to specify the tick steps";
     // Bail out if no plots and no specified X-scale
     if (!$this->xscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots) == 0 && count($this->y2plots) == 0) {
         JpGraphError::Raise("<strong>JpGraph: Can't draw unspecified X-scale.</strong><br>No plots.<br>");
     //Check if we should autoscale y-axis
     if (!$this->yscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots) > 0) {
         list($min, $max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->plots);
         $this->yscale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotheight / $this->ytick_factor);
     } elseif ($this->yscale->IsSpecified() && $this->yscale->auto_ticks) {
         // If the user has specified a min/max value for the scale we still use the
         // autoscaling to get a suitable tick distance. This might adjust the specified
         // min max values so they end up on a tick mark.
         $min = $this->yscale->scale[0];
         $max = $this->yscale->scale[1];
         $this->yscale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotheight / $this->ytick_factor);
     if ($this->y2scale != null) {
         if (!$this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && count($this->y2plots) > 0) {
             list($min, $max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->y2plots);
             $this->y2scale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotheight / $this->ytick_factor);
         } elseif ($this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && $this->y2scale->auto_ticks) {
             // If the user has specified a min/max value for the scale we still use the
             // autoscaling to get a suitable tick distance. This might adjust the specified
             // min max values so they end up on a tick mark.
             $min = $this->y2scale->scale[0];
             $max = $this->y2scale->scale[1];
             $this->y2scale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotheight / $this->ytick_factor);
     //Check if we should autoscale x-axis
     if (!$this->xscale->IsSpecified()) {
         if (substr($this->axtype, 0, 4) == "text") {
             $max = 0;
             foreach ($this->plots as $p) {
                 $max = max($max, $p->numpoints - 1);
             $min = 0;
             if ($this->y2axis != null) {
                 foreach ($this->y2plots as $p) {
                     $max = max($max, $p->numpoints - 1);
             $this->xscale->Update($this->img, $min, $max);
             $this->xscale->ticks->Set($this->xaxis->tick_step, 1);
         } else {
             list($min, $ymin) = $this->plots[0]->Min();
             list($max, $ymax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
             foreach ($this->plots as $p) {
                 list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
                 list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
                 $min = Min($xmin, $min);
                 $max = Max($xmax, $max);
             if ($this->y2axis != null) {
                 foreach ($this->y2plots as $p) {
                     list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
                     list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
                     $min = Min($xmin, $min);
                     $max = Max($xmax, $max);
             $this->xscale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotwidth / $this->xtick_factor);
         //Adjust position of y-axis and y2-axis to minimum/maximum of x-scale
         if (!is_numeric($this->yaxis->pos) && !is_string($this->yaxis->pos)) {
         if ($this->y2axis != null) {
             if (!is_numeric($this->y2axis->pos) && !is_string($this->y2axis->pos)) {
     // If we have a negative values and x-axis position is at 0
     // we need to supress the first and possible the last tick since
     // they will be drawn on top of the y-axis (and possible y2 axis)
     // The test below might seem strange the reasone being that if
     // the user hasn't specified a value for position this will not
     // be set until we do the stroke for the axis so as of now it
     // is undefined.
     // For X-text scale we ignore all this since the tick are usually
     // much further in and not close to the Y-axis. Hence the test
     // for 'text'
     if (($this->yaxis->pos == $this->xscale->GetMinVal() || is_string($this->yaxis->pos) && $this->yaxis->pos == 'min') && !is_numeric($this->xaxis->pos) && $this->yscale->GetMinVal() < 0 && substr($this->axtype, 0, 4) != 'text' && $this->xaxis->pos != "min") {
         if ($this->y2axis != null) {
     } elseif (!is_numeric($this->yaxis->pos) && $this->yaxis->pos == 'max') {
     if (!$_csim) {
     // Stroke bands
     if ($this->bands != null && !$_csim) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->bands); ++$i) {
             // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the background
             if ($this->bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_BACK) {
                 $this->bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     if ($this->grid_depth == DEPTH_BACK && !$_csim) {
     // Stroke Y2-axis
     if ($this->y2axis != null && !$_csim) {
     $oldoff = $this->xscale->off;
     if (substr($this->axtype, 0, 4) == "text") {
         $this->xscale->off += ceil($this->xscale->scale_factor * $this->text_scale_off * $this->xscale->ticks->minor_step);
     // Stroke all plots for Y1 axis
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->plots); ++$i) {
         $this->plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     // Stroke all plots for Y2 axis
     if ($this->y2scale != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->y2plots); ++$i) {
             $this->y2plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->y2scale);
     $this->xscale->off = $oldoff;
     if ($this->grid_depth == DEPTH_FRONT && !$_csim) {
     // Stroke bands
     if ($this->bands != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->bands); ++$i) {
             // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the foreground
             if ($this->bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_FRONT) {
                 $this->bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     // Stroke any lines added
     if ($this->lines != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->lines); ++$i) {
             $this->lines[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     // Finally draw the axis again since some plots may have nagged
     // the axis in the edges.
     if (!$_csim) {
     if ($this->y2scale != null && !$_csim) {
     if (!$_csim) {
     if (!$_csim) {
         // The titles and legends never gets rotated so make sure
         // that the angle is 0 before stroking them
         $aa = $this->img->SetAngle(0);
     if (!$_csim) {
         // Draw an outline around the image map
         if (JPG_DEBUG) {
         // Adjust the appearance of the image
         // If the filename is given as the special "__handle"
         // then the image handler is returned and the image is NOT
         // streamed back
         if ($aStrokeFileName == _IMG_HANDLER) {
             return $this->img->img;
         } else {
             // Finally stream the generated picture
             $this->cache->PutAndStream($this->img, $this->cache_name, $this->inline, $aStrokeFileName);
Пример #12
$Count = DB_Count($TableID, array('Where' => $Where, 'GroupBy' => $Query['GroupBy']));
if (Is_Error($Count)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Source['Count'] = $Count;
$Request = array('Where' => $Where, 'SortOn' => $Query['SortOn'], 'IsDesc' => $Query['IsDesc'], 'GroupBy' => $Query['GroupBy']);
$InPage = $Template['Query']['InPage'];
$Index =& $Query['Index'];
$Index = Min(Max(0, $Index), (int) (($Count > $InPage ? $Count : 0) / $InPage));
$Request['Limits'] = array('Start' => $Index * $InPage, 'Length' => $InPage);
$ColumnsIDs = $Source['ColumnsIDs'];
$Columns = $Template['Columns'];
foreach ($Template['Sequence'] as $ColumnID) {
    $Column = $Columns[$ColumnID];
    if (isset($Column['Alias'])) {
        $ColumnsIDs[] = SPrintF('%s as `%s`', $Column['Alias'], $ColumnID);
Пример #13
  *  List of papers with their reviews
 private function papersReviews($view, $templateName, $html = true, $anonymized = false)
     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
     $paperTbl = new Paper();
     $paperStatusTbl = new PaperStatus();
     $criteriaTbl = new Criteria();
     $reviewTbl = new Review();
     $reviewMarkTbl = new ReviewMark();
     $registry = Zend_registry::getInstance();
     $config = $registry->get("Config");
     // Set the mail types
     $view->someUser = Mail::SOME_USER;
     // Extract the block for each paper
     $view->setBlock($templateName, "PAPER_DETAIL", "PAPERS");
     $view->setBlock($templateName, "REVIEW_CRITERIA", "REVIEW_CRITERIAS");
     $view->setBlock("PAPER_DETAIL", "PAPER_INFO", "PAPER_DATA");
     $view->setBlock("PAPER_DETAIL", "REVIEW_MARK", "REVIEW_MARKS");
     $view->setBlock("PAPER_DETAIL", "REVIEWER", "REVIEWER_INFO");
     // Header of the  table, taken from table Criteria
     $criterias = $criteriaTbl->fetchAll();
     $listCriterias = array();
     foreach ($criterias as $criteria) {
         $listCriterias[] = $criteria;
         $view->append("REVIEW_CRITERIAS", "REVIEW_CRITERIA");
     // Sort the papers on the average 'overall' field
     $query = "SELECT p.*, round(AVG(overall),4) AS overall " . "FROM Paper p LEFT JOIN Review r ON p.id=r.idPaper " . " WHERE inCurrentSelection='Y' GROUP BY p.id";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     $arrPaper = $rankPaper = array();
     while ($paper = $result->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $arrPaper[$paper->id] = $paper;
         $rankPaper[$paper->id] = $paper->overall;
     // Get the status list
     $statusList = $db->fetchPairs("SELECT * FROM PaperStatus WHERE final_status='Y'");
     // Sort in descending order
     // List the papers in order
     $iPaper = 0;
     foreach ($rankPaper as $idPaper => $overall) {
         $paper = $arrPaper[$idPaper];
         // Choose the CSS class
         $view->css_class = Config::CssCLass($iPaper++);
         $view->paper_id = $paper->id;
         $view->paper_title = $paper->title;
         if (!$anonymized) {
             $view->paper_authors = PaperRow::getPaperAuthors($db, $paper);
         } else {
             $view->paper_authors = "[anonymized]";
         $view->paper_email_contact = $paper->emailContact;
         $view->paper_rank = $iPaper;
         $view->paper_overall = $overall;
         $view->form_status = Zmax_View_Phplib::checkboxField("radio", "status[{$paper->id}]", $statusList, $paper->status, array("length" => 2));
         // Now, loop on reviews
         $qRev = "SELECT * FROM Review r, User u " . " WHERE idPaper='{$paper->id}' AND u.id=r.id_user";
         $resRev = $db->query($qRev);
         $countReviews = 0;
         $mail_reviewers = $comma = "";
         while ($review = $resRev->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ)) {
             $mail_reviewers .= $comma . $review->email;
             $comma = ", ";
         $view->paper_nb_reviewers = Max(1, $countReviews);
         //echo "Mail reviewers = $mail_reviewers<br/>";
         $view->paper_email_reviewers = $mail_reviewers;
         $view->append("PAPER_DATA", "PAPER_INFO");
         $resRev = $db->query($qRev);
         $iReview = 0;
         while ($review = $resRev->fetch(Zend_Db::FETCH_OBJ)) {
             $view->reviewer_id = $review->id;
             if ($anonymized == false) {
                 $view->reviewer_fname = $review->first_name;
                 $view->reviewer_lname = $review->last_name;
                 $view->external_reviewer_fname = $review->fname_ext_reviewer;
                 $view->external_reviewer_lname = $review->lname_ext_reviewer;
                 $view->review_comments = $review->comments;
             } else {
                 $view->reviewer_fname = $iReview;
                 $view->reviewer_lname = "";
                 $view->external_reviewer_fname = "";
                 $view->external_reviewer_lname = "";
                 $view->review_comments = "";
             $view->reviewer_email = $review->email;
             $view->review_overall = $review->overall;
             $view->review_summary = $review->summary;
             $view->review_details = $review->details;
             if ($review->reviewerExpertise >= 1 and $review->reviewerExpertise <= 3) {
                 $view->reviewer_expertise = Config::$Expertise[$review->reviewerExpertise];
             // Avoid to introduce Latex commands  in Latex files ....
             if (!$html) {
                 $view->review_summary = str_replace("\\", "", $view->review_summary);
                 $view->review_details = str_replace("\\", "", $view->review_details);
                 $view->review_comments = str_replace("\\", "", $view->review_comments);
             $view->assign("REVIEWER_INFO", "REVIEWER");
             $view->set_var("REVIEW_MARKS", "");
             foreach ($listCriterias as $criteria) {
                 $reviewMark = $reviewMarkTbl->find($review->idPaper, $review->id_user, $criteria->id)->current();
                 if (!is_object($reviewMark)) {
                     $reviewMark = $reviewMarkTbl->createRow();
                     // for default values
                 $view->criteria_label = $criteria->label;
                 $view->append("REVIEW_MARKS", "REVIEW_MARK");
             $view->append("PAPERS", "PAPER_DETAIL");
             // The paper data is shown only once for all the reviews
             $view->set_var("PAPER_DATA", " ");
         // Show the paper even without reviewer
         if ($countReviews == 0) {
             $review = $reviewTbl->createRow();
             $view->set_var("REVIEW_MARKS", "");
             foreach ($listCriterias as $id => $label) {
                 $reviewMark = $reviewMarkTbl->createRow();
                 $view->append("REVIEW_MARKS", "REVIEW_MARK");
             $view->set_var("REVIEWER_INFO", "");
             $view->append("PAPERS", "PAPER_DETAIL");
             $view->set_var("PAPER_DATA", "");
         // Summary for the paper
         if ($html) {
             $statPaper = Paper::getStats($paper->id, $listCriterias);
             $markFieldName = "ReviewMark" . "->mark";
             $overallFieldName = "review_overall";
             $view->set_var("NB_REVIEWERS", 1);
             if ($html) {
                 $view->set_var("PAPER_DATA", "<td>&nbsp;</td><th>Summary</th>");
             $view->set_var("REVIEWER_INFO", " ");
             $view->set_var($overallFieldName, $paper->overall);
             $view->set_var("REVIEW_MARKS", "");
             foreach ($listCriterias as $c) {
                 $view->setVar($markFieldName, $statPaper[$c->id]);
                 $view->append("REVIEW_MARKS", "REVIEW_MARK");
             $view->append("PAPERS", "PAPER_DETAIL");
             $view->set_var("PAPER_DATA", "");
Пример #14
 public function editListAction(Request $request, $list_id)
     $repository = $this->getUserListRepository();
     $list = $repository->findUserListByUserAndId($this->getAuthenticatedUser(), $list_id);
     $query = $this->createUserQuery();
     $query->on_bases_where_i_am($this->getAclForUser($this->getAuthenticatedUser()), ['canpush']);
     if ($request->get('query')) {
         $query->like($request->get('like_field'), $request->get('query'))->like_match(\User_Query::LIKE_MATCH_OR);
     if (is_array($request->get('Activity'))) {
     if (is_array($request->get('Template'))) {
     if (is_array($request->get('Company'))) {
     if (is_array($request->get('Country'))) {
     if (is_array($request->get('Position'))) {
     $sort = $request->get('srt', 'usr_creationdate');
     $ord = $request->get('ord', 'desc');
     $perPage = 10;
     $offset_start = Max(((int) $request->get('page') - 1) * $perPage, 0);
     $query->sort_by($sort, $ord);
     $results = $query->include_phantoms()->limit($offset_start, $perPage)->execute()->get_results();
     $params = ['query' => $query, 'results' => $results, 'list' => $list, 'sort' => $sort, 'ord' => $ord];
     if ($request->get('type') === 'fragment') {
         return new Response($this->render('prod/actions/Feedback/ResultTable.html.twig', $params));
     return new Response($this->render('prod/actions/Feedback/list.html.twig', $params));
Пример #15
// Either they aren't using NewGroupsOnly
$SQL .= "AND ((NewGroupsOnly = '0' ";
// Or this is the first torrent in the group to match the formatbitrate filter
$SQL .= ") OR ( NewGroupsOnly = '1' ";
// Test the filter doesn't match any previous formatbitrate in the group
foreach ($UsedFormatBitrates as $UsedFormatBitrate) {
    $FormatReq = "(Formats LIKE '%|" . db_string($UsedFormatBitrate['format']) . "|%' OR Formats = '') ";
    $BitrateReq = "(Encodings LIKE '%|" . db_string($UsedFormatBitrate['bitrate']) . "|%' OR Encodings = '') ";
    $SQL .= "AND (NOT({$FormatReq} AND {$BitrateReq})) ";
$SQL .= '))';
if ($Properties['Year'] && $Properties['RemasterYear']) {
    $SQL .= " AND (('" . db_string(trim($Properties['Year'])) . "' BETWEEN FromYear AND ToYear)\n\t\t\tOR ('" . db_string(trim($Properties['RemasterYear'])) . "' BETWEEN FromYear AND ToYear)\n\t\t\tOR (FromYear = 0 AND ToYear = 0)) ";
} elseif ($Properties['Year'] || $Properties['RemasterYear']) {
    $SQL .= " AND (('" . db_string(trim(Max($Properties['Year'], $Properties['RemasterYear']))) . "' BETWEEN FromYear AND ToYear)\n\t\t\tOR (FromYear = 0 AND ToYear = 0)) ";
} else {
    $SQL .= " AND (FromYear = 0 AND ToYear = 0) ";
$SQL .= " AND UserID != '" . $LoggedUser['ID'] . "' ";
$DB->query("\n\tSELECT Paranoia\n\tFROM users_main\n\tWHERE ID = {$LoggedUser['ID']}");
list($Paranoia) = $DB->next_record();
$Paranoia = unserialize($Paranoia);
if (!is_array($Paranoia)) {
    $Paranoia = array();
if (!in_array('notifications', $Paranoia)) {
    $SQL .= " AND (Users LIKE '%|" . $LoggedUser['ID'] . "|%' OR Users = '') ";
$SQL .= " AND UserID != '" . $LoggedUser['ID'] . "' ";
     $Title = _('Inventory Planning') . ' - ' . _('Problem Report') . '....';
     include 'includes/header.inc';
     prnMsg(_('The purchase order quantities could not be retrieved by the SQL because') . ' - ' . DB_error_msg($db), 'error');
     echo '<br /><a href="' . $RootPath . '/index.php">' . _('Back to the menu') . '</a>';
     if ($debug == 1) {
         echo '<br />' . $SQL;
     include 'includes/footer.inc';
 $OnOrdRow = DB_fetch_array($OnOrdResult);
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap($Left_Margin, $YPos, 60, $FontSize, $InventoryPlan['stockid'], 'left');
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(100, $YPos, 150, 6, $InventoryPlan['description'], 'left');
 $AverageOfLast4Months = $SalesRow['4mthtotal'] / 4;
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(251, $YPos, 50, $FontSize, locale_number_format($AverageOfLast4Months, 1), 'right');
 $MaxMthSales = Max($SalesRow['prd1'], $SalesRow['prd2'], $SalesRow['prd3'], $SalesRow['prd4']);
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(309, $YPos, 50, $FontSize, locale_number_format($MaxMthSales, 0), 'right');
 $Quantities = array($SalesRow['prd1'], $SalesRow['prd2'], $SalesRow['prd3'], $SalesRow['prd4']);
 $StandardDeviation = standard_deviation($Quantities);
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(359, $YPos, 50, $FontSize, locale_number_format($StandardDeviation, 2), 'right');
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(409, $YPos, 50, $FontSize, locale_number_format($InventoryPlan['monthsleadtime'], 1), 'right');
 $RequiredStockInSupplyChain = $AverageOfLast4Months * ($_POST['NumberMonthsHolding'] + $InventoryPlan['monthsleadtime']);
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(456, $YPos, 50, $FontSize, locale_number_format($RequiredStockInSupplyChain, 0), 'right');
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(597, $YPos, 40, $FontSize, locale_number_format($InventoryPlan['qoh'], 0), 'right');
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(638, $YPos, 40, $FontSize, locale_number_format($TotalDemand, 0), 'right');
 $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(679, $YPos, 40, $FontSize, locale_number_format($OnOrdRow['qtyonorder'], 0), 'right');
 $SuggestedTopUpOrder = $RequiredStockInSupplyChain - $InventoryPlan['qoh'] + $TotalDemand - $OnOrdRow['qtyonorder'];
 if ($SuggestedTopUpOrder <= 0) {
     $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(730, $YPos, 40, $FontSize, _('Nil'), 'center');
 } else {
     $LeftOvers = $pdf->addTextWrap(720, $YPos, 40, $FontSize, locale_number_format($SuggestedTopUpOrder, 0), 'right');
Пример #17
function print_inventory_planning()
    global $path_to_root;
    include_once $path_to_root . "reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc";
    $category = $_REQUEST['PARAM_0'];
    $location = $_REQUEST['PARAM_1'];
    $comments = $_REQUEST['PARAM_2'];
    $dec = user_qty_dec();
    if ($category == reserved_words::get_all_numeric()) {
        $category = 0;
    if ($category == 0) {
        $cat = tr('All');
    } else {
        $cat = get_category_name($category);
    if ($location == reserved_words::get_all()) {
        $location = 'all';
    if ($location == 'all') {
        $loc = tr('All');
    } else {
        $loc = $location;
    $cols = array(0, 50, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 390, 435, 480, 525);
    $per0 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')));
    $per1 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y')));
    $per2 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 2, date('d'), date('Y')));
    $per3 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 3, date('d'), date('Y')));
    $per4 = strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 4, date('d'), date('Y')));
    $headers = array(tr('Category'), '', $per4, $per3, $per2, $per1, $per0, '3*M', tr('QOH'), tr('Cust Ord'), tr('Supp Ord'), tr('Sugg Ord'));
    $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right');
    $params = array(0 => $comments, 1 => array('text' => tr('Category'), 'from' => $cat, 'to' => ''), 2 => array('text' => tr('Location'), 'from' => $loc, 'to' => ''));
    $rep = new FrontReport(tr('Inventory Planning Report'), "InventoryPlanning.pdf", user_pagesize());
    $rep->Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns);
    $res = getTransactions($category, $location);
    $catt = '';
    while ($trans = db_fetch($res)) {
        if ($catt != $trans['cat_description']) {
            if ($catt != '') {
                $rep->Line($rep->row - 2);
                $rep->NewLine(2, 3);
            $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['category_id']);
            $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['cat_description']);
            $catt = $trans['cat_description'];
        $custqty = getCustQty($trans['stock_id'], $trans['loc_code']);
        $custqty += getCustAsmQty($trans['stock_id'], $trans['loc_code']);
        $suppqty = getSuppQty($trans['stock_id'], $trans['loc_code']);
        $period = getPeriods($trans['stock_id'], $trans['loc_code']);
        $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['stock_id']);
        $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['description']);
        $rep->TextCol(2, 3, number_format2($period['prd0'], $dec));
        $rep->TextCol(3, 4, number_format2($period['prd1'], $dec));
        $rep->TextCol(4, 5, number_format2($period['prd2'], $dec));
        $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($period['prd3'], $dec));
        $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2($period['prd4'], $dec));
        $MaxMthSales = Max($period['prd0'], $period['prd1'], $period['prd2'], $period['prd3']);
        $IdealStockHolding = $MaxMthSales * 3;
        $rep->TextCol(7, 8, number_format2($IdealStockHolding, $dec));
        $rep->TextCol(8, 9, number_format2($trans['qty_on_hand'], $dec));
        $rep->TextCol(9, 10, number_format2($custqty, $dec));
        $rep->TextCol(10, 11, number_format2($suppqty, $dec));
        $SuggestedTopUpOrder = $IdealStockHolding - $trans['qty_on_hand'] + $custqty - $suppqty;
        if ($SuggestedTopUpOrder < 0.0) {
            $SuggestedTopUpOrder = 0.0;
        $rep->TextCol(11, 12, number_format2($SuggestedTopUpOrder, $dec));
    $rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
Пример #18
         if (Is_Error($Image)) {
             return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
     } elseif ($Height) {
         $Width = $Height / $Index;
         $Image = Image_Resize($Image, (int) $Width, (int) $Height);
         if (Is_Error($Image)) {
             return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
     } elseif ($Scale != 100) {
         $Scale = Min(Max(50, $Scale), 200);
         $Width = $Size['Width'] * ($Scale / 100);
         $Height = $Width * $Index;
         $Image = Image_Resize($Image, (int) $Width, (int) $Height);
         if (Is_Error($Image)) {
             return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
     Header('Content-Type: image');
     Header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=86400');
     return $Image;
Пример #19
function PN_BlogStatisticsProcess($target)
    global $blogid, $pluginURL, $defaultURL, $blog;
    if (doesHaveOwnership()) {
        include_once 'lib/open-flash-chart.php';
        $grpStyle = $_GET['grpStyle'];
        $grpData = explode("|", $_GET['grpData']);
        $grpTotal = $_GET['grpTotal'];
        $grpYear = $_GET['grpYear'];
        $grpTypeName = $_GET['grpTypeName'];
        $grpLinkType = $_GET['grpLinkType'];
        $grpXLabelType = isset($_GET['grpXLabelType']) ? $_GET['grpXLabelType'] : 0;
        $grpLabel = explode("|", $_GET['grpLabel']);
        $grpSubTitle = array();
        $grpLabelTemp = array();
        if (!empty($_GET['grpData'])) {
            if ($grpTypeName == "category") {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                    $grpSubTitle[] = rawurlencode($grpLabel[$i] == 0 ? _t('분류없음') : htmlspecialchars(UTF8::lessenAsEm(getCategoryNameById($blogid, $grpLabel[$i]), 15)));
            } else {
                if ($grpTypeName == "hits" || $grpTypeName == "cmmax" || $grpTypeName == "tbmax" || $grpTypeName == "tagmax") {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                        $grpSubTitle[] = rawurlencode(htmlspecialchars(UTF8::lessenAsEm(str_replace(",", "-", getEntryTitleById($blogid, $grpLabel[$i])), 25)));
                } else {
                    if ($grpTypeName == "commenter" || $grpTypeName == "tag") {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                            $grpSubTitle[] = htmlspecialchars(UTF8::lessenAsEm($grpLabel[$i], 15));
                            $grpLabelTemp[] = htmlspecialchars(UTF8::lessenAsEm($grpLabel[$i], 6, ''));
                        $grpLabel = $grpLabelTemp;
                    } else {
                        if ($grpTypeName == "time") {
                            for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                                $grpSubTitle[] = rawurlencode($grpLabel[$i] . "시");
                        } else {
                            if ($grpTypeName == "refer") {
                                for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                                    $tmpHost = explode('.', $grpLabel[$i]);
                                    $tmpHostCnt = count($tmpHost) - 1;
                                    $tmpDomain = (strlen($tmpHost[$tmpHostCnt]) < 3 ? $tmpHost[$tmpHostCnt - 2] . '.' : '') . $tmpHost[$tmpHostCnt - 1] . '.' . $tmpHost[$tmpHostCnt];
                                    $cutDomain = explode('.', $tmpDomain);
                                    $grpSubTitle[] = htmlspecialchars($grpLabel[$i]);
                                    $grpLabelTemp[] = htmlspecialchars(UTF8::lessenAsEm($cutDomain[0], 6, ''));
                                $grpLabel = $grpLabelTemp;
                            } else {
                                if ($grpTypeName == "referkey") {
                                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                                        $tmpLabel = explode('(', $grpLabel[$i]);
                                        $grpSubTitle[] = htmlspecialchars(UTF8::lessenAsEm($grpLabel[$i], 15));
                                        $grpLabelTemp[] = htmlspecialchars(UTF8::lessenAsEm($tmpLabel[0], 6, ''));
                                    $grpLabel = $grpLabelTemp;
            $g = new graph();
            $g->bg_colour = '#FFFFFF';
            if ($grpStyle == "pie") {
                $grpClickLink = "";
                $grpPercent = array();
                $grpLink = array();
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpData); $i++) {
                    $grpPercent[] = round($grpData[$i] / $grpTotal * 100, 0);
                if ($grpLinkType == "archiveYear") {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                        $permalink = $defaultURL . "/archive/" . substr($grpLabel[$i], 0, 4);
                        $grpLink[] = "javascript:window.open('{$permalink}');void(0)";
                    $grpClickLink = "<br>click on the pie.";
                } else {
                    if ($grpLinkType == "archiveMonth" && $grpYear != "9999") {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                            $cutMonth = str_replace("월", "", $grpLabel[$i]);
                            $tmpMonth = strlen($cutMonth) == 1 ? "0" . $cutMonth : $cutMonth;
                            $permalink = $defaultURL . "/archive/" . $grpYear . $tmpMonth;
                            $grpLink[] = "javascript:window.open('{$permalink}');void(0)";
                        $grpClickLink = "<br>click on the pie.";
                    } else {
                        if ($grpLinkType == "category") {
                            for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                                $permalink = $defaultURL . "/category/" . getCategoryLabelById($blogid, $grpLabel[$i]);
                                $grpLink[] = "javascript:window.open('{$permalink}');void(0)";
                            $grpClickLink = "<br>click on the pie.";
                        } else {
                            if ($grpLinkType == "entry") {
                                for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                                    $permalink = $defaultURL . ($blog['useSlogan'] ? "/entry/" . getEntrySloganById($blogid, $grpLabel[$i]) : "/" . $grpLabel[$i]);
                                    $grpLink[] = "javascript:window.open('{$permalink}');void(0)";
                                $grpClickLink = "<br>click on the pie.";
                            } else {
                                if ($grpLinkType == "tag") {
                                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($grpLabel); $i++) {
                                        $permalink = $defaultURL . "/tag/" . $grpLabel[$i];
                                        $grpLink[] = "javascript:window.open('{$permalink}');void(0)";
                                    $grpClickLink = "<br>click on the pie.";
                $g->pie(75, '#ffffff', '#000000', false, 1);
                $g->pie_values($grpData, $grpLabel, $grpLink, $grpSubTitle);
                $g->pie_slice_colours(array('#B9D2E6', '#E2B11C', '#A3CF22', '#EC7122', '#4FC0C0', '#D45E5E', '#A275A2', '#52A7D2', '#9F373B', '#B4ADA5', '#5FC97E', '#CFB85D', '#9DC64E', '#FFAB29', '#E23838', '#43CEA9', '#4CA9D9', '#BA4ECA', '#6C79DA', '#CCCCCC', '#AB5C06', '#C06868', '#5FC97E', 'CFB85D'));
                $g->set_tool_tip((count($grpSubTitle) ? '#x_title#<br>' : '#x_label#<br>') . '#val#(#percent#%25)' . $grpClickLink);
            } else {
                if ($grpStyle == "bar") {
                    $g->title('&nbsp;', '{font-size:12px; color:#000000;margin-top:0px;padding:3px;}');
                    $g->bar_glass(70, '#68B1D9', '#62A0C1', '', 12);
                    $g->bar_colours(array('#B9D2E6', '#E2B11C', '#A3CF22', '#EC7122', '#4FC0C0', '#D45E5E', '#A275A2', '#52A7D2', '#9F373B', '#B4ADA5', '#5FC97E', '#CFB85D', '#9DC64E', '#FFAB29', '#E23838', '#43CEA9', '#4CA9D9', '#BA4ECA', '#6C79DA', '#CCCCCC', '#AB5C06', '#C06868', '#5FC97E', 'CFB85D'));
                    $g->x_axis_colour('#909090', '#D2D2FB');
                    $g->y_axis_colour('#909090', '#D2D2FB');
                    $g->set_x_label_style(10, '#000000', $grpXLabelType, -1);
                    $g->set_y_label_style(9, '#888888');
                    $tmp_data_max = floor(Max($grpData) * 1.2);
                    if ($tmp_y_max = $tmp_data_max % 10) {
                        $tmp_data_max = $tmp_data_max + (10 - $tmp_y_max);
                    $g->set_y_legend('', 11, '#736AFF');
                    $g->set_tool_tip((count($grpSubTitle) ? '#x_title#<br>' : '#x_label#<br>') . '#val#');
                } else {
                    if ($grpStyle == "line") {
                        $g->title('', '{font-size:1px; color:#000000;}');
                        $g->line_dot(2, 4, '#6FBBC6', _t('최근 7일간 방문자 수'), 11);
                        // <-- 3px thick + dots
                        $g->set_x_label_style(8, '#333333', $grpXLabelType, -1);
                        $g->x_axis_colour('#909090', '#e7e7e7');
                        $g->y_axis_colour('#909090', '#e7e7e7');
                        $tmp_data_max = floor(Max($grpData) * 1.2);
                        if ($tmp_y_max = $tmp_data_max % 10) {
                            $tmp_data_max = $tmp_data_max + (10 - $tmp_y_max);
                        $g->set_y_legend('', 1, '#736AFF');
                        $g->set_y_label_style(8, '#333333', $grpXLabelType, -1);
                        $g->set_tool_tip((count($grpSubTitle) ? '#x_title#<br>' : '#x_label#<br>') . '#val#');
            echo $g->render();
Пример #20
  * SetVolume
 public function SetVolume($value)
     $desiredVolume = Max(0, Min(100, $value));
     $instanceId = 0;
     $channel = 'Master';
     $response = $this->Device()->sendRequestToDevice('SetVolume', array('InstanceID' => $instanceId, 'Channel' => $channel, 'DesiredVolume' => $desiredVolume));
     return true;
Пример #21
 function GetBarMinMax()
     $max = $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[0]->GetMaxDate());
     $min = $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[0]->GetMinDate());
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->iObj); ++$i) {
         $max = Max($max, $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$i]->GetMaxDate()));
         $min = Min($min, $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$i]->GetMinDate()));
     $minDate = date("Y-m-d", $min);
     $min = strtotime($minDate);
     $maxDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59", $max);
     $max = strtotime($maxDate);
     return array($min, $max);
 function imageCircle()
     $total = 0;
     $item_array = Split($this->ARRAYSPLIT, $this->ITEMARRAY);
     $num = Count($item_array);
     $item_max = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
         $item_max = Max($item_max, $item_array[$i]);
         $total += $item_array[$i];
     $yy = $this->Y - $this->BORDER * 2;
     $e = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
         srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
         if ($this->R != 255 && $this->G != 255 && $this->B != 255) {
             $R = Rand($this->R, 200);
             $G = Rand($this->G, 200);
             $B = Rand($this->B, 200);
         } else {
             $R = Rand(50, 200);
             $G = Rand(50, 200);
             $B = Rand(50, 200);
         $s = $e;
         $leight = $item_array[$i] / $total * 360;
         $e = $s + $leight;
         $color = ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE, $R, $G, $B);
         $colorarray[$i] = $color;
         for ($j = 90; $j > 70; $j–) {
             imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, $j, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
         //imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, 70, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
         $yy = $yy - $this->BORDER * 2;
     $e = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
         srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
         if ($this->R != 255 && $this->G != 255 && $this->B != 255) {
             $R = Rand($this->R, 200);
             $G = Rand($this->G, 200);
             $B = Rand($this->B, 200);
         } else {
             $R = Rand(50, 200);
             $G = Rand(50, 200);
             $B = Rand(50, 200);
         $s = $e;
         $leight = $item_array[$i] / $total * 360;
         $e = $s + $leight;
         $color = ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE, $R, $G, $B);
         //for ($j = 90; $j > 70; $j–) imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, $j, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
         imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, 70, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
Пример #23
 function ScaleImage($sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight, $arSize, $resizeType, &$bNeedCreatePicture, &$arSourceSize, &$arDestinationSize)
     if (!is_array($arSize)) {
         $arSize = array();
     if (!array_key_exists("width", $arSize) || intval($arSize["width"]) <= 0) {
         $arSize["width"] = 0;
     if (!array_key_exists("height", $arSize) || intval($arSize["height"]) <= 0) {
         $arSize["height"] = 0;
     $arSize["width"] = intval($arSize["width"]);
     $arSize["height"] = intval($arSize["height"]);
     $bNeedCreatePicture = false;
     $arSourceSize = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "width" => 0, "height" => 0);
     $arDestinationSize = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "width" => 0, "height" => 0);
     if ($sourceImageWidth > 0 && $sourceImageHeight > 0) {
         if ($arSize["width"] > 0 && $arSize["height"] > 0) {
             switch ($resizeType) {
                 case BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT:
                     $bNeedCreatePicture = true;
                     $ratio = $sourceImageWidth / $sourceImageHeight < $arSize["width"] / $arSize["height"] ? $arSize["width"] / $sourceImageWidth : $arSize["height"] / $sourceImageHeight;
                     $x = max(0, round($sourceImageWidth / 2 - $arSize["width"] / 2 / $ratio));
                     $y = max(0, round($sourceImageHeight / 2 - $arSize["height"] / 2 / $ratio));
                     $arDestinationSize["width"] = $arSize["width"];
                     $arDestinationSize["height"] = $arSize["height"];
                     $arSourceSize["x"] = $x;
                     $arSourceSize["y"] = $y;
                     $arSourceSize["width"] = round($arSize["width"] / $ratio, 0);
                     $arSourceSize["height"] = round($arSize["height"] / $ratio, 0);
                     if ($resizeType == BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL_ALT) {
                         $width = Max($sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight);
                         $height = Min($sourceImageWidth, $sourceImageHeight);
                     } else {
                         $width = $sourceImageWidth;
                         $height = $sourceImageHeight;
                     $ResizeCoeff["width"] = $arSize["width"] / $width;
                     $ResizeCoeff["height"] = $arSize["height"] / $height;
                     $iResizeCoeff = Min($ResizeCoeff["width"], $ResizeCoeff["height"]);
                     $iResizeCoeff = 0 < $iResizeCoeff && $iResizeCoeff < 1 ? $iResizeCoeff : 1;
                     $bNeedCreatePicture = $iResizeCoeff != 1 ? true : false;
                     $arDestinationSize["width"] = max(1, intval($iResizeCoeff * $sourceImageWidth));
                     $arDestinationSize["height"] = max(1, intval($iResizeCoeff * $sourceImageHeight));
                     $arSourceSize["x"] = 0;
                     $arSourceSize["y"] = 0;
                     $arSourceSize["width"] = $sourceImageWidth;
                     $arSourceSize["height"] = $sourceImageHeight;
         } else {
             $arSourceSize = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "width" => $sourceImageWidth, "height" => $sourceImageHeight);
             $arDestinationSize = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "width" => $sourceImageWidth, "height" => $sourceImageHeight);
Пример #24
function Resample(&$img, $owdt, $ohgt, $maxwdt, $maxhgt, $quality=1) { 
  if(!$maxwdt) $divwdt=0;
   else $divwdt=Max(1,$owdt/$maxwdt);
  if(!$maxhgt) $divhgt=0;
   else $divhgt=Max(1,$ohgt/$maxhgt);
  if($divwdt>=$divhgt) {
  } else {

   $img = $tn;
   return array($newwdt, $newhgt);
 function GetBarMinMax()
     $start = 0;
     $n = count($this->iObj);
     while ($start < $n && $this->iObj[$start]->GetMaxDate() === false) {
     if ($start >= $n) {
         //('Cannot autoscale Gantt chart. No dated activities exist. [GetBarMinMax() start >= n]');
     $max = $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$start]->GetMaxDate());
     $min = $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$start]->GetMinDate());
     for ($i = $start + 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
         $rmax = $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$i]->GetMaxDate());
         if ($rmax != false) {
             $max = Max($max, $rmax);
         $rmin = $this->scale->NormalizeDate($this->iObj[$i]->GetMinDate());
         if ($rmin != false) {
             $min = Min($min, $rmin);
     $minDate = date("Y-m-d", $min);
     $min = strtotime($minDate);
     $maxDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59", $max);
     $max = strtotime($maxDate);
     return array($min, $max);
Пример #26
 function Stroke($aStrokeFileName = "")
     // Do any pre-stroke adjustment that is needed by the different plot types
     // (i.e bar plots want's to add an offset to the x-labels etc)
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->plots); ++$i) {
     // Any plots on the second Y scale?
     if ($this->y2scale != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->y2plots); ++$i) {
     // Bail out if any of the Y-axis not been specified and
     // has no plots. (This means it is impossible to do autoscaling and
     // no other scale was given so we can't possible draw anything). If you use manual
     // scaling you also have to supply the tick steps as well.
     if (!$this->yscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots) == 0 || $this->y2scale != null && !$this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && count($this->y2plots) == 0) {
         JpGraphError::Raise("<strong>JpGraph: Can't draw unspecified Y-scale.</strong><br>\n\t\t\t\tYou have either:\n\t\t\t\t<br>* Specified an Y axis for autoscaling but have not supplied any plots\n\t\t\t\t<br>* Specified a scale manually but have forgot to specify the tick steps");
     // Bail out if no plots and no specified X-scale
     if (!$this->xscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots) == 0 && count($this->y2plots) == 0) {
         JpGraphError::Raise("<strong>JpGraph: Can't draw unspecified X-scale.</strong><br>No plots.<br>");
     //Check if we should autoscale y-axis
     if (!$this->yscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots) > 0) {
         list($min, $max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->plots);
         $this->yscale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotheight / $this->ytick_factor);
     if ($this->y2scale != null) {
         if (!$this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && count($this->y2plots) > 0) {
             list($min, $max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->y2plots);
             $this->y2scale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotheight / $this->ytick_factor);
     //Check if we should autoscale x-axis
     if (!$this->xscale->IsSpecified()) {
         if (substr($this->axtype, 0, 4) == "text") {
             $max = 0;
             foreach ($this->plots as $p) {
                 $max = max($max, $p->numpoints - 1);
             $min = 0;
             if ($this->y2axis != null) {
                 foreach ($this->y2plots as $p) {
                     $max = max($max, $p->numpoints - 1);
             $this->xscale->Update($this->img, $min, $max);
             $this->xscale->ticks->Set($this->xaxis->tick_step, 1);
         } else {
             list($min, $ymin) = $this->plots[0]->Min();
             list($max, $ymax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
             foreach ($this->plots as $p) {
                 list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
                 list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
                 $min = Min($xmin, $min);
                 $max = Max($xmax, $max);
             if ($this->y2axis != null) {
                 foreach ($this->y2plots as $p) {
                     list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
                     list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
                     $min = Min($xmin, $min);
                     $max = Max($xmax, $max);
             $this->xscale->AutoScale($this->img, $min, $max, $this->img->plotwidth / $this->xtick_factor);
         //Adjust position of y-axis and y2-axis to minimum/maximum of x-scale
         if ($this->y2axis != null) {
     // If we have a negative values and x-axis position is at 0
     // we need to supress the first and possible the last tick since
     // they will be drawn on top of the y-axis (and possible y2 axis)
     // The test below might seem strange the reasone being that if
     // the user hasn't specified a value for position this will not
     // be set until we do the stroke for the axis so as of now it
     // is undefined.
     if (!$this->xaxis->pos && $this->yscale->GetMinVal() < 0) {
         if ($this->y2axis != null) {
     // Stroke axis
     // Stroke bands
     if ($this->bands != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->bands); ++$i) {
             // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the background
             if ($this->bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_BACK) {
                 $this->bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     if ($this->grid_depth == DEPTH_BACK) {
     // Stroke Y2-axis
     if ($this->y2axis != null) {
     $oldoff = $this->xscale->off;
     if (substr($this->axtype, 0, 4) == "text") {
         $this->xscale->off += ceil($this->xscale->scale_factor * $this->text_scale_off * $this->xscale->ticks->minor_step);
     // Stroke all plots for Y1 axis
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->plots); ++$i) {
         $this->plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     // Stroke all plots for Y2 axis
     if ($this->y2scale != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->y2plots); ++$i) {
             $this->y2plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->y2scale);
     $this->xscale->off = $oldoff;
     if ($this->grid_depth == DEPTH_FRONT) {
     // Stroke bands
     if ($this->bands != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->bands); ++$i) {
             // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the foreground
             if ($this->bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_FRONT) {
                 $this->bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     // Stroke any lines added
     if ($this->lines != null) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->lines); ++$i) {
             $this->lines[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->xscale, $this->yscale);
     // Finally draw the axis again since some plots may have nagged
     // the axis in the edges.
     if ($this->y2scale != null) {
     // The titles and legends never gets rotated so make sure
     // that the angle is 0 before stroking them
     $aa = $this->img->SetAngle(0);
     // Draw an outline around the image map
     if (JPG_DEBUG) {
     // Adjust the appearance of the image
     // Finally stream the generated picture
     $this->cache->PutAndStream($this->img, $this->cache_name, $this->inline, $aStrokeFileName);
Пример #27
 function GetXMinMax()
     list($min, $ymin) = $this->plots[0]->Min();
     list($max, $ymax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
     foreach ($this->plots as $p) {
         list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
         list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
         $min = Min($xmin, $min);
         $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     if ($this->y2axis != null) {
         foreach ($this->y2plots as $p) {
             list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
             list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
             $min = Min($xmin, $min);
             $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     $n = count($this->ynaxis);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
         if ($this->ynaxis[$i] != null) {
             foreach ($this->ynplots[$i] as $p) {
                 list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
                 list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
                 $min = Min($xmin, $min);
                 $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     return array($min, $max);
Пример #28
 function Max()
     list($xmax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
     $nmax = 0;
     $n = count($this->plots);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
         $nc = count($this->plots[$i]->coords[0]);
         $nmax = max($nmax, $nc);
         list($x) = $this->plots[$i]->Max();
         $xmax = Max($xmax, $x);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nmax; $i++) {
         $y = $this->plots[0]->coords[0][$i];
         for ($j = 1; $j < $this->nbrplots; $j++) {
             $y += $this->plots[$j]->coords[0][$i];
         $ymax[$i] = $y;
     $ymax = max($ymax);
     return array($xmax, $ymax);
Пример #29
 function GetXMinMax()
     list($min, $ymin) = $this->plots[0]->Min();
     list($max, $ymax) = $this->plots[0]->Max();
     foreach ($this->plots as $p) {
         list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
         list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
         $min = Min($xmin, $min);
         $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     if ($this->y2axis != null) {
         foreach ($this->y2plots as $p) {
             list($xmin, $ymin) = $p->Min();
             list($xmax, $ymax) = $p->Max();
             $min = Min($xmin, $min);
             $max = Max($xmax, $max);
     return array($min, $max);
Пример #30
function show_table($data, $full_texts = false, $vertical = true)
    if (count($data) == 0) {
        return "";
    $limit = Max(round(220 / count($data[0])), 20);
    if ($vertical) {
        $limit = 150;
    $content = "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
    if (!$vertical) {
        $content .= "<tr>";
        foreach (array_keys($data[0]) as $value) {
            if ($full_texts and strlen($value) > $limit) {
                $value = substr($value, 0, $limit) . "...";
            $content .= "<td nowrap><b>" . q($value) . "</b></td>";
        $content .= "</tr>";
    foreach ($data as $dataset) {
        if ($vertical) {
            foreach ($dataset as $key => $value) {
                if ($value == "") {
                $content .= "<tr onmouseover='this.style.backgroundColor=\"#EFEFEF\";' onmouseout='this.style.backgroundColor=\"\";'>";
                $content .= "<td style='width:25%;' valign='top'><b>" . q($key) . "</b></td>";
                $hint = $value;
                if (is_numeric($value) and strlen($value) == 10) {
                    $value .= " / " . sys_date("Y-m-d H:i:s a", $value);
                if (!$full_texts and strlen($value) > $limit) {
                    $value = substr($value, 0, $limit) . "...";
                $content .= "<td title='" . q($hint) . "'>" . nl2br(q($value)) . "</td></tr>";
            $content .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>";
        } else {
            $content .= "<tr onmouseover='this.style.backgroundColor=\"#EFEFEF\";' onmouseout='this.style.backgroundColor=\"\";'>";
            foreach ($dataset as $key => $value) {
                if ($vertical) {
                    if ($full_texts and strlen($key) > $limit) {
                        $key = substr($key, 0, $limit) . "...";
                    $content .= "<td nowrap><b>" . q($key) . "</b></td>";
                $hint = $value;
                if (is_numeric($value) and strlen($value) == 10) {
                    $hint = sys_date("Y-m-d H:i:s a", $value);
                if (!$full_texts and strlen($value) > $limit) {
                    $value = substr($value, 0, $limit) . "...";
                $content .= "<td nowrap title='" . q($hint) . "'>" . q($value) . "</td>";
            $content .= "</tr>";
    return $content . "</table>";