function MCGetHouse($house, $key = 'ts') { global $memcache; static $houseKeys = array(); if ($key == 'ts') { if (isset($houseKeys[$house])) { return $houseKeys[$house]; } $houseKeys[$house] = $memcache->get('h' . $house . '_ts'); if ($houseKeys[$house] === false) { $houseKeys[$house] = 1; MCSetHouse($house, $key, $houseKeys[$house]); // so we don't query a billion times on this key $altDb = DBConnect(true); if ($altDb) { $stmt = $altDb->prepare('SELECT max(unix_timestamp(updated)) FROM tblSnapshot WHERE house = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($houseKeys[$house]); $gotHouse = $stmt->fetch() === true; $stmt->close(); if ($gotHouse) { MCSetHouse($house, $key, $houseKeys[$house]); } else { $houseKeys[$house] = 1; } $altDb->close(); } } return $houseKeys[$house]; } return MCGet('h' . $house . '_' . MCGetHouse($house) . '_' . $key); }
function TransmogGenericItemList($house, $params) { global $db, $canCache; $key = 'transmog_gi2_' . md5(json_encode($params)); if ($canCache && ($tr = MCGetHouse($house, $key)) !== false) { return $tr; } DBConnect(); if (is_array($params)) { $joins = isset($params['joins']) ? $params['joins'] : ''; $where = isset($params['where']) ? ' and ' . $params['where'] : ''; $group = isset($params['group']) ? array_merge($params['group'], [false]) : null; } else { $joins = ''; $group = null; $where = $params == '' ? '' : ' and ' . $params; } $sql = <<<EOF select, ab.display,, ab.class, ab.subclass, ifnull(ab.type, -1 & ab.subclass) `type`, ab.subclassname from ( select aa.*, if(@previd = aa.display, 0, @previd := aa.display) previd from (select @previd := 0) aasetup, ( SELECT, i.display,, i.class, i.subclass, i.type, concat_ws('-', i.class, i.subclass) subclassname FROM `tblDBCItem` i join tblAuction a on {$joins} WHERE i.auctionable=1 and i.quality > 1 {$where} and i.display is not null and i.flags & 2 = 0 and = ? and > 0 order by i.display, aa ) ab where ab.previd > 0 EOF; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); if (!$stmt) { DebugMessage("Bad SQL: \n" . $sql, E_USER_ERROR); } $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $tr = DBMapArray($result, $group); $stmt->close(); MCSetHouse($house, $key, $tr); return $tr; }
function PetAuctions($house, $species) { global $db; $key = 'battlepet_auctions2_' . $species; if (($tr = MCGetHouse($house, $key)) !== false) { return $tr; } DBConnect(); $sql = <<<EOF SELECT ap.breed, quantity, bid, buy, ap.level, ap.quality, s.realm sellerrealm, ifnull(, '???') sellername FROM `tblAuction` a JOIN `tblAuctionPet` ap on = and = left join tblSeller s on WHERE and a.item=82800 and ap.species=? EOF; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param('ii', $house, $species); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $tr = DBMapArray($result, array('breed', null)); $stmt->close(); MCSetHouse($house, $key, $tr); return $tr; }
function ParseAuctionData($house, $snapshot, &$json) { global $maxPacketSize; global $houseRegionCache; global $equipBaseItemLevel; global $usefulBonusesCache, $enoughBonusesSeenCache; global $TIMELEFT_ENUM; $snapshotString = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $snapshot); $startTimer = microtime(true); $ourDb = DBConnect(true); $region = $houseRegionCache[$house]['region']; $existingIds = []; $stmt = $ourDb->prepare(EXISTING_SQL); $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $id = $bid = $buy = $timeLeft = $infoKey = null; $stmt->bind_result($id, $bid, $buy, $timeLeft, $infoKey); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $existingIds[$id] = [$bid, $buy, $timeLeft, $infoKey]; } $stmt->close(); $stmt = $ourDb->prepare('SELECT id, species, breed FROM tblAuctionPet WHERE house = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $existingPetIds = DBMapArray($result); $stmt->close(); $naiveMax = 0; $lowMax = -1; $highMax = -1; $hasRollOver = false; $jsonAuctions = []; if (isset($json['auctions']['auctions'])) { $jsonAuctions =& $json['auctions']['auctions']; } elseif (isset($json['auctions']) && count($json['auctions']) > 5) { $jsonAuctions =& $json['auctions']; } if ($jsonAuctions) { $auctionCount = count($jsonAuctions); for ($x = 0; $x < $auctionCount; $x++) { $auctionId = $jsonAuctions[$x]['auc']; $naiveMax = max($naiveMax, $auctionId); if ($auctionId < 0x20000000) { $lowMax = max($lowMax, $auctionId); } if ($auctionId > 0x60000000) { $highMax = max($highMax, $auctionId); } } } if ($lowMax != -1 && $highMax != -1) { $hasRollOver = true; $max = $lowMax; // rolled over } else { $max = $naiveMax; } unset($naiveMax, $lowMax, $highMax); $stmt = $ourDb->prepare('SELECT ifnull(maxid,0) FROM tblSnapshot s WHERE house = ? AND updated = (SELECT max(s2.updated) FROM tblSnapshot s2 WHERE = ? AND s2.updated < ?)'); $stmt->bind_param('iis', $house, $house, $snapshotString); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($lastMax); if ($stmt->fetch() !== true) { $lastMax = 0; } $stmt->close(); $stmt = $ourDb->prepare('UPDATE tblSnapshot SET maxid = ? WHERE house = ? AND updated = ?'); $stmt->bind_param('iis', $max, $house, $snapshotString); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); $stmt = $ourDb->prepare('SELECT unix_timestamp(updated) updated, maxid FROM tblSnapshot WHERE house = ? AND updated BETWEEN timestampadd(HOUR, -49, ?) AND ? ORDER BY updated ASC'); $stmt->bind_param('iss', $house, $snapshotString, $snapshotString); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $snapshotList = DBMapArray($result, null); $stmt->close(); $prevSnapshot = $snapshot; if (count($snapshotList)) { $prevSnapshot = intval($snapshotList[count($snapshotList) - 1]['updated'], 10); } $snapshotWindow = $snapshot - $prevSnapshot; $expiredLength = 1; // any missing shorts can be considered expired if ($snapshotWindow > 1800) { // 30 mins $expiredLength = 2; // any missing shorts or mediums can be expired } $sqlStart = 'REPLACE INTO tblAuction (house, id, item, quantity, bid, buy, seller, timeleft) VALUES '; $sqlStartPet = 'REPLACE INTO tblAuctionPet (house, id, species, breed, `level`, quality) VALUES '; $sqlStartExtra = 'REPLACE INTO tblAuctionExtra (house, id, `rand`, `seed`, `context`, `lootedlevel`, `level`, `bonusset`'; for ($x = 1; $x <= MAX_BONUSES; $x++) { $sqlStartExtra .= ", bonus{$x}"; } $sqlStartExtra .= ') VALUES '; $sqlStartBonusesSeen = 'INSERT INTO tblItemBonusesSeen (item, bonusset, bonus1, bonus2, bonus3, bonus4, observed) VALUES '; $sqlEndBonusesSeen = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE observed = observed + 1'; $sqlStartLevelsSeen = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO tblItemLevelsSeen (item, bonusset, `level`) VALUES '; $totalAuctions = 0; $itemInfo = array(); $petInfo = array(); $sellerInfo = array(); $expiredItemInfo = array(); if ($jsonAuctions) { $auctionCount = count($jsonAuctions); DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " prepping {$auctionCount} auctions"); $sellerCount = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < $auctionCount; $x++) { $auction =& $jsonAuctions[$x]; if ($auction['owner'] == '???') { continue; } if (!isset($sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']])) { $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']] = array(); } if (!isset($sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']])) { $sellerCount++; $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']] = array('new' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'id' => 0, 'items' => []); } $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']]['total']++; if ((!$hasRollOver || $auction['auc'] < 0x20000000) && $auction['auc'] > $lastMax) { $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']]['new']++; $itemId = intval($auction['item'], 10); if (!isset($sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']]['items'][$itemId])) { $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']]['items'][$itemId] = [0, 0]; } $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']]['items'][$itemId][0]++; $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']]['items'][$itemId][1] += $auction['quantity']; } } DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " getting {$sellerCount} seller IDs"); GetSellerIds($region, $sellerInfo, $snapshot); $sql = $sqlPet = $sqlExtra = $sqlBonusesSeen = $sqlLevelsSeen = ''; $delayedAuctionSql = []; DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " parsing {$auctionCount} auctions"); while ($auction = array_pop($jsonAuctions)) { if (isset($auction['petBreedId'])) { $auction['petBreedId'] = ($auction['petBreedId'] - 3) % 10 + 3; // squash gender } $auction['timeLeft'] = isset($TIMELEFT_ENUM[$auction['timeLeft']]) ? $TIMELEFT_ENUM[$auction['timeLeft']] : 0; $auction['lootedLevel'] = null; if (isset($auction['modifiers'])) { foreach ($auction['modifiers'] as $modObj) { if (isset($modObj['type']) && $modObj['type'] == 9) { $auction['lootedLevel'] = intval($modObj['value']); } } } $totalAuctions++; $itemInfoKey = false; $bonusSet = 0; $bonuses = []; $bonusItemLevel = null; $priceScaling = null; if (!isset($auction['petSpeciesId']) && isset($equipBaseItemLevel[$auction['item']]) && isset($auction['bonusLists'])) { for ($y = 0; $y < count($auction['bonusLists']); $y++) { if (isset($auction['bonusLists'][$y]['bonusListId']) && $auction['bonusLists'][$y]['bonusListId']) { $bonuses[] = intval($auction['bonusLists'][$y]['bonusListId'], 10); } } $bonuses = array_unique($bonuses, SORT_NUMERIC); sort($bonuses, SORT_NUMERIC); $bonusSet = $bonuses ? GetBonusSet($bonuses) : 0; $bonusItemLevel = GetBonusItemLevel($bonuses, $equipBaseItemLevel[$auction['item']], $auction['lootedLevel']); if ($bonusItemLevel - $equipBaseItemLevel[$auction['item']] != 0) { $priceScaling = pow(1.15, ($bonusItemLevel - $equipBaseItemLevel[$auction['item']]) / 15); } } if ($auction['buyout'] != 0) { if (isset($auction['petSpeciesId'])) { if (!isset($petInfo[$auction['petSpeciesId']][$auction['petBreedId']])) { $petInfo[$auction['petSpeciesId']][$auction['petBreedId']] = array('a' => array(), 'tq' => 0); } $petInfo[$auction['petSpeciesId']][$auction['petBreedId']]['a'][] = array('q' => $auction['quantity'], 'p' => $auction['buyout']); $petInfo[$auction['petSpeciesId']][$auction['petBreedId']]['tq'] += $auction['quantity']; } else { $itemInfoKey = str_pad($auction['item'], ITEM_ID_PAD, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ":{$bonusSet}"; if (!isset($itemInfo[$itemInfoKey])) { $itemInfo[$itemInfoKey] = array('a' => array(), 'tq' => 0); } $itemInfo[$itemInfoKey]['a'][] = array('q' => $auction['quantity'], 'p' => isset($priceScaling) ? $auction['buyout'] / $priceScaling : $auction['buyout']); $itemInfo[$itemInfoKey]['tq'] += $auction['quantity']; } } if (isset($existingIds[$auction['auc']])) { $needUpdate = $auction['bid'] != $existingIds[$auction['auc']][EXISTING_COL_BID]; $needUpdate |= $auction['timeLeft'] != $existingIds[$auction['auc']][EXISTING_COL_TIMELEFT]; unset($existingIds[$auction['auc']]); unset($existingPetIds[$auction['auc']]); if (!$needUpdate) { continue; } } else { // new auction if ($auction['buyout'] != 0) { if ($itemInfoKey !== false) { if (!isset($expiredItemInfo['n'][$itemInfoKey])) { $expiredItemInfo['n'][$itemInfoKey] = 0; } $expiredItemInfo['n'][$itemInfoKey]++; } } if (isset($equipBaseItemLevel[$auction['item']])) { if (!isset($enoughBonusesSeenCache["{$auction['item']}:{$bonusSet}"])) { $usefulBonuses = []; foreach ($bonuses as $bonus) { if (isset($usefulBonusesCache[$bonus])) { $usefulBonuses[$bonus] = $bonus; } } sort($usefulBonuses, SORT_NUMERIC); switch (count($usefulBonuses)) { case 0: $usefulBonuses[] = 0; case 1: $usefulBonuses[] = 0; case 2: $usefulBonuses[] = 0; case 3: $usefulBonuses[] = 0; } $thisSql = sprintf('(%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,1)', $auction['item'], $bonusSet, $usefulBonuses[0], $usefulBonuses[1], $usefulBonuses[2], $usefulBonuses[3]); if (strlen($sqlBonusesSeen) + 5 + strlen($thisSql) + strlen($sqlEndBonusesSeen) > $maxPacketSize) { if (GetDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_BONUSES)) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating seen bonuses (" . round($totalAuctions / $auctionCount * 100) . '%)'); DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sqlBonusesSeen . $sqlEndBonusesSeen); ReleaseDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_BONUSES); } else { DebugMessage("Could not obtain " . DB_LOCK_SEEN_BONUSES . " DB lock, skipping update of seen bonuses.", E_USER_WARNING); } $sqlBonusesSeen = ''; } $sqlBonusesSeen .= ($sqlBonusesSeen ? ',' : $sqlStartBonusesSeen) . $thisSql; } if (!is_null($bonusItemLevel)) { $thisSql = sprintf('(%u,%u,%u)', $auction['item'], $bonusSet, $bonusItemLevel); if (strlen($sqlLevelsSeen) + 5 + strlen($thisSql) > $maxPacketSize) { if (GetDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_ILVLS)) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating seen levels (" . round($totalAuctions / $auctionCount * 100) . '%)'); DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sqlLevelsSeen); ReleaseDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_ILVLS); } else { DebugMessage("Could not obtain " . DB_LOCK_SEEN_ILVLS . " DB lock, skipping update of seen levels.", E_USER_WARNING); } $sqlLevelsSeen = ''; } $sqlLevelsSeen .= ($sqlLevelsSeen ? ',' : $sqlStartLevelsSeen) . $thisSql; } } } $thisSql = sprintf('(%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)', $house, $auction['auc'], $auction['item'], $auction['quantity'], $auction['bid'], $auction['buyout'], $auction['owner'] == '???' ? 0 : $sellerInfo[$auction['ownerRealm']][$auction['owner']]['id'], $auction['timeLeft']); if (strlen($sql) + 5 + strlen($thisSql) > $maxPacketSize) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating tblAuction (" . round($totalAuctions / $auctionCount * 100) . '%)'); DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql); $sql = ''; } $sql .= ($sql == '' ? $sqlStart : ',') . $thisSql; if (isset($auction['petSpeciesId'])) { $thisSql = sprintf('(%u, %u, %u, %u, %u, %u)', $house, $auction['auc'], $auction['petSpeciesId'], $auction['petBreedId'], $auction['petLevel'], $auction['petQualityId']); if (strlen($sqlPet) + 5 + strlen($thisSql) > $maxPacketSize) { $delayedAuctionSql[] = $sqlPet; // delayed since tblAuction row must be inserted first for foreign key $sqlPet = ''; } $sqlPet .= ($sqlPet == '' ? $sqlStartPet : ',') . $thisSql; } else { if (isset($equipBaseItemLevel[$auction['item']])) { if (count($bonuses) || $auction['rand'] || $auction['context']) { for ($y = count($bonuses); $y < MAX_BONUSES; $y++) { $bonuses[] = 'null'; } $bonuses = implode(',', $bonuses); $thisSql = sprintf('(%u,%u,%d,%d,%u,%s,%s,%u,%s)', $house, $auction['auc'], $auction['rand'], $auction['seed'], $auction['context'], isset($auction['lootedLevel']) ? $auction['lootedLevel'] : 'null', isset($bonusItemLevel) ? $bonusItemLevel : 'null', $bonusSet, $bonuses); if (strlen($sqlExtra) + 5 + strlen($thisSql) > $maxPacketSize) { $delayedAuctionSql[] = $sqlExtra; // delayed since tblAuction row must be inserted first for foreign key $sqlExtra = ''; } $sqlExtra .= ($sqlExtra == '' ? $sqlStartExtra : ',') . $thisSql; } } } } if ($sqlBonusesSeen != '') { if (GetDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_BONUSES)) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating seen bonuses"); DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sqlBonusesSeen . $sqlEndBonusesSeen); ReleaseDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_BONUSES); } else { DebugMessage("Could not obtain " . DB_LOCK_SEEN_BONUSES . " DB lock, skipping update of seen bonuses.", E_USER_WARNING); } } if ($sqlLevelsSeen != '') { if (GetDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_ILVLS)) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating seen levels"); DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sqlLevelsSeen); ReleaseDBLock($ourDb, DB_LOCK_SEEN_ILVLS); } else { DebugMessage("Could not obtain " . DB_LOCK_SEEN_ILVLS . " DB lock, skipping update of seen levels.", E_USER_WARNING); } } if ($sql != '') { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating tblAuction"); DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql); } if ($sqlPet != '') { $delayedAuctionSql[] = $sqlPet; } if ($sqlExtra != '') { $delayedAuctionSql[] = $sqlExtra; } if (count($delayedAuctionSql)) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating tblAuctionExtra, tblAuctionPet"); } while (count($delayedAuctionSql)) { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, array_pop($delayedAuctionSql)); } unset($sqlBonusesSeen, $sqlLevelsSeen, $sqlPet, $sqlExtra, $delayedAuctionSql); $sql = <<<EOF insert ignore into tblAuctionRare (house, id, prevseen) ( select,, tis.lastseen from tblAuction a left join tblAuctionExtra ae on and left join tblItemSummary tis on and tis.item=a.item and tis.bonusset=ifnull(ae.bonusset,0) where = %d and > %d and a.item not in (82800) %s and ifnull(tis.lastseen, '2000-01-01') < timestampadd(day,-14,'%s')) EOF; $sql = sprintf($sql, $house, $lastMax, $hasRollOver ? ' and < 0x20000000 ' : '', $snapshotString); DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating tblAuctionRare"); DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql); } foreach ($existingIds as $existingId => &$oldRow) { // all missing auctions if (!isset($existingPetIds[$existingId])) { // missing item auction if ($oldRow[EXISTING_COL_BUY] > 0 && $oldRow[EXISTING_COL_TIMELEFT] > 0 && $oldRow[EXISTING_COL_TIMELEFT] <= $expiredLength) { // probably expired item with buyout $expiredPosted = date('Y-m-d', $snapshot - GetAuctionAge($existingId, $snapshot, $snapshotList)); if (!isset($expiredItemInfo[$expiredPosted][$oldRow[EXISTING_COL_INFOKEY]])) { $expiredItemInfo[$expiredPosted][$oldRow[EXISTING_COL_INFOKEY]] = 0; } $expiredItemInfo[$expiredPosted][$oldRow[EXISTING_COL_INFOKEY]]++; } } } unset($oldRow); $rareDeletes = []; $preDeleted = count($itemInfo); foreach ($existingIds as $existingId => &$oldRow) { if (!isset($existingPetIds[$existingId]) && !isset($itemInfo[$oldRow[EXISTING_COL_INFOKEY]])) { list($itemId, $bonusSet) = explode(':', $oldRow[EXISTING_COL_INFOKEY]); $rareDeletes[$bonusSet][] = $itemId; $itemInfo[$oldRow[EXISTING_COL_INFOKEY]] = array('tq' => 0, 'a' => array()); } } unset($oldRow); DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating " . count($itemInfo) . " item info (including " . (count($itemInfo) - $preDeleted) . " no longer available)"); UpdateItemInfo($house, $itemInfo, $snapshot); $sql = 'delete from tblUserRareReport where house = %d and bonusset = %d and item in (%s)'; foreach ($rareDeletes as $bonusSet => $itemIds) { $chunked = array_chunk($itemIds, 200); foreach ($chunked as $chunk) { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, sprintf($sql, $house, $bonusSet, implode(',', $chunk))); } } $preDeleted = count($petInfo); foreach ($existingPetIds as &$oldRow) { if (!isset($petInfo[$oldRow['species']][$oldRow['breed']])) { $petInfo[$oldRow['species']][$oldRow['breed']] = array('tq' => 0, 'a' => array()); } } unset($oldRow); DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating " . count($petInfo) . " pet info (including " . (count($petInfo) - $preDeleted) . " no longer available)"); UpdatePetInfo($house, $petInfo, $snapshot); DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " updating seller history"); UpdateSellerInfo($sellerInfo, $house, $snapshot); if (count($expiredItemInfo) > 0) { $sqlStart = 'INSERT INTO tblItemExpired (item, bonusset, house, `when`, created, expired) VALUES '; $sqlEnd = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE created=created+values(created), expired=expired+values(expired)'; $sql = ''; if (isset($expiredItemInfo['n'])) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " adding new auctions for " . count($expiredItemInfo['n']) . " items"); $snapshotDay = date('Y-m-d', $snapshot); $expiredCount = 0; foreach ($expiredItemInfo['n'] as $infoKey => $createdCount) { $keyParts = explode(':', $infoKey); $sqlPart = sprintf('(%u, %u, %u, \'%s\', %u, %u)', $keyParts[0], $keyParts[1], $house, $snapshotDay, $createdCount, $expiredCount); if (strlen($sql) + 10 + strlen($sqlPart) + strlen($sqlEnd) > $maxPacketSize) { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql . $sqlEnd); $sql = ''; } $sql .= ($sql == '' ? $sqlStart : ',') . $sqlPart; } unset($expiredItemInfo['n']); } if ($sql != '') { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql . $sqlEnd); $sql = ''; } $createdCount = 0; $snapshotDays = array_keys($expiredItemInfo); foreach ($snapshotDays as $snapshotDay) { //DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " adding expired auctions from $snapshotDay for ".count($expiredItemInfo[$snapshotDay])." items"); foreach ($expiredItemInfo[$snapshotDay] as $infoKey => $expiredCount) { $keyParts = explode(':', $infoKey); $sqlPart = sprintf('(%u, %u, %u, \'%s\', %u, %u)', $keyParts[0], $keyParts[1], $house, $snapshotDay, $createdCount, $expiredCount); if (strlen($sql) + 10 + strlen($sqlPart) + strlen($sqlEnd) > $maxPacketSize) { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql . $sqlEnd); $sql = ''; } $sql .= ($sql == '' ? $sqlStart : ',') . $sqlPart; } } if ($sql != '') { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql . $sqlEnd); } } if (count($existingIds) > 0) { DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " deleting " . count($existingIds) . " auctions"); $sqlStart = sprintf('DELETE FROM tblAuction WHERE house = %d AND id IN (', $house); $sql = ''; foreach ($existingIds as $lostId => &$lostRow) { if (strlen($sql) + 10 + strlen($lostId) > $maxPacketSize) { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql . ')'); $sql = ''; } $sql .= ($sql == '' ? $sqlStart : ',') . $lostId; } unset($lostRow); if ($sql != '') { DBQueryWithError($ourDb, $sql . ')'); } } $snapshotHourStart = date('Y-m-d H', $snapshot) . ':00:00'; $stmt = $ourDb->prepare('UPDATE tblSnapshot SET flags = flags | 1 WHERE house = ? AND updated between ? and timestampadd(second, 3599, ?) AND updated != ?'); $stmt->bind_param('isss', $house, $snapshotHourStart, $snapshotHourStart, $snapshotString); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); $ourDb->close(); MCSetHouse($house, 'ts', $snapshot); DebugMessage("House " . str_pad($house, 5, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " finished with {$totalAuctions} auctions in " . round(microtime(true) - $startTimer, 2) . " sec"); }
function HouseBotSellers($house) { global $db; $cacheKey = 'house_botsellers'; if (($tr = MCGetHouse($house, $cacheKey)) !== false) { return $tr; } DBConnect(); $items = '128159, 127736, 127738, 127732, 127731, 127737, 127735, 127730, 127734, 127733, 127718, 128158, 127720, 127714, 127713, 127719, 127717, 127712, 127716, 127715'; $sql = <<<'EOF' select s.realm, from ( select seller, count(distinct `snapshot`) cnt from ( SELECT sih.seller, sih.item, sih.`snapshot` FROM `tblSellerItemHistory` sih join tblSeller s on sih.seller = join tblRealm r on s.realm = where = ? and sih.item in (%1$s) and s.firstseen > timestampadd(day, -14, now()) ) z1 group by seller having count(distinct item) >= 4 ) z2 join tblSeller s on = z2.seller left join tblSellerItemHistory h on h.seller = z2.seller and h.item not in (%1$s) where h.seller is null and z2.cnt >= 3 and s.lastseen > timestampadd(hour, -48, now()) order by s.lastseen desc limit 20 EOF; $stmt = $db->prepare(sprintf($sql, $items)); $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $tr = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $stmt->close(); MCSetHouse($house, $cacheKey, $tr); return $tr; }
function CategoryDealsItemListCached($house, $iidList, $flags) { if (count($iidList) == 0) { return array(); } $auctionIds = []; $sortBy = []; $sql = '('; foreach ($iidList as $row) { $sql .= (strlen($sql) == 1 ? '' : ' or ') . '( = ' . $row['item'] . ' and s.bonusset = ' . $row['bonusset'] . ')'; $itemKey = $row['item'] . ':' . $row['bonusset']; $sortBy[] = $itemKey; if (isset($row['cheapestid'])) { $auctionIds[$itemKey] = $row['cheapestid']; } } $sql .= ')'; $sortBy = array_flip($sortBy); if ($flags & CATEGORY_FLAGS_WITH_BONUSES) { $tr = CategoryBonusItemList($house, ['where' => $sql, 'cols' => 'g.median globalmedian', 'outside' => 'r2.globalmedian']); } else { $tr = CategoryRegularItemList($house, ['where' => $sql, 'cols' => 'g.median globalmedian']); } usort($tr, function ($a, $b) use($sortBy) { return $sortBy[$a['id'] . ':' . $a['bonusset']] - $sortBy[$b['id'] . ':' . $b['bonusset']]; }); static $allRecentDates = []; if (isset($allRecentDates[$house])) { $recentDates = $allRecentDates[$house]; } else { $recentDates = MCGetHouse($house, 'category_disnapshots'); if ($recentDates === false) { $db = DBConnect(); $stmt = $db->stmt_init(); $stmt->prepare('SELECT unix_timestamp(updated) upd, maxid FROM `tblSnapshot` WHERE house=? and updated > timestampadd(hour, -60, now()) order by updated'); $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $recentDates = DBMapArray($result, null); $stmt->close(); MCSetHouse($house, 'category_disnapshots', $recentDates); } $allRecentDates[$house] = $recentDates; } if (count($recentDates) < 2) { return $tr; } $rolloverBump = 0; if ($recentDates[count($recentDates) - 1]['maxid'] < $recentDates[0]['maxid']) { $rolloverBump = 0x80000000; } foreach ($tr as &$row) { $row['posted'] = null; $itemKey = $row['id'] . ':' . $row['bonusset']; if (!isset($auctionIds[$itemKey])) { continue; } $myId = $auctionIds[$itemKey]; if ($myId < 0x20000000) { $myId += $rolloverBump; } $x = count($recentDates) - 1; do { $maxId = $recentDates[$x]['maxid']; if ($maxId < 0x20000000) { $maxId += $rolloverBump; } if ($maxId < $myId) { break; } $row['posted'] = $recentDates[$x]['upd']; } while (--$x >= 0); } unset($row); return $tr; }
$locale = GetLocale(); $searchCacheKey = 'search_b2_' . $locale . '_' . md5($search); if ($json = MCGetHouse($house, $searchCacheKey)) { PopulateLocaleCols($json['battlepets'], [['func' => 'GetPetNames', 'key' => 'id', 'name' => 'name']]); PopulateLocaleCols($json['items'], [['func' => 'GetItemNames', 'key' => 'id', 'name' => 'name'], ['func' => 'GetItemBonusTagsByTag', 'key' => 'tagurl', 'name' => 'bonustag']]); json_return($json); } DBConnect(); $json = array('items' => SearchItems($house, $search, $locale), 'sellers' => SearchSellers($house, $search), 'battlepets' => SearchBattlePets($house, $search, $locale)); $ak = array_keys($json); foreach ($ak as $k) { if (count($json[$k]) == 0) { unset($json[$k]); } } MCSetHouse($house, $searchCacheKey, $json); PopulateLocaleCols($json['battlepets'], [['func' => 'GetPetNames', 'key' => 'id', 'name' => 'name']]); PopulateLocaleCols($json['items'], [['func' => 'GetItemNames', 'key' => 'id', 'name' => 'name'], ['func' => 'GetItemBonusTagsByTag', 'key' => 'tagurl', 'name' => 'bonustag']]); json_return($json); function SearchItems($house, $search, $locale) { global $db; $suffixes = MCGet('search_itemsuffixes_' . $locale); if ($suffixes === false) { $sql = <<<EOF SELECT lower(suffix) FROM tblDBCItemRandomSuffix where locale='{$locale}' union select lower(ind.`desc_{$locale}`) from tblDBCItemBonus ib
function SellerPetAuctions($house, $seller) { $cacheKey = 'seller_petauctions_' . $seller; if (($tr = MCGetHouse($house, $cacheKey)) !== false) { PopulateLocaleCols($tr, [['func' => 'GetPetNames', 'key' => 'species', 'name' => 'name']], true); return $tr; } $db = DBConnect(); $sql = <<<EOF SELECT ap.species, ap.breed, quantity, bid, buy, ap.level, ap.quality, p.icon, p.type, p.npc, (SELECT ifnull(sum(quantity),0) from tblAuctionPet ap2 join tblAuction a2 on = and = where and ap2.species = ap.species and ap2.level >= ap.level and (( > 0 and > 0 and ( / a2.quantity < / a.quantity)) or ( = 0 and ( / a2.quantity < / a.quantity)))) cheaper FROM `tblAuction` a JOIN `tblAuctionPet` ap on = and = JOIN `tblDBCPet` `p` on `p`.`id` = `ap`.`species` WHERE = ? and a.seller = ? and a.item = 82800 EOF; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param('ii', $house, $seller); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $tr = $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $result->close(); $stmt->close(); MCSetHouse($house, $cacheKey, $tr); PopulateLocaleCols($tr, [['func' => 'GetPetNames', 'key' => 'species', 'name' => 'name']], true); return $tr; }
function ItemAuctions($house, $item) { global $db; $cacheKey = 'item_auctions_lb3_' . $item; if (($tr = MCGetHouse($house, $cacheKey)) !== false) { foreach ($tr as &$rows) { PopulateLocaleCols($rows, [['func' => 'GetItemBonusNames', 'key' => 'bonuses', 'name' => 'bonusname'], ['func' => 'GetItemBonusTags', 'key' => 'bonuses', 'name' => 'bonustag'], ['func' => 'GetRandEnchantNames', 'key' => 'rand', 'name' => 'randname']], true); } unset($rows); return $tr; } DBConnect(); $sql = <<<EOF SELECT ifnull(ae.bonusset,0) bonusset, a.quantity,,, ifnull(ae.`rand`,0) `rand`, ifnull(ae.seed,0) `seed`, ifnull(@lootedLevel := ae.lootedlevel,0) `lootedlevel`, ifnull(ae.level, i.level) level, s.realm sellerrealm, ifnull(, '???') sellername, concat_ws(':',ae.bonus1,ae.bonus2,ae.bonus3,ae.bonus4,ae.bonus5,ae.bonus6) bonuses FROM `tblAuction` a join tblDBCItem i on left join tblSeller s on left join tblAuctionExtra ae on and left join tblDBCRandEnchants re on = ae.rand WHERE and a.item=? group by EOF; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param('ii', $house, $item); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $tr = DBMapArray($result, array('bonusset', null)); $stmt->close(); MCSetHouse($house, $cacheKey, $tr); foreach ($tr as &$rows) { PopulateLocaleCols($rows, [['func' => 'GetItemBonusNames', 'key' => 'bonuses', 'name' => 'bonusname'], ['func' => 'GetItemBonusTags', 'key' => 'bonuses', 'name' => 'bonustag'], ['func' => 'GetRandEnchantNames', 'key' => 'rand', 'name' => 'randname']], true); } unset($rows); return $tr; }