Пример #1
        $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plLoginCounter = " . ++$iLoginCounter . " " . "WHERE plEmail LIKE '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sEmail) . "'";
        //Log failed login attempt
        $sLogWarn = "Failed login attempt\nE-mail: {$sEmail}\n" . "Attempt was made from IP address {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}";
        //Check for too many failed logins
        if ($iLoginCounter > LOGIN_TRIES && $row['plPassword'] != 'ACCOUNT DISABLED') {
            //Change SQL query so that plPassword and plLoginCounter are both updated
            $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plPassword = '******', plLoginCounter = " . $iLoginCounter . " WHERE plEmail LIKE '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sEmail) . "'";
            $sMessage = "You have entered an incorrect password too many times. Your account has been disabled.<br>" . "An e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address with instructions on how to re-enable your account.";
            //E-mail user
            $sBody = "This is an automated message from " . SYSTEM_NAME . ". Your account has been disabled, because " . "an incorrect password was entered too many times. You can re-enable your account by resetting your " . "password (Follow the 'Get a new password' link from the front page). If you have any problems, " . "please contact " . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . " at " . TECH_CONTACT_MAIL . " to have your account re-enabled.\n\n" . fnSystemURL();
            mail($sEmail, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - account disabled', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . TECH_CONTACT_MAIL . ">");
            //E-mail admin and log a warning
            $sBody = "Account with e-mail address {$sEmail} has been disabled, after too many failed login attempts.\n" . "Latest attempt was from IP address {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\n" . "An e-mail has been sent to the user.\n\n" . fnSystemURL();
            mail(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - account disabled', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . TECH_CONTACT_MAIL . ">");
        } elseif ($row['plPassword'] == 'ACCOUNT DISABLED') {
            //Account has been previously disabled. Just display message - do not send e-mail
            $sMessage = "Your account has been disabled. To re-enable it, either <a href = 'retrieve.php'>request a new password</a>" . " or e-mail " . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . ", using the link below";
        //Run query to update plLoginCounter (and plPassword, if account is being disabled)
        ba_db_query($link, $sql) . $sql;
} else {
    //User is not logging in, so reset login cookies
    //Cookies are reset here, but values will not be available until next page load. Note that Lynx (and others?)
    //do not seem to reset cookies when they are set null value, so we set them to zero, then set them to null
    setcookie('BA_PlayerID', 0);
    setcookie('BA_PlayerID', '');
    setcookie('BA_LoginTime', 0);
    setcookie('BA_LoginTime', '');
Пример #2
  * Log a warning message.
  * @param string $message The message.
 function warn($message)
     LogWarning($message, $this);
Пример #3
 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 | Bitsand.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//Get access level for logged-in user
$sql = "SELECT plAccess FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "players WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}";
LogWarning("SQL to check player is admin:\n{$sql}");
$result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
$row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result);
//Redirect to start page if user is not an admin
//Note that root user is also an admin
$inc_admin_log = "Checking user is an admin\n";
$inc_admin_log .= "ROOT_USER_ID: " . ROOT_USER_ID . "\n";
$inc_admin_log .= '$PLAYER_ID: ' . "{$PLAYER_ID}\n";
$inc_admin_log .= '$row ["plAccess"] : ' . $row['plAccess'] . "\n";
if (ROOT_USER_ID == $PLAYER_ID && $PLAYER_ID != 0) {
    $inc_admin_log .= "User is root\n";
} elseif ($row['plAccess'] == 'admin') {
    $inc_admin_log .= "User is an admin\n";
} else {
    $inc_admin_log .= "User is NOT an admin\n";
if (ROOT_USER_ID != $PLAYER_ID && $row['plAccess'] != 'admin') {
    LogWarning("Player ID {$PLAYER_ID} tried to access an admin-only page (" . basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) . ")\n");
    //Make up URL & redirect
    $sURL = SYSTEM_URL . 'start.php?warn=' . urlencode('You do not have permission to access that page');
    header("Location: {$sURL}");
//If this script is included, then the page is an admin page. Set CSS prefix
$CSS_PREFIX = '../';
Пример #4
  * Submit a PHP log message through this logger.
  * @param int $errno The PHP error number.
  * @param string $errmsg The error message.
  * @param string $filename The file the message originated in.
  * @param string $linenum The line number in the file the message
  * originated in.
 function submitFromPHP($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum)
     global $PHP_ERRORTYPES;
     if (array_key_exists($errno, $PHP_ERRORTYPES)) {
         $errorType = $PHP_ERRORTYPES[$errno];
     } else {
         LogWarning("Unknown PHP error type {$errno}, assuming E_ERROR");
         $errorType = $PHP_ERRORTYPES[E_ERROR];
     $this->submit($errorType[0], "{$errno} " . $errorType[1] . " ({$filename}:{$linenum}): {$errmsg}");
Пример #5
 | Bitsand.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//Do not need login check for this page
$bLoginCheck = False;
include 'inc/inc_head_db.php';
$db_prefix = DB_PREFIX;
// Get POST into variables
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = sha1($_POST['password'] . PW_SALT);
$ic = (int) $_POST['ic'];
//Set up & run query
$sql = "SELECT plPlayerID FROM {$db_prefix}players " . "WHERE plEmail LIKE '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $email) . "' AND plPassword = '******'";
$result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
if (ba_db_num_rows($result) > 1) {
    //Log warning if there was more than one row returned
    LogWarning("export.php - more than one result from e-mail and password\n{$sql}");
if (ba_db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    //Successfully logged in
    $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result);
    $id = $row['plPlayerID'];
} else {
    die("ERROR: Wrong e-mail or password");
// Export as a CSV file
header("Content-Type: text/csv");
// Get OOC details
$key = CRYPT_KEY;
$sql = "SELECT plFirstName, " . "plSurname, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress1, '{$key}') AS dAddress1, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress2, '{$key}') AS dAddress2, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress3, '{$key}') AS dAddress3, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress4, '{$key}') AS dAddress4, " . "AES_DECRYPT(plePostcode, '{$key}') AS dPostcode, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleTelephone, '{$key}') AS dTelephone, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMobile, '{$key}') AS dMobile, " . "plEmail, " . "plDOB, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMedicalInfo, '{$key}') AS dMedicalInfo, " . "plEmergencyName, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleEmergencyNumber, '{$key}') AS dEmergencyNumber, " . "plEmergencyRelationship, " . "plCarRegistration, " . "plDietary " . "FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$id}";
$result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
$row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result);
Пример #6
$sWarn = '';
$db_prefix = DB_PREFIX;
if ($_POST['btnSubmit'] != '' && CheckReferrer('ic_form.php')) {
    $sNameWarn = IC_Check();
    //Character details - check if character exists
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}characters WHERE chPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}";
    $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
    //If character does not exist insert a row so that UPDATE query will work
    if (ba_db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}characters (chPlayerID) VALUES ({$PLAYER_ID})";
        if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) {
            $sWarn = "There was a problem updating your IC details";
            LogError("Error inserting player ID into characters table prior to running UPDATE query.\nPlayer ID: {$PLAYER_ID}");
    } elseif (ba_db_num_rows($result) > 1) {
        LogWarning("Multiple rows in characters table with player ID {$PLAYER_ID}");
    if ($_POST['selGroup'] == 'Other (enter name below)') {
        $sSelGroupName = '';
    } else {
        $sSelGroupName = $_POST['selGroup'];
    if ($_POST['selAncestor'] == 'Other (enter name below)') {
        $sSelAncestorName = '';
    } else {
        $sSelAncestorName = $_POST['selAncestor'];
    //Build up UPDATE query
    if ($sNameWarn == '') {
        //IC Check passed try to save
        $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}characters SET chName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtCharName']) . "', " . "chPreferredName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtPreferredName']) . "', " . "chRace = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selRace']) . "', " . "chGender = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selGender']) . "', " . "chGroupSel = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sSelGroupName) . "', " . "chGroupText = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtGroup']) . "', " . "chFaction = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selFaction']) . "', " . "chAncestor = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAncestor']) . "', " . "chAncestorSel = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sSelAncestorName) . "', " . "chLocation = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selLocation']) . "', " . "chNotes = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtNotes']) . "', " . "chOSP = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtSpecial']) . "' " . "WHERE chPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}";
Пример #7
    } else {
        $iByPost = 1;
    //Set up UPDATE query
    $refnumber = (int) $_POST["txtRefNumber{$value}"];
    $marshal = stripslashes($_POST["cboMarshal{$value}"]);
    $sEmail = ba_db_real_escape_string($link, SafeEmail($_POST['txtEmail']));
    $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plFirstName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtFirstName']) . "', " . "plSurname = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtSurname']) . "', " . "pleAddress1 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress1']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleAddress2 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress2']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleAddress3 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress3']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleAddress4 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress4']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plePostcode = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtPostcode']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleTelephone = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtPhone']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleMobile = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtMobile']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plEmail = '{$sEmail}', " . "plDOB = '{$dob}', " . "pleMedicalInfo = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sMedInfo) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plEmergencyName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEmergencyName']) . "', " . "pleEmergencyNumber = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEmergencyNumber']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plEmergencyRelationship = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEmergencyRelationship']) . "', " . "plCarRegistration = '{$sCarReg}', " . "plDietary = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selDiet']) . "', " . "plNotes = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtNotes']) . "', " . "plAdminNotes = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAdminNotes']) . "', ";
    $sql .= "plRefNumber = {$refnumber}, plMarshal = '{$marshal}',";
    $sql .= "plEventPackByPost = {$iByPost} ";
    $sql .= "WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}";
    //Run UPDATE query
    if (ba_db_query($link, $sql)) {
        //Query should affect exactly one row. Log a warning if it affected more
        if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) {
            LogWarning("More than one row updated during admin OOC update (admin_edit_ooc.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}");
        //Do not redirect if there are any warnings (required fields not filled in, etc)
        if ($sWarn == '') {
            //Make up URL & redirect
            $sURL = fnSystemURL() . "admin_viewdetails.php?pid={$admin_player_id}&green=" . urlencode("OOC details updated");
            header("Location: {$sURL}");
    } else {
        $sWarn = "There was a problem updating the OOC details";
        LogError("Error updating OOC information (admin_edit_ooc.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}");
//Get existing details if there are any
$sql = "SELECT plFirstName, " . "plSurname, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress1, '{$key}') AS dAddress1, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress2, '{$key}') AS dAddress2, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress3, '{$key}') AS dAddress3, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleAddress4, '{$key}') AS dAddress4, " . "AES_DECRYPT(plePostcode, '{$key}') AS dPostcode, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleTelephone, '{$key}') AS dTelephone, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMobile, '{$key}') AS dMobile, " . "plEmail, " . "plDOB, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleMedicalInfo, '{$key}') AS dMedicalInfo, " . "plEmergencyName, " . "AES_DECRYPT(pleEmergencyNumber, '{$key}') AS dEmergencyNumber, " . "plEmergencyRelationship, " . "plCarRegistration, " . "plDietary, " . "plNotes, " . "plAdminNotes, " . "plEventPackByPost, " . "plRefNumber, " . "plMarshal " . "FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}";
$result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
Пример #8
  * Remove an object.
  * @param ChunsuObject $removeme The object to remove.
  * @param DataSource $source The data source to remove the object from.
  * @return bool TRUE is successful, FALSE otherwise.
 function remove(&$removeme, $source)
     parent::remove($removeme, $source);
     $gen = new SQLGenerator($removeme->getCore());
     $removequeries = $gen->delete($this->config);
     foreach ($removequeries as $rq) {
         $cursor =& $source->query($rq);
         $rv = $cursor->getNext();
         if (!$rv) {
             LogError("remove query failed! removing " . print_r($removeme, TRUE));
             return FALSE;
     $rv = $cursor->getNext();
     if (!$rv) {
         LogError("Remove failed! Removing " . print_r($removeme, TRUE));
         return FALSE;
     if ($rows = $cursor->get('affected-rows') > 1) {
         LogWarning("{$rows} records deleted removing " . print_r($removeme, TRUE));
     $removeme->is_new = $removeme->config->get('create-on-save');
     return TRUE;
Пример #9
function CheckReferrer($Referrer_Check, $Referrer_Check_2 = "")
    global $PLAYER_ID;
    $bForceLogin = True;
    //Get referrer, minus the query string
    $sReferrer = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_HOST) . parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_PATH);
    if ($sReferrer == fnSystemURL() . $Referrer_Check) {
        $bForceLogin = False;
    if ($sReferrer == fnSystemURL() . $Referrer_Check_2) {
        $bForceLogin = False;
    //Special case - start page, with trailing slash but no 'index.php'
    if (fnSystemURL() == $sReferrer && $Referrer_Check == 'index.php') {
        $bForceLogin = False;
    //Special case - start page, with no trailing slash
    if (substr(fnSystemURL(), 0, strlen(fnSystemURL()) - 1) == $Referrer && $Referrer_Check == 'index.php') {
        $bForceLogin = False;
    if ($bForceLogin) {
        //Delete any existing session and force new login
        $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sessions WHERE ssPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}";
        ba_db_query($link, $sql);
        LogWarning("Form submitted from {$sReferrer} (expected " . fnSystemURL() . "{$Referrer_Check})\nPlayer ID: {$PLAYER_ID}");
    } else {
        return True;
Пример #10
 $refnumber = (int) $_POST["txtRefNumber{$value}"];
 $marshal = stripslashes($_POST["cboMarshal{$value}"]);
 //Set up UPDATE query
 $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plFirstName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtFirstName']) . "', " . "plSurname = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtSurname']) . "', " . "pleAddress1 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress1']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleAddress2 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress2']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleAddress3 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress3']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleAddress4 = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAddress4']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plePostcode = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtPostcode']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleTelephone = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtPhone']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "pleMobile = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtMobile']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plDOB = '{$dob}', " . "pleMedicalInfo = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sMedInfo) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plEmergencyName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEmergencyName']) . "', " . "pleEmergencyNumber = AES_ENCRYPT('" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEmergencyNumber']) . "', '{$key}'), " . "plEmergencyRelationship = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtEmergencyRelationship']) . "', " . "plCarRegistration = '{$sCarReg}', " . "plDietary = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selDiet']) . "', ";
 //"plBookAs = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string ($link, $_POST ['selBookAs']) . "', ";
 //if (AUTO_ASSIGN_BUNKS == False)
 //			$sql .= "plBunkRequested = $iBunk, ";
 $sql .= "plNotes = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtNotes']) . "', ";
 $sql .= "plRefNumber = {$refnumber}, plMarshal = '{$marshal}',";
 $sql .= "plEventPackByPost = {$iByPost} " . "WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}";
 //Run UPDATE query
 if (ba_db_query($link, $sql)) {
     //Query should affect exactly one row. Log a warning if it affected more
     if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) {
         LogWarning("More than one row updated during OOC update. Player ID: {$PLAYER_ID}");
     //Do not redirect if there are any warnings (required fields not filled in, etc)
     if ($sWarn == '') {
         //Update Monster only if person is playing
         //$sql = "update {$db_prefix}players inner join {$db_prefix}characters on plPlayerID = chPlayerID set chMonsterOnly = 0 where plBookAs = 'Player' and plPlayerID = $PLAYER_ID";
         //ba_db_query ($link, $sql);
         //Send e-mail
         $sBody = "Your OOC details have been entered at " . SYSTEM_NAME . ".\n\n" . "Player ID: " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $PLAYER_ID) . "\n" . "OOC Name: " . $_POST['txtFirstName'] . " " . $_POST['txtSurname'] . "\n\n" . fnSystemURL();
         if ($bEmailOOCChange) {
             $sql = "Select plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$PLAYER_ID}";
             $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
             $playerrow = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result);
             mail($playerrow['plEmail'], SYSTEM_NAME . ' - OOC details', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">");
         //Make up URL & redirect to index.php with message
Пример #11
 if ($_POST['txtPassword1'] != $_POST['txtPassword2']) {
     $sWarn = "Passwords do not match<br>\n";
 //Check password length
 if (strlen($_POST['txtPassword1']) < MIN_PASS_LEN) {
     $sWarn .= "Password must be at least " . MIN_PASS_LEN . " characters long<br>\n";
 if ($sWarn == '') {
     //Set up UPDATE query
     $sHashPass = sha1($_POST['txtPassword1'] . PW_SALT);
     $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}players SET plPassword = '******', plLoginCounter = 0 " . "WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}";
     //Run UPDATE query
     if (ba_db_query($link, $sql)) {
         //Query should affect exactly one row. Log a warning if it affected more
         if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) {
             LogWarning("More than one row updated during password reset (admin_pw_reset.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}");
         //Get user's e-mail address
         $result = ba_db_query($link, "SELECT plEmail FROM {$db_prefix}players WHERE plPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}");
         $row = ba_db_fetch_assoc($result);
         $sEmail = $row['plEmail'];
         if (SEND_PASSWORD) {
             //E-mail user with new password
             $sBody = "Your password for " . SYSTEM_NAME . " has been changed. " . "Your new details are below:\n\n" . "E-mail: {$sEmail}\nPassword: {$_POST[txtPassword1]}\n" . "Player ID: " . PID_PREFIX . sprintf('%03s', $admin_player_id) . "\n" . "OOC Name: " . $row['plFirstName'] . " " . $row['plSurname'] . "\n\n" . fnSystemURL();
             mail($sEmail, SYSTEM_NAME . ' - password change', $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">");
     } else {
         $sWarn = "There was a problem resetting the password<br>\n";
         LogError("Error updating OOC information (admin_pw_reset.php). Player ID: {$admin_player_id}");
     //Redirect to start page
Пример #12
 * Get all of the configured storage methods .
 * @param string $pclass Persistent object class.
 * @return Configuration All configured data sources.
function &GetStorageMethods($pclass)
    $pclass = strtolower($pclass);
    if (!class_exists($pclass)) {
        if (IsLogEnabled('WARN')) {
            LogWarning("Persistent object class {$pclass} does not exist");
        $CONFIGURED_STORAGEMETHODS = GetConfiguration();
    if (!$CONFIGURED_STORAGEMETHODS->has($pclass)) {
        $CONFIGURED_STORAGEMETHODS->set(GetConfiguration(), $pclass);
    return $CONFIGURED_STORAGEMETHODS->get($pclass);
Пример #13
 } else {
     $sNotes = ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtNotes']);
 //Character details - check if character exists
 $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$db_prefix}characters WHERE chPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}";
 $result = ba_db_query($link, $sql);
 //If character does not exist insert a row so that UPDATE query will work
 if (ba_db_num_rows($result) == 0) {
     $sql = "INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}characters (chPlayerID) VALUES ({$admin_player_id})";
     if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) {
         $sWarn = "There was a problem updating the IC details";
         LogError("Error inserting player ID into characters table prior to running UPDATE query (admin_edit_ic.php). " . "Player ID: {$admin_player_id}");
 } elseif (ba_db_num_rows($result) > 1) {
     LogWarning("Multiple rows in characters table with player ID (admin_edit_ic.php) {$admin_player_id}");
 if ($_POST['selGroup'] == 'Other (enter name below)') {
     $sSelGroupName = '';
 } else {
     $sSelGroupName = $_POST['selGroup'];
 if ($_POST['selAncestor'] == 'Other (enter name below)') {
     $sSelAncestorName = '';
 } else {
     $sSelAncestorName = $_POST['selAncestor'];
 //Build up UPDATE query
 $sql = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}characters SET chName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtCharName']) . "', " . "chPreferredName = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtPreferredName']) . "', " . "chRace = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selRace']) . "', " . "chGender = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selGender']) . "', " . "chGroupSel = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sSelGroupName) . "', " . "chGroupText = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtGroup']) . "', " . "chFaction = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selFaction']) . "', " . "chAncestor = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtAncestor']) . "', " . "chAncestorSel = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $sSelAncestorName) . "', " . "chLocation = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['selLocation']) . "', " . "chNotes = '" . $sNotes . "', " . "chOSP = '" . ba_db_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['txtOSP']) . "' " . "WHERE chPlayerID = {$admin_player_id}";
 //Run query
 if (!ba_db_query($link, $sql)) {
Пример #14
    } else {
        //Send e-mail
        $sTo = $sEmail;
        $sSubject = SYSTEM_NAME . " - password reset";
        $sBody = "Hi,\nYour password at " . SYSTEM_NAME . " has been reset. " . "Your new password is:\n{$sNewPass}\nYou can log in using this new password.\n\n" . fnSystemURL();
        ini_set("sendmail_from", EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL);
        $mail = mail($sTo, $sSubject, $sBody, "From:" . SYSTEM_NAME . " <" . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL . ">", '-f' . EVENT_CONTACT_MAIL);
        if ($mail) {
            $sMsg = "A new password has been sent to {$sEmail}. Please check your e-mail for your new password.<br />\n" . "If you do not get the e-mail, check your Junk/Spam folder - it may have been marked as spam " . "(this appears to be particularly common with web-based e-mail services)";
        } else {
            $sMsg = "There was an error sending your reset email. Please contact <a href = 'mailto:" . Obfuscate(TECH_CONTACT_MAIL) . "'>" . TECH_CONTACT_NAME . "</a> to reset your password manually";
    if (ba_db_affected_rows($link) > 1) {
        //More than one record updated - log warning
        LogWarning("retrieve.php - Multiple records updated from SQL query\n{$sql}");

echo TITLE;
 - Lost Password</h1>

if ($sMsg != '') {
    echo "<p class = 'green'>{$sMsg}</p>\n";