function get_post_summary(&$JobListAttributes, &$class_postfix) { global $label; if ($JobListAttributes->list_mode == 'ADMIN' || $JobListAttributes->list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { $new_window = "onclick=\"'post_window.php?post_id=" . $this->get_data_value('post_id') . "', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=800,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;\""; } $post_url = JB_job_post_url($this->get_data_value('post_id'), $JobListAttributes); $profile_url = JB_emp_profile_url($this->get_data_value('user_id'), $JobListAttributes); ob_start(); // buffer start, // from now on all output is captured in to a buffer, and the // contents of the buffer is returned by this function $TITLE = $this->get_template_value('TITLE', $this->admin); $TITLE = preg_replace(JB_CLEAN_PUN_REGEX, '$1 ', $TITLE); // automatically fix punctuation spacing so that it the line can break ?> <span class="job_list_title<?php echo $class_postfix; ?> " > <a class="job_list_title<?php echo $class_postfix; ?> " href="<?php echo $post_url; ?> " <?php echo $new_window; ?> ><?php echo $TITLE; ?> </a></span> <?php if (!$JobListAttributes->is_internal_page()) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $post_url; ?> " target="new"><img src="<?php echo JB_THEME_URL; ?> images/nw2.gif" width="11" height="11" border="0" alt=""></a> <?php } if (JB_POSTS_SHOW_POSTED_BY == 'YES') { if (JB_POSTS_SHOW_POSTED_BY_BR == 'YES') { echo "<br>"; } $POSTED_BY = $this->get_template_value('POSTED_BY', $this->admin); ?> <span class="job_list_small_print<?php echo $class_postfix; ?> "> <b><?php echo $label['post_list_posted_by']; ?> </b> <a href="<?php echo $profile_url; ?> "><i><?php if ($POSTED_BY == '') { $POSTED_BY = $label["posted_by_unknown"]; } echo $POSTED_BY; ?> </i></a> </span> <?php } if (JB_POSTS_SHOW_JOB_TYPE == 'YES') { if (JB_POSTS_SHOW_JOB_TYPE_BR == 'YES') { echo '<br>'; } ?> <span class="job_list_small_print<?php echo $class_postfix; ?> "> <b><?php echo $label['post_list_category']; ?> </b> </span> <span class="job_list_cat_name<?php echo $class_postfix; ?> "> <?php echo $this->get_template_value('JOB_TYPE', $this->admin); ?> </span> <?php } if (JB_POSTS_SHOW_DESCRIPTION == 'YES') { ?> <br> <span class="job_list_small_print<?php echo $class_postfix; ?> "> <?php echo jb_escape_html(str_replace(' ', ' ', JB_truncate_html_str(strip_tags($this->get_template_value('DESCRIPTION', $this->admin)), JB_POSTS_DESCRIPTION_CHARS, $trunc_str_len))); ?> </span> <?php } if ($this->get_template_value('REASON', $this->admin) != '') { echo '<span style="font-weight:bold">' . $label['post_not_approved_cause'] . '</span><span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">' . $this->get_template_value('REASON', $this->admin) . '</span>'; } // capture the buffer, and clean it $val = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $val; // return the buffered output }
} // employer profiles $sql = "SELECT profile_id, expired, DATE_FORMAT(`profile_date`, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s+00:00') AS formatted_date FROM profiles_table ORDER BY expired DESC, `profile_date` DESC"; //echo $sql; $result = jb_mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if ($row['expired'] == 'Y') { // expired posts get archived $changefreq = 'never'; $piority = '0.1'; } else { $changefreq = 'monthly'; // on avg.. $priority = $data['emp_priority']; } $output .= '<url>' . "\n" . '<loc>' . JB_xmlentities(JB_emp_profile_url($row['profile_id'], null, JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . 'index.php')) . '</loc>' . "\n" . '<lastmod>' . $row['formatted_date'] . '</lastmod>' . "\n" . '<changefreq>' . $changefreq . '</changefreq>' . "\n" . '<priority>' . $priority . '</priority>' . "\n" . '</url>' . "\n"; } // category URLs $sql = "SELECT t1.category_id as CID, seo_fname, t2.category_name as CNAME FROM categories as t1, cat_name_translations as t2 WHERE t1.category_id=t2.category_id AND t2.lang='EN' AND form_id=1 "; $result = jb_mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $changefreq = 'daily'; // on avg.. $priority = $data['cat_priority']; $output .= '<url>' . "\n" . '<loc>' . JB_xmlentities(JB_cat_url_write($row['CID'], $row['CNAME'], $row['seo_fname'], JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . 'index.php')) . '</loc>' . "\n" . '<lastmod>' . date('Y-m-d') . '</lastmod>' . "\n" . '<changefreq>' . $changefreq . '</changefreq>' . "\n" . '<priority>' . $priority . '</priority>' . "\n" . '</url>' . "\n"; } // Additional URLs $sql = "SELECT * FROM sitemaps_urls "; //echo $sql; $result = jb_mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
function JB_echo_job_list_data($admin) { global $label; # HTML output for this function comes from ListMarkup Class # include/themes/default/JBListMarkup.php # Any HTML customizations should be done there. # Please copy this class in to your custom theme directory, and # customize form there $LM =& JB_get_ListMarkupObject(1); // load the ListMarkup Class $Form =& JB_get_DynamicFormObject(1); $ttf =& $Form->get_tag_to_field_id(); global $JobListAttributes; $post_id = $Form->get_template_value('POST_ID', $admin); $post_mode = $Form->get_template_value('POST_MODE', $admin); $class_postfix = $LM->get_item_class_postfix($post_mode); foreach ($LM->column_list as $template_tag) { if ($LM->column_info[$template_tag]['admin'] == 'Y' && !$admin) { continue; // do not render this column } $val = $Form->get_value($ttf[$template_tag]['field_id']); if ($template_tag == 'POST_SUMMARY') { if ($JobListAttributes->list_mode == 'ADMIN' || $JobListAttributes->list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { $new_window = $LM->get_new_window_js(); } $val = $LM->get_post_summary($JobListAttributes, $class_postfix); } elseif ($template_tag == 'DATE') { $val = JB_get_formatted_date(JB_get_local_time($val)); } else { if ($LM->column_info[$template_tag]['trunc'] > 0) { $val = JB_truncate_html_str($val, $LM->column_info[$template_tag]['trunc'], $trunc_str_len); } $val = JB_get_list_template_value($ttf[$template_tag], $val, $admin, 1); if ($LM->column_info[$template_tag]['clean'] == 'Y') { // fix up punctuation spacing $val = preg_replace(JB_CLEAN_PUN_REGEX, '$1 ', $val); } } if ($LM->column_info[$template_tag]['is_bold'] == 'Y') { $b1 = $LM->get_open_bold(); $b2 = $LM->get_close_bold(); } else { $b1 = ''; $b2 = ''; } if ($LM->column_info[$template_tag]['link'] == 'Y') { // Render as a Link to the record? if ($JobListAttributes->list_mode == 'ADMIN' || $JobListAttributes->list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { $new_window = "onclick=\"'post_window.php?post_id=" . $post_id . "', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=800,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;\""; } if ($template_tag == 'POSTED_BY') { // this link will lead to the employer's profile / list $val = $LM->get_open_link(JB_emp_profile_url($Form->get_template_value('USER_ID', $admin), $JobListAttributes), $new_window) . $val . $LM->get_close_link(); } else { // this link will lead to the job post $val = $LM->get_open_link(JB_job_post_url($post_id, $JobListAttributes), $new_window) . $val . $LM->get_close_link(); } } JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_data_val', $val, $template_tag); //A plugin can modify the $val $LM->list_cell_open($template_tag, $class_postfix); $LM->echo_post_data($val, $b1, $b2); $LM->list_cell_close(); } }
function get_canonical_url() { return JB_emp_profile_url($this->employer_id, $this->JobListAttributes, JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . 'index.php'); }