Пример #1

 * @author 		Nox Nebula
 * @copyright	© 2011 Silex Bulletin Board - Team
 * @license		GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 3
 * @package		SilexBoard
/* Langfile:	English */
self::$Items = array_merge(self::$Items, array('com.sbb.error' => 'Error', 'com.sbb.copyright' => 'Forum software: Silex Bulletin Board ' . SILEX_VERSION . ' &ndash; &copy; 2011 silexboard.org', 'com.sbb.language.info' => 'English', 'com.sbb.language.changed' => 'Your Language was changed to ' . SBB::Template()->Get('LangChangedTo') . '.', 'com.sbb.header.welcome' => 'Welcome', 'com.sbb.header.welcome_text' => 'Welcome on ' . SBB::Template()->Get('PageTitle') . ' - ' . SBB::Template()->Get('PageSlogan'), 'com.sbb.header.logo_title' => 'Frontpage', 'com.sbb.header.slogan' => 'The modern Bulletin Board Software', 'com.sbb.menu.home' => 'Home', 'com.sbb.menu.forum' => 'Forum', 'com.sbb.menu.userlist' => 'Memberlist', 'com.sbb.crumbs.home' => 'Home', 'com.sbb.crumbs.forum' => 'Forum', 'com.sbb.crumbs.user' => 'Memberlist', 'com.sbb.register.register' => 'Sign up', 'com.sbb.register.username' => 'Username', 'com.sbb.register.email' => 'E-mail address', 'com.sbb.register.email_repeat' => 'Repeat E-mail address', 'com.sbb.register.password' => 'Password', 'com.sbb.register.password_repeat' => 'Repeat password', 'com.sbb.register.invalid_username' => 'Invalid username', 'com.sbb.register.invalid_email' => 'Invalid e-mail adress', 'com.sbb.register.incorrect_password' => 'The passwords don\'t match', 'com.sbb.register.incorrect_email' => 'The e-mail adresses don\'t match', 'com.sbb.register.username_exist' => 'This username already exists!', 'com.sbb.register.email_exist' => 'This e-mail adress already exists!', 'com.sbb.register.success' => 'You are successfully registered!', 'com.sbb.login.login' => 'Log in', 'com.sbb.login.stay' => 'Stay logged in', 'com.sbb.login.bar_handle' => 'Log in/Sign up', 'com.sbb.login.username' => 'Username', 'com.sbb.login.password' => 'Password', 'com.sbb.login.wrong_password' => 'The password is wrong!', 'com.sbb.login.notexist_username' => 'This user doesn\'t exist!', 'com.sbb.login.success' => 'You are successfully logged in!', 'com.sbb.form.submit' => 'Submit', 'com.sbb.logout.logout' => 'Logout', 'com.sbb.logout.logged_out' => 'You are logged out now.', 'com.sbb.logout.main_menu' => 'Main Menu', 'com.sbb.logout.never_logged_in' => 'You are never logged in.', 'com.sbb.profile.homepage' => 'Homepage', 'com.sbb.profile.signature' => 'Signature', 'com.sbb.board.empty' => 'Currently the Board is empty.', 'com.sbb.board.not_categorized' => 'Not categorized', 'com.sbb.board.error.no_board' => 'This forum doesn\'t exists', 'com.sbb.topics.error.no_topics' => 'There are no topics.', 'com.sbb.captcha' => 'Captcha', 'com.sbb.captcha_wrong' => 'Captcha is wrong!', 'com.sbb.email.activation.title' => 'Your registration will be completed if you follow this link: ', 'com.sbb.config.style.default' => 'Default style', 'com.sbb.config.page.title' => 'Page title'));
Пример #2

 * @author 		Nox Nebula
 * @copyright	© 2011 Silex Bulletin Board - Team
 * @license		GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 3
 * @package		SilexBoard
/* Langfile:	German */
self::$Items = array_merge(self::$Items, array('com.sbb.error' => 'Fehler', 'com.sbb.copyright' => 'Forensoftware: Silex Bulletin Board ' . SILEX_VERSION . ' &ndash; &copy; 2011 silexboard.org', 'com.sbb.language.info' => 'Deutsch (Informal)', 'com.sbb.language.changed' => 'Deine Sprache wurde nach ' . SBB::Template()->Get('LangChangedTo') . ' geändert', 'com.sbb.header.welcome' => 'Willkommen', 'com.sbb.header.welcome_text' => 'Herzlich willkommen auf ' . SBB::Template()->Get('PageTitle') . ' - ' . SBB::Template()->Get('PageSlogan'), 'com.sbb.header.logo_title' => 'Startseite', 'com.sbb.header.slogan' => 'Die moderne Bulletin-Board-Software', 'com.sbb.menu.home' => 'Startseite', 'com.sbb.menu.forum' => 'Forum', 'com.sbb.menu.userlist' => 'Benutzerliste', 'com.sbb.crumbs.home' => 'Startseite', 'com.sbb.crumbs.forum' => 'Forum', 'com.sbb.crumbs.user' => 'Benutzerliste', 'com.sbb.register.register' => 'Registrieren', 'com.sbb.register.username' => 'Benutzername', 'com.sbb.register.email' => 'E-mail Adresse', 'com.sbb.register.email_repeat' => 'E-mail Adresse wiederholen', 'com.sbb.register.password' => 'Passwort', 'com.sbb.register.password_repeat' => 'Passwort wiederholen', 'com.sbb.register.invalid_username' => 'Ungültiger Benutzername', 'com.sbb.register.invalid_email' => 'Ungültige E-Mail Adresse', 'com.sbb.register.incorrect_password' => 'Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein', 'com.sbb.register.incorrect_email' => 'Die E-Mail Adressen stimmen nicht überein', 'com.sbb.register.username_exist' => 'Dieser Benutzername existiert bereits!', 'com.sbb.register.email_exist' => 'Diese E-Mail Adresse existiert bereits!', 'com.sbb.register.success' => 'Du hast dich erfolgreich registriert!', 'com.sbb.login.login' => 'Einloggen', 'com.sbb.login.bar_handle' => 'Einloggen/Registrieren', 'com.sbb.login.username' => 'Benutzername', 'com.sbb.login.password' => 'Passwort', 'com.sbb.login.stay' => 'Eingeloggt bleiben', 'com.sbb.login.wrong_password' => 'Das Passwort ist falsch!', 'com.sbb.login.notexist_username' => 'Dieser Benutzer existiert nicht!', 'com.sbb.login.success' => 'Du hast dich erfolgreich angemeldet!', 'com.sbb.form.submit' => 'Absenden', 'com.sbb.logout.logout' => 'Ausloggen', 'com.sbb.logout.logged_out' => 'Sie sind jetzt ausgeloggt.', 'com.sbb.logout.main_menu' => 'Hauptmen&uuml,', 'com.sbb.logout.never_logged_in' => 'Sie waren niemals eingeloggt.', 'com.sbb.profile.homepage' => 'Homepage', 'com.sbb.profile.signature' => 'Signatur', 'com.sbb.board.empty' => 'Zurzeit ist das Board leer.', 'com.sbb.board.not_categorized' => 'Nicht Kategorisiert', 'com.sbb.board.error.no_board' => 'Das Forum existiert nicht', 'com.sbb.topics.error.no_topics' => 'Es gibt keine Themen.', 'com.sbb.captcha' => 'Captcha', 'com.sbb.captcha_wrong' => 'Captcha ist falsch!', 'com.sbb.email.activation.title' => 'Du musst diesen Link klicken um deine Registrierung abzuschließen: ', 'com.sbb.config.style.default' => 'Standardstil', 'com.sbb.config.page.title' => 'Seitentitel'));