/** * init */ function transfer_init() { global $cfg, $tmpl, $transfer, $transferLabel, $ch; // request-var $transfer = tfb_getRequestVar('transfer'); if (empty($transfer)) { @error("missing params", "", "", array('transfer')); } // validate transfer if (tfb_isValidTransfer($transfer) !== true) { AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "INVALID TRANSFER: " . $transfer); @error("Invalid Transfer", "", "", array($transfer)); } // permission if (!$cfg['isAdmin'] && !IsOwner($cfg["user"], getOwner($transfer))) { AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "ACCESS DENIED: " . $transfer); @error("Access Denied", "", "", array($transfer)); } // get label $transferLabel = strlen($transfer) >= 39 ? substr($transfer, 0, 35) . "..." : $transfer; // set transfer vars $tmpl->setvar('transfer', $transfer); $tmpl->setvar('transferLabel', $transferLabel); $tmpl->setvar('transfer_exists', transferExists($transfer) ? 1 : 0); }
/** * init */ function transfer_init() { global $cfg, $tmpl, $transfer, $transferLabel, $ch; // request-var $transfer = tfb_getRequestVar('transfer'); if (empty($transfer)) { @error("missing params", "", "", array('transfer')); } if ($cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"] && isHash($transfer)) { require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php'; $theTorrent = getTransmissionTransfer($transfer, array('hashString', 'id', 'name')); if (is_array($theTorrent)) { $transferLabel = strlen($theTorrent[name]) >= 39 ? substr($theTorrent[name], 0, 35) . "..." : $theTorrent[name]; $tmpl->setvar('transfer', $theTorrent[hashString]); $tmpl->setvar('transferLabel', $transferLabel); $tmpl->setvar('transfer_exists', 0); return; // We really don't need this. Only the hash is a unique way of finding transfers. So all transfer operations should use the hash. /* //tf compatible... erk $transfer = getTransferFromHash($transfer); if (empty($transfer)) $transfer = $theTorrent[name]; */ } } // validate transfer if (tfb_isValidTransfer($transfer) !== true) { AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "INVALID TRANSFER: " . $transfer); @error("Invalid Transfer", "", "", array($transfer)); } // permission if (!$cfg['isAdmin'] && !IsOwner($cfg["user"], getOwner($transfer))) { AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "ACCESS DENIED: " . $transfer); @error("Access Denied", "", "", array($transfer)); } // get label $transferLabel = preg_replace("#\\.torrent\$#", "", $transfer); $transferLabel = strlen($transferLabel) >= 39 ? substr($transferLabel, 0, 35) . "..." : $transferLabel; // set transfer vars $tmpl->setvar('transfer', $transfer); $tmpl->setvar('transferLabel', $transferLabel); $tmpl->setvar('transfer_exists', transferExists($transfer) ? 1 : 0); }
function getTransferList() { global $cfg, $db; include_once "AliasFile.php"; $kill_id = ""; $lastUser = ""; $arUserTorrent = array(); $arListTorrent = array(); // settings $settings = convertIntegerToArray($cfg["index_page_settings"]); // sortOrder $sortOrder = getRequestVar("so"); if ($sortOrder == "") { $sortOrder = $cfg["index_page_sortorder"]; } // t-list $arList = getTransferArray($sortOrder); foreach ($arList as $entry) { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // init some vars $displayname = $entry; $show_run = true; $torrentowner = getOwner($entry); $owner = IsOwner($cfg["user"], $torrentowner); if (strlen($entry) >= 47) { // needs to be trimmed $displayname = substr($entry, 0, 44); $displayname .= "..."; } if ($cfg["enable_torrent_download"]) { $torrentfilelink = "<a href=\"maketorrent.php?download=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/down.gif\" width=9 height=9 title=\"Download Torrent File\" border=0 align=\"absmiddle\"></a>"; } else { $torrentfilelink = ""; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // alias / stat $alias = getAliasName($entry) . ".stat"; if (substr(strtolower($entry), -8) == ".torrent") { // this is a torrent-client $btclient = getTorrentClient($entry); $af = AliasFile::getAliasFileInstance($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias, $torrentowner, $cfg, $btclient); } else { if (substr(strtolower($entry), -4) == ".url") { // this is wget. use tornado statfile $btclient = "wget"; $alias = str_replace(".url", "", $alias); $af = AliasFile::getAliasFileInstance($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias, $cfg['user'], $cfg, 'tornado'); } else { $btclient = "tornado"; // this is "something else". use tornado statfile as default $af = AliasFile::getAliasFileInstance($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias, $cfg['user'], $cfg, 'tornado'); } } // cache running-flag in local var. we will access that often $transferRunning = (int) $af->running; // cache percent-done in local var. ... $percentDone = $af->percent_done; // more vars $detailsLinkString = "<a style=\"font-size:9px; text-decoration:none;\" href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\">"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //XFER: add upload/download stats to the xfer array if ($cfg['enable_xfer'] == 1 && $cfg['xfer_realtime'] == 1) { if ($btclient != "wget") { $torrentTotalsCurrent = getTorrentTotalsCurrentOP($entry, $btclient, $af->uptotal, $af->downtotal); } else { $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] = $af->uptotal; $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] = $af->downtotal; } $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM tf_xfer WHERE date = ' . $db->DBDate(time()); $newday = !$db->GetOne($sql); showError($db, $sql); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'total'); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'month'); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'week'); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'day'); //XFER: if new day add upload/download totals to last date on record and subtract from today in SQL if ($newday) { $newday = 2; $sql = 'SELECT date FROM tf_xfer ORDER BY date DESC'; $lastDate = $db->GetOne($sql); showError($db, $sql); // MySQL 4.1.0 introduced 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' to make this easier $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM tf_xfer WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = "' . $lastDate . '"'; if ($db->GetOne($sql)) { $sql = 'UPDATE tf_xfer SET download = download+' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ', upload = upload+' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ' WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = "' . $lastDate . '"'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } else { showError($db, $sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO tf_xfer (user_id,date,download,upload) values ("' . $torrentowner . '","' . $lastDate . '",' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ',' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ')'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM tf_xfer WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = ' . $db->DBDate(time()); if ($db->GetOne($sql)) { $sql = 'UPDATE tf_xfer SET download = download-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ', upload = upload-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ' WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = ' . $db->DBDate(time()); $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } else { showError($db, $sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO tf_xfer (user_id,date,download,upload) values ("' . $torrentowner . '",' . $db->DBDate(time()) . ',-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ',-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ')'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // injects if (!file_exists($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias)) { $transferRunning = 2; $af->running = "2"; $af->size = getDownloadSize($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $entry); $af->WriteFile(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // preprocess alias-file and get some vars $estTime = " "; $statusStr = " "; switch ($transferRunning) { case 2: // new // $statusStr $statusStr = $detailsLinkString . "<font color=\"#32cd32\">New</font></a>"; break; case 3: // queued // $statusStr $statusStr = $detailsLinkString . "Queued</a>"; // $estTime $estTime = "Waiting..."; break; default: // running // increment the totals if (!isset($cfg["total_upload"])) { $cfg["total_upload"] = 0; } if (!isset($cfg["total_download"])) { $cfg["total_download"] = 0; } $cfg["total_upload"] = $cfg["total_upload"] + GetSpeedValue($af->up_speed); $cfg["total_download"] = $cfg["total_download"] + GetSpeedValue($af->down_speed); // $estTime if ($af->time_left != "" && $af->time_left != "0") { $estTime = $af->time_left; } // $lastUser $lastUser = $torrentowner; // $show_run + $statusStr if ($percentDone >= 100) { if (trim($af->up_speed) != "" && $transferRunning == 1) { $statusStr = $detailsLinkString . 'Seeding</a>'; } else { $statusStr = $detailsLinkString . 'Done</a>'; } $show_run = false; } else { if ($percentDone < 0) { $statusStr = $detailsLinkString . "Stopped</a>"; $show_run = true; } else { $statusStr = $detailsLinkString . "Leeching</a>"; } } break; } // totals-preparation // if downtotal + uptotal + progress > 0 if ($settings[2] + $settings[3] + $settings[5] > 0) { if ($btclient != "wget") { $torrentTotals = getTorrentTotalsOP($entry, $btclient, $af->uptotal, $af->downtotal); } else { $torrentTotals["uptotal"] = $af->uptotal; $torrentTotals["downtotal"] = $af->downtotal; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // output-string $output = "<tr>"; // ========================================================== led + meta $output .= '<td valign="bottom" align="center">'; // led $hd = getStatusImage($af); if ($transferRunning == 1) { $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloadhosts.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\">"; } $output .= "<img src=\"images/" . $hd->image . "\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" title=\"" . $hd->title . $entry . "\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">"; if ($transferRunning == 1) { $output .= "</a>"; } // meta $output .= $torrentfilelink; $output .= "</td>"; // ================================================================ name $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\">" . $detailsLinkString . $displayname . "</a></td>"; // =============================================================== owner if ($settings[0] != 0) { $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"message.php?to_user="******"\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . $torrentowner . "</font></a></td>"; } // ================================================================ size if ($settings[1] != 0) { $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . $detailsLinkString . formatBytesToKBMGGB($af->size) . "</a></td>"; } // =========================================================== downtotal if ($settings[2] != 0) { $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . $detailsLinkString . formatBytesToKBMGGB($torrentTotals["downtotal"] + 0) . "</a></td>"; } // ============================================================= uptotal if ($settings[3] != 0) { $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"right\" nowrap>" . $detailsLinkString . formatBytesToKBMGGB($torrentTotals["uptotal"] + 0) . "</a></td>"; } // ============================================================== status if ($settings[4] != 0) { $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\">" . $detailsLinkString . $statusStr . "</a></td>"; } // ============================================================ progress if ($settings[5] != 0) { $graph_width = 1; $progress_color = "#00ff00"; $background = "#000000"; $bar_width = "4"; $percentage = ""; if ($percentDone >= 100 && trim($af->up_speed) != "") { $graph_width = -1; $percentage = @number_format($torrentTotals["uptotal"] / $af->size * 100, 2) . '%'; } else { if ($percentDone >= 1) { $graph_width = $percentDone; $percentage = $graph_width . '%'; } else { if ($percentDone < 0) { $graph_width = round($percentDone * -1 - 100, 1); $percentage = $graph_width . '%'; } else { $graph_width = 0; $percentage = '0%'; } } } if ($graph_width == 100) { $background = $progress_color; } $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\" nowrap>"; if ($graph_width == -1) { $output .= $detailsLinkString . '<strong>' . $percentage . '</strong></a>'; } else { if ($graph_width > 0) { $output .= $detailsLinkString . '<strong>' . $percentage . '</strong></a>'; $output .= "<br>"; $output .= "<table width=\"100\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/progressbar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $progress_color . "\">" . $detailsLinkString . "<img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . $graph_width . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></a></td>"; $output .= "<td bgcolor=\"" . $background . "\">" . $detailsLinkString . "<img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . (100 - $graph_width) . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></a></td>"; $output .= "</tr></table>"; } else { if ($transferRunning == 2) { $output .= ' '; } else { $output .= $detailsLinkString . '<strong>' . $percentage . '</strong></a>'; $output .= "<br>"; $output .= "<table width=\"100\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/progressbar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $progress_color . "\">" . $detailsLinkString . "<img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . $graph_width . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></a></td>"; $output .= "<td bgcolor=\"" . $background . "\">" . $detailsLinkString . "<img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . (100 - $graph_width) . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></a></td>"; $output .= "</tr></table>"; } } } $output .= "</td>"; } // ================================================================ down if ($settings[6] != 0) { $output .= '<td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tiny" nowrap>'; if ($transferRunning == 1) { $output .= $detailsLinkString; if (trim($af->down_speed) != "") { $output .= $af->down_speed; } else { $output .= '0.0 kB/s'; } $output .= '</a>'; } else { $output .= ' '; } $output .= '</td>'; } // ================================================================== up if ($settings[7] != 0) { $output .= '<td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tiny" nowrap>'; if ($transferRunning == 1) { $output .= $detailsLinkString; if (trim($af->up_speed) != "") { $output .= $af->up_speed; } else { $output .= '0.0 kB/s'; } $output .= '</a>'; } else { $output .= ' '; } $output .= '</td>'; } // =============================================================== seeds if ($settings[8] != 0) { $output .= '<td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tiny" nowrap>'; if ($transferRunning == 1) { $output .= $detailsLinkString; $output .= $af->seeds; $output .= '</a>'; } else { $output .= ' '; } $output .= '</td>'; } // =============================================================== peers if ($settings[9] != 0) { $output .= '<td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tiny" nowrap>'; if ($transferRunning == 1) { $output .= $detailsLinkString; $output .= $af->peers; $output .= '</a>'; } else { $output .= ' '; } $output .= '</td>'; } // ================================================================= ETA if ($settings[10] != 0) { $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\">" . $detailsLinkString . $estTime . "</a></td>"; } // ============================================================== client if ($settings[11] != 0) { switch ($btclient) { case "tornado": $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\">B</a></td>"; break; case "transmission": $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\">T</a></td>"; break; case "wget": $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\">W</a></td>"; break; default: $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\">U</a></td>"; } } // =============================================================== admin $output .= "<td><div align=center>"; $torrentDetails = _TORRENTDETAILS; if ($lastUser != "") { $torrentDetails .= "\n" . _USER . ": " . $lastUser; } $output .= "<a href=\"details.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry); if ($transferRunning == 1) { $output .= "&als=false"; } $output .= "\"><img src=\"images/properties.png\" width=18 height=13 title=\"" . $torrentDetails . "\" border=0></a>"; if ($owner || IsAdmin($cfg["user"])) { if ($percentDone >= 0 && $transferRunning == 1) { $output .= "<a href=\"index.php?alias_file=" . $alias . "&kill=" . $kill_id . "&kill_torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/kill.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _STOPDOWNLOAD . "\" border=0></a>"; $output .= "<img src=\"images/delete_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0>"; if ($cfg['enable_multiops'] != 0) { $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"torrent[]\" value=\"" . urlencode($entry) . "\">"; } } else { if ($torrentowner == "n/a") { $output .= "<img src=\"images/run_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; } else { if ($transferRunning == 3) { $output .= "<a href=\"index.php?alias_file=" . $alias . "&dQueue=" . $kill_id . "&QEntry=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/queued.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _DELQUEUE . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { if (!is_file($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid")) { // Allow Avanced start popup? if ($cfg["advanced_start"] != 0) { if ($show_run) { $output .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"StartTorrent('startpop.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\"><img src=\"images/run_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _RUNTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { $output .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"StartTorrent('startpop.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\"><img src=\"images/seed_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _SEEDTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } } else { // Quick Start if ($show_run) { $output .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/run_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _RUNTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { $output .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/seed_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _SEEDTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } } } else { // pid file exists so this may still be running or dieing. $output .= "<img src=\"images/run_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _STOPPING . "\">"; } } } if (!is_file($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid")) { $deletelink = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?alias_file=" . $alias . "&delfile=" . urlencode($entry); $output .= "<a href=\"" . $deletelink . "\" onclick=\"return ConfirmDelete('" . $entry . "')\"><img src=\"images/delete_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _DELETE . "\" border=0></a>"; if ($cfg['enable_multiops'] != 0) { $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"torrent[]\" value=\"" . urlencode($entry) . "\">"; } } else { // pid file present so process may be still running. don't allow deletion. $output .= "<img src=\"images/delete_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _STOPPING . "\" border=0>"; if ($cfg['enable_multiops'] != 0) { $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"torrent[]\" value=\"" . urlencode($entry) . "\">"; } } } } else { $output .= "<img src=\"images/locked.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; $output .= "<img src=\"images/locked.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" disabled=\"disabled\">"; } $output .= "</div>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>\n"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is this torrent for the user list or the general list? if ($cfg["user"] == getOwner($entry)) { array_push($arUserTorrent, $output); } else { array_push($arListTorrent, $output); } } //XFER: if a new day but no .stat files where found put blank entry into the DB for today to indicate accounting has been done for the new day if ($cfg['enable_xfer'] == 1 && $cfg['xfer_realtime'] == 1) { if (isset($newday) && $newday == 1) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO tf_xfer (user_id,date) values ( "",' . $db->DBDate(time()) . ')'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } getUsage(0, 'total'); $month_start = date('j') >= $cfg['month_start'] ? date('Y-m-') . $cfg['month_start'] : date('Y-m-', strtotime('-1 Month')) . $cfg['month_start']; getUsage($month_start, 'month'); $week_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('last ' . $cfg['week_start'])); getUsage($week_start, 'week'); $day_start = date('Y-m-d'); getUsage($day_start, 'day'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // build output-string $output = '<table bgcolor="' . $cfg["table_data_bg"] . '" width="100%" bordercolor="' . $cfg["table_border_dk"] . '" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="sortable" id="transfer_table">'; if (sizeof($arUserTorrent) > 0) { $output .= getTransferTableHead($settings, $sortOrder, $cfg["user"] . " : "); foreach ($arUserTorrent as $torrentrow) { $output .= $torrentrow; } } $boolCond = true; if ($cfg['enable_restrictivetview'] == 1) { $boolCond = IsAdmin(); } if ($boolCond && sizeof($arListTorrent) > 0) { $output .= getTransferTableHead($settings, $sortOrder); foreach ($arListTorrent as $torrentrow) { $output .= $torrentrow; } } $output .= "</tr></table>\n"; return $output; }
/** * bulk * * @param $op */ function dispatcher_bulk($op) { global $cfg; // is enabled ? if ($cfg["enable_bulkops"] != 1) { AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "ILLEGAL ACCESS: " . $cfg["user"] . " tried to use " . $op); @error("bulkops are disabled", "", ""); } // messages $dispatcherMessages = array(); // op-switch switch ($op) { case "stop": $transferList = getTransferArray(); foreach ($transferList as $transfer) { if (isTransferRunning($transfer)) { if ($cfg['isAdmin'] || IsOwner($cfg["user"], getOwner($transfer))) { $ch = ClientHandler::getInstance(getTransferClient($transfer)); $ch->stop($transfer); if (count($ch->messages) > 0) { $dispatcherMessages = array_merge($dispatcherMessages, $ch->messages); } } } } break; case "resume": $transferList = getTransferArray(); $sf = new StatFile(""); foreach ($transferList as $transfer) { $sf->init($transfer); if (trim($sf->running) == 0 && !isTransferRunning($transfer)) { if ($cfg['isAdmin'] || IsOwner($cfg["user"], getOwner($transfer))) { $ch = ClientHandler::getInstance(getTransferClient($transfer)); $ch->start($transfer, false, false); if (count($ch->messages) > 0) { $dispatcherMessages = array_merge($dispatcherMessages, $ch->messages); } } } } break; case "start": $transferList = getTransferArray(); foreach ($transferList as $transfer) { if (!isTransferRunning($transfer)) { if ($cfg['isAdmin'] || IsOwner($cfg["user"], getOwner($transfer))) { $ch = ClientHandler::getInstance(getTransferClient($transfer)); $ch->start($transfer, false, false); if (count($ch->messages) > 0) { $dispatcherMessages = array_merge($dispatcherMessages, $ch->messages); } } } } break; } // error if messages if (count($dispatcherMessages) > 0) { @error("There were Problems", "", "", $dispatcherMessages); } }
/** * deletes data of a transfer * * @param $transfer name of the transfer * @return array */ function deleteTransferData($transfer) { global $cfg, $transfers; $msgs = array(); $isTransmissionTorrent = false; if ($cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"] == 2 && isHash($transfer)) { require_once 'inc/classes/Transmission.class.php'; $trans = new Transmission(); require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php'; $theTorrent = getTransmissionTransfer($transfer, array('hashString', 'id', 'name')); $isTransmissionTorrent = is_array($theTorrent); } if ($isTransmissionTorrent) { $response = $trans->remove($theTorrent['id'], true); if ($response[result] != "success") { @error("Delete of torrent failed", "", "", $response[result]); } } else { if ($cfg['isAdmin'] || IsOwner($cfg["user"], getOwner($transfer))) { // only torrent if (substr($transfer, -8) != ".torrent") { return $msgs; } // delete data $datapath = getTransferDatapath($transfer); if ($datapath != "" && $datapath != ".") { $targetPath = getTransferSavepath($transfer) . $datapath; if (tfb_isValidPath($targetPath)) { if (@is_dir($targetPath) || @is_file($targetPath)) { avddelete($targetPath); AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["fm_delete"], $targetPath); } } else { $msg = "ILLEGAL DELETE: " . $cfg["user"] . " attempted to delete data of " . $transfer; AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], $msg); array_push($msgs, $msg); } } } else { $msg = "ILLEGAL DELETE: " . $cfg["user"] . " attempted to delete data of " . $transfer; AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], $msg); array_push($msgs, $msg); } } return $msgs; }
function getDirList($dirName) { global $cfg, $db; include_once "AliasFile.php"; $lastUser = ""; $arUserTorrent = array(); $arListTorrent = array(); // sortOrder $sortOrder = getRequestVar("so"); if ($sortOrder == "") { $sortOrder = $cfg["index_page_sortorder"]; } // t-list $arList = getTransferArray($sortOrder); foreach ($arList as $entry) { $output = ""; $displayname = $entry; $show_run = true; $torrentowner = getOwner($entry); $owner = IsOwner($cfg["user"], $torrentowner); $kill_id = ""; $estTime = " "; // alias / stat $alias = getAliasName($entry) . ".stat"; if (substr(strtolower($entry), -8) == ".torrent") { // this is a torrent-client $btclient = getTorrentClient($entry); $af = AliasFile::getAliasFileInstance($dirName . $alias, $torrentowner, $cfg, $btclient); } else { if (substr(strtolower($entry), -4) == ".url") { // this is wget. use tornado statfile $alias = str_replace(".url", "", $alias); $af = AliasFile::getAliasFileInstance($dirName . $alias, $cfg['user'], $cfg, 'tornado'); } else { // this is "something else". use tornado statfile as default $af = AliasFile::getAliasFileInstance($dirName . $alias, $cfg['user'], $cfg, 'tornado'); } } //XFER: add upload/download stats to the xfer array if ($cfg['enable_xfer'] == 1 && $cfg['xfer_realtime'] == 1) { $torrentTotalsCurrent = getTorrentTotalsCurrentOP($entry, $btclient, $af->uptotal, $af->downtotal); $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM tf_xfer WHERE date = ' . $db->DBDate(time()); $newday = !$db->GetOne($sql); showError($db, $sql); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'total'); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'month'); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'week'); sumUsage($torrentowner, $torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0, $torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0, 'day'); //XFER: if new day add upload/download totals to last date on record and subtract from today in SQL if ($newday) { $newday = 2; $sql = 'SELECT date FROM tf_xfer ORDER BY date DESC'; $lastDate = $db->GetOne($sql); showError($db, $sql); // MySQL 4.1.0 introduced 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' to make this easier $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM tf_xfer WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = "' . $lastDate . '"'; if ($db->GetOne($sql)) { $sql = 'UPDATE tf_xfer SET download = download+' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ', upload = upload+' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ' WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = "' . $lastDate . '"'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } else { showError($db, $sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO tf_xfer (user_id,date,download,upload) values ("' . $torrentowner . '","' . $lastDate . '",' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ',' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ')'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM tf_xfer WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = ' . $db->DBDate(time()); if ($db->GetOne($sql)) { $sql = 'UPDATE tf_xfer SET download = download-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ', upload = upload-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ' WHERE user_id = "' . $torrentowner . '" AND date = ' . $db->DBDate(time()); $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } else { showError($db, $sql); $sql = 'INSERT INTO tf_xfer (user_id,date,download,upload) values ("' . $torrentowner . '",' . $db->DBDate(time()) . ',-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["downtotal"] + 0) . ',-' . ($torrentTotalsCurrent["uptotal"] + 0) . ')'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } } } $timeStarted = ""; $torrentfilelink = ""; if (!file_exists($dirName . $alias)) { $af->running = "2"; // file is new $af->size = getDownloadSize($dirName . $entry); $af->WriteFile(); } if (strlen($entry) >= 47) { // needs to be trimmed $displayname = substr($entry, 0, 44); $displayname .= "..."; } if ($cfg["enable_torrent_download"]) { $torrentfilelink = "<a href=\"maketorrent.php?download=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/down.gif\" width=9 height=9 title=\"Download Torrent File\" border=0 align=\"absmiddle\"></a>"; } // $hd = getStatusImage($af); $output .= "<tr>"; $detailsLinkString = "<a style=\"font-size:9px; text-decoration:none;\" href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\">"; // ========================================================== led + meta $output .= '<td valign="bottom" align="center">'; // led $hd = getStatusImage($af); if ($af->running == 1) { $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloadhosts.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\">"; } $output .= "<img src=\"images/" . $hd->image . "\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" title=\"" . $hd->title . $entry . "\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">"; if ($af->running == 1) { $output .= "</a>"; } // meta $output .= $torrentfilelink; $output .= "</td>"; // ================================================================ name $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\">"; $output .= $detailsLinkString; $output .= $displayname; $output .= "</a>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "<td align=\"right\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . formatBytesToKBMGGB($af->size) . "</font></td>"; $output .= "<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"message.php?to_user="******"\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . $torrentowner . "</font></a></td>"; $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\"><div align=\"center\">"; if ($af->running == "2") { $output .= "<i><font color=\"#32cd32\">" . _NEW . "</font></i>"; } elseif ($af->running == "3") { $estTime = "Waiting..."; $qDateTime = ''; if (is_file($dirName . "queue/" . $alias . ".Qinfo")) { $qDateTime = date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strval(filectime($dirName . "queue/" . $alias . ".Qinfo"))); } $output .= "<i><font color=\"#000000\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . _QUEUED . ": " . $qDateTime . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">" . _QUEUED . "</font></i>"; } else { if ($af->time_left != "" && $af->time_left != "0") { $estTime = $af->time_left; } $sql_search_time = "Select time from tf_log where action like '%Upload' and file like '" . $entry . "%'"; $result_search_time = $db->Execute($sql_search_time); list($uploaddate) = $result_search_time->FetchRow(); $lastUser = $torrentowner; $sharing = $af->sharing . "%"; $graph_width = 1; $progress_color = "#00ff00"; $background = "#000000"; $bar_width = "4"; $popup_msg = _ESTIMATEDTIME . ": " . $af->time_left; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _DOWNLOADSPEED . ": " . $af->down_speed; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _UPLOADSPEED . ": " . $af->up_speed; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _SHARING . ": " . $sharing; $popup_msg .= "<br>Seeds: " . $af->seeds; $popup_msg .= "<br>Peers: " . $af->peers; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _USER . ": " . $torrentowner; $eCount = 0; foreach ($af->errors as $key => $value) { if (strpos($value, " (x")) { $curEMsg = substr($value, strpos($value, " (x") + 3); $eCount += substr($curEMsg, 0, strpos($curEMsg, ")")); } else { $eCount += 1; } } $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _ERRORSREPORTED . ": " . strval($eCount); $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _UPLOADED . ": " . date("m/d/Y H:i:s", $uploaddate); if (is_file($dirName . $alias . ".pid")) { $timeStarted = "<br>" . _STARTED . ": " . date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strval(filectime($dirName . $alias . ".pid"))); } // incriment the totals if (!isset($cfg["total_upload"])) { $cfg["total_upload"] = 0; } if (!isset($cfg["total_download"])) { $cfg["total_download"] = 0; } $cfg["total_upload"] = $cfg["total_upload"] + GetSpeedValue($af->up_speed); $cfg["total_download"] = $cfg["total_download"] + GetSpeedValue($af->down_speed); if ($af->percent_done >= 100) { if (trim($af->up_speed) != "" && $af->running == "1") { $popup_msg .= $timeStarted; $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" style=\"font-size:7pt;\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">seeding (" . $af->up_speed . ") " . $sharing . "</a>"; } else { $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _ENDED . ": " . date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strval(filemtime($dirName . $alias))); $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"><i><font color=red>" . _DONE . "</font></i></a>"; } $show_run = false; } else { if ($af->percent_done < 0) { $popup_msg .= $timeStarted; $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"><i><font color=\"#989898\">" . _INCOMPLETE . "</font></i></a>"; $show_run = true; } else { $popup_msg .= $timeStarted; if ($af->percent_done > 1) { $graph_width = $af->percent_done; } if ($graph_width == 100) { $background = $progress_color; } $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">"; $output .= "<font class=\"tiny\"><strong>" . $af->percent_done . "%</strong> @ " . $af->down_speed . "</font></a><br>"; $output .= "<table width=\"100\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"; $output .= "<tr><td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/progressbar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $progress_color . "\"><img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . $graph_width . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></td>"; $output .= "<td bgcolor=\"" . $background . "\"><img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . (100 - $graph_width) . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></td>"; $output .= "</tr></table>"; } } } $output .= "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td><div class=\"tiny\" align=\"center\">" . $estTime . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td><div align=center>"; $torrentDetails = _TORRENTDETAILS; if ($lastUser != "") { $torrentDetails .= "\n" . _USER . ": " . $lastUser; } $output .= "<a href=\"details.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry); if ($af->running == 1) { $output .= "&als=false"; } $output .= "\"><img src=\"images/properties.png\" width=18 height=13 title=\"" . $torrentDetails . "\" border=0></a>"; if ($owner || IsAdmin($cfg["user"])) { if ($af->percent_done >= 0 && $af->running == 1) { $output .= "<a href=\"index.php?alias_file=" . $alias . "&kill=" . $kill_id . "&kill_torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/kill.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _STOPDOWNLOAD . "\" border=0></a>"; $output .= "<img src=\"images/delete_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0>"; if ($cfg['enable_multiops'] == 1) { $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"torrent[]\" value=\"" . urlencode($entry) . "\">"; } } else { if ($torrentowner == "n/a") { $output .= "<img src=\"images/run_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; } else { if ($af->running == "3") { $output .= "<a href=\"index.php?alias_file=" . $alias . "&dQueue=" . $kill_id . "&QEntry=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/queued.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _DELQUEUE . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { if (!is_file($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid")) { // Allow Avanced start popup? if ($cfg["advanced_start"] != 0) { if ($show_run) { $output .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"StartTorrent('startpop.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\"><img src=\"images/run_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _RUNTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { $output .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"StartTorrent('startpop.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\"><img src=\"images/seed_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _SEEDTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } } else { // Quick Start if ($show_run) { $output .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/run_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _RUNTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { $output .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/seed_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _SEEDTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } } } else { // pid file exists so this may still be running or dieing. $output .= "<img src=\"images/run_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _STOPPING . "\">"; } } } if (!is_file($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid")) { $deletelink = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?alias_file=" . $alias . "&delfile=" . urlencode($entry); $output .= "<a href=\"" . $deletelink . "\" onclick=\"return ConfirmDelete('" . $entry . "')\"><img src=\"images/delete_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _DELETE . "\" border=0></a>"; if ($cfg['enable_multiops'] == 1) { $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"torrent[]\" value=\"" . urlencode($entry) . "\">"; } } else { // pid file present so process may be still running. don't allow deletion. $output .= "<img src=\"images/delete_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _STOPPING . "\" border=0>"; if ($cfg['enable_multiops'] == 1) { $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"torrent[]\" value=\"" . urlencode($entry) . "\">"; } } } } else { $output .= "<img src=\"images/locked.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; $output .= "<img src=\"images/locked.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; $output .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" disabled=\"disabled\">"; } $output .= "</div>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>\n"; // Is this torrent for the user list or the general list? if ($cfg["user"] == getOwner($entry)) { array_push($arUserTorrent, $output); } else { array_push($arListTorrent, $output); } } //XFER: if a new day but no .stat files where found put blank entry into the DB for today to indicate accounting has been done for the new day if ($cfg['enable_xfer'] == 1 && $cfg['xfer_realtime'] == 1) { if (isset($newday) && $newday == 1) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO tf_xfer (user_id,date) values ( "",' . $db->DBDate(time()) . ')'; $db->Execute($sql); showError($db, $sql); } getUsage(0, 'total'); $month_start = date('j') >= $cfg['month_start'] ? date('Y-m-') . $cfg['month_start'] : date('Y-m-', strtotime('-1 Month')) . $cfg['month_start']; getUsage($month_start, 'month'); $week_start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('last ' . $cfg['week_start'])); getUsage($week_start, 'week'); $day_start = date('Y-m-d'); getUsage($day_start, 'day'); } // Now spit out the junk //XFER: return the junk as a string instead $output = '<table bgcolor="' . $cfg["table_data_bg"] . '" width="100%" bordercolor="' . $cfg["table_border_dk"] . '" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="sortable" id="transfer_table">'; if (sizeof($arUserTorrent) > 0) { $output .= "<tr>"; // first $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">"; switch ($sortOrder) { case 'da': // sort by date ascending $output .= '<a href="?so=dd"><font class="adminlink">#</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=dd"><img src="images/s_down.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; case 'dd': // sort by date descending $output .= '<a href="?so=da"><font class="adminlink">#</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=da"><img src="images/s_up.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; default: $output .= '<a href="?so=dd"><font class="adminlink">#</font></a>'; break; } $output .= "</div></td>"; // name $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">"; switch ($sortOrder) { case 'na': // sort alphabetically by name ascending $output .= '<a href="?so=nd"><font class="adminlink">' . $cfg["user"] . ": " . _TORRENTFILE . '</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=nd"><img src="images/s_down.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; case 'nd': // sort alphabetically by name descending $output .= '<a href="?so=na"><font class="adminlink">' . $cfg["user"] . ": " . _TORRENTFILE . '</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=na"><img src="images/s_up.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; default: $output .= '<a href="?so=na"><font class="adminlink">' . $cfg["user"] . ": " . _TORRENTFILE . '</font></a>'; break; } $output .= "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">Size</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _USER . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _STATUS . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ESTIMATEDTIME . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ADMIN . "</div></td>"; $output .= "</tr>\n"; foreach ($arUserTorrent as $torrentrow) { $output .= $torrentrow; } } // "Only Admin can see other user torrents" $boolCond = true; if ($cfg['enable_restrictivetview'] == 1) { $boolCond = IsAdmin(); } if ($boolCond && sizeof($arListTorrent) > 0) { // "Only Admin can see other user torrents" $output .= "<tr>"; // first $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">"; switch ($sortOrder) { case 'da': // sort by date ascending $output .= '<a href="?so=dd"><font class="adminlink">#</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=dd"><img src="images/s_down.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; case 'dd': // sort by date descending $output .= '<a href="?so=da"><font class="adminlink">#</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=da"><img src="images/s_up.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; default: $output .= '<a href="?so=dd"><font class="adminlink">#</font></a>'; break; } $output .= "</div></td>"; // name $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">"; switch ($sortOrder) { case 'na': // sort alphabetically by name ascending $output .= '<a href="?so=nd"><font class="adminlink">' . _TORRENTFILE . '</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=nd"><img src="images/s_down.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; case 'nd': // sort alphabetically by name descending $output .= '<a href="?so=na"><font class="adminlink">' . _TORRENTFILE . '</font></a>'; $output .= ' '; $output .= '<a href="?so=na"><img src="images/s_up.gif" width="9" height="9" border="0"></a>'; break; default: $output .= '<a href="?so=na"><font class="adminlink">' . _TORRENTFILE . '</font></a>'; break; } $output .= "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">Size</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _USER . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _STATUS . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ESTIMATEDTIME . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ADMIN . "</div></td>"; $output .= "</tr>\n"; foreach ($arListTorrent as $torrentrow) { $output .= $torrentrow; } } return $output; }
$displayname = preg_replace('#(_torrent)$#i', "", $displayname); $arToClean = array("http_", "_www_", "isohunt"); $displayname = str_ireplace($arToClean, "", $displayname); $displayname = str_replace('_', ".", $displayname); $displayname = str_replace('..', ".", $displayname); $displayname = trim($displayname, '.'); $displayname = strlen($displayname) > 53 ? substr($displayname, 0, 50) . "..." : $displayname; if ($displayname == 'download.php') { //must fix $transfer torrent filename before... //$name = getTransferFromHash($hash); $displayname = 'dup:' . $mtimecrc; addGrowlMessage('[dup]', 'This torrent has already been downloaded'); } // owner $transferowner = getOwner($transfer); $owner = IsOwner($cfg["user"], $transferowner); // stat $sf = new StatFile($transfer, $transferowner); // settings if (isset($transfers['settings'][$transfer])) { $settingsAry = $transfers['settings'][$transfer]; } else { $settingsAry = array(); if (substr($transfer, -8) == ".torrent") { // this is a t-client $settingsAry['type'] = "torrent"; $settingsAry['client'] = $cfg["btclient"]; } else { if (substr($transfer, -5) == ".wget") { // this is wget. $settingsAry['type'] = "wget";
/** * This method gets the list of transfer * * @return array */ function getTransferListArray() { global $cfg, $db, $transfers; $kill_id = ""; $lastUser = ""; $arUserTransfers = array(); $arListTransfers = array(); // settings $settings = convertIntegerToArray($cfg["index_page_settings"]); // sortOrder $sortOrder = tfb_getRequestVar("so"); if ($sortOrder == "") { $sortOrder = $cfg["index_page_sortorder"]; } if ($cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"] == 2) { require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php'; // New method for transmission-daemon transfers $result = getUserTransmissionTransfers($cfg['uid']); foreach ($result as $aTorrent) { if ($aTorrent['status'] == 4 || $aTorrent['status'] == 8) { if (!isset($cfg["total_upload"])) { $cfg["total_upload"] = 0; } if (!isset($cfg["total_download"])) { $cfg["total_download"] = 0; } $cfg["total_upload"] = $cfg["total_upload"] + GetSpeedValue($aTorrent['rateUpload'] / 1000); $cfg["total_download"] = $cfg["total_download"] + GetSpeedValue($aTorrent['rateDownload'] / 1000); } array_push($arUserTransfers, $aTorrent); } } $arList = getTransferArray($sortOrder); foreach ($arList as $transfer) { // init some vars $displayname = $transfer; $show_run = true; $transferowner = getOwner($transfer); $owner = IsOwner($cfg["user"], $transferowner); // stat $sf = new StatFile($transfer, $transferowner); // settings if (isset($transfers['settings'][$transfer])) { $settingsAry = $transfers['settings'][$transfer]; } else { $settingsAry = array(); if (substr(str_replace('.imported', '', $transfer), -8) == ".torrent") { // this is a t-client $settingsAry['type'] = "torrent"; $settingsAry['client'] = $cfg["btclient"]; } else { if (substr($transfer, -5) == ".wget") { // this is wget. $settingsAry['type'] = "wget"; $settingsAry['client'] = "wget"; } else { if (substr($transfer, -4) == ".nzb") { // this is nzbperl. $settingsAry['type'] = "nzb"; $settingsAry['client'] = "nzbperl"; } else { AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "INVALID TRANSFER: " . $transfer); @error("Invalid Transfer", "", "", array($transfer)); } } } $settingsAry['hash'] = ""; $settingsAry["savepath"] = $cfg["enable_home_dirs"] != 0 ? $cfg["path"] . $transferowner . '/' : $cfg["path"] . $cfg["path_incoming"] . '/'; $settingsAry['datapath'] = ""; } // cache running-flag in local var. we will access that often $transferRunning = $sf->running; // cache percent-done in local var. ... $percentDone = $sf->percent_done; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //XFER: update1: add upload/download stats to the xfer array if ($cfg['enable_xfer'] == 1 && $cfg['xfer_realtime'] == 1) { @Xfer::update1($transfer, $transferowner, $settingsAry['client'], $settingsAry['hash'], $sf->uptotal, $sf->downtotal); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // injects if (!file_exists($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $transfer . ".stat")) { $transferRunning = 2; $sf->running = "2"; $sf->size = getTransferSize($transfer); injectTransfer($transfer); } // use default client if client is not set if (!isset($settingsAry['client'])) { $settingsAry['client'] = $cfg['btclient']; } // totals-preparation // if downtotal + uptotal + progress > 0 if ($settings[2] + $settings[3] + $settings[5] > 0) { $ch = ClientHandler::getInstance($settingsAry['client']); $transferTotals = $ch->getTransferTotalOP($transfer, $settingsAry['hash'], $sf->uptotal, $sf->downtotal); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // preprocess stat-file and get some vars $estTime = ""; $statusStr = ""; switch ($transferRunning) { case 2: // new $statusStr = 'New'; break; case 3: // queued $statusStr = 'Queued'; $estTime = 'Waiting'; break; default: // running + stopped // increment the totals if (!isset($cfg["total_upload"])) { $cfg["total_upload"] = 0; } if (!isset($cfg["total_download"])) { $cfg["total_download"] = 0; } $cfg["total_upload"] += GetSpeedValue($sf->up_speed); $cfg["total_download"] += GetSpeedValue($sf->down_speed); // $estTime if ($transferRunning == 0) { $estTime = $sf->time_left; } else { if ($sf->time_left != "" && $sf->time_left != "0") { if ($cfg["display_seeding_time"] == 1 && $sf->percent_done >= 100) { $estTime = $sf->seedlimit > 0 && !empty($sf->up_speed) && intval($sf->up_speed[0]) > 0 ? convertTimeText(($sf->seedlimit / 100 * $sf->size - $sf->uptotal) / GetSpeedInBytes($sf->up_speed)) : '-'; } else { $estTime = $sf->time_left; } } } // $lastUser $lastUser = $transferowner; // $show_run + $statusStr if ($percentDone >= 100) { $statusStr = $transferRunning == 1 && trim($sf->up_speed) != "" ? 'Seeding' : 'Done'; $show_run = false; } else { if ($percentDone < 0) { $statusStr = 'Stopped'; $show_run = true; } else { $statusStr = 'Leeching'; } } break; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // fill temp array $transferAry = array(); // ================================================================ name array_push($transferAry, $transfer); // =============================================================== owner if ($settings[0] != 0) { array_push($transferAry, $transferowner); } // ================================================================ size if ($settings[1] != 0) { array_push($transferAry, @formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($sf->size)); } // =========================================================== downtotal if ($settings[2] != 0) { array_push($transferAry, @formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($transferTotals["downtotal"])); } // ============================================================= uptotal if ($settings[3] != 0) { array_push($transferAry, @formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($transferTotals["uptotal"])); } // ============================================================== status if ($settings[4] != 0) { array_push($transferAry, $statusStr); } // ============================================================ progress if ($settings[5] != 0) { $percentage = ""; if ($percentDone >= 100 && trim($sf->up_speed) != "") { $percentage = @number_format($transferTotals["uptotal"] / $sf->size * 100, 2) . '%'; } else { if ($percentDone >= 1) { $percentage = $percentDone . '%'; } else { if ($percentDone < 0) { $percentage = round($percentDone * -1 - 100, 1) . '%'; } else { $percentage = '0%'; } } } array_push($transferAry, $percentage); } // ================================================================ down if ($settings[6] != 0) { $down = ""; if ($transferRunning == 1) { $down = trim($sf->down_speed) != "" ? $sf->down_speed : '0.0 kB/s'; } array_push($transferAry, $down); } // ================================================================== up if ($settings[7] != 0) { $up = ""; if ($transferRunning == 1) { $up = trim($sf->up_speed) != "" ? $sf->up_speed : '0.0 kB/s'; } array_push($transferAry, $up); } // =============================================================== seeds if ($settings[8] != 0) { $seeds = $transferRunning == 1 ? $sf->seeds : ""; array_push($transferAry, $seeds); } // =============================================================== peers if ($settings[9] != 0) { $peers = $transferRunning == 1 ? $sf->peers : ""; array_push($transferAry, $peers); } // ================================================================= ETA if ($settings[10] != 0) { array_push($transferAry, $estTime); } // ============================================================== client if ($settings[11] != 0) { switch ($settingsAry['client']) { case "tornado": array_push($transferAry, "B"); break; case "transmission": array_push($transferAry, "T"); break; case "transmissionrpc": array_push($transferAry, "Tr"); break; case "mainline": array_push($transferAry, "M"); break; case "azureus": array_push($transferAry, "A"); break; case "vuzerpc": array_push($transferAry, "V"); break; case "wget": array_push($transferAry, "W"); break; case "nzbperl": array_push($transferAry, "N"); break; default: array_push($transferAry, "U"); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is this transfer for the user list or the general list? if ($owner) { array_push($arUserTransfers, $transferAry); } else { array_push($arListTransfers, $transferAry); } } //XFER: update 2 if ($cfg['enable_xfer'] == 1 && $cfg['xfer_realtime'] == 1) { @Xfer::update2(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // build output-array $retVal = array(); if (sizeof($arUserTransfers) > 0) { foreach ($arUserTransfers as $torrentrow) { array_push($retVal, $torrentrow); } } $boolCond = true; if ($cfg['enable_restrictivetview'] == 1) { $boolCond = $cfg['isAdmin']; } if ($boolCond && sizeof($arListTransfers) > 0) { foreach ($arListTransfers as $torrentrow) { array_push($retVal, $torrentrow); } } return $retVal; }
/** * deletes data of a transfer * * @param $transfer name of the transfer * @return array */ function deleteTransferData($transfer) { global $cfg, $transfers; $msgs = array(); if ($cfg['isAdmin'] || IsOwner($cfg["user"], getOwner($transfer))) { // only torrent if (substr($transfer, -8) != ".torrent") { return $msgs; } // delete data $datapath = getTransferDatapath($transfer); if ($datapath != "" && $datapath != ".") { $targetPath = getTransferSavepath($transfer) . $datapath; if (tfb_isValidPath($targetPath)) { if (@is_dir($targetPath) || @is_file($targetPath)) { avddelete($targetPath); AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["fm_delete"], $targetPath); } } else { $msg = "ILLEGAL DELETE: " . $cfg["user"] . " attempted to delete data of " . $transfer; AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], $msg); array_push($msgs, $msg); } } } else { $msg = "ILLEGAL DELETE: " . $cfg["user"] . " attempted to delete data of " . $transfer; AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], $msg); array_push($msgs, $msg); } return $msgs; }
function getDirList($dirName) { global $cfg, $db; include_once "AliasFile.php"; include_once "RunningTorrent.php"; $runningTorrents = getRunningTorrents(); $arList = array(); $file_filter = getFileFilter($cfg["file_types_array"]); if (is_dir($dirName)) { $handle = opendir($dirName); } else { // nothing to read if (IsAdmin()) { echo "<b>ERROR:</b> " . $dirName . " Path is not valid. Please edit <a href='admin.php?op=configSettings'>settings</a><br>"; } else { echo "<b>ERROR:</b> Contact an admin the Path is not valid.<br>"; } return; } $lastUser = ""; $arUserTorrent = array(); $arListTorrent = array(); while ($entry = readdir($handle)) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { if (is_dir($dirName . "/" . $entry)) { // don''t do a thing } else { if (ereg($file_filter, $entry)) { $key = filemtime($dirName . "/" . $entry) . md5($entry); $arList[$key] = $entry; } } } } // sort the files by date krsort($arList); foreach ($arList as $entry) { $output = ""; $displayname = $entry; $show_run = true; $torrentowner = getOwner($entry); $owner = IsOwner($cfg["user"], $torrentowner); $kill_id = ""; $estTime = " "; $alias = getAliasName($entry) . ".stat"; $af = new AliasFile($dirName . $alias, $torrentowner); $timeStarted = ""; $torrentfilelink = ""; if (!file_exists($dirName . $alias)) { $af->running = "2"; // file is new $af->size = getDownloadSize($dirName . $entry); $af->WriteFile(); } if (strlen($entry) >= 47) { // needs to be trimmed $displayname = substr($entry, 0, 44); $displayname .= "..."; } // find out if any screens are running and take their PID and make a KILL option foreach ($runningTorrents as $key => $value) { $rt = new RunningTorrent($value); if ($rt->statFile == $alias) { if ($kill_id == "") { $kill_id = $rt->processId; } else { // there is more than one PID for this torrent // Add it so it can be killed as well. $kill_id .= "|" . $rt->processId; } } } // Check to see if we have a pid without a process. if (is_file($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid") && empty($kill_id)) { // died outside of tf and pid still exists. @unlink($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid"); if ($af->percent_done < 100 && $af->percent_done >= 0) { // The file is not running and the percent done needs to be changed $af->percent_done = ($af->percent_done + 100) * -1; } $af->running = "0"; $af->time_left = "Torrent Died"; $af->up_speed = ""; $af->down_speed = ""; // write over the status file so that we can display a new status $af->WriteFile(); } if ($cfg["enable_torrent_download"]) { $torrentfilelink = "<a href=\"maketorrent.php?download=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/down.gif\" width=9 height=9 title=\"Download Torrent File\" border=0 align=\"absmiddle\"></a>"; } $hd = getStatusImage($af); $output .= "<tr><td class=\"tiny\"><img src=\"images/" . $hd->image . "\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . $hd->title . $entry . "\" border=0 align=\"absmiddle\">" . $torrentfilelink . $displayname . "</td>"; $output .= "<td align=\"right\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . formatBytesToKBMGGB($af->size) . "</font></td>"; $output .= "<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"message.php?to_user="******"\"><font class=\"tiny\">" . $torrentowner . "</font></a></td>"; $output .= "<td valign=\"bottom\"><div align=\"center\">"; if ($af->running == "2") { $output .= "<i><font color=\"#32cd32\">" . _NEW . "</font></i>"; } elseif ($af->running == "3") { $estTime = "Waiting..."; $qDateTime = ''; if (is_file($dirName . "queue/" . $alias . ".Qinfo")) { $qDateTime = date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strval(filectime($dirName . "queue/" . $alias . ".Qinfo"))); } $output .= "<i><font color=\"#000000\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . _QUEUED . ": " . $qDateTime . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">" . _QUEUED . "</font></i>"; } else { if ($af->time_left != "" && $af->time_left != "0") { $estTime = $af->time_left; } $sql_search_time = "Select time from tf_log where action like '%Upload' and file like '" . $entry . "%'"; $result_search_time = $db->Execute($sql_search_time); list($uploaddate) = $result_search_time->FetchRow(); $lastUser = $torrentowner; $sharing = $af->sharing . "%"; $graph_width = 1; $progress_color = "#00ff00"; $background = "#000000"; $bar_width = "4"; $popup_msg = _ESTIMATEDTIME . ": " . $af->time_left; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _DOWNLOADSPEED . ": " . $af->down_speed; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _UPLOADSPEED . ": " . $af->up_speed; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _SHARING . ": " . $sharing; $popup_msg .= "<br>Seeds: " . $af->seeds; $popup_msg .= "<br>Peers: " . $af->peers; $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _USER . ": " . $torrentowner; $eCount = 0; foreach ($af->errors as $key => $value) { if (strpos($value, " (x")) { $curEMsg = substr($value, strpos($value, " (x") + 3); $eCount += substr($curEMsg, 0, strpos($curEMsg, ")")); } else { $eCount += 1; } } $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _ERRORSREPORTED . ": " . strval($eCount); $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _UPLOADED . ": " . date("m/d/Y H:i:s", $uploaddate); if (is_file($dirName . $alias . ".pid")) { $timeStarted = "<br>" . _STARTED . ": " . date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strval(filectime($dirName . $alias . ".pid"))); } // incriment the totals if (!isset($cfg["total_upload"])) { $cfg["total_upload"] = 0; } if (!isset($cfg["total_download"])) { $cfg["total_download"] = 0; } $cfg["total_upload"] = $cfg["total_upload"] + GetSpeedValue($af->up_speed); $cfg["total_download"] = $cfg["total_download"] + GetSpeedValue($af->down_speed); if ($af->percent_done >= 100) { if (trim($af->up_speed) != "" && $af->running == "1") { $popup_msg .= $timeStarted; $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" style=\"font-size:7pt;\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">seeding (" . $af->up_speed . ") " . $sharing . "</a>"; } else { $popup_msg .= "<br>" . _ENDED . ": " . date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strval(filemtime($dirName . $alias))); $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"><i><font color=red>" . _DONE . "</font></i></a>"; } $show_run = false; } else { if ($af->percent_done < 0) { $popup_msg .= $timeStarted; $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"><i><font color=\"#989898\">" . _INCOMPLETE . "</font></i></a>"; $show_run = true; } else { $popup_msg .= $timeStarted; if ($af->percent_done > 1) { $graph_width = $af->percent_done; } if ($graph_width == 100) { $background = $progress_color; } $output .= "<a href=\"JavaScript:ShowDetails('downloaddetails.php?alias=" . $alias . "&torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\" onmouseover=\"return overlib('" . $popup_msg . "<br>', CSSCLASS);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">"; $output .= "<font class=\"tiny\"><strong>" . $af->percent_done . "%</strong> @ " . $af->down_speed . "</font></a><br>"; $output .= "<table width=\"100\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"; $output .= "<tr><td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/progressbar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $progress_color . "\"><img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . $graph_width . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></td>"; $output .= "<td bgcolor=\"" . $background . "\"><img src=\"images/blank.gif\" width=\"" . (100 - $graph_width) . "\" height=\"" . $bar_width . "\" border=\"0\"></td>"; $output .= "</tr></table>"; } } } $output .= "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td><div class=\"tiny\" align=\"center\">" . $estTime . "</div></td>"; $output .= "<td><div align=center>"; $torrentDetails = _TORRENTDETAILS; if ($lastUser != "") { $torrentDetails .= "\n" . _USER . ": " . $lastUser; } $output .= "<a href=\"details.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry); if ($af->running == 1) { $output .= "&als=false"; } $output .= "\"><img src=\"images/properties.png\" width=18 height=13 title=\"" . $torrentDetails . "\" border=0></a>"; if ($owner || IsAdmin($cfg["user"])) { if ($kill_id != "" && $af->percent_done >= 0 && $af->running == 1) { $output .= "<a href=\"index.php?alias_file=" . $alias . "&kill=" . $kill_id . "&kill_torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/kill.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _STOPDOWNLOAD . "\" border=0></a>"; $output .= "<img src=\"images/delete_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0>"; } else { if ($torrentowner == "n/a") { $output .= "<img src=\"images/run_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; } else { if ($af->running == "3") { $output .= "<a href=\"index.php?alias_file=" . $alias . "&dQueue=" . $kill_id . "&QEntry=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/queued.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _DELQUEUE . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { if (!is_file($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid")) { // Allow Avanced start popup? if ($cfg["advanced_start"]) { if ($show_run) { $output .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"StartTorrent('startpop.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\"><img src=\"images/run_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _RUNTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { $output .= "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"StartTorrent('startpop.php?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "')\"><img src=\"images/seed_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _SEEDTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } } else { // Quick Start if ($show_run) { $output .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/run_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _RUNTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { $output .= "<a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?torrent=" . urlencode($entry) . "\"><img src=\"images/seed_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _SEEDTORRENT . "\" border=0></a>"; } } } else { // pid file exists so this may still be running or dieing. $output .= "<img src=\"images/run_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _STOPPING . "\">"; } } } if (!is_file($cfg["torrent_file_path"] . $alias . ".pid")) { $deletelink = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?alias_file=" . $alias . "&delfile=" . urlencode($entry); $output .= "<a href=\"" . $deletelink . "\" onclick=\"return ConfirmDelete('" . $entry . "')\"><img src=\"images/delete_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _DELETE . "\" border=0></a>"; } else { // pid file present so process may be still running. don't allow deletion. $output .= "<img src=\"images/delete_off.gif\" width=16 height=16 title=\"" . _STOPPING . "\" border=0>"; } } } else { $output .= "<img src=\"images/locked.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; $output .= "<img src=\"images/locked.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _NOTOWNER . "\">"; } $output .= "</div>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>\n"; // Is this torrent for the user list or the general list? if ($cfg["user"] == getOwner($entry)) { array_push($arUserTorrent, $output); } else { array_push($arListTorrent, $output); } } closedir($handle); // Now spit out the junk echo "<table bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_data_bg"] . "\" width=\"100%\" bordercolor=\"" . $cfg["table_border_dk"] . "\" border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"; if (sizeof($arUserTorrent) > 0) { echo "<tr><td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . $cfg["user"] . ": " . _TORRENTFILE . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">Size</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _USER . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _STATUS . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ESTIMATEDTIME . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ADMIN . "</div></td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; foreach ($arUserTorrent as $torrentrow) { echo $torrentrow; } } if (sizeof($arListTorrent) > 0) { echo "<tr><td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _TORRENTFILE . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">Size</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _USER . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _STATUS . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ESTIMATEDTIME . "</div></td>"; echo "<td background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\"><div align=center class=\"title\">" . _ADMIN . "</div></td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; foreach ($arListTorrent as $torrentrow) { echo $torrentrow; } } }